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IAEME Publicat ion

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International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)
Volume 11, Issue 11, November 2020, pp. 40-48, Article ID: IJCIET_11_11_004
Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/ijciet/issues.asp?JType=IJCIET&VType=11&IType=11
Journal Impact Factor (2020): 11.3296 (Calculated by GISI) www.jifactor.com
ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316

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Farag Khodary
Qena Faculty of Engineering south valley university - Qena, Egypt

Hesham akram
Qena Faculty of Engineering south valley university - Qena, Egypt

Nuha Mashaan
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Curtin University, Bentley WA 6102, Australia.

Finite Element Modelling (FEM) has become an increasingly popular method to
help researchers find solutions to complex problems of structural mechanics in
engineering. Pavement is a complex structure which consists of multiple layers of
different materials that influence its behaviour under stress. Rutting behaviour can be
predicted by 3D model analysis using the ABAQUS program. The modelling process
assumes that the performance of all materials is one of linear elastic behaviour. The
main inputs in the modelling process are the material elastic modulus, Poisson’s ratio
and layer thickness. Models consist of surface, base, subbase and subgrade layers.
Subgrade layers are assumed to have infinite depth in all pavement models. This study
employed a simulation process of rigid, semi-rigid and flexible pavements using a
standard axle load of 80 kN, which represents a single two-wheeled axle. FEM analysis
showed that instantaneous vertical displacement along the Z-axis reached 0.105 mm,
0.32 mm and 0.66 mm for rigid, semi-rigid and flexible pavements respectively.
Increasing the subgrade elastic modulus from 10 MPa to 200 MPa decreased the
vertical displacement by seven, six and a half, and three and a half times for rigid, semi-
rigid and flexible pavement respectively. KENLAYER results refer to the maximum
vertical displacements as being 0.1, 0.28 and 0.60 mm for rigid, semi-rigid and flexible
pavement respectively. The subgrade elastic modulus is key to improving the resistance
to failure of all pavement types. Incremental increase to the subgrade elastic modulus
is a potential engineering solution to reducing vertical displacement.
Keywords: Rigid Pavement, ABAQUS, Vertical Surface Displacement, Numerical
Analysis, Permanent Deformation

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Behaviour of Different Pavement Types Under Traffic Loads Using Finite Element Modelling

Cite this Article: Farag Khodary, Hesham akram and Nuha Mashaan, Behaviour of
Different Pavement Types Under Traffic Loads Using Finite Element Modelling,
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 11(11), 2020, pp. 40-48.

The road network is the system of arteries for transporting people and goods between villages,
cities and countries around the world. A key component of this network is pavement, which
takes various forms, such as flexible, semi-rigid and rigid pavement. Flexible pavement has
several advantages, including low construction cost and widespread availability of construction
materials (granular material and bituminous binders); hence why it is the most common
pavement type around the world. Flexible pavement normally consists of many layers, such as
the surface, base and subbase layers and the subgrade (foundation) soil. The combination of
several flexible pavement layers is the key to increasing its load resistance. Flexible pavement
is at risk of deformation under loads. Traffic loads directly affect the surface layer and are
transferred to the bottom layers by particle friction. The effect of traffic loads decreases from
the surface layer to the foundation soil. The surface layer is formed from one or more layers of
asphalt mixture according to design requirements. The asphalt is exposed to higher stress than
the lower layers, therefore it is stiffer and is the main source of strength of the pavement. The
main function of the base and subbase layers is to decrease the stress upon the subgrade soil;
therefore, the thickness of these layers depends on the strength of the subgrade soil. The main
disadvantages of flexible pavements are weak resistance to temperature variation, high traffic
loads and a requirement for periodic maintenance. Temperature variation is the most significant
factor that affects flexible pavement deformation, as it affects the stiffness of the asphalt
mixture and the unbound layers. An increase in temperature increases the negative impacts of
strain, stress and surface deflection. Temperature variation also causes other distress, such as
fatigue cracking, thermal cracking and rutting [1]. Traffic loads and environmental conditions
(temperature variations) are the main causes of fatigue cracking [2]. Rigid pavements consist
of concrete surface slabs with high strength, connected by tie bars or dowel steel bars. The
traffic loads are distributed across a large area, which reduces the stress that is transferred to
the lower layers, therefore reducing the number of lower layers that are required. Rigid
pavement analysis is based on plate theory, which is a simplified version of layer theory. Plate
theory is based on the assumptions that the concrete surface slab is a flat plane before and after
loading. The design of pavements depends on many important factors, such as traffic volume
and soil load-bearing capacity. Pavement design is based on the estimation of cumulative
standard axels, to represent traffic load and the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test, to evaluate
the strength of the foundation soil.
Elastic modulus of material is the most important considerations in pavement design. Elastic
performance of different materials that have high rigidity was measured using a resilient
modulus (MR) test. MR is the soil mechanical reaction due to dynamic load cyclic
application[3]. MR is used to indicate the strength of soil under pavement section, which is
affected by soil properties (dry density and moisture content) and load characteristics, such as
confining pressure and applied stress. MR is most importantly a primary input for pavement
design, as the value expresses the modulus of subgrade reaction (K)[4]. The previous study of
simulation pavement section refers to subgrade modulus which is considered an important
factor to control the vertical movement in the surface of pavement compared with the effect of
top layer modulus. Many pavement sections in 2D and 3D simulation are analysis by finite
element programs such as ANSYS and ABAQUS. KENLAYER method can be useful in
predicting pavement behaviour depending on different material performance such as linear,
non-linear and visco-elastic behavior[5].

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Farag Khodary, Hesham akram and Nuha Mashaan

2.1. Pavement Structure under Study
The pavement structure in the present study is composed of multiple layers of different
materials, including the surface, base, subbase and subgrade layers. The asphalt surface layer
is exposed directly to traffic loads and weather changes. With the passing of heavy vehicles,
tangential stress occurs on the contact surface between the tyres and the asphalt layer. When
vehicles brake or start moving suddenly, the friction between the wheels and the surface of the
top layer causes erosion [6]. The base layer, under the surface asphalt layer, transfers and
distributes the effect of traffic loads to the subbase layer. It consists of many types of materials
such as crushed stone, aggregate, crushed slag and low-quality asphalt concrete mixture,
therefore it is often called ‘granular base’. The base layer must have a high hardness value and
be free from harmful organic materials. It is considered to be the fixed foundation of the
pavement following water spray and compaction treatment. The main function of the base layer
is to support the surface asphalt layer in order to reduce the vertical stress transferred to the
subbase layer. This protects the subbase layer from excessive stresses, which can lead to soil
collapse and resists thermal stresses from daily and annual temperature changes. The subbase
layer is considered an extension to the base layer, and complements its functionality in
transferring stress to the subgrade layer. Stresses transferred to the subbase layer are lower than
stresses on the base layer, so subbase materials have a lower quality than base layer materials.
The subbase layer is used to prevent water leaking through the pavement section and to treat
and adjust the surface before setting the base layer. It may be omitted when the natural soil is
strong, or traffic loads are small. The materials used in the subbase layer must be free from
harmful organic materials and be stable after compaction. The subbase layer consists of coarse
soil that includes gravel, crushed river deposits and crushed stone. Subgrade is a natural soil
layer that receives the traffic load from all the higher layers. The properties and moisture content
of the subgrade layer have a direct effect on pavement performance. Most experimental work
has proved that higher moisture content of the foundation soil, together with increased traffic
volume, cause rapid deterioration of flexible pavement. Pavement analysis systems have
confirmed that water seepage is the main cause of damage to pervious pavement structures.
Moisture content, which is higher in clay soil, influences the behaviour of foundation soil. The
properties of natural soil that does not conform to required specifications can be improved by
using compaction or soil replacement methods, such as sand [7].

Figure 1 The Structures of Different Pavement Types: (a) Flexible; (b) Rigid [8].

2.2. Model Geometry

This study used the ABAQUS solid model to simulate pavement geometry, using discrete
elements. Each element in the model represents a layer of pavement structure, such as concrete
slab, lean concrete, granular subbase and subgrade. A 3D finite element was created based on
a pavement section with symmetrical movement direction [9]. The vertical dimensions for the

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Behaviour of Different Pavement Types Under Traffic Loads Using Finite Element Modelling

rigid pavement model were 26 cm, 31 cm and 15 cm for surface concrete slab, lean concrete
and granular subbase respectively [10]. The natural foundation soil (subgrade) was defined as
having infinite depth. The horizontal dimensions were 3600 mm × 4000 mm, which were
assumed to avoid boundary value errors [11]. The displacement of all pavement model layers
was controlled using specified boundary conditions. The finite element simulations depended
on the presence of a subgrade layer that was not allowed to move either horizontally or
vertically. Vertical displacement was permitted for surface concrete slab, lean concrete and
granular subbase layers [12].

Figure 2 Finite Element Model Boundary Conditions.

2.3. Finite Element Meshing

The mesh module supports the creation of a mesh of the model, which is necessary for model
analysis. Mesh density is a critical problem in FEM, as it is integral to the direct evaluation of
the model’s complexity level and the accuracy of analysis. The accuracy of FEM simulation
and model complexity increases with use of a smaller mesh [13].

Figure 3 Finite Element Model Mesh.

2.4. Load properties

The simulation process for the pavement model was based on specifying the magnitude of the
applied load as a pressure value, which represents the effect of a vehicle wheel during
movement. Dynamic load was used to simulate the moving load, applied as a subjective
function of time, as shown in equation (1):
π πt
L (t) = sin2 (2 + d ) (1)
Where d = duration of the pulse in seconds [14].

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Farag Khodary, Hesham akram and Nuha Mashaan

The FEM assumed that the pressure of the vehicle wheel had a uniform distribution on the
pavement. The standard axel, with a load magnitude of 80 kN, representing dual tyres with
contact pressure of 0.6 MPa, was used to simulate the various traffic loads moving on the
pavement [15]. The contact area between the surface concrete slab layer and the wheel during
vehicle movement depends on tyre pressure; as tyre pressure decreases, the contact area
increases. In general, the contact area has an irregular shape which consists of a middle
rectangular part and two semi-circular side parts, as shown in equation (2).
Load on single wheel (KN)
Contact radius (cm) = 100 ∗ √ π∗tire pressure ( kpa)

2.5. Material Properties

The model analysis was based on the assumption that all the material layers of the model have
linear elastic behaviour. Linear elastic theory is widely used in structural analysis of pavements.
The essence of the theory is that there is a linear relationship between stress and strain, therefore
a general relationship between stress and strain was represented in matrix form, as shown in
equation (3):
1−v v v 0 0 0
σ11 v 1−v v 0 0 0 ε11
σ22 v v 1−v 0 0 0 ε22
σ33 E 1−2v ε33
0 0 0 0 0
σ12 = (1+v)(1−2v) 2 ε12 (3)
σ23 0 0 0 0 0 ε23
[σ13 ] 1−2v [ε13 ]
[ 0 0 0 0 0 2 ]
Where ε is predictable strain, σ is applied stress, E is Young’s modulus and v is Poisson’s
ratio [16].


The various types of traffic loading (structural loading) and environmental conditions,
including various temperatures and amounts of water seepage, caused several distresses over
the pavement life span. The ABAQUS program was used to predict performance for rigid, semi-
rigid and flexible pavement types. The types of pavement and their material characteristics are
shown in Tables 1, 2 and 3:

Table 1 Property of Rigid Pavement Layers.

Modulus of elasticity (E) Thickness

Layer Poisson ratio
(MPa) (mm)
Surface slab 7500 0.2 260
Granular base 4500 0.22 310
Granular subbase 2000 0.25 150
Subgrade 80 0.35 ∞

Table 2 Properties of Semi-Rigid Pavement Layers.

Modulus of elasticity (E) Thickness

Layer Poisson ratio
(MPa) (mm)
Surface layer 2689 0.3 140
Granular base 2000 0.22 150

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Behaviour of Different Pavement Types Under Traffic Loads Using Finite Element Modelling

Modulus of elasticity (E) Thickness

Layer Poisson ratio
(MPa) (mm)
Granular subbase 400 0.30 150
Subgrade 60 0.35 ∞

Table 3 Properties of Flexible Pavement Layers.

Modulus of elasticity (E) Thickness

Layer Poisson ratio
(MPa) (mm)
Surface slab 278 0.3 220
Granular base 200 0.22 300
Granular subbase 100 0.30 200
Subgrade 50 0.35 ∞

3.1. Rigid Pavement

Figure 4 displays the results of the simulation of a rigid pavement section under traffic loads.
The ABAQUS stress-strain analysis shows that the maximum vertical displacement along the
Z-axis was 0.105 mm. The maximum value of vertical stress was 600 kPa at the effect point.
The maximum values of major principal stress and intermediate principal stress were 43.3 and
108.38 kPa respectively.

Figure 4 Results of the Stress-Strain Analysis for the Rigid Pavement Using ABAQUS Program.

Figure 4 Rigid Pavement Subgrade Responses Using ABAQUS Program: (a) Subgrade Deflection,
(b) Vertical Subgrade Stresses.

3.2. Semi-Rigid Pavement

Figure 6 shows the results of the ABAQUS stress-strain analysis for the semi-rigid pavement
section. The maximum vertical displacement along the Z-axis was 0.32 mm at the point located
between the dual wheels. The maximum values of vertical stress, major principal stress and
intermediate principal stress were 600, 161.72 and 345.3 kPa, respectively.

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Farag Khodary, Hesham akram and Nuha Mashaan

Figure 5 Results of the Stress-Strain Analysis for the Semi-Rigid Pavement Using ABAQUS Program

3.3. Flexible Pavement

Figure 8 illustrates the amount of rutting damage on the surface of flexible pavement model
under traffic loads. The ABAQUS stress-strain analysis shows that the maximum vertical
displacement along the Z-axis was 0.66 mm. The maximum values for vertical stress, major
principal stress and intermediate principal stress at the surface of flexible section were 600,
202.5 and 218.6 kPa, respectively.

Figure 6 Results of the Stress-Strain Analysis for the Flexible Pavement Using ABAQUS Program.

Figure 7 Flexible Pavement subgrade responses using ABAQUS program: (a) Subgrade deflection,
(b) vertical subgrade stresses

3.4. Effect of Subgrade Modulus

The subgrade elastic modulus plays an important role in pavement performance and failure. To
study the effect of the subgrade elastic modulus on vertical displacement along the Z-axis, the
subgrade layer elastic modulus was varied in increments from 10 to 200 MPa. The analysis of

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Behaviour of Different Pavement Types Under Traffic Loads Using Finite Element Modelling

all pavement types showed that increasing the subgrade elastic modulus from 10 MPa to 200
MPa decreased vertical displacement along the Z-axis, to the magnitude of seven, six and a
half, and three and a half times for rigid, semi-rigid and flexible pavement respectively. The
KENLAYER method indicates that increasing the subgrade elastic modulus from 10 MPa to
200 MPa decreases vertical displacement 6.5, 5.7 and 3 times for rigid, semi-rigid and flexible
pavements, respectively.


Rutting depth (mm)




0 50 100 150 200 250
Subgrade elastic modulus (MPa)


Figure 8 Effect of Subgrade Elastic Modulus on Different Types of Pavement Using ABAQUS
Rutting depth (mm)
Rutting depth (mm)


0.6 0.85

0.2 0.45

0 0.25
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250
Subgrade elastic modulus (MPa) Subgrade elastic modulus (MPa)

(b) (c)

Figure 9 Compared Simulation Results from ABAQUS and KENLAYER for Effect subgrade
Modulus: (a) Rigid Pavement, (b) Semi – rigid pavement, (c) Flexible Pavement

The analysis of results, based on previous theoretical studies of many types of pavement
models, leads to several important considerations:
 FEM analysis indicated that the instantaneous vertical displacement along the Z-axis
reached 0.105 mm, 0.32 mm and 0.66 mm for rigid, semi-rigid and flexible pavements,
 KENLAYER method refers to the maximum vertical displacements for the same
pavement sections from rigid, semi-rigid and flexible pavements are 0.1 ,0.28 and 0.60
mm respectively.

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Farag Khodary, Hesham akram and Nuha Mashaan

 The maximum vertical deflections calculated from KENLAYER are low compared with
the value obtained from ABAQUS program. Vertical displacement on the surface of
the pavement model is sensitive to change in the elastic modulus of subgrade layer
 Incremental change to the subgrade elastic modulus is a potential engineering solution
to reduce vertical displacement in all pavement types.

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