Spring Year 9 Agric Exam Questionst
Spring Year 9 Agric Exam Questionst
Spring Year 9 Agric Exam Questionst
5. The method of fish preservation which 11. The process of preserving food by anaerobic
involves physical removal of water through fermentation in brine is
evaporation is A. Pickling.
A. Drying. B. curing
B. Refrigerating. C. milling
C. Salting. D. curing
D. Smoking.
12. Dairy cattle are kept purposely for 17. NEPAD was adopted by African leaders at
A. Beef production. the African Union summit in Lusaka,
B. Meat production. Zambia, in
C. Milk production. A. August, 2001.
D. Wool production. B. July, 2000.
C. June, 2009.
13. The agricultural cooperative society that is D. May, 2022.
in charge of providing affordable prices for
goods and services which are essential for 18. The full meaning of NEEDS is
most people is known as A. Nigerian Economic Enterprise
A. Producer co-operative. Development Summit.
B. Consumer co-operative. B. New Economic Empowerment
C. Multi-purpose co-operative. Development Strategy.
D. Executive co-operative. C. National Economic Empowerment
and Development Strategy.
D. Nigerian Environmental Enterprise
14. The privilege of enabling members to have Development Strategy.
access to production and marketing facilities
such as storage, transportation and capital is 19. The following are methods of preservation
one of the importance of except
A. Production. A. Salting.
B. Distribution. B. Picking.
C. Co-operative society. C. Bagging.
D. Preservation. D. Curing.
16. NEPAD is an idea that originated from 21. The practice of farmers coming together for
A. Congo and the Republic of South a common goal is referred to as
B. Mozambique and the Republic of A. Producers.
South Africa. B. Distribution.
C. Nigeria and Republic of South C. Co-operative.
Africa. D. Marketing.
D. Liberia and the Republic of South
22. Silos are used in storing
A. Yams. B. Sorting and grading.
B. Grains. C. Assembling.
C. Cocoyam. D. Bulking.
D. Vegetables.
28. The grinding of grains in a mill and storing
23. From the options below identify the one in sacks or polythene bags is referred to as
that is not part of the activities at the A. Pickling.
channels of distribution of agricultural B. Canning.
produce C. Milling.
A. Curing. D. Sugaring.
B. Packaging.
C. Sorting and grading. 29. One of the following is the oldest methods
D. Assembling. of food preservation
A. Canning.
B. Freezing.
24. The concept that ensures that agricultural
C. Refrigerating.
produce are available both in season and out
D. Sun drying.
of season is
A. Production.
30. Barns are commonly used to store
B. Distribution.
A. Rice.
C. Protection.
B. Garri.
D. Preservation.
C. Oranges.
25. Which of the following is not one of the
D. Yams.
channels of distribution in Agriculture?
A. Producers.
B. Farmers. 31. Which of the following is not a problem of
C. Retailers. agriculture?
D. Wholesalers. A. Fluctuating climate condition
B. Poor marketing
26. The process of carrying agricultural produce C. Adequate transportation
into transport facilities , such as lorries for D. Poor storage facilities
distribution is called
A. Loading. 32. The series of activities that take place
B. Distribution. between the time the product is produced
C. Storage. and the time they reach the final consumer is
D. Stacking. termed
A. Consumer operations.
27. The gathering of agricultural products from B. Distribution.
several individual farmers so that the C. Preservation.
products are available to buyers is called D. Desiccation.
A. Packaging.
33. The most suitable storage device for eggs and relate to the wholesaler who eventually
are inform the producer for a change?
A. Barn. A. Consumers.
B. Silos. B. Producers.
C. Crates. C. Retailers.
D. Sacks. D. Wholesalers.
34. Any of various food preservation and 39. When marketing takes place between
flavoring processes of foods such as meat, persons within the same country, it is
fish and vegetables, by the addition of salt, referred to as
with the aim of drawing moisture out of the A. International marketing.
food by the process of osmosis is termed B. Local marketing.
A. Salting. C. Rural marketing.
B. Curing. D. Foreign marketing.
C. Bulking.
D. Canning. 40. The process of transporting agricultural
commodities in large amounts is called
35. The process of preserving food by A. Bulking.
preventing the growth of mold or bacteria by B. Marketing.
sealing in a vacuum container is known as C. Loading.
A. Vacuum packing. D. Off-loading.
B. Vacuum loading.
C. Vacuum cleaner. SECTION B
D. Vacuum bag.
INSTRUCTION: Answer all the questions.
(10marks for each question)
36. The act of selling livestock to buy medicines
and to take care of the medical bills is a 1. Mr. Henry is a farmer who is into
common practice among farmers suffering commercial agriculture but recently he was
diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. Discuss five
challenges his farm and family are likely
A. Typhoid. going to experience as a result of the illness.
B. Measles. (10 marks).
D. Syphilis.
37. Vegetables and fruits are best stored in
A. Barns.
B. Silos.
C. Rhombus.
D. Refrigerator.
at the channel of distribution (4 marks).
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3b. Discuss three types of agricultural co- two types of market. (6 marks)
operative. (6marks)
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4.(a) Explain four methods of storage (4marks)
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__________________________________________ 5(b). List four factors affecting storage of farm
5(a). List four aims of crop storage (4 marks)