827-Article Text-1632-1-10-20210422
827-Article Text-1632-1-10-20210422
827-Article Text-1632-1-10-20210422
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31933/dijemss.v2i4
Received: 16 March 2021, Revised: 15 April 2021, Publish: 22 April 2021
Abstract: This research has intended to reveal the impact caused by training, motivation and
organizational culture on employee performance at the BLSDM Education and Training
Center of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics. This research type was included in
descriptive quantitative through distributing questions to employees on a Likert scale. The
respondents used as many as 40 employees with help from SPPS25 software program, data
analysis was carried out by validity, reliability, and some linear regression correlation. The
sampling technique obtained from its sample of respondents with the data analysis technique
used was multiple linear regression. The results showed that; (1) Training had a significant
effect on employee performance; (2) Motivation has a significant impact on employee
performance; (3) Organizational culture had a significant impact on employees.
Keywords: Training, Motivation, Organizational Culture, Employee Performance.
In this current reform era and the impact of global competition, it has greatly
accelerated and hugely transformed the performance improvement from the government
apparatus. Human resource (HR) issues recently become the center of attention from a
bureaucracy or any organization to survive in this globalization era along with growth
rapidly. The levels of competition, human resources within the organization are tightly
related to the overall organizational strategy and excellent Human Resources planning.
Government officials are required to work professionally, moral, clean, and ethical in
order to support the bureaucratic reform and encourage the smooth running of government
and development tasks as well as improving performance. According to the BKN regulation
Number 8 of 2019 in article 1 paragraph 13 which stated that the professional standards of the
State Civil Apparatus are the criteria that used to seizing the level of professionalism which
includes the dimensions of qualification, competence, performance, and discipline. Currently,
the performance quality of civil servants in Indonesia still could be said not good enough.
Thus, the indicators which have a huge contribution in organizational culture are
professionalism, innovation and team work.
In order to shape that character on the State Civil Apparatus (ASN), it is necessary to
provide guidance through training that leads to an effort to increase the competence, attitude
and dedication spirit, efficiency, effectiveness and quality from its ongoing tasks. In order to
face current demands and tasks and particularly to answer the future challenges, education
and training is oblige. The development of Human Resources (HR) which is performed by
the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemkominfo) through training is an effort
to improve its employees.
Quoted from overall survey result on participants, all of them said that 87.45% of the
training programs responded to the benefits of itself which followed in excellent category,
meaning that it can be hugely interpreted that the participants felt their insight and knowledge
increased after participating in the training. However, the cost of education and training at the
HR Research and Development Center for Education and Training Institutions has been
fluctuated each year, this cause of the agency budget work plan policy and in 2018 the target
achievement of participants was only 68.3% and 12 training programs for managerial,
technical and training practices were conducted functionally, so there needs to be a more
precise application of competency-based training.
Apart from the competency-based training factor, the pre-survey results showed that
there were two other main factors that were considered to have a strong impact on employee
performance levels, such as motivation (73%) and organizational culture (66%). Therefore,
the author would like to research further related to this variable to prove the partial and
simultaneous influence which from competency-based training, motivation and
organizational culture towards the employees' performance of the Education and Training
Center and Human Resources Research and Development Agency at the Ministry of
Communication and Informatics.
Training and development in organizations begins when person joins an organization
and continues throughout career in that organization. Dessler in Sinambela (2016) were
explained that training is a process of teaching skills which needed by new employees to do
their jobs. According to Aguinis & Kraiger in Alfiyah & Riyanto (2019) training is defined as
a systematic method which has an impact on increasing the knowledge, skills and attitudes in
an efforts to improve the effectiveness of individuals, teams and organizations. According to
Noe (2012:41) training dimensions consist of: training needs, training readiness, creating a
learning environment, ensuring training transition, selecting training methods, and evaluating
training programs.
Motivation is a factor which encourages someone to do a certain activity.
Mangkunegara (2011:61) suggests that motivation is a condition or energy which moves
employees who are leads or aimed at reaching the goals of the company. While Sunyoto
(2012:191) in Maruhun & Chaerudin (2019) defines the motivation as driving factor on
someone's willingness to work, each motive has its own specific goal that need to be
achieved. Motivational indicators used in this research were include: physiological needs,
safety needs, social needs, achievement needs and self-activation needs (Maslow in Bangun,
Organizational Culture
Culture is very important, particularly for the company, because a strong culture will
make every employee think that rules are not something that should be feared of while
carrying out their work obligations but turn into a necessity. According to Robbins & Coulter
(2012:51), Organizational culture is shared values, principles, traditions and ways of doing
things which affect the way organizational members act. Irnawati & Prasetyo (2020) revealed
that organizational culture often refers to values, symbols which are understood and obeyed
by whole members which are set up by an organization so the organizational members would
feel like a family and divers condition from other organizations. The dimensions of
organizational culture were found by Robbins & Coulter (2012:57) which consist of:
innovation and risk taking, attention to detail, outcome orientation, people orientation, team
orientation, aggressiveness and stability.
Employee Performance
Organizational performance is hugely determined by the elements of its employees,
therefore when doing evaluation of the performance of an organization it should be measured
in terms of work performance of its employees. Maharjan in Aima et al. (2017) explained that
performance is the result that reached because they would feel motivated by their own work
and satisfied with the work they have done. Meanwhile, Mangkunegara (2011:67) stated that
the performance is the actual result of work in terms of quality and quantity that achieved by
an employee in carrying out their duties with responsibilities manner assigned to him.
Furthermore, Mangkunegara (2011:75) also revealed that employee performance could be
assessed from: quality of work, quantity of work, implementation of duties and also
Previous Research
Alfiyah & Riyanto (2019), and Mardiyah & Purba (2019) found that training has a
significant impact on improving the performance of employee. Maruhun & Chaerudin
(2019), and Putra & Ruslan (2021) found that employees who have high motivation will have
an impact on increasing their owned performance. Suryadi & Aima (2019), and Anitha &
Kumar (2016) found that organizational culture had a positive impact on improving the
performance of the employee .
Theoretical Framework
Based on the phenomena, research objectives, and previous research that has been
submitted, the framework in this study can be described as follows:
According to the wide explaination about theoretical framework above, the hypothesis
in this research could be written as follows:
H1: Training has a positive and significant impact on employee performance
H2: Motivation has a positive and significant impact on employee performance.
H3: Organizational culture has a positive and significant impact on employee performance
H4: Training, motivation and organizational culture have a positive and significant impact on
employee performance.
The research method used sample survey with a questionnaire that needs to be filled in
by the respondents. In this case, the respondents are the employees of Pusdiklat Balitbang and
SDM at Ministry of Communication and Informatics. This research was included in
descriptive quantitative to discover the correlation between each variables. The variables
which affect employee performance in this research are training, motivation, and
organizational culture. The population and sample in this study were 40 Civil Servants of the
Education and Training Center. The data analysis method that was used in this research
includes descriptive statistics, research instrument test, classical assumption test, multiple
regression analysis and hypothesis examination through SPSS 25.
According to the multicollinearity test results, it was found that all VIF values are less
than 10 and the tolerance values are above 0.1. So it could be interpreted that there is no
multicollinearity occurs.
According to the heteroscedasticity test results, it could be seen that there is no clear
pattern such as dots widened above or below the number 0 on the Y axis, so it could be
interpreted that the data were free from heteroscedasticity.
From the F-test, it was notice that the value of F = 47.052 with Sig. = 0.000 <0.05, so it
could be said that training, motivation and organizational culture simultaneous affects the
employee performance with a large influence of 79.7% (R2 = 0.797).
Gained from the research results that has been carried out through analysis tools SPSS
25.0, it was found that training partially had a significant impact on the employees'
performance at HR Research and Development Center on the Ministry of Communication
and Informatics. The results from this research were in line with the research who conducted
by Alfiyah & Riyanto (2019) and Mardiyah & Purba (2019) which found that training had a
significant impact on improving the employees' performance. Based on the correlation matrix
between the dimensions training variables and employee performance, the calculation results
showed that the data with the strongest correlation was occured on readiness to responsibility.
This shows that changes in the training variable, particularly the readiness on training
dimension would have greatest correlation with responsibility dimension of employee
performance variable. Training is not only become the responsibility of the organization, but
also for individual employees. This because both the organization and employees will gain
the benefit from it. Not all abilities (skills) needed by the field of work could be earned from
formal schools, because those skills required are more specific and focus on what will be
assigned. Training for employees is a process of teaching certain knowledge and skills and
attitudes so employees would be more skillfull and able to carry out their responsibilities
better accordingly to the standards.
According to the research results which has been carried out by analysis tools SPSS
25.0, it was found that motivation partially had a significant impact on employees'
performance at Pusdiklat Balitbang and HR on the Ministry of Communication and
Informatics. The results from this research were in line with research by Maruhun &
Chaerudin (2019) and Putra & Ruslan (2021) who found that employees who have a high
motivation will have an impact on improving their own performances. According to the
correlation matrix between the dimensions of motivation variable and employees'
performance, it seens that the strongest correlation occured on social dimensions to the
quality. Which means that changes in the motivation variable, particularly in the social
dimension would have huge impact towards the dimension of quality from employee
performance variable. Motivation is one of the driving factors on employees to work as much
as possible to achieve organizational goals and it objectives. The success of an employee
could be viewed from the results of their work or their achievements. In order to make
employees nailing their jobs, the organizations need to provide the training to employees so it
could lift the employees' motivation. Motivation possessed by employees would increase the
productivity and effectiveness at work Thus they could achieve the goals and targets which
set by the organization.
According to the research results which has been done through analysis tools SPSS
25.0, it was found that organizational culture partially had a significant impact towards the
employees' performance at HR Research and Training Center on the Ministry of
Communication and Information. These results were in line with research by Suryadi & Aima
(2019), Anitha & Kumar (2016) who found that organizational culture had a positive impact
in improving the performance. According to the correlation matrix between the dimensions
shows that the data with the strongest correlation was occured between innovation
dimensions and responsibility dimensions. Which means that the changes in organizational
culture variables, especially in the innovation dimension would have huge impact towards
responsibility dimension from the employee performance variable. Organizational culture is
the main part of an organization, which has the power to determine the success or failure of
an organization. This success could be realized if there has huge support from all members.
Organizational culture is often used or plays a role as a guide in controlling and carrying out
the work activities for each member in the organization. A strong organizational culture
would have a positive influence on the employees' performance because through that the
employees would have a perception that they are in the same cultural values. This would
create a comfortable at work environment for employees and surely increase employee
motivation to work
Simultaneous test results show that training, motivation, and organizational culture
simultaneously affect employee performance. Organizational performance is largely
determined by the employee element. Therefore, in measuring the performance of an
organization first it should be measured in terms of the work performance of its employees.
Employee performance could bring the organization to achieve its goals. An excellent
employee performance could be supported by social factors, psychological factors and
individual factors. This research were analyze the impact of training, motivation and
organizational culture where these variables are included in the performance factor.
Employees need to qualified their ability and competence to accomplished the work. This
competency could be earned through various training and development programs. On this
training process the leader should ensure that they encourages the employees so they could
completed their duties and achieve achievements at work. Organizational culture were also
affects performance, the more positive the organizational culture it will create employees'
comfort at work which will increase the employee productivity at work. Bear in mind about
the role of organizational culture on employee performance, therefore it would be better if in
a team what is needed is the willingness employees to collaborate with each other in
completing tasks given by superiors so the target will be maximally achieved. Thus,
employees are expected to shows its accuracy in doing all work. In accordance with the
Decree of the Minister of Communication and Informatics No.315 of 2015 point (c)
regarding the determination of values which use as the basic and foundation for the
leadership and all employees which stated that integrity implies from thinking, saying,
behaving and acting, accordingly and uphold the principles and moral values as well as the
applicable code of ethics.
Elicited from the results of discussion analysis and some of the conclusions above, the
suggestions which could be recommendation to complement these research results as follows:
1) In the training variable, it was found that this dimension has a small impact on employee
performance. This need to be concern for the leaders or Head of the HR Research and
Development Center at the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, it
shows that this method dimensions in efforts to achieve the effective training are very
important for employee performance by implementing their work so as to increase the
work productivity and possibly become a career targets. What is done by the leadership is
that the method chosen in the training program should be adjusted to the type of training
that carried out and developed.
2) In the motivation variable, it was found that the security dimension has a small impact on
employee performance, the lower the need for security in employees, will give bad work
productivity so it affects the performance. This should be a concern for leaders and
organizations so they can look back to the divide of tasks or assignment by providing
guidance, including or involving on meetings, seminars, workshops, group discussion
forums and adding in trainings, technical guidance in order to improve their technical
competence and employees would be motivated in the context of the need for a sense of
security which will have an impact on the employees performance themselves and the
3) In the Organizational Culture variable, it was found that the aggressiveness dimension
had small impact to employee performance, this needs to be a concern for leaders and
organizations on this department in order to build good communication with employees
which aims to encourage an intensive interaction so the employees could have a mutual
correlation in order to give it back aspirations quickly and will foster mutual respect in a
positive work culture and leaders could actively adding the employees in solving
problems or finding solutions in meetings then the employees would feel that their role
and involvement in the organization has important place as well which it would increase
the aggressiveness of every employees to be better.
4) The authors expectation for further research is that they could investigate further into
other variables which has an impact on employee performance. The significant impact
from training, motivation and organizational culture on employee performance which
could be found in this research has open any possibility relates to other influential factors
from other variables such as work environment, work discipline, work stress,
competence, organizational commitment, compensation, leadership style and others.
Adding more respondents from several government agencies which have a positive value
and have an impact in improving organizational performance to reached the goals.
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