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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica

Hora clase: M2

Nombre del alumno: Carlos Alberto Mendoza Garza

Matricula: 1819458

Actividad de repaso Capitulo 6

San Nicolás de los Garza, N.L Deadline: 26/03/2021

In this work we will see different the UK, and that have made a
inventions, technological significant change, whether
advances that have come out of
modern or years ago. From the United Kingdom for the best
engineering branch ideas and inventions developed
For example television by the sector.
More than 90 years are those That year, three British
that carry 'the silly box' in our companies aspired to win what
lives. Its inventor was John is the oldest engineering award
Logie Baird, a British engineer in the United Kingdom. The
and physicist. It was he who in candidates Artemis, Endomag
1926 managed to broadcast for and Victrex have invested their
the first time an image from the full potential in wind turbines,
attic of his house. Although it cancer diagnostics and extra-
must be said that although Logie thin plastics respectively.
Baird was the inventor of The Artemis Intelligent Power
television, the original idea of company - based in Edinburgh,
creating this invention was Paul Scotland - works with a digital
Nipkow. But at that time the hydraulic power system. So with
television project could not be this method, you can replace the
developed since there were not mechanical transmission in
enough advances. purely conventional wind
In 2015 the MacRobert award turbines by a smarter way.
had its nominees. It is an award
given each year by the Royal
Academy of Engineering in the
This digital system controls the patients. Your Sienna + marker
opening and closing of the is now on sale on the European
individual high-speed valves, continent.
thus making them a more Finally, Victrex is a company
effective and efficient system. dedicated to the production of
So much fruit has come from the polymers that combines all its
system that it is expected to efforts in the construction of
power the next generation ultra-thin materials. The result is
turbines. a material 20 times thinner than
For its part, the Endomag human hair.
company has worked with
diagnostics of a magnetic The plastics produced are used
nature. Located in Cambridge, it in numerous technological
works with tools for the detection devices, as well as in anti-lock
and treatment of cancer. His braking systems and even in
system replaces the radioactive spinal disc implants. Its greatest
markers that are placed in the properties are resistance,
biopsies of the lymph nodes with durability and tolerance to high
tiny particles of magnetic quality. temperatures.
His procedure to detect cancer
from the lymph nodes - the first
target where the disease can
start to spread - has already
been used in a large number of

The inventions that can be seen John Napier and his logarithms
from Scotland are the following: 1614
In the 17th century, John Napier Today, computers have
laid the foundations for modern replaced written tables, but the
computing when he invented principle remains the same.
logarithms. Alexander Bain and the fax
Napier first introduced the machine 1843
concept of logarithms in 1614. In Victorian times, there were
Simply put, a logarithm answers several great inventors -
the question: how many of a including Alexander Bain -
number do we multiply to get whose ideas were later used in
another number? For example, the creation of television sets.
we have to multiply the 2 three
times to get 8: 2 X 2 X 2 = 8. So In 1841, Bain patented the
the logarithm is three. electric clock, and two years
The Fable of the Lonely Inventor later he invented the first fax
The applications were manifold: machine.
sailors were able to map their What he did was attach a needle
position accurately, and to a pendulum, which then slid
astronomers were able to over an image made up of dark
calculate the orbits of the and light spots.

Every time the needle electrical current varied. These

encountered a dark spot, the variations were sent by
telegraph and reproduced by a This led him to experiment with
synchronized receiving ways of transmitting sound
pendulum. electronically.
For the first time in history an By 1875, when he was living in
image was scanned from one Canada, he had already
place to another. developed a receiver that turned
His fax machine contained the electricity into sound.
basics of what would become
His invention was so advanced
that it would take another 80
years before the breakthroughs
that led to the development of
modern television took place.
In 2016 Bain was awarded a
posthumous Emmy Award.
Alexander Graham Bell and the
telephone 1875
Today, with nearly seven million
mobile phones worldwide, there
can be no doubt as to the
importance of Alexander
Graham Bell's invention.

His first telephone

Born in Edinburgh, Alexander
communication went down in
Graham Bell was fascinated with
history: "Mr. Watson, come
speech and our ability to hear.
here, I want to see you," he told believing that his work should be
his assistant, who was in publicly available for others to
another room. develop. The Royal Society still
Although others were awards the Biennial Hughes
researching similar lines, Bell Medal to pioneering scientists.
was the first to patent his design Purchases by mail
in 1876.
Now I will put Welsh inventions
that are very important today.

The microphone
David Edward Hughes (1831-
1900) de Bala made several
important advances in the fields
of wireless telegraphy and
microphones. It is also likely that
Sir Pryce Pryce-Jones (1834-
Hughes discovered radio waves
1920) installed a drapery in his
a decade before Heinrich Hertz
native Newtown, an important
did in 1888. He did not patent
wool center. The advent of
the design of his microphone,
railways and postal services keep a camera pointed at faint
inspired Pryce-Jones to expand celestial objects, which require
his horizons: he founded the very long exposures, while the
UK's first major mail order earth is continuously rotating
business, eventually selling below us. He took the first
Welsh flannel to Europe, photograph of the spiral
America and Australia. He is Andromeda galaxy, which
also credited with inventing the revealed its true shape to
sleeping bag, patented in 1876 astronomers for the first time.
as the Euklisia rug.

Deep space photography

Isaac Roberts (1829-1904), the
The son of a Swansea
son of a Denbighshire farmer,
steelworker, Edward 'Taffy'
solved the problem of how to
Bowen (1911-1991) was a key
figure in the development of time manufactured money
radar. Bowen's particular counting machines. His work
obsession was to install radar on was in London however he lived
aircraft, so that they could detect in the country. I used to go to
not only other aircraft but also the bank on Saturdays (which
hard-to-find targets like was open from 9 to 12:30) to get
submarines. After the war, he the money for the week.
became a pioneer in radio
astronomy. Once in 1965 he was late for a
minute and began to wonder
how to get money without
having to be attended by a
person. The initiative came from
a chocolate vending machine
and he thought he could do the

Its first ATM was installed in a

branch of Barclays Bank in
London in 1967. Since at that
time there were no magnetic
stripe cards, checks with
radioactive material were used
for the ATM. The buyer entered
John Shepherd-Barron was a the check, marked a 4-number
Scotsman who worked for De La pin, and the device gave him £
Rue, an organization that at that 10.
talking about the United
The 4-number code became Kingdom.
worldwide, however it was not The first comfortable
due to any technical grounds. telephone, Alexander Graham
Mr. Shepherd-Barron thought he Bell (1847–1922)
was able to recall 6 numbers of Without leaving the entire world
his warrior number, however of communications, those of
upon consulting his lady she Scotland also had another
replied that he was able to recall enormous contribution, the
4. telephone.
One of the monumental
inconveniences that society has
faced, more than anything since
the appearance of cultures, was
the need to carry information
between 2 aspects and
therefore an aspect of
fundamental importance for the
construction of a "State". The
more distant the more problems,
to the point that the lack of
communication has been the
cause of the fall of empires.
Information is essential and the
The inventions of Scotland could
faster it arrives the more positive
not be absent since we are
and powerful, simply imagine an
urgent letter carried by a rider
who has to take it from London Edison carbon microphone.
to Edinburgh ... Today this company is one of
The discovery of the phone has the huge telecommunications
run into controversy of companies in the US and
authorship from the beginning. around the world, AT&T.
The truth is that after years of Bell also provided us with a
lawsuits, the US has identified gramophone and photophone
that the creator of the phone is and has the merit of having
Meucci, in which Graham Bell been one of the founders of the
simply patented the initiative. National Geographical Society,
Outside of this dispute, Graham today one of the best known and
Bell was a developer whose most reputable scientific
primary interest revolved around societies in the world.
aeronautics, he presented a The first operational television
different design of a fully and the first in color. John
operational telephone that Logie Baird (1888–1946)
effectively and clearly If the telephone was a revolution
transmitted the noise and voice in communication between
of a person in 1874, 3 more individuals, the next step was to
years late than Meucci. transmit images and, of course,
The really interesting thing is a Scotsman participated in the
that Bell, has been one of the development of the first
founders of a company that bore television.
his name, made the entrance to
the telephone much more Television was one of the most
accessible and implemented widely used means of
improvements such as the communication until the arrival
of the internet, used as an Express newspaper. After the
advertising platform, news door slammed, almost calling
broadcast or simply as him insane, He made the
entertainment, being from the decision to start demonstrating;
middle of the century a widely like the one between London
used instrument for modifying and Glasgow, becoming the first
public criticism. long-distance broadcast. The
popularity of his find was not
Like all experiments, the long in coming, being the 30s
Scottish developer of this once the first regular broadcast
device, John Logie Baird, relied was given.
on previous studies by other Baird did not remain in black
scientists to achieve his and white television but is the
experiments. These experiments first to develop the first color
resulted in the first scrolling television, in addition he also
image emitted by a screen, in made contributions in the first
1923. In this situation, the image video clip player-recorder, in
was transmitted from one room fiber optics, ... An uneasy spirit
to another in his laboratory, the with enormous inventive ability.
said artifact has been named Today, it is difficult to
"television". conceptualize our culture
Visionary John Logie Baird without the existence of
quickly saw the various uses for television, designed and
his new product and set out to planned by the Scottish
market it. Believing that the engineer John Logie Baird. This
press would support his creator is considered one of the
invention, he turned to the Daily 10 most influential scientists in
the Unified Kingdom. The next changed dramatically, it has
time we turn on the television gone from being something
and we are watching a program reduced to a "hobby" with
recorded at an enormous basically no borders due to the
number of kilometers, we will digitization of photography.
observe in another way this However, the beginnings of
enormous device that has made photography in the 19th century
this kind of situation viable. were much slower, throughout
the first half of the century black
and white photography gave its
first steps with experiments
where those from Scotland
participated in the forefront.
Scientists such as Physician
John Adamson, creator of the
first calotype or Sir David
Brewster, developer of the
The first persistent color
kaleidoscope, made
photograph; James Clerk
monumental contributions to
Maxwell (1831–1879)
optics, however it was around
Few are the photographers and
the 19th century that the
amateurs who continue to take
Scottish physicist James Clerk
their photographs and develop
Maxwell and his studies on the
them in the classic way,
perception of color by the
negatives are an endangered
human eye would provide as a
species. In the last twenty years
consequence the first persistent
the planet of photography has
color photograph, 1861.
This first, how could it be engineering in the United
otherwise, has been made of a Kingdom.
tartan, said plaid fabric so
characteristic of Scottish skirts,
Kilts. This portrait was the result Virtual Urban 360 Windshield
of 3 photographs that had been and Follow-Me Automatic Car
taken with 3 color filters, the 3 Navigation are part of a
primary colors, in such a way sequence of innovative criteria
that the result has been a technologies that Jaguar Land
somewhat out-of-focus color Rover is developing to minimize
photo, however with its objective the likelihood of accidents. They
accomplished. will give drivers a 360-degree
view into their vehicles, without
the interruption of the pillars that
support the roof. Inside the car,
a screen in the area of each
pillar will broadcast a live video
clip of cameras covering the
blind aspects of transportation,
allowing drivers to see
pedestrians, bicyclists and other
vehicles in close proximity
This is already a British
throughout the entire car. car.
invention more current than
The system automatically makes
those that laid the foundations
the pillars transparent once
for great advances in
drivers indicate to change
direction, look over their
shoulders before passing, or Windshield 360 could also be
once the transport approaches connected to road infrastructure
an intersection. "Our ultimate and businesses through the
goal is to minimize traffic Cloud, providing information in
accidents and improve the urban the same way as costs at the
driving experience," says fuel station to the location of
Director of Inquiry and parking spaces.
Technology Dr. Wolfgang Epple. This invention in itself is not
“The Jaguar Land Rover something that has to do with
research team is developing this the branch of computer science
technology to improve visibility but it can help a lot, because it
and to provide the driver with the can be used in wiring things to
right information at the right keep them fixed and get out of a
time. By having the ability to trouble that many of us find
keep the driver's eyes on the ourselves, ending them in
road, and to display information domestic appliances.
in a non-distracting way, we Jane ni Dhulchaointigh Sugru
have the ability to help drivers Sugru is a patented and handy
make superior choices in the silicone that can be used to fix
most demanding and congested or enhance objects. Invented by
driving environments. " The designer and businesswoman
'transparent pillars' have the Jane Ni Dhulchaointigh, this
possibility to combine with the malleable putty is a formulation
upright display screen to show of Formerol, a type of silicone
the movement of other road that could be designed with
users, on the virtual windshield changing physical
of the car. The Virtual Urban characteristics. Sugru, which
means game in Irish, could be than the putty itself. “We had the
molded into any shape and after firm conviction that we could
24 hours it will permanently contribute to promoting a
bond to materials such as glass, conversation about why the
metal, wood, plastics and culture of composing is
fabrics, allowing uses ranging important,” he explains. The
from fixing camera covers to company also developed a
improve the ergonomic ‘Repairman Manifesto’ to
characteristics of the instrument encourage the population to
handles. Ni Dhulchaointigh first save resources by extending the
made his groundbreaking life or usefulness of objects. “We
initiative as he studied for his have provided it to a sensitive
Master of Product Design at the point and it was shared
Royal College of Art in London. throughout the internet.
In 2004, he began to assemble
a team of specialists and
scientists in the silicone industry
that helped him turn the new
invention into a real product and
establish his organization with PriestmanGoode World View

businessman Roger Ashby. The World View is a cutting-edge

following year, Nesta, the design criteria for a pressurized

Unified Kingdom's innovation light ship to carry passengers to

thinktank, awarded Sugru a the edge of space. Developed

Creative Pioneer grant. Nor by UK multidisciplinary design

Dhulchaointigh feels that Sugru bureau PriestmanGoode, the

constantly was so much more capsule uses balloons of

monumental altitude to enter darkness of space beyond.
near space, the zone of the PriestmanGoode is a leading
atmosphere from 20 km to 100 universal travel and
km above ocean degree. In transportation design
addition to extreme tourism - a consultancy. In addition to World
helium balloon will lift the space View, the office is currently
capsule, 6 passengers and 2 doing work on the development
sailors to the edge of space - it of Mobile Platforms, a design
also has a science capsule to plan that challenges the future of
collect data. rail transport through the
The design prioritizes minimizing construction of barter facilities
the proportion of elemental between mobile railways and Air
infrastructure to dump the Access, which aims to is to
capsule and circumventing deep improve air transport for
fuel burn, making it more passengers with limited mobility.
environmentally friendly than Something that we use all today
rockets. Not only should it is the internet, at the beginning
provide a calmer environment of a page or link as we know it to
for passengers, but it would also be the “www”, many of us do not
create a reliable, durable, and know what it means or why it is
dependable way to explore the there, much less who invented
edge of space. The tour will last it.
an hour and a half, followed by 2
to 6 hours at an altitude of 30
km, for passengers to be able to
contemplate views of the Earth,
the curve of its area, and the
Particle Physics (CERN), to
make a system where
information on the Internet is
more accessible and universal.
However, the Internet initiative
as such was already originated
in 1969 (if we understand it as
the circulation of data from one
PC connected to the other
regardless of its location). All
that was lacking was an
effective procedure for
searching and discovering those
Have you ever wondered why
documents. A "vehicle" was
web pages started with "www"?
missing to travel that data
Or who had invented the famous
World Wide Web? The UK will
The solution has been a
tell you the story of scientist Tim
worldwide distribution system
Berners-Lee, who is most
where documents with certain
responsible for producing the
terms are linked to other
documents, which was
How did Tim Berners-Lee
maintained under the name of
produce the web?
hypertext. This procedure was
Having built the correct
already developed only to be
instruments for the invention of
used on the same PC, however
the Web, in 1989, Tim proposed
now it would have other
to the European Laboratory for
magnitudes of use.
Tim, in the company of his work Machinery) System Program
team, devised a sequence of Award.
acronyms in English to structure In 1997, Berners-Lee was
a web page, calling it “HTML”; honored with the title of Officer
the system of rules for of the Order of the Empire of the
transferring information from one United Kingdom for his
PC to another, known as worldwide interconnection
"HTTP"; and a system for services of PCs. In 1999, he
locating objects on the web, was included by Time Magazine
designated as "URL". in the list of the 100 most
From that moment on, a world- relevant people of the 19th
scale network for the exchange century, and in 2002, the BBC
of data had developed, famous also named him as one of the
in the end as the World Wide most relevant personalities in
Web or "www." The first location Great Britain.
for this online network has been This "little" invention began to
at CERN itself, located in offer leaps and bounds until it
Switzerland. became what we know today.
In the early 1990s, his plan has The last award that Berners-Lee
been published so that it will won was the 2016 Turing Prize
begin to be tested by other by the Society for Computational
people and institutions. In 1995, Machinery, in 2017. This award
he won the Innovative Boy of the is known as the “Nobel Prize in
Year award from the Kilby Computing”.
Foundation and the ACM Internet and Web are not the
(Association for Computing same?
The Internet is the network that was something that globally
connects PCs and servers to changed everything.
each other around the world (the Thanks to the minds of the
network of networks), geniuses that were seen here,
metaphorically, it could be like advances were made that would
the "highway" of information. never have been thought of.
However, the World Wide Web I hope that inventors continue to
is just one of the "vehicles" you come out all over the world that
can use to get to such help the development of
information. humanity, not only in the field of
engineering but also in
medicine, in everything.

Conclution Referencias
I can say that each of these B. (2020, 26 febrero). ¿Quién
inventions marked a before and inventó la World Wide Web? -
after their creation. Be Británico. Británico Blog.
The bases of what we know in
technology, to entertain n-invento-world-wide-web/
ourselves, communicate, etc. Martin, S. (2019, 14 febrero). 15
We saw old and a little more Inventos Escoceses que
current inventions that were very cambiaron nuestra vida diaria.
innovative at the time and to Viajar Por Escocia.
think that it was made on the
other side of the world and it a-de-escocia/15-inventos-
Arzabal, M. (2018, 2 abril). 5
revolucionarios inventos que le
debemos a Inglaterra. VIX.
Peña, A. I. (2018, 7 diciembre).
Grandes inventos de las
universidades británicas. El

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