SB-619 - ASME BPVC 2021 Sección II Part B

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B-2021 SB-619/SB-619M



SB-619/SB-619M ð21Þ

(Identical with ASTM Specification B619/B619M-17 except certification and test reports have been made mandatory
per SB-775.)

SB-619/SB-619M ASME BPVC.II.B-2021

Specification for
Welded Nickel and Nickel-Cobalt Alloy Pipe

1. Scope by the manufacturer, to establish appropriate safety and health

1.1 This specification covers welded pipe of nickel and practices, and determine the applicability of regulatory limi-
nickel-cobalt alloys (UNS N10001; UNS N10242; UNS tations prior to use.
N10665; UNS N12160; UNS N10624; UNS N10629; UNS 1.7 This international standard was developed in accor-
N10675; UNS N10276; UNS N06455; UNS N06007; UNS dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-
N06975; UNS N08320; UNS N06002; UNS N06022; UNS ization established in the Decision on Principles for the
N06035; UNS N06044; UNS N06058; UNS N06059; UNS Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-
N06200; UNS N10362; UNS N06985; UNS N06030; UNS mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical
R30556; UNS N08031; UNS N06230; UNS N06686; UNS Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
N06210; and UNS R20033) as shown in Table 1. 2. Referenced Documents
1.2 This specification covers pipe in Schedules 5S, 10S, 2.1 ASTM Standards:
40S, and 80S through 8-in. nominal pipe size and larger as set B775 Specification for General Requirements for Nickel and
forth in ANSI B36.19 (see Table 2). Nickel Alloy Welded Pipe
1.3 Two classes of pipe are covered as follows: B899 Terminology Relating to Non-ferrous Metals and Al-
1.3.1 Class I—As welded and solution annealed or welded loys
and sized and solution annealed. E527 Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys in the
1.3.2 Class II—Welded, cold worked, and solution an- Unified Numbering System (UNS)
nealed. 2.2 ANSI Standards:
1.4 All pipe shall be furnished in the solution annealed and B36.19 Stainless Steel Pipe
descaled condition. When atmosphere control is used, descal- B2.1 Pipe Threads
ing is not necessary. 2.3 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
Section IX Welding and Brazing Qualifications
1.5 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units
are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in 3. Terminology
each system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each 3.1 For definitions of terms used in this standard refer to
system shall be used independently of the other. Combining Terminology B899.
values from the two systems may result in non-conformance
with the standard. 4. General Requirement
1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the 4.1 Material furnished under this specification shall con-
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the form to the applicable requirements of Specification B775
responsibility of the user of this standard to become familiar unless otherwise provided herein.
with all hazards including those identified in the appropriate
5. Ordering Information
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for this product/material as provided
5.1 It is the responsibility of the purchaser to specify all
requirements that are necessary for material ordered under this

TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements
Composition Limits, %
Ni Cr Mo Fe W C Si Co Mn V P S Ti Cu Cb Al Zr La N B Cb Ta Ni+ Mg
max max max (Nb) (Nb) Mo
Ni-Mo Alloys
N10001 remainderA 1.0 26.0- 4.0-6.0 ... 0.05 1.0 2.5 1.0 0.2- 0.04 0.03 ... ... ...
max 30.0 max max max 0.4
N10665 remainder 1.0 26.0- 2.0 max ... 0.02 0.10 1.0 1.0 ... 0.04 0.03 ... ... ...
max 30.0 max max max
N10675 65.0 min 1.0- 27.0- 1.0-3.0 3.0 0.01 0.10 3.0 3.0 0.20 0.030 0.010 0.20 0.20 ... 0.50 0.10 ... ... ... 0.20 0.20 94.0-
3.0 32.0 max max max max max max max max max max max 98.0
N10629 remainderA 0.5- 26.0- 1.0-6.0 ... 0.01 0.05 2.5 1.5 ... 0.04 0.01 ... 0.5 ... 0.1- ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1.5 30.0 max max max max 0.5
N10624 remainderA 6.0- 21.0- 5.0-8.0 ... 0.01 0.10 1.0 1.0 ... 0.025 0.01 ... 0.5 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
10.0 25.0 max max max max
N10242 remainderA 7.0- 24.0- 2.0 max 0.03 0.80 1.00 0.80 0.030 0.015 0.50 0.50 0.006
9.0 26.0 max max max max max max
Low C Ni-
Cr-Mo Alloys
N10276 remainderA 14.5- 15.0- 4.0-7.0 3.0- 0.010 0.08 2.5 1.0 0.35 0.04 0.03 ... ... ...
16.5 17.0 4.5 max max max max
N06022 remainderA 20.0- 12.5- 2.0-6.0 2.5- 0.015 0.08 2.5 0.5 0.35 0.02 0.02 ... ... ...

22.5 14.5 3.5 max max max max
N06035 remainderA 32.25- 7.60- 2.00 max 0.60 0.050 0.60 1.00 0.50 0.20 0.030 0.015 ... 0.30 ... 0.40
34.25 9.00 max max max max max max max

N06044 balance 43.5- 0.80- ... 0.02 ... 0.07- ... 0.10- ... ... 0.30 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
0.3 max 0.20 0.020 0.020
45.3 1.20 max 0.30 0.30 max
N06058 balance 20.0- 18.5- 1.5 max 0.3 0.010 0.10 0.3 0.50 0.015 0.010 ... 0.50 ... 0.40 0.02-
23.0 21.0 max max max max max max max 0.15
N06059 balance 22.0- 15.0- 1.5 max ... 0.010 0.10 0.3 0.5 ... 0.015 0.010 ... 0.50 ... 0.1- ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
24.0 16.5 max max max max 0.4
N06455 remainder 14.0- 14.0- 3.0 max ... 0.015 0.08 2.0 1.0 ... 0.04 0.03 0.70 ... ...
18.0 17.0 max max max max
N06007 remainderA 21.0- 5.5- 18.0-21.0 1.0 0.05 1.0 2.5 1.0- ... 0.04 0.03 ... 1.5- 1.75-
23.5 7.5 max max max 2.0 2.5 2.5
N06975 47.0-52.0 23.0- 5.0- remainder ... 0.03 1.0 ... 1.0 ... 0.03 0.03 0.70- 0.70- ...
26.0 7.0 max max 1.50 1.20
N06985 remainder 21.0- 6.0- 18.0-21.0 1.5 0.015 1.0 5.0 1.0 ... 0.04 0.03 ... 1.5- 0.50
23.5 8.0 max max max max max 2.5 max
N06030 remainder 28.0- 4.0- 13.0-17.0 1.5- 0.03 0.8 5.0 1.5 ... 0.04 0.02 ... 1.0- 0.30-
31.5 6.0 4.0 max max max 2.4 1.50
N08320 25.0-27.0 21.0- 4.0- remainder ... 0.05 1.0 ... 2.5 ... 0.04 0.03 4xC ... ...
23.0 6.0 max max min

N06002 remainderA 20.5- 8.0- 17.0-20.0 0.20- 0.05- 1.0 0.5- 1.0 ... 0.04 0.03 ... ... ...
23.0 10.0 1.0 0.15 2.5 max
R30556 19.0-22.5 21.0- 2.5- remainder 2.0- 0.05- 0.20- 16.0- 0.50- ... 0.04 0.015 ... ... ... 0.10- 0.001- 0.005- 0.10- 0.02 0.30 0.3-
23.0 4.0 3.5 0.15 0.80 21.0 2.00 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.30 max max 1.25
TABLE 1 Continued
Composition Limits, %
Ni Cr Mo Fe W C Si Co Mn V P S Ti Cu Cb Al Zr La N B Cb Ta Ni+ Mg
max max max (Nb) (Nb) Mo
N06230 remainderA 20.0- 1.0- 3.0 max 13.0- 0.05- 0.25- 5.0 0.30- ... 0.03 0.015 ... ... ... 0.50 ... 0.005- ... 0.015 ... ...
24.0 3.0 15.0 0.15 0.75 max 1.00 max 0.050 max
Low C-Ni-
N06200 remainderA 22.0- 15.0- 3.0 max ... 0.010 0.08 2.0 0.50 ... 0.025 0.010 ... 1.3- ... 0.50
24.0 17.0 max max max 1.9 max
Mo-Cr Alloy

N10362 13.8- 21.5- 1.25 max ... 0.010 0.08 ... 0.60 ... 0.025 0.010 ... ... ... 0.50 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
15.6 23.0 max max max
Low C-Ni-

Mo-Cu Alloy
N08031 30.0-32.0 26.0- 6.0- balance ... 0.015 0.3 ... 2.0 ... 0.020 0.010 ... 1.0- ... ... ... ... 0.15- ... ... ...
28.0 7.0 max max 1.4 0.25
Low C-Ni-
N06686 remainderA 19.0- 15.0- 5.0 max 3.0- 0.010 0.08 ... 0.75 ... 0.04 0.02 0.02- ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
23.0 17.0 4.4 max max 0.25
N12160 remainderA 26.0- 1.0 3.5 max 1.0 0.15 2.4- 27.0- 1.5 ... 0.030 0.015 0.20- ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1.0 ... ... ...
30.0 max max max 3.0 33.0 max 0.80 max
R20033 30.0-33.0 31.0- 0.50- balance ... 0.015 0.50† ... 2.0 ... 0.02 0.01 ... 0.3- ... ... ... ... 0.35- ... ... ... ... ...
35.0 2.0 max max 1.20 0.60
Low C-Ni-
N06210 remainderA 18.0- 18.0- 1.0 max ... 0.015 0.08 1.0 0.5 0.35 0.02 0.02 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1.5-
20.0 20.0 max max max 2.2
The composition of the remainder shall be determined arithmetically by difference.
ASME BPVC.II.B-2021 SB-619/SB-619M

TABLE 2 Dimensions of Welded Pipe

NOTE 1—The following table is a partial reprint of Table 1 of ANSI B36.19.

NOTE 2—The decimal thickness listed for the respective pipe sizes represents their nominal or average wall dimensions.
Nominal Nominal Wall Thickness
Outside Diameter
Pipe Size, Schedule 5SA Schedule 10SA Schedule 40S Schedule 80S
in. in. [mm] in. [mm] in. [mm] in. [mm] in. [mm]

18 0.405 10.29 ... ... 0.049 1.24 0.068 1.73
1⁄4 0.540 13.72 ... ... 0.065 1.65 0.088 2.24
3⁄8 0.675 17.15 ... ... 0.065 1.65 0.091 2.31
1⁄2 0.840 21.34 0.065 1.65 0.083 2.11 0.109 2.77
3⁄4 1.050 26.67 0.065 1.65 0.083 2.11 0.113 2.87
1.0 1.315 33.41 0.065 1.65 0.109 2.77 0.133 3.38
11⁄4 1.660 42.16 0.065 1.65 0.109 2.77 0.140 3.56
11⁄2 1.900 48.26 0.065 1.65 0.109 2.77 0.145 3.68
2 2.375 60.33 0.065 1.65 0.109 2.77 0.154 3.91 0.218 5.54
21⁄2 2.875 73.03 0.083 2.11 0.120 3.05 0.203 5.16 0.276 7.01
3 3.500 88.90 0.083 2.11 0.120 3.05 0.216 5.33
31⁄2 4.000 101.60 0.083 2.11 0.120 3.05 0.226 5.74
4 4.500 114.30 0.083 2.11 0.120 3.05 0.237 6.02
5 5.563 141.30 0.109 2.77 0.134 3.40 0.258 6.55
6 6.625 168.28 0.109 2.77 0.134 3.40 0.280 7.11
8 8.625 219.18 0.109 2.77 0.148 3.76 0.322 8.18
Schedules 5S and 10S wall thicknesses do not permit threading in accordance with ANSI B2.1-1960.

specification. Examples of such requirements include, but are 8.1.1 One tension test shall be made on each lot of pipe.
not limited to the following:
8.2 Flattening Test—One flattening test shall be made on a
5.1.1 Alloy (Table 1),
5.1.2 Class (see 1.3), specimen from one end of one pipe from each lot.
5.1.3 Quantity (feet or number of lengths), 8.3 Transverse Guided Bend Test:
5.1.4 Size (nominal size or outside diameter and schedule 8.3.1 At the option of the pipe manufacturer, the transverse
number or average wall thickness), guided bend test may be substituted in lieu of the flattening
5.1.5 Length—Specify cut length or random, test. Two bend specimens shall be taken transversely from pipe
5.1.6 Certification—Certification and a report of test or the test specimens may be taken from a test plate of the same
results is required (SB-775), material and heat as pipe, which is attached to the end of the
5.1.7 Purchaser Inspection—State which tests or inspec-
cylinder and welded as a prolongation of the pipe longitudinal
tions are to be witnessed,
seam. Except as provided in 8.3.2, one shall be subjected to a
5.1.8 Ends—Plain ends cut and deburred will be furnished,
face guided bend and a second to a root guided bend test. One
unless otherwise specified, and
specimen shall be bent with the inside surface of the pipe
5.1.9 Samples for Product (Check) Analysis—State whether
against the plunger and the other with the outside surface of the
samples shall be furnished.
pipe against the plunger. Guided bend test specimens shall be
6. Materials and Manufacture prepared and tested in accordance with Section IX, Part QW
6.1 The pipe shall be made from flat-rolled alloy by an 160 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and shall be
automatic welding process with no addition of filler metal. one of the types shown in QW462.2 and QW462.3 of that code.
8.3.2 For specified wall thicknesses 3⁄8 in. [9.5 mm] and
6.2 Subsequent to welding and prior to final heat treatment,
over, but less than 3⁄4 in. [19 mm] side bend tests may be made
Class II pipes shall be cold worked either in both weld and base
instead of the face and root bend tests. For specified wall
metal or in weld metal only. The method of cold working may
thicknesses 3⁄4 in. [19 mm] and over, both specimens shall be
be specified by the purchaser.
subjected to the side bend tests. Side bend specimens shall be
7. Chemical Composition bent so that one of the side surfaces becomes the convex
surface of the bend specimen.
7.1 The material shall conform to the composition limits
specified in Table 1. 8.3.3 The bend test shall be acceptable if no cracks or other
defects exceeding 1⁄8 in. [3 mm] in any direction be present in
7.2 If a product (check) analysis is made by the purchaser, the weld metal or between the weld and the pipe or plate metal
the material shall conform to the requirements specified in
after bending. Cracks which originate along the edges of the
Table 1 subject to the permissible tolerances in Specification
specimen during testing, and are less than 1⁄4 in. [6.5 mm]
measured in any direction shall not be considered.
8. Mechanical Properties and Other Requirements 8.4 Hydrostatic or Nondestructive Electric Test—Each pipe
8.1 Tension Test—The tensile properties of the material at shall be subjected to either the hydrostatic or the nondestruc-
room temperature shall conform to those shown in Table 3. tive electric test at the manufacturer’s option.

SB-619/SB-619M ASME BPVC.II.B-2021

TABLE 3 Mechanical Properties of Pipe TABLE 4 Permissible Variations in Outside Diameter

Elongation Nominal Permissible Variation in Outside DiameterA
Yield Strength in 2 in. Pipe Size, in.
Tensile Strength, in. mm
Alloy (0.2 % Offset), [50.8 mm]
min, ksi [MPa] ⁄ [10.29]
18 +0.002 −0.006 +0.05 −0.15
min, ksi [MPa] or 4D,A
1⁄4 [13.72] +0.003 −0.008 +0.08 −0.20
min, %
3⁄8 [17.15] +0.004 −0.008 +0.08 −0.20
Ni-Mo Alloys 1⁄2 [21.34] +0.004 −0.010 +0.10 −0.25
alloy N10001 100 [690] 45 [310] 40 3⁄4 [26.67] +0.005 −0.012 +0.13 −0.30
alloy N10665 110 [760] 51 [350] 40
1 [33.41] +0.005 −0.012 +0.13 −0.30
alloy N10675 110 [760] 51 [350] 40
11⁄4 [42.16] +0.005 −0.012 +0.13 −0.30
alloy N10629 110 [760] 51 [350] 40
11⁄2 [48.26] +0.008 −0.015 +0.20 −0.38
alloy N10624 104 [720] 46 [320] 40
2 [60.22] +0.010 −0.016 +0.25 −0.41
Ni-Mo-Cr-Fe Alloy
21⁄2 [73.03] +0.010 −0.016 +0.25 −0.41
alloy N10242 105 [725] 45 [310] 40
3 [88.90] +0.012 −0.018 +0.30 −0.46
Low C Ni-Cr-Mo Alloys
31⁄2 [101.60] +0.012 −0.018 +0.30 −0.46
alloy N10276 100 [690] 41 [283] 40
4 [114.30] +0.014 −0.020 +0.36 −0.51
alloy N06022 100 [690] 45 [310] 45
5 [141.30] +0.063 0.031 +1.60 −0.79
alloy N06035 85 [586] 35 [241] 30
6 [168.28] +0.063 0.031 +1.60 −0.79
alloy N06044 90 [620] 45 [310] 20
8 [219.18] +0.063 0.031 +1.60 −0.79
alloy N06455 100 [690] 40 [276] 40
Ni-Cr-Fe-Mo-Cu Alloys The permissible variations in the above table apply to individual measurements,
alloy N06007 90 [621] 35 [241] 35 including out of roundness (ovality).
alloy N06975 85 [586] 32 [221] 40
alloy N06985 90 [621] 35 [241] 45
alloy N06030 85 [586] 35 [241] 30 9.1.2 Sunken welds in Class I pipe shall not be deeper than
Ni-Fe-Cr-Mo Alloy (N08320) 75 [517] 28 [193] 35
Ni-Cr-Mo-Fe Alloy (N06002) 100 [690] 40 [276] 35 15 % of the specified nominal wall thickness and never deeper
Ni-Fe-Cr-Co Alloy (R30556) 100 [690] 45 [310] 40 than 0.030 in. [0.79 mm]. Class II pipe shall not have sunken
Ni-Cr-W-Mo Alloy (N06230)B 110 [760] 45 [310] 40
Low C-Ni-Cr-Mo Alloys
alloy N06058 110 [760] 52 [360] 40 9.2 Outside Diameter—The permissible variations in out-
alloy N06059 100 [690] 45 [310] 45
Low C-Ni-Cr-Mo-Cu Alloy 100 [690] 45 [310] 45
side diameter shall not exceed the limits prescribed in Table 4,
(N06200) except as provided for in 9.1.2.
Low C-Ni-Mo-Cr Alloy 105 [725] 45 [310] 40
9.3 For pipe diameters greater than shown in Table 4,
Ni-Fe-Cr-Mo-Cu Low Carbon 94 [650] 40 [276] 40 permissible variations in dimensions at any point in a length of
Alloy (N08031) pipe shall not exceed the following:
Low C Ni-Cr-Mo-W Alloy 100 [690] 45 [310] 45
9.3.1 Outside Diameter—Based on circumferential
Ni-Co-Cr-Si alloy (N12160) 90 [620] 35 [240] 40 measurement, 60.5 % of the nominal outside diameter.
Cr-Ni-Fe-N Low Carbon Alloy 109 [750] 55 [380] 40 9.3.2 Out-of-Roundness—Differences between major and
Low C Ni-Cr-Mo-Ta Alloy 100 [690] 45 [310] 45 minor outside diameters, 1.0 % of the specified outside diam-
(N06210) eter.
D refers to the diameter of the tension specimen. For thin-wall pipe, defined as pipe having a wall
Solution annealed at a temperature between 2200 to 2275°F [1204 to 1246°C] thickness of 3 % or less of the outside diameter, the difference
followed by a water quench or rapidly cooled by other means.
in the extreme outside readings (ovality) in any one cross
section shall not exceed 1.5 % of the specified outside diam-
9.3.3 Alignment (Camber)—Using a 10 ft. [3 m] straight-
edge placed so that both ends are in contact with the pipe, the
9. Dimensions and Permissible Variations
camber shall not be more than 1⁄8 in. [3.17 mm].
9.1 Wall Thickness—Variations in wall thickness shall not
exceed the specified nominal wall thickness by more than 10. Keywords
6121⁄2 %, except as follows: 10.1 UNS N06002; UNS N06007; UNS N06022; UNS
9.1.1 If weld beads are present on the inner surface of the N06030; UNS N06035; UNS N06044; UNS N06058; UNS
pipe, they shall not exceed the wall thickness of the pipe by N06059; UNS N06200; UNS N10362; UNS N06210; UNS
more than 20 % or 0.050 in. [1.27 mm], whichever is less, of N06230; UNS N06455; UNS N06975; UNS N06985; UNS
the specified nominal wall thickness for Class I pipe, and 5 % N08031; UNS N08320; UNS N10001; UNS N10242; UNS
or 0.005 in. [0.127 mm], whichever is less, of the specified N10276; UNS N10624; UNS N10629; UNS N10665; UNS
nominal wall thickness for Class II pipe. N10675; UNS R30556; welded pipe

ASME BPVC.II.B-2021 SB-619/SB-619M


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Proper heat treatment during or subsequent to fabrica-

tion is necessary for optimum performance, and the manufac-
turer shall be consulted for details.


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