WS-011 Windows Server 2019/2022 Administration
WS-011 Windows Server 2019/2022 Administration
WS-011 Windows Server 2019/2022 Administration
Server 2019/2022
Module 6: High availability
in Windows Server
Module overview
High availability is very important for any organization that wants to provide continuous services to its users.
Failover clustering is one of the main technologies in Windows Server 2019 that can supply high availability
for various applications and services.
In this module you will learn about failover clustering, failover clustering components, and implementation
Lesson 1: Planning for failover clustering implementation
Lesson 2: Creating and configuring failover clusters
Lesson 3: Overview of stretch clusters
Lesson 4: High availability and disaster recovery solutions with Hyper-V VMs
Lesson 1: Planning for
failover clustering
Lesson 1 overview
This lesson describes failover clusters in Windows Server, general high availability concepts, clustering
terminology, and how failover clusters work.
What is failover clustering?
High availability with failover clustering
Clustering terminology
Failover clustering components
Cluster quorum in Windows Server
Considerations for planning failover clustering
What is failover clustering?
Failover clustering is a group of computers that work together to increase the availability and scalability of
clustered roles
o The clustered servers (called nodes) are connected by physical cables and by software
o If one or more of the cluster nodes fail, other nodes begin to provide service in a process known
as failover
o Clustered roles are proactively monitored to verify that they are working properly
o If they are not working, they are restarted or moved to another node
Failover clustering improvements in Windows Server 2019 include:
o Integration – connects with other systems such as the WAC
Shared bus or
Service or iSCSI connection Service or
application application
Cluster storage
The network
connects the The dedicated network
Node 1 Node 2
failover cluster connects the failover nodes
and the clients
Cluster quorum in Windows Server
In failover clusters, quorum defines the consensus that enough cluster members are available to provide
Is based on votes in Windows Server
Enables nodes, file shares, or a shared disk to have a vote, depending on the quorum mode
Enables the failover cluster to remain online when sufficient votes are available
Considerations for planning failover clustering
This lesson describes preparing for cluster implementation, requirements for Windows Server 2019 failover
clusters, and using the Validate a Configuration Wizard.
The Validate a Configuration Wizard and cluster support policy requirements
Create a failover cluster
Demonstration: Create a failover cluster
Configure storage
Configure networking
Configure quorum options
Demonstration: Configure a quorum
Configure roles
Manage failover clusters
Configure cluster properties
Configure failover and failback
The Validate a Configuration Wizard and cluster support policy
The Validate a Configuration Wizard is used to perform a variety of tests to ensure the cluster components
are configured in a supportable manner.
Before creating a new failover cluster, confirm the configuration to ensure all validation tests are passed.
Cluster validation is intended to:
Ensure clustering is working properly
Find hardware or configuration issues
Perform diagnostic tests
Ensure requirements for:
o Hardware
o Network/Infrastructure
o Software
Create a failover cluster
Failover clusters require shared storage to provide consistent data to a virtual server after a failover
Shared storage options include:
Fibre Channel
Shared .vhdx
Scale-Out File Server
Clustered storage spaces can also be implemented to achieve high availability at the storage level
Configure networking
To configure networking:
The network hardware must be compatible with Windows Server
If you use iSCSI, the network adapters must be dedicated to either network communication or iSCSI
In the network infrastructure that connects your cluster nodes, avoid having single points of failure
Configure quorum options
The default and recommended best practice is to always use dynamic quorum
Configure a quorum
Configure the quorum
Configure roles
To configure roles:
1. Install the Failover Clustering feature
2. Verify the configuration
3. Create a cluster
4. Install the role on all cluster nodes by using Server Manager
5. Create a clustered application by using the Failover Clustering Management snap-in
6. Configure the application
7. Test the failover
Manage failover clusters
Each failover cluster object has a set of properties that define its identity and behavior in the cluster. Cluster
properties are available to applications via an API or through Windows PowerShell.
The following sets of properties are available:
Cluster Common Properties
Groupset Common Properties
Group Common Properties
Network Common Properties
Network Interface Common Properties
Node Common Properties
Resource Type Common Properties
Virtual Machine Common Properties
Configure failover and failback
To control how the cluster responds, adjust the failover and failback settings
Include preferred owners
Considerations for using preferred owners:
Set preferred owners are set on the clustered role
Set multiple preferred owners can be set in an ordered list
Setting preferred owners gives control over:
o The order in which a role selects a node to run
o Setting or preventing failback of the clustered role to the preferred node when it becomes
Lesson 3: Overview of
stretch clusters
Lesson 3 overview
Site A Site B
Overview of Storage Replica
Storage Replica is Windows Server technology that enables replication of volumes between servers or
clusters for disaster recovery. It also creates stretch failover clusters that span two sites, with all nodes staying
in sync.
Storage Replica supports synchronous and asynchronous replication:
Synchronous replication mirrors
Asynchronous replication mirrors
Prerequisites for implementing a stretch cluster
In synchronous replication, the host receives a write complete response from the primary storage after
the data is written successfully to both storage locations
In asynchronous replication, the host receives a write complete response from the primary storage after
the data is written successfully on the primary storage
Select a quorum mode for a stretch cluster
When creating a stretch cluster across geographically dispersed nodes, it is recommended that you use an
Azure Cloud Witness when possible. In cases where this is not possible, it may be more practical to use a file
share witness.
Compare the following:
File share witness:
o Requires three or more datacenter locations
No witness:
o Is not recommended
o Is used for manual failover (disaster recovery site)
Configure a stretch cluster
When implementing stretch clusters in disaster recovery scenarios, consider the following:
Failover time
The services for failover
Quorum maintenance
The storage connection
Published services and name resolution
Client connectivity
The failback procedure
Lesson 4: High availability
and disaster recovery
solutions with Hyper-V VMs
Lesson 4 overview
This lesson covers virtual machine (VM) migration and available migration options.
High availability options for Hyper-V VMs
Overview of live migration
Live migration requirements
Provide high availability with storage migration
High availability options for Hyper-V VMs
Hyper-V in Windows Server provides support for moving VM storage without downtime by making it
possible to move the storage while the VM remains running.
Perform a storage migration using one of the following:
Live Migration Wizard in Hyper-V Manager
Windows PowerShell Hyper-V cmdlets
Instructor-led lab:
failover clustering
Configuring iSCSI storage
Configuring a failover cluster
Deploying and configuring a highly available
file server
Validating the deployment of the highly
available file server
Thank you.