Math FA-2
Math FA-2
Math FA-2
Unit 2
S.Arjun Charan
Part 1
Worldwide Meat Consumtion
Criteria C,D
Question 1a
m = (y2 -y1 )/(x2 -x1 ) = (41.3 - 24.2)/(2015-1965)
Slope in this scenarion is
= 17.1/50 = 0.342 the rate of increase in
meat consumption per
Y-intercept = 24.2 capita
By the year 2032 we will reach the catastrophic irreversible damage phase.
Question 2F
The Amazon rainforest is the world's largest intact forest. It's important for
many reasons, including:
Climate control
The Amazon rainforest stabilizes the climate by storing 150-200 billion
tons of carbon and releasing 20 billion tonnes of water into the
atmosphere each day. It also produces 6% of the world's oxygen.