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journal of dentistry 39 (2011) 154–162

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Caries-removal effectiveness and minimal-invasiveness

potential of caries-excavation techniques: A micro-CT

Aline de A. Neves, Eduardo Coutinho, Jan De Munck, Bart Van Meerbeek *

Leuven BIOMAT Research Cluster, Department of Conservative Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Oral Pathology and Maxillo-Facial Surgery,
Catholic University of Leuven, Kapucijnenvoer 7, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium

article info abstract

Article history: Objectives: To determine the caries-removal effectiveness (CRE) and minimal-invasiveness
Received 12 July 2010 potential (MIP) of contemporary caries-removal techniques.
Received in revised form Methods: Carious molars were scanned using micro-CT, after which dentine caries was
16 November 2010 removed by 9 contemporary caries-removal techniques. The micro-CT was repeated and
Accepted 17 November 2010 CRE was determined on basis of the relative volume of residual caries and the mineral
density (MD) at the cavity floor. MIP was determined by measuring the cavity size relative to
the initial size of the caries lesion.
Keywords: Results: CRE and MIP varied most for the Er:YAG laser (Kavo) despite its laser-induced
Caries-excavation fluorescence (LIF) feedback system. Whilst some specimens revealed much residual caries,
Caries-removal techniques others showed over-excavation into sound dentine. With the highest Relative Cavity Size, the
Minimal-invasive dentistry Er:YAG laser presented the lowest MIP. Rotary/oscillating instruments revealed a more favour-
Micro-CT able CRE with some tendency towards over-excavation, except for CeraBur (Komet-Brasseler)
Er:YAG laser and Cariex (Kavo) that typically left caries at the cavity floor and cavity walls, respectively.
Carisolv Chemo-mechanical excavation aided by conventional metal excavators (Carisolv, MediTeam;
Caries Detector exp. SFC-V and SFC-VIII, 3M-ESPE) combined best CRE with MIP. When however a plastic
CeraBur excavator was used along with exp. SFC-VIII, caries was less completely removed.
Cariex Significance: Er:YAG-laser aided by LIF resulted in non-selective caries removal. Rotary/
Tungsten-carbide bur oscillating caries removal may lead to over-excavation, especially when burs are combined
with Caries Detector (Kuraray). This risk for over-excavation is reduced when a tungsten-
carbide bur is solely used. On the contrary, Cariex (Kavo) and CeraBur showed a tendency for
under-preparation. Chemo-mechanical methods were most selective in removing caries,
whilst preserving sound tissue.
# 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction tissue.1 As soft and wet carious dentine lesions harbour

significantly more bacteria than hard and/or dry lesions,2
The widespread concept of ‘‘minimal-invasive dentistry’’ clinicians are commonly advised to remove carious dentine to
implies that heavily infected and irreversibly denatured the level where it is ‘firm’.3 Doing so, they may possibly leave
dentine should be removed selectively in order to preserve at the cavity floor demineralised dentine that is judged to still
as much as possible sound or potentially remineralisable tooth possess some remineralisation/healing potential.4

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +32 16 337587; fax: +32 16 332752.

E-mail address: [email protected] (B. Van Meerbeek).
0300-5712/$ – see front matter # 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
journal of dentistry 39 (2011) 154–162 155

Nevertheless, the exact endpoint of caries removal can evaluated on their mineral density.18 This technique is
clinically not easily be defined. This may be explained by the increasingly becoming popular in dental research, as it
fact that dentists have mainly been trained in relying on the enables to collect detailed full-quantitative data of the
hardness of dentine as felt with a dental probe, whilst other substrate before and after a specific substrate treat-
more subjective characteristics, such as the colour and ment.13,19–22 Its application to study caries-excavation tech-
moisture of the excavated dentine, are often neglected. niques has recently been demonstrated.20 Following that
A first attempt to more objectively define the caries-removal approach, the aim of this study is to determine, using micro-
endpoint involved the use of a staining agent consisting of an 1% CT, the caries-removal effectiveness (CRE) and minimal-
acid-red solution in a propylene glycol base (Caries Detector, invasiveness potential (MIP) of 9 contemporary caries-exca-
Kuraray, Osaka, Japan).5 It was first recommended to remove all vation techniques.
the red-stained dentine because the staining solution was
considered to stain the irreversibly denaturated and thus not
remineralisable collagen.6 After more recent research showed 2. Materials and methods
that removal of all red-stained dentine led invariably to over-
excavation,7 one nowadays instruct to retain the ‘pink’ or ‘light- 2.1. Selection of teeth and micro-CT scanning procedures
pink’ stained tissue, because this usually contains only slightly
demineralised dentine that potentially can remineralise.8 From a bulk of extracted molars, stored in aqueous chloramine
Unfortunately, objective interpretation of what is tissue stained for less than 6 months, those presenting occlusal carious
‘red’, ‘pink’ or even ‘light pink’ is still a major issue of dispute. lesions were selected. After ultrasonic cleaning of plaque,
Moreover, the tendency of Caries Detector to over-stain sound calculus and other debris, a radiograph was taken (MiniRay,
tissue cannot be ignored.9 Soredex, Tuusula, Finland) with the aid of a CCD-detector
In light of minimal-invasive tooth preparation and with the (Vista Ray CCD Systems, Dürr Dental, Bietigheim-Bissingen,
intention to simplify and standardise caries-removal proce- Germany), so that teeth without dentine-caries involvement
dures, so-called ‘self-limiting’ caries-excavation techniques and those, of which the carious lesion was less than 1 mm
have more recently been introduced. For instance, new rotary remote from the pulp chamber, were excluded. The teeth were
cutting instruments include round burs made of an alumina- mounted by the roots in gypsum for ease of manipulation
based ceramic material intended for slow-speed caries (n = 63).
excavation (CeraBur K1SM, Komet-Brasseler, Lemgo, A first micro-CT scan of the occlusal part of each tooth was
Germany),10 or oscillating sono-abrasion tungsten-carbide performed using a Skyscan 1172 desktop micro-CT (Skyscan,
tips (Cariex system, Kavo, Biberach, Germany).11 Other self- Kontich, Belgium) and the resulting 3D volume was assigned
limiting alternatives include dentine solubilising agents used to the ‘Baseline’ stack (Fig. 1a1). The acquisition settings
to selectively dissolve carious dentine, such as the sodium- employed were 100 mA, 100 kV, 14.6 mm pixel size and a
hypochlorite-based Carisolv (MediTeam, Göteborg, Sweden)12 rotation step of 0.78. A flat-field reference was taken before the
or the new experimental enzyme-based caries-removal gels first scan and the random-movement amplitude was set to 30
(exp. SFC-V and VIII, 3M-ESPE, Seefeld, Germany).13 The latter lines to reduce ring artefacts. To improve signal-to-noise ratio,
consist of pepsin in a phosphoric acid/sodium biphosphate 32-frame averaging was applied during the acquisition phase.
buffer that is claimed to more selectively remove carious These settings were standardised following a methodological
tissue.14 According to the manufacturer, phosphoric acid study done before,20 during which a polychromatic source
dissolves the inorganic component of carious dentine, allow- micro-CT technique was validated to study dentine caries-
ing pepsin to access the organic part of the caries biomass, excavation methods. During the scanning procedure, desic-
thereby selectively dissolving the denatured dentine collagen cation of the tooth was prevented by wrapping the specimen
that lost the triple-helix structure. The chemically softened in Parafilm (Pechiney Plastic Packaging, Menasha, WI, USA),
tissue can then be removed mechanically using either a metal together with a cotton pellet soaked in chloramine enclosed.
or plastic hand instrument. After caries excavation, each tooth was scanned again
An Er:YAG laser equipped with a laser-induced fluores- using micro-CT following the same acquisition settings
cence (LIF) feedback system (Key III, Kavo, Biberach, Germany) described above. The resulting 3D volume obtained from the
also claims to possess self-limiting caries-removal potential. cross-section images was assigned to the ‘Excavated Caries’
The fluorescence emitted by the bacterial metabolites present stack (Fig. 1b1). The micro-CT projections obtained for both the
in the carious tissue is continuously measured during the ‘Baseline’ and ‘Excavated Caries’ stacks were reconstructed
caries-removal process, and if a pre-selected threshold is (NRecon, Skyscan, Kontich, Belgium) based on a modified
exceeded, the laser device is activated and the carious tissue Feldkamp algorithm. Specific reconstruction settings included
ablated.15 The clinical use of a LIF threshold level of 7 has been a 5th order polynomial beam-hardening correction and input
shown to result in an endpoint of cavity preparation where the of optimal contrast limits, as described previously.20
bacterial viability within the remaining tissue was very low,15
or where histologically bacteria at the cavity floor could no 2.2. Caries-excavation procedures
longer be detected.16 Moreover, this technique was demon-
strated to be more minimally invasive (smaller cavity size) The teeth were then randomly assigned to 9 different
than a conventional tungsten-carbide bur.17 contemporary caries-excavation techniques, including 6
Micro-CT is a non-destructive research technique that commercially available and 3 experimental methodologies.
allows hard tissues to be measured volumetrically and All caries-removal techniques were employed by one experi-
156 journal of dentistry 39 (2011) 154–162

Fig. 1 – 3D-volume renderings obtained from micro-CT cross-section slices of a tooth before and after caries excavation,
based on a previously defined cut-off point for dentine caries.23 (a1) 3D volume of a tooth before caries removal (‘Baseline’).
(b1) 3D volume of the same tooth after caries removal (‘Excavated Caries’). (c1) Result of the subtraction of the ‘Excavated
Caries’ (b1) from ‘Baseline’ (a1). (a2) 3D volume of initial caries (IC) after application of the cut-off point (1.11 g/cm3 HAp) at
‘Baseline’. (b2) 3D volume of residual caries (RC) after application of the cut-off point (1.11 g/cm3 HAp) at ‘Excavated Caries’.
(c2) Resulting 3D-volume of the prepared cavity (PC) after subtracting ‘Excavated Caries’ (b1) from ‘Baseline’ (a1).

enced operator (AAN). If a certain degree of subjectivity was (b) Tungsten-carbide round bur aided by Caries Detector
expected during assessment of the caries-removal endpoint, (Kuraray, Osaka, Japan): Dentine stained with Caries
some guidelines were used. The relative hardness of the cavity Detector was removed with a tungsten-carbide bur, as
floor, felt upon gentle pressure with a blunt explorer, was described above. The caries-removal endpoint was reached
considered as the caries-removal endpoint for tungsten- when the residual dentine stained ‘light-pink’ (n = 6).
carbide bur excavation and the Cariex system, whilst a visible (c) CeraBur (K1SM, Komet-Brasseler, Lemgo, Germany): Dif-
residual pink staining was considered the endpoint of caries ferent bur sizes (n.10–23) were used, depending on the size
removal after application of the Caries Detector solution of the carious lesion, along with a low-speed contra-angle
followed by thorough rinsing with water. with an approximate speed of 1500 rpm, without water-
Regarding the cavity preparation, first, all enamel overhangs cooling. The caries-removal endpoint was established by
from each carious lesion were minimal invasively removed the self-cutting ability of the instrument (n = 6).
with a cylinder diamond bur (Komet-Brasseler, Lemgo, (d) Cariex (Kavo, Biberach, Germany): An airscaler (Sonicflex
Germany) in a high-speed air turbine under water cooling until 2003L, Kavo) to which tungsten-carbide oscillating tips (TC
the underlying dentine lesion was exposed. Five teeth were tips n.71 and n.72) were coupled, was employed with an
excluded due to a too small dentinal caries lesion and five other oscillation of >6.5 kHz under water cooling. The caries-
teeth because of pulp exposure after caries-excavation. The removal endpoint was reached when a ‘hard’ cavity floor
caries-removal techniques employed are described below: was felt upon gentle pressure with a blunt dental explorer
(n = 6).
(a) Tungsten-carbide round bur (Komet-Brasseler, Lemgo, (e) Carisolv (MediTeam, Göteborg, Sweden): After dispensing
Germany): Different bur sizes (n.10–23) were used, depend- the gel with the auto-mix syringe system, a drop of the
ing on the size of the carious lesion, along with a low-speed solution was placed in the cavity. After 30 s, the mace-tips
contra-angle with an approximate speed of 1500 rpm, Carisolv instruments (n.2–5) were used to scrape off the
without water-cooling. The caries-removal endpoint was carious tissue. This procedure was repeated until the
reached when a ‘hard’ cavity floor was felt upon gentle caries-removal endpoint based on the self-limiting capac-
pressure with a blunt dental explorer (n = 7). ity of the solution was reached (n = 7).
journal of dentistry 39 (2011) 154–162 157
(f) Experimental SFC-V (3M-ESPE, Seefeld, Germany) aided by
a conventional metal excavator: After mixing the two
separate gels according to the manufacturer’s instruction,
a drop of the mixture was placed in the cavity. After 30 s, a
metal spoon excavator was used to remove the caries. This
procedure was repeated until the caries-removal endpoint
based on the self-limiting capacity of the solution was
reached (n = 5).
(g) Experimental SFC-VIII (3M-ESPE, Seefeld, Germany) aided
by a conventional metal excavator: Same procedure as
under (f) (n = 5).
(h) Experimental SFC-VIII (3M-ESPE, Seefeld, Germany) aided
by a prototype plastic excavator (Star v.1.3, 3M-ESPE):
Same procedure as under (f) and (g), but instead of a metal
excavator, a prototype, disposable, star-shaped plastic
excavator was used to remove the carious tissue. The
plastic instrument was replaced during the caries-removal
procedure if it became blunt (n = 6). Fig. 2 – Correlation between IC volume (volume of ‘carious’
(i) Er:YAG laser (Kavo): The substrate was irradiated using a tissue, segmented in ‘Baseline’) and RC volume (volume of
non-contact handpiece (n.2060, Kavo) at a working ‘sound’ tissue, segmented in ‘Excavated Caries’). Pearson
distance of approximately 15 mm, whilst the irradiated moment correlation coefficient (PMCC) was statistically
area was continuously cooled by a water spray (1 ml/min) significant (0.68, p < 0.05), indicating a positive correlation
(n = 5). The output settings for dentine ablation were between the two variables.
250 mJ/pulse and 4 pulses/s repetition. The laser was
equipped with a LIF-feedback system, which emitted light
with a wavelength of 655 nm (red light). When the
measured LIF value of dentine was above a pre-selected segmented in the ‘Baseline’ stack (initial caries or IC,
threshold, the laser was activated. For the present study, Fig. 1a1). Consequently, the lower the RC/IC ratio is, the
the LIF threshold level was set to 7, thereby following more effective the carious lesion was excavated. This
previous studies.16,17 normalisation procedure by dividing RC by IC was needed
for two reasons: (a) to exclude the probability of larger
2.3. Caries-removal effectiveness (CRE) lesions having larger areas of residual caries, and (b) to
correct/compensate the volume of residual ‘carious’ tissue
The effectiveness of caries removal was evaluated by means of in the ‘Excavated Caries’ stack for a partial volume effect
two parameters measured after caries excavation: (1) the (PVE). PVE is an artefact inherent to the micro-CT
(mean) relative volume of residual caries and (2) the mean technique24; in this case it accounts for low grey-value
mineral density (MD) at the bottom of the cavity. First, two 8- pixels (and thus low MD values, similar to that of the
mm diameter HAp phantoms made of fine calcium hydroxy- carious lesion) at the edge between the air (background)
apatite powder embedded in epoxy resin, resulting in two and tooth tissue. In this study, the higher the IC was, the
different mineral densities (0.25 g/cm3 and 0.75 g/cm3), were higher the inner cavity area was and the higher the PVE
obtained from the micro-CT manufacturer (Skyscan, Kontich, was. In fact, a statistically significant correlation was found
Belgium). A third phantom was produced by cutting a sintered between RC and IC (Pearson’s coefficient = 0.68, p < 0.05),
HAp block with a higher mineral density (3.14 g/cm3; Pentax as seen in Fig. 2.
Lifecare Division, Tokyo, Japan) into a circular 8-mm cross- (2) The MD at the cavity floor was calculated from a selected
section slab. Grey values obtained by micro-CT were converted volume of interest (VOI) with a thickness of 70 mm at the
into MD of hydroxyapatite (HAp) by scanning and reconstruct- deepest dentine part of the cavity in the ‘Excavated Caries’
ing the HAp phantoms using the same micro-CT acquisition volumes, as depicted in Fig. 3. This VOI was obtained by
parameters as for the teeth, and eventually by defining a first defining the deepest point of the prepared cavity.
calibration curve.20 Second, a cut-off point corresponding to a Further, the VOI was expanded sideways towards the
MD value of 1.11 g/cm3 HAp (as determined previously by cavity walls and next to a depth of 70 mm underneath the
correlating micro-CT grey values with hardness values of cavity floor. Besides registering the absolute mean MD,
carious dentine23) was used as a cut-off point to segment each each caries-excavated tooth was further classified as
tooth into a ‘sound’ and ‘carious’ volume, this both in the ‘sound’ if the mean MD at the cavity floor was above the
‘Baseline’ and ‘Excavated Caries’ stacks. Next, the two CRE dentine-caries cut-off point (1.11 g/cm3 HAp), or as ‘cari-
parameters were calculated as follows: ous’ if the mean MD was lower than the cut-off point.

(1) The mean relative residual caries volume or RC/IC ratio 2.4. Minimal-invasiveness potential (MIP)
was obtained as the ratio of the volume of ‘carious’ tissue
segmented in the ‘Excavated Caries’ stack (residual caries The minimal-invasiveness potential of the different caries-
or RC, Fig. 1b2), over the volume of ‘carious’ tissue excavation techniques was evaluated by means of the
158 journal of dentistry 39 (2011) 154–162
3. Results

The CRE in terms of both the RC/IC ratio and MD parameter is

shown for the 9 caries-excavation methods investigated in
Fig. 4a and b. The percentage of teeth exhibiting ‘sound’ versus
‘carious’ dentine according to MD is depicted in Fig. 4c. The
MIP of the different caries-excavation techniques investigated
is depicted in Fig. 5.
Er:YAG laser guided by the LIF-feedback system resulted in
the most varying results and this for all parameters evaluated
(high confidence intervals). Whilst some specimens showed a
high RC/IC ratio (Fig. 4a), others did not and in fact exhibited
over-excavation into sound dentine (0.22  0.26). This high
variability is confirmed by the also highly varying MD
parameter (1.05  0.57) for the Er:YAG laser (Fig. 4b). The
mean Relative Cavity Size of the Er:YAG laser was statistically
significantly higher than that of all other caries-excavation
techniques, thereby having resulted in a statistically signifi-
cant lower MIP (19.16  28.58), except for the tungsten-carbide
bur when used along with Caries Detector (Fig. 5, ANOVA with
Fisher’s LSD test, p < 0.05).
CRE improved when rotary/oscillating caries-excavation
techniques were employed, with the tungsten-carbide bur, in
combination with Caries Detector or not, scoring the lowest
RC/IC ratio (0.05  0.05 and 0.06  0.06, respectively; Fig. 4a).
Although not statistically significant, a clear tendency
towards over-excavation was, however, noted especially
when Caries Detector was used to guide caries excavation
(with 1.34  0.14 as the highest MD in Fig. 4b, and 8.5  8.45 as
Fig. 3 – (a) Occlusal view of a 3D-volume rendering obtained the lowest but one MIP in Fig. 5). Regarding CRE (in terms of
from micro-CT cross-section slices of a tooth after caries ‘Mean Relative Residual Caries Volume’), Cariex and CeraBur
removal (‘Excavated Caries’), showing the selected volume presented relatively high mean RC/IC ratios (0.16  0.15 and
of interest (VOI), where MD was measured (rendered in red 0.15  0.08, respectively; Fig. 4a). For CeraBur, as depicted in
colour). (b) Micro-CT mesio-distal cut view from the same Fig. 4b, a statistically significantly lower MD at the cavity floor
tooth in (a) showing the depth of the VOI used for MD was measured (0.89  0.19, ANOVA with Fisher’s LSD test,
measurement. (For interpretation of the references to p < 0.05), as compared to that of the other rotary/oscillating
colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the caries-excavation techniques (1.34  0.14, 1.2  0.22,
web version of this article.) 1.2  0.22 for tungsten-carbide bur with or without Caries
Detector, and Cariex, respectively). All specimens prepared
with CeraBurs still revealed residual caries at the cavity floor
(Fig. 4c). On the contrary, for Cariex the mean MD at the cavity
‘Relative Cavity Size’ or PC/IC ratio.25 From each tooth, floor remained above the threshold (1.2  0.22), indicating
the ‘Excavated Caries’ stack was subtracted from the that dentine caries was mostly completely removed (Fig. 4b).
‘Baseline’ volume (Fig. 1c1), by which the volume of the Regarding MIP of rotary/oscillating instruments, both
prepared cavity (PC, Fig. 1c2) was obtained. This PC was CeraBur and Cariex showed a tendency towards more
divided by IC to provide the ‘Relative Cavity Size’. Conse- conservative cavity preparation (1.85  1.43 and 2.11  1.46,
quently, a ‘Relative Cavity Size’ near ‘1’ indicated a perfect respectively; Fig. 5), although as mentioned above this cannot
MIP, since the volume of the removed tissue (PC) then be interpreted as favourable for CeraBurs that always left
corresponded to the volume of the initial carious lesion (IC caries at the cavity floor (Fig. 6).
volume). Chemo-mechanical caries-removal techniques combined
best CRE with MIP. In terms of MD at the cavity floor, caries was
2.5. Statistical analysis removed up to a level most closely approximating the micro-
CT determined dentine-caries cut-off point (Fig. 4b), when the
The two CRE parameters and the MIP parameter measured for exp. SFC-VIII and Carisolv were employed (1.13  0.09 and
the 9 caries-excavation techniques were compared by one- 1.13  0.28, respectively). The exp. SFC-V revealed a slight
way analysis of variance with Fisher’s least significant tendency for over-excavation (1.26  0.21). The MIP of chemo-
difference (LSD). The difference in percentage of ‘sound’ mechanical caries-removal techniques was statistically sig-
versus ‘carious’ teeth for the 9 caries-excavation techniques nificantly better than that of the Er:YAG laser (ANOVA with
was statistically assessed by the Fisher’s exact test. The Fisher’s LSD test, p < 0.05, Fig. 5). However when a plastic
significance level was set to 5% for all analyses. excavator was used in conjunction with exp. SFC-VIII, the CRE
journal of dentistry 39 (2011) 154–162 159

Fig. 4 – The parameter caries-removal effectiveness (CRE) measured in terms of the ‘Mean Relative Residual Caries Volume’
or RC/IC ratio in (a) and in terms of the ‘Mean MD at the cavity floor’ in (b). (a) Means (*) and confidence intervals (vertical
whiskers) for the ‘Mean Relative Residual Caries Volume’. The dotted line indicates the most optimal RC/IC (best score = 0),
indicating that all carious tissue was effectively removed. Horizontal bars connect groups without statistical significance,
as disclosed by ANOVA followed by Fisher’s LSD test. (b) Means (*) and confidence intervals (vertical whiskers) for MD at
the cavity floor. The dotted line indicates the cut-off point for residual caries. Horizontal bars connect groups without
statistical significance, as disclosed by ANOVA followed by Fisher’s LSD test. (c) Percentage of teeth exhibiting ‘sound’
versus ‘carious’ dentine, as determined on basis of MD. Horizontal bars connect groups without statistical significance, as
disclosed by Fisher’s exact test.

(in terms of RC/IC ratio) was clearly less favourable (0.23  0.22 leaves the potentially remineralisable tissue at the cavity
compared to 0.11  0.05, 0.08  0.06 and 0.11  0.09 obtained floor. This is however hardly achievable clinically, because
for Carisolv, SFC-V and SFC-VIII, respectively), and even in even when the currently available caries-excavation tech-
range with that of the Er:YAG laser (Fig. 4a). niques were specific enough to remove solely the irrevers-
ibly destroyed carious tissue, some ‘sound’ or at least
potentially remineralisable tissue is still sacrificed in order
4. Discussion to provide instrumental access to the internal dentine caries
The ideal caries-excavation technique would be the one that In this study, Er:YAG-laser excavation resulted in both a
selectively removes the irreversibly destroyed tissue, but highly variable CRE and MIP, by which it cannot be considered
160 journal of dentistry 39 (2011) 154–162

Fig. 5 – The minimal-invasiveness potential parameter (MIP). Means (*) and confidence intervals (vertical whiskers) for the
Relative Cavity Size for the 9 caries-excavation methods investigated. The green dotted line represents the most optimal
MIP (best score = 1), indicating that the volume of removed tissue was equal to the volume of the initial carious tissue.
Horizontal bars connect groups without statistical significance, as disclosed by ANOVA followed by Fisher’s LSD test. (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

as a selective caries-removal technique. This is confirmed by other hand, active, less stained carious lesions were most
the fact that the Er:YAG laser presented with the lowest MIP, likely not appropriately (completely) excavated, and thus
which is in contrast with what is often claimed by laser more residual caries was left at the cavity floor (lower MD) in
manufacturers and users. These unfavourable results were other specimens.
recorded despite the laser investigated in this study was A low coincidence between the size of the actual carious
equipped with a LIF-feedback system. Previous research23,26 lesion and that of the prepared cavity for the Er:YAG laser
has shown that the staining status of residual dentine to a excavation was also previously reported, typically combining
large extent affected LIF. As we used a clinically representative deep areas of over-excavation together with widely underpre-
pool of carious lesions, including both active and inactive pared zones.27 The results of this study are, however, not in
lesions, we therefore hypothesise that excessive dentine may agreement with the study from Eberhard et al.17 They also
have been removed in inactive, stained lesions, having thus used an Er:YAG laser equipped with a LIF-feedback system at
increased the ‘Relative Cavity Size’ and even lead to over- the same threshold of ‘7’, as was used in our study. A smaller
excavation into sound dentine in some specimens. On the ‘Relative Cavity Size’, indicating better minimal-invasiveness

Fig. 6 – Summary of results obtained for caries-removal effectiveness (CRE) and minimal-invasiveness potential (MIP) for the
caries-removal techniques tested.
journal of dentistry 39 (2011) 154–162 161

potential, was found for a non-contact Er:YAG laser than for a Carisolv or the exp. SFC-V, respectively.13 Both methods made
conventional tungsten-carbide bur excavation. use of the same prototype plastic excavator, as used in this
When tungsten-carbide bur excavation was guided by study with the exp. SFC-VIII. Therefore, these relatively low
Caries Detector, caries was removed until dentine solely MDs probably resulted from the use of the plastic excavator,
stained ‘light-pink’, which is definitely more tissue-preserving which when employed along with the exp. SFC-VIII in this
than the original ‘red’ staining threshold.8 Both this technique study, also resulted in the highest ‘Mean Relative Residual
and the solely use of a tungsten-carbide-bur resulted in the Caries Volume’ (Fig. 4a). In fact, during caries excavation, the
best CRE in terms of ‘Mean Relative Residual Caries Volume’ plastic instrument became easily blunt and had to be replaced
(Fig. 4a). However, Caries Detector involves a non-negligible at least 3 times during treatment of one single specimen. The
risk on over-excavation into sound dentine, as was confirmed use of a conventional metal spoon excavator with both
by the highest MD of residual dentine measured at the cavity experimental SFC versions improved the CRE, as proven by
floor and the lower MIP (or higher mean ‘Relative Cavity Size’). a lower ‘Mean Relative Residual Caries Volume’ compared to
This over-excavation risk corroborates other studies that even that of the exp. SFC-VIII used along with the plastic excavator
suggested that the ‘light-pink’ threshold still leads to a too (Fig. 4a). In general, chemo-mechanical methods resulted in
invasive removal of tissue.5,7 Indeed, solely using a tungsten- the best compromise, entailing a rather ‘complete’ caries
carbide bur appeared more conservative in our study, which is removal and adequate MIP.
also in agreement with another study.28
For the sono-abrasion Cariex, the mean MD at the cavity
floor was higher than the cut-off point for dentine caries 5. Conclusion
(Fig. 4b), indicating that sound dentine was exposed and no
carious tissue was left. However, CRE in terms of ‘Mean The caries-removal effectiveness and minimal-invasiveness
Relative Residual Caries Volume’ (RC/IC) indicated that potential varied amongst the contemporary caries-removal
residual caries was found, which thus must have remained techniques tested in this study.
at areas different from the cavity floor. It is not unreasonable Er:YAG-laser excavation guided by the LIF feedback system
that the sono-abrasion was effective at the cavity floor, but not resulted in low CRE and MIP, with highly variable results.
at the cavity walls, since indeed most residual caries was Whilst some specimens presented the highest volume of
found at the latter location. Although in literature no data is residual caries, others excessively removed tissue into sound
available regarding tungsten-carbide sono-abrasion, also dentine. Thus, the Er:YAG-laser excavation could not be
diamond-coated sono-abrasion previously revealed a tenden- considered a selective caries-removal technique.
cy towards underpreparation.28 Furthermore, sono-abrasion The use of rotary/oscillation caries-excavation techniques
was reported to induce a ‘compacting’ effect on carious resulted in a better CRE, with the exception of CeraBur and
dentine,28 which may be an alternative explanation for the Cariex, which although amongst the most conservative caries-
increased MD at the cavity floor measured in this study. removing methods, showed a clear tendency to leave residual
For CeraBur, the lowest MD at the cavity floor was caries at the cavity floor and walls, respectively. Tungsten-
measured (Fig. 4b). In addition, all specimens still presented carbide bur excavation guided by Caries Detector, resulted in
‘carious’ dentine (Fig. 4c). Different from Cariex, most carious over-excavation into sound dentine, which was slightly less
dentine was remained at the cavity floor itself. The only study the case when a tungsten-carbide bur was solely used.
reporting on CeraBur showed that, although not statistically Regarding chemo-mechanical methods, whilst the plastic
significant, this ceramic bur tended to leave more caries at the excavator associated with the exp. SFC-VIII resulted in a low
cavity floor as compared to a tungsten-carbide bur.10 Never- CRE, the other methods (exp. SFC-VIII, exp. SFC-V, and
theless, such a ceramic bur is not expected to become blunt as Carisolv), when used along with a metal excavator, resulted
easily as its precursor made of plastic material (SmartBurs, in the better compromise between effective and selective
SSWhite, Lakewood, NJ, USA). Possibly, a learning curve with caries removal.
respect to the force applied during caries removal is involved
and thus may improve its CRE. Both CeraBur and Cariex
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