6 Practical Microtechnique

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6. Practical:

Microtechnique: 2
(Preparation of paraffin block, Trimming and mounting of block)
In micro technique after proper embedding of tissue, preparation of block making
are followed

5. Preparation of paraffin block

Paraffin block are prepared with the help of metallic ‘L’ shaped pieces. Take a clean
glass plate and apply glycerin on the surface of it. Take the L pieces, apply glycerin
on it and arrange it on glass plate with rectangular or square shape . Add molten
paraffin wax in the cavity of L pieces and allow it to solidify except its upper
surface . To avoid upper surface solidification apply warm needle or forcep over the
surface and melt the crust. After proper solidification take a tissue and keep it in a
block cavity. Arrange it as per requirement and allow it to complete solidification.
After complete solidification glass plate along with paraffin block transfer it into
water tray.
6. Trimming of paraffin
araffin bloc

Removal off excess wax from the block for proper

roper shape is calle
called as trimming.
According to the requirement of shape and size
ize excess wax is removed from the
block by rubbing
bbing over plane su
surface. Clean the edges and surface of
o the block after
trimming, paraffin block is read
ready for mounting.

7. Mounting of block

For section cutting paraffin block

blo are mount on microtome metallic peg. Microtome
metallic pegg is a rough circular disc having small
all shaft. Apply molten
molt wax over the
rough surface
ace ofcircular disc. After
A thick layer of wax make a central
centr cavity on the
wax surfacee and fix the block into
i it . Fill up the
he gaps with molten wax and seal it.
After mounting
nting apply thin layer of bees wax on
n opposite surface of the block. After
applying bee
ee wax block is ready for section cutting.

Microtome metallic peg

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