TB Dots Treatment in The Phillippines
TB Dots Treatment in The Phillippines
TB Dots Treatment in The Phillippines
Did you know that you can get TB infection without exhibiting any symptoms? This is called latent
TB infection and it happens when you breathe in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis, but your body
is able to fight the bacteria and stop them from thriving.
• Please note that the time before a TB infection develops into an active disease varies.
• It could happen immediately after the infection, before the body has the chance to fend
off the bacteria. This is common among vulnerable people, like babies, seniors, and those
with chronic illnesses.
• Likewise, it could happen in months or years after getting the bacteria.
• Tuberculosis in the Philippines, An Overview
• Before we move on to the discussion about the tuberculosis treatment in the Philippines,
let’s first talk about TB statistics.
• Currently, about 1 million Filipinos have active tuberculosis disease. Reports say that we
have the 3rd highest prevalence rate in the world, next to South Africa and Lesotho. More
concerning is the fact that about 70 Filipinos die every day because of TB, even though it’s
a highly curable condition.
• The World Health Organization (WHO) targets to end tuberculosis on the planet by 2030.
But in the Philippines, the cases go up annually. This makes it all the more important to
strengthen the tuberculosis treatment in the Philippines.
➢ The reason why the program is “directly-observed” is because a healthcare worker needs
to witness that the patient has indeed taken the drugs. Being directly-observed by a
healthcare worker has several advantages, namely:
• It will help the patient remember to take their medications and complete their treatment.
Completing the treatment is important because not being able to do so can result in drug
resistance, which is more costly and difficult to treat.
• The healthcare worker can see if the therapy is effective.
• The healthcare worker can notice right away if the patient develops adverse drug
There are also two other tests for the latent TB infection: TB skin test, which is mostly for children,
and TB blood test.
• In the TB skin test, the doctor will inject a little amount of fluid (tuberculin) under the skin.
• The patient must come back after 48 or 72 hours to have the injection site checked.
• Whether you’re TB positive or negative depends on the appearance of the injection site.
• In the TB blood test, the physician will collect a sample of your blood to see if the
tuberculosis bacteria are present in the body.
• It’s worth noting that both TB skin and blood tests cannot diagnose an active TB disease.
They can only check for infection.
➢ Hence, if a TB skin test or blood test gives a positive result, the patient will need
further tests (x-ray and sputum) to see if the infection has already progressed to
disease and to rule out an active TB infection.
Key Takeaways
• Pulmonary tuberculosis is one of the major health concerns in our country, accounting to
around 70 deaths daily. The good thing is this disease is highly curable through regular and
continuous medication therapy.
• The tuberculosis treatment in the Philippines, particularly the DOTS program, ensures that
TB patients receive the correct medications they need to completely clear their disease
and infection.
➢ TB spreads from person to person through tiny droplets that are released into the
air through coughing or sneezing. Close household contact with an individual with
TB is the most important risk factor for the spread of TB.
➢ The bacteria can also attack any part of the body, including your brain, intestines,
and bones, glands, as it gains entry to the blood through your lungs.
➢ Some who are exposed to TB never develop symptoms because the bacteria can
live in an inactive form in the body, also known as the latent infection. But if the
immune system weakens, as is often the case in people in people with
immunosuppressive conditions such as HIV infection and AIDS, end stage kidney
disease, diabetes mellitus, and cigarette smoking.
➢ TB bacteria can become active again (the condition is called reactivation TB).
In their re-activated state, TB bacteria cause death of tissue in the organs they
infect. Reactivation TB disease can be fatal if left untreated.
Note: Whether you’re living with this condition or you want to lessen your risk, information is
➢ Aside from answering “how does tuberculosis spread?” it also helps to know how
to spot its signs.
➢ TB usually develops slowly. In majority of cases, after primary TB infection (i.e.
entry of TB into your lungs), 90 percent of individuals with intact immunity control
the spread of the bacteria and enter a latent phase.
➢ The infection doesn’t cause any symptoms, and this is known as Latent TB. The
person remains asymptomatic, but this latent disease can potentially become
active at any time. An estimated 2 billion people have latent TB and anywhere from
5 to 15 percent of these people will suffer from reactivation of TB during their
Latent TB:
With this condition, you have a TB infection, but the bacteria remain in your body in an inactive
state. It causes no symptoms. Latent TB, which is also called inactive TB or TB infection, isn’t
contagious. Even then, it can turn into active TB, so treatment is important to help control the
spread of TB.
Active TB
This condition makes you sick and can spread to others. It can occur in the first few weeks after
infection with the TB bacteria, or it might occur years later.
Tuberculosis usually affects your lungs, but it can also affect other parts of your body, such as
your spine, your kidneys or your brain.
Tuberculosis Treatment Course (DOTS Therapy): TB Drugs List and Side effects
Tuberculosis Treatment is carried out using the DOTS Therapy which stands for Directly Observed
Treatment Short course. The DOTS therapy makes use of antituberculosis drugs over a specified
period of time under observation as patients may not comply with drugs which leads to multidrug
resistant tuberculosis. The DOTS TB treatment therefore combats resistance.
Tuberculosis can be cured completely when there is compliance with drugs and when it is detected
early enough for Treatment to be commenced before any complication develops. Once there is
complication, cure for TB can be achieved but some complications may be permanent and can
only be alleviated.
1. Rifampicin (R)
2. Isoniazid (H)
3. Ethambutol (E)
4. Pyrazinamide (Z)
5. Streptomycin (S)
6. Capreomycin
7. Kanamycin
8. Viomycin
9. Ethionamide
10. Rifabutin
11. Ciprofloxacin
12. Ofloxacin
13. Rifapentin
14. Cycloserine
In all cases of Tuberculosis, the Standard treatment is applied with addition of few drugs such as:
addition of Steroid to Genitourinary TB and Central Nervous system TB. Miliary
Tuberculosis, Pulmonary TB and other forms of Extrapulmonary TB all follow the standard
treatment outlined below.
These 4 drugs for TB that are commonly used as first line TB Drugs. This means when you have
tuberculosis, these drugs are used first to treat the TB; if it becomes resistant to treatment, then
the second line TB drugs can be used.
➢ The DOTS Plus is a strategy for management of cases with multi-drug resistant
tuberculosis. It was developed by WHO and partner agencies in 1999 based on the
same principle with DOTS.
➢ The DOTS plus includes the use of sputum culture and drug susceptibility test for
diagnosis of TB and uses both first line drugs and second line drugs like
Ethionamide, Capreomycin, Thiacetacone and Fluoroqiunolones.
➢ Understanding Tuberculosis – the
Basics. http://www.webmd.com/lung/understanding-tuberculosis-basics.
Accessed August 20, 2016. Tuberculosis - Symptoms and
Causes http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/tuberculosis/symptoms-
causes/dxc-20188557. Accessed August 20, 2016. Understanding Tuberculosis –
Diagnosis and Treatment. http://www.webmd.com/lung/understanding-
tuberculosis-treatment. Accessed August 20, 2016.
➢ Written by Vincent Sales Updated Aug 29, 2020
➢ Medically reviewed by Mike Kenneth Go Doratan, MD
➢ Medications/Treatments | © 2022 Jotscroll Tuberculosis Treatment Course (DOTS
Therapy): TB Drugs List and Side effects - Jotscroll
➢ Michael Z. Cayabyab, RN, MSN (inp.)