Simon Neves - Thesis
Simon Neves - Thesis
Simon Neves - Thesis
Network Protocols
Simon Neves
Sorbonne Université
Photonic Resources for the
Implementation of Quantum
Network Protocols
Contact: [email protected]
A mon grand-père.
Weak coin flipping allows two distant players to decide of a random winner.
Using quantum resources allows to enforce information-theoretic security and
cheat-sensitivity. We demonstrate a refined and loss-tolerent version of a recently
proposed theoretical protocol, using heralded single-photons mixed with vacuum
to produce entanglement. Cheating players are detected in a verification step,
which involves a carefully optimized linear optical interferometer including beam
splitters with variable reflectivities and a fast optical switch. We demonstrate
high values of our protocol benchmarks for attenuations corresponding to several
kilometers of telecom optical fiber.
e travail réalisé pendant cette thèse n’aurait été possible sans l’aide et le
Tout au long de mon parcours j’ai pu compter sur l’appui de nombreuses per-
sonnes extérieures au laboratoire. Je pense bien sûr à Nicolas Treps, Francesco
Graffitti et Massimiliano Smania, pour les conseils que vous m’avez donnés au dé-
marrage de mes expériences. Pour vos conseils avisés liés au monde de la recherche,
je tiens aussi à remercier Quentin Bodart, ainsi que Rémi Meyer que je remer-
cie également pour la magnifique illustration de première de couverture de ce
manuscrit. J’aimerais ensuite exprimer ma gratitude aux enseignants remar-
quables qui ont su cultiver ma passion des sciences, et m’ont guidé tout au long
de ma scolarité. Je mentionnerais notamment Arnaud De Araujo, Anna Oblak,
Stéphane Carbonneau, Laurence Baulu et Marc Tuloup, et nombre de vos col-
lègues qui m’ont poussé sur cette voie. Je remercie également François Courvoisier,
pour ton rôle déterminant dans mon orientation vers l’optique expérimentale. Je
souhaite enfin rendre hommage à Edouard Oblak, qui le premier m’a ouvert au
monde de la recherche. Nos rencontres, bien que trop brèves, auront été des plus
décisives dans mon parcours.
Finalement, j’aimerais remercier du fond du coeur tous mes proches qui m’ont
encouragé et soutenu pendant toutes ces années. Je mentionnerai notamment
Guillaume, Nicolas et Julien, éternels compagnons de questionnements existentiels,
ainsi que Magdalena, pour tous ces fabuleux ‘weightless moments’, les incroyables
découvertes musicales, et ta présence, tout simplement. À tous mes amis avec
qui j’ai passé des moments inoubliables à Paris ou ailleurs, je vous dis un grand
merci. Finalement, ma plus grande reconnaissance va à ma famille, notamment
à mes parents, pour m’avoir toujours soutenu et avoir cru en moi. Un hommage
particulier va à mon grand-père, dont je regrette l’absence à la fin de cette aventure,
et à qui je dédie ce manuscrit.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Thesis Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2 Preliminaries 7
2.1 Mathematical Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1.1 Quantum State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1.2 Quantum Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.1.3 The Quantum Bit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.1.4 Quantum Entanglement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.1.5 Closeness of Quantum States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.1.6 Quantum Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2 Optics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.2.1 Classical Linear Optics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.2.2 Nonlinear Optics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.2.3 Quantum Optics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.2.4 Common Optical Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.2.5 Optical Interference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.3 Quantum Cryptography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.3.1 From Classical to Quantum Cryptography . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.3.2 Quantum Cryptography and Adversary Scenarios . . . . . . 34
7 Conclusion 135
Bibliography 177
‘Pearls in oysters may take years
to swell around the sand.’
T more and more users to connect in an ever growing global network, with
high-speed data transmissions and strong data-processing capabilities. On
a more local scale, the emerging idea of smart cities promises to connect even
the most simple devices in order to improve our everyday quality of life. Despite
these seemingly desirable aspects, such new technologies also raise the awareness
and skepticism regarding potential threats to privacy and general security of the
network. In this context, secure methods allowing to perform a collection of ele-
mentary tasks or primitives, including private and anonymous communications,
remote shared randomness, or faithful message transmission, are needed in order
to build more complex and concrete procedures, such as online banking, electronic
voting or digital signatures.
even for modern classical computers. Still, the security of RSA holds only thanks
to our knowledge of currently available computational power, which may change
as new types of computers emerge.
With the rapid development of quantum technologies, such computers may well
appear in the near-future. The idea of building a quantum computer is attributed
to R. Feynman in 1982 [2] and was further detailed by D. Deutsch in 1985 [3].
By exploiting the fundamental laws of quantum systems, a whole new variety
of algorithms can be developed, where the classical bit of well-defined value "0"
or "1" makes way for a quantum bit. The value of such qubit is undefined until its
measurement, the result of which is fundamentally probabilistic. The arising new
logic of quantum algorithms goes out of the scope of computational assumptions
made to secure classical protocols, therefore threatening the security of modern
encryption algorithms. In particular, P. Shor proposed in 1994 a quantum algorithm
allowing to find the prime factors of any integer in polynomial time [4], showing
the vulnerability of the RSA cyper to quantum attacks. The development of more
resistant cryptographic primitives has since grown into one of the most prolific
fields of research of the past decades.
Interestingly enough, the resilience of quantum protocols to malicious attacks
can take different forms. In the case of a the protocol proposed by R. Spekkens and
T. Rudolph for remote weak coin flipping [20], the resources’ quantumness provides
an advantage over classical protocols in the form of cheat-sensitivity. This prim-
itive allows two remote players Alice and Bob to fairly design a winner between
them two, using the randomness of two entangled qubits. The cheat-sensitivity
arises when, after the protocol, players verify the entanglement, which unveils a
potential cheating player with non-zero probability. Regarding the resilience of
entanglement-based protocols, the case of device-independent verification proce-
dures may be even more striking. Such procedures allow to certify a wide range of
quantum resources, including quantum states [21, 22], measurements [23, 24] or
channels [25], while making very few assumptions on the certified systems and
measurement devices. In practice, device-independent verification protocols can
be used as building blocks to perform more complex tasks involving untrusted
resources, such as the recently proposed authenticated teleportation [26].
States of the quantified electromagnetic field, also known as photons, have since
proven to be promising candidates for the implementation of quantum communica-
tions protocols, thanks to their relative ease of manipulation and transmission over
large distances with limited decoherence and losses. Thus, quantum information
can be encoded in various photonic degrees of freedom, including photon’s path [27],
orbital angular momentum [28], spectral state [29] or emission time [30]. Most
importantly, the polarization degree of freedom has been widely used to demon-
strate fundamental quantum properties, such as the most notorious experiment
of A. Aspect in 1981 [31] proving the nonlocality of entangled quantum systems,
or to implement quantum protocols such as quantum key distribution [32–35],
quantum money [36–38], secret sharing [39], or conference key agreement [40, 41].
In general, the generation of entangled- and single-photons of high state quality,
detection rates or purity, has become a very active research area, in order to meet
the needs for complex communication and cryptography tasks. This way, sources
based on spontaneous parametric down-conversion in nonlinear crystals have been
used to generate close-to-maximally entangled qubits [42], probabilistic but her-
alded single-photons [43–45], and multipartite entangled states [46, 47]. The rapid
Chapter 3 gives the details of our photon-pairs source. Pairs are generated via
spontaneous parametric down-conversion in a periodically-poled KTP crystal, and
either used as heralded single-photons, or entangled in their polarization degree of
freedom in a Sagnac interferometer [42]. The source’s characterization shows in
particular that it produces single-photons with relatively high heralding efficiency,
and close-to-maximally entangled qubits, proving it is suitable for the implemen-
tation of quantum network protocols. In addition, we provide a novel design to
upgrade our source to a multipartite source, with relatively few adjustments.
Chapter 7 discusses the main results of this thesis, and provides potential new
perspectives. We summarize the new key ideas presented in the last chapters, and
point out some unsolved challenges which may be overcome in the future.
1.2 Publications
The results from chapter 4 were submitted for publication in the following manuscript:
The results from chapters 5 and 6 are about to be submitted for publication, in the
following manuscript:
Some results from chapter 3 are also included in these two manuscripts, although
the multipartite source is still under preparation. Results on that source will be
presented when it is ready and characterized. In addition, a contribution was made
in the following manuscript, which was submitted for publication:
The results in this thesis were also presented as poster talks in international con-
ferences and summer schools such as CEWQO 2019, QLight 2019, and QCMC 2022,
and disseminated in nationwide public outreach event Fête de la Science and in a
scientific radio show from radio station France Culture.
‘L’homme est également sous le joug
de ces lois qu’il feint d’ignorer, se
croyant exceptionnel et le fruit d’une
opération divine.’
— Edouard Oblak.
e first introduce the most fundamental concepts this thesis is built upon.
In our experiments, most systems are not isolated, such that the quantum
state does not provide a sufficient description. Often the quantum state is indeed
degraded by noise, induced by interactions with a fluctuating environment, or with
other quantum systems in the form of entanglement. In such cases, the system is
said to be in a mixed state, as opposed to a pure state described in the beginning of
the paragraph, as it displays statistical fluctuations. Therefore, one can only know
the statistical probability p i that the system is in the pure state |ψ i 〉. With the set
{(|ψ i 〉, p i }, we define the density operator of the system:
ρ= p i |ψ i 〉〈ψ i |, with 0 < p i ≤ 1 and p i = 1. (2.2)
i i
The hermiticity allows for the diagonalization of the operator, such that we can
choose a set of orthonormal vectors {|ψ i 〉} in eq. 2.2. Finally, we define the purity
P (ρ ) of the state:
P (ρ ) = Tr(ρ 2 ) ∈]0; 1]. (2.4)
After the measurement, the state is projected onto the corresponding subspace:
P̂ m |ψ〉
|ψ〉 −→ p for a pure state, (2.10)
P(a m |ψ)
P̂ m ρ P̂ m
ρ −→ for a mixed state. (2.11)
P( a m | ρ )
This last property shows another well-known specificity of quantum measurements,
namely the alteration of the quantum state by the observer.
† †
Note that in the specific case ( M̂ m M̂ m )2 = M̂ m M̂ m , the measurement is projective. In
some practical situation, the observer might be limited to a partial set of outcomes,
such that accessible measurement operators { M̂ m } only verify
M̂ m M̂ m ≤ 1. (2.15)
We call such measurement a partial POVM. Note that in this case, one can always
complete the set { M̂ m } with a failure operator:
M̂∅ = 1− M̂ m M̂ m , (2.16)
which is the no-outcome measurement operator. This way, the set { M̂ m } ∪ { M̂∅ }
forms a full POVM.
Operator Matrix
+1 −1
· ¸
0 1
σ̂1 or σ̂ x |+ x 〉 = p1 (|0〉 + |1〉) |− x 〉 = p1 (|0〉 − |1〉)
1 0 2 2
· ¸
0 −i
σ̂2 or σ̂ y |+ y 〉 = p1 (|0〉 + i |1〉) |− y 〉 = p1 (|0〉 − i |1〉)
i 0 2 2
· ¸
1 0
σ̂3 or σ̂ z |+ z 〉 = |0〉 |− z 〉 = |1〉
0 −1
Together with the identity 12 = σ̂0 , these operators form an orthogonal basis of
the operators on the qubit space, for the inner product ( A, B) = Tr( A † B). Therefore,
any density operator can be written in the form:
ρ = (12 + r · ⃗
σ), (2.17)
with ⃗
σ = (σ̂ x ; σ̂ y ; σ̂ z ) and r = ( x; y; z) with ∥r∥ ≤ 1. r is the Bloch vector, in the Bloch
sphere (see Figure 2.1).
The coordinates of the Bloch vector are the expectation values of the Pauli
operators. This way, the qubit’s density operator can easily be evaluated by mea-
suring these expectation values, which is the root of quantum state tomography
[51, 52]. Note that in case of a pure state ρ = |ψ〉〈ψ|, the vector is at the surface of
the sphere, and we get:
θ θ
|ψ〉 = cos |0〉 + e iφ sin |1〉, (2.18)
2 2
where ( r = 1, θ , φ) are the spherical coordinates of r.
n nX o
H = Hk = λ j |ψ1, j 〉 ⊗ |ψ2,i 〉 ⊗ ... ⊗ |ψn, j 〉, λ j ∈ C, |ψk, j 〉 ∈ H k ,
k=1 j
such that the ensemble of n systems is also a valid quantum system, that we can
describe by its quantum state |ψ〉 ∈ H . That state is separable when it can be
written as the tensor product of the states of its subsystems:
|ψk 〉, with |ψk 〉 ∈ H k .
|ψ〉 = (2.20)
The subsystems are then independent from one another, and can be described
separately. When the overall state |ψ〉 cannot be written in such a tensor product,
the state is entangled. In this case, we cannot define the state of a part of the
system independently from the other parts. This leads to correlations between
parts of the system that cannot be explained classically, even when said parts are
separated by large distances.
where  0 ,  1 and B̂0 , B̂1 are observables measured by Alice and Bob, respectively.
Yet, this CHSH inequality can be violated by the following 2-qubits entangled state,
known as the singlet or simply Bell state:
1 ¡ ¢ 1 ¡ ¢ 1 ¡ ¢
|Ψ− 〉 = p |0〉 A ⊗ |1〉B − |1〉 A ⊗ |0〉B = p |0〉|1〉 − |1〉|0〉 = p |01〉 − |10〉 . (2.22)
2 2 2
Here we simply display equivalent notations for bipartite states. If Alice and Bob
measure the following observables:
 0 = σ̂ z , B̂0 = − p (σ̂ z + σ̂ x ),
 1 = σ̂ x , B̂1 = p (σ̂ z − σ̂ x ),
we indeed expect a maximum violation of CHSH inequality I = 2 2 [56]. The ex-
periment of A. Aspect [31] demonstrated such violation in 1981, therefore refuting
the LHV model, and proving the inherent non-locality of quantum theory, in the
form of entangled states. Interestingly enough, the violation of Bell inequality
is a sufficient (but not necessary) condition for the presence of entanglement. In
particular, a maximal violation I = 2 2 , with unknown observables  0 ,  1 , B̂0
and B̂1 , can only be achieved by measuring a singlet state, up to local rotations.
This is root idea for device-independent cryptography, from which we can certify
quantum states with minimal assumptions, and that is the scope of chapter 6. For
more details on Bell non-locality, the reader can refer to [57].
Examples of Entangled States - The term Bell state generally refers to the whole
class of states which are equal to the singlet up to local unitaries. In particular,
this includes the four following states, which together form a basis of the 2-qubits
Hilbert space:
1 ¡ ¢ 1 ¡ ¢
|Φ± 〉 = p |00〉 ± |11〉 , |Ψ± 〉 = p |01〉 ± |10〉 . (2.24)
2 2
They are the main resource of numerous protocols such as Quantum Teleportation
[58] or Ekert’s entanglement-based Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) [6]. In this
manuscript we also use a generalization of Bell states to d -dimensions systems,
also called qudits:
d 1 dX−1
|Φ+ 〉= p | k〉| k〉. (2.25)
d k=0
where {|αk 〉} and {|βk 〉} are orthonormal bases of H A and H B respectively, and λk
are positive real coefficients such that k λ2k = 1, called Schmidt coefficients. Taking
where TrB is the partial trace on system B. This density operator ρ A describes the
behaviour of system A regardless of system B. Similarly, we can define the reduced
density operator of system B, ρ B = Tr A (ρ ). The purity of these two operators reads:
λ4k =
P (ρ A ) = P (ρ B ) = , (2.29)
k K
where K ≥ 1 is called the Schmidt rank. It is maximal when ρ A and ρ B are max-
imally mixed, indicating we cannot define local states for systems A and B: the
bipartite system is maximally entangled. Conversely, K = 1 when ρ A and ρ B are
pure, such that the states of A and B are locally defined: the system is fully separa-
ble. The Schmidt rank is therefore a a good measure of the amount of entanglement
in a bipartite state.
D (ρ , σ) = max Tr P̂ (ρ − σ) ,
¡ ¢
0≤P̂ ≤1
D (ρ 1 , ρ 2 ) ≤ D (ρ 1 , ρ 3 ) + D (ρ 3 , ρ 2 ). (2.32)
Another important function is the Ulhmann fidelity [63] between two density
· ³q ¸2
p p ´
F (ρ , σ) = Tr ρσ ρ . (2.33)
The formula is in fact symmetric in ρ and σ. This function was first defined as a
generalization of the transition probability from one mixed state to another. More
precisely, it can be written as the maximum overlap between two purifications of ρ
and σ:
F (ρ , σ) = max |〈ψ|φ〉|2 , (2.34)
where the maximization is carried over all purifications |ψ〉 and |φ〉 of ρ and σ
respectively (one can alternatively fix the purification of one state and perform
the maximization on the other). The fidelity is not a distance, as it measures the
closeness of states instead of their separation. In particular, it does not verify the
triangular inequality, and F (ρ , σ) = 1 when ρ = σ. Still, one can define metrics from
the fidelity, such as the angle A (ρ , σ) and the sine distance C (ρ , σ) [64, 65]:
p p
A (ρ , σ) = arccos F (ρ , σ) , C (ρ , σ) = 1 − F (ρ , σ) . (2.35)
This way, A (ρ , σ) is the angle between two purifications of the states, and F (ρ , σ) ,
C (ρ , σ) are the cosine, sine of that angle, respectively. When one of the states is a
pure state σ = |φ〉〈φ|, the fidelity simply reads:
F (ρ , σ) = |〈ψ|φ〉|2 . (2.37)
where the minimization is carried over all purifications |ψ〉 and |φ〉 of ρ and σ
respectively, or once again only over the purifications of one state by fixing a purifi-
cation of the other one.
The choice of these functions will depend on the context. We generally try to
derive results on the fidelity, which can be interpreted as a success probability
of our protocols. However, we will often use the trace distance in order to derive
interesting results, and then use its proximity with the sine distance in order to
generalize these results to the fidelity. The angle distance will be used mostly for
deriving a tight triangular inequality.
Important unitaries are qubit logic gates, that we provide in Table 2.2. Note the
Controlled-NOT is a 2-qubits gate, which allows for the construction of an entan-
gled state from a product state.
2.2 Optics
D = ε0 E + P, (2.43)
where P(r, t) is the dipole-moment density, also called medium polarization, which
gives the reaction of the medium to the electric field. In free-space we have P = 0,
so we derive specific solutions to Maxwell’s equations. Monochromatic plane-waves
are of the form:
E(r, t) = E0 e i(ω t−k·r) + conj., (2.44)
where E0 = (E 0x , E 0 y , E 0 z ) is the complex amplitude vector, ω is the angular fre-
quency, and k the wavevector, that verifies
The amplitude vector gives the polarization of the wave p0 = E0 /∥E0 ∥. We also
define the wavelength in vacuum λ = 2π c/ω. Such a plane wave does not describe
any real physical field, as it would otherwise be infinitely extended in space and
time. Still it can be used as a limit case or a mathematical tool, as any physical
field can be decomposed in an infinite sum of plane waves by Fourier transform. A
more physical solution of Maxwell’s equation is the monochromatic Gaussian beam.
Considering such beam propagates along z-axis, the expression in the focusing
plane z = 0 reads
³ r2 ´
E( x, y, z = 0, t) = E0 exp( i ω t) exp − 2 + conj., (2.46)
For | z| < zR , the beam can be approximated as a plane wave with k = u z ω/c. We
say the beam is collimated at the scale of zR . For | z| > zR , the beam progressively
diverges and spreads, with an increasing radius:
³ z ´2
w ( z ) = w0 1 + , (2.48)
λ λ
θ = arctan ≃ . (2.50)
π w0 π w0
Fig. 2.2: Intensity profile of a Gaussian beam (w0 = 70 µm, λ = 775 nm), (a) in the
z = 0 plane, (b) in the y = 0 plane, in which we display the waist w( z), the Rayleigh
length zR and the divergence angle θ .
A typical Gaussian intensity profile is displayed in Fig. 2.2, which also shows
its significant characteristics. Beams emitted by a Laser or emerging from a
where χ(1) is the linear first order susceptibility, and χ(n) for n > 1 is the n-th order
nonlinear susceptibility, which is a tensor of order n + 1. For low power densities
the nonlinear moment density P NL can be neglected, such that we have
D = ε0 (1 + χ)E = ε0 εr E, (2.52)
When at least two optical indices among n x , n y , and n z are different, then the
medium is called anisotropic or birefringent. This includes crystals or optical fibers
under stress for instance. In that case the calculation of the wave properties is
more complicated than in the isotropic case (see [66] for details on that matter).
In this thesis we only consider specific cases, in which the beam propagates along
one of the dielectric axes that is normal to the dielectric interface (we choose the
(Oz)-axis by convention). Hence a horizontally-polarized wave (p0 = u x ) experiences
the so-called ordinary index n x = n o , while a vertically-polarized wave (p0 = u y )
experiences the extraordinary index n y = n e .
Δω = ω2 + ω3 − ω1 = 0, (2.54) Δk = k3 + k2 − k1 = 0, (2.55)
where ∥k j ∥ = n(ω j )ω j /c, and n is the extraordinary or ordinary index which de-
pends on the field’s frequency and polarization. We distinguish two types of phase-
matching depending on the fields’ polarizations:
• Type-I phase-matching: the two fields with lower frequencies have the same
polarization, that is orthogonal to the third field’s polarization
• Type-II phase-matching: the two fields with lower frequencies have orthogo-
nal polarizations, one of which is parallel to the third field’s polarization.
The phase-matching condition ensures that the different fields are in phase all
throughout the propagation, so that all the waves generated at different points of
the crystal add up in a constructive interference. If this condition is not fulfilled,
then a destructive interference occurs at the scale of the crystal, and the new field
cannot emerge. A priori, one has to choose specific orientations of the crystal in
order to fulfill that condition at specific wavelengths. This limits the choices of
parameters for our experiments, which is why we generally prefer periodically-
poled crystals [67–69]. The nonlinear susceptibility of such crystals periodically
changes sign (see Fig. 2.3):
£ ¡ 2π ¢¤
= χ(2)
sgn cos Λ z , (2.56)
Fig. 2.3: Sketch of a periodically-poled
crystal. The sign of χ(2) changes periodi-
where Λ is the poling period which, if chosen carefully, allows to correct the potential
phase mismatch. This results in the quasi-phase-matching condition (QPM):
Δk′ = k3 + k2 − k1 + u z = 0. (2.57)
In this case, an additional phase-matching type is possible:
Thanks to periodic-poling, one can choose the nonlinear material and its orientation
to promote a high nonlinear interaction at the desired wavelengths, and choose the
The second term in eq. 2.51 involves the third order susceptibility χ(3) . The
resulting phenomena are generally undesired in this thesis, as are those induced
by higher terms χ(k) for k ≥ 3. This includes the Kerr-effect for instance [70, 71],
in which the field effectively experiences an intensity-dependent optical index
n( I ) = n 0 + n 2 I , where I is the power density or intensity. This leads to self-phase
modulation, which degrades the beam’s spectrum, or self-focusing, which can
increase the beam’s intensity up to the local ionization of the material. All materials
display a non-zero χ(3) , so that we have to limit the field’s power density in order to
minimize such undesired phenomena.
† 1´ ³ 1´
Ĥ = ℏω â â + = ℏω N̂ + , (2.58)
2 2
where ω is the mode’s angular frequency. Using these Fock states we explicit the
action of the creation and annihilation operators:
↠| n〉 = n + 1 | n + 1〉 , (2.59)
â| n〉 = n | n − 1〉, (2.60)
and N̂ is the photon-number observable, with N̂ | n〉 = n| n〉. This way the energy of
a Fock state can only take values which are half-integer multiples of ℏω:
³ 1´
Ĥ | n〉 = ℏω n + | n〉. (2.61)
Interestingly, the no-photon state |0〉, also known as vacuum state, still has a
non-zero energy ℏω/2. Different superpositions of Fock states give rise to various
photonic statistics, such as the coherent state:
−|α|2 /2
X αn †n −|α|2 /2
X αn
|α〉 = e â |0〉 = e p | n 〉, (2.62)
n=0 n! n=0 n!
where |α|2 = µ is the average number of photons. Such a state displays poissonian
photonic statistics
2 µn
P ( n) = |〈 n|α〉|2 = e−|µ|
. (2.63)
It is typical of the field emitted by a Laser. Another typical photon state is the
(mixed) thermal state:
X µn
ρ= | n〉〈 n| (2.64)
n=0 (1 + µ)
Photonic qubit - In this thesis, we use the photon’s polarization degree of freedom
in order to encode a qubit. Such a photonic qubit can easily be manipulated,
measured and transmitted, making it one of the best platforms for implementing
quantum protocols. First we define the horizontal and vertical polarizations:
where the H and V subscripts stand for modes that are identical except for the
polarization that is either directed along the (Ox)- or the (O y)-axis. These two
orthogonal modes form the qubit computational basis. We also define the diagonal
and anti-diagonal polarizations, which form the diagonal basis:
1 ¡ ¢ 1 ¡ ¢
|+ x 〉 ≡ |D 〉 = p | H 〉 + |V 〉 , (2.67) |− x 〉 ≡ | A 〉 = p | H 〉 − |V 〉 , (2.68)
2 2
as well as the left and right circular polarizations, which form the circular basis:
1 ¡ ¢ 1 ¡ ¢
|+ y 〉 ≡ |L〉 = p | H 〉 + i |V 〉 , (2.69) |− y 〉 ≡ |R 〉 = p | H 〉 − i |V 〉 . (2.70)
2 2
1 ¡ ¢ 1 ¡ ¢
|Φ± 〉 = p | H A H B 〉 ± |VA VB 〉 |Ψ± 〉 = p | H A VB 〉 ± |VA H B 〉
2 2
1 ¡ † † 1 ¡ † †
= p â H b̂ H ± â†V b̂†V |0〉, = p â H b̂ V ± â†V b̂†H |0〉,
¢ ¢
2 2
with â†H , â†V the creation operators associated with the first photon and b̂†H , b̂†V
those of the second photon. Generating such states is the main focus of chapter 3.
Another encoding of qubits can also be adopted, by taking the vacuum state |0m 〉
and single-excitation state |1m 〉 = â†m |0m 〉, in a mode m, as the computational basis.
We use this encoding in chapter 4.
(a) Multi-mode fiber, with (b) Single-mode fiber, with (c) Polarization-maintaining
typical orange jacket and typical yellow jacket and fiber, with blue jacket, small
relatively large core. relatively small core. core and stress rods.
Fig. 2.4: Schematic normal cut of different optical fibers used in our experiments,
with their typical protective jacket (not-to-scale).
We also use multi-mode (MM) fibers in rare cases, when the spatial mode is not
a concern. Their core can take various sizes (typically ≈ 200 µm), in order to couple
more light than SM fibers. Consequently MM fibers are generally less lossy than
SM fibers, but cannot be used as spatial filters.
Wave-plates - These are made of a birefringent crystal, so that light polarized along
one axis of the crystal, called fast axis, propagates with an optical index n f , and
light polarized along the orthogonal axis, called slow axis propagates with an index
where R̂ (θ ) is the rotation of angle θ (see Fig. 2.5). The cases φ = π and φ = π2 are
called respectively Half-wave plates (HWP) and Quarter-wave plates (QWP), with
the following matrix representations:
" #
cos 2θ sin 2θ
Ĥ (θ ) = Ŵ (θ , π) = ,
sin 2θ − cos 2θ
π (2.74)
Q̂ (θ ) = Ŵ (θ , ) =
2 Fig. 2.5: Axes of a wave plate,
" #
cos θ − i sin2 θ
(1 + i ) cos θ sin θ
. relatively to | H 〉 and |V 〉 axes.
(1 + i ) cos θ sin θ sin2 θ − i cos2 θ
The fast and slow axes are la-
beled by n f and n s respectively.
Each one-qubit logic gates from Tab. 2.2 can be applied to the polarization state
of a single-photon, by using a single HWP or QWP at the proper angle. Moreover,
any one-qubit unitary can be implemented by using three WPs in a row, a QWP,
followed by a HWP, and another QWP. Finally, one can also use WPs at θ = 0◦ to
change the phase between | H 〉 and |V 〉. To do so, one tilts the WP around its verti-
cal axis, which increases the thickness d of the crystal the photon goes through,
therefore changing the phase in equation (2.72). When used that way, the WP is
referred to as a phase plate.
H # H
b̂† †
H 12 0 d̂
† −→ · †H . (2.76)
â X̂ Ẑ
0 ĉ V
b̂†V d̂ V†
The PBS effectively entangles spatial and polarization modes of the photon, which
is the first step to polarization measurement. When the polarization is an unused
degree of freedom, one can use a PBS and some waveplates in order to implement
a tunable BS. Fibered PBS can also be used, but generally give access to three
modes only, the fourth being discarded, as shown in Fig. 2.8.
Fig. 2.8: Fibered PBS and the equivalent configuration with a free-space cube
PBS. Two ends are each dedicated to one polarization | H 〉 or |V 〉. The correspond-
ing fibers are generally PM (in blue). The other end can carry any polarization,
either combined from the other two ends (b), or split into those ends (a). In our
experiments, the corresponding fiber is SM (in yellow).
E0 E0
E 1 ( t) = p cos(ω t + ϕ1 ), and E 2 ( t) = p cos(ω t + ϕ2 ), (2.77)
2 2
with E 0 the amplitude of the input beam. The beams are then recombined in a
second BS. The average power on the two outputs of the interferometer reads
E 20 ¡ E2 ¡
P1 (Δϕ) ∝ 1 + cos(Δϕ) , and P2 (Δϕ) ∝ 0 1 − cos(Δϕ) ,
¢ ¢
2 2
From the last state we get the expressions (2.79), for detection probabilities of the
photon. Such single-photon interference is at the heart of chapter 4, in order to
ensure cheat-sensitivity in our weak coin-flipping protocol.
| HOM 〉 = p (|21 , 02 〉 + |01 , 22 〉). (2.82)
Interestingly, this interference is not phase-sensitive. Still a significant hardness
lies in making the two photons indistinguishable. We tackle this aspect in the end
of chapter 3, when detailing our plans to build a multi-photon source.
(a) A home-made scytale, ancient Spartan de- (b) The Enigma machine, used by
vice used around 400 BC. One simply rolls a Germans during WWII, displayed at
strip of parchment around a wooden stick of spe- Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia
cific shape, an write lengthwise. The message is Leonardo da Vinci, Milan, Italy. Source:
then scrambled when unrolling the strip. Wikipedia.
race for the quantum computer [82] has since questioned the reliability of such
classical algorithms, as powerful quantum attacks such as Shor’s algorithm [4]
are assumed impossible under computational assumptions. For the past decades,
this has largely motivated investigations on new qubit-based algorithms and proto-
cols, also known as quantum cryptography. Post-quantum cryptography has also
provided candidates for classical algorithms which would be resistant to quantum
attacks (see [83] for a review on the matter).
Since then the QKD research area has been the focus of growing interest,
leading to several long-distance on-ground experimental implementation of the
BB84 protocol [32–35], and the encryption of an intercontinental video-conference
between Graz and Hefei thanks to a satellite-relay [85]. In parallel, the alter-
native entanglement-based QKD of A. Ekert [6] was demonstrated in numerous
experimental implementations [86–90], using polarization-entangled photon pairs.
Moreover, other quantum protocols were developed in order to perform new cryp-
When studying cryptography protocols, one can put more or less trust in the dif-
ferent parties involved and devices used. We expect such protocols to be used in
so-called adversary scenarios, in which players, devices or outside parties might de-
viate from the protocol’s recipe in order to disrupt the outcome or gain information.
This way, a strong security comes by making as few assumptions as possible. In the
following, we define a few important notions that allow us to clarify our protocols’
scenarios and the assumptions made.
Assumptions on players - A player is honest when it does not try to deviate from
the protocol’s recipe. On the contrary, a dishonest or malicious player might at-
tempt to disrupt the protocol by different strategies. Such strategies might involve
lying on a measurement result, preparing different states than those expected,
disrupting the behavior of a device, or gaining some information using powerful
measurements and quantum memories. Such a player might be involved in the
original protocol recipe, or be an outside party trying to attack the protocol.
‘Un scientifique dans son laboratoire est
un enfant placé devant des phénomènes
naturels qui l’impressionnent comme
des contes de fées.’
— Marie Skłodowska-Curie.
I tum network, the design of entangled- and single-photons sources has risen
significant interest in the past decades, in order to meet the needs for complex
communication and cryptography tasks. Photons have been promising candidates
for the implementation of such tasks, thanks to their relative ease of manipulation
and transmission over large distances with limited decoherence and losses. Still,
the generation of photonic quantum states remains a relatively open and active re-
search area, as protocols often require more and more demanding features, such as
on-demand state generation, high detection rates or photonic purity, all the while
maintaining a high quality of the states. Sources based on spontaneous parametric
down-conversion (SPDC) have been some of the most investigated solutions, as
they can be used to generate pairs of close-to-maximally entangled qubits [42],
encoded in photons’ polarization, probabilistic but heralded single-photons [43, 44],
and multipartite entangled states [46, 47]. All of these aspects motivate our choice
to build such a SPDC-based source.
In the following, we start by recalling some basic notions on SPDC, and review-
ing the most important SPDC-based sources of polarization-entangled photons. We
then detail the design of the source that was built from scratch during this thesis,
moment density in the crystal. Only the second order dipole-moment is relevant
here, such that
h I ∝ E(+) (r, t) · χ(2) (r)E(−) (r, t) + conj., (3.2)
(+) ∗
where E(−) = E
¡ ¢
. We decompose the electric field into three interacting fields:
where E(p+) , E(s+) and E(i+) are the pump, signal and idler fields, respectively. As
a first approximation we only consider monochromatic plane waves, of angular
frequencies {ωl }l=p,s,i , wavevectors {kl }l=p,s,i , and polarization {el }l=p,s,i (the reader
can refer to [92, 93] for a more general derivation). We then express the quantified
electric field operators:
Ê p (r, t) ∝ e p eω p t−k p ·r â†p , (3.4)
Ês (r, t) ∝ es eωs t−ks ·r â†s , (3.5)
Ê i (r, t) ∝ e i eω i t−k i ·r â†i , (3.6)
where â†p , â†s and â†i are the creation operators in the pump, signal and idler modes,
respectively. Thus we deduce the Hamiltonian of interaction, by injecting these
operators in eq. 3.2 and by integrating over the volume V of the crystal:
i(k p −ks −k i )·r 3 †
Ĥ I ∝ η(r) e †
d r · â p â s â i + η∗ (r) e− i(k p −ks −k i )·r d 3 r · â p â†s â i , (3.7)
where η(r) = e p · χ(2) (r)es e i , and we only keep the terms which respect the energy
conservation principle ω p = ω i + ωs . The first term describes the SFG and SHG
which were mentioned earlier, while the second term is linked to DFG and OPA.
This way all classical phenomena described in paragraph 2.2.2 can be interpreted
through photon transformations (see Fig. 3.1). But most importantly, the second
term in eq. 3.7 also predicts the spontaneous conversion of a high-energy pump
photon into two lower-energy signal and idler photons, namely SPDC. This phe-
nomenon is allowed purely by the quantization of electromagnetic field.
with Δk = k p − ks − k i + 2Λπ u z , such that Ĥ I vanishes except for Δk = 0 (see Fig. 3.2).
Now we can grasp an idea of the photon statistics. Making the non-depleted
pump assumption, meaning the pump field is strong enough to be unaffected by the
interaction, and under the phase-matching condition, the Hamiltonian becomes:
with an average number of photons µ = p/(1 − p). This can be used in experiments
in order to verify the spectral purity of down-converted photons (see [94, 95]
for more details on that matter). Finally, as p ≪ 1 we can simplify the state as
ρ s/i ≃ |1s/i 〉〈1s/i | which is a single-photon state. This way measuring a photon from
a SPDC pair allows to announce its twin, which becomes a heralded single-photon.
therefore display some entanglement in those modes. Then photon-pairs can still
be used in order to generate heralded single-photons, but the spectral and spatial
state is mixed. The full derivation of that state remains an open question, and
attempts can be found in different studies [92–96]. For the rest of this thesis, we
consider the photons spectral and spatial state to be close-to-separable, such that
the statistics is approximated with a geometric law.
(a) Type-II source. Two cones of (b) Type-I source. Two overlapping cones
orthogonally-polarized photons are of photons are emitted by pumping two
emitted by pumping a single BBO cascaded BBO crystals with orthogonal
crystal. Entanglement is generated at the axes. Entanglement is generated all over
intersections of the rings [98]. the rings [99].
Fig. 3.3: Common sources photon pairs entangled in polarization, based on bulk-
BBO crystals.
By collecting photons on parts of the type-I ring, 21 × 103 pairs/s could be mea-
sured [99], with a pump power of 150 mW. The number of pairs measured is
proportional to the pump power, so we give the rate of pairs per mW of pump
power, also called brightness of the source. In this demonstration the brightness
is 140 pairs/s/mW. The fidelity of the states generated to the target Bell state was
> 88%, which was mostly limited by the delay between the rings that limits the
interference quality. Radhika Rangarajan et al. demonstrated a compensation
of this so-called walk-off [100], reaching a brightness of 5400 pairs/s/mW, and a
fidelity of 99 ± 2% to the Bell state.
Fig. 3.4: Scheme of the Type-II PPKTP-Sagnac source of entangled photons. The
pump is diagonally polarized, and is converted into lower energy photons. The
dichroic mirror reflects the pairs and transmits the pump. The HWP implements a
bit flip X̂ . All components are adapted to both wavelengths of pump and pairs.
• If the pump photon is in state | H 〉, it goes through the PBS and is flipped
into the state |V 〉 by the bit flip X̂ . Then, it is down-converted into signal and
idler photons, in state |V H 〉. Finally, the signal photon is transmitted by the
PBS, and the idler photon is reflected.
A dichroic mirror is used in order to separate the pump from the photons. Provided
the interferometer is properly aligned, we get a superposition of the two situations,
| HV 〉+|V H 〉
and we collect the entangled state |ψ+ 〉 = p at the output of the interfer-
ometer. Note the Sagnac interferometer is intrinsically stable, as the interfering
beams take the same round path in opposite directions. Thus a phase change in one
path also affects the other path, so no relative phase appears between the paths.
Thus no phase stabilization is needed for generating high-quality states [108].
Over the past decades, this PPKTP-Sagnac scheme has become widespread,
thanks to its stability, adaptability and ease of conception. It was first demon-
strated in 2006 by T. Kim et al. [109], with a brightness of ∼ 5000 pairs/s/mW and
a fidelity of more than 94.3% to the target Bell state. Considerable efforts have
been made to increase these numbers, and extremely high performances were
later achieved by Alessandro Fedrizzi et al. [42]. By optimizing the focusing of
the pump, they could reach a brightness of ∼ 82 × 103 pairs/s/mW with a fidelity
as high as 99.6% to the target Bell state, making it one of the best sources ever
made. Furthermore, high coupling efficiencies could be demonstrated, thanks to
the Gaussian colinear emission allowed by periodically-poled crystals [45, 95, 110].
It was also shown that such PPKTP-based sources can emit completely separable
pairs of photons at telecom wavelength, by carefully tailoring the crystal and laser
properties [111–113], which is fundamental when generating pure heralded single-
photons and multipartite entangled-states [95, 111–113]. Finally, this scheme was
used to perform the first satellite-to-ground entanglement distribution in 2017,
where the whole source was sent into orbit [114], showing the extreme stability
of such a setup. All these high performances motivate our choice to adopt this
Sagnac-PPKTP scheme for our own source of entangled-photons.
Our source is made of three main blocks (see Fig. 3.5). The first one is the pump
emission and shaping, including the laser source, its spatial filtering and focusing.
The second part is the heart of the source, made of the Sagnac interferometer and
the nonlinear PPKTP crystal, in which the photons pairs are generated. Finally
the third block is the photon collection, which encompasses the photon filtering and
coupling into optical fibers. One could also identify a fourth block as the photons
processing and measurement, though it may differ from one experiment to another.
A full recipe for the alignment of that source was given in D.H. Smith’s thesis [115],
though our method differs slightly. We detail that method in appendix B.
Fig. 3.5: Outline of our source, with the three main blocks described in this chapter.
The pump beam is emitted via a Titanium-Sapphire Laser (Mira 900HP from
Coherent), of ≈ 4 W average power. Ideally, the Laser is mode-locked, so that 2 ps-
pulses are emitted at a f = 76 MHz rate. The spectral intensity is approximately
Gaussian (see Fig. 3.6), centered around a tunable wavelength 775 nm ± 15 nm with
a 0.33 nm full-width at half-maximum (FWHM).
Fig. 3.6: Measured spectrum of the mode-locked pump Laser, with a Gaussian fit
giving the 770 nm central wavelength and 0.48 nm FWHM.
where κ is the number pairs emitted by Joules of pump pulse, which depends on
the characteristics of the crystal, and the pump focusing mode in the crystal. The
pair detection-rate is directly proportional to the average pump power P = f U p .
This way, when only the two-photons state matters, we try to keep p quite low,
typically p ≲ 0.01, in order to avoid noise coming from double-pair emission, with
a rate R4 . We therefore limit the energy U p while keeping the average power
P at a high value. This can be achieved by increasing the repetition rate via a
temporal multiplexer for instance, as demonstrated in [116, 117]. In some specific
applications we can even use the Laser in continuous-wave mode (CW), instead of
the pulsed mode. Thus the energy is maximally spread in time, but the different
frequencies composing the Laser’s spectrum are not mode-locked anymore, which
effectively makes the photons’ spectrum mixed. This is the method we use in
chapter 6, where the spectral state has little importance. On the contrary, when
attempting to prepare 4-photons states, we want to increase the probability of
emitting two pairs in a pump pulse, and therefore the energy per pulse U p . This is
the approach we suggest for multipartite-states emission.
Fig. 3.8: Intensity profile measured in the focal plane of the last lens with a CCD
camera, after spatial filtering of the pump beam (a) when the Airy rings are left
unfiltered, (b) when the diaphragm is closed, letting the central disk through and
filtering the Airy rings out. We retrieve a satisfying Gaussian profile.
Fig. 3.9: Photograph of our Sagnac source. The achromatic HWP was removed
from the source while taking the picture, for more clarity in the beams’ paths. We
display a green rectangle where it usually lies during the experiments. Part of the
coupling and filtering block is displayed, for the signal photon, with a spectral filter
(SF) and a SM-fiber coupler. Photograph made in collaboration with Julien Déoux.
The interferometer is made of a PBS, two mirrors and a HWP, all these compo-
nents being compatible with the pump and photons wavelengths. Because of this
last condition, these four components are chosen with special care. Our custom
dual-wavelength PBS was provided by Spectral Optics, and provides a relatively
high extinction ratio (> 1000 : 1) for two ranges of wavelengths, centered around
775 nm and 1550 nm. An achromatic HWP was provided by Thorlabs, made of six
The PPKTP crystal lies in the center of the Sagnac interferometer, in an oven
that allows to tune the phase matching condition. The crystal was tailored by Raicol
for type-II quasi-phase-matching at room temperature ≃ 20 ◦ C, from a vertically-
polarized pump photon at λ p = 775 nm, to a vertically-polarized idler photon and
a horizontally-polarized signal photon, at degenerate wavelengths λ i = λs . The
QPM condition Δk′ = 0 (see eq. 2.57), along with the energy conservation condition
λ i = λs = 2λ p = 1550 nm, gives the poling period:
Λ= 1
¢, (3.14)
n p (λ p ) − n i (λ i ) + n s (λs )
where n p , n i and n s are the respective optical indices of KTP for the pump, idler
and signal modes. These depend on the wavelength and polarization of the modes,
and are given by the empirical Sellmeier equations [119, 120]:
which gives the poling period Λ = 46.2 µm. Even though our crystal was optimized
for 775 nm pump and 1550 nm signal and idler photons, we later tuned the pump
wavelength to λ p = 770 nm in order to maximize the coupling of our photons (this
can be explained by the variation of diverse component’s transmission with the
field’s wavelength). This way photons still verify the QPM condition, but at non-
degenerate wavelengths λs = 1541.5 nm and λ i = 1538.5 nm. During the course of
these projects, choosing this non-degenerate configuration over the degenerate case
did not cause any significant drawback. For other projects, the degenerate emission
might still be required, for which one could tune the QPM condition by setting up
the crystal’s oven temperature.
We predict the photon’s spectral state from the crystal and pump’s characteris-
tics. Our crystal’s length is L = 30 mm, so the focusing parameter reads
L λpL
ξp = = ≃ 0.04. (3.16)
n p zR,p n p πw2p
As ξ p ≪ 1, meaning L is far smaller than the pump’s Rayleigh length, the pump
is collimated in the crystal. Thus we adopt the same approach as N. Bruno in
[95], and consider the pump, signal and idler spectral modes do not entangle with
spatial mode (see [92, 93] for a more general derivation). In addition, the latter are
considered to be plane waves of respective vectors:
ω p n p (ω p ) ωs n s (ωs ) ω i n i (ω i )
kp = z, ks = z, ki = z, (3.17)
c c c
where ω p , ωs and ω i are the angular frequencies of the pump, signal and idler
modes, respectively. In that case, it was shown that the interaction Hamiltonian
(eq. 3.1) leads to the following state for the photon pairs [94, 111]:
|ψsi 〉 = d ω i d ωs γ(ω i , ωs )â†ω i â†ωs |0 i , 0s 〉, (3.18)
where γ(ω i , ωs ) is the so-called joint spectral amplitude (JSA) that takes the form:
where α(ω i + ωs ) is the pump envelope, that gives the frequencies allowed by
energy conservation, and β(ω i , ωs ) is the phase-matching envelope, that gives
the frequencies allowed by the QPM condition. In a periodically-poled crystal,
under collinear-emission approximation, and assuming the pump spectrum to be
Gaussian (when the Laser is mode-locked), we can express these functions:
³ Δω2 ´
|α(ω i + ωs )| = exp − 2 ,
2σ p (3.20)
|β(ω i , ωs )| = sinc(Δ k · L),
ωs n s (ωs ) ω i n i (ω i ) (ω i + ωs ) · n p (ω i + ωs ) 2π
Δk = + − + . (3.21)
c c c Λ
In Fig. 3.10, we display a simulation of the photon pairs’ JSA in our experiments.
Performing the Schmidt decomposition of the spectral state, we expect a Schmidt
number K = 1.18, and a high single-photon purity P = 1/K = 0.85, indicated by the
central close-to-Gaussian lobe in the JSA. Thus the photons are close-to-spectrally-
separable, which is a fundamental feature when performing 2-photons interference
in multipartite protocols or quantum teleportation, as we will see at the end of the
chapter. Still side lobes from the sinc function are responsible for some correlations
in the pairs’ spectral modes, which limits the purity. These can be suppressed by
filtering the spectral state.
Fig. 3.10: Simulated joint spectral amplitude of the photon pairs emitted in our
experiment, when the pump center wavelength is 770 nm.
the pump, while transmitting the photons. Finally, custom ultra-narrow bandpass
filters, provided by Alluxa, suppress most parasitic signals emitted in the telecom
range. The central wavelength can be tuned from 1550 nm to 1530 nm by tilting
the filter around its vertical axis, and the FWHM is 1.3 nm as seen in Fig. 3.11.
These narrow filters also allow to suppress the side lobes displayed in Fig. 3.10,
which increases the purity, but induces additional losses.
mode of similar waist ws ≃ w i . Thus, choosing carefully the coupling waists allows
to maximize the heralding efficiency. In our experiment, this maximum heralding
efficiency was reached for ws = 190 µm and w i = 218 µm. The corresponding focusing
parameters read
L λs L L λi L
ξs = = ≃ 0.24, ξi = = ≃ 0.17, (3.23)
n s zR,s n s πw2s n i zR,i n i πw2i
such that both modes are also collimated at the scale of the crystal. This comforts
the assumption taken in the last paragraph, considering signal and idler as plane
waves when calculating the spectrum, leading to eq. 3.17.
The heralding efficiency effectively varies from one experiment to another, de-
pending on losses induced by various components. The maximum value reached
was η s| i = 66%, in a specific situation where the pump was going through one
side of the Sagnac interferometer only, and the achromatic HWP was removed
from the photons’ path. By discarding the losses induced by fiber connectors, and
detectors efficiency, we get a corrected coupling efficiency η′s| i > 81%, comparable to
state-of-the-art sources [45, 95]. This value might increase even more by choosing
more transmissive optical components, in particular the Sagnac PBS which only
transmits 90% of the light at maximum.
Fig. 3.12: A polarization analyzer used in our experiment. WPs are motorized,
PBS is fibered, a PC ensures the PBS axes are aligned with those of the WPs.
In table 3.1, we give the different bases that we measure in our experiments,
along with the ocrreponding WPs configurations. In our setup, WPs are mounted
into fast and precise motorized stages, in order to automatically and swiftly change
the measurement basis. This is of particular convenience when performing quan-
tum state tomography, or quantum information protocols, as in chapter 6.
Tab. 3.1: Common polarization bases and the corresponding WPs angle used to
measure the photon in said bases.
After being discriminated by the PBS, photons are carried by optical fibers to
superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs, ID281 by IDQuan-
tique). These consist of an electronic circuit made of a conductor material (see
Fig. 3.13), that becomes superconducting when cooled down to a cryogenic temper-
ature ≈ 0.8 K (see Fig. 3.14). When the photon hits the circuit, the energy income
heats the conductor up, which loses its superconductivity. The resulting increase
in resistivity is then converted into an electric pulse that can be measured and
timed with maximum uncertainty (timing jitter) of ≈ 40 ps. The detection efficiency
for telecom photons is typically ≈ 90%, and the rate of false detections, called
dark counts (DC), is as low as ≈ 50 Hz, due to the cryogenic temperature. After
the detection of a photon, the detector is fully operational past a recovery time of
≈ 100 ns at maximum. The characteristics of the detectors are given in table 3.2.
The electric signal of each detector is then sent to a time tagger (Ultra from
Swabian Instruments), also called coincidence counter (c.c.), that times the dif-
ferent detection events with picosecond-precision. The simultaneity of different
detection events can then be assessed, by setting up the right coincidence window,
which is the maximum time interval between two simultaneous detection events.
Timing delays can also be added or subtracted after recording the events, in order
to compensate for differences in each photons’ paths. We choose a coincidence
window of 500 ps, which is long enough compared to timing uncertainties, but
small enough to cancel-out most of the noise. A summary of the setup used to
measure the correlation between two photons is displayed in Fig. 3.15.
Fig. 3.15: Full apparatus used to analyze the bi-photon polarization state. Two
polarization analyzers allow the local measurement of each photon of the pair.
Correlations between detection events are then assessed by the time tagger and
to photon pair emission. To evaluate this quantity, we herald the signal photon
with its idler twin detected in a detector D 1 , and we measure the signal photon in
two detectors D 2 and D 3 after a 50/50 beam splitter. This way the autocorrelation
function reads:
4 · R 1 · R 1,2,3
g(2) (0) ≃ , (3.24)
(R 1,2 + R 1,3 )2
where R 1,2 , R 1,3 and R 1,2,3 give the rates of simultaneous detections in the cor-
responding combination of detectors, and R 1 is the rate of detection of the idler
photon in D 1 . In Fig. 3.16 we display g(2) (0) as a function of the average pump
power, in pulsed mode. At low power, our source indeed approaches the behaviour
of a true heralded single-photon source with g(2) (0) = 0.
Fig. 3.16: Autocorrelation function g(2) (0) of the heralded signal photon, as a
function of the average pump power, in pulsed mode.
Most importantly, the biphoton polarization states emitted by our source can
be evaluated on quantum state tomography (QST) [51, 52], which allows to re-
construct the full density matrix of our 2-qubits state, by measuring a finite set
of Pauli observables σ̂ i A ⊗ σ̂ i B . These are easily accessible in our experiment, by
measuring the two photons in all combinations of two configurations displayed
in table 3.1. Details on this method are given in appendix A. Thanks to the WPs
motorized stages and the relatively high pair detection rate, it typically takes only
15 min to 30 min to acquire a full data set needed for this state reconstruction.
Fig. 3.17: Typical biphoton polarization quantum state emitted by the Sagnac
source, reconstructed by QST. We measure a fidelity F (ρ , Ψ+ ) = 99.32% ± 0.05% to
the Bell state |Ψ+ 〉. Real and imaginary parts are not at the same scale.
Fmax (ρ , Φ+ ) = max 〈Φ+ |Û ρÛ † |Φ+ 〉 = 99.43% ± 0.05%, Û = Û A ⊗ ÛB , (3.26)
which is comparable to state of the art sources [42]. Note that in practice, it is
particularly convenient to tune the different WPs angles and fibered polarization
controllers, in order to experimentally perform the maximization on Û A and ÛB .
When the Laser is in pulsed mode, the energy is concentrated in time, resulting
in a higher probability of double-pair emission. This induces noise in the effec-
tive state, caused by accidental coincidences between uncorrelated photons. The
consequent decrease in the fidelity of the state to a maximally-entangled state is
displayed in Fig. 3.18.
Fig. 3.18: Fidelity of the biphoton polarization quantum state emitted by the
Sagnac source evaluated by QST, to the maximally-entangled state |Φ+ 〉, as a
function of the pulsed-pump power.
Using the state emitted by our source, we could test the violation of Bell
inequality 2.21. In CW-mode, we measure the observables  0 = σ̂ x and  1 = σ̂ z on
the first photon, and the observables B̂0 = − p1 (σ̂ z + σ̂ x ) and B̂1 = p1 (σ̂ z − σ̂ x ) on the
2 2
second photon. This way, we measure a ϵ-close-to-maximum violation
I = 2 2 − ϵ = 2.8142 ± 10−4 , with ϵ = 0.0142 ± 10−4 . (3.27)
Finally, we show the relatively strong stability of our source over time, by per-
forming a series of QST of the state emitted by the source, for an 8 hours duration.
From the data acquired during these tomographies, we deduce the evolution of both
the source’s state fidelity to a maximally-entangled state and the pairs’ detection
rate, over time (see Fig. 3.19). By fitting the data we conclude the drift in state
quality and coupling to be negligible.
Fig. 3.19: Features of the source measured over an 8-hours time-span. The 1-hour
gap at the end of the data series is due to a cooling cycle of the detectors.
(a) Fidelity of the source’s state to a Bell state. (b) Biphoton detection rate R 2 .
Numerous quantum network primitives require more than one pair of photons to
operate. This includes authenticated teleportation [26], composable multipartite
entanglement verification [121], or quantum anonymous communications [17, 122],
which we would like to experimentally implement in our laboratory in a near
future. Here we detail our new design for a source of multiple pairs of photons,
which only requires some mild adaptations of our pair source to operate. These
adaptations are currently being made in the lab.
P (ρ 2 ) + P (ρ 2 )− ∥ ρ 2 − ρ 3 ∥22
V (ρ 2 , ρ 3 ) = , (3.29)
where ρ 2 and ρ 3 are the reduced states of photons 2 and 3 in Fig. 3.20, P (ρ ) is
the purity of state ρ , and ∥ ρ 2 − ρ 3 ∥22 = Tr(ρ 2 − ρ 3 )2 is the Hilbert-Schmidt distance.
This way, a high-quality GHZ state or BSM relies on generating separable pairs of
photons (except in the polarization degree of freedom), and in indistinguishable
states. The design of our PPKTP crystal and pump beam, as well as mild spectral
filtering, ensures the photons are spectrally-separable photons, and therefore
display an optimal purity. In the following we focus on the problem of generating
indistinguishable pairs of photons.
For now, spatial multiplexing was only proposed for bulk crystals. Thus all
multipartite sources based on periodically-poled crystals have so far relied on
building multiple separate interferometers, with two different crystals. This was
pointed out as a limitation for the emission of indistinguishable pairs [128], aris-
Fig. 3.22: Scheme of the Layered-Sagnac source. Two parallel beams pump the
same PPKTP crystal at different heights.
Fig. 3.23: A spatial multiplexer used to generate two parallel beams. Calcite
crystals separate two parallel beams of orthogonal polarization. We use two such
crystals, rotated at 180◦ , so the optical path-length is the same for both beams.
R4 = f κ2 U p2 η4 . (3.30)
Here we recall f is the pump-pulse repetition rate, U p the energy per pulse, κ the
number of pairs emitted per Joules of pump pulse, and η the detectors efficiency.
Increasing the pulse-energy also increases higher-order emissions, and therefore
limits the state quality. For this reason, we propose to use a temporal multiplexer
[116, 117], as shown in Fig. 3.24. Such multiplexer consists of dividing the energy
of pump pulses by 2, all the while doubling the repetition rate, so the 4-photons
emission rate becomes:
R′4 = 2 f κ2 (U p /2)2 η4 = f κ2 U p2 η4 . (3.31)
Fig. 3.24: Temporal and spatial multiplexer being built in our experiment. In the
temporal multiplexer, half of the pulse power is delayed, in order to make two
pulses with lower power. The windows are tilted around the horizontal axis that
is perpendicular to the beams. The orange beam is displaced upward, while the
magenta beam is displaced downward.
This layout is more complex than the one shown in Fig. 3.23, but can be tuned
more finely. For instance, we can control the focusing of the two parallel beams
separately, by adding lenses in the arms of the spatial multiplexer. Also, the
parallelism and separation of the beams can be controlled finely thanks to the
mirrors and glass plates. This way, we expect the multiplexer from Fig. 3.24 to
be more practical in first laboratory experiments, though that of Fig. 3.23 would
require more investigations for more compact and stable applications.
A significant flaw of our source is its relatively low brilliance, which is limited by
the weak focusing of the pump Laser. This latter feature is necessary for emitting
separable photons with high coupling efficiency, as well as for our novel design of
a multi-qubits source. A low brilliance is not limiting in our protocols, in which
enough pump power is available for high emission rates, but may be a limitation
for wider-scale applications in a near-future, in a context of energy scarcity.
‘Nic dwa razy si˛e nie zdarza
i nie zdarzy. Z tej przyczyny
zrodziliśmy si˛e bez wprawy
i pomrzemy bez rutyny.’
Coin flipping is one of these fundamental building blocks, and comes in two
versions. Strong coin flipping (SCF) allows two players to remotely agree on a
random bit, such that none of the players can bias the outcome with probability
higher than 1/2 + ϵ, where ϵ is the protocol bias [130]. It is essential for multiparty
computation [131], online gaming and more general randomized consensus proto-
cols involving leader election [132]. Weak coin flipping (WCF), on the other hand,
allows the same task when both players have a preferred, opposite outcome. This
way the protocol effectively designates a winner or a loser, and players may try to
bias the protocol toward their preferred outcome.
With classical communication resources, SCF and WCF protocols are only pos-
sible through computational assumptions or trusting a third party [130, 133–135].
For instance the players may trust a clock, in order to simultaneously broadcast
two random bits, the sum of which provides the outcome. This implies no player
would corrupt the third party to favor an outcome over another (by desynchronizing
the clock for instance). In turn, such an assumption limits the protocol’s security.
Using quantum properties, however, one can derive information-theoretic security
for SCF and WCF. Interestingly, quantum SCF can only limit the protocol bias to a
minimum value ϵ = 1/ 2 − 1/2 [136], whereas quantum WCF may reach arbitrarily
small values of ϵ [137, 138]. The latter can also be used for the construction of
optimal quantum SCF and quantum bit commitment schemes [139, 140]. While
quantum SCF protocols were experimentally demonstrated [141–143], only re-
cently a practical implementation of WCF was proposed by M. Bozzio et al., using a
single-photon and simple linear-optics [48]. Still the proposed quantum advantage
provided by this implementation, in terms of outcome-bias from cheating players,
is extremely sensitive to losses. Indeed a dishonest party may always declare an
abort when they are not satisfied with the outcome of the coin flip.
The protocol uses three beam splitters, whose reflectivities x, y, and z are
chosen in order to satisfy two conditions on these events. Firstly, the fairness
condition, which states that Alice and Bob have equal winning probabilities when
both of them are honest, i.e. Ph (A. wins) = Ph (B. wins), or
£ ¤ £ ¤
Ph (b, v1 , v2 ) = (0, 1, 0) = Ph (b, a) = (1, 0) . (4.1)
Secondly, the correctness condition, which states that an honest party should never
be sanctioned for cheating, i.e. Ph (A. sanctioned) = Ph (B. sanctioned) = 0, or
£ ¤ £ ¤
Ph (b, v2 ) = (0, 1) = Ph (b, a) = (1, 1) = 0. (4.2)
Note that contrary to the previous protocol [48], we drop the balancing condition,
which states that Alice and Bob should have equal probabilities of winning when
using an optimal cheating strategy, as it cannot be satisfied together with the
correctness condition in presence of experimental imperfections. Consequently,
a practical balanced protocol would sanction an honest Alice for cheating, with
non-zero probability. This impacts the cheat sensitivity, as one cannot trust the
verification step if it sanctions honest parties. For more details on the protocol and
the chosen conditions, the reader may refer to appendix C.
If b = 1, Bob discards his state. Alice measures her state with a single-
photon detector D A . She then discerns two cases depending on the
outcome a:
• a = 0: Bob wins,
Fig. 4.1: Experimental setup for cheat-sensitive quantum weak coin flipping. Signal
and idler photons are generated using the source presented in the chapter 3. The
idler photon is detected in D herald , heralding the signal photon which is used to
perform the protocol and detected in D A , D B , D V1 , and D V2 . The dashed line marks
visually the separation between Alice and Bob.
Two timings must be set carefully in order to send the photon in the appropriate
direction. First, the two detection electronic signals must be synchronized inside
the AND gate in order to perform the logic operation. These timings can be tuned by
programming the time controller, and we check that synchronization by measuring
the rate of coincidences between the AND gate output, and the detections in the
heralding detector and in Bob’s detectors. Second, the wave-packet on Alice’s side
must pass through the switch when the latter is in the appropriate state. As it
takes approximately ≃ 800 ns to perform the logic gate and the potential shift of
the optical switch’s state, we use 300 m-long optical fiber spools, on each party’s
side, in order to delay the photon for ≃ 1.5 µs. We can then tune the timing of the
AND gate’s output electronic signal, again by programming the time controller,
so that the photon enters the switch right after its state was set. We check the
synchronization by implementing a dishonest Bob who constantly claims victory
by sending a continuous electronic signal to the AND gate. Then the timing is
appropriately set when the rate in Alice’s verification detector is maximized.
Note that when performing the protocol with honest parties and a true single-
photon, then Alice activates her switch only when Bob measures the photon, so
ideally she cannot measure any signal in her verification detector. This is expected
as we tend to minimize the probability of sanctioning an honest Bob, for optimal
correctness. However, this questions the point of using such an optical switch
and fast electronics, just to send void on Alice’s verification detector. Physically
speaking, this seems equivalent to using the exact same setup with no switch, and
send all photons to Bob’s verification apparatus. However, we cannot assume Bob
to be honest, even when he is. Therefore, it is of major importance that Alice checks
that her state actually is projected on the void, in a cryptographic context.
(a) With no insulation (right), and partial (b) With full sound insulation, as used in
insulation (left). our experiments.
Fig. 4.3: Optical fiber spools used to delay the photon while the optical switch is
being operated, with the sound insulation mentioned in the next paragraph.
Various factors can generate undesired detection events in our protocol. This is true
in particular for sanction outcomes, triggered by a detection in D A or D V2 which
should never occur when a party is honest. Thus managing these error sources is
of major importance in order to satisfy the correctness condition in particular, but
also to minimize undesired outcomes in general.
Most of these outcomes arise from Bob’s verification procedure, which relies
on a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. If this interference is of poor visibility, then
D V2 can be triggered even if Alice is being honest, and her winning probability is
also substantially lowered. Considering the length of this interferometer (> 300 m
because of the fiber spools), the visibility is limited by two main factors, namely
the coherence length and phase fluctuations. The coherence length of photons is ≃
2.4 mm (see the pairs’ spectrum in figure 3.10), which is small enough to start losing
coherence after a few hours of experiment runs. This is mostly caused by length
variations in the interferometer arms due to thermal fluctuations (≃ 2.4 mm/◦ C
for a 300 m arm). We therefore regularly fine tune the length of one arm of the
interferometer, using a free-space micro-metric delay line.
Phase fluctuations can be separated into two regimes. Slow phase fluctuations,
of typical frequency ≲ 1 Hz, are again caused by thermal variations, and can be
easily monitored. Fast phase fluctuations, however, are caused by noise spanning
the audible spectrum from 20 Hz to 2 kHz. This noise is amplified by the 300 m fiber
spools, which act as a sort of microphone. These fluctuations are hard to resolve
with our single-photon rate of a few 10 kHz, such that the interference pattern
is averaged on that noise, and we witness an interference visibility of approxi-
mately v ≃ 80%. In order to characterize that noise, we measure the interference
pattern with a continuous diode laser and a fast photodiode (see Fig. 4.4). Without
any sound insulation, the noise in the interference fluctuation spans the audible
spectrum with a power spectral density ≃ 7 × 10−3 V2 /Hz. In order to mitigate this
noise, we wrap the fiber spools into several layers of sound-absorbing floating
parquet underlay (see Fig. 4.3). The power spectral density then drops to less than
10−3 V2 /Hz except for some specific frequencies. The total noise power is divided by
≳ 11. The measured visibility then reaches v ≳ 96%. Under these conditions, the
thermally-induced fluctuations are slow enough such that we can easily post-select
the protocol runs in which there was no phase difference between the two arms
of the interferometer. This post-selection does not threaten the protocol security,
as the parties could monitor the interference before performing the coin flip, and
agree on starting the protocol only when the phase difference is null.
protocol runs while no photon was emitted, and therefore slightly increase the
abort probability. Still we evaluate the rate of such runs to be as low as ≲ 40 Hz,
thanks to the gating applied by the pump laser signal. This way the surplus of
abort probability caused by dark count is about 8 · 10−4 , which is negligible.
Fig. 4.4: Noise spectrum measured in the interferometer, using a continuous laser
and a fast photodiode, with and without sound insulation on the fiber spools. When
adding the insulation, the noise is low enough to distinguish peaks coming from
the main sources of sound in the lab: 48 Hz, 99 Hz, and 199 Hz are emitted by the
compressor plugged to the detectors cryostat, 290 Hz and 580 Hz are emitted by
the pump in the cold water circuit, which cools down the compressor, and 412 Hz
and 418 Hz are emitted by the laser chiller.
4.2.4 Losses
Because of their central role in the analysis of the protocol, we wish to distinguish
the BS reflectivities from the losses induced by the rest of the components in the
setup. For that purpose we define different transmission (or heralding) efficiencies,
measured when the reflectivities and the state of the switch are set to trivial
values x, y, z, s ∈ {0, 1}. These values reflect the losses in every possible path in the
experiment, which are induced for instance by fiber spools, VOAs, fiber coupling
and mating, or detectors. We detail the notations for the efficiencies corresponding
to each path and their measured values in Tab. 4.1. Each path is defined by the
detector it ends in and the arm it goes through (Alice’s or Bob’s).
Tab. 4.1: List of notations and measured values for the efficiencies corresponding
to the different paths involved in the experiment. The paths are described by
the PBSs (labelled by the corresponding reflectivities) and/or the switch they go
through, as well as the detector at the end of the path. We also list the values of x,
y, z, and the state of the switch s, required to measure these efficiencies. Values
are given for VOAs set at 0 dB.
The probabilities of the different outcomes are evaluated by measuring the different
detection rates and coincidence rates, provided by simple functions of our time
tagger. However, the time tagger does not provide a direct way of measuring the
rate of an event excluding some other event. For instance, in order to measure
the rate of "Bob wins" event, we need to measure the rate of detection in Bob’s
detector, that did not occur at the same time as a detection in Alice’s verification
detector. In logical notation, we need the event b ∧ ¬a. Yet for any pair of detection
events u, v, we have u ∧ ¬v = u ∧ ¬(v ∧ u) such that the rate R u\v of that event can
be calculated as R u\v = R u − R uv , with R u the rate of detection u and R uv the rate
of simultaneous detections u and v. In this way, we can easily deduce the formula
for the rates of different outcomes in the protocol, summarized in Tab. 4.2.
and Bob should tune the reflectivities x, y and z, in order to maximize these two
quantities. We then provide the results of our implementations of the protocol with
such honest players.
zh = (4.7)
The reader can refer to appendix C for the detailed proof. In particular, we show in
this proof that the effective interference visibility can be expressed as the average
on the fast phase fluctuations displayed in Fig. 4.4, v = |〈cos ΔΦ f 〉|.
dividing with the different paths’ efficiencies given in Tab. 4.1. We display those
experimental reflectivities in Fig. 4.5, for different implementations of the protocol
with honest players. We see these reflectivities can deviate from the theoretical
predictions derived from the efficiency values. The most plausible explanation is
that we might not perfectly set the expected reflectivities in each protocol run.
This could happen if the fairness F and the correctness C are hardly sensitive
to reflectivities around the optimal configuration. Also some undetected errors
might have occurred when measuring the efficiencies in Table 4.1, because of some
undetected fluctuations, or if we did not perfectly set the reflectivities x, y, z to
trivial values when performing that measurement.
Fig. 4.5: Reflectivities measured in protocols with honest parties, for different
communications distances simulated with VOAs. The lines show the prediction
from eqs. (4.5) to (4.7), with efficiencies given in Table 4.1, and with additional
factors e−0.02L induced by VOAs. The error bars are mainly due to error propagation
on the efficiencies.
For each distance L, we set the VOAs to a transmission η = e−0.02L , and we optimize
the fairness and correctness at each distance by tuning the reflectivities. When
these are properly set to values from eqs. (4.5) to (4.7), we obtain the following
probabilities for significant events (see appendix C):
Note here the importance of maximizing the interference visibility v so that Alice
is not sanctioned while being honest. We continuously run the protocol and record
all detection events regardless of the phase difference between the two arms of the
interferometer. As if Bob was monitoring the phase difference, we post-select the
runs for which the phase spontaneously goes to zero thanks to slow temperature
fluctuations, such that the rate in D V2 (which essentially corresponds to the proba-
bility of honest Alice being sanctioned) is minimized. In this way, we measure at
least 1.5 × 105 valid iterations of the protocol for a 15-minutes run, making the
Poisson noise negligible. In Fig. 4.6 we give the probabilities of the different events
for several distances.
We notice that the abort probability takes relatively high values, even when
we trivially set the communication distance to L = 0 km. This has to do with impor-
tant losses, particularly in mating sleeves connecting the numerous optical fiber
components, the delay line, or in crystalline components such as the PBSs or the
optical switch. Significant improvements could be made, using integrated optics
for instance. Other critical features are the single-photon coupling and SNSPD
efficiencies. Both of these aspects are being actively studied [146–150] and could
see significant improvement in the near future. We also notice that the winning
probabilities of Alice and Bob are indeed very close and the probability of an honest
party to be sanctioned is minimized.
Fig. 4.6: Probability of each outcome of the protocol, measured for different com-
munication distances between Alice and Bob. The abort probability is shown on the
right axis, in magenta. The lines represent the theoretical evolution of probabilities,
calculated via eqs. (4.5) to (4.10), with efficiencies given in Table 4.1. The error
bars are mainly due to error propagation on these efficiencies.
in which case Bob is sanctioned for cheating. Otherwise, Bob wins with probability:
P(a = 0|Bob cheats) = 1 − P(a = 1|Bob cheats)
= 1 − xh ηsA .
In this way, Alice’s conditional verification, enabled in our setup by the fast optical
switch, allows for a first kind of cheat sensitivity.
On the other hand, when Bob is honest and Alice is dishonest, her optimal cheating
strategy is less straightforward. In particular, the security proof from [48] does
not derive her optimal strategy but rather derives a security bound valid for all
strategies. Nevertheless, we can illustrate this scenario using suboptimal strategies
by simply tuning the reflectivity x, so that Alice sends the photon to her side with
higher probability. Intuitively, without taking the verification setup into account,
we can naively expect Alice’s winning probability to increase as she increases the
reflectivity x. We experimentally perform the protocol for different values of x, all
of them higher than the honest value (4.5). In that case, we derive the expected
event probabilities (see appendix C for the detailed proof):
1 ³ V1
q ´
P(Alice wins) = xη A + (1 − x) yh ηVB1 + 2v x(1 − x) yh ηVA1 ηVB1 , (4.13)
q ´
P(Alice sanctioned) = xηVA2 + (1 − x) yh ηVB2 − 2v x(1 − x) yh ηVA2 ηVB2 , (4.14)
In Fig. 4.9, we show the probabilities of significant events. Contrary to our naive
conjecture, we see that thanks to Bob’s verification, and thus cheat sensitivity, Alice
does not have a clear interest in forcing x = 1, as her winning probability peaks
around x ≃ 0.78. Alice’s interest in cheating actually depends on how deterrent
the sanction is. We define a factor δ ≥ 0, which quantifies that deterrability, or
alternatively how harmful the sanction is for a cheating party. From this parameter
we can derive an empirical function that quantifies Alice’s interest in cheating:
Fig. 4.9: Probabilities of different outcomes measured when Alice cheats, setting
different values of x than the honest value. The lines show theoretical predictions,
calculated from eqs. (4.13)-(4.16), with efficiencies given in Table 4.1.
Fig. 4.10: Alice’s cheating interest for different deterrent factors δ. The dashed
black line indicates the points of maximum interest.
Most quantum two-party computation security models do not consider both parties
being dishonest at the same time, since security makes sense from the perspective
of an honest party willing to protect against a malicious adversary. This threat
model is still very general however, as one does not make any assumption on which
of the two parties is dishonest: the protocol is therefore always secure for both an
honest Alice and an honest Bob. In the case of our protocol however, understanding
the double-dishonest scenario is fairly straightforward, and in fact reduces to a
fully classical protocol. Since the protocol is designed in such a way that the same
party (Bob) always declares the outcome of the flip first (while the verification
is then performed by the losing party), Bob cannot win in any other way than
declaring himself as the winner. The best that Alice can do is to then stop Bob from
winning, claiming that she caught him cheating. Thus, the protocol will always
abort, which is a desirable outcome in such a dishonest scenario. The case only
becomes a little more complex when one considers sanctioning dishonest aborts. In
that case, Bob will always be sanctioned for cheating first, even though Alice was
also dishonest.
4.5 Discussion
After refining a previous theoretical proposal for a practical quantum weak coin
flipping protocol [48], we were able to perform the first implementation of this pro-
tocol by generating a heralded single photon, and entangling it effectively with the
vacuum. Thanks to the use of low dark counts SNSPDs, tunable beam splitters and
a fast optical switch, while keeping a high visibility in our fibered interferometer,
we demonstrated a fair and cheat-sensitive protocol. This last property allows to
detect a cheating party with non-negligible probability, which to this day is not
accessible to classical protocols.
Note that in order to sanction a dishonest party with high probability, one could
systematically sanction the winning party, regardless of their honesty. Thus, in
order to display genuine cheat sensitivity, we highlight the primary importance
The balance could indeed arise from choosing different sanctions for Alice and
Bob, associated with different deterrent factors δ A and δB , in order to equalize
the corresponding interest functions I A (δ A ) and I B (δB ). A dishonest party who
could dramatically increase their winning probability would therefore take a bigger
risk of being harshly sanctioned when cheating. Interestingly enough, one could
actually set arbitrarily big deterrent factors δ > 1 in order to account for harsher
sanctions. We leave the evaluation of these sanctions, deterrent factors and poten-
tial alternative interest functions as an interesting game theory open question.
When E is also trace-preserving (CPTP map), then we have Tr E [ρ ] = 1 for any state
ρ , so we call E a deterministic or lossless quantum channel. Otherwise, if E is trace-
decreasing (CPTD map), then there exists at least one state ρ such that Tr E [ρ ] < 1,
we call the map a probabilistic or lossy quantum channel. In that case, the axioms
ensure that for any density operator ρ ∈ L (H i ⊗S ), we have 0 ≤ Tr(E ⊗ 1S )[ρ ]) ≤ 1.
This way, the channel does not operate with absolute certainty, but returns a state
only with a certain probability t(E |ρ ) = Tr(E ⊗ 1S )[ρ ], that we call the channel’s
transmissivity. Then for t(E |ρ ) ̸= 0 we define the output state:
When t(E |ρ ) = 0, then no state ever outputs the channel when ρ is the input, so we
set ρ o = 1/ dim(H o ⊗ S ) by convention.
E [ρ i ] = K̂ j ρ i K̂ †j .
E is a deterministic quantum channel when this condition holds and
j K̂ j K̂ j = 1.
When j K̂ †j K̂ j < 1, the channel is probabilistic.
M̂ k ρ M̂ k† ⊗ | k〉〈 k|.
E [ρ ] = (5.4)
This example is of particular use for Bell state measurements using linear optics,
where it was shown that one can measure only two elements out of four [155].
C (ρ i , σ i ) ≥ t · C (ρ o , σ o ), (5.7)
D (ρ i , σ i ) ≥ t · D (ρ o , σ o ), (5.8)
Proof. Let us first prove the inequality for the trace distance D . We follow the
guidelines of the demonstration given in [154] for CPTP maps. As ρ i and σ i have
a symmetric role, let us consider t(E |ρ i ) ≥ t(E |σ i ), without loss of generality. We
can define two Hermitian positive matrices P and Q with orthogonal support
such that ρ i − σ i = P − Q . Therefore, we have Tr(P ) − Tr(Q ) = Tr(ρ i ) − Tr(σ i ) = 0 so
Tr(P ) = Tr(Q ). Moreover, |ρ i − σ i | = P + Q . This way we get:
D (ρ i , σ i ) = Tr |ρ i − σ i |
2 (5.9)
1¡ ¢
= Tr(P ) + Tr(Q ) = Tr(P ).
D (ρ i , σ i ) = Tr(P )
≥ Tr(E [P ])
≥ Tr(Π · E [P ])
¡ ¢
≥ Tr Π · (E [P ] − E [Q ])
= Tr Π · (E [ρ i ] − E [σ i ])
¡ ¢
= t(E |ρ i ) · D (ρ o , σ o )
≥ t · D (ρ o , σ o ). (5.10)
In order to prove the same inequality for the sine distance C , let us recall we
can express that distance between any density operators ρ , σ as a minimization
over their purifications | r 〉 and | s〉 respectively:
C (ρ , σ) = min 1 − 〈 r | s〉 = min D (| r 〉〈 r |, | s〉〈 s|), (5.11)
| r 〉, | s 〉 | r 〉, | s 〉
where the minimization is taken over all the purifications. This way, we purify
the input and output states in order to extend the inequality from D to C . Let us
choose two pure states | r i 〉, | s i 〉 ∈ H i ⊗ P such that C (ρ i , σ i ) = D (| r i 〉〈 r i |, | s i 〉〈 s i |),
with P a purification space for ρ i and σ i . This purifies the input states. Now let us
define the operator Ê on H i ⊗ P such that for any pure state |ψ〉 in that space:
Ê |ψ〉 = (K̂ j ⊗ 1P |ψ〉) ⊗ | e j 〉, (5.12)
for any density operator ρ . This way, Ẽ [| r 〉〈 r |]/t(E |ρ i ), resp. Ẽ [| s〉〈 s|]/t(E |σ i ), is a
purification of E [ρ i ]/t(E |ρ i ) = ρ o , resp. E [σ i ]/t(E |σ i ) = σ o . This purifies the output
states. Now we only have to apply the extended contractivity of D to the purified
states under the quantum operation Ẽ , for t = t(E |ρ i ) or t = t(E |σ i ):
C (ρ i , σ i ) = D (| r i 〉〈 r i |, | s i 〉〈 s i |)
≥ t · D (Ẽ [| r 〉〈 r |]/t(E |ρ i ), Ẽ [| s〉〈 s|]/t(E |σ i ))
≥ t · min D (| r o 〉〈 r o |, | s o 〉〈 s o |) (5.13)
| r o 〉, | s o 〉
= t · C (ρ̂ o , σ̂ o ),
Note that our theorem is valid also for a trace-preserving quantum operation.
Indeed, when t(E |ρ ) = 1 for any state ρ , we get the well known processing inequality
D (ρ , σ) ≥ D (E [ρ ], E [σ]) or F (ρ , σ) ≤ F (E [ρ ], E [σ]). This indicates that our inequality
is tight.
J : E −→ ρ E = (E ⊗ 1)[Φ+ ], (5.14)
where |Φ+ 〉 = p1
Pd −1
i=0 | i 〉| i 〉 is the maximally entangled states on H ⊗2 , d = dim H
and H is the Hilbert space E acts upon. This way, we define the Choi-Jamiołkowski
fidelity and trace distance:
F J (E 1 , E 2 ) = F (ρ E 1 , ρ E 2 ) = F (E 1 ⊗ 1)[Φ+ ], (E 2 ⊗ 1)[Φ+ ] ,
¡ ¢
D J (E 1 , E 2 ) = D (ρ E 1 , ρ E 2 ) = D (E 1 ⊗ 1)[Φ+ ], (E 2 ⊗ 1)[Φ+ ] .
¡ ¢
One can also define the Choi-Jamiołkowski sine distance C J = 1 − F J and angle
A J = arccos F J . All these functions relate to the average behavior of quantum
channels [64]. In quantum cryptography, we are generally more interested in the
worst case scenario, in which case we favor the diamond fidelity and trace distance:
where the maximization and minimization are carried out over pure states of H ⊗2 .
p p
We also define the diamond sine distance C ⋄ = 1 − F ⋄ and angle A⋄ = arccos F ⋄ .
The diamond fidelity and distances are generally harder to evaluate than their
Choi-Jamiołkwoski counterparts, which is why we try to link these functions
together, possibly via some equivalence bounds, as attempted in [25]. In this
section, we extend those closeness functions to probabilistic channels, and derive
some important equivalence bounds between them.
E 1 [ρ ] p · E 2 [ρ ] E 2 [ρ ]
= = . (5.19)
t (E 1 | ρ ) p · t (E 2 | ρ ) t (E 2 | ρ )
In numerous practical situations we only consider what happens when the states
are not lost, such that we post-select on the states being detected. This way, two
channels E 1 and E 2 that are proportional to each other actually describe the same
physical situation, and we consider them as equivalent E 1 ≡ E 2 . This defines math-
ematical equivalence classes of channels that output the same quantum states.
All channels from a same class can be compared, such that if E 1 ≡ E 2 , then either
E 1 ≥ E 2 or E 2 ≥ E 1 . In the first case, for instance, we have t(E 1 |ρ ) ≥ t(E 2 |ρ ). For
any class of channel, we can find a maximal channel of that class E max such that
E max ≥ E for any channel E of the same class. That maximal channel is therefore
the most transmissive channel, and there always exists a state ρ on which the
channel operates with absolute certainty, i.e. t(E max |ρ ) = 1.
In the following, we will use these equivalence classes in order to define proper
closeness functions on probabilistic quantum channels, with convenient physical
interpretations. In addition, these classes also embody the fact that when certifying
a channel E , one can always consider a more transmissive but equivalent channel
E ′ , with E ′ ≥ E and E ′ ≡ E . We can then use this more transmissive channel in order
to describe the physical process, which falls down to assuming a certain amount of
losses are known and unbiased.
where the maximization and minimization are carried out over pure states
of H ⊗2 , and the associated diamond sine distance C ⋄ = 1 − F ⋄ and angle
A⋄ = arccos F ⋄ .
Proof. For all the proof, M stands for any of the channel distances A, C or D, the
subscript standing for the Choi-Jamiołkowski or diamond version. If E 1 ≡ E 2 , then
there exists p ∈ ]0; 1] such that E 1 = p · E 2 or E 2 = p · E 1 . Then by definition of M⋄
and M J , we trivially have M⋄ (E 1 , E 2 ) = M J (E 1 , E 2 ) = 0. Now let us assume E 1 and
E 2 are non-zero channels such that M J (E 1 , E 2 ) = 0, and let us show that E 1 ≡ E 2 .
First, we show the following lemma, introduced in [25]:
Lemma 5.1. Let |ψ〉 ∈ H ⊗2 be a pure 2-qudits state, with dim H = d . Then there
exists an operator K̂ ψ = M̂ψÛψ on H , with 0 < M̂ψ ≤ 1 and Ûψ a unitary, such
1 ⊗ K̂ ψ transforms the maximally-entangled state |Φ+ 〉 = p1 di=0
P −1
| i 〉| i 〉 into |ψ〉 with
probability 1/d , i.e.:
(1 ⊗ K̂ ψ )|Φ+ 〉 = p |ψ〉. (5.24)
To show this lemma we use the Schmidt decomposition of |ψ〉:
|ψ〉 = ψ i | i 〉| i ′ 〉, (5.25)
1 dX−1
(1 ⊗ Ûψ )|Φ+ 〉 = p | i 〉| i ′ 〉, (5.26)
d i=0
with d = dim H . We can then define the operator M̂ψ that probabilistically trans-
forms (1 ⊗ Ûψ )|Φ+ 〉 into |ψ〉:
M̂ψ = ψ i | i ′ 〉〈 i ′ |. (5.27)
E 1 |Φ+ )
(E 1 ⊗ 1)[Φ+ ] = t(
t(E 2 |Φ+ ) · (E 2 ⊗ 1)[Φ+ ]. (5.30)
For any pure state |ψ〉 ∈ H ⊗2 we define the operator K̂ ψ from Lemma 5.1, such
that (1 ⊗ K̂ ψ )|Φ+ 〉 = p1 |ψ〉. We apply that operator on both sides of equation (5.30):
E 1 |Φ+ )
(1 ⊗ K̂ ψ )(E 1 ⊗ 1)[Φ+ ](1 ⊗ K̂ ψ ) = t( †
t(E 2 |Φ+ ) · (1 ⊗ K̂ ψ )(E 2 ⊗ 1)[Φ+ ](1 ⊗ K̂ ψ ), (5.31)
or equivalently:
E 1 |Φ+ )
(E 1 ⊗ 1)[ψ] = t(
t(E 2 |Φ+ ) · (E 2 ⊗ 1)[ψ]. (5.33)
E 1 |Φ+ ) t(E 2 |Φ+ )
This way, taking either p = t( t(E 2 |Φ+ ) or p = t(E 1 |Φ+ ) we get (E 1 ⊗ 1)[ψ] = p · (E 2 ⊗ 1)[ψ]
or (E 2 ⊗ 1)[ψ] = p · (E 1 ⊗ 1)[ψ] for all state |ψ〉 ∈ H ⊗2 , with p ∈ ]0; 1]. This gives either
E 1 = p · E 2 or E 2 = p · E 1 , and therefore E 1 ≡ E 2 . This prooves the result for the
Choi-Jamiołkowski distances. For diamond distances, we straightforwardly get the
same result, as we always have M⋄ (E 1 , E 2 ) ≥ M J (E 1 , E 2 ).
The triangular inequality and symmetry of M J and M⋄ come trivially from the
distance properties of A, C and D . Therefore, M J and M⋄ define proper distances
on classes of non-zero probabilistic channels. ■
Note that from the sine or angle channel distances, we also deduce that the
F J (E 1 , E 2 ) = F ⋄ (E 1 , E 2 ) = 1 if and only if E 1 ≡ E 2 .
C J (E 1 , E 2 ) ≤ C ⋄ (E 1 , E 2 ) ≤ dim H × C J (E 1 , E 2 ), (5.34)
D J (E 1 , E 2 ) ≤ D⋄ (E 1 , E 2 ) ≤ dim H × D J (E 1 , E 2 ). (5.35)
Proof. The left-side inequalities are straightforwardly following from the defini-
tion of the distances. The right-side inequalities come from the following lemma:
Lemma 5.2. For any pure state ρ ∈ L (H ⊗2 ) and any pair of probabilistic
quantum channels E 1 and E 2 both acting on L (H ) we have:
x · D (ρ 1 , ρ 2 ) ≤ dim H × D J (E 1 , E 2 ), (5.36)
x · C (ρ 1 , ρ 2 ) ≤ dim H × C J (E 1 , E 2 ), (5.37)
£ t(E |ρ ) t(E |ρ ) ¤
for any x ≤ max t(E 11|Φ+ ) , t(E 22|Φ+ ) , and with ρ k = (E k ⊗ 1)[ρ ]/t(E k |ρ ).
Let us proove the lemma. We consider a pure state ρ = |ψ〉〈ψ| with |ψ〉 ∈ H ⊗2 ,
and two probabilistic channels E 1 and E 2 . We define the corresponding transmis-
sivities t(E k |ρ ) and output states ρ k = (E k ⊗ 1)[ρ ]/t(E k |ρ ) for k = 1 and 2. Using the
operator K̂ ψ defined in Lemma 5.1, the map O defined as O[ρ ] = K̂ ψ ρ K̂ ψ is a valid
quantum operation on L (H ). Furthermore, 1 ⊗ O transforms |Φ+ 〉 into |ψ〉 with
probability 1/ dim H , and commutes with the channels E 1 ⊗ 1 and E 2 ⊗ 1, such that
for k = 1 or 2 and d = dim H :
(1 ⊗ O)[(E k ⊗ 1)[Φ+ ] /t(E k |Φ+ )] = d · t(E k |Φ+ ) (E k ⊗ 1)[ρ ] (5.38)
t(E k |ρ )
= d · t(E k |Φ+ ) ρ k . (5.39)
This way, 1 ⊗ O transforms the state (E k ⊗ 1)[Φ+ ]/t(E k |Φ+ ) into ρ k , with probability
t(E k |ρ )
d · t(E k |Φ+ ) . This way, using Lemma 5.2 for extented metrics monotonicity to the
quantum operation O ⊗ 1, we deduce the following inequality:
M (ρ 1 , ρ 2 ) ≤ d · M J (E 1 , E 2 ). (5.41)
The lemma we just showed allows us to bound the deviation of any output
states, with the sole knowledge of the operations actions on a maximally-entangled
state, even if both channels are probabilistic. Yet in a lot of cases, such as the
protocol presented in chapter 6, E 2 is a reference quantum channel E 0 that is
deterministic, and we can use the special case M⋄ (E , E 0 ) ≤ dim H × M J (E , E 0 ) from
the theorem, which does not require to evaluate any transmissivity.
5.4 Discussion
In this chapter we introduced some novel results on CPTD maps, which model
quantum channels which only operate with a certain probability. This includes
an extension of the process inequality to probabilistic channels, the definition of
classes of channels which perform the same operation with different probabilities,
the construction of different distances on these classes, and an equivalence of Choi-
Jamiołkowski and diamond distances. The latter result is also significant for CPTP
maps, as it shows the behavior of a quantum channel on any quantum state can be
evaluated from the behavior of that channel on one part of a maximally-entangled
pair of qudits. This gives a preliminary idea of the protocol we build in the next
chapter, in which we certify the transmission of an unmeasured qubit through
a quantum channel by testing the behaviour of that channel with a maximally-
entangled state. On a more general note, these results may encourage future
studies focusing on lossy quantum channels, which model experimental situations
involving post-selection with more accuracy than deterministic channels.
‘The gardeners dig a hole, drop in a seed and
water it. They know what kind of seed it is,
but as the plant comes up and they water
it, they don’t know how many branches it’s
going to have, they find out as it grows.’
The first obstacle towards making Sekatski’s result practically applicable is the
fact that the authors consider CPTP maps, which only include lossless determin-
istic operations. Next, as is the case for most self-testing results, its immediate
application to certification is possible only in the case of infinite number of identical
and independent rounds, that is to say it requires the IID assumption. In real-
world conditions, channels are lossy and probabilistic, might evolve through time,
or can even be controlled by a malicious party who could, for instance, perform
powerful quantum memory-based attacks. Therefore, a practical certification proce-
dure should consider general trace-decreasing maps and relax the IID assumption.
In addition, all channel-certification studies so far have focused on verifying the
ability of a tested channel to preserve entanglement [25, 29]. Still, a practical
procedure should not only inform the players about the ability of a previously used
channel to transmit a maximally-entangled state, but it should also certify the
transmission of an arbitrary state through an unmeasured channel.
The original idea of this project came as an attempt to construct a practical protocol
for semi device-independent authenticated teleportation, inspired from the theo-
retical work of A. Unnikrishnan and D. Markham [26]. The original protocol for
quantum teleportation, summarized in Fig. 6.1, was first proposed by C.H. Bennett
and G. Brassard [58], and allows a player Alice to send a qubit to Bob without
sending the physical system. Let us call ρ i ∈ L (H i ⊗ S ) the total input state, with
Alice’s qubit being encoded in Hilbert space H i , and S is the Hilbert space of
a potential secondary system with which the qubit is entangled. Alice and Bob
|0 A 1B 〉−|1 A 0B 〉
share a maximally-entangled state |Ψ− 〉 = p ∈ H A ⊗ H B . Alice performs
a Bell state measurement (BSM), jointly on the input qubit from H i and her part
of the maximally-entangled pair from H A . This BSM consists of 4 projectors on
maximally-entangled states {|Φ± 〉, |Ψ± 〉}. Alice then sends the measurement result
to Bob, who applies a unitary operation on his part of the maximally-entangled
state depending on that result, and this way retrieve the quantum state ρ i between
L (S ) and L (H B ).
The authenticated teleportation protocol from [26] proposes to certify the maxi-
mally entangled state shared by Alice and Bob, in order to bound the transmission
fidelity between the input state Alice sends and the ouput state Bob receives. To
derive this result however, the authors assume the BSM is a full POVM made
of 4 perfect projectors on the Bell states. This assumption is not faithful to ex-
perimental linear-optics-based BSM, in which the projectors are noisy, and we
only have access to two elements of the POVM, |Φ± 〉 or |Ψ± 〉 [163]. This way, in ad-
dition to the maximally-entangled state, Alice and Bob also have to certify the BSM.
We discern two possible approaches to tackle this problem, both based on the
consideration of a probabilistic quantum channel. The first approach consists in
separating the teleportation protocol into two blocks, the first one consisting of the
maximally-entangled state preparation, the second of the operations, including
the partial BSM, classical communications and unitary operations. As displayed
in Fig. 6.1a, we can express the probabilistic channel E including all operations
performed on the input state and the maximally-entangled state, such that the
output state of the protocol is (1S ⊗ E )[ρ i ⊗ Ψ− ]. This way, one could certify the
maximally-entangled state following the method from [26], and the BSM thanks
to elements provided in [23, 24]. In the second approach, we consider the telepor-
tation protocol consists of feeding the input state ρ i into a probabilistic channel
1S ⊗ E , which includes the BSM and the state preparation, and other operations
(see Fig. 6.1b). Therefore the channel is a black box which is expected to perform
the identity operation. Some elements to certify such a black box are provided
by P. Sekatski et al. [25], though more developments are required to apply such
results to a probabilistic quantum channel. In this work we focus on that second
approach, as it can also be used to certify any untrusted quantum device that is
expected to perform the identity operation, such as quantum memories or any
quantum transmission link. Still, we expect further investigations may show the
first approach provides some advantage in the specific case of quantum teleporta-
(a) First approach to practical authen- (b) Second approach to practical authenti-
ticated teleportation. The maximally- cated teleportation. The quantum channel
entangled state is certified separately from E is a black box including the maximally-
the operations, which are included in the entangled state and the operations, that we
probabilistic quantum channel E . certify all-together.
Fig. 6.1: Sketch of the quantum teleportation protocol. Alice preforms a BSM on
her part of a maximally-entangled pair, together with the input state. Depending
on the result, Bob applies unitaries on his system to retrieve Alice’s input state.
Our method for self-testing quantum channels is built on the self-testing of quan-
tum states. This procedure, first proposed by D. Mayers and A. Yao [161, 164], relies
on Bell theorem (see paragraph 2.1.4) to certify a maximally-entangled state [57],
by making very few assumptions on the underlying quantum systems. In the most
common setting, Alice and Bob measure multiple copies of a bipartite system,
and under the IID assumption (independent, identically distributed rounds of
experiment), they evaluate the probabilities P(a, b| x, y) of measuring the outcome
a, b when adopting different measurement parameters x, y respectively. Then they
can test a Bell inequality, which consists of a function I of these probabilities and
a value β such that
I P(a, b| x, y) ≤ β,
¡ ¢
if the state is not entangled, and I > β for some entangled states. This way, such
inequalities can be used by Alice and Bob in order to certify entanglement. In-
terestingly enough, such a certification does not require any assumption on the
physical system being measured, or on the internal functioning of the measurement
apparatus, meaning it is device-independent.
The specific case of CHSH inequalities, defined in equation (2.21), is one of the
most popular example of such inequalities. In this scenario, Alice and Bob wish to
self-test the maximally-entangled state |Φ+ 〉 = |00p
∈ H A ′ ⊗ H B′ , in a physical
bipartite quantum system of state |ψ AB 〉 ∈ H A ⊗ H B . We consider a pure state, as
Hilbert spaces H A and H B can be taken of arbitrary high dimensions. Alice and
Bob each measure the system with two possible local POVMs { M̂ a| x }a=0,1 for x = 0, 1
and { N̂b| y }b=0,1 for y = 0, 1 respectively. We define the corresponding observables:
Many examples of such functions f (ϵ) were derived in the last decade [169–173],
and finding one with the best convergence still remains an open question. In this
work, we mostly use the result from A. Unnikrishnan and D. Markham [26]:
Most importantly, the authors extend this result to a finite number of measurement
rounds in a non-IID setting, which is particularly applicable in a cryptographic
setting. This result is further detailed in paragraph 6.4 and appendix D.
measures a qubit, such that H A = H A ′ , and she trusts her measurement apparatus
so that  0 = X̂ and  1 = Ẑ . In this case, self-testing can be derived from EPR-
steering [174], in the form of a violation of the following inequality [175]:
I = |〈 Â 0 B̂0 〉 + 〈 Â 1 B̂1 〉| ≤ 2 . (6.8)
which can also extended to a finite non-IID setting. In this work we experimentally
demonstrate a protocol in this 1sDI scenario. It is indeed more practical to achieve
than a full-DI version, all the while being suitable for real-world situations in
which a powerful server (Alice) wishes to provide a weaker receiver (Bob) with
quantum information. We still provide full-DI recipes whenever possible.
therefore encompass this reference frame. Instead of claiming states are certified
"up to isometries", one could more intuitively claim a certification "relatively to
the experimenter’s apparatus". This way, in order to use certified states in later
experiments, one would have to calibrate their own apparatus on the certification
apparatus, which may involve self-testing Alice’s and Bob’s measurement operators
together with the state. In particular, the self-testing results we use in this thesis
were proposed in [26], which also includes such device-independent certification of
the measurement apparatuses.
In real world situations, the channel would be lossy, noisy, or even operated
by a malicious party Eve. Also, Alice and Bob normally do not have access to
isolated qubit spaces, but operate with physical systems such as photons or atoms,
displaying other degrees of freedom. This way, without further assumptions, Alice
and Bob have access to a CPTD map E , i.e. a probabilistic channel, that sends
density operators from an input Hilbert space H A 1 to positive operators of trace
smaller than 1 on an output Hilbert space H B . This channel is called the physical
channel. Alice possesses a bipartite state Φ i shared between H A 1 and a secondary
Hilbert space H A 2 , that we call the probe input state. She can send the first part of
Φ i through the channel E , resulting in the probe output state Φ o , shared with Bob:
where t(E |Φ i ) = Tr(E ⊗ 1)[Φ i ] is the channel’s transmissivity (see chapter 5 for more
details on that notion). Finally, the players can measure states with 2-outcomes
(POVMs) { M̂ lP| q }l=0,1 where P = A 1 , A 2 or B indicating the Hilbert space on which
the measurement is acting, and q indicates which POVM is measured.
Fig. 6.2: Sketch of the problem. Alice sends a qubit state ρ i to Bob through an
untrusted quantum channel E (green path). Alice can send half of a close-to-
maximally entangled probe state Φ i through E (blue path). Alice and Bob can then
measure the output state Φ o , and try to deduce the probability of applying E 0 to ρ i .
where the trace is taken over H iext and H oext . The self-testing equivalence
between the physical channel E and the reference channel E 0 is established if:
E i,o ≡ E 0 . (6.12)
where the minimization is carried out over all pure states of L (H ⊗2 ). The dia-
mond fidelity is particularly useful here, as it can be interpreted as the minimum
probability that E ⊗ 1 successfully implements the operation E 0 ⊗ 1 on any state,
on the condition that a state successfully passes through the channel. The main
goal of our protocol is therefore to certify that fidelity.
F i = F (Λ A 1 ⊗ Λ A 2 )[Φ i ], Φ+ ,
¡ ¢
where Λ j [·] = Tr j (Γ j [·]). We also assume that Alice and Bob are able to certify the
probe output state Φ o up to local isometries Γ A 2 and ΓB : H B −→ H B ⊗ H o with
the following fidelity:
We then show in appendix D that there exist isometries Γ i , Γ o such that we can
lower bound the diamond fidelity on the corresponding extracted channel E i,o :
³ ´
F ⋄ (E i,o , E 0 ) ≥ 1 − 4 sin2 arcsin C i /t(E |Φ i ) + arcsin C o ,
¡ ¢
where C j = 1 − F j are sine distances associated to their corresponding fidelities.
This bound generalizes what is shown in [25] to probabilistic channels. It also
uses the diamond fidelity F ⋄ , which informs on the behavior of the channel on
any state, instead of the Choi-Jamiołkowski fidelity F J , which only informs on the
behavior of the channel on a maximally-entangled state (see chapter 5). Note that
all isometries involved in the certification and summarized in Fig. 6.3.
Fig. 6.3: Isometries’ involved in the certification, acting on the probe state Φ i (a)
and corresponding output state Φ o (b), and the channel E (c). Γ i encodes a qubit
state onto a physical state that can be fed into E . Other isometries extract a qubit
state from a physical system. Extra degrees of freedom are discarded. Together, Γ i
and Γ o extract a qubit-to-qubit channel from a physical channel.
From bound (6.16) we deduce the recipe for bounding the fidelity of a quantum
channel to a reference channel. Alice first evaluates the fidelity F i of the probe
input state to a Bell state, then sends one part of the probe through the channel,
and finally evaluates the fidelity F o of the corresponding output state to the same
Bell state. Such procedure is possible using recent self-testing results [26, 162],
but requires a very large number of experimental rounds in the absence of IID
assumption, as both input and output probe states require certification. This
number can be significantly decreased by making the IID assumption on the probe
input state, or by leaving its full characterization to Alice’s responsibility. Still, as
we make no IID assumption on the channel, optimal security cannot be reached
by first testing that channel, and only then using it to send the input state, as
Eve may change the channel’s expression in the last moment. Our protocol works
around this problem by allowing Alice to hide the state ρ i among a large number of
As long as r stays hidden and random, any measurement performed on the output
state later after the protocol would follow the same statistics as if it was performed
on ρ̄ o . Therefore we can use this expected state to describe accurately any ex-
periment that would be carried out after the protocol. The general recipe for the
protocol is summarized in Fig. 6.4, although details depend on the amount of trust
put in the states and player’s apparatuses, and are given in the next paragraphs.
Fig. 6.4: Summary of the protocol for certified quantum transmission: Alice sends
N copies of a probe state Φ i , as well as ρ i at a random secret position r , through an
untrusted channel E that varies with time. If ρ i was lost, then the protocol aborts.
Otherwise, Bob stores ρ i , and tests the violation of steering or CHSH inequalities
with Alice with the output probe states. They deduce the average channel quality
over the protocol, which gives the probability that the state ρ i was accurately
transmitted to Bob, up to isometries.
Similarly, the probe state Φ i is trusted and characterized. This fits a variety of
scenarios where Alice is a powerful server, trying to provide to a weaker client,
Bob, whose measurement apparatus is still untrusted. This way Bob’s observables
are a priori unknown. Alice and Bob bound F o from eq. (6.15) using self-testing
via steering [26, 174] as detailed in paragraph 6.2.2, and certify the transmission
fidelity from bound (6.16). We give the detailed recipe for the certification protocol
in protocol box 6.1.
Note that the purpose of step 1.(b) is simply to inform Alice of the minimum
amount of states she has to prepare in order to ensure security. If the channel’s
operator Eve overstates the tranmissivity t, then Alice will not prepare enough
probe states, which in turn makes the protocol abort in step 6. On the contrary if
Eve understates t, then Alice is going to prepare more probe states than she and
Bob require, which will in fact improve the certification confidence.
Protocol 6.1: Certified quantum transmission via Bell theorem, 1sDI scenario.
8. For each k ∈ S q , q = 0, 1:
(a) Alice measures observable  q on her part of the k-th state and gets
outcome a k .
(b) She tells Bob to measure observable B̂ q on his part of the k-th state
and he gets outcome b k .
(c) Alice and Bob calculate their correlation for round k as c k = a k b k .
9. Alice and Bob deduce the average value of I = |〈 Â 0 B̂0 〉 + 〈 Â 1 B̂1 〉| over all
Protocol Security. The security of the protocol is in principle ensured by the fact
that the position r of state ρ i stays hidden to Eve. Thus as we mention in paragraph
6.4.1, we derive the minimum transmission fidelity between the expected output
state ρ̄ o and ρ i by applying bound (6.16) to the average channel Ē . In particular,
the output probe state’s fidelity to a maximally-entangled state now reads:
Using the results from [26] for self-testing through steering, in a non-IID and 1sDI
setting, applied to the output probe state, we show in appendix D that for any x > 0,
the distance C o = 1 − F o can be bounded by two terms, with confidence of at least
c x = (1 − e− x ) · (1 − 2 e− x )2 :
arcsin C o ≤ arcsin
α f x (ϵ, K ) + Δ x (η s , K ), (6.24)
ϵ ϵ + 8/K
f x (ϵ , K ) = 8 + + −−−−−→ ϵ, (6.25)
K 2 2 + 1/K K →+∞
such that we get bound (6.9) in the asymptotic regime. Note that the error function
is due to both the non-IID regime and the lack of information on channels that do
not output any state. A similar error occurs when we evaluate the transmissivity
as the measured transmission ratio:
t(Ē |Φ i ) ≳ τ x (η s , K ), (6.26)
where τ x (η s , K ) ≃ η s for high values of K . This way, the actual bound on the fidelity
between the input and output state reads, with confidence c x
³ ´
F (ρ̄ o , ρ i ) ≥ 1 − 4 · sin2 arcsin C i /τ x + arcsin α f x (ϵ, K ) + Δ x ,
¡ ¢ p
which includes additive error terms compared to bound (6.16). Note that the ex-
pressions and proofs for all the mentioned functions are detailed in appendix D.
One can simplify the protocol by assuming the source is producing independent
and identically distributed copies, i.e. that the source functions in the IID scenario.
In that case, probe states only require a single certification step with M extra
copies, so the total sample size is M + N instead of M · N . We provide the recipe
for that certification protocol in protocol box 6.2, making the IID assumption on
the input probe state. In this framework, our fully device-independent protocol
simply consists in performing a very similar protocol to the 1sDI one, by replacing
step 1.(a) by a self-testing-based certification, and using the CHSH inequality [55]
instead of the steering inequality for certification, as all measurement apparatus
are untrusted. In that version, Alice measures the observables  3 ,  4 on the part
of the system she can send through the channel.
9. For each k ∈ S q , q = 0, 1:
(a) Alice measures observable  u on her part of the k-th state with u = 0
or 1 at random. She gets outcome a k .
(b) Bob to measures the observable B̂ v on her part of the k-th state, with
v = 0 or 1 at random. He gets the outcome b k .
(c) Alice and Bob calculate their correlation for round k as c k = a k b k .
10. Alice and Bob deduce the average value over all rounds, of
I o = |〈 Â 0 B̂0 〉 + 〈 Â 0 B̂1 〉 + 〈 Â 1 B̂0 〉 − 〈 Â 1 B̂1 〉|.
11. If I o ≥ 2 2 − ϵ, then Alice successfully sent the state ρ o = E [ρ i ]/t(E |ρ i ) to
Bob, with a certified average fidelity to ρ i , up to isometry.
Protocol Security. The security of this protocol can be derived from that of proto-
col 1, with some slight adjustments. First we use another bound for the self-testing
of CHSH inequalities, in a fully device-independent and non-IID scenario [162],
in order to certify the output probe state. We still have the following bound with
confidence at least c x = (1 − e− x ) · (1 − 2 e− x )2
arcsin C o ≤ arcsin
α f x (ϵ , K ) + Δ x (η s , K ), (6.28)
F i = F (Λ A 1 ⊗ Λ A 2 )[Φ i ], Φ+ ≥ 1 − α · g x (η, M ) −→ 1 − α · η,
¡ ¢
M →+∞
with Λ A 1 [·] = Tr A 1 (Γ A 1 [·]), Λ A 2 [·] = Tr A 1 (Γ A 2 [·]), α = 1.19, and g x (η, M ) = 8 2 x/M + η.
We can then plug the two certified fidelities in our bound 6.16, so the transmission
fidelity between input and expected output state is bounded with confidence level
c′x = (1 − e− x )2 · (1 − 2 e− x )2
³ ´
F (ρ̄ o , ρ i ) ≥ 1 − 4 · sin2 arcsin α g x (η, M ) /τ x + arcsin α f x (ϵ, K ) + Δ x .
¡p ¢ p
For this first attempt we focus on protocol 6.1, in the one-sided device-independent
scenario. This way the probe states Φ i emitted by the source are characterized at
each protocol attempt via quantum state tomography (see appendix A), without
inserting any untrusted quantum channel (green box in Fig. 6.5). Polarization
analyzers (PA) are trusted for that task, as it is performed by Alice. Following the
IID assumption, the state Φ i is assumed to remain the same for a whole protocol
run, which is supported by the stability of our source argued in paragraph 3.4. In
order to evaluate the input fidelity F i in equation (6.14), up to local isometries, we
maximize the quantity
FUi = F (1 ⊗ Û )Φ i (1 ⊗ Û † ), Φ+ ,
¡ ¢
on a local unitary Û . This way the fidelity of the probe’s polarization state to a Bell
state is F i = 99.20% ± 0.02% on average over all protocol attempts, with a maximum
reached fidelity of F i = 99.43% ± 0.05%.
We then send the probe states through an untrusted quantum channel. For
this first implementation, we use a variable optical attenuator (VOA) to simulate
which tightens the bound compared to the naive approach where all losses are
attributed to the channel. Adopting this interpretation is quite realistic, considering
Alice preforms a full characterization of the probe states, which potentially includes
a lower bound on the coupling losses. In the worst case scenario, she can always
set λ c = 0 and attribute all the coupling and detection losses to the channel.
Fig. 6.7: Minimum fidelity F (ρ i , ρ o ) certified via our protocol, using an honest
channel with different losses induced by the VOA. We display the data as a function
of the measured heralding efficiency, and assume different amounts of trusted
losses λ c . Curves are plotted by taking the average fidelity of the probe state
to a Bell state F i , and the average of the deviation from maximum violation ϵ,
over all protocol iterations. Experimental results deviate from these curves, as
F i and ϵ vary between implementations. Errors induced by the finite statistics
(seen in equations 6.26 and 6.27) are directly subtracted to the certified fidelity.
Error bars include errors induced by the unbalance in detectors’ efficiency, and
the propagation of errors on F i . We also display the fidelity F (ρ i , ρ o ) measured via
quantum state tomography, for ρ i = Φ i .
In order to fully demonstrate the protocol, one should send a single input state
ρ i through the channel, hidden among the probe states. The specific choice of
that state does not matter in our implementation as we do not use it in a later
protocol, so we choose ρ i = Φ i and consider that a random copy of the probe state is
actually the input state. To show the correctness of our protocol, we then perform a
tomography of the corresponding output state ρ o after the channel, and evaluate
a transmission fidelity of F (ρ i , ρ o ) = 99.79% ± 0.02% on average over all protocol
attempts, with a minimum value of F (ρ i , ρ o ) = 98.7% ± 0.5%. This is far higher than
the values certified by our protocol, as displayed on Fig. 6.7, which shows the state
was indeed properly transmitted. Note that the channel and measurement stations
are trusted during the output state’s tomography, as it is performed outside of
the protocol. This allows us to measure numerous copies of ρ o , which is necessary
for a full characterization of the state. In order to show the correctness of our
certification protocol would hold for other input states ρ i , we perform a full-process
tomography of the quantum channel [179], and lower-bound the fidelity between
the physical channel and the identity F ⋄ (E , 1) ≥ 94% ± 3%. We expect this bound
to be far from tight, as it is evaluated using the equivalence between diamond
and Choi-Jamiołkowski distances (theorem 5.3 from chapter 5). Still, the fidelity
is greatly above the values certified by our protocol, showing the certification
procedure is indeed valid for any input state ρ i .
Similarly, a bit flip is equivalent to turning Bob’s second measurement B1 into −B1 .
Thus, we perform these flips in practice by randomly changing the waveplates’
angles in order to get the opposite measurement bases. This simulates dishonest
channels of the form:
where p, q are the bit flip and phase flip probabilities, respectively. In fact, we
simulate approximately 5000 different channels E p,q by performing a single 7-
hours protocol run, and picking random measurement samples with different
proportions of disrupted measurements. In order to simulate a larger variety of
data samples, we perform that randomization at a 5 Hz-rate. We then generate
the data for the certification of channel E p,q , by picking random samples with the
following proportions:
The data acquired in basis − Â 0 B̂0 and − Â 1 B̂1 is then treated as if it was acquired
in basis  0 B̂0 and  1 B̂1 , respectively, when calculating the average violation of
steering inequality I = |〈 Â 0 B̂0 〉 + 〈 Â 1 B̂1 〉|. When performing this data acquisition,
the probe state’s fidelity to a Bell state is F i = 99.16% ± 0.04%, and we trust a
maximum amount of losses λ c = 0.526.
The certification results are displayed in Fig. 6.9, for different bit and phase
flip probabilities. These show that our implementation is quite sensitive to these
attacks, such that a flip probability of 0.01 induces a collapse of 16% of the certified
fidelity, and we only certify F (ρ i , ρ o ) > 58%. The certified fidelity falls below the
trivial value 50% for flip probabilities as low as 0.017. This way, any attempt of
Eve to disrupt the input state ρ i with such method can only succeed with very
small probabilities p, q < 0.02, or will be detected by Alice and Bob.
Fig. 6.9: Minimum fidelity F (ρ i , ρ o ) certified via our protocol, for malicious chan-
nels E p,q , with p, q the bit/phase flip probabilities, respectively.
Due to technical limits, a few additional but reasonable assumptions are made in
the course of our experiments, in order to draw conclusions from these implemen-
tations. We detail these in the following.
First, we assume Alice and Bob can communicate via a trusted private classical
channel. It allows the players to agree on their measurement settings, Alice to
send Bob the position r of the input state ρ i , and Bob to tell Alice if the states
were properly received. This way the players can perform measurements on the
fly, instead of storing all the states, then deciding of the measurement bases and
finally measuring the states, which would require a billion of quantum memories
with hours-long storage-time. This effectively slightly changes the recipe of the
protocol we implement in practice. We detail this recipe in the following protocol
box. We assume the security to be the equivalent to that of protocol 6.1.
For k from 1 to N + 1:
3. If k ̸= r :
(a) Alice prepares a copy of the probe state Φ i and sends half of it
through the channel.
(b) Alice and Bob privately agree on a random q ∈ {0, 1} and measure
the observable  q B̂ q , with an outcome c k = a k b k if Bob received a
state, or no outcome if the state was lost through the channel.
4. If k = r :
(a) Alice sends ρ i through the channel.
(b) If Bob does not receive any state, the protocol aborts. Otherwise,
Bob sets the state aside.
6. From the correlations { c k }, Alice and Bob deduce the average value over
all rounds, of I = |〈 A 0 B0 〉 + 〈 A 1 B1 〉|.
6.6 Discussion
In this chapter we have provided a first protocol to certify the transmission of a
qubit through an untrusted and lossy quantum channel, by probing the latter with
close-to-maximally entangled states and witnessing steering at its output. Our
theoretical investigations rely mostly on assumptions made on the probe state’s
source and the sender’s measurement apparatus, while very few assumptions
are made on the quantum channel and the receiver’s measurement apparatus.
This setting proves to be an interesting trade-off between realistic experimental
conditions and reasonable cryptographic requirements. It also embodies a practical
scenario in which a strong server provides a weaker receiver with a quantum bit.
This work opens the way to certification of a wide variety of more sophisti-
cated lossy quantum channels. In particular, the rapid improvements of quantum
technologies could soon provide possible applications of this protocol to the authen-
tication of quantum teleportation, memories or repeaters.
‘Le temps est le meilleur des critiques;
et la patience le meilleur des professeurs.’
— Frédéric Chopin.
This last protocol showed how adapting theoretical quantum primitives for prac-
tical quantum network applications often implies making important assumptions,
therefore deviating from the ideal recipes. What remains of the so-called quan-
tum advantage can then legitimately be questioned. In the case of authenticated
teleportation [26], or more generally the certification of quantum transmission via
untrusted channels presented in chapter 6, realistic but nonetheless important
assumptions are required in order to derive practical applications. This involves
trusting a part of the setup, or assumptions on the statistics of untrusted states
or measurement outcomes. We see then that to build a practical and fully secure
quantum network, one has to address the implication of any assumption made
in the primitives. This may involve stacking different verification procedures, or
developing ways of detecting potential disruption or cheating strategies, such as
the cheat-sensitivity displayed by our weak coin flipping protocol. In this context,
the composability of protocols is an important property to seek out for, as found in
the recently proposed composable GHZ-state verification [121].
1 X 3 1 X 3
ρ= Tr(ρ · σ̂ i A ⊗ σ̂ i B ) · σ̂ i A ⊗ σ̂ i B = 〈σ̂ i ⊗ σ̂ i B 〉ρ · σ̂ i A ⊗ σ̂ i B , (A.1)
4 i A ,i B =0 4 i A ,i B =0 A
where {σ̂k }k=0,...,3 are Pauli operators (see paragraph 2.1.3). The expectation values
〈σ̂ i A ⊗ σ̂ i B 〉ρ can be estimated via the method described in paragraph 3.4. Injecting
these in eq. (A.1), we get an estimation of ρ , called the Direct Inversion Operator (DI
operator). In general, because of fluctuations in the experimental measurements,
this operator is not a physical density operator, as it displays negative eigenvalues.
A common workaround is to use the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) method
[52], which consists in finding the physical density operator that is the most likely
to return our experimental data. Making a few minor assumptions which are
acceptable in our case such as a Gaussian statistics of measurement data, a fast
version of the MLE can be derived [183]. In this way, one only has to find the density
operator ρ that minimizes its Hilbert-Schmidt distance to the DI operator µ:
D 2 (µ̂ − ρ̂ )2 = Tr[(µ − ρ )2 ] = |µ i, j − ρ i, j |2 .
i, j=1
Note this distance can be written in an eigenbasis {|µ i 〉} of µ, in which the optimal
ρ should also be diagonal, such that:
D 2 (µ̂ − ρ̂ )2 = | µ i − ρ i |2 ,
where {µ i } and {ρ i } are the eigenvalues of µ and ρ̂ respectively, with the two
constraints i ρ i = 1 and ρ i > 0. This way, we find these optimal eigenvalues using
a fast algorithm provided in [183]. Hence the optimal matrix would be:
ρ̂ opt = ρ i |µ i 〉〈µ i |. (A.4)
detectors. This way, systematic errors are mostly caused by differences in the
detectors’ efficiencies. Relative efficiencies can be evaluated by exchanging the
roles of detectors in each polarization analyzer, and the measurement data can
then be corrected to account for the potential efficiency unbalance. Another source
of systematic error is the uncertainty in the position of our WPs axis, which is
evaluated when calibrating the polarization analyzers. It potentially induces a
shift in the angles displayed in Tab. 3.1, which we treat as a statistical error.
Another source of statistical error is the Poisson noise in the photon counting,
that we minimize by measuring a large amount of states (more than 107 for
each measurement basis). Uncertainties on the reconstructed states, induced by
this noise and systematic errors in the WPs angles, are evaluated by using the
Monte Carlo method. This way, we simulate 1000 new data samples with random
perturbations, from which we reconstruct 1000 new density matrices. From these
we evaluate the standard deviation on any relevant quantities related to the
quantum state. Finally, tests on the fast MLE method showed that the numerical
reconstruction itself involved no significant error, provided the number of copies of
the state measured was large enough, typically > 107 in each measurement basis.
ven though Sagnac sources are well known and characterized, we found
E very few recipes for the alignment of the whole optical setup. In the follow-
ing we detail our own recipe, developed with some inspiration from [115].
This recipe is meant to be quite systematic, and was repeated many times in order
to obtain close-to-maximally-entangled states. The main components we refer to
are displayed in Fig. B.1.
Fig. B.1: Configuration of the setup in our alignment recipe, including the most
important components. Numbers label each side of the PBS.
1. Align the pump beam horizontally, and along a row of holes of the optical
table. Place all the optics required for the pump shaping, including focusing
lenses and WPs for polarization control.
2. Place the non-polarizing BS in the path of the beam, such that the reflected
beam is horizontal and approximately perpendicular to the incident beam.
The BS is supposed to stay in place after the alignment of the source.
3. Place the mirror M0 in the path of the reflected beam. Tune the mirror’s
angles in order to make the beam as horizontal as possible, and aligned
along a row of hole of the optical table. This step is of major importance and
determines how many iterations of the Sagnac alignment will be required.
4. Place the dichroic mirror in the path of the beam, at rougly 45◦ . Any optics
that might deviate the pump beam should also be placed at this step.
5. Place the PBS in the path of the beam. Tune its angles so the reflected beam
is as horizontal as possible, and perpendicular to the incident beam (aligned
along a line of holes).
6. Rotate the polarization of the pump beam, such that the reflected and trans-
mitted beam after the PBS are of similar intensity.
7. Place a mirror on each sides of the PBS, at equal distances of the faces. The
incident angle of the beam should be ≈ 22.5◦ on both mirrors, so the beam
coming from side 1 goes back to the PBS on side 2, and vice versa.
9. Equalize the power of clockwise and anticlockwise beams with the help of a
powermeter, by rotating the polarization of the pump beam.
10. Place a QWP after side 3 of the PBS, at 0◦ (axes aligned to horizontal and
vertical polarization, relatively to the PBS), as well as a polarizer at ±45◦ .
11. Check the interference pattern after the polarizer with a powermeter, by
tilting the QWP around its vertical axis. If steps 3., 5. and 8. were done
correctly, one should already note a non-zero visibility:
|P (45◦ ) − P (−45◦ )|
V= , (B.1)
P (45◦ ) + P (−45◦ )
where P (±45◦ ) is the power measured when the polarizer is at ±45◦ .
12. Tune the mirrors’ angles in order to maximize the visibility, and write down
the value reached Vmax . This value can be increased by placing a diaphragm
in front of the powermeter, which filters out side-reflections that do not
correspond to the mode coupled in SM fibers.
At this stage, the Sagnac interferometer may seem aligned, particularly if steps
3. and 5. were done properly. However, many geometrical configurations allow the
interference to be optimized at the output of the Sagnac, without the clockwise and
anticlockwise beams overlapping inside the interferometer, as displayed in Fig. B.2.
For this reason, we provide a few additional steps, in order to check the overlap of
the beams, and correct their position.
Fig. B.2: An example of Sagnac configuration, that may display a high visibility
though the beams are not overlapped inside the interferometer.
13. As in step 8. check the overlap of the beams with a semi-transparent sheet.
However this time, instead of tuning mirrors M1 and M2 , tune the angles of
mirror M0 , until the beams are seemingly overlapped. Tuning this mirror
allows to control the configuration of the beams inside the interferometer,
while maintaining a relatively high interference at the output of the Sagnac.
14. Place a diaphragm inside the Sagnac, mounted on a fine transversal trans-
lation stage, close to side 1 of the PBS. Remove the polarizer and keep the
powermeter in place.
15. Close the diaphragm, and maximize the transmitted power, by tuning both
the angles of M0 and the diaphragm transversal position. When the trans-
mitted power is maximized, the clockwise and anticlockwise beams are maxi-
mally overlapped inside the interferometer.
16. Open the diaphragm, and place the polarizer back in front of the powermeter.
Check the interference visibility Vfinal as in step 11.. If this visibility is higher
or equal to the value that was previously reached Vmax ≲ Vfinal , then the
Sagnac interferometer is aligned. Otherwise, repeat steps 12. to 16. until
reaching this condition.
Among other factors, the number of iterations of steps 12. to 16. depends on the
precision of the alignments in steps 3. and 5.. After step 16., we should not touch
the mirrors M0 , M1 , M2 , nor the PBS or any optics which might deviate the pump
beam. Now we only need to properly place the HWP and PPKTP crystal.
17. Place the HWP inside of the interferometer, with its axes aligned to horizontal
and vertical polarizations, as perpendicular to the beam as possible.
18. Check the interference visibility, as done in step 11.. Carefully tilt the HWP
until you reach a value Vfinal measured in step 16.. If the visibility cannot
reach this value, try rotate the HWP at ±90◦ or 180◦ and repeat the procedure.
If the visibility is still lower than Vfinal , then the interferometer is probably
misaligned. It is recommended to restart the alignment from scratch.
19. Fix the HWP to the optical table, while checking the visibility remains at
Vfinal . Rotate it at ±45◦ in order to minimize the power that goes out on side
3 of the PBS. This way all power goes backward on side 4. Half of this power
can be measured on the left side of the BS, as shown in Fig. B.1.
20. Place the PPKTP crystal on the path of the beam, in the center of the
interferometer. If possible, the crystal should be mounted on a multi-axes
platform. Maximize the power transmitted on the side of the BS, by roughly
positioning the crystal.
21. Measure the interference visibility on the side of the BS, using the same
method as described in step 11. and shown in Fig. B.1. Carefully tilt the
crystal in all possible directions, until you reach a value Vfinal measured in
step 16.. Here it is highly recommended to place a diaphragm in front of the
powermeter, as side reflections are more likely to degrade the interference.
After this last step, provided the visibility Vfinal was reached, the source is
optimally aligned, and no optics should be touched inside or before the Sagnac for
the remainder of the experiment, except for rotating waveplates. Then one just
has to collect the photons inside optical fibers and optimize the state, which is
described in other works [115].
Also, note that in step 21., we do not measure the interference pattern after
the Sagnac, as in steps 11. and 18.. The reason is that because of the crystal’s
birefringence, placing that crystal inside the Sagnac introduces a path difference
of ≈ 3 mm between the clockwise and anticlockwise beams, as long as the HWP is
at 0◦ . This result in partial or total loss of coherence, particularly in pulsed mode,
where the pump beam has a coherence length of ≈ 0.6 mm. When rotating the
HWP at ±45◦ , the transmitted horizontally-polarized beam is rotated to vertical
polarization, so both reflected and transmitted beam enter the crystal with the
same polarization and experience no path difference. This way, we retrieve a high
visibility, and the beam is sent backward, so we can measure the interference
pattern on the left of the BS. Still, this BS can hardly be removed for the pump’s
path without disaligning the setup, such that 50 % of the pump power does not
contribute to the generation of pairs in this Sagnac interferometer. In many cases
though, the pump power that is transmitted through the BS can be sent to another
source of photons. The two sources can be used independently, or to perform multi-
photons experiments. In our specific case, this BS is used as an integral part of the
spatial multiplexer, described in Fig. 3.24.
n the following we give some theoretical predictions for the results we observe
where 1 (resp. 2) stands for the reflected (resp. transmitted) mode. Alice keeps
mode 1 and Bob gets mode 2. On each side, the photon undergoes losses due to
fiber transmission and connectors, storage, and diverse other components. We note
η A1 (resp. η B1 ) the transmission on Alice’s (resp. Bob’s) side. Some phases are also
induced by the propagation, and we note Φ A1 (resp. ΦB1 ) the phase introduced on
Alice’s (resp. Bob’s) side. In this way, we get the following transformation:
p p
xη c a†1 + (1 − x)η c a†2 −→ xη c η A1 e iΦ A1 a†1 + (1 − x)η c η B1 e iΦB1 a†2 .
p p
−→ xη c η A1 e iΦ A1 a†1 + (1 − x) yη c η B1 e iΦB1 a†2
+ (1 − x)(1 − y)η c η B1 e iΦB1 a†3 .
Bob sends the third mode to the detector D B , inducing another loss. We note η y the
transmission, including the detector efficiency, and we have η B = η c η B1 η y (here we
omit the dephasing as no interference will occur in this mode). The second mode
undergoes some loss and dephasing, and we note η B2 and ΦB2 the transmission
and dephasing. There we note η B = η c η B1 η B2 the total loss on Bob’s arm of the
interferometer, and ΦB = ΦB1 + ΦB2 the total dephasing. On Alice’s side, the path
depends on the detection of the third mode that triggers the optical switch. In
absence of dark counts and when Bob is honest, a detection on the third mode
means no detection will occur on Alice’s verification detector, such that Bob is not
sanctioned and wins the coin flip. In other words, Alice trusts Bob’s measurement
on the third mode, such that we can omit her verification detector and the optical
switch. In that case she simply sends the first mode to Bob to proceed to verification
of the state. That mode undergoes some loss and dephasing, and we note η A2 and
Φ A2 the transmission and dephasing. There we note η A = η c η A1 η A2 the total loss
on Alice’s arm of the interferometer, and Φ A = Φ A1 + Φ A2 the total dephasing. The
total transformation becomes:
xη c η A1 e iΦ A1 a†1 + (1 − x) yη c η B1 e iΦB1 a†2 + (1 − x)(1 − y)η c η B1 e iΦB1 a†3
p p
q (C.5)
xη A e iΦ A a†1 + (1 − x) yη B e iΦB a†2 + (1 − x)(1 − y)η B e iΦB a†3 .
After receiving the first mode, Bob makes it interfere with the second mode on a
BS of reflectivity z, such that we get:
xη A e iΦ A a†1 + (1 − x) yη B e iΦB a†2 + (1 − x)(1 − y)η B e iΦB a†3
−→ ( xzη A e iΦ A + (1 − x) y(1 − z)η B e iΦB ) a†1
− ( x(1 − z)η A e iΦ A − (1 − x) yzη B e iΦB ) a†2
p p
+ (1 − x)(1 − y)η B e iΦB a†3 .
Bob sends the first and second modes to detectors D V1 and D V2 , with efficiencies
η V1 and η V2 , and we note η A1 = η A η V1 , η A2 = η A η V2 , η B1 = η B η V1 , and η B2 = η B η V2 .
Up to an irrelevant global phase e iΦ A , we get:
( xzη A e iΦ A + (1 − x) y(1 − z)η B e iΦB ) a†1
P D B = Ph ( b, a) = (1, 0) = (1 − x)(1 − y)η B .
¡ ¢
Here Φeff appears as an additional constant dephasing, such that we can include it
inside the slow dephasing ΔΦs ( t 0 ). Effectively, it means taking Φeff = 0, such that
S = 0 and 〈sin ΔΦ f 〉τ = 0. In this way, we have:
with v = |〈cos ΔΦ f 〉τ | ∈ [0, 1], that we later interpret as the interference visibility.
Now we average PV1 and PV2 :
〈PV1 〉τ ( t) = xzη A1 + (1 − x) y(1 − z)η B1
¢q (C.14)
+ 2v cos ΔΦs ( t) x(1 − x) yz(1 − z)η A1 η B1 ,
〈PV2 〉τ ( t) = x(1 − z)η A2 + (1 − x) yzη B2
¢q (C.15)
− 2v cos ΔΦs ( t) x(1 − x) yz(1 − z)η A2 η B2 ,
which are the effective expressions of PV1 and PV2 we can use for our estimations
in the following. For this reason, we omit the averaging and time dependence in
the remainder of this thesis.
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
Ph (b, a) = (1, 0) = Ph (b, v1 , v2 ) = (0, 1, 0) , (C.16)
¢q (C.18)
− 2v cos ΔΦs x(1 − x) yz(1 − z)η A2 η B2 .
We first notice that minimizing that expression imposes ΔΦs = 0. Now we recall
that ηVA2 = η A η V2 and ηVB2 = η B η V2 , and define Π A = xη A and ΠB = (1 − x) yη B that we
interpret as the probabilities of measuring the photon in Alice’s side or Bob’s side,
before the last tunable BS. We can then rewrite the probability:
³ p ´
PV2 = η V2 · (1 − z)Π A + zΠB − 2v z(1 − z)Π A ΠB . (C.19)
PV2 is minimized for ∂PV2 /∂ξ = 0 and ∂PV2 /∂ z = 0. One can easily show that
for v < 1, this system has a single solution ξ = z = 1/2, such that Π A = ΠB . This
drastically simplifies the expressions of the probabilities:
The case v = 1 corresponds to a perfect interference, and implies ∂PV2 /∂ξ = ∂PV2 /∂ z
for any set of parameters ξ and z. This way, an infinite number of ξ and z satisfy
∂PV2 /∂ξ = 0 and ∂PV2 /∂ z = 0. One can therefore impose another condition, such as
the balance condition introduced in [48], in order to find a unique solution (ξ, z).
This case is not relevant for our study as the interference is imperfect as in all
practical scenarios.
Now we can apply the fairness condition, which in the honest case with no dark
counts and no double-pair emission reduces to PV1 = P D B . This gives the following
equation on the parameters:
xηVA1 (1 + v) = (1 − x)(1 − y)η B . (C.24)
Combining eqs. (C.23) and (C.24), we can derive the expressions of the three
parameters x, y and z that optimize both fairness and correctness:
h η A1 η A1 i−1
xh = 1 + + y (1 + v) , (C.25)
η B1 ηB
h η 1 i−1
yh = 1 + By (1 + v) , (C.26)
zh = . (C.27)
Then, the probabilities of the different events are calculated straightforwardly:
One can notice that the condition Π A = ΠB , which later translates to eq. (C.23),
gives the expected result that we should equalize the power of the two arms of the
interferometer in order to display an optimized interference. This condition is used
in the recipe for tuning the reflectivities with honest players, in paragraph 4.3.1.
Finally, by keeping the same reflectivities, and comparing the values of PV1 and
PV2 when ΔΦs = 0 or ΔΦs = π, we get:
¯ P (ΔΦ = 0) − P (ΔΦ = π) ¯ ¯ P (ΔΦ = 0) − P (ΔΦ = π) ¯
¯ V s V1 s ¯ ¯ V2 s V2 s
v=¯ 1 ¯=¯ ¯, (C.31)
PV1 (ΔΦs = 0) + PV1 (ΔΦs = π) PV2 (ΔΦs = 0) + PV2 (ΔΦs = π)
1 ³ V1
q ´
P(A. wins) = 〈PV1 〉 = xη A + (1 − x) yh ηVB1 + 2v x(1 − x) yh ηVA1 ηVB1 , (C.32)
q ´
P(A. sanctioned) = 〈PV2 〉 = xηVA2 + (1 − x) yh ηVB2 − 2v x(1 − x) yh ηVA2 ηVB2 , (C.33)
P(B. wins) = P D B = (1 − x)(1 − yh )η By . (C.34)
These come straightforwardly from equations (C.10), (C.14) and (C.15), by not-
ing that a dishonest Alice would still set ΔΦs = 0, which maximizes her winning
probability and minimizes her sanction probability. This gives the curves plotted
in Fig. 4.9 from chapter 4.
graph, we show how to evaluate the two probe states’ fidelities up to isometries,
even when no IID assumption is made and the state source might be untrusted.
This method relies on self-testing of steering inequalities in a semi-device inde-
pendent scenario, where Alice’s measurement setup is trusted. Still, this method
requires the measurement of a large sample of close-to-maximally-entangled states,
going through a channel that might evolve through time. In particular, the chan-
nel might not have the same action on the probe states than on the transmitted
state. Therefore, we then give some important statistical development in the next
paragraph, in order to bound the errors made on the different evaluated fidelities,
due to finite state sample in a non-IID setting, as well as losses in the untrusted
channel. Finally, we tie up the security proof, combining the previous parts’ results
in order to provide a bound on the expected fidelity of the transmitted output state
to the input state. We also give some way to generalize that security proof to a
fully-device independent setting. Note that we extensively use our new results
from chapter 5 in order to derive the following proofs.
This defines a physical channel, which would randomly apply any of the E k|[k−1] .
Similarly as we did in (6.11), we call Ē i,o the average channel when the isometries
Γ i and Γo are applied. From these two definitions follow the ouput states when
sending the probe state Φ i or the input state ρ i :
Only one copy of the state ρ i is sent through the channel during the protocol, at
a random position r . Assuming the channel’s operator has no way of guessing
that position, that state has the same probability of going through any one of the
channels E k|[k−1] , such that it is expected to undergo the operation Ē i,o . Therefore,
ρ̄ o is the expected output state, and the fidelity F ρ̄ o , (E 0 ⊗ 1)[ρ i ] can be interpreted
¡ ¢
F i = F ((Λ A 1 ⊗ Λ A 2 )[Φ i ], Φ+ ),
F o = F ((ΛB ⊗ Λ A 2 )[(E ⊗ 1)[Φ i ]]/t(E |Φ i ), (E 0 ⊗ 1)[Φ+ ]),
where ΛP [·] = TrP (ΓP [·]) for P = A 1 , A 2 or B. Then there exist two isometries Γ i
and Γ o , built from Γ A 1 , Γ A 2 and ΓB , such that the diamond fidelity between
E and E 0 is bounded, up to isometries:
q ³ ¡ i ´
1 − F ⋄ (E i,o , E 0 ) ≤ d · sin arcsin C /t(E |Φ i ) + arcsin C , (D.5)
Trs ys (Γ[ρ ]ρ 0 ⊗ 1)
where ρ ext = . We start by applying this proposition to F i , with
Tr(Γ[ρ ]ρ 0 ⊗ 1)
Hilbert spaces H s ys = H i⊗2 and H ext = H A 1 , so that fidelity reads:
F i = F (Γ A 1 ⊗ 1)[Φ′i ], ρ A 1 ⊗ Φ+ ,
¡ ¢
where σ ext is an ancillary pure state and U i a unitary operation applied on that
state and H A 1 . This way we get:
= F σ ext ⊗ Φ′i , (U i ⊗ 1)[ρ A 1 ⊗ Φ+ ]
¡ ¢
≤ F Φ′i , Tr ext,i (U i ⊗ 1)[ρ A 1 ⊗ Φ+ ] ,
¡ ¢
where we use the fidelity invariance under unitary operation, and the fact that it
can only increase upon tracing out, here of the Hilbert space of σ ext . This allows us
to define the input isometry Γ i = (U i ⊗ 1)[ • ] so we have:
F i ≤ F Φ′i , Tr ext,i (Γ i [ρ A 1 ⊗ Φ+ ]) .
¡ ¢
inequality from chapter 5 (see theorem 5.2), and once again fidelity monotonicity
when tracing out subsystems:
Ci = 1 − F i
≥ C Φ′i , Tr ext,i (Γ i [ρ A 1 ⊗ Φ+ ])
¡ ¢
¢ (D.11)
≥ t(Ē |Φ′i ) · C (Γ o ◦ Ē ⊗ 1)[Φ′i ]/t(Ē |Φ′i ), Tr ext,i ((Γ o ◦ Ē ◦ Γ i ⊗ 1)[ρ A 1 ⊗ Φ+ ])/ t̃
≥ t(Ē |Φ′i ) · C (ΛB ◦ Ē ⊗ 1)[Φ′i ]/t(Ē |Φ′i ), Tr ext ((Γ o ◦ Ē ◦ Γ i ⊗ 1)[ρ A 1 ⊗ Φ+ ])/ t̃ .
¡ ¢
Here in order to apply the theorem 5.2, we noted that t(Ē |Φ′i ) = Tr((Ē ⊗ 1)[Φ′i ])
is the transmissivity of the first state, which does not vary under application of
isometry Γ o . Also t̃ is the transmissivity of the second state, i.e. t̃ = t(Ē i,o |Φ+ ) as
we define Ē i,o = Tr ext ((Γ o ◦ Ē ◦ Γ i )[ρ A 1 ⊗ • ]). The last partial trace in the inequality
is carried out over all subsystems except L (H o ⊗ H i ), so the distance can only
decrease. Noting (ΛB ◦ Ē ⊗ 1)[Φ′i ]/t(Ē |Φ′i ) = (ΛB ⊗ Λ A 2 ) ◦ (Ē ⊗ 1)[Φ i ]/t(Ē |Φ i ) we get:
C i /t(Ē |Φ′i ) ≥ C (ΛB ⊗ Λ A 2 )[Φ̄ o ], (Ē i,o ⊗ 1)[Φ+ ]/t(Ē i,o |Φ+ ) .
¡ ¢
ρ 1 is the output state of the real channel when sending a perfect maximally entan-
gled state, ρ 2 the average output state we effectively measure after application
of the real channel on a close-to-maximally-entangled state, and ρ 3 the output
state of the target channel when sending a perfectq
maximally entangled state. This
way we have C (ρ 2 , ρ 3 ) = C o and C (ρ 1 , ρ 3 ) = arccos F J (Ē i,o , E 0 ) by definition, and
C (ρ 1 , ρ 2 ) ≤ C /t(Ē |Φ i ) via inequality (D.12). This gives the result:
arccos F J (Ē i,o , E 0 ) = arcsin C J (Ē i,o , E 0 ) ≤ arcsin C i /t(Ē |Φ i ) + arcsin(C o ). (D.17)
¡ ¢
From here, one just has to use the comparison between Choi-Jamiołkowski and
diamond distances, as we showed in chapter 5 (see theorem 5.3), in order to get
the bound (D.5) and lemma D.1. ■
The result we just showed allows us to deduce the protocol’s success probability,
by evaluating the fidelities F i and F o to a Bell state, as well as the transmissivity
t(Ē |Φ i ). The two following paragraphs are dedicated to evaluating F o and t(Ē |Φ i ),
using data received by Alice and Bob only. In order to tie up the security of Protocol
2, we tackle the certification of F i in a later paragraph.
Φk = (E k|[k−1] ⊗ 1)[Φ i ]/t k when Alice sends the state Φ i , with t k = t(E k|[k−1] |Φ i ) being
the transmissivity of the state Φ i through the channel E k|[k−1] . Using this notation,
we can define the following state:
¡ NX
+1 ¢
Φ̄ t = T k Φk /(K + 1), (D.18)
Proposition D.1. Let us consider our protocol where ρ i = Φ i , Alice and Bob measure
K states and witness an average violation of either steering inequality of 2 − ϵ. We
can bound the fidelity of the average state Φ̄ t to a maximally-entangled state Φ+ ,
up to isometry. More precisely, there exist isometries Γ A 2 and ΓB acting respectively
on L (H A 2 ) and L (H B ), such that by defining the local maps Λ A 2 [·] = Tr A 2 (Γ A 2 [·])
and ΛB [·] = TrB (ΓB [·]), for any x > 0 we have with probability at least (1 − e− x ):
It is worth noting that as the r -th state is left unmeasured in this protocol, and
we assume the channel’s operator has no way of guessing r , then the measurements
performed on the test EPR pairs follow the same statistics in the general case as
in the special case ρ i = Φ i . We can therefore use the correlations witnessed in our
protocol in Proposition D.1, even when sending any ρ i in r -th position, in order to
certify the hypothetical state Φ̄ t up to isometry.
Fig. D.1: Minimum fidelity of the average output state to a Bell state, up to
isometries, as a function of the deviation to maximum violation. As we make no
IID assumption, we give the evolution for different numbers K of states measured.
We set a confidence level 1 − e− x ≈ 0.999.
Finally, we give some insight on the behaviour of those bounds with the para-
meters of the problem (see Fig. D.1). First, we can take x = 7 in order to get a
bound with almost absolute certainty, as (1 − e− x ) ≈ 0.999. The corresponding term
in x/K can be made arbitrarily small by measuring a large number K of states.
Similarly, when measuring a reasonable amount of states K > 108 , we reach the
asymptotic regime where the fidelity is simply bounded by 1 − αϵ.
K +1
t(Ē |Φ i ) ≈ R = , (D.21)
N +1
where K + 1 = |SP | is the number of states that Bob is able to measure after they
are sent through the channel. Alice and Bob have direct access to the value R in
the end of the protocol, as the fraction of states that successfully pass through the
channel, which we identify as the heralding efficiency η s in experiments. Therefore,
they can easily evaluate t(Ē |Φ i ) by using (D.21).
Proposition D.2. In our protocol, provided that Bob measured a large enough
number K + 1 of states, the transmissivity t(Ē |Φ i ) of Φ i through the average channel
Ē can be approximated by the proportion R of states which were successfully detected
by Bob, and the state Φ̄ o can be approximated by Φ̄ t . More precisely, for any x > 0
we have with probability at least (1 − 2 e− x )2 :
arccos F (Φ̄ t , Φ̄ o ) ≤ Δ x (R, K ), (D.22)
t(Ē |Φ i ) ≥ τ x (R, K ), (D.23)
In particular, this proposition gives the error terms mentioned given in equa-
tions (6.26) and (6.27) from chapter 6.
Proof. First let us rewrite the transmissivity through the average channel using
the expressions at each rounds:
³ 1 NX +1 ´ 1 NX +1
t(Ē |Φ i ) = Tr E k [Φ i ] = tk. (D.27)
N + 1 k=1 N + 1 k=1
Alice and Bob do not have direct access to that quantity, as they cannot measure
t k individually. However, they have access to the random variables {T k }1≤k≤ N +1
defined in the previous subsection, the sum of which gives the number of states
that were measured by Bob during the protocol:
K + 1 = |SP | = T k. (D.28)
As no IID assumption is made, the variables T k may differ from one another and
depend on the experiment’s history. Taking the difference with transmissivities,
we define a new random variable, for j ̸= k :
j j
(T k − E[T k ]) =
Dj = (T k − t k ), (D.29)
k=1 k=1
k̸= r k̸= r
and D r = D r−1 . The expectation value of D j is finite for any j , as it is zero, and
we have E[D j+1 |H j ] = D j , where H j is the history of the experiment after the j -th
state is sent through the channel. This makes D j a martingale. We also note that
|D j+1 − D j | ≤ 1 for any j , such that we can apply the Azuma-Hoeffding inequality:
³ γ2 ´
P (|D j | ≥ γ) ≤ 2 exp − . (D.30)
Note that D N +1 = ( N + 1) · (R − t(Ē |Φ i )) − 1 + t r , such that by taking j = N + 1 we get:
¡ −γ+1− t γ+1− t ¢
³ γ2 ´
P N +1 r ≤ R − t(Ē |Φ i ) ≤ N +1 r ≥ 1 − 2 exp − . (D.31)
2( N + 1)
Now considering 0 ≤ 1 − t r ≤ 1, and taking the relative difference we get:
γ+1 ¢
³ γ2 ´
P |R −t(RĒ |Φi )| ≤ K +1 ≥ 1 − 2 exp −
, (D.32)
2( N + 1)
such that by taking x = 2(N +1) > 0 we get the following bound with probability at
least (1 − 2 e− x ):
|R − t(Ē |Φ i )|
|Δ1 | = ≤ δ x (R, K ), (D.33)
1 2x
where δ x (R, K ) = K +1 + R(K +1) . This straightly gives the inequality in (D.23):
where τ x (R, K ) = R (1 − δ x (R, K )). Note that as the value of x can be chosen arbi-
trarily, we can take the same value as in Proposition D.1, which will simplify the
notation. To show the bound (D.22), we now assume bound (D.33) stands, such that
|Δ1 | ≤ δ x (R, K ). We then re-write Φ̄ o using the states Φk and transmissivities t k :
Φ̄ o = (Ē ⊗ 1)[Φ i ]/t(Ē |Φ i )
¡ 1 NX +1 ¢
= (E k ⊗ 1)[Φ i ] /t(Ē |Φ i )
N + 1 k=1 (D.35)
¡ 1 NX +1 ¢
= t k Φk /t(Ē |Φ i ).
N + 1 k=1
We pick a projector P̂ that allows to express the trace distance between Φ̄ o and Φ̄ t :
Let us call the second term in parenthesis |Δ2 | and bound the first term:
¯ NX
+1³ ´ ¯ NX+1 ¯ ¯
t(Ē |Φ i ) 1 ¯ t(Ē |Φ i ) 1 ¯
K +1 − N +1 T k Tr(P̂ Φ k )¯ = T k Tr(P̂ Φk )¯ K +1 − N +1 ¯
¯ ¯
k=1 k=1
¯ ¯
¯ t(Ē |Φ )
≤ (K + 1)¯ K +1i − N1+1 ¯
¯ ¯
= ¯ t(Ē |Φ i ) − R ¯
¯ ¯
≤ R δ x (R, K ).
In order to bound |Δ2 |, we make the exact same proof as for |Δ1 |, taking
Tr(P̂ Φk ) · T k in place of T k and Tr(P̂ Φk ) · t k in place of t k , when defining D j in
equation (D.29). This new sum of variables D̃ j is still a martingale such that
|D̃ j+1 − D̃ j | ≤ 1. Therefore it still verifies equation (D.30), and we have
such that:
¡ −γ+Tr(P̂ Φr )(1− t r ) γ+Tr(P̂ Φr )(1− t r ) ¢
³ γ̃2 ´
P N +1 ≤ Δ2 ≤ N +1 ≥ 1 − 2 exp − . (D.39)
2( N + 1)
As 0 ≤ Tr(P̂ Φr )(1 − t r ) ≤ 1 we can simplify:
´ ³ γ̃2 ´
Pr |Δ2 | ≤ N +1 ≥ 1 − 2 exp − , (D.40)
2( N + 1)
such that by taking 2(N +1) = x we get the following bound with probability at least
(1 − 2 e ):
|Δ2 | ≤ R δ x (R, K ). (D.41)
Now we use a comparison between fidelity and trace distance 1 − F ≤ D in order
to bound the angle distance between Φ̄ t and Φ̄ o :
A (Φ̄ t , Φ̄ o ) = arccos F (Φ̄ t , Φ̄ o ) ≤ Δ x (R, K ),
1 − 3 δ x (R, K ) (D.43)
where Δ x (R, K ) = arccos .
1 − δ x (R, K )
Finally, we point out that this bound is true with probability (1 − 2 e− x ) and
at the condition that bound (D.33) holds, which also happens with probability
(1 − 2 e− x ), such that both bounds hold with probability (1 − 2 e− x )2 . This ties up the
proof of Proposition D.2. ■
This is fundamental to derive the final security bound for our protocol. Finally, we
give some insight on the dependence of this error on the different parameters of the
problem. First we notice that this error can be made arbitrarily small by measuring
a large enough number K of states, which still needs to be limited for practical
applications. The error tends to increase with the confidence level, such that we
need more states K in order to ensure a smaller error with reasonable certainty.
Similarly, the more lossy the channel is, i.e. the smaller R , the bigger the error.
Therefore having a lossy channel also imposes to measure more states in order
to accurately certify the protocol. We give an idea of the evolution of that error
in Fig. D.2, for different confidence levels and different channel’s transmission
ratios R . We see that with a transmission ratio R = 50%, corresponding to telecom
(a) For different minimum confidence levels, (b) With a minimum confidence level 99.5%,
with a transmission ratio R = 50%. with different transmission ratios.
Combining the last three paragraphs allows us to extract a bound for the fidelity
of the expected output state ρ̄ o to the input state ρ i up to isometry. We assume
that Alice prepared N states with fidelity F i to a Bell state, that Bob received K of
those states during the protocol, and that they measured an ϵ-close to maximum
violation of the steering inequality. First, they can use Lemma D.1, implying that
there exist isometries Γ i , Γ o , Γ A 1 , Γ A 2 , and ΓB , giving the result from (6.16):
q q
B A2
)[ρ̄ o ], ρ i ≤
¡ ¢
1 − F (Λ ⊗ Λ 1 − F ⋄ (Ē i,o , E 0 )
= C ⋄ (Ē i,o , E 0 )
≤ 2 C J (Ē i,o , E 0 )
≤ 2 sin arcsin C i /t(Ē |Φ i ) + arcsin(C o ) .
¡ ¡ ¢ ¢
Now we fix x > 0 in order to apply Proposition D.2, such that we have both:
We can then bound C ((ΛB ⊗ Λ A 2 )[Φ̄ t ], Φ+ ) using Proposition D.1, with a confi-
dence level (1 − e− x ):
Combining (D.45), (D.48), (D.49), and (D.50) we can bound the input-output
fidelity up to isometries:
³ ´
1 − F (ρ̄ o , ρ i ) ≤ 2 · sin arcsin C i /τ x (R, K ) + arcsin α f x (ϵ, K ) + Δ x (R, K ) , (D.51)
p ¡ ¢ p
where α and f are given in Proposition D.1. This way, for any x > 0 we can bound the
output state fidelity to the input state with probability at least (1 − e− x ) · (1 − 2 e− x )2 :
³ ´
F (ρ̄ o , ρ i ) ≥ 1 − 4 · sin2 arcsin C i /τ x + arcsin α f x (ϵ, K ) + Δ x .
¡ ¢ p
F (Λ A 1 ⊗ Λ A 2 )[Φ i ], Φ+ ≥ 1 − α · g x (η, M ) −→ 1 − α · η,
¡ ¢
M →+∞
with Λ A 1 [·] = Tr A 1 (Γ A 1 [·]), Λ A 2 [·] = Tr A 1 (Γ A 2 [·]), α = 1.19, and g x (η, M ) = 8 2 x/M + η.
Then, if Alice and Bob measure K states at the output of the channel with
untrusted measurement apparatus, and witness an average violation of CHSH in-
equality of 2 2 − ϵ, we can bound the fidelity of the average state Φ̄ t to a maximally-
entangled state Φ+ , up to isometries, with probability at least (1 − e− x ), meaning
that there exist isometries Γ A 2 and ΓB on L(H A 2 ) and L(H B ), such that:
Thanks to the IID assumption made on the probe-state source, we still consider
all input probe states to be equal to Φ i , so the first part of Proposition D.3 enables
Alice and Bob to certify the quantity F i once, for the whole protocol. This way,
compared to Proposition D.1 for protocol 1, we bound C i ≤ α g x (η, M ) , and replace
Fig. D.3: Minimum certified fidelity of the output state of Protocol 2, to the state
sent through the channel, as a function of the deviations η, ϵ from maximum
violation of CHSH inequality. We set x = 7 for a confidence level > 99.4%, a number
of probe states M = K = 1010 , and different ratios of transmission R = K/N .
where η A and ηB are the efficiencies. For a bipartite state, the probability of getting
outcomes ( l A , l B ) with parameters ( q A , q B ) becomes:
where ρ A = TrB (ρ ) and ρ B = Tr A (ρ ) are the local states, such that the efficiencies
are local. In the following we focus on the assumptions made on these efficiencies
in our protocol, and the consequences on the results. First, in a one-sided device-
independent scenario, we assume that Alice fully characterizes her measurement
apparatus, and proves her efficiency to be independent of the state ρ and the
measurement parameter q, such that:
η A 2 ( l, q, ρ ) = η A 2 ( l ). (D.60)
On Bob’s side, we first make the weak fair sampling assumption [185], stating
that we can factorize the efficiencies due to classical parameters from those due to
quantum states:
ηB ( l, q, ρ ) = ηB B
C ( l, q) · η Q (ρ ). (D.62)
ηB ( l, q, ρ ) = ηB B
C ( l ) · η Q (ρ ). (D.63)
ηB ( l, q, ρ ) = ηB
C ( l ), (D.64)
Similarly to [185], we now show that even though the efficiency ηB slightly
varies with the outcome l , we can still use the measured outcome without any
correction on Bob’s side, and still get a good evaluation of I = |〈 Â 0 B̂0 〉 + 〈 Â 1 B̂1 〉|. By
definition we have:
〈 Â q B̂ q 〉 = 〈 M̂0| 2q M̂0B| q 〉 + 〈 M̂1| 2q M̂1B| q 〉 − 〈 M̂0| 2q M̂1B| q 〉 + 〈 M̂1| 2q M̂0B| q 〉. (D.66)
With their imperfect detectors, Alice and Bob approximate that quantity by mea-
suring the following:
n 0,0| q + n 1,1| q − n 0,1| q − n 1,0| q
 q B̂ q = , (D.67)
n 0,0| q + n 1,1| q + n 0,1| q + n 1,0| q
where n l A ,l B | q is the number of times the measurement of a pair gave the outcome
( l A , l B ), when Alice and Bob both measured with parameter q. When measuring a
big number of state N we approximate
Tr ρ · ( M̂0A| 2q ⊗ M̂0B| q − M̂1A| 2q ⊗ M̂0B| q ) · ηB (0) + Tr ρ · ( M̂1A| 2q ⊗ M̂1B| q − M̂0A| 2q ⊗ M̂1B| q ) · ηB (1)
£ ¤ £ ¤
 q B̂ q = £
Tr ρ · ( M̂0A| 2q ⊗ M̂0B| q + M̂1A| 2q ⊗ M̂0B| q ) · ηB (0) + Tr ρ · ( M̂1A| 2q ⊗ M̂1B| q + M̂0A| 2q ⊗ M̂1B| q ) · ηB (1)
¤ £ ¤
h ¢i
Tr ρ · Â q ⊗ M̂0B| q · ηB (0) − M̂1B| q · ηB (1)
= h ¡ ¢i .
Tr ρ · M̂0B| q · ηB (0) + M̂1B| q · ηB (1)
Then we take ξ such that ηB (1)/ηB (0) = 1 + ξ, and we get
h ¢i
Tr ρ · Â q ⊗ M̂0B| q − M̂1B| q · ηB (1)/ηB (0)
 q B̂ q = h ¡ ¢i
Tr ρ · M̂0B| q + M̂1B| q · ηB (1)/ηB (0)
〈 Â q B̂ q 〉 − Tr ρ · Â q ⊗ M̂1B| q · ξ
£ ¤
= .
1 + Tr ρ · M̂1B| q · ξ
£ ¤
Considering ηB (1) ≈ ηB (0), such that |ξ| ≪ 1, we approximate the difference between
the expected and measured correlations 〈  q B̂ q 〉 and  q B̂ q , at first order:
 q B̂ q − 〈  q B̂ q 〉 ≈ − Tr ρ ·  q ⊗ M̂1B| q · ξ − 〈  q B̂ q 〉 · Tr ρ · M̂1B| q · ξ
£ ¤ £ ¤
= (1 − 〈 Â q B̂ q 〉) · Tr ρ · M̂1A| 2q ⊗ M̂1B| q · ξ
£ ¤
− (1 + 〈 Â q B̂ q 〉) · Tr ρ · M̂0| 2q ⊗ M̂1B| q · ξ.
£ ¤
is doubly negligible, such that even noticeable unbalance between the detectors
efficiencies should not significantly deviate the measured correlation from the
expected correlation. We therefore assume  q B̂ q ≈ 〈  q B̂ q 〉, such that the value of
I can be accurately measured even without correction for the detectors efficiency.
In our experiment, we measure the relative efficiency between Bob’s detectors,
for each protocol iteration. This way we get ξ ≲ 0.03, while witnessing a close-
to-maximum violation of steering inequality, legitimizing the approximation. We
still compute the violation that would be measured if detectors were perfectly
balanced, and ηB (1) = ηB (0), by correcting the data with the relative efficiencies.
The difference between the corrected and uncorrected data is included in the error
bars displayed in Fig. 6.7.
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Photonic Resources for the
Implementation of Quantum
Network Protocols
Doctoral Thesis
to demonstrate important cryptographic primitives, namely
quantum weak coin flipping, and the certified transmission of
quantum information through an untrusted and lossy quan-
tum channel. Our source produces photon-pairs at telecom
wavelengths, with high heralding efficiency and closeness to a
maximally-entangled state. Pairs are used as heralded single-
photons to perform the first implementation of a quantum weak
coin flipping protocol, allowing two distant players to decide of
a random winner. Using quantum resources allows to enforce
information-theoretic security and cheat-sensitivity. Cheating
players are detected in a verification step, which involves a care-
fully optimized linear optical interferometer including beam
splitters with variable reflectivities and a fast optical switch.
We demonstrate high values of our protocol benchmarks for
attenuations corresponding to several kilometers of telecom
optical fiber. Alternatively, photon-pairs are used as maximally-
entangled qubits to certify the transmission of a single qubit
through an untrusted and lossy quantum channel. We provide
a whole new protocol, based on the already-known self-testing
technique and new fundamental results on lossy quantum
channels. We demonstrate that protocol using photon-pairs
entangled in polarization to probe the channel. We show it
allows the certification of quantum communication for a large
amount of losses induced by the channel. Finally, we provide
a novel design in order to adapt this source to multipartite
entanglement generation, enabling the implementation of new
protocols involving more than two players.