Criterion 10 Continous Improvement

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10.1 Actions taken based on the results of evaluation of each of the POs (20)

Programme General
SL.NO Target Achieved Attainment
Outcome Observations
PO-1: Apply
knowledge of
theories and
01 practices to
solve business

PO-2: Foster
analytical and
abilities for
PO-3: Ability
to develop
03 value-based
PO-4: Ability
to understand,
analyze and
04 economic,
legal and
ethical aspects
of business.

PO-5: Ability
to lead
themselves and
others in the
achievement of
effectively to a

PO-6: Ability
to demonstrate
skill sets with
modern tools to
06 be effective in
personal and

The attainment level was fixed to ……. % from Criterion 3 i.e.

SL.NO Range of Points Percent POS Attainment


Actions taken thereof based on the attainment:

Most likely actions:

1. Special guest lectures arranged from alumni and industry experts on various subjects for
subsequent batches
2. Bridge course having content of analytical and logical reasoning and basic accounting
principles for non-commerce students. Besides basics were taught to non-management
stream for finance papers and qualitative aptitude for commerce stream students
3. For self-learning ICT was extensively used
4. To enable effective learning students were formed in groups and were asked to work on
assigned projects
5. Enrichment classes were held by all faculties on Zoom online platform and few recorded
sessions were uploaded on Youtube for students benefit
6. Significance of vesting importance to all subjects were duly highlighted for students and
its need for placement
7. Continuous career guidance, mentoring and mock screening tests were regularly conducted
to augment subject learning
8. Attendance and Internal marks are updated in contineo software for better output and
9. The students may be better able to accomplish the intended learning outcome if they are
given more reading assignments with detailed follow-up questions.
10. Writing in a business setting differs from writing in an academic setting. The pupils have
a strong foundation in academic writing. For the course to develop the students' business-
writing abilities, remedial sessions must be combined with formative evaluation.
11. Although the students essentially met the CO requirements, the project may be made more
difficult by include a few additional dimensions. One part of the project that can be
included is writing for social media.
12. Fewer sessions were allocated to this CO in terms of number. Additionally, activities,
readings, and assignments outside of the classroom might be created to broaden the
students' knowledge bases.
13. The data from the specified sectors must be analyzed by the students. Students have been
provided case studies from the fields of finance, marketing, human resources, and
operations to help them comprehend the actual behavior of excel sheets in the industry.

Assessment tools used for measuring attainment of program outcomes:

Direct Assessment Measures:

A sample of actual student work, including reports, exams, presentations, performances, and
completed works, serves as the basis for direct measures. These evaluation tools assist teachers in
documenting what pupils are capable of doing, which is then utilized as proof of their learning.
Live projects, exhibits, performances, portfolios, student publications, field projects, and
presentations are a few examples of direct evaluation methods.
Indirect Assessment Measures:
Values, perceptions, feelings, and attitudes are examples of elements that cannot be directly shown.
These are only a handful of the direct measurement's potential flaws. As a result, there are multiple
perspectives from which indirect measures of perceived student learning can be derived, including
those of students, teachers, internship supervisors, and employers. The institute typically depends
mostly on student feedback and to a lesser extent on comments from recruiters. Additional details
regarding what students are learning and how various stakeholders value this learning are provided
by indirect measures. Indirect measurements are not as reliable as direct measures in demonstrating
student learning, hence they often receive less weight (about 20%) when assessing PO
achievement. Student surveys, faculty, employer, and focus groups with students are a few
examples of indirect assessment methods in use.

Assessment tools for Direct Measurement

Sl.No Assessment Type Description
01 Course-Enabled Assessment Questions incorporated into tests or course
assignments to evaluate students' learning
02 Performance Assessment Student projects are used in performance
assessments to gauge students' abilities and
knowledge. Assignments for classes,
projects, presentations, and similar tasks all
fall under this category.
03 Student Papers and Projects In order to determine how effectively the
students are meeting the program's
knowledge and skill goals, samples of their
work from a range of courses are examined.
04 Reflective Essays Reflective essays can be used as a method
for evaluation to determine how well
students comprehend the material and
themes covered in class.
05 Oral Presentation A demonstration in class of the outcomes of
a certain project that has been carried out by
a single student or by a group of students in
order to complete a project or course
assignment using rubrics
06 Course of Independent Comprehensive studies and analyses that
Study / Research Paper
show excellent intellectual achievement,
independent original research, and the
advancement of a novel viewpoint

Process of Collecting Evidence and Measuring PO attainment Values

The first step in gathering data and determining PO attainment values is mapping the courses that
contain pertinent material and assessment methods that can determine PO attainment. Each course
has a specific set of course outcomes that students are expected to exhibit and that have been
carefully chosen to correspond with particular POs. Individual and group tests, exams, and
assignments are crucial in determining the amount of learning that a student should attain in the
courses (attainment of course outcomes), and subsequently in the program (attainment of program
outcomes). The following points are examined when preparing the assessment of course outcomes:
 The connection between assessment questions and course learning objectives
 Whether the selected assessment techniques are effective at evaluating the expected course
 Whether or not every learning objective has been assessed
For assessments, particularly those with many performance criteria, such class projects, reports,
etc., rubrics are created and used. The goals and objectives of assessments serve as the foundation
for rubrics, which offer a well-organized competency layer.
After completing the assessment tasks, the scores of each student on each test are calculated to
determine whether the course objectives have been met. The faculty establishes threshold values
for student performance or score at the start of the course based on historical patterns. The course
outcome achievement levels are also established at the start of the course. In accordance with
standard procedure, three degrees of achievement are determined by the proportion of pupils who
achieve the threshold score or value. In general, pupils who score between 60 and 69 percent higher
than the cut score or value in several assessment components are considered to have attained
attainment level 1. Similar to attainment level 1, attainment level 2 is defined as 70–79%, and
attainment level 3 is defined as more than 80% of pupils scoring above the cutoff in various
assessment components. The weighted average of the attainment numbers across the various
assessment components for each course outcome is used to calculate the overall attainment of each
course outcome. The responsible faculty member creates a course learning report at the conclusion
of the term that details the overall success of the course objectives. The report also includes
information about the corresponding PO. At the program level, CO attainment and associated POs
are combined. By computing the weighted average of the attainment values of COs from all the
courses that correspond to or are related to that PO, the attainment level of that PO is ascertained.
The weights assigned are in direct proportion to how closely a certain course relates to that PO.

10.2 Academic Audit and actions taken thereof during the period of assessment (10)

Suggestions for improvements were given by both alumni and industry experts on demand
for new specialization/course/ programme:
 Inputs on alumni for providing current batch students with new
 Bringing in new benchmarking academic partners if required by signing MoU for
knowledge sharing and gap identification in relation to contemporary developments in
the field of management
 Feedback of Faculty on curriculum as well as teaching learning evaluation is made. This
feedback is utilized for changing the syllabus and introducing new subjects matching at
par with the industry requirements
 Feedback of Students on Staff, Curriculum and Teaching Learning evaluation is made.
Feedback with regard to staff is utilized in a constructive manner to update and equip
the teachers with new knowledge and new teaching skill suited for today’s business
scenario. Feedback of Students on Curriculum and Teaching Learning evaluation is
used to upgrade and enhance the syllabus to industry needs.
 Feedbacks obtained from students are certainly required to enrich their soft skills and
employability skills. Besides it is also utilized for offering new courses duly taken into
consideration and also for updating syllabus
 Training in emerging areas for the benefit of students like SPSS, Excel workshop,
Digital marketing etc
 Signed pact with nearby industries for effective MOUs.

10.3. Improvement in Placement, Higher Studies and Entrepreneurship (10)

Sl.No Items 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020
01 No. of students
placed in 63 65
companies or (50 Students (56 students
Government placed from placed from
Sector (x) college college
13 students got 09 students
placed on their placed on their
own) own)

02 No. of students
pursuing Ph.D. / 0 1
Higher Studies
03 No. of students
entrepreneur (In
the areas related 08 16
discipline) (z)
04 X+Y+Z 71 83

 Core Companies with Human Resources, Operations, Logistics, Marketing, Systems and
Finance Function had placed the students in all the aforesaid years
 Pay Package in 3 years has also increased considerably. However due to the effect of Covid
19 placements has been hit slightly for 2018-2020 batches due to unforseen market
KLE IMSR has an impeccable track record of achieving good placements year on year. The
best companies visit the campus every year. To uphold this tradition, we at IMSR constantly
upgrade our curriculum and pedagogy to keep abreast of the changing needs of business. The
students are instilled with a strong cross functional perspective which forms the essence of an
ideal B-School. IMSR students are closely involved with all forms of industry interface and
gain hands-on experience, which leads to a deeper understanding of management concepts.
They are also encouraged to organize seminars, management meets and workshops to develop
managerial and organizing skills, thus equipping them with the right tools to become
tomorrow’s business leaders.
The placement activity that any management institute undertakes is a reflection of the
participation of the institute in building the careers of its students. To ensure this, IMSR has
set up the Placement cell which looks after the placement activities of its students throughout
the year. IMSR also believes that the entire placement exercise is a collaborative effort between
IBS, the recruiters and the students. While it provides guidance and support through an
extensive network with potential employers, the students have the responsibility of putting in
the maximum possible efforts to obtain suitable placements.
KLE IMSR believes in creating opportunities for its students to apply academic knowledge to
real-life scenarios. All students are required to take up Summer Internship Program (SIP) and
MCP (Major concurrent project) at any organization. Through these programs students not
only learn more but can also complete a meaningful value added project for the company which
may lead to final placement of the student. Over the years, IMSR has gained extensive
corporate support, with the result that summer projects have been diverse, challenging and
mutually beneficial to both the student and the corporate which in turn reflects on the final

10.4. Improvement in the quality of students admitted to the program (10)

Sl.No 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

01 Work
02 No. of Male
Students 61 47 60
03 No. of Female
Students 59 69 60
04 Total No. of
Students 120 116 120
05 Engineering 08 06 15
06 Science 02 03 05
07 Arts 00 02 00
08 Commerce 77 85 71
09 BBA 26 13 14
10 BCA 07 07 14

The MBA Program offered at KLE IMSR under Karnatak University Dharwad provides a broad
perspective of all areas of management. The courses offered in the program are practice oriented
with emphasis placed on application of principles, tools and concepts to meet challenges and
problems faced in today’s organizations. These courses are carefully designed by the university to
impart to students a managerial perspective in formulating and implementing corporate strategy.
Students learn to take decisions critically and analytically taking into account the business
considerations and ethical implications of these decisions and to deepen the understanding of the
key functional areas and strategic dimensions of management, and to encourage future
professionals to equip themselves with the latest tools and techniques.

Personality development programme (PDP) and Soft skills:

IMSR certainly supplements the MBA program with PDP and soft skills which do provide a unique
opportunity for the student to develop, upgrade their overall personality, communication and also
presentation skills.
The learning outcomes for students from this program include:
 Good English language skills which includes written and spoken skills
 Good presentation skills among students
 Soft skills program enables to develop adequate self confidence in inter-personal skills,
team building as well as leadership
 It enables to take effective part in various selection procedures adopted by corporate
 Develop among students self-confidence and self-esteem so that they can be well equipped
and also ready to operate
 Students can become more effective and adapt themselves to dynamic business

Mentoring system to help at individual level:

Type of mentoring: Professional guidance/career advancement/course work specific/laboratory
Specific/all round development. Number of faculty mentors: Number of students per mentor:
Frequency of meeting: The institution may report the details of the mentoring system that has been
developed for the students for various purposes and also state the efficacy of such system.

Sl.No Parameter Actions taken

01 Mentoring System Yes
02 Type of Mentoring Total development
03 Number of faculty mentors 10
04 Number of students per mentor 10-12
05 Frequency of meeting Weekly/Fortnightly

Details of the mentoring system:

 A faculty mentor is assigned to a group of 10-12 students to deal with their problems
 The mentor maintains record of students.
 The mentor regularly meets and observes the overall growth of student and provides
counselling whenever required.
 The mentor also makes sure to maintain a regular parent-teacher dialogue.

Efficiency of the system:

 The system develops an interaction among the teachers, students and parents.
 The system helps to improve the academic performance of the students.
 The system provides scope for healthy, positive and stress free state of mind for enhancing
skillset among students
 The mentors meet the students periodically and monitor their performance and their
 Guidance regarding the lagging issues is provided. Occasionally tutor meeting with the
parents is conducted based on the requirement.

Feedback collection and analysis process:

Feedback is collected from existing students along with their suggestions for improvement. The
program faculty analyzes the feedback, prepares the report and presents it to the Director. The
analysis is extensively discussed specially on the weaknesses found in specific POs attainment.
Based on which, corrective measures are devised. In case some recommendations of computer
laboratories or resources are identified, the Director however takes the recommendation to the
management for taking actions for providing the same.
Feedback collection process:
Standard facility wise feedback form with questionnaire and space for descriptive suggestion is
collected from the students every mid-semester.
Feedback analysis process:
Collected feedback is scrutinized by the Assessment Committee in presence of the Director

Corrective measures taken:

 Student’s facilities mainly on computer laboratories and class room ambience, furniture,
projector and table is satisfactory or not
 Student’s feedback on major facilities such as library, number of books to be increased and
purchase of books in library etc
 Student’s feedback on certain facilities such as speed of the internet to be improved as band
width is also increased
 Student’s feedback on facilities such as additional sports equipment’s were taken into
consideration and extra sports equipment’s were purchased
 Students are also provided with Wi-Fi access and also dedicated computer laboratory.
Students however can also work on their laptops anywhere in the campus.

Concept of self-learning:
 The present curriculum offers course like major concurrent project and summer internship
project where topics are self-selected or based on guide selection. Also the component of
self-learning is quite evaluated in these courses
 Guest lectures are organized as aligned with CO’s and PO’s.
 Past year projects are made available to students for improvement & innovation

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