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With the rapid increase in users’ demand for flexibility and scalability of communication
services, broadband communication networks are facing an ongoing challenge of provid-
ing various broadband services using a single communication architecture. This leads
to the evolution of a challenging field of multiservice broadband network architectures.
This chapter discusses the basic concepts associated with broadband communication
network architectures with emphasis on provision of multiservice, and it also focuses
on the evolution of broadband communication networks from the traditional architec-
ture to the incorporation of virtualization services, that is, cloud computing. Another
important aspect, which relates to the multiservice broadband network, is the “appli-
cations” which, as this chapter highlights, are a key-driving factor for the evolution of
broadband communication networks. Moreover, this chapter also includes a discussion
on New Zealand’s government initiatives to provide improved network coverage within
the country.
1. Introduction
Broadband communication networks have become increasingly popular. These are the net-
works, which give telecommunications a new perspective by supporting traffic of multiple
types, that is voice, video and data (also known as multimedia), but also communicating
these to the end user using a single packet. Some of the networks which started with the
provision of multimedia capabilities include asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) and Frame
Relay [1].
© 2016 The Author(s). Licensee InTech. This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
© 2018 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative
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Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
12 Broadband Communications Networks - Recent Advances and Lessons from Practice
During the 1980s, the telecommunication industry started to work towards the concept of
providing any type of information to anyone, anywhere. This concept pushed the evolu-
tion of wireless networks including both cellular networks and wireless local area networks
(WLANs). The WLANs have then evolved supporting faster data rates, higher throughput and
better roaming capabilities, hence a more efficient communication network for offices, home
and other purposes. Similar to WLANs, cellular networks have also gone into the transition
from 2G to the current 5G efforts mainly targeting the communication needs of mobile users.
All these advancements brought up a range of technologies including ATM, International
Mobile Telecommunication (ITM)-2000 systems [2], wireless IP networks, WLANs, and 4G
and 5G networks (ITM-2020).
The terminology “band” has been used for a long time by engineers, and it started with the
definition referring to a set of channels and/or frequencies. Later, this term has been used with
other adjectives to make it sound more understandable, for example, baseband, passband,
etc. In the 1980s, the term wideband started to be used very frequently when referring to a
number of channels [4].
In telecommunications, broadband communications are achieved using a wideband of channels.
This allows channels to have more capacity, and hence they can support communications from
Evolution of Broadband Communication Networks: Architecture and Applications 13
2003 IEEE 802.11F, g 2012 IEEE 802.11 aa, ad, ae, 802.11-2012
2008 IEEE 802.11k, r, y 2017 (in progress) IEEE 802.11 aj, aq, ak, ax, ay, az, ba
the applications that require high data rates. As per the standard (802.16-2004) broadband refers
to “having instantaneous bandwidths greater than 1 MHz and supporting data rates greater
than about 1.5 Mbit/s” [6]. Lately, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has increased
the download and upload speeds to at least 25 and 3 Mbits/s, respectively [7].
Broadband communication networks are still considered as one of the vital factors which
may help businesses throughout the world to achieve their goals for sustainable develop-
ment, by 2030 [8]. A number of broadband technologies are required to work together to
meet this goal. These technologies include, but are not limited to, mobile and fixed broad-
band, backhaul satellite networks, Wi-Fi (unlicensed) technologies and cellular (licensed)
With the advancements in technology, wireless networks are able to support almost the same
data rates as those of some wired networks (including cable modems and asymmetric digital
subscriber line (ADSL). Therefore, both fixed and wireless broadband networks have grown
tremendously in previous years [9]. In Table 3, the broadband technologies to date are sum-
marized for easy reference.
2000 GPRS, EDGE, CDMA2000 2011–2013 LTE Advanced/Pro, WiMAX (IEEE 802.16m),
WiMAX 2.1
The evolution of multiservice broadband network architectures extends from the digital sub-
scriber line (DSL) architecture [14, 15]. The network architecture has evolved to fulfill the
increasing demands of service, not only for residential users but also for wholesale markets
and businesses. Based on these the focus is not only of the provision of quality of service (QoS)
but also on availability and reliability. This leads to a whole list of new motivations about the
services which were expected from the multiservice broadband network architecture includ-
ing a simpler network design architecture, unified connectivity, enhancements and improve-
ments in operations, independent provision of services, improved availability, improved
scalability and efficient support for multi-edge services [15, 16].
Multiservice broadband architectures evolve to address the needs of triple play and con-
verged broadband networks. This evolution provides a pathway for service providers to face
the upcoming broadband network challenges in an effective and efficient manner. Some of
these challenges are listed below [17]:
• Easy and quick provision of services for both business and residential users
• Support of IP-based applications
Evolution of Broadband Communication Networks: Architecture and Applications 15
• High level of quality of service (QoS), security, reliability, scalability and availability
• Effective management of services
• Support for virtualization services
In the early 2000s, there was an increasing demand for voice, data and video (triple play)
services especially for residential purposes. Based on the demand, the network architecture
started to evolve towards providing these triple play services using Ethernet technology
[18–21]. One major requirement which turns up for the provision of the said service aggre-
gation is multicast forwarding which is designed to minimize the number of network links
used for media streams.
On one side, the use of multicast enhances the performance and reduces the network load,
while, on the other hand, using it with the traditional Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet
(PPPoE) sessions makes the big picture more complex [22, 23]. To address this issue, the use
of a more dynamic protocol, that is, DHCP is introduced instead of PPP for IP [24]. In broad-
band networks the sessions using DHCP started to prove their worth by proving simple and
always-on connections for residential users.
This aggregated multicast networks proved so successful for residential clients that soon ser-
vice providers started to offer these for businesses. This led to the next step of its evolution
where the same network architecture is used to transport both mobile and fixed traffic. This
was enabled with the introduction of backhauling for mobile traffic of 2G/3G networks, a
capability that was later moved to work with 4G/LTE networks [25, 26].
Seamless MPLS model extended only limited functionality to the AN. This model used the
simplest form of IP routing, that is, static routes between aggregation nodes and the access
nodes. To get better scalability, the label distribution feature of MPLS is used.
On the other hand, full MPLS model extended the complete functionality of Layer 3, that is,
dynamic routing to AN. This makes access nodes and aggregation nodes functionally equivalent.
The choice of model depends on the specific requirements and the current network structure.
Based on the challenges mentioned in the previous section, the functions of the multiser-
vice broadband architecture are defined. These functions are defined keeping in mind the
main objective, that is, provision of all these services using a common network infrastruc-
ture [31]:
The unique multiservice nature allows the provision of services at various layers. This yield
to the design of various service layers as follows:
• IP-service layer: These include the IP-layer services which can be seen directly by the end
user. Such services include VPNs, Internet access for business and residential purposes,
• Ethernet-service layer: These are the services which provide transport capabilities based on
the service, for example, service aware, such as Ethernet access services (some are defined
by Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF)), etc. [32, 33]. This is mainly achieved by using the concept
of Infrastructure Virtual Circuit (IVC).
• Support-aggregation layer: These services support to map Ethernet services on top of other
technologies, for example, IP/MLPS, etc.
Cloud computing and virtualization services do not get across to all the above-mentioned
layers. Figure 1 depicts the view of the discussion above.
Evolution of Broadband Communication Networks: Architecture and Applications 17
The need for ubiquitous service delivery between fixed and mobile networks has emerged
with the advancement in technology, specifically the availability of IP-based mobile hand-
sets/devices. The number of mobile devices’ users continues to grow, and the demand for
service availability regardless of the type (i.e. fixed or wireless) of the access network has
increased. This laid the basis for a new trend in technology, that is, fixed mobile network
convergence [34].
Several aspects have been considered for the internetworking of fixed and mobile network
architectures, but mainly the standardization bodies have focused on the following:
The broadband forum has produced a technical report considering all the challenges and
aspects of the internetworking of fixed and mobile networks [35]. The main aim is to provide
a converged network architecture that will support the provision of any service, anywhere to
anyone regardless of type of the access network.
For the convergence of network technologies and infrastructure, one of the emerging solu-
tions is the use of fibre wireless (FiWi) networks. Wired networks based on fibre optics are
considered as having potential to deliver huge bandwidth to the end users; however, the
technology has limitations in terms of supporting end user roaming requirements. While the
networks using wireless-access technologies are supporting easy roaming and mobility, they
are not supporting high-bandwidth and long-distance solutions. Fibre wireless (FiWi) has
18 Broadband Communications Networks - Recent Advances and Lessons from Practice
introduced to the best features of both wired-fibre networks and wireless-access networks
[36]. FiWi technology allows to use wireless technologies for access, while the rest of the net-
work is mainly fibre.
The above-illustrated conceptual view incorporates various technologies which support high-
bandwidth requirements with mobility. Such technologies include access networks using
mm-wave and radio-over-fibre (RoF), micro−/millimetre wave-based relay and RoF and digi-
tal baseband-based core/backhaul networks. Another important aspect included in the above
conceptual view is the support of cloud computing. More details on cloud computing and
virtualization support are provided in the following section.
To keep pace with the increasing demands of the applications over the network, service pro-
viders have started to embrace cloud computing. Cloud computing has given freedom to the
service providers which enabled them to serve the user requests with the use of virtualization
services in a cost-effective and time-saving manner. Virtualization enabled them to achieve
ubiquitous and on-demand access to network services.
Cloud computing is one of the vital parts of the multiservice broadband architecture.
Virtualization services have been added in the said architecture in many ways; however, one
of the popular techniques is to incorporate virtual services as one of the network functions
[17]. Virtualization services should be providing the following features:
• The resources are accessible immediately as per the request, and the allocation can be ter-
minated when the job is done.
• The resources should be available whenever requested, that is, resource scarcity should
not occur.
The evolution of multiservice broadband networks was not only led by the advancement in
technology; another rather important factor was the “Applications”. Applications are what
the end users’ experience, and network architectures have to enhance their offerings to pro-
vide end users with the flawless experience they are looking for. The following are some of
the application trends, which contributed to network architecture advancements:
• IP telephony, etc.
20 Broadband Communications Networks - Recent Advances and Lessons from Practice
In 2017, the growing demand for broadband communications still persists with the increasing
need for mobility, machine-to-machine communications, big data, all-purpose sensors and
the Internet of things (IoT) [43].
The need for hybrid networks (fiber and wireless) is growing to address the challenging goals
of upcoming application domains. The latest application domains for broadband networks
are highlighted in Figure 3. With the ongoing growth of broadband users for both business
and residential [44] in conjunction with increasing demands for large volumes of data, the
applications are getting more and more data hungry.
New Zealand has taken a number of steps to embrace the fibre broadband in previous years.
Some major initiatives are the Ultra-Fast Broadband (UFB), Rural Broadband Initiative (RBI)
and Mobile Black Spot Fund (MBSF) [45].
The UFB project aims to deploy optical fibre cables to provide fibre to the premises (FTTP) to
as many New Zealanders as possible. Previously copper lines were laid in the whole country,
and they served as the main communication medium. With the advancement in technologies
Evolution of Broadband Communication Networks: Architecture and Applications 21
and the need for more speed and data (more specifically broadband technologies), the copper
has to be replaced by optical fibres. With the UFB New Zealanders will be able to access data
and applications at the speed of 1000 Mbits/s approx.
In New Zealand, UFB is considered one of the biggest infrastructure-based projects. Around
85% of the population will have access to fibre to the premises (FTTP) towards the end of 2024
[46]. The NZ government, to make the UFB accessible by as many people as possible, is invest-
ing $1.8 billion. Figure 4 shows the progress of the UFB deployment till June 2017.
The Ultra-Fast broadband project mainly focuses on the provision of fast Internet services to
urban areas. However, there are various rural and coastal areas in the country, which also
need access to these fast network connections. To ensure every New Zealander can access
and experience the improved Internet access, the NZ government has started another project
named Rural Broadband Initiative (RBI). Funds worth 430 million NZD (approx.) has been
allocated for this initiative.
The RBI project is divided in multiple phases. The first phase of the RBI project has already
been completed by mid-2016. In this phase fast broadband connections are being provided to
rural areas using the combination of upgrading existing fixed lines and installing new wire-
less fixed coverage solutions. Figure 5 shows the highlights of the improved connectivity in
rural areas after the completion of RBI phase 1.
The RBI (phase 2) project aims to provide fast broadband connection to more than 70,000 busi-
nesses and households in remote and rural areas. For the second phase, the NZ government is
encouraging local network operators to propose some innovative ideas/solutions rather than
specifying any particular technology use.
Figure 5. Summary of improved connectivity in rural areas after RBI phase 1 [47].
Another important step taken by the NZ government is the creation of MBSF. The purpose
of MBSF is to provide improved network coverage to areas which are of tourists’ interest
and also to better cover the country’s state highways. The government is looking forward to
achieving improvements in the fields of public safety and in the tourism industry. The project
will explicitly target two state highways (6 and 94) in Southland, covering in total of 11 tour-
ism areas [48].
6. Conclusion
This chapter discusses the evolution of broadband communications with a focus on the devel-
opment and adoption of multiservice broadband network architectures with the support of
cloud and virtualization services. The need for this evolution is also discussed with focus on
triple play services, IP/MPLS and mobile-fixed network convergence. Applications are also
recognized to play a vital role in this evolution of broadband networks with the latest trends
Evolution of Broadband Communication Networks: Architecture and Applications 23
Author details
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26 Broadband Communications Networks - Recent Advances and Lessons from Practice
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