Computer Manual 2
Computer Manual 2
Computer Manual 2
5. Compared to one year ago, how would you say your health is now? Is it:
o Much better than 1 year ago
o Somewhat better now(than 1 year ago)
o About the same as 1 year ago
o Somewhat worse now (than 1 year ago)
o Much worse now(than 1 year ago)
8. Thinking about the amount of stress in your life, would you say that most days are:
o Not at all stressful
o Not very stressful
o A bit stressful
o Quite a bit stressful
o Extremely stressful
30 20
20 0
Thin(<18) normal(18-24) over weight(24-30) Obese(>30)
15. Mark the appropriately according to question for symptoms and complications you may have
experienced as a result of having diabetes. Activity Yes No sometimes
1 Do you feel thirsty, excessive
urination and weight loss?
2 In the past 12 months, did you
ever have to visit an emergency
room because of low blood
3 Have you ever had any of the
following conditions diagnosed
by a health professional: diabetic
eye disease or diabetic
4 Partial or complete blindness?
5 Cataracts?
6 Glaucoma?
7 Protein in your urine?
8 Kidney failure?
9 Nerve damage or neuropathy?
10 Heart disease (for example,
angina, heart attack)?
11 High blood pressure?
12 Stroke or mini-stroke?
16. Do you know the kind of diabetes you have?
o Yes
o No
18. How old were you when you were first diagnosed with diabetes?
o Less than 12 year old
o 12 to 18 years
o 18 to 60 years
o 60 and above
20. Has a health professional ever given you an “HbA1c” test, also known as a glycosylated
hemoglobin test? “Hba1c” test is a measure of average blood sugar level over the past three
o Yes
o No
21. How many times in the past 12 months have you had your “HbA1c” (glycosylated
hemoglobin) measured by a health professional?
(Please select the number below)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
24. Write the appropriate figures from your tests report you may have been given by a health
professional to help monitor your diabetes:-
Test Report
1. HbA1c
2. Blood pressure
3. Blood cholesterol
4. Body weight
5. BMI
6. Creatinine level
25. During the past week , even if it was not a typical week for you, how much total time (for the
entire week ) did you spend on each of the following?( please circle one number for each
Activity None Less than 30-60 1-3hrs/wk More than
30 min/ min/wk 3hrs/wk
1. Stretching or
0 1 2 3 4
exercises (range of
motion using weights
2. Walk for exercise
0 1 2 3 4
3. Swimming or aquatic
0 1 2 3 4
4. Bicycling (including
stationary exercise
0 1 2 3 4
5. Other aerobic
exercise equipments
(stair master, rowing,
skiing machine etc...) 0 1 2 3 4
6. Other aerobic
0 1 2 3 4
26. Did you taken any measures to control glucose level within limits after your increase blood
glucose level?
o Yes
o No
28. Which of the following health professionals or practitioners do you consider most
responsible for treating your diabetes?
o Family doctor or general practitioner
o Other medical doctor or specialist
o Diabetes educator
o Nurse or nurse practitioner
o Pharmacist other health professional
o No health professional responsible for treating diabetes
o A complementary or alternative health care practitioner such as a naturopath or herbalist
29. In the past 12 months, did you ever experience any difficulties getting the routine or ongoing
care you needed for your diabetes?
o Yes
o No
30. Currently, are you taking prescription medication including medications taken for diabetes?
Please include any pills, needles, liquids or inhalers that have been prescribed by a health
professional for any health condition.
o Yes
o No
31. Currently, how many different types of prescription medications are you taking? Please
include any pills, needles, liquids or inhalers that have been prescribed by a health professional
for any health condition.
o One
o Two
o Three to four
o Five or more
32. Have you ever taken insulin injections for your diabetes?
o Yes
o No
33. Thinking back to when you were first diagnosed with type H diabetes, how long was it
before you started insulin injection?
o Less than 1 year
o 1 year to less than 2 years
o 2 or more years
o Never
35. Currently do you take any herbal or naturopathic remedies to treat your diabetes?
o Yes
o No
36. Has a doctor or other health professional ever discussed the complications of diabetes with
o Yes
o No
37. Whether your doctor or other health professionals may have discussed with you to help
control your risk factors for management of diabetes?( please circle the numbers below that
describes how many points you match to )
1) Changing the type 2) Participating in 3) Controlling or 4) Stress management
or amount of food you physical activity or losing weight to help with you
eat to help control exercise to help you you control your
your diabetes control your diabetes diabetes
5)To stop smoking 6) Limiting alcohol 7)Recommended 8) blood pressure at
cigarettes , cigars or consumption to help monitoring your blood home using a home
pipes you control your sugar at home blood pressure
diabetes monitor
5 Column2
4 Column1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
38. We have prepared series of statements related to how involved you are in thinking about or
making decisions about your diabetes and diabetes care. Please say whether you strongly agree,
agree, disagree or strongly disagree with each of the following statements:-
S.No. Statements Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
agree disagree
39. Overall, how much does your diabetes effect your life ?
o Not at all
o A little bit
o Moderately
o Quite a bit
o Extremely
41. The linked information will be kept strictly confidently and used only for statistical purposes.
Do we have your permission?
o Yes
o No
Thus we studied to design a questionnaire using word processing package.
Experiment: 2
Create a HTML web page to show personal information.
Step 1: Open text editor by clicking at a START button Note pad or Note pad++
Step 2: Now the text editor window appears. Type the below code as it is in notepad.
<title>page of personal Information </title>
<B><font size=5><center>personal Information </center></font></B><br>
<table border =1 align =center cellspacing=5 cellpadding=5>
<img src=" Libraries\Pictures.jpg" Align ="top" Width=75 height=75/>
<td><B>Name:</B>J. Asmitha Lisma<br>
<B>permanent Adress:</B>
Flat No-302,<br>Jai Aranvilai,
<td colspan=3>
<hr color= brown></center>
<B>Objective </B>
<center><hr color=brown> To be associated with a progressive organization which
poses a challenging and innovative career , my knowledge and thus giving me scope
to update my knowledge and skill.</center>
<td colspan=3>
<hr color=brown>
<B>Education Profile </B>
<hr color=brown>
<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=5 border=2>
<td>Board /University</td>
<td>Year </td>
<td>Dr M G R medical university, chennai</td>
<td>S .A Raja pharmacy College, Vadakangulam.</td>
<td colspan=3>
<hr color=brown></center>
<hr color =brown>I hereby declare that the above writeen particulars are true to the
best of my knowledge and belief.<BR>
<Marquee><font color=red><B></td> © Copyrights reserved
Step 3: Save the file with any name with .html as extension “FILE NAME.html” in
your local disk.
a) In notepad, click File Save as command
b) Choose ‘all files’ in the ‘save as type’ box.
c) Now give name to your HTML document with ‘.html’ extension.
Step 4: Open the file in any browser (chrome, mozila firefox, internet explorer, etc)
and you will get below output.
a) Open the browser window. Open any of your favorite browsers like Mozilla firefox
or google chrome, etc.
b) Press ctrl+o or if you can see the top menu bar you may even click on File open
c) File open dialog will open. Now find your HTML document and click open button
at the bottom.
d) The browser will show the webpage created by you.
Thus we studied how to create a HTML web page.
Experiment No – 3
Retrieve the information of a drug and its adverse effects using online tools.
In this experiment we will learn
To investigate information retrieval tools that students use to find scholarly information.
To compare the tools in terms of access, search techniques and search facilities
IR tool can be in any form of printed or electronic catalogue, index, and bibliographic
records or application that facilitates information retrieval. As there are various IR tools
available such as online public access catalogues (OPAC), Internet search engine, subject
directory, online database and digital library.
OPAC is a computerized catalogue containing bibliographic records of items in a
library. Student usually used OPAC to find books from library online before they go to
the library to borrow it.
Steps to use OPAC:
1) In Google type OPAC and enter.
2) Open National science library.
3) On right side you can see link for e-journals, e-books, and select search option.
4) Enter word drug and adverse reaction separately.
5) The information related journal articles and book information will be displayed.
6) The library is open from Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 5.30 pm.
4) You can get information on required drug and its adverse reaction
Subject Directories
Students also used subject directories like Yahoo and Wikipedia to locate information.
Subject directories are created manually by assigning the submitted sites to a suitable subject
category by the directory developers.
Steps to use Subject directories
1) Open any subject directories like or Wikipedia
2) Type word ‘drug information’, ’adverse reaction’ enter
3) The web pages related to drug will display.
4) You can get information on required drug and its adverse reaction.
Online database and Digital library
Despite of Internet search engine popularity, students usually turn to online database and digital
library to find scholarly and trust worthy information. Examples of online databases are Elsevier,
Digital library as a managed collection of information associated with services, where the
information is stored in digital formats and accessible over a network. It provides a high
quality resource that has been filtered by library professionals and subject experts and
added manually.
Creating mailing labels using Label Wizard, generating Label in MS WORD
1. Start Word.
A blank document opens by default. Leave it open. If you close it, the commands in the
next step are not available.
The product number for my label sheets doesn’t match any of the choices in the Label
Options dialog box
You can still print your labels. You just have to do some customizing.
a. Measure the labels on the sheet that you have, and note the measurements and
how many labels fit on a single sheet.
b. In the Product number list, click label type that is similar in size to your labels
If you don’t see the label type that you want in the product number list, you may
be able to use another of the listed labels, or you can create a new label size.
c. Click Details, and then compare the label dimensions and the number of labels per
sheet (for labels printed on laser and ink-jet printers) or the number of columns on
the label from (for labels printed on dot-matrix printers).
d. Do one of the following
If the dimensions and label layout match those of your labels, use the
selected label.
If the dimensions and layout do not match yours, Click cancel, and
continue to step5.
e. In the Label options dialog box, Click the printer type (either Continuous-feed
printers or Page printer), and then click New Label.
f. Type a name in the Label name box, select the height, width, margins, and other
options for your label, and then click OK.
The new label appears in the Other/Custom category. The next time you use your
custom labels, be sure to select Other/Custom in the Label vendors list.
After you select the options that you want, Click OK.
Under Print, Click Single label. Then in the Row and Column boxes, enter
the numbers that match the numbers of rows and columns on the label
sheet for the label that you want to print.
Thus we studied to create mailing Label Wizard, and generate Label in MS WORD.
Experiment – 5
Create a database in MS Access to store the patient information with the required
fields using access.
MS Access
MS Access is a relational database (RDBMS). A database is a collection of
information that’s related to a particular subject or purpose, such as tracking customer
orders or maintaining a music collection.
For example, suppose the phone numbers of patients are stored in various places of
hospital; in reception center, in finance section, in medical store, etc. If patient phone
number changes, you might have to update that information in all places. In a database,
however, you only have to update that information in one place.
Characteristics of Database
Self-describing: a database gives description about itself.
Multiple users can access the same data.
Data exits permanently
Data security protects the data from unauthorized access with the help of
the passwords.
Much software is used as Database Management Systems.
Example: MS-Access, ORACLE etc.
Starting Access
Click on Start button MS Office Microsoft Office Access 2007.
Notice the screen shown below appears
Now Specify the location of your database file by clicking on file button and give the
suitable name to your database file and click on create button and screen as shown like
below will appears.
Creating a Table
When you click the Create button your Access 2007 screen will change to the image
This is the “new look” in 2007 Office. You will now see Tabs and Ribbons that
automatically appear for the area in access on which you’re working. Instead of a
Menu Bar and drop down selections, you’ll now see these new features.
On the left of the Table Tools-Datasheet Tab/Ribbon you’ll see a view button.
Click the View button.
A Save As menu screen will appear similar to the image on the right. Type patient
information in the Table Name: area and then click the OK button
Your Access 2007 screen will now change again – to the image below.
We’ve enlarged the upper left corner of this image below.
Notice (in the image above) that our Table Tools Tab still appears. However, because
we are now in the Design process, the lower Tab/Ribbon has changed to Design – to
assist us with designing our Table.
In the image on the last page you will notice that the primary key button is “orange”
and in our Personnel Table, that is also “orange”-with a little key to the left of ID.
Notice, under the Blue Bar at the top of the Design screen there are
Field name
Data type
And, in the lower half of the window; Field Properties will appears as below.
Significant Note:
When creating a database it is always best to “break down” a field into its “smallest
parts.” For example – Name would break down into First Name, and Last Name (you
could also have Middle Initial, Title, etc.) Address would break down into Street
Address, city, state, and Zip (you could also have Apartment Number, etc). Because
we are working in Access 2007 it will be very simple to “put the fields back together”
with a few mouse clicks when we need to do this.
This will save a lot of time.
Look at the image on the right. Clicking the area or space under Field Name and type-
in Last Name (to replace ID). Tap Enter or click-in the area to the right under Data
Type. Click the down arrow under Data Type on right (see arrow on right). Your
design screen should look like the one on the right.
Data Type:
Text you may type in any alphabetical/numerical data that you desire – up to a
maximum of 255 characters. As indicated, this is a text field, so you can’t do
mathematical calculations. Examples of Text data are: names, addresses, stock
numbers, room numbers, zip codes, etc.
Memo this field is for lots of text. You can have up to 32,000 characters.
Number this field is for numbers where you want to add, subtract, multiply,
divide, average, and do numerical calculations. This field can be a very large
size, so when we get to Field Properties, we’ll talk about “sizing” this field so it
doesn’t take up to much “space” in storage.
Date/Time You may format these later, as you may desire.
Currency Dollars ($). You may format these later, as you may desire.
AutoNumber This field is an “automatic” counter that assigns a number each
time you put data into a new field.
Yes/No this is a “True/False” or “Yes/No” type of field.
In the design view, Type-in the Field Names as indicated below and set them to
the Data Types and Sizes indicated. Start each new Field Name and Data Type
– below the previous field (see example below).
You can add new field, rename a new field if it is not descriptive
enough, delete unwanted field.
Setting a field’s to store numerical values that you can use in
calculations, set its data type to number or currency.
Field properties are a set of characteristics that provide additional
control over how the data in a field is stored, entered or displayed.
Which properties are available depends on a field’s data type.
Let’s create a patient information database with Patient ID as the primary key.
Now type Gender in Field Name, and in data type select lookup Wizard… as you
select it window will appear given beside and then after typing male and female
press next and finish.
Now select datasheet view from view button and in gender column select arrow
you will show two options are displayed for typing in the column
Similarly, you can add data type in look up wizard for ‘consulting dr’, ‘patient
type’ and ‘mediclaim’ Field name.
For DOB field select date/time in data type, when you will see in datasheet view,
icon shown above will appear for entering DOB of patient.
Now that the structure is created let’s make the ‘Patient_ID’ field a primary key.
(Keep your pointer in it and click the right button of your mouse to get a menu of
Save the file and now let’s start entering data of individual patient.
Entering data into database
Notice the database view of the table appear in front of you to add data to it. Now
the field names are displayed as headings and a blank row is provided to enter data.
Now that you have specified the data type, text that effect can only be entered in
that field.
Notice when you type data in the last field and press the TAB key the pointer
automatically moves to the next record. Now that you have successfully entered
data into the first record, type the remaining which you need to add. Once the data
entry is over save the file in your directory.
Thus we studied to create a database in MS access to store the patient
information with the required fields.
Experiment: 6
Design a form in MS Access to view, add, delete and modify the patient record
in the database.
A form is type of a database object that is primarily used or display data in a
database. You can also use a form as a switchboard that opens other forms and
reports in the database, or as a custom dialog box that accepts user input and
carries out an action based on the input.
Most forms are bound to one or more tables and query in the database. A form
need not contain all the fields from each of the tables or queries it is based on.
Let’s start creating a form
Step 1: Click creates button then select more forms option and click on form
wizard to select it.
Step 2: As you click on form wizard dialogue box as shown below will appear.
As we know the forms can be designed with some selected fields. This dialog box
can be used to select those fields we want in our forms.
Let’s create a form containing name and address of a patient.
Step 3: Click on the Name field in available fields: section and click the greater
than sign (>). Note the field moves to the selected fields: section and then click
next button.
Step 4: Click the columnar format ratio button from the list.
Step 5: Click the next button of the dialog box. This dialog box confirms what style you would
like your form to be displayed in.
Step 6: Click the office option from the list and click the next button.
Step 7: In the following screen, we need to give a title for our form. Let us call it Patient Record.
Once you have given your form a title, you can open the form to see what that form looks like, or
you can begin entering information into your table. Or you can choose the option to modify the
form’s design. Let us choose the first option to open the form to view or enter information and
click Finish.
Now, take a look at the following screenshot. This is what your form looks like. This is a single
item form, meaning one record is displayed at a time further down you can see the navigation
buttons, which is telling us that this is displaying the record 1 of 3. If you click on that button
then, it will move to the next record.
Step 8: If you want to add new employee information, go to the end of this records and then after
3 records you will see a blank form where you can begin entering out the new employee’s
Step 9: After viewing all records click the close button to return back to database window.
Thus we studied to design a form in MS Access to view, add, delete and modify the
patient record in the database.
Experiment – 7
Generating report and printing the report from patient database
Reports can be created on a table or a query. Reports are an effective way for presenting data.
We can create a report to get the printed view of data. Reports give a complete control to decide
design and layout of the printed data.
Using reports we can organize and present data in groups. We can also calculate subtotal, grand
total and percentage of totals using report. Various methods to create a report are auto report,
report wizard and design view.
In MS Access reports can be created by using report design or by report wizard.
Creating report by using report wizard
Step 1: Select ‘report wizard’ option from ribbon. This brings step 1 of report wizard.
Step 2: In step 1 of report wizard, select the table or query for which the report is to be created.
Also select all the fields, which are to be appeared on the report. Then click on next button.
Step 3: In step 2 of report wizard, you can add grouping level. In this case if you do not want any
grouping level; so simply click on next button.
Step 4: In step 3 of report wizard you can specify the sorting order of report. Select the fields,
which are to be sorted. Then click on next button.
Step 5: Next step is to specify layout of the report. Select layout and set the page orientation.
Click on next button.
Step 6: In next step, select the style of report and click next.
Step 7: Finally give name to the report and click finish button.
Step 8: The report is generated as shown below. Once the report is displayed; it can be viewed,
printed or transferred into Microsoft word or excel.
Step 9: Click on Print button to get print of Report.
Thus we studied to generate report from patient database.
Experiment – 8
Creating invoice table using MS Access
To fully understand the value of relational database you need to create a detailed system. In this
practical you will setup an invoicing system for a computer mail order company, PC Direct,
which sells computer peripherals through the mail. The invoice system will then be completed in
the following steps. There are three main sections to the system, customers, products and the
sales invoice.
In the creation of any database system you should do some careful planning. In general there are
four steps that should undertake.
Step 1: Decide how many tables you think you might need.
Step 2: Decide how the tables will be related to one another.
Step 3: List the fields in each table trying to avoid having the same field in more than one table.
Decide which fields will be the PRIMARY KEY and FOREIGN KEY fields to link the tables.
Step 4: Decide what forms and/or reports (or printouts) are required.
In the case of PC Direct an initial TABLE RELATIONSHIP diagram might be:
The CUSTOMERS to INVOICE section of this structure forms a ONE TO MANY relationship.
The one customer can have MANY invoices sent to them over time, but there will always be
ONE customer on each invoice. So the customer table is the ONE side of the relationship and the
INVOICE is the MANY side. We can set a relationship to link these two tables.
There is a problem with the link between the INVOICE and the PRODUCTS tables.
The one invoice can contain many products and the one product can be included in many
invoices. A relational database cannot cater for a MANY TO MANY relationship as you cannot
set multiple PRIMARY or FOREIGN KEY fields in the one relationship.
A further problem exists, one invoice might contain a sale of 5 of a particular item, and the next
invoice might contain a sale of 2 of the same item. The company needs a way of adding these
sales so that it knows how many items it has sold. So this initial TABLE RELATIONSHIP will
need modification.
The easiest solution to these problems is to add a table between INVOICE and PRODUCTS.
This table can store every item sold by the company as a single record allowing the company to
keep track of every item sold. The new table can also provide data to the INVOICE table.
one to many one to many
Customers Invoice Items Sold Products
one to many link
The ONE invoice can have MANY items sold within it. The ONE product can be sold MANY
times. By adding the LINE ITEMS table to the system a series of ONE TO MANY relationships
is created and a relational database system can accommodate these.
The next step is to decide on the fields to be placed in each table. The following TABLE
STRUCTURE diagram shows one possibility. Remember, we do not want to store data more
than once (expect for PRIMARY KEY or FOREIGN KEY fields).
The PRIMARY KEY and FOREIGN KEY fields need to be considered. In the previous diagram
you would have see that CUSTOMER ID is used to link the CUSTOMERS and INVOICE
tables, INVOICE NO is used to link the INVOICE and LINE ITEMS tables and PRODUCT ID
is used to link the LINE ITEMS tables and PRODUCT ID is used to link the LINE ITEMS and
PRODUCTS table. The INVOICE table is not directly linked to the PRODUCTS table; it will
obtain values from the PRODUCTS table via the LINE ITEMS table.
The final consideration in the planning is what reports will be required. The following diagram
shows some of the reports that could be made from the various tables.
Customers Invoice
Items Sold
Item Lists Products
Monthly Product
Totals List
Item Totals
A Looking at the Tables
The database has 3 tables at the moment, CUSTOMER DETAILS which stores data
about the company’s customers, LINE ITEMS which stores details of each product sold and
PRODUCT DETAILS which stores a list of the products that the company markets
1. Close the CUSTOMER DETAILS table
Note: The LINE ITEMS table will record each line of the invoice. It will have two main
A) To list each product sold as a separate record so that the company can calculate
monthly sales and carry out stock checks.
B) To provide product data to the invoice. If you look at the diagram at the centre of page
12-2 you will see that the PRODUCTS table is not directly connected to the INVOICE table so
some data, such as Product Name and Retail price, will need to be linked to the LINE ITEMS
table via a relationship to the PRODUCTS table so that the INVOICE can display them.
2. Close the LINE ITEMS table.
3. Close the PRODUCT DETAILS table
Looking at the Forms
1. Two forms have been prepared for you. The CUSTOMER SUB-FORM which displays
the details from the CUSTOMER DETAILS table and the INVOICE MAIN FORM which you
will need to complete.
2. Close the CUSTOMER SUB-FORM form
Creating the invoice Table
An invoice table is required to store details every time an invoice is sent. This table
simply records the INVOICE NUMBER, the CUSTOMER ID and the DATE of the purchase.
The links that we make to the other tables will display other tables will display other
details such as product name and retail price.
Thus we studied to create invoice table using MS Access.
Experiment – 9
Drug information Storage and Retrieval using MS Access
Create a Database
You can create a database by building your own tables, forms, reports, and other
database objects.
In most cases, this usually involves one or both of the following:
Entering, Pasting, or importing data into the table that is created when you create
a new database, and then repeating the process with new tables that you create by
using the Table command on the Create tab.
Importing data from other sources and creating new tables in the process.
View data only from the fields you are interested in viewing. When you open a table, you see
all the fields. A query is a handy way to save a selection of fields.
Combine data from several data sources. A table usually only displays data that it stores. A
query lets you pick and choose fields from various sources, and specify how the information
should be combined.
Use expressions as fields. For example, you could use the date function as a field, or you
could use the format function with a field to control the way the data from the field is
formatted in the query results.
View records that meet criteria that you specify. When you open a table, you see all the
records. A query is a handy way to save a selection of records.
Step 4: If you did not add any number fields, skip ahead to step 9. If you added any number
fields, the wizard asks whether you want the query to return details or summary data.
Do one of the following:
a. If you want to see individual records, click Detail and then click next. Skip ahead to step 9.
b. If you want to see summarized numeric data, such as averages, click Summary,
And then click Summary Options
In the Summary Option dialog box, specify which fields you want to summarize, and how you
want to summarize the data. Only number fields are listed.
For each number field, choose one of the following functions:
a) Sum The query returns the sum of all the values of the field.
b) Avg The query returns the average of the values of the field.
c) Min The query returns the smallest value of the field.
d) Max The query returns the largest value of the field.
Step 6: If you want the query results to include a count of the records in a data source, select the
appropriate Count records in data source name check box.
Step 7: Click OK to close the Summary Options dialog box.
Step 8: If you did not add a date/time field to the query, skip ahead to step 9. If you added a date-
time field to the query, the Query wizard asks you how you would like to group the date values.
For example, Suppose you added a number field(“pincode”) and a date/time field (“DOB”) to
your query, and then specified in the summary options dialog box that you want to see the
average value of the number field “pincode”. Because you included a date/time field, you could
calculate summary values for each unique date/time value, for each day, for each month, for each
quarter, or for each year.
Select the time period that you want to use to group the date/time values, and then click Next
Step 9: On the last page of the wizard, give the query a title, specify whether you want to open or
modify the query, and then click Finish.
If you choose to open the query, the query displays the selected data in datasheet view. If you
choose to modify the query, the query opens in Design view.
Thus drug information is stored and retrieved using MS Access
Experiment – 10
Creating and working with queries in MS Access
Construction of query can be accomplished by using either query wizard or query
design view.
Construction of query using query wizard
Following Steps are required to create the query using query wizard
Step 1: Open Microsoft access 2007 database
Step 2: Select ‘create’ tab on ribbon.
Step 3: Click on ‘Query Wizard’ option. A ‘New Query’ dialog box will be displayed.
Step 4: Select ‘Simple Query Wizard’ and click ok button. Simple Query Wizard dialog
box will be displayed as shown below.
Step 5: In simple Query Wizard dialog box, select the table you want to use for query.
Also select the fields for query. Then click next button.
Step 6: Assign title for the query and click on finish button. The query is created as given
Construction of Query using Design view
Following steps are required to create the query using design view.
Step 1: Select ‘create tab’ on ribbon
Step 2: Click on ‘Query Design’ option. This brings a ‘Shown Table’ dialog box with Query in
design view in background.
Step 3: Select the table for the query and click add, and then click close. The selected tables
appear in the Query dialog box.
Step 4: Select the fields for the query from the selected table: you can perform calculation on
these input fields. You can also apply various the options on query such as sort, show, criteria,
etc. the output of the query is displayed as given below.
Step 5: After giving all the required conditions, save the query.
Thus we studied to create queries in MS Access
Experiment – 11
Exporting Tables, Queries, Forms and Reports to web page.
Create Document
Getting started with a basic document in Microsoft Office Word is as easy as opening a new or
existing document and starting to type. Whether you start a document from scratch or rework an
existing document, you can follow a few basic steps to ensure high-quality results and you can
quickly complete a professional, well- designed document.
Step 1: If you are using Microsoft Office Word 2007, Click the Microsoft Office Button and
then click New
Step 2: Double-click Blank document
Step 3: Copy your query or tables into blank document.
Step 4: Now save your document and during the saving the document, you can export the
Tables, Queries, Forms and Reports to web pages by using Save As command.
How to use Save As Command?
Step 1: Click the Microsoft Office Button
Step 2: Then go to option Save AS and click the option other format.
Step 3: In the File name box, type a name for the file.
Step 4: In the Save as type box, select Web Page.
Step 5: Click Save
Step 6: All the data will export to file with html extension which is Web Page.
Note: If you save the document as a Web page (HTML format) and later want to
move it or send it as an e-mail message attachment, you must remember to
include the folder that contains any supporting files. This folder has the same
name as the file name of the document.
Thus we studied how to export Tables, Queries, Forms and Reports to web
Experiment – 12
Exporting Tables, Queries, Forms and Reports to XML pages
Data export is actually the opposite of importing data. In importing data, we bring data from
other formats in Access, while in exporting we save the data in other formats.
To understand what kind of data you can export from Access data, let us open your database and
go to the External Data tab.
In the Export group, you can see the different kind of options available for data export from
Access. Following are the most commonly used data export formats-
Let us look at a simple example of data export from Access. Open your database where you want
to export the data from. In the Navigation Pane, select the object that you want to export the data
You can export the data from table, query, form and report objects etc. Let us select the Patient
information query from all Projects and then, go to the External Data tab.
On the External Data tab, click on the type of data that you want to export it. For example, to
export data in a XML format. The dialog box as shown below will appear.