VPC Creator UserGuide
VPC Creator UserGuide
VPC Creator UserGuide
Table of Contents
1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................3
1.1 About........................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Installation...............................................................................................................................3
1.3 License.....................................................................................................................................3
2 User Interface..................................................................................................................................4
2.1 General.....................................................................................................................................4
2.2 Opening File(s)........................................................................................................................4
2.2.1 Settings.............................................................................................................................4
2.2.2 Advanced Settings............................................................................................................5
2.3 Process Point Cloud.................................................................................................................6
2.3.1 Conversion Status............................................................................................................6
3 Optimising Point Clouds.................................................................................................................7
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Arena4D – User Guide
1 Introduction
1.1 About
Welcome to the User Guide for the Veesus Ltd Arena4D VPC Creator.
Arena4D software requires point clouds to be in its own native VPC format. The VPC
creator supports the following proprietary data files:
Note: supplied formats LAS and e57 will provided the fasted conversion times. If a choice
is available please use these two binary formats. Files should be copied to the local hard
drive and where possible use M2 or SSD drives, check available disk space before
conversion due to conversion taking up to 3x initial file size.
1.2 Installation
Arena4D ships with all dependencies and is a self contained application. No DLL's are
installed in system folders and no registry entries are created.
Configuration files that are generated by Arena4D to tailor your installation and save your
user preferences are stored within your default User area (e.g. C:\Users\Joe
Simply run the provided installation executable and follow the on screen prompts. The
installer will create an uninstaller file and place an entry in the Windows Control Panel
should you wish to delete Arena4D.
1.3 License
Arena4D VPC Creator does not require a license.
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Arena4D – User Guide
2 User Interface
2.1 General
The Arena4D VPC Creator has a
simple interface consisting of two
buttons at the top: Open file(s) and
Process, two tabs in the middle:
Settings and Advanced, and three
tick boxes for Georeferenced Point
Data, Combine Clouds and Retain
File Names.
2.2.1 Settings
The most important information is how your data has been captured, whether it is
georeferenced or not. GeoReferenced Point Data you will be asked to supply the EPSG
code for the coordinate system used. Note: if you are going to be using your point
cloud(s) in Data Studio you can apply the EPSG code to the cloud under the Point Cloud
settings there.
Combine Clouds. Combine all the point clouds within the selected files into one single
very optimised point cloud. Note: If you have lots of densely overlapping point clouds and
your focus is VR (Virtual Reality) the this option should be selected.
Retain File Name(s). Create output file(s) with the same name as the input file(s).
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Arena4D – User Guide
Multiplier: Multiply source unit by this value e.g. source point cloud is 5m in length, enter
value of 2 it will now be 10m. Note: you could use this function with 0.x values and for
bespoke source values.
Note: this is the units of measurement of the source file(s), NOT what you want it to
convert to.
Adjust for EGM96 Geoid: Depending on how the point cloud data was generated, it may
or may not have had its GPS height data corrected for the EGM96 Geoid. If your data
appears too high or too low, use this to fix the height data.
Filter: It is common for point clouds to feature overlapping data, especially when made up
from several static scans of the same area. Filtering allows you to remove repeated, or
overly dense data from the point cloud. This will help make a smaller file with better
performance, however it does take slightly longer to process.
The filter operates in millimetres and allows you to specify how many millimetres you
would like between adjacent points. Depending on the scan type, 0mm to 2mm is a good
starting point. The default is 0mm and usually will provide the best results.
ASCII Order: No ASCII text file is produced in the same format between different software
packages. This option allows you to specify what order the colour information is supplied
in the file.
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Applying both above can have a dramatic effect on performance without reducing any
visible quality or resolution.
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