SDN5 5 Af2
SDN5 5 Af2
SDN5 5 Af2
Hora clase: M2
Matricula: 1819458
In this work we will see different the UK, and that have made a
inventions, technological significant change, whether
advances that have come out of
modern or years ago. From the United Kingdom for the best
engineering branch ideas and inventions developed
For example television by the sector.
More than 90 years are those That year, three British
that carry 'the silly box' in our companies aspired to win what
lives. Its inventor was John is the oldest engineering award
Logie Baird, a British engineer in the United Kingdom. The
and physicist. It was he who in candidates Artemis, Endomag
1926 managed to broadcast for and Victrex have invested their
the first time an image from the full potential in wind turbines,
attic of his house. Although it cancer diagnostics and extra-
must be said that although Logie thin plastics respectively.
Baird was the inventor of The Artemis Intelligent Power
television, the original idea of company - based in Edinburgh,
creating this invention was Paul Scotland - works with a digital
Nipkow. But at that time the hydraulic power system. So with
television project could not be this method, you can replace the
developed since there were not mechanical transmission in
enough advances. purely conventional wind
In 2015 the MacRobert award turbines by a smarter way.
had its nominees. It is an award
given each year by the Royal
Academy of Engineering in the
This digital system controls the patients. Your Sienna + marker
opening and closing of the is now on sale on the European
individual high-speed valves, continent.
thus making them a more Finally, Victrex is a company
effective and efficient system. dedicated to the production of
So much fruit has come from the polymers that combines all its
system that it is expected to efforts in the construction of
power the next generation ultra-thin materials. The result is
turbines. a material 20 times thinner than
For its part, the Endomag human hair.
company has worked with
diagnostics of a magnetic The plastics produced are used
nature. Located in Cambridge, it in numerous technological
works with tools for the detection devices, as well as in anti-lock
and treatment of cancer. His braking systems and even in
system replaces the radioactive spinal disc implants. Its greatest
markers that are placed in the properties are resistance,
biopsies of the lymph nodes with durability and tolerance to high
tiny particles of magnetic quality. temperatures.
His procedure to detect cancer
from the lymph nodes - the first
target where the disease can
start to spread - has already
been used in a large number of
The inventions that can be seen John Napier and his logarithms
from Scotland are the following: 1614
In the 17th century, John Napier Today, computers have
laid the foundations for modern replaced written tables, but the
computing when he invented principle remains the same.
logarithms. Alexander Bain and the fax
Napier first introduced the machine 1843
concept of logarithms in 1614. In Victorian times, there were
Simply put, a logarithm answers several great inventors -
the question: how many of a including Alexander Bain -
number do we multiply to get whose ideas were later used in
another number? For example, the creation of television sets.
we have to multiply the 2 three
times to get 8: 2 X 2 X 2 = 8. So In 1841, Bain patented the
the logarithm is three. electric clock, and two years
The Fable of the Lonely Inventor later he invented the first fax
The applications were manifold: machine.
sailors were able to map their What he did was attach a needle
position accurately, and to a pendulum, which then slid
astronomers were able to over an image made up of dark
calculate the orbits of the and light spots.
The microphone
David Edward Hughes (1831-
1900) de Bala made several
important advances in the fields
of wireless telegraphy and
microphones. It is also likely that
Sir Pryce Pryce-Jones (1834-
Hughes discovered radio waves
1920) installed a drapery in his
a decade before Heinrich Hertz
native Newtown, an important
did in 1888. He did not patent
wool center. The advent of
the design of his microphone,
railways and postal services keep a camera pointed at faint
inspired Pryce-Jones to expand celestial objects, which require
his horizons: he founded the very long exposures, while the
UK's first major mail order earth is continuously rotating
business, eventually selling below us. He took the first
Welsh flannel to Europe, photograph of the spiral
America and Australia. He is Andromeda galaxy, which
also credited with inventing the revealed its true shape to
sleeping bag, patented in 1876 astronomers for the first time.
as the Euklisia rug.
Conclution Referencias
I can say that each of these B. (2020, 26 febrero). ¿Quién
inventions marked a before and inventó la World Wide Web? -
after their creation. Be Británico. Británico Blog.
The bases of what we know in
technology, to entertain n-invento-world-wide-web/
ourselves, communicate, etc. Martin, S. (2019, 14 febrero). 15
We saw old and a little more Inventos Escoceses que
current inventions that were very cambiaron nuestra vida diaria.
innovative at the time and to Viajar Por Escocia.
think that it was made on the
other side of the world and it a-de-escocia/15-inventos-
Arzabal, M. (2018, 2 abril). 5
revolucionarios inventos que le
debemos a Inglaterra. VIX.
Peña, A. I. (2018, 7 diciembre).
Grandes inventos de las
universidades británicas. El