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Haloalkane note of class 12 neb, important shorted question
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| Page | y e Valoolkone _ - eee x a ° at Z Organic compound tabich are a oy mvcarbon by Yeplating one or mare H-ato 4 hie mcaabar by Yeplating- one or more _m Rey 8 ex Px 0, nT) ae +X haloalkane __ > General formula: Cn Hope g -X — #. Clos’ falisn ett) Ses Depending upon the na-o f halogen-ahson present 9 thefy malecyle_s hale cll kanes are dassified as a) Monosubstiuted haloolkane p fig rate. tanking onl ond halbgenohmin § Ne ndolog ena: _théir Molecule oro “Monohala alkane, ~~ "Cg tug ct [Chlonethone} C9 ~ C2 -CH -BY CBmmopwpane]1 lonoholoalkene ore her classi Sats Prima | a and. es nae a ending Upan the _ ~hafere. 2F¢ ich ts a bees i ———.Halegen ottm 4) Paimary Jalnaiesta a Dalene. In_which halogen. hen is sy binds ub primary Carbon. i 2—tHa-Cy- chy a 19 —U4o -Wn By _ 1) Seeandazy halogikone (28) see Hatta De in hein abt halen aks Tse direcHy bended with i qe bo-4) Geminal Haloaltano ~~ ~—Dihalnalkane th which two halogen abn ore ai +QHachest. *n the some. corben‘otm, ~ ~ 1 _CH3— oe ha -dichenethang) _—W)Vicinol Holualkone a Dihaloaltone fn which two halogen otsm_ore | rs 4p the 2 Adly acent: coxbon atent. __ tT go ——.___| 1 tHe Sen, ~t4 2 dithlemnetinane| _..| __¢) Polysubstituted_Haloaikan.. ——Haloal kane containing more than hwo halogengim in thety_ molecule fs se Papeete Elion _____Nomnenclobure ____ Common name 2- ~Alky | Hate Terms use —tn commen system i in Af the given compound is linear. _ = == the diven Compound fc 2% —¥f the Given cam oe Qe — ee pean cm feed esNBin tHe — neo the. -givea -eemptun cl omfain__ He ———__¢Hy ~ £=Ota = _ fFMethy | nntde ~|-ethyl_ bromide S=Prpy| bomide_ - =f lei. —___Tsomerssm in -hajoalkanes SS 9. falgattane strauae fala Menem i- a amoadien uoy typ af i Ho iter 0 the Cavbin skeleton ax lay of cosbaa —talo alkane combining cha)n_isomertem. eo = CyHa BYLB Tacas reagent—sim share of cen-tie Ore gas and Sniyorus ZU; ated tuceat TEEN * one tO + Hes «20h Oty- 012-4 4 420 Parole Phage I) ethanol unlewe/hane, 1 A ta, -Gn -CH2 Cn - By 1 Tree butone 5-8 “Paanes Eig: dain tag) = CHa it — prppan-2-o wae zaapapeen_| be 2G = CH—U12 Br 5 ti ——_&_1-Prme-2-m AM g Te Pal CHa = ae aes a ll _ =) -2- OT — Q- Been math | papane ——$ ob: Bibtion Ssemansry sf i ______ Differ inthe posit of Runchoal oyup.. | io — __ Hao alkane chtatnin of factional pa | corbin ab shows posit humentm, _ -— a er: CHa “Ha -Cn2 By C1-Brsmo 9 7 has a 21) 0-prpyl’ brmide 4 Le Qs Cy =CH— 1 _ Cfo Sane Pops ke) 1 I + prea Halo alkane; When alkane read with halagen ence of Sunlight or heak , ‘als altone’ fo cit oe RE 4X9 Sunlight of A, R= =i _ haLoalhane a EX 2 Bry FT~ | ‘why rodinadion fe t We PreseN¢, Chstaa can os e Aeolel o - aa = Chlo malkane f isc zrezor ced Te geet lpi I When alkan Teach wi _ | f sunlight s chlor ainat th ane Chlorine 4 in presence — CH de - (atone Cath +HC)_ [tt blading isexteay oe ukele thy +Up_ wt q Ge tha) cath) — ERY Cy ty SEP CH-Cly | bean). —dichlow pe at ith) methane ee coven taka chloride pear eo eet __._Same os Chlonnadim _ _ Ha-Ha 4 prs —4 5 > CHa -87 rua? a ulate — —~Benpimathane _ If fodinatim = ga Lodination ts Yeverible tn nolure Cy - £2 =——— WaT 4 HE MeHane Soifr's camel aut in préience of sheng oxidizing ajent— ike cnc: Ha insides {Shrng_yeduuing —1996n 1) into Tadine Se| a os Re [| Shige Race era |__| eon { diswdabien erecg Towosthan HOT 4 Hey ot _5y7 t+ HNog —— eet 9h 42HN07 ——5 ono +2N02+fg — | tame). _ ~~ Neer so —_Reackuity of Halen In HalugenaHin rv), > i eeeats yal - 4 = reactiul decreasel = ——_[Fluorinafion is explosive ine —Reaotivity of corban tn nalegenaties cua yo tn ri a += PeoenVidy Aleerenyes —— > —P ldeotify te onajex pad! fs rl + CHy C—O i nig C4 =CHy tH a by 81 3 -dimerny| alana QD Fomaltens Addition of Halo acta inalkane gives hale-altare ‘Che = onthe — He, CH —X . RS fotthane + ey CA cH HBT HIT =H te 2Cyo +Hbr 5 CHa Cy Br mt ethene Promacthene—.Ey the action 03 haloodid CHx):- When alcohol reatts with holeagd C1OH HBe) 9D Pres C2 OF ankydrus Zntip or. une Hasoy » hato‘alkana fs formed: Seal + HX Bo aoe 0 7 ~ "Mo 1Eouskouls nue: tt ia —. Statement— Addihian of unsymme bnical reagent ban _unsymmemn'cal alkeng tate? Plare tn _such @ way thaj 1 posifive part of tye Leagen t 902 40 the. double” bended. carb tntaining more MO-of H-9tems, | g.= roe Ch al | Rg OT tg 4 Hel —> ty cha ty —— —panpene SS thie pane = Hu HBr HE can be used. a =Elechophile addition take, place. — Panera SVE a —5Aink'= Mor kav nik ov's rule: Pesmide effectthashe/t)| —_ Statement — pdditun of-u cal reagent to | —, Anunsymmem'cal albere in presence of organic _ “ @ fakes place fn sue 4 way thab pasiFive part | the 1209-20 902 ta the doubl2 bendy corbhn —liontaining 1615 no: of H-otom asa oe Ey i- Ug CH 042 tH, PBDI S Cys Cay th ay | ne : Penatde —1-Bismopmpane = IF is oko called powside effect ox Eh R= 0-5 RO R-0 + H@Y ——> Br" + Rov Lb tnwluas free vaclical mechanism:ll Pge II — = Applitable only for Hy a TE Spplicable _for-Hel of HE ______—_—— ace | y rin hemoly tic_bsnd eT aebeae i HE Although“ hamalysie leaveage bs Ledbine —__.___free rad¥eal th ene pemslubs cezctialy ; , 1 give £2 molzuse,. 1 @. Hews 4 T" {tress 15 Crmalenuie) I NOTE: Gnalceme pee Rime pope] : presente of, CH Clg -CH2~By | organic [y- ~ pewride | Due te i arenes ty Of 3° 9 leoka) aH a ' th wi RHC] every the clatpre 9 Ha a 7 - _ CHa =C(—OH + HU ———> Hy —C—U +ip0 ; ey 2 a 7 : i" ye ee J{ Lo = Brmoatkane :. J aleoke! 1 eg C5 with HBr in +——_____________ Cone c do not 129uj ie cabeiye Ab Chay SE Hewende a Crea Cathe tung —tnch Sa fla TH tes CS CHa Hy -By + HKG - a Breeton i tH lay eke y —— (Chg CH=CH. os HRY Ig SSS Ua de ty —h a AS tH) | oo mie —‘adaatkane $= HE being most reouhcedk vend gine — HI being most as a eur “27 00d 2 aleaale TW tha abcone ofan ee | atte ae ig bat th ethane) _1odoethare Cry { oH a = Ud—(CH, ¢ #7 ———-5 CH — CH UH, + H20 Propeun.2 = J 7 2-Todo es) : O anc finn of plows pma palit a oa) he _Chlaal fowe_ Aleaheyrr re ee — Danzers 4 —SoBr2 and Sale doesnot exist. eo ese a ROW + Pas tefl, RU + POA3 FHx — et et OF a ee ‘] = ____,,___—~—__— mn _— op -(CH,-0H +P Ua ~yeflux 5 Cj -U + HsP Og, ethonel rts twethowe, erga thy 0H Pg TEA» Crt =U FPO tH etna! __Chlompethore_ _ PBry and Pt; are unstable compounds So, +h orn wed indi hy by the achion of'ted Phaspho rs a> — Bye ond Toni _ Py + 6 Br2 ——> 4P Brg _ - i tg 0, 0H 4 PBtg—9 1g -Ute-Ryr + HaP0q —___. eho) Ba mo Mhanne _ | | Pug 6F9——> GPT Pape yo Pes Oda -Ot OH 4 PI Ht, ata + bHsPp, —___1 Dna etnies © By the acti: nof Hhiony | ‘chloride (eda) — CDarzents meth When alcalol istHuy ed wth thio Py] chortle inpresene ae F pyridines Cplerealkane fs formed. Raby} + Sod, Pyridings R-U +502tHO alec Ve HX Chlowalkare | elds Un -OH + $00. ——> Chg -Utg 0-4 Sen + HCL ny! ap neta. — Barzen's teachin or meld is the best rretaad fo | repave _____chloywalkane because $02 estape out dnd HUIS 4 bs ov bed by pyridine Anal pure chlo realkane is obfained. .9 a method 1s the best nn ~Dar2en Coal d ic ( TT ree S07 2d i the best method 40 Prepare oh ul and i And pure chlo nahn ied realness er bsed 8y pyal — tte Ue ire H9.-Uy, #2tHy ; Ht can you pee Chlawetrone from _ a) ane ~ ~<= thana | ‘0 Ethene a —@) Ethare a —__Wheén ethane ; reack with limi bed chloyine In » Presence of ——Taunlight : chien 5 fred cath CHa 49. + Up — 2 Ota tie = =U +HU = tee ti = eal mak reach with pore: Hal ip >_presenre of. anhy 2m or done. H250 Chl ethare is formed: peste + hu.20 Sis > CH, stl Oth. 8 Ene reach aT HL maa & fame CHa = Hp +o — > Ut, — =Ho-u—# Given_an.example of — ee 4) Darzonts rxn_ etn oh Markovnikavis ye ——_—— ——__ 9) Aink= markovnj pos vule 4) Unlovinahim mp ———@) Todinadim __Q)| C3.-tH, -O4 50 aang, Ha. Oral 2H ee ee Chloy @#rare a) CHa-C1 2049 +H eee aN Race —_________@-thlan pmpane 0. tat y wer > t (4-H Cp Br —prpene gg aioe pei ocslt 4) yet Ue — Ss i —imitey) Chlo7w methane ©) (Hy +To —— CHal +I Toda methane __ Pi 2 — a ~—-O Physical proper ae — Na ta Cp liguid ——" nd ci ~ a aPhi ys! ypc of -menshaalcanes ~~ i —____.____love members = 9g ase ——_——— a a her members up to Coy > Loui . _ | bijhrer- member. have. Oh» ar = a __@. Althe he _____ Covalent com; ore er insoluble ths — blnolknnet can not 4 at formed 40 inter — — eee ee en bonding with waber 16 becouse. _emeletudes ut Fh a Stub ie th-argank salsa _____ like Alen), etn 2 9: Rolling poet id Eating fe a Moleulor wig _ — ®t in _ —— CHa ena ae __ Ublowethqre L Boil of chineltane, 4 is Qreater Youn __- Chio ee etaue the. molecusor we L Gehirmatane 1s than Mol clas. se Si ___ | oF Ch{morn “halo eal tones_ aePhi ys! ypc of -menshaalcanes ~~ i —____.____love members = 9g ase ——_——— a a her members up to Coy > Loui . _ | bijhrer- member. have. Oh» ar = a __@. Althe he _____ Covalent com; ore er insoluble ths — blnolknnet can not 4 at formed 40 inter — — eee ee en bonding with waber 16 becouse. _emeletudes ut Fh a Stub ie th-argank salsa _____ like Alen), etn 2 9: Rolling poet id Eating fe a Moleulor wig _ — ®t in _ —— CHa ena ae __ Ublowethqre L Boil of chineltane, 4 is Qreater Youn __- Chio ee etaue the. molecusor we L Gehirmatane 1s than Mol clas. se Si ___ | oF Ch{morn “halo eal tones_ aeag 6s rm e-b-—~ H— Sitti Qnolecules- . He feanalng bene oles raser thar) Tet BS Citing Pat Point of bajaaltare 7s 9 9 rool ot mau Sean eet ee Na alipia. gee polyenes aah a ha Ikang. RE - > Bai aloalkane tc Ieurer Aban- eal | fe ta ents is due date cente| a ~OF inter malealor haucianges pains teh 2a the molecules.of- hale“alkane, — Chemical Propertieg, ——Hatoal ka eh Ore’ vor areachtve Cornpounde dug to the 7 of C=X bond. The pala € rises due to nte in Clechynegah wid etween carbon: @nd_ halogen a Moe af the reaction of .' eat a — falta pubes Clery Cleo a i OF (0-X% hond-1wh | ——tepin tne follauling ach epsndt ~o at 9 —5. Bond dissociation @ . a a _* ~ordet t af bon a Band 7d —etlye-arSsep RYag 6s rm e-b-—~ H— Sitti Qnolecules- . He feanalng bene oles raser thar) Tet BS Citing Pat Point of bajaaltare 7s 9 9 rool ot mau Sean eet ee Na alipia. gee polyenes aah a ha Ikang. RE - > Bai aloalkane tc Ieurer Aban- eal | fe ta ents is due date cente| a ~OF inter malealor haucianges pains teh 2a the molecules.of- hale“alkane, — Chemical Propertieg, ——Hatoal ka eh Ore’ vor areachtve Cornpounde dug to the 7 of C=X bond. The pala € rises due to nte in Clechynegah wid etween carbon: @nd_ halogen a Moe af the reaction of .' eat a — falta pubes Clery Cleo a i OF (0-X% hond-1wh | ——tepin tne follauling ach epsndt ~o at 9 —5. Bond dissociation @ . a a _* ~ordet t af bon a Band 7d —etlye-arSsep RYip —.| __t Nuckophile— —Tetechad eeoch Nucleus loving cea ie ____ Ottncles_ at elec defi bat entre, ore Coll ed enpteg | {> be = 1 fis Hig0 eke. “There are fun hypes a eR = +-Substihuhisn_neactitn ft! Hot —@ Sn" veachon: Sd => At Ssuntmolewlor ucla ph i 2s upstifiion wi — = fall as JS€ order Ei _- te of reaction depends on the_concenhratin | | of substrate mly. _| 7 Ab cimpletes tots hue shops. _| ast = in thie Step cubshrale malades €d sop eters sins alg 3} Huet catia ratits OR oc He ya 0% EE Cyne ot x8 Ne Ha —___swhshate _ tI rile rT ad petal bed ine a ee Lod prtat cee “Is losnel_uuthJ eawi ee nlp ES NE aM ZO udapule 4} ——! Lai —f-SiB sean, Nudleuphile adlcks fim Hoe er backgiole of feast Soup nf poe | the balugen ion | —_Chaticle) f she. Asa" rexde Si is obtain me Com, bon fiqureihion- This is cowed Walden * inversion. — Reactivity. arder of haloalhane iy SN% Wecin High a1 ee heupilbane, Q. Differentad b Difecentinte behaen -Sw4 ond sN2 reat. | | BO gu $n? fe ummolewlor This, pinmleautare nudephiic Vilic_Subsition vy: | aubsihoy xn. Cath oy ows It odey kinetinyl 14 | Tepallows ond ordet Kinelis- >>Rip —.| __t Nuckophile— —Tetechad eeoch Nucleus loving cea ie ____ Ottncles_ at elec defi bat entre, ore Coll ed enpteg | {> be = 1 fis Hig0 eke. “There are fun hypes a eR = +-Substihuhisn_neactitn ft! Hot —@ Sn" veachon: Sd => At Ssuntmolewlor ucla ph i 2s upstifiion wi — = fall as JS€ order Ei _- te of reaction depends on the_concenhratin | | of substrate mly. _| 7 Ab cimpletes tots hue shops. _| ast = in thie Step cubshrale malades €d sop eters sins alg 3} Huet catia ratits OR oc He ya 0% EE Cyne ot x8 Ne Ha —___swhshate _ tI rile rT ad petal bed ine a ee Lod prtat cee “Is losnel_uuthJ eawi ee nlp ES NE aM ZO udapule 4} ——! Lai —f-SiB sean, Nudleuphile adlcks fim Hoe er backgiole of feast Soup nf poe | the balugen ion | —_Chaticle) f she. Asa" rexde Si is obtain me Com, bon fiqureihion- This is cowed Walden * inversion. — Reactivity. arder of haloalhane iy SN% Wecin High a1 ee heupilbane, Q. Differentad b Difecentinte behaen -Sw4 ond sN2 reat. | | BO gu $n? fe ummolewlor This, pinmleautare nudephiic Vilic_Subsition vy: | aubsihoy xn. Cath oy ows It odey kinetinyl 14 | Tepallows ond ordet Kinelis- >>R_ aate of reachion depends gn b> Rad - te coneehohion of ine bal tne 7m { STP p la oto P 1k earn olen le. ~ ee ‘Kop. plotes Ww Stagle w 4 75 S| - > Nv yy hoe tae ar = ; tewing & ide mdleewes [peeing x A) mp norte give os fs sate aren _ can en ss wot ~~ a — . 9, a Ho 4 8% rere) Up-bd 4x9 ‘eal me + ns Z : chy i a gut | ___ Subsrrake. ~carbocation | Reacaiv! 28am - —— Xt D2 >2° _[ 4 fi pie pet 77 Thu formed “wrbocaton.__| — = 1 | tom ha forse with cali ee ee ee of. ama pie ———— ft = ae pe Sree CH 6 14 ab Mt 1 s 1 [ee ag eaibeutin prod | > Reactivi oder Pt a * paloalkane . CHaxf1'Zx a ee vwctor ayer > een form oe ~ ‘ove. Mindray 2) ual pss mei eka Zxqmples- of uu __i on Yeattiyn’ Ara Os me aban | is bilied with aguee a an of ___ NadH oy KOH aleoko) fs formed — $$ __ ou REA +t + = Fay ba Reon +h OT haloalbne ~Caqy - —————— 5 — Fine 2815 Fat Clg Op= OH (+667 — 4 — Branco Cag) ep ana| Note $-1F aliabohe tot ssl p-alinue wach an — =f ee & formed, : oh ee tig = y= Br = bon A 9G #1 ad | Bwrvrethare tao.) se Hare a _ Stwilarly S ela _ gh ei hon niall cag " | TRA AGRO CHOI ET aks alga moot a hg het 9 aia ; es ig~ CHa“ ISr_ + AG O Limotst —As Uy CH eB — “Pe Bonne Mp 2 ee eHaeua) _ ___Nobe. 8 ~ “Af. dry Agr is used eH ris formed ——— RU a e Sd ae eeiar ) Reaction With alcokar; 8 alkoxides ( & Solution of £diurmp OF Potassium ) Cformatfon Of ethey ; ——+Ofiiliamson's CHherificotion ven) - — Mes iltllrs ei wh, cata gas Ja 01_pdlasium alton oe ts fo of. advan Led: This eactun 2 ;——Called Willianso N's -Ctheriticotion reach'on, jt x Stn ene Uig-Liig= Bi + Utada Cale) —9 Cy -tx4q =0-tn14 4 Roa By —_______ cv di meth= © yw CHU +b a; ou nigh BY Pavia ti ——+_CH3 UV _ ee ethane ; Tes easton is Used to frer pease 20g tn of Carta | 9 thlom ethane inte, eee (thet =e Gist. ies ig, -on Chilo methane, Pw Powwic acidby amp. _“ Gu How would_you prepare hae metho Ay papare— i= ma frm, aiiieednds. edhenificalicn Pedi — 4a Hs uy ciconaalel? Oy: o> Uy 20-4, —— $9 a Chloe Sp Sopra _ Wn CHrewre | J i U Ld “ime. Ambident nucleophile : : ceaktht he — tn? j-10,9 i a a Jecmnn_¥eOCh puclenles. loviv chemical — ect which posses =: oWble svteto_— + —TTetteck. ot elechain deficient cenhre ove called ambident. saelesplaion _-——— ~ | ooee l] a - at Reochion with dltaholic Nocn) or Ken: | Chormat! on_of-albanitridey. : When halndlkdne reach with ale Solution ef wacn_or Kon yaltanitarile is formed, — ee | RX + Noth ——> R-C =EM4+Nax __ ——joalnalane.tats) _dlkanenipi}| — Alkyleyonide oe TC or KON) ¥ ianic_compound 9.ad4r eto ial oud 2. at h_Carosn akon / give I al kanenimnie] — - " =o + fuga = CHU , 4 ont = cr foy ——thlometrane ale ~ proponenitile ety | candle $$ eal— Seine tr Sn te propanwic atid, —_— Ag=thig = Sel natal) Gig-CH2-C 288 Om > FD nhrmetrane —__ppoparerihnie > —— ie oo ot fr 7 ; Ce aad — “wigs, Lon __i- east —prpanate fale = - — Rael ne fp ‘aud oe | = — Pie ite Sst e ea 5 TT. -, we OO 7 rset — Se fa ST aig ~A-0y —_ Pre panotc add @ Reaction with alc: Ag g(N:. For mation owyanide Wher” ‘hol apie 42 EE ic, fat Motard 1 is formed - = eg da epreage Alc) __alby | t0ay@nide Taguvi covalent aad ated and al ras foe _ Anyoug 09} Hagen héalede) ed"3 ghee Br Ag(N —>angtheNt Pg BY — echine “ab “ety | iacyon Me Met et ios eR ecuetion etn f alkyl 1 Heuyanide gives 2°amine. RNS Ati Uy Ren }—— }——- — Ore ree Tater t Ca: Sig Oy WHC rT _ etn staan ke Fal Renato ndlagikane with alcoholic Nach of cena 8 ‘ves Qlkane nile but Alieasal ic Agen give CrLey | —~isntydnide oly 2 eo Tr' 1 swe ! Pye 8 Reatiin_with ale wore of t1p me a4 3 Us 3 a2, ue Poi mation if ewe te) 0g 3 LE =e —] poatve, or Knog ts fonte com, round andatie rae Fong | ney gen. at oy, pore aly Hee CH, AL fhaMte. 20g ll 0-0 +g, =a saAdl — eheggitate nt —@ R eaahen with le AgNO i- | (Formation of nijrval tone { ey Ealocinene reac with Agee nihvallarve i 1A Ag-0-N=0—> R- Nbr 4 ~~ aly : 2 Ae ie __ Wz ts Covedont dud and oHack __ [itis 2 thrpugh are atom Se : “Helly -Br_f Bgnvor(ale) 2H 2hXe thyBy Bronvethane. _ nitro hang6. enact alephalic Omron: 7 habealbena reach sila equirrslox mire — : Pnlnaltane and artes O ae a ammsnid ae) eqted one. sented 4ube_ot 100° ee *G amine. is i 7 Box + WHetale) 285 Re we tux —— halodltore COT ap J fomne _ peck 1 Ct g Up U4 Neato Oe Nle O ] See 2 EXO oe etcerdinie wt 4 fat hhaloalbore is excess then Gecordon arfine | nel amp oo ian gene eng anting, and. finaly quale Cy a O-€ eco } ere = gauss} a jackie 3 fet le a “1 a ye = el —| h ~ iy-tHy-att ruHigfalc) 10% 44404 2-H Hed ir Can a lias ine a _ | _(excess - a CHa came __t aa ; - Ne Ledromin, my ® vO Hs Feng Ch ‘Hg Cs Cry NU Oe | OT Oy cg -Uietl' ie Alcoolic AgNoe is used +o Paintin but not Olcohalic ar na an fen As 6 m9, is Covalent com) ound 9 = ppt, @ Hnmugh niteagen Of pr al Sindh Pony -Br Pyaar - | Nofvo2 ¢ oF KNO2 TS TONIg wMpound ond attorks ——altyl- hatide Hyough stysren ton to give. aby} nt hibes 8 ey. Cy -CH, -U + NaNo, —Scn Ig—H-0 fo het To cnlenethare. fale) —__ ety Initsive a ~ Ay _Reach'an with Bas ( 2 ssium olkorathiolale) | Eormay en painalbore ee ae ‘Sib peleaium ‘ieaiake dnivether < fo Rox 4 Roe ie —— RSE ER __ a Joalkone — Hnieothor EF ig n= Chet ig Se 2 ga to —_ chiemeahona —_palassiug ely. tn“This. reeckon § — haJloaltone. S called. Hoffman nes isang cf | at jaaiercoan reachisn ¢~ halualkene. ts heoted wie lool KOH alkene b oii, tod € “elemiration m9en _Ond halo 7 1 eee or ae ThE reo nahin reac. tha aon re. achin Hofer is vernvel — ee 2 * tas teachin 7s tolso @dued ron ds Hy nae -C—d— + Koy 8 > =A ae —_j IF Cap alkene _ ~ 8 Ghia tH Br - + KOH 8 > Hp = CHa + Breredtinee (i) ethene 7 Cg Lit ra ROH = ee —pthlonppare— (oll ——~“prBere To be tm:. i Sahl veduel ae gq | “ma; i S cule | “filermines thot, jor subst ap aye Ee fe es \— as. a. 2 Majay Pea a a x % J eminabien Phen nal ey =U - tH trie + ko ; ratavtore State) gc Hig tei in ——bula-2-ene 7 Buk-} —— Casing —_ (vires) lucBon Reon re a 7 ——"T Reduciten of- haloalkone” — ey aives, alkane. ——.Errini, CAL ty Ng{CaHs0H Seq P/M]. R= Xx aati] Be eit = ee jr akong ot € Chg. oH, Or + | 2fuJ——> Lig attig “er —_._Bromoetta re _ = - —_—. “Elias ation 2 ti \ haloalkane %s — with Sodium Pn presence 0 — fi ether, alkene, is formed fading duce raf oben ki tan ts called wurte | then parent haloalkane..This“vegctien i's reaction. R=K a gon 41 RAG BR ato ob qi Kore1 falc NOCH oF KER, C414-C4y-U mate Agcy Gt, = p= = + AGRI GEE CH, ethere i na 0 a -0 _ethane| Propan nitile teowonid 4 | ak- Ago, cu. Sain 0, 1 h981 7 ottmethane _ CHg tH -0-f0=0 + Maps thy) nihite Chig <2 -0-CHy tg ethory Otho re (Wactdry ether — CHa CHa, Gig Barlire Lame Cues. Ha— CHa Ne e+homire. Ddai | + Taeoniy- x_and 4 — — 0 a2 =¢y ale Agen) ga ——— ale CH. “NC rere SLE RSE ty ond : a. “Chigtig -U ale ken) wale ken), @ H2d/H* O a Og tH ~CaleECN, Cy49-CHp cp) 20 JH ——Chiametine.__—_profaaraniatte __ pm pans © Gg=ay CRN) ake Ka, a a rf ert fos or Dior M 45 5e Pa th 'bleechtip 5 Ia) fader phe Bf paar ack as id) ang “thhn Sees1 a — ~Llgdalyng agent — pte na — Color): tO, | powders Dridadion :- cg - CH 011 AU A Ue zs H+ el ethan] eine ——Chlortnain + - ~ Cra & H #3U, —4 > Cb HR -——___obarah fore —hydelysis- , i oe of cae HCH Sertey “Tea n__Codleturr 0a ee tha aa red_h aetone_ or mercer ar pepe by te neo Br eeching powde. a TS VT COC, + H20 ——? Calo)» tela poe1 a — ~Llgdalyng agent — pte na — Color): tO, | powders Dridadion :- cg - CH 011 AU A Ue zs H+ el ethan] eine ——Chlortnain + - ~ Cra & H #3U, —4 > Cb HR -——___obarah fore —hydelysis- , i oe of cae HCH Sertey “Tea n__Codleturr 0a ee tha aa red_h aetone_ or mercer ar pepe by te neo Br eeching powde. a TS VT COC, + H20 ——? Calo)» tela poethy | 7 | me | a _¢@ —s i E —™ | F yp Bs Cg 8 1__'—, F ae 77,112 picblon propancrne > — 7 al teenios. ace ~~ a . — : i : gt Po ills (Orgel tay — TEN On Cele EO- Hy ianfen- Calcium ateteg — Physical properties: — itis Cate 2 ofly gut lnwing Gonaclonsh _omeu and dite. ~ a i) It fs cry aba fn wader i) When she © cows of th chlon fur are inhaled , Pt induces UALeAsioyResS- UN Sid us meas: “Therefp Fb 4s useal ag. aceasta Ti eitanial Papert — —+ F ia i Boe ee An prescre_ of Susii nt Chloe mm is Slowly _Ofidlised with amas aly irony) \ngive — poisonous. qas_catied — fat 8S Cae var mm" Phtay Ccarbenyl Chios) 4| eda: snot wed as andadtbene ae > So. Chlaw form F Stored in dork by he | tab of fF ety eae cRanton calened kntte Bhi ina ie fillead ol up_t0 the bi oF slapper co | ____. bottle to Smo ead : ‘produced N absence of 21 plas ger. 0, 1% ‘ethane! tea, added “fo the bottle contatntn 7 eninfor dr its packoging The uxe. of ebSnal ie Converts pi Pikeotial 9-24_p phoigeni 2 Seb (if form) indo | ——-1.60_P2ismaus cr pond "let J carbenake . pt la Ho ( CeHe OR — > 9 =C% 42nel Sie — Hijo (2 4. OCH a —etnanol diehty| Corba Convert chlonprm “nhy diethyl Corbuneke-ard unite E the "precaubisns fir tre storage. of chisvofym CHa, +1 Og AS Coda tH phosgene por . ca floenylchinide i ld Mote 0 Cais O=-€ cw — =F +2Hd. te i oO CoHs Of, He —_—____— —pinsgene = ae —=eznanal Ae tat ote. —/ Aust stuced, Fr dork colaured pte mah = f ar a _’) Filed upistbe ram Tapper wet of ti — — __ displaced _ 3). Adbition, ST natkorel qo coruert rt nen a es und ae oe facut Off eels oe igpht i ork bawin coloured aa ft 4402 Yo | ‘ous he ltr theme. _ ok cho. rm 4 seve gn dark bown wloured - 2g. Te upd the stopper i fe Pld te hottie. sof bolt Chi mn _chuving. Ls packaging —_ + _ any » Chie efucrn is , 2: filed up 4 the stopper of botHe ty ced It» Which. pt the 5 ellie i eer im ——- Uitls ££ 0g ———> odo. + Hel —phas gere Soul he al _Corbsy lehh oe ge aed Sf ain = pa Pa aging becouse ik helps ng Cael om Pp tothe Snte phe non peers _compased 7 | tv a au _ - | ia Sa pine tag ethaue) dretey|corberale- -ssa La —@ Adin _ isi, —Tiahen chinrah rm Porode y 1 ts Menke with ster pode Sen Re ar i [4 eee Se 7 aii Leroform|~ @_Reduchim xyh EST eh Plein with @n THE Five, t CHCg +2 CH] ~zniHa ay ESS aa cr — — ee ep erg : Chismfatmn noe — === ==, o =e Ty 4 Hoj]-No> 95 Y ue [Ss ane 1 a i t—EP-ealy IS. “used # in —__t Sabity ad-ic “Odd + Shed reochion at of ion __} Cy “tt ko (6o-Fo) (ool — = Onre: pi Seater aCe KE +H, pheno) eden dnxybenzaic eg — = 2. hydinxy benzite - td. f fensive S™heu af va anc. aia. IS caued ae actdl¢ fae Ss RNS C 43k 43420 Li omine ate sy toli yonide gn Tg tt ae SE Bt Tyocy onitle ~ ty Oily 0 2 | | N-mettylaniline © Anilinez - J. Reoctin wish Qretopa ox papane’-—— F— "When cblavform is condensed wth “_proponane in. + ~ alkaline medium, cnbwethone_ pe ed. _____* ~ Chipvoethone Is used as aus peal cdg. leap Ing, Pe ~ —E on ~~ Cbg + ca, EES Ug — Hg
HCOOH Ano ~@ Convert Chiswhrm Soto tyme add. 7) Reaction with Agnvo: a (purity tat ef chteofor] —{Weher pure. Chlow 1M 1€0¢4, ew itn Ag M03 Giuhons it doesnot produce. white Precipitabe > berowe ¢(-U bed fn chlor vam fs Covalent Ord doesnt ionized in Aqueous _solubien 40 give 9 free Chlavide. tent. Buk. due tocine presence. of HU as Smnpurity , impure __. lomform, gives white preapitate Git Agnus Solum. _ at _ a 7 CHU, t Ag No, = f0_1y9. . __chlanfyym “Coq 1g + Cod, t HCL + PQA; —> CHCl 1 Colo + Agcl | re 7 rat Cad a, 1 Ag = gt an gehen a { ao Us i Chlonform. sa L a “Hine of ‘clr senahion of Oratumical specimen —— 1 Use Poi the “pre pratian oO hho: im portant _ on ani c campounds like ry, Chbensdttrcee “Tenn mpiorta ,.clawetire eke _________ 7 Obed 2 5 solueot to Gaby —— a “Used 44 lab reagent for feshing primory_omne.— (jue_a suilalsie Chemial test to distingaish Pehl and em 5f hor tela chloe | 7 709 Met Pr oltakalic_ KOO © ning wil —CHCA tuNna0H +H looNo T3 pay +220 ft HCOOMA FHC —> HCOOH Ano ~@ Convert Chiswhrm Soto tyme add. 7) Reaction with Agnvo: a (purity tat ef chteofor] —{Weher pure. Chlow 1M 1€0¢4, ew itn Ag M03 Giuhons it doesnot produce. white Precipitabe > berowe ¢(-U bed fn chlor vam fs Covalent Ord doesnt ionized in Aqueous _solubien 40 give 9 free Chlavide. tent. Buk. due tocine presence. of HU as Smnpurity , impure __. lomform, gives white preapitate Git Agnus Solum. _ at _ a 7 CHU, t Ag No, = f0_1y9. . __chlanfyym “Coq 1g + Cod, t HCL + PQA; —> CHCl 1 Colo + Agcl | re 7 rat Cad a, 1 Ag = gt an gehen a { ao Us i Chlonform. sa L a “Hine of ‘clr senahion of Oratumical specimen —— 1 Use Poi the “pre pratian oO hho: im portant _ on ani c campounds like ry, Chbensdttrcee “Tenn mpiorta ,.clawetire eke _________ 7 Obed 2 5 solueot to Gaby —— a “Used 44 lab reagent for feshing primory_omne.— (jue_a suilalsie Chemial test to distingaish Pehl and em 5f hor tela chloe | 7 709 Met Pr oltakalic_ KOO © ning wil —mel of isauyonides ae aise ll A shaco_Ony C009 2b ple Fs wo red ned with _alliphahic_oy __~ pahic_ox_ > — amine, off fensva-sinell-of cual Ne —~, al anal ‘heyaatde R. NH, 40) CHU ny 2,4 3KOH 3AM {ale _ 1d -amire Buap who Cos corbin teh chloride ts uscd | ith apa’ ov ammrabie Palrrasy orsiine , 1 __Yneae 13 07 n seer . Oe aie 1 best: ___ Preelpitate “This test ‘euiel fade pease =a ey = =e a <9) oe fs sheakel usitn aque sou aon he, so le PLerence a riedioe. Yelle li aan | ct Michal —.9"a)t0 hal > =f tz 94 ethonal a OH gMup is prevent ns eacpentane -2-me ond pertome— 2- oe. — d. Ethongt ond methanal a 3-0) , 2njon 1 ol ond D: od heal Popanig — 6 bun gis lo foe 25 = _ “Igit pli‘ loon tea Dot doje by prepa _— Prmopan-]- —Cig= CHa! dig-2 +NabHs ty A> nore lig: =the ont fooon+Ta aces tMoa 0 Cs coha _ — —~{ sian 2 a _ ventgne.2-one_and enon e-8-00 | = 94 con ba distun Lp Hadefnce om fea Pentone.2-one ; ard give post uae 1 feat bu a-net by- pentane bam — ———_————_.— Ai = _ : [ — —ils-6 tg yt 008. tS Ut Lworshoe | ______CHg-ta hytong 4 _ a y= Uy = =F pty «Namal, Se Mow), i E¢hanal “ond. ie a rey Gans ay disung « iodehim ki fat- hom! : ppctueladeiam We not by métHana) _ ts CH eModHtl2 > cS Lol + za.ncoona ___y6- Habe #20 A> ta - —“Ta Aipkal S om Laidehyde = Nz g— CW H ‘ethonal any i kebns if =é. Jrup Ss present in. 9d carbon, 2 a, 2 — ~ — 44 OH + Mao 44,4, CHEW rat 420-4 Heong ____| ethanol Fe fod ofr, = i o- — a __(ydppt } oo Pad? 7 a ae hat Mal +420 ee | a. Ho a tH CH, + | Noon +425 CHE 2) + MoT +20 - 4.0%C00Na | papas 2-0) 94» a = ant, Et ta eS. 2e cfg) #054 H20 4 Chalom _| ft Haw auf dtsbungtih fillow’ng paiy of organic . 43 a mmbond ethanal be di jodoform hat. Ethanol gives a an da not by methonol: orem to —As Norn yhoo) yO - oH aay 2s Pig 4 Ho +Wcoony | EHlano| 99. _fodoform (yeline ft$e — fA argent Com Pound PD when ET with A Co Ond. loved Ag ——,,-When | it esp ee, to 4 fs Conta rte lo Wa happens i when the, “eM pound A is treated with Weert A foto senelbana' atid. \ fe >CeHo nn rv “Sung he elle oe oo ast 2 ¢ bi Fala — D Sica ne BN eC die when eaiea el tI ae eee ‘Plena t Pe ttenfth ft te Eu +O Fore =h BSH ea _ slat papa — CHO g +102 Sunligbts Coc, + Hel ovo pry)7 ] j ihe { iit) when gidl treated th, te J Es ") einongtrie 2 chlompicin ic formed ——- Wed: =H Virago H= fo: alam et “unsaicie _ fag He = font “0K Conia — Paes2IRIA Jo AOMIAS) Gu-2 20-54 bya} -/e!T!T) He 9 OTH (ABAD (PRO eIpUeH A> BIT) HON hav 1) Hay Sere = | | i} {4 | (ounpecwaad|ps Ur) | a | 7h
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