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Bendix® Tu-Flo® 550 Air Compressor




® ® TAG


The function of the air compressor is to provide and
maintain air under pressure to operate devices in the air
brake and/or auxiliary air systems. The Bendix® Tu-Flo® 550 UNLOADER
compressor is a two cylinder single stage, reciprocating CYLINDER
compressor with a rated displacement of 13.2 cubic feet HEAD
per minute at 1250 RPM.

The compressor assembly consists of two major

subassemblies, the cylinder head and the crankcase. The INLET VALVE
cylinder head is an iron casting which houses the inlet, SEAT
discharge, and unloader valving. (See Figure 1.) The
cylinder head contains the air inlet port and is designed
with both top and side air discharge ports. Three water INLET
coolant ports provide a choice of coolant line connections.
Governor mounting surfaces are provided at both the front INLET VALVE
and the rear of the cylinder head. The head is mounted
on the crankcase and is secured by six cap screws. The
Tu-Flo® 550 compressor is designed such that the cylinder
head can be installed in one of two positions which are 180
degrees apart. The crankcase houses the cylinder bores, END VIEW OF CYLINDER HEAD
pistons, crankshaft and main bearings, and provides the
flange or base mounting surface.









Various mounting and drive configurations, as shown in INTAKE AND COMPRESSION OF AIR (LOADED)
Figure 2, are supplied as required by the vehicle engine
During the down stroke of the piston, a slight vacuum is
designs. A nameplate identifying the compressor piece
created between the top of the piston and the cylinder head,
number and serial number is attached to the side of the
causing the inlet valve to move off its seat and open. (Note:
crankcase. (Reference Figure 3.)
The discharge valve remains on its seat.) Atmospheric air
is drawn through the air strainer and the open inlet valve
TU-FLO® 550 COMPRESSOR into the cylinder (see Figure 4). As the piston begins its
BENDIX NO. upward stroke, the air that was drawn into the cylinder on
the down stroke is being compressed. Air pressure on the
MANUFACTURED BY BENDIX inlet valve plus the force of the inlet spring, returns the
inlet valve to its seat and closes. The piston continues the
FIGURE 3 - NAMEPLATE upward stroke and compressed air pushes the discharge
OPERATION valve off its seat and air flows by the open discharge valve,
into the discharge line and to the reservoirs (see Figure 5).
The compressor is driven by the vehicle engine and As the piston reaches the top of its stroke and starts down,
is operating continuously while the engine is running. the discharge valve spring and air pressure in the discharge
Actual compression of air is controlled by the compressor line returns the discharge valve to its seat. This prevents
unloading mechanism and the governor. The governor the compressed air in the discharge line from returning to
which is generally mounted on the compressor maintains the cylinder bore as the intake and compression cycle is
the brake system air pressure to a preset maximum and repeated.
minimum pressure level.





AIR GOVERNOR force the pistons upward and the inlet valves return to their
PORT seats. Compression is then resumed.



The compressor is part of the total air brake system, more

AIR specifically, the charging portion of the air brake system.
PORT As a component in the overall system its condition, duty
cycle, proper installation and operation will directly affect
other components in the system.
VALVE CLOSED Powered by the vehicle engine, the air compressor builds
OPEN the air pressure for the air brake system. The air compressor
PISTON is typically cooled by the engine coolant system, lubricated
MOVING by the engine oil supply and has its inlet connected to the
engine induction system.

As the atmospheric air is compressed, all the water vapor

FIGURE 5 - OPERATIONAL-LOADED (COMPRESSION) originally in the air is carried along into the air system, as
well as a small amount of the lubricating oil as vapor. If an
NON-COMPRESSION OF AIR (UNLOADED) air dryer is not used to remove these contaminants prior
to entering the air system, the majority, but not all, will
When air pressure in the reservoir reaches the cut-out
condense in the reservoirs. The quantity of contaminants
setting of the governor, the governor allows air to pass
that reach the air system depends on several factors
from the reservoir, through the governor and into the cavity
including installation, maintenance and contaminant
above the unloader pistons. The unloader pistons move
handling devices in the system. These contaminants must
down holding the inlet valves off their seats (see Figure
either be eliminated prior to entering the air system or after
they enter.
With the inlet valves held off their seats by the unloader
pistons, air is pumped back and forth between the two
cylinders, and the discharge valves remain closed. When The duty cycle is the ratio of time the compressor spends
air pressure from the reservoir drops to the cut-in setting building air to the total engine running time. Air compressors
of the governor, the governor closes and exhausts the air are designed to build air (run "loaded") up to 25% of the
from above the unloader pistons. The unloader springs time. Higher duty cycles cause conditions that affect air
The Air Brake Charging System supplies the
compressed air for the braking system as well as other air
accessories for the vehicle. The system usually consists
Discharge Optional “Ping” Tank of an air compressor, governor, discharge line, air dryer,
Line Air Dryer and service reservoir.

Optional Bendix® PuraGuard QC™

Oil Coalescing Filter


(Governor plus Synchro valve Service Reservoir
for the Bendix® DuraFlo™ 596 (Supply Reservoir)
Reservoir Drain


brake charging system performance which may require installed in the cylinder head (Tu-Flo® 550/750) or close to
additional maintenance. Factors that add to the duty cycle the compressor discharge port and protects against over
are: air suspension, additional air accessories, use of an pressurizing the compressor in the event of a discharge
undersized compressor, frequent stops, excessive leakage line freezeup.
from fittings, connections, lines, chambers or valves, etc.
Refer to Table A in the Troubleshooting section for a guide
to various duty cycles and the consideration that must be When the temperature of the compressed air that enters
given to maintenance of other components. the air dryer is within the normal range, the air dryer can
remove most of the charging system oil. If the temperature
of the compressed air is above the normal range, oil as
While the original compressor installation is usually oil-vapor is able to pass through the air dryer and into the
completed by the vehicle manufacturer, conditions of air system. Larger diameter discharge lines and/or longer
operation and maintenance may require additional discharge line lengths can help reduce the temperature.
consideration. The following presents base guidelines.
The air dryer contains a filter that collects oil droplets, and
DISCHARGE LINE a desiccant bed that removes almost all of the remaining
water vapor. The compressed air is then passed to the air
The discharge line allows the air, water-vapor and oil-vapor
brake service (supply) reservoir. The oil droplets and the
mixture to cool between the compressor and air dryer or
water collected are automatically purged when the governor
reservoir. The typical size of a vehicle's discharge line,
reaches its "cut-out" setting.
(see column 2 of Table A in the Troubleshooting section)
assumes a compressor with a normal (less than 25%) duty
cycle, operating in a temperate climate. See Bendix and/or
other air dryer manufacturer guidelines as needed.

The discharge line must maintain a constant slope down

from the compressor to the air dryer inlet fitting or reservoir HOLE
to avoid low points where ice may form and block the flow.
If, instead, ice blockages occur at the air dryer or reservoir
inlet, insulation may be added here, or if the inlet fitting is
a typical 90 degree fitting, it may be changed to a straight
or 45 degree fitting. Shorter discharge line lengths or
insulation may be required in cold climates.

While not all compressors and charging systems are

equipped with a discharge line safety valve this component FIGURE 6B - DISCHARGE LINE SAFETY VALVE
is recommended. The discharge line safety valve is
2. Naturally aspirated Engine Air Cleaner - Compressor
inlet is connected to the engine air cleaner or the
vacuum side (engine air cleaner) of the supercharger
or turbocharger.
3. Pressurized induction - Compressor inlet is
connected to the pressure side of the supercharger or
OIL See the tabulated technical data on page 14 of this manual
for specific requirements for numbers 2 and 3 above.

If a previously unturbocharged compressor is being

turbocharged, it is recommended that the inlet cavity screen
(238948) be installed with an inlet gasket (291909) on both
sides of the screen.
For vehicles with accessories that are sensitive to small
amounts of oil, we recommend installation of a Bendix® IN
PuraGuard® QC™ oil coalescing filter, designed to minimize WATER
the amount of oil present.

The vehicle's engine provides a continuous supply of oil ONLY)
to the compressor. Oil is routed from the engine to the
compressor oil inlet. An oil passage in the compressor WATER OUT
crankshaft allows oil to lubricate the connecting rod
crankshaft bearings. Connecting rod wrist pin bushings
and crankshaft ball bearings are spray lubricated. An oil
return line connected from the compressor drain outlet
to the vehicle engine crankcase allows for oil return. On OUT IN
flange mounted models the oil drains back directly to the
engine through the mounting flange.

Air flowing through the engine compartment from the WATER

action of the engine’s fan and the movement of the vehicle IN

assists in cooling the compressor. Coolant flowing from

the engine’s cooling system through connecting lines FIGURE 8 - COOLING
enters the head and passes through internal passages
in the cylinder head and is returned to the engine.
Proper cooling is important in maintaining discharge air
temperatures below the maximum recommended 400
degrees Fahrenheit.

Figure 8 illustrates the various approved coolant flow

connections. See the tabulated technical data in the back
of this manual for specific requirements.

There are three methods of providing clean air to the Tu-
Flo® 550 compressor:
1. Naturally aspirated Local Air Strainer - Compressor
utilizes its own attached air strainer (polyurethane
sponge or pleated paper dry element).

PARAMETERS Every month, 150 operating hours or 5,000 miles,
Air entering the compressor inlet during the loaded cycle whichever occurs first, remove and wash all of the parts.
must not exceed 250 degrees Fahrenheit (121 degrees The strainer element should be cleaned or replaced. If the
Celsius). A metal inlet line is suggested to help meet this element is cleaned, it should be washed in a commercial
parameter. solvent or a detergent and water solution. The element
should be saturated in clean engine oil, then squeezed
The following compressor crankshaft rotative speed and dry before replacing it in the strainer. Be sure to replace
inlet pressure relationships may not be exceeded. the air strainer gasket if the entire strainer is removed from
Crankshaft Maximum Compressor the compressor intake.
R.P.M. Inlet Pressure
2200 RPM 30.0 psi (207 kPa)
2600 RPM 25.0 psi (172.5 kPa)

Inlet Pressure (PSIG)

0 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700

Compressor Speed (RPM)

Turbo Limits

Regularly scheduled maintenance is the single most
important factor in maintaining the air brake charging
system. Refer to Table A in the Troubleshooting section
for a guide to various considerations that must be given
to the maintenance of the compressor and other related
charging system components.

Important Note: Review the warranty policy before

performing any intrusive maintenance procedures. An
extended warranty may be voided if intrusive maintenance PAPER AIR STRAINER DRY ELEMENT-PLEATED
is performed during this period.


One of the single most important aspects of compressor DRY ELEMENT - PLEATED PAPER STRAINER
preventive maintenance is the induction of clean air. Every two months, 800 operating hours or 20,000 miles
The type and interval of maintenance required will vary whichever occurs first, loosen the spring clip from the
depending upon the air induction system used. unhinged side of the mounting baffle and open the cover.
The intervals listed under the headings below pertain Replace the pleated paper filter and secure the cleaned
to typical highway and street operation. More frequent cover, making sure the filter is in position. Be sure to replace
maintenance will be required for operation in dusty or the air strainer gasket if the entire air strainer is removed
dirty environments. from the compressor intake.

INTAKE ADAPTER Bendix has developed the "Bendix Air System Inspection
Cup" or BASIC test to help substantiate suspected
When the engine air cleaner is replaced: Some
excessive oil passing. The steps to be followed when using
compressors are fitted with compressor intake adapters,
the BASIC test are presented in APPENDIX A at the end
which allow the compressor intake to be connected to the
of the TROUBLESHOOTING section.
engine air induction system. In this case, the compressor
receives a supply of clean air from the engine air cleaner. COMPRESSOR DRIVE
When the engine air filter is changed, the compressor
intake adapter should be checked. If it is loose, remove the Every six months, 1800 operating hours or 50,000
intake adapter, clean the strainer plate, if applicable, and miles, whichever occurs first, check for noisy compressor
replace the intake adapter gasket, and reinstall the adapter operation, which could indicate a worn drive gear coupling,
securely. Check line connections both at the compressor a loose pulley or excessive internal wear. Adjust and/or
intake adapter and at the engine. Inspect the connecting replace as necessary.
line for ruptures and replace it if necessary. If the compressor is belt driven, check for proper belt and
pulley alignment and belt tension. Check all compressor
mounting bolts and retighten evenly if necessary. Check
Every 6 months, 1800 operating hours or after each for leakage and proper unloader mechanism operation.
50,000 miles whichever occurs first, inspect the Repair or replace parts as necessary.
compressor discharge port, inlet cavity and discharge line
for evidence of restrictions and carboning. If excessive Every 24 months, 7200 operating hours, or after
buildup is noted, thoroughly clean or replace the affected each 200,000 miles, perform a thorough inspection, and
parts and closely inspect the compressor cooling system. depending upon the results of this inspection or experience,
Check all compressor coolant lines for kinks and restrictions disassemble the compressor, clean and inspect all parts
to flow. Minimum coolant line size is 3/8" I.D. Check coolant thoroughly, replace all worn or damaged parts using only
lines for internal clogging from rust scale. If coolant lines genuine Bendix replacements or replace the compressor
appear suspicious, check the coolant flow and compare with a genuine Bendix remanufactured unit.
to the tabulated technical data present in the back of this
manual. Carefully inspect the air induction system for GENERAL SERVICE CHECKS
Every six months, 1800 operating hours or 50,000 miles Compressor Performance: Build-up Test
whichever occurs first, check external oil supply and
return lines, if applicable, for kinks, bends, or restrictions This test is performed with the vehicle parked and the
to flow. Supply lines must be a minimum of 3/16" I.D. and engine operating at maximum recommended governed
return lines must be a minimum of 1/2" I.D. Oil return lines speed. Fully charge the air system to governor cut out (air
should slope as sharply as possible back to the engine dryer purges). Pump the service brake pedal to lower the
crankcase and should have as few fittings and bends as system air pressure below 80 psi using the dash gauges.
possible. Refer to the tabulated technical data in the back As the air pressure builds back up, measure the time
of this manual for oil pressure minimum values. from when the dash gauge passes 85 psi to the time it
passes 100 psi. The time should not exceed 40 seconds.
Check the exterior of the compressor for the presence of If the vehicle exceeds 40 seconds, test for (and fix) any
oil seepage and refer to the TROUBLESHOOTING section air leaks, and then re- test the compressor performance.
for appropriate tests and corrective action. If the vehicle does not pass the test the second time,
use the Advanced Troubleshooting Guide for Air Brake
Compressors, starting on page A-1 of this document to
All reciprocating compressors currently manufactured will assist your investigation of the cause(s).
pass a minimal amount of oil. Air dryers will remove the
Note: All new vehicles are certified using the FMVSS
majority of oil prior to entrance into the air brake system. For
121 test (paragraph S5.1.1) by the vehicle manufacturer,
particularly oil sensitive systems the Bendix® PuraGuard®
however the above test is a useful guide for in-service
QC™ oil coalescing filter can be used in conjunction with
a Bendix air dryer.
Optional Comparative Performance Check
If compressor oil passing is suspected, refer to the
TROUBLESHOOTING section and TABLE A for the It may be useful to also conduct the above test with the
symptoms and corrective action to be taken. In addition, engine running at high idle (instead of maximum governed
speed), and record the time taken to raise the system REMOVAL AND DISASSEMBLY
pressure a selected range (for example, from 90 to 120
psi, or from 100 to 120 psi, etc.) and record it in the GENERAL
vehicle’s maintenance files. Subsequent build-up times The following disassembly and assembly procedure is
throughout the vehicle’s service life can then be compared presented for reference purposes and presupposes that
to the first one recorded. (Note: the 40 second guide in a major rebuild of the compressor is being undertaken.
the test above does not apply to this build-up time.) If the Several maintenance kits are available which do not require
performance degrades significantly over time, you may full disassembly. The instructions provided with these
use the Advanced Troubleshooting Guide for Air Brake parts and kits should be followed in lieu of the instructions
Compressors, starting on page A-1 of this document, to presented here.
assist investigation of the cause(s).
Note: When comparing build-up times, be sure to make
an allowance for any air system modifications which would These instructions are general and are intended to be
cause longer times, such as adding air components or a guide, in some cases additional preparations and
reservoirs. Always check for air system leakage. precautions are necessary.
1. Block the wheels of the vehicle and drain the air
AIR LEAKAGE TESTS pressure from all the reservoirs in the system.
Compressor leakage tests need not be performed on a 2. Drain the engine cooling system and the cylinder head
regular basis. These tests should be performed when; it of the compressor. Identify and disconnect all air, water
is suspected that discharge valve leakage is substantially and oil lines leading to the compressor.
affecting compressor build-up performance, or when it is
3. Remove the governor and any supporting bracketry
suspected that the compressor is “cycling” between the load
attached to the compressor and note their positions
and unloaded modes due to unloader piston leakage.
on the compressor to aid in reassembly.
These tests must be performed with the vehicle parked 4. Remove the discharge and inlet fittings, if applicable,
on a level surface, the engine not running, the entire air and note their position on the compressor to aid in
system completely drained to 0 P.S.I., and the inlet check reassembly.
valve detail parts removed, if applicable.
5. Remove the flange or base mounting bolts and remove
UNLOADER PISTON LEAKAGE the compressor from the vehicle.
6. Remove the drive gear(s) or pulley from the compressor
The unloader pistons can be checked for leakage as follows:
crankshaft using a gear puller. Inspect the pulley or gear
with the cylinder head removed from the compressor and
and associated parts for visible wear or damage. Since
the inlet flange securely covered, apply 120 psi of air
these parts are precision fitted, they must be replaced
pressure to the governor port. Listen for an escape of air
if they are worn or damaged.
at the inlet valve area. An audible escape of air should not
DISCHARGE VALVE LEAKAGE Remove road dirt and grease from the exterior of the
compressor with a cleaning solvent. Before the compressor
Unloader piston leakage must be repaired before this test
is disassembled, the following items should be marked to
is performed. Leakage past the discharge valves can be
show their relationship when the compressor is assembled.
detected as follows: Remove the discharge line and apply
Mark the rear end cover in relation to the crankcase.
shop air back through the discharge port. Listen for an
Mark the base plate or base adapter in relation to the
escape of air at the compressor inlet cavity. A barely audible
escape of air is generally acceptable.
A convenient method to indicate the above relationships
If the compressor does not function as described above
is to use a metal scribe to mark the parts with numbers or
or if the leakage is excessive, it is recommended that it be
lines. Do not use marking methods such as chalk that can
returned to the nearest authorized Bendix distributor for a
be wiped off or obliterated during rebuilding.
factory remanufactured compressor. If it is not possible,
the compressor can be repaired using a genuine Bendix CYLINDER HEAD
cylinder head maintenance kit. Retest the cylinder head
Remove the six cylinder head cap screws (1) and tap the
after installation of the kit.
head with a soft mallet to break the gasket seal. Remove
the unloader cover plate cap screws (2), lockwashers (3)
and the unloader cover plate (4). Scrape off any gasket
material (5) from the cover plate, cylinder head and COMPRESSOR CRANKCASE DISASSEMBLY
crankcase. 1. Remove the key or keys (30) from the crankshaft (29)
1. Remove the unloader pistons (7), o-rings (6) and and any burrs from the crankshaft where the key or keys
springs (8). were removed. (Note: Through drive compressors may
have a crankshaft key at both ends.)
2. Inspect the unloader piston bushings (9) for nicks,
wear, corrosion and scoring. It is recommended that 2. Remove the four cap screws (35) and lockwashers or
the compressor be replaced if it is determined that the nuts and lockwashers that secure the rear end cover
unloader bushing is damaged or worn excessively. (34) to the crankcase.

Before disassembling the discharge valve mechanism, 3. Remove the rear end cover (34), thrust washer (31) and
measure and record the discharge valve travel (from closed end cover oil seal ring (33), taking care not to damage
to completely open). the bearing if present in the end cover.
4. If the compressor has ball type main bearings, press the
3. If the measured discharge valve travel exceeds .046
crankshaft (29) and ball bearings from the crankcase,
inches, the compressor should be replaced. If the
then press the ball bearings from the crankshaft.
discharge valve travel does not exceed .046, using a
9/16" Allen wrench, remove the discharge valve seats 5. Press the oil seal out of the compressor crankcase, if
(18), valves (17) and valve springs (16). so equipped.
4. Remove the inlet valve stops (14), valves (17), valve CLEANING OF PARTS
seats (11), valve springs (12) and gaskets (10). It is
recommended that a tool such as a J-25447-B, produced GENERAL
by Kent Moore Tool Division Roseville, Michigan phone All parts should be cleaned in a good commercial grade of
1-800-328-6657, be used to remove the inlet valve solvent and dried prior to inspection.
DISASSEMBLY Remove carbon deposits from the discharge cavity and
rust and scale from the cooling cavities of the cylinder head
1. Remove the cap screws (22) securing the bottom cover
body. Scrape all foreign matter from the body surfaces and
or adapter (21). Tap with a soft mallet to break the
use shop air pressure to blow the dirt particles from the
gasket seal. Scrape off any gasket material (20) from
cavities. Clean carbon and dirt from the inlet and unloader
the crankcase and bottom cover or adapter.
passages. Use shop air to blow the carbon and dirt deposits
CONNECTING ROD DISASSEMBLY from the unloader passages.

Before removing the connecting rod, mark the connecting OIL PASSAGES
rods (37) and their caps (39) to ensure correct reassembly.
The connecting rod and cap are a matched set therefore Thoroughly clean all oil passages through the crankshaft,
the caps must not be switched or rotated end for end. crankcase, end covers, base plate or base adapter. Inspect
the passages with a wire to be sure. Blow the loosened
1. Remove the connecting rod bolts (40) and bearing caps foreign matter out with air pressure.
2. Push the pistons (26) with the connecting rods INSPECTION OF PARTS
(37) attached out the top of the cylinder bore of the
crankcase. Replace the bearing caps on the connecting CYLINDER HEAD BODY
rods. Inspect the cylinder head for cracks or damage. With the
3. Remove the piston rings (23-25) from the piston. If cylinder head and head gasket secured to a flat surface or
the piston is to be removed from the connecting rod, crankcase, apply shop air pressure to one of the coolant
remove the wrist pin Teflon plugs (28) and press the ports with all others plugged, and check for leakage by
wrist pin (27) from the piston and connecting rod. applying a soap solution to the exterior of the body. If
4. If the piston is removed from the rod, inspect the wrist leakage is detected, replace the compressor.
pin bore in the piston and bronze wrist pin bushing
(36) in the connecting rod. If excessive wear is noted
or suspected, replace the connecting rod and piston.

1 23
4 23
5 24
6 25
7 24
HEAD 8 28
9 27
15 23
17 25 35
18 10 24
19 13 37
14 33
36 32

BASE 30 29 34
20 40




1 6 Cylinder Head Cap Screws 16 2 Discharge Valve Spring 31 2 Thrust Washer
2 4 Unloader Plate Cap Screws 17 2 Discharge Valve 32 2 Sleeve (or Ball) Bearing
3 4 Unloader Plate Lock Washers 18 2 Discharge Valve Stop 33 1 End Cover Seal
4 1 Unloader Plate 19 1 Cylinder Head Gasket 34 1 End Cover
5 1 Unloader Plate Gasket 20 1 Base Gasket 35 4 End Cover Cap Screws
6 2 O-ring 21 1 Base Plate 36 2 Wrist Pin Bushing
7 2 Unloader 22 6 Base Plate Cap Screws 37 2 Connecting Rod
8 2 Spring 23 6 Standard Piston Rings 38 2 Conn. Rod Inserts (Sets)
9 2 Unloader Bushing 24 8 Oil Ring 39 2 Connecting Rod Caps
10 2 Gasket 25 4 Expander Ring 40 4 Connecting Rod Bolts
11 2 Inlet Valve Seat 26 2 Piston 41 1 Ball Bearing
12 2 Inlet Valve 27 2 Wrist Pin 42 1 Retaining Ring
13 2 Inlet Valve Spring 28 4 Wrist Pin Button 43 1 Seal
14 2 Inlet Valve Stop 29 1 Crankshaft 44 1 Cotter Pin
15 2 Discharge Valve Stop 30 1 Crankshaft Key 45 1 Locknut

Check for cracks and external damage. If the crankshaft Check the pistons for scores, cracks or enlarged ring
main bearing (32) is installed in the end cover (34), grooves; replace the pistons if any of these conditions are
check for excessive wear and flat spots and replace if found. Measure each piston with a micrometer in relation
necessary. to the cylinder bore diameter to be sure the diametrical
clearance is between .002 in. minimum and .004 in.
CRANKCASE maximum.
Check all crankcase surfaces for cracks and damage. On Check the fit of the wrist pins to the pistons and connecting
compressors where ball bearing main bearings are used rod bushings. The wrist pin should be a light press fit in
the difference between the O.D. of the outer race and the the piston. If the wrist pin is a loose fit, the piston and pin
I.D. of the crankcase hole should be .0003 in. tight to .0023 assembly should be replaced. Check the fit of the wrist
in. loose. This is to maintain the correct fit. The compressor pin in the connecting rod bushing by rocking the piston.
must be replaced if the fit is too loose. This clearance should not exceed .0007 in. Replace the
On compressors fitted with precision, sleeve main bearings, connecting rod and cap assembly which includes the wrist
the difference between the O.D. of the crankshaft journal pin bushings if excessive clearance is found. Check the fit
and the main bearing l.D. must not exceed .005 in. If the of the rings in the piston ring grooves. Check the ring gap
clearance is greater than .005 in. the bearing must be with the rings installed in the cylinder bores. Refer to Figure
replaced. 12 for correct gap and groove clearances.

The cylinder bores should be checked with inside CRANKSHAFT

micrometers or calipers. Cylinder bores which are scored
Check the crankshaft threads, keyways, tapered ends
or out of round by more than .0005 in. or tapered more than
and all machined and ground surfaces for wear, scores,
.0005 in. should be re-bored or honed oversize. Oversized
or damage. Standard crankshaft journals are 1.1242 in.
pistons and piston rings are available in .010 in., .020 in.
- 1.1250 in. in diameter. If the crankshaft journals are
and .030 in. oversizes. Cylinder bores must be smooth,
excessively scored or worn or out of round and cannot be
straight and round. Clearance between the cast iron pistons
reground, the compressor must be replaced. Connecting
and cylinder bores should be between .002 in. minimum
rod bearing inserts are available in .010 in., .020 in.
and .004 in. maximum.
and .030 in. undersizes for compressors with reground
crankshafts. Main bearing journals must be maintained
so the ball bearings are a snug fit or so that no more than
.005 in. clearance exists between the precision sleeve main
bearing and the main bearing journals on the crankshaft.
Check to be sure the oil passages are open through the
SIDE CLEARANCE crankshaft.


Used bearing inserts must be replaced. The connecting rod
.000 and cap are a matched set and therefore the caps must not
.002 EXPANDER .006 be switched or rotated end for end. The solid inserts must
.004 RING be installed in the rod and the slotted inserts into the cap.
STANDARD PISTON OIL RING Make sure the locating tangs on the inserts engage with
RING the locating notches in the rod and cap. Clearance between
the connecting rod journal and the connecting rod bearing
must not be less than .0003 in. or more than .0021 in. after


Ring End
Compression .013 A new cylinder head maintenance kit should be used when
rebuilding. Note: The entire contents of this kit must
Segment .010 be used. Failure to do so may result in compressor
failure. The unloader pistons in the kit are prelubricated


with a special lubricant piece number 239379 and need INSTALLING CRANKSHAFT
no additional lubrication. Install the springs and unloader
Press new sleeve bearings in the end cover and crankcase.
pistons in their bores being careful not to cut the o-rings.
Install the unloader cover gasket and unloader cover and Ensure that the slot in the bearings line up with the oil
secure the cover cap screws. Tighten the cap screws to passages in the end cover or crankcase. If you have a
175-225 in. lbs. in a crossing pattern after first snugging model with no oil passage present in the crankcase, press
all screws. the sleeve bearing into the crankcase with the slot located
90 degrees from vertical.
If the discharge valve seats merely show signs of slight 2.78
wear, they can be dressed by using a lapping stone,
grinding compound and grinding tool, however, it is
recommended that a cylinder head maintenance kit be
1.25 1.06
used. Install new discharge valve springs and valves.
Screw in the discharge valve seats, and tighten to 70-90 2.17
ft.-lbs. Discharge valve travel should be between .030 in. to
.046 in. To test for leakage by the discharge valves, apply
100 psi to the cylinder head discharge port and apply a
soap solution to the discharge valve and seats. Leakage
in the form of soap bubbles is permissible. If excessive AIR COMPRESSOR TU-FLO ® AIR COMPRESSORS
leakage is found, leave the air pressure applied and with
the use of a fiber or hardwood dowel and a hammer, tap FIGURE 13 - PISTON COMPARISON
the discharge valves off their seats several times. This will
help the valves to seat and should reduce the leakage.
Install the front thrust washer with the tang inserted in
With the air pressure still applied at the discharge port of
the slot toward the flange. Insert the crankshaft and the
the cylinder head, check for leakage around the discharge
rear thrust washer with the tang toward the rear of the
valve stop on the top of the cylinder head casting. No
leakage is permitted.
Place the oil seal ring on the boss of the rear end cover and
INLET VALVES AND SEATS install the end cover making sure not to pinch the seal ring.
Inlet valves and springs should be replaced. However, if Ensure the tang of the thrust washer is inserted in the slot
the inlet valve seats show signs of slight nicks or scratches, of the end cover. Fasten the end cover to the crankcase
they can be redressed with a fine piece of emery cloth or with the four cover cap screws. Torque the cap screws to
by lapping with a lapping stone, grinding compound and 175-225 inch pounds in a cross pattern.
grinding tool. If the seats are damaged to the extent that
they cannot be reclaimed, they must be replaced.

General Note: All torques specified in this manual are
assembly torques and typically can be expected to fall off
after assembly is accomplished. Do not retorque after
initial assembly torques fall unless instructed otherwise. SEGMENT RING (24)
A compiled listing of torque specifications is presented on SPACER RING (25)
page 13 of this manual.
To convert inch pounds of torque to foot pounds of torque, (24)
divide inch pounds by 12.

inch pounds ÷ 12 = foot pounds

To convert foot pounds of torque to inch pounds of torque,

multiply foot pounds by 12.

foot pounds x 12 = inch pounds


PISTONS AND CONNECTING RODS journal bearing segments (38) on the connecting rod (37)
and connecting rod cap (39). Tighten the connecting rod
If the pistons are to be replaced ensure that the correct
bolts (40) evenly and torque to 150 - 170 inch pounds.
pistons are being installed. Note that the pistons for the
Install the other connecting rod and piston in the same
Tu-Flo® 550 compressor are similar to those of other Bendix
manner. It is recommended that new connecting rod cap
compressor models but may be identified by the piston
screws be used.
diameter and the distance to the center of the wrist pin from
the top of the piston as shown in Figure 13. Before replacing the cylinder head on the crankcase
ensure the correct pistons have been used by turning the
PISTON RINGS crankshaft one complete revolution such that each piston
Check each ring end gap in a cylinder bore before moves to its maximum upward stroke. At the maximum
installation. Place the ring in the top of the cylinder bore upward stroke position each piston should move to the top
and using the piston, push the ring to the midpoint of the of the crankcase. If the piston does not approach the top
cylinder bore and check the ring gap. If the end gaps are of the crankcase the piston is incorrect and if not replaced
incorrect either the wrong repair size has been purchased could result in compressor damage.
or the compressor is worn beyond specification and should
Position the base plate or base adapter gasket (20) on the
Install the rings on the pistons per the following instructions
crankcase and install the base plate or base adapter (21)
starting at the center of the piston and moving outward.
as marked before disassembly. Tighten the six cap screws
1. Install the spacer and segment rings as follows. Place (22), securing the cast iron base adapter evenly to a torque
the spacer ring (25) in the piston groove, the ends of of 175-225 inch pounds for base plate or cover in a crossing
the spacer must butt and not overlap. Install the top pattern after first snugging all 6 screws.
segment (24) by inserting one end above the spacer
in the ring groove, 120 degrees from the spacer ends CYLINDER HEAD
and wind the segment into position. Install the bottom
Place the cylinder head gasket (19) and cylinder head
segment in the same manner beneath the spacer
on the compressor crankcase and install the six cylinder
making sure the gap is staggered 120 degrees from
head cap screws. Snug the cylinder head cap screws prior
both the top ring segment and the spacer end gaps.
to torquing the cap screws to 300-360 in. lbs. in a cross
Before using be sure both painted ends of the spacer
pattern. Retorque the unloader cover cap screws to 170-
are visible and butted.
225 in. Ibs.
2. Install the compression rings (23) in the proper grooves
with the “pip” mark toward the top of the piston. (Refer FINAL COMPRESSOR ASSEMBLY
to Figure 14.) Install all crankshaft keys making certain to support the
Check the ring side clearance of each ring in the piston ring crankshaft to avoid bearing damage. Install the crankshaft
groove. (Refer to Figure 14.) If the side clearance is too nut where applicable. When installing drive couplings or
large, the piston ring groove is worn beyond specifications gears, do not exceed 120 foot pounds torque on the
and the piston must be replaced. crankshaft nut.

Rotate the piston rings in their respective groove so that Use covers, plugs, or masking tape to protect all ports if
each end gap is at least 90 degrees from the previous compressor is not to be installed immediately. Protect the
ring’s end gap. ends of the crankshaft against damage by wrapping with
masking tape or friction tape.
Lubricate the wrist pin (22) and wrist pin bushing in the
connecting rod with engine oil. Assemble the upper portion TESTING REBUILT COMPRESSOR
of the connecting rods and the pistons with the wrist pins.
In order to properly test a compressor under operating
Insert the wrist pin buttons (28) in the ends of the wrist pin.
conditions, a test rack for correct mounting, cooling,
Lubricate the pistons and rings with engine oil. Using a ring
lubricating, and driving the compressor is necessary. Such
compression tool return the piston to the cylinder bore.
tests are not compulsory if the unit has been carefully
Turn the crankshaft so that one of its connecting rod journals rebuilt by an experienced person. A compressor efficiency
is in the downward, center position. Install the crankshaft or build up test can be run which is not too difficult. An
engine lubricated compressor must be connected to an oil
supply line of at least 15 P.S.I. pressure during the test and
an oil return line must be installed to keep the crankcase
Connect to the compressor discharge port, a reservoir with TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS
a volume of 1500 cubic inches, including the volume of the Bolt, Nut or Screw ........................... Assembly Torque
connecting line. With the compressor operating at 2100 (in. lbs.)
R.P.M., the time required to raise the reservoir(s) pressure Cylinder Head .................................................. 440 - 500
from 85 psi to 100 psi should not exceed 7 seconds. During Unloader Cover Plate ...................................... 175 - 225
this test, the compressor should be checked for gasket Discharge Valve Seat ............. 840 - 1080 (70-90 ft. lbs.)
leakage and noisy operation, as well as unloader operation Inlet Valve Stop ....................... 840 - 1080 (70-90 ft. lbs.)
and leakage. End Cover ........................................................ 175 - 225
Connecting Rod ............................................... 150 - 170
If the compressor functions as indicated reinstall on the
Bottom Cover ................................................... 175 - 225
vehicle connecting all lines as marked in the disassembly
Air Strainer ....................................................... 125 - 150
Inlet Fitting ....................................................... 175 - 225
TU-FLO® 550 AIR COMPRESSOR Discharge Fitting .............................................. 175 - 225
SPECIFICATIONS Governor or Governor Adapter ........................ 175 - 225
Pipe Plugs
Average weight ........................................................... 53
1/16 .................................................................. 35 - 50
Number of cylinders ...................................................... 2
1/8 .................................................................. 85 - 105
Bore size ............................................................. 2.78 In.
1/4 ................................................................ 130 - 170
Stroke ................................................................. 1.50 In.
3/8 ................................................................ 160 - 200
Displacement at 1250 RPM ............................ 13.2 CFM
1/2 ................................................................ 200 - 270
Maximum recommended RPM ...................... 3000 RPM
Pipe Bushing
Minimum coolant flow (water cooled) at
1/2 ................................................................ 175 - 225
Maximum RPM .............................................. 2.5 GPM
Crankshaft Nut:
Minimum RPM ................................................. .5 GPM
Marsden or Castle ........... 1200-1440 (100-120 ft. lbs.)
Approximate horsepower required at
P/N 298125 (Metric Thread) ......2640-3048 (220-254 ft.
1250 RPM at 120 PSIG (naturally aspirated) ............ 2.5
Turbocharge limits
See Compressor Turbocharging Parameters DIMENSIONAL DATA
Maximum inlet air temperature .............................. 250°F Port Sizes
Maximum discharge air temperature ..................... 400°F Water inlet ............................................... 1/2 - 14 NPT
Minimum pressure required to unload Water outlet ............................................. 1/2 - 14 NPT
(naturally aspirated) ........................................... 60 PSIG Air discharge ........................................... 1/2 - 14 NPT
Minimum oil pressure required at Governor ................................................. 1/8 - 27 NPT
engine idling speed ............................................ 15 PSIG Oil inlet (end cover) ................................. 1/8 - 27 NPT
Minimum oil pressure required at Oil return: Base mount ........................... 1/2 - 14 NPT
maximum governed engine speed .................... 15 PSIG Piston
Minimum discharge-line size ............................. 1/2"14 I.D. (standard) .................................................. 2.77825 in.
Minimum coolant-line size ................................. 3/8" I.D. (.010 oversize) .......................................... 2.78825 in.
Minimum oil-supply line size ............................ 3/16" I.D. (.020 oversize) .......................................... 2.79825 in.
Minimum oil-return line size ............................... 1/2" I.D. (.030 oversize) .......................................... 2.80825 in.
Minimum air-inlet line size .................................. 5/8” I.D. Cylinder bore
Minimum unloader-line size ............................. 3/16" I.D. (standard) .................................................... 2.7810 in.
(.010 oversize) ............................................ 2.7910 in.
(.020 oversize) ............................................ 2.8010 in.
(.030 oversize) ............................................. 2.8110 in.


Cylinder Maintenance Kit
Piston Ring Kit (standard and oversizes)
Piston and Rod Kit (standard and oversizes)
Crankshaft Bearing Kit
Gasket & Seal Kit

COMPRESSOR TROUBLESHOOTING 9. Components with stripped threads or damaged
parts should be replaced rather than repaired. Do
IMPORTANT: The troubleshooting contained in this section
not attempt repairs requiring machining or welding
considers the compressor as an integrated component of
unless specifically stated and approved by the
the overall air brake charging system and assumes that vehicle and component manufacturer.
an air dryer is in use. The troubleshooting presented will 10. Prior to returning the vehicle to service, make
cover not only the compressor itself, but also other charging certain all components and systems are restored
system devices as they relate to the compressor. to their proper operating condition.
11. For vehicles with Antilock Traction Control (ATC),
the ATC function must be disabled (ATC indicator
WARNING! PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW lamp should be ON) prior to performing any vehicle
THESE INSTRUCTIONS TO AVOID PERSONAL maintenance where one or more wheels on a drive
INJURY OR DEATH: axle are lifted off the ground and moving.

When working on or around a vehicle, the following

general precautions should be observed at all times.
1. Park the vehicle on a level surface, apply the parking
brakes, and always block the wheels. Always wear
safety glasses.
2. Stop the engine and remove ignition key when
working under or around the vehicle. When working
in the engine compartment, the engine should be
shut off and the ignition key should be removed.
Where circumstances require that the engine be
in operation, EXTREME CAUTION should be used
to prevent personal injury resulting from contact
with moving, rotating, leaking, heated or electrically
charged components.
3. Do not attempt to install, remove, disassemble
or assemble a component until you have read
and thoroughly understand the recommended
procedures. Use only the proper tools and observe
all precautions pertaining to use of those tools.
4. If the work is being performed on the vehicle’s
air brake system, or any auxiliary pressurized air
systems, make certain to drain the air pressure
from all reservoirs before beginning ANY work
on the vehicle. If the vehicle is equipped with an
AD-IS® air dryer system or a dryer reservoir module,
be sure to drain the purge reservoir.
5. Following the vehicle manufacturer’s recommended
procedures, deactivate the electrical system in a
manner that safely removes all electrical power
from the vehicle.
6. Never exceed manufacturer’s recommended
7. Never connect or disconnect a hose or line
containing pressure; it may whip. Never remove
a component or plug unless you are certain all
system pressure has been depleted.
8. Use only genuine Bendix® replacement parts,
components and kits. Replacement hardware,
tubing, hose, fittings, etc. must be of equivalent
size, type and strength as original equipment and
be designed specifically for such applications and


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