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Fluids 3

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Fluids 3 Part 1 “FLUID DYNAMICS - the natural science offuids in motion HYDRODYNAMICS - stusy of quis in maton HYDRAULICS - concerned withthe practical applications offs; primary ques n motion. deals wth such mates asthe flaw ofliquidsinppes, vers and channels [FLUID FLOW continuous deformation offal upon he appicaton of shear force "CLASSIFICATIONS OF FLOW: A. REAL FLOW — considers eneraylsses inthe flow 8. IDEAL FLOW - neglecs he eects of viscosity and frition in fid flow, thus no energy, WG are considered & C._UNIEORN FLOW - fou vloty and cross-sedionel area of fw at given instant orot change wit dstence ._INONEUNIFORM FLOW: flow velcty and cross-sectional area of fow vies wit dstance™ E. STEADY FLOW —flow velocity and are of ow do not change with time, 2 - 0 F. SUNSTEADY FLOW: flow velocity and area of low vaneswith time, a + 0 ‘A. IMIASS FLOW RATE 2MpQ: 3.8 , (popes known as iscrarce) GQ = A: Vi 2 mee . = Nore Weight Flow Rate, W=2= ¥Q FLOW vELocITY = il x B, VOLUME FLOW RATE Flowing volume BASIC PRINCIPLES OF FLUID DYNAMICS A. CONTINUITY PRINCIPLE - mass flow rates constant Qin * Que nn fe ¥Velocty (v) i inversely proportional to area of flow (A), vincroases when A gets small. Velocity v) is inversely proportional to area of flow (A), increases when A gets smaller. 8, BERNOULLIS'PRINCIPLE- in an dal, steady fw th sum ofall ioms of mechanical ‘energy in a fuid along a streamiine is the same,atalipoints on that'streamine. ENERGY HEADS: E= Kinetic head + Presume Head V/ © 2 Elevation Heed, potential energy per unt weight of id = measuted a vertical istanos of pari from datum + Elevation Head = (vif ebove datum, ()ifbelow datum wy J © pressure tet wa one eruntwet ed Y eT Lae SY Ce a ty Ho atc ceomrntwogn tna !) KE> ZIV z z Av v WG Oy we 2g 7 IDEALENERGYLNE ) P2th > hee )Reth > hos ) PE > mgh h Mh h=z2 w y au o, vi Pe ms ey tle, i a5 * yt BERNOULIS ENERGY EQUATION (Fomtowot Consent Ey 5)-€, aPa ten Bt * oy ag Situation 17 - A 120-mm-diameter pipe enlarges to a 180-mm-diameter pipe. At section 1 of the smaller pipe, the density of a gas in steady flow is 200 kgim® and the velocity is 20s; At section 2 of the larger pipe thevelocityis14 m/s; 3. Find the density (kg/m) of the gas at section 2. Av 126.98 Cc. 140.40 135.48 D, 12930 @ “0 Qn + Qatp i= Min = Move 180 : Jeg — US =A (Bowie) = a4" =. V=20% ume 2 (Hourconl (4 4) Ve20% “Wy V=20%5 ves pooner (ne r(4 p oay 2 Situation 18 - Gasoline (6.68 kN/m3) flows in a pipe enlargement from 50-mm-diameter to 90- mm-diameter. Thé pressures at smaller and larger sections are 388 Pa and 400 Pa, respectively. 44. Calculate the velocity (m/s) of flow. i smaller diameter section. A 0.269 0.223 B. 0.185 ye 2668 0.197 nm P= 0.387 kha P=0.400 kfa Qin 7 Qo Av = Av ¥ (005), = de a) Ve Ve 3.24 Vp £,7k v R ve. ®, 1, Bh ~ Mim Ty +a 42, iy? s +2 a u ° 3.21V,) osrkh Of 0.420 Kt {aul * “Goptips * A 24854 * oF Tapa * By Vp = 0.0609 "/s : 26.1979 Vy 2524 7 Is Situation 19 - A 50-mm-diameter siphon is drawing oil (SG = 0.82) from an oil,reservoir, as shown. If the head loss from (4)'to\(2)is'4:50:m. and from (2)to(3)is:2.40.miy, (ms) of oil from the siphon. A. 0.00875 © 0.00912 B. 0.00969 D. 0.00801 46. ies the oil pressure (kPa) at point 2. -39 Cc. 45 ® -37 ae) 7 ys) Fi, 1.5m -2.4m = Ey Que -& Ran > bas Nat ade WBZ, soneveninncn a O+ 045-158-242 10+O0 (04) QA \y= 465% ® Q: A-v F(oes)'O = 0.00412 wf, Q rs ° : a Boke 45 -£ shun -15-® | 8 Oy sri” atamy * Osim) * 7 B 2-37 ke Sa vzo Situation 20 - A large tank contains compressed air, gasoline (SG = 0.68), light oil (SG = 0.80), ‘and water as shown. The pressure of the air is 120 kPa gage. cng -08 tom —X 2€, r Sees Q rt csp 08 3 a _ See V Gy -& B = 120+ 0.66(45))(2) = 153.3416 bln tt mM 7. if weneglect friction, ‘hata ro emma of Som a Osram? 47. A 5.1120 D. ter 4.0123 a = = <6 ete + Heady > & pt 23 wy ot, BIH 4g 2s) * ema 4 = vm) Wy #15.96"/s ® M228 -PAV+0.8(io8 13) Foor) (©) = go123 Hs = FLOW MEASUREMENT: 1. SPITOTTUBE ~ 2 smal open, bent tube with is open end pointing upstream used to measure Velocity of ow of iquids Situation 21 Aimorcury-kerosené manometer is connected to a Pitot tube as shown, The deflection on the manometer is 180 mm. Assume specific gravity of kerosene is 0.8, jr eam %9 ut VB cae 2 Oty BY, 5 Fo 2A) * oO" a5 * Sana 48. Determine the flow rate (rs) down the ppe if the pipe is 180mm in diameter A 0234 coz B 0104 Oow ~ % +0. 81(43) (0.0%) + & IX) + 13-6 (451)(0.1% ») -0.81@s)(oIF) Smite) =R PpR< 23.187 ke ® L am) 40-076 2 24a 0.81(T81) v= 247% Q = AV = Florson}'(O)- 0.192 Is Fluids 3 Part 2 Ne eemanmenescomn —Onitice Cockteents (ys los ths |) S| = 0 Gath of Velocity To Cy ene | oW,. a 6 ai Caiat rae Ae aa 3) Coeff. of Dischege Vat C4 = art Ae Cd: aes Vena Contract Aa Situation 22- A 50-mm circular office at the end of the 75-mm diameter pipe shown discharges into the atmosphere ameasured flow of 17 Lis of water when the They alculate the three coefficients of the orifice, fi 2 [Pec omc-In] 2.7L. 0.017 2 Ar je ae Qin = Dat Foots ois) «Posh OMe a 45} (coum) Cc. 0.9641 oats D. 0.7245 ra D. 07245 Es a au) gs.9s (2%) ve i we zany * Ga +O * at Vr =\es 3 "* ® ean, 45 | 5.4 ® VV” @® | 50. Coefficient of contraction A 09841 © srs B. 0.8605 0.9116 ta -_X Co hy” EF eoosye Cd=Ce dv O-a® ¥Q-omis I) | 51. Coefficient of discharge A. 0.9116 0.6605 B. 0.9641 y. 0.7245 Qa , o.orrmls CO, Fao @ “© Z AY ‘3. VENTURIMETER - uses arapidy converging sean (oradualy increases the veloc of flow to reduce the pressure), thus measuring filid flow: Situation 23 - An oil (SG = 0.90) is flowing through a venturi meter having an inletdiameter of 20 throat diameter of 10 em. The oi-mercury differential manometer shows cmp 02 deflection vom and om. Take.Cd=0:98. throat Inlet WW E (orn ys = (0%) Va 52. Calculate the:discharge’(m?/s) of oil through the horizontal venturi meter. cc, 0.0637 0.0592 B. 0.0648 D. 0.0512 Pt ota) +049 (4m(o.2) — .6(as)(0.2) - O7(4x)(h) = R R-R = 24.9174 kfa wie. vk oe (Huy ws ee (441 +0 “2(4%i) + 04(¢x) re V2 767% @® Qr Ave Fol (8) 5 0.0604 nf Cy Bt m4 Ar Qa * Cd 97 = 0.98 @ = 0.0592 , 5. WEIR — is a notch on a larger scale - usually found in rivers used as a flow measuring device ‘and a device to raise water levels (crest 8. Rectorglor Weir o4H ) Syppuscl J 2) Contd (gue td) Qu ECafa LPH hy’) Froncis Forma Qa Bt >, U=L-o1nt te ee ee a ne — i Fay Qn + $A, | Qa = 14 LH 6M = LEY (3) He > He L05m® 5 Colada te alain tis suppressed, @ os C08t8 coi Doms 2-H 2-@r+P P= 0.943 7 HP net stated, us beli-end 55. Cala the requred height fhe wort seaman A 002, 078s 3B 0735 0337 L’ = L-olnH = $-0.1(a)H Qa ke Wh wee. e4(s- oad) H He 1.1127 m © ah op res uni He 1.1124 m ® poePet 2-P+@ 20. P REF Situation 25 Aresenor of smension 0m x80" has aetna not feng 15m Take ‘Gi=082 58, Fin the tne requred loner he water eel fom im tom AL Tomine 13 05 ‘9 mis 6 secs B Gmina t soon ‘drins dees “ AQ= AV. dV. Agdh _ Asad [ Asdh jae “oa ace“ On [Aa Jp, Geto =i Jule oo)dh - Some 8040) dh 2af5tn =) 2 on) fran) (s) Ww 0 Ln t= 604,785 @« — # 10079678 min Os t= lOmin ¥.7s eae tts ot Oe ie 2(0\(a) (- 4) fafee \Th Seams) (Tr t = 604.785 Aewmphions 1) Constent ares # reservar For a 2) Qn 20 + Ble (Te -tk) Vent ‘Station 26 The endo water oer tanga noch ange 60" f Sem a oe of ischargeis 0.52 The ow easiest be win an aceuracyof1S%eunordown: ST. od Cares. ous pou Sietost 3 eo Oa i Caley mein oh Shaded 0" V-ndch Qq 2 LY HER _« & (00) fea) to(S) (05) = 0.1 ® sh Qa (iar. +154) Lage tm (8) Hl A. Q(I+0-215) > (0.62) Jo(am eon(2) H* H+ 0.503" @ (wy, 187) = S(oaNacey t(2) n™ 20.4940 gmnigh The han fate nace Aer Aosare Co ree par e087 we, ‘Deewana porn zB &. Fedtmstane teu bench ns © Shit Ot pm of 5 Teor a)20: He 20cm? 0.2m oan] to(8)° Chey 20.62 jody 6-40 20.60 Cy Qa? Qa+ sh Sh Qn? $ Gay LH” + & Gee tm(2) 4 US uN eo “ Qa = ¥ (002) Jrash (04 ) (02) tee (09 [e(ast) ton B)coy"" Q. = 0.04) Mls “Sy Cipolleti Nf

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