Power User Training
Power User Training
Power User Training
(rev. 13)
We are happy to have you on board. Before you start have a look at the "how to use this training" section to
understand the basic usage of this document.
Topic Description
Instructure Lecture Here you will find links to slides used by the instructor for the training session.
Following symbols are used little change
2 Polarion Fundamentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
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3 Admin Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5 Configuration Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
8.4 Auto-Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
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Polarion Training
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2 Polarion Fundamentals
Using Polarion will allow you to manage and control your project data in an easy way. Now it is time to understand the basic principles of
how information can be tracked within Polarion
work items
wiki pages
Hint: Some screenshots of these trainings might differ a little bit from your version but only if their
meaning hasn´t been changed.
- http://www.polarion.com/video/tutorials/portalintro/
- http://www.polarion.com/video/tutorials/projects1/
- http://www.polarion.com/video/tutorials/projects2/
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Check that you have role "project_assignable", "project_admin" and "project_approver" in your Polarion training project. If not
please add the mentioned roles.
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- http://www.polarion.com/video/tutorials/browsewi/
- http://www.polarion.com/video/tutorials/linkroles/
- http://www.polarion.com/video/tutorials/traceability/basic/
Open the task "gather requirements for our project" and create a linked follow up task
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- http://www.polarion.com/video/tutorials/comments/
Click on the task "gather requirements for our project" to open the work item
Add following comment "what template shall I use to gather the requirements ?"
Polarion LiveDocs are shared documents which typically contain work items like requirements, test cases or tasks. Also the document you
are currently reading is a Polarion document containing exercises work items. Documents are the best way to start capturing project data
as it is intuitive and easy to use.
- http://www.polarion.com/video/tutorials/workwithdocs/
- http://www.polarion.com/video/tutorials/reuse-docs
Understand how Polarion Documents can be used to track meeting minutes in a very easy way.
MP-2608 - Create Meeting Minutes Document Template
Create a new space Meetings by opening Documents & Pages and clicking the plus icon as vizualized in screenshot below.
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and click Reuse to create a new Meeting Document with name: User Training Meeting Notes [date]
Select Space "Meetings"
Check: Remove outgoing Work Item links
Uncheck: Link duplicate to original
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and add responsible person (if needed change pane settings to show assignee)
Configure your document that the assignee is shown on the document
Move and delete tasks
Add a "relates_to" link between two tasks using the link symbol next to the task icon
Try Recycle Bin and document Comment
Hint: Use your document Training Meeting Notes to take notes during your training
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MP-2609 - Create Favorite for your document "User Training Meeting Notes"
Ensure your document "User Training Meeting Notes" is selected in your navigation bar.
Click on "Save as Shortcut"
Add your preferred title and icon for your favorite. Ensure type is set to "Favorite":
Open the document library project and browse through the available templates
Open one of the templates e.g. Software Test Plan and Reuse Document
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To ensure that all information in the project is kept in sync you can use the suspect features to mark work items which need review
- http://www.polarion.com/video/tutorials/traceability/basic/
Activate the Polarion tracker by clicking on Work Items in your Navigation Bar
Create a new task and name it "use links to keep traceability and consistency"
Add yourself as assignee
Create a "relates_to" link between your new task and the task "gather requirements for our project"
Hint: Suspect work items are also displayed on your personal home page
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Polarion Training
(rev. 13)
Polarion's search and query feature will help you to find information easily. It will allow you to concentrate on the relevant data needed for
the next process step by filtering out all unnecessary information. Typical examples are:
- http://www.polarion.com/video/tutorials/search/
- http://www.polarion.com/video/tutorials/advancedsearch/
Create your personal shortcut for above query and name it "My Work Items"
Change the status of your task to in progress by invoking the action "Start in progress"
Find all work items which have been assigned to you by using a predefined shortcut "My Work Items"
Change the scope of the search to
Tasks only
Work items within User Training Meeting Notes document
Hint: If you are using the query builder to search for work items in a specific document you must
follow a specific syntax. All documents are uniquely identified by "space name/document name" and if
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the document name or space name contains spaces you need to add "" at beginning and end.
Build a query with "bad" words like "easy fast quick modern..." and save it as project query with the name "bad words"
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(rev. 13)
Wiki pages are very helpful for creating reports or when you need to guide the end user through a defined process.
- http://www.polarion.com/video/tutorials/wikiintro/
Display all open tasks using the {workitems} macro under "Open tasks" heading
Display all items which are unassigned using the {workitems} macro and the "queryName=Unassigned" attribute
Display only id,title,assignee and status using the fields attribute
Change the visualization of the query using the display=list attribute
Now we want to add our action items to our wiki page by using the root attribute. To display only the section Action Items you need
to provide the ID of the heading item as value of the root attribute.
For example: {document-workitems:name=Meetings/User Training Meeting Notes|display=document|root=FUN-17}
Add title and space for your LiveReport (name will be set automatically):
Title: Task Overview
Space: Meetings
The layout has three regions by default. The first region should be used for title and description.
Add Table - Block widget into second region (left region) and add a Separated by - Pie Chart widget into the third region (right
Add a description for your Rich Page into your first region:
"This report gives you an overview about your tasks in this project. These tasks are separated by status"
Setup Table - Block Widget
Select only Task Work Items
Remove column Severity
Add column Assignee
Sort by Status
Setup Separated by - Pie Chart
Add chart title Task by status
Select only Task Work Items
We want to separate by Status
Hint: To visualize changes made in widget sidebar you need to click "Apply"
Open User Training Meeting Notes and place your cursor at the location where you want to see the open tasks of last meetings
Insert Wiki Content
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(rev. 13)
3 Admin Part
You will use your new project for all exercises throughout this training
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- Configure Users
- Configure Roles
- Configure Access Management
- Configure Permission Management
Hint: During this training we will do all exercises using our admin account. Your newly created user
will be used to verify permission restrictions.
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Verify that your newly created user can create and modify work items/documents, but can't delete these or create wiki pages.
Dynamic roles are built into Polarion for the purpose of controlling permissions for various
operations on Work Items and Documents. For example, there is a dynamic role author for both
of these artifact types. It has a default set of permissions, and an administrator can grant or
revoke various permissions to/from the role if the defaults are not what is needed. The
Document or Work Item's author will generally have broader permissions, DELETE permission
for example, than users who have other roles.
Dynamic roles are "dynamic" in the sense that they are dynamically assigned to users by
Polarion. For example, the creator of a Document is automatically assigned the
document_author role, and the author of a comment automatically gets the comment_author
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Enter a name and a query that specifies the set of work items we want special permissions for
Name: Access just for question work items
Query: type:task
Change the permission options so project_user can no longer view task work items
Hint: This can also be done in the opposite manner (i.e. remove the view permissions from
general work items, create a set for questions, and give permission to view only questions)
Hint: Notice that by default the custom set inherits permissions from the general work items
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Polarion Training
(rev. 13)
5 Configuration Overview
Download the priority-enum.xml file to your desktop (by using rightclick) and open it. What you see now is a typical Polarion
configuration file
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Edit the configuration file and remove the following two entries
highest, lowest
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Verify that this new item can be created in your project frontend
Hint: Work Item templates can be used to have e.g. some predefined description. To use this
Now each new work item will have this data as default
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Before we create our custom fields we should create our enumeration values which can be selected by these custom fields.
Open Administration>Work Items>Enumerations to create the enumerations
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Verify if you create a new question and select Training Materials as topic you can only select Average or Not Urgent
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- Configuring Workflow
Hint: Be careful when adding field id´s as required, cleared, etc. they need to be spelled
correctly, otherwise Polarion is asking for a field which is not available. Polarions'
administration is not checking for misspelling.
This hint is not only important for workflow configuration also for other configurations like
Read-only fields, etc.
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All other link roles can stay as they are. A relates to link is already confgured so it doesn´t need to be modified.
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(rev. 13)
- Configuring Views
MP-914 - Create a Custom Work Item Menu for Question Work Items
Configure Polarion UI so that only relevant work item links can be created by clicking top or bottom plus icon. In our case we want people
to be able to create a follow up task based on a question.
- Configuring Views
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Open Administration>Work Items>Form Configuration and create new question form layout
On top of our question we only need a few attributes. Attributes we want to see are:
Below these we want to have following fields:
Remove all other fields
Hint: You can allign fields like hyperlinks, attachments, etc. next to each other by using
justify="true" e.g.
<horizontal justify="true">
<field id="hyperlinks"/>
<field id="attachments"/>
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visible fields because of a workflow state or action. So our next step will be to configure Polarion lite form.
Open Administration>Work Items>Form Configuration and create new question form filter
Remove all status and action specific filters
Define following create filter for action:
@required,description,topic, customPriority
Define following default filter for action:
Define following default filter for status:
Verify in the frontend that your lite form works by enabling it pressing:
So when I create a new question I will only see: description, topic and customPriority. During all other action I will see: status,description,
On each workflow status I will see: description,answer,assignee,author,customPriority,topic
MP-922 - Questions shouldn't be modified after they have been closed or answered
Once a risk has been answered or closed you might want to deny people the change of specific fields without reopening the question. For
this purpose you can define read-only fields based on specific workflow states. In our case we don't want users to change description,
answer, topic and title after they have been closed or answered. A comment should be still possible.
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8.4 Auto-Assignment
- Configuring Auto-assignment
MP-918 - Create a new rule which auto-assigns questions to you if their topic is Polarion or it's about configuration
If possible people shouldn't think about who needs to be assigned to a question. This should be done automatically. In our case we want
to assign Polarion and configuration questions automatically to ourselves.
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(rev. 13)
- Configuring Notifications
Open Administration>Notifications>Layouts
Create 2 new question layouts with name assigned and commented
Copy/paste question form layout of exercise MP-901 into assigned and commented
Open Administration>Notifications>Events and Targets and show advanced settings
Add your new layouts to workitem-commented and workitem-assigned
e.g. question-commented.xml
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Hint: Document custom fields are not type specific like in work items. Document custom fields will
be available in all specification types.
Verify your document workflow and required / cleared fields are working as configured by creating / modifying a test specification.
Hint: You can also define advanced workflow rules to use functions and conditions. e.g.
to change status of all contained work items of a specification.
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Goto frontend
Create a new document with name Questions to Polarion which contains question work items
Select following layout options by using document configuration
Verify your Polarion consultant can give answers to your questions by doing a Round trip in collaboration mode (allow to change
field "answer").
Hint: Each user can modify the fields he wants to see in a document. If you confgure Fields at End
as your personal configuration these are non visible for other users.
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Upload your changed template and verify your template is working as expected
Modify your first page header e.g. add a different logo (you can also leave it empty. In this case your first page won´t have any
header or footer)
Save file and reupload
Verify your first page is using a different header and footer.
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(rev. 13)
Open Administration>Documents & Pages>PDF Export Configuration and create a project configuration by pasting the global
Change Polarion Software and URL to MyCompany in Header
Remove $[productName] $[productVersion] in Footer
Verify in frontend changes are working by exporting a document or wiki page
Hint: You can declare custom Velocity variables and/or page parameters in classic Wiki pages,
and reference them in the header/footer export configuration. By using conditional logic in the
configuration, you can include or exclude content of the variables or page parameters in the
header/footer of exported documents.
<td width="70%" align="right">$[projectName] $[documentTitle] (rev. $[revision])
#else <td width="70%" align="right">$[projectName] $[documentTitle] (rev. $[revision])</td>
Additional Information about the used pdf engine can be found her: http://pd4ml.com/
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(rev. 13)
- Introduction Wiki
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