Game Genie A
Game Genie A
Game Genie A
(c) 1992, 1993, 1994 Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Excerpts from Game Genie(tm) Code Updates
Game Genie is a product of Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc., and is not manufactured,
distributed or endorsed by Nintendo of America Inc. Super NES is a trademark of
Nintendo of America Inc. Game titles are trademarks of their respective owners.
Game Genie is a trademark of Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc.
U.S. Patent No. 5,112,051.
Aerobiz(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 DDA6-0DFD In scenario 1, Tokyo starts with
2 D9A6-0DFD In scenario 1, Tokyo starts with
3 94A6-0D2D In scenario 1, Beijing starts with
4 D9A6-0FFD In scenario 1, Beijing starts with
5 95A6-0F2D In scenario 1, Hong Kong starts with
6 D9A6-04FD In scenario 1, Hong Kong starts with
7 03A6-042D In scenario 1, Singapore starts with
8 D9A6-07FD In scenario 1, Singapore starts with
9 7CA6-072D In scenario 1, Sydney starts with
10 D9AB-0DFD In scenario 1, Sydney starts with
11 73AB-0D2D In scenario 1, Delhi starts with $317,440,000
12 D9AB-0FFD In scenario 1, Delhi starts with
13 43AB-0F2D In scenario 1, Tehran starts with
14 D9AB-04FD In scenario 1, Tehran starts with
15 7DAB-042D In scenario 1, Cairo starts with
16 D9AB-07FD In scenario 1, Cairo starts with
17 45AB-072D In scenario 1, Nairobi starts with
18 D9AC-0DFD In scenario 1, Nairobi starts with
19 4AAC-0D2D In scenario 1, Lagos starts with
20 D9AC-0FFD In scenario 1, Lagos starts with
21 DDAC-04FD In scenario 1, Moscow starts with
22 D9AC-04FD In scenario 1, Moscow starts with
23 DDAC-07FD In scenario 1, London starts with
24 D9AC-07FD In scenario 1, London starts with
25 DDA8-0DFD In scenario 1, Paris starts with
26 D9A8-0DFD In scenario 1, Paris starts with
27 06A8-0D2D In scenario 1, Rome starts with
28 D9A8-0FFD In scenario 1, Rome starts with
29 DDA8-04FD In scenario 1, New York starts with
30 D9A8-04FD In scenario 1, New York starts with
31 74A8-042D In scenario 1, Vancouver starts with
32 D9A8-07FD In scenario 1, Vancouver starts with
33 DDAA-0DFD In scenario 1, Los Angeles starts with
34 D9AA-0DFD In scenario 1, Los Angeles starts with
35 70AA-0D2D In scenario 1, Honolulu starts with
36 D9AA-0FFD In scenario 1, Honolulu starts with
37 74AA-0F2D In scenario 1, Mexico City starts with
38 D9AA-04FD In scenario 1, Mexico City starts with
39 47AA-042D In scenario 1, Lima starts with $180,800,000
40 D9AA-07FD In scenario 1, Lima starts with
41 73AA-072D In scenario 1, Rio de Janeiro starts with
42 D9A2-0DFD In scenario 1, Rio de Janeiro starts with
43 4BA2-0D2D In scenario 1, Buenos Aires starts with
44 D9A2-0FFD In scenario 1, Buenos Aires starts with
45 DDA2-04FD In scenario 2, Tokyo starts with
46 D9A2-04FD In scenario 2, Tokyo starts with
47 1FA2-042D In scenario 2, Beijing starts with
48 D9A2-07FD In scenario 2, Beijing starts with
49 53A2-072D In scenario 2, Hong Kong starts with
50 D9A3-0DFD In scenario 2, Hong Kong starts with
51 18A3-0D2D In scenario 2, Singapore starts with
52 D9A3-0FFD In scenario 2, Singapore starts with
53 5FA3-0F2D In scenario 2, Sydney starts with
54 D9A3-04FD In scenario 2, Sydney starts with
55 19A3-042D In scenario 2, Delhi starts with $517,760,000
56 D9A3-07FD In scenario 2, Delhi starts with
57 7CA3-072D In scenario 2, Tehran starts with
58 D9AE-0DFD In scenario 2, Tehran starts with
59 0AAE-0D2D In scenario 2, Cairo starts with
60 D9AE-0FFD In scenario 2, Cairo starts with
61 7DAE-0F2D In scenario 2, Nairobi starts with
62 D9AE-04FD In scenario 2, Nairobi starts with
63 7CAE-042D In scenario 2, Lagos starts with
64 D9AE-07FD In scenario 2, Lagos starts with
65 DDAD-6DFD In scenario 2, Moscow starts with
66 D9AD-6DFD In scenario 2, Moscow starts with
67 DDAD-6FFD In scenario 2, London starts with
68 D9AD-6FFD In scenario 2, London starts with
69 DDAD-64FD In scenario 2, Paris starts with
70 D9AD-64FD In scenario 2, Paris starts with
71 1EAD-642D In scenario 2, Rome starts with
72 D9AD-67FD In scenario 2, Rome starts with
73 DDAF-6DFD In scenario 2, New York starts with
74 D9AF-6DFD In scenario 2, New York starts with
75 94AF-6D2D In scenario 2, Vancouver starts with
76 D9AF-6FFD In scenario 2, Vancouver starts with
77 DDAF-64FD In scenario 2, Los Angeles starts with
78 D9AF-64FD In scenario 2, Los Angeles starts with
79 0CAF-642D In scenario 2, Honolulu starts with
80 D9AF-67FD In scenario 2, Honolulu starts with
81 98AF-672D In scenario 2, Mexico City starts with
82 D9A4-6DFD In scenario 2, Mexico City starts with
83 74A4-6D2D In scenario 2, Lima starts with $258,880,000
84 D9A4-6FFD In scenario 2, Lima starts with
85 58A4-6F2D In scenario 2, Rio de Janeiro starts with
86 D9A4-64FD In scenario 2, Rio de Janeiro starts with
87 01A4-642D In scenario 2, Buenos Aires starts with
88 D9A4-67FD In scenario 2, Buenos Aires starts with
Player 1 Codes, Saved Game 1:
90 DDDF-FEDD Set money for this saved game to less than
91 D9DF-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
92 D6DF-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
93 FDDF-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
94 4DDF-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
95 0DDF-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
Player 2 Codes, Saved Game 1:
96 DDD9-FEDD Set money for this saved game to less than
97 D9D9-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
98 D6D9-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
99 FDD9-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
100 4DD9-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
101 0DD9-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
Player 3 Codes, Saved Game 1:
102 DDDB-FEDD Set money for this saved game to less than
103 D9DB-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
104 D6DB-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
105 FDDB-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
106 4DDB-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
107 0DDB-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
Player 4 Codes, Saved Game 1:
108 DDD2-FEDD Set money for this saved game to less than
109 D9D2-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
110 D6D2-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
111 FDD2-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
112 4DD2-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
113 0DD2-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
Player 1 Codes, Saved Game 2:
114 DDFF-FEDD Set money for this saved game to less than
115 D9FF-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
116 D6FF-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
117 FDFF-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
118 4DFF-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
119 0DFF-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
Player 2 Codes, Saved Game 2:
120 DDF9-FEDD Set money for this saved game to less than
121 D9F9-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
122 D6F9-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
123 FDF9-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
124 4DF9-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
125 0DF9-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
Player 3 Codes, Saved Game 2:
126 DDFB-FEDD Set money for this saved game to less than
127 D9FB-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
128 D6FB-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
129 FDFB-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
130 4DFB-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
131 0DFB-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
Player 4 Codes, Saved Game 2:
132 DDF2-FEDD Set money for this saved game to less than
133 D9F2-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
134 D6F2-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
135 FDF2-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
136 4DF2-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
137 0DF2-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
Aerobiz is a trademark of Koei Corp.
Arcana(tm) Game
A challenging role-playing game where the skirmishes just keep on comin'. The
cardmaster element gives the game a new slant. ARC Code 4, infinite money for
items, and Code 8, magic points don't decrease, are vital for handling all those
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 1D69-AFD0 + 3C69-AF00 Start with 60,000 gold pieces
2 EC69-AFD0 + DD69-AF00 Start with 250 gold pieces
3 C225-0F02 Infinite money for weapons
4 C22A-0402 Infinite money for items
5 C229-640E Infinite money for rooms
6 C22F-A7DE Infinite money for elixir
7 B387-DFF2 Level and statistics for all characters
in group are increased after each tbattle you win
8 828B-AF2E Magic points don't decrease
Arcana is a trademark of Hal America Inc.
Axelay(tm) Game
A generous selection of useful codes here, from credits to lives and level warps.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 D766-D7A7 Start with 1 credit
instead of 5
2 D066-D7A7 Start with 2 credits
3 D966-D7A7 Start with 3 credits
4 D166-D7A7 Start with 4 credits
5 D666-D7A7 Start with 6 credits
6 DB66-D7A7 Start with 7 credits
7 DC66-D7A7 Start with 8 credits
8 D866-D7A7 Start with 9 credits
9 C2C5-DDDF Infinite credits
10 DF21-AD04 Start with 1 life
instead of 3
11 D421-AD04 Start with 2 lives
12 D921-AD04 Start with 5 lives
13 D521-AD04 Start with 7 lives
14 DB21-AD04 Start with 9 lives
15 DE21-AD04 Start with 15 lives
16 FB21-AD04 Start with 25 lives
17 7421-AD04 Start with 50 lives
18 0821-AD04 Start with 75 lives
19 1721-AD04 Start with 99 lives
20 C2AE-DF6D + C28F-04D7 Infinite lives
21 CBB7-AFA7 + DFB7-A4D7 + DDB7-A407 Start on Stage 2
22 CBB7-AFA7 + D4B7-A4D7 + DDB7-A407 Start on Stage 3
23 CBB7-AFA7 + D7B7-A4D7 + DDB7-A407 Start on Stage 4
24 CBB7-AFA7 + D0B7-A4D7 + DDB7-A407 Start on Stage 5
25 CBB7-AFA7 + D9B7-A4D7 + DDB7-A407 Start on Stage 6
Axelay is a trademark of Konami, Inc.
B.O.B.(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 3C37-A7D4 Infinite weapons--except for flame
2 DDC0-C770 Maximum weapons on pick up
3 CD61-0D64 Slow down timer
4 7961-0D64 Speed up timer
5 3CC7-3F85 Infinite remotes
Weapon codes:
6 F0A6-1D59 Start with 20 3-way
7 F0A6-1FE9 Start with 20 flame
8 F0A6-1759 Start with 20 rocket
9 F0AB-1DE9 Start with 20 bolt
10 F0AB-1459 Start with 20 wave
11 DDA8-1F89 Start with 3 flash
12 DFA8-1F89 Start with 3 shield
13 D4A8-1F89 Start with 3 umbrella
14 D0A8-1F89 Start with 3 helicopter hat
15 D9A8-1F89 Start with 3 floating bomb
16 D1A8-1479 Start with 6 of selected remote
17 DEA8-1479 Start with 15 of selected remote
18 D666-0DDD Start with 9 lives
19 D966-0DDD Start with 6 lives
20 DD66-0DDD Start with 1 life
21 4A6E-0F0D Infinite lives
B.O.B. is a trademark of Electronic Arts.
Ballz(tm) Game
1. CB82-EF0D + D082-EF6D + DD82-EFAD Always fight Kronk
2. CB82-EF0D + D682-EF6D + DD82-EFAD Always fight Boomer
3. CB82-EF0D + DA82-EF6D + DD82-EFAD Always fight Bruiser
4. CB82-EF0D + FD82-EF6D + DD82-EFAD Always fight Turbo
5. CB82-EF0D + F082-EF6D + DD82-EFAD Always fight Tsunami
6. CB82-EF0D + F682-EF6D + DD82-EFAD Always fight Yoko
7. CB82-EF0D + FA82-EF6D + DD82-EFAD Always fight Divine
8. CB82-EF0D + 4D82-EF6D + DD82-EFAD Always fight Crusher
9. DC78-E7AD Start rounds with 10 seconds
10. F078-E7AD Start rounds with 20 seconds
11. F378-E7AD Start rounds with 30 seconds
12. 4678-E7AD Start rounds with 40 seconds
13. 7478-E7AD Start rounds with 50 seconds
14. 7A78-E7AD Start rounds with 60 seconds
15. 0178-E7AD Start rounds with 70 seconds
16. C295-ED64 + C296-E7D4 Infinite time
17. 4EDC-7760 Start with with 1/4 energy
18. 9EDC-7760 Start with with 1/2 energy
19. BEDC-7760 Start with with 3/4 energy
20. CDE8-87AF Death match
Ballz and related names are treademarks of PF Magic, Inc.
BlaZeon(tm) Game
This game's a shooter, in which you are part of a group of freedom fighters trying
to defeat the Imperial Earth army. You actually get to control the enemy ships. It
takes a sure hand to master. Try BLAZ Code 1 for infinite lives. Note that the game
never really ends (no phone calls, please; it's supposed to be like that).
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 C2B4-D4DD + C2BD-64AD Infinite lives
2 DD6E-6707 Start with 1 ship
3 DF6E-6707 Start with 2 ships
4 D76E-6707 Start with 4 ships
5 D06E-6707 Start with 5 ships
6 D16E-6707 Start with 7 ships
7 DB6E-6707 Start with 10 ships
8 FB6E-6707 Start with 26 ships
9 DF6D-6D07 Start on Stage 2
10 D46D-6D07 Start on Stage 3
11 D76D-6D07 Start on Stage 4
12 D06D-6D07 Start on Stage 5
13 C2C7-D7A7 Mars has infinite atomic shields
14 C2C3-DF67 Neptune has infinite hyper bombs
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVE codes at a time
(but some effects require more than one code).
BlaZeon is a trademark of Atlus Software, Inc.
Bubsy(tm) Game
The Woolies(tm) are out to take all our wool, and it's up to Bubsy(tm) and you to
stop their evil
thievery. But fear not, for with Game Genie(tm) you can easily defeat their
sinister plot. Try BUB Codes 2 and 32 for infinite lives and higher jumping
ability. Or, if you think you're a hotshot bobcat, try Code 3 to start with only
one life.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 766C-1766 Numbered t-shirts worth one more
2 DDB1-175C Infinite lives
3 DD34-4D6D Start with 1 life
4 D034-4D6D Start with 5 lives
5 4034-4D6D Start with 25 lives
6 9D34-4D6D Start with 50 lives
7 5934-4D6D Start with 75 lives
8 DD60-1FD6 Each yarn ball worth 0
9 D960-1FD6 Each yarn ball worth 5
10 FD60-1FD6 Each yarn ball worth 10
11 DD69-4F6C Crate of yarn holds 0 instead of 25
12 9D69-4F6C Crate of yarn holds 50
13 5969-4F6C Crate of yarn holds 75
14 BB69-4F6C Crate of yarn holds 99
15 DF6D-472A Start on chapter 2
16 D46D-472A Start on chapter 3
17 D76D-472A Start on chapter 4
18 D06D-472A Start on chapter 5
19 D96D-472A Start on chapter 6
20 D16D-472A Start on chapter 7
21 D66D-472A Start on chapter 8
22 DC6D-472A Start on chapter 9
23 DA6D-472A Start on chapter 10
24 D26D-472A Start on chapter 11
25 D36D-472A Start on chapter 12
26 DE6D-472A Start on chapter 13
27 FD6D-472A Start on chapter 14
28 FF6D-472A Start on Chapter 15
29 F46D-472A Start on Chapter 16
30 946B-1D8B Bogus jump
31 716B-1D8B Super jump
32 436B-1D8B Mega-jump
33 DDB4-3404 Infinite time
Bubsy and Woolies are trademarks of Accolade Inc.
Game Genie is a trademark of Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc.
Chessmaster(tm) Game
Chess is of course one of the world's greatest and most ancient games. (Yes, it
came out even before the first video game). Add a new twist with CHESS Code 6.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 C9C7-D76F White player's timer is stopped
2 C9C9-DFDF Black player's timer is stopped
3 56C4-D46F Timers count 2x as slow
4 80C4-D46F Timers count 3x times as slow
5 F3C4-D46F Timers count 2x as fast
6 F0C4-D46F Timers count 3x times as fast
Chessmaster is a trademark of The Software Toolworks, Inc.
Clue(tm) Game
The classic mystery strategy game comes to life in video. And a very good treatment
it is! Try CLOO Code 12 and get infinite interrogations--you can interrogate
everyone until you find out whodunit. You can switch Codes 1 thru 6 on and off.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 CBBC-0D07 + 3CBC-0DA7 + DDBC-0D67 Always roll a 1
2 CBBC-0D07 + 3CBC-0DA7 + DFBC-0D67 Always roll a 2
3 CBBC-0D07 + 3CBC-0DA7 + D4BC-0D67 Always roll a 3
4 CBBC-0D07 + 3CBC-0DA7 + D7BC-0D67 Always roll a 4
5 CBBC-0D07 + 3CBC-0DA7 + D0BC-0D67 Always roll a 5
6 CBBC-0D07 + 3CBC-0DA7 + D9BC-0D67 Always roll a 6
7 BDBA-D464 Allow no interrogations
instead of 2
8 DFBA-D4D4 Allow only 1 interrogation
9 D7BA-D4D4 Allow 3 interrogations
10 D0BA-D4D4 Allow 4 interrogations
11 D9BA-D4D4 Allow 5 interrogations
12 8B83-070F Infinite interrogations
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVE codes at a time
(but some effects require more than one code).
Clue is a trademark of Waddingtons Games Ltd.
Cybernator(tm) Game
This action-adventure shooter offers great control and lots of weapons. There are
even two endings, which you can view using CYBE Codes 11 or 12. You can get napalm
from the start with Code 15 and protection from some hits with Code 30. Experts,
try the combination of Code 18 for 2 credits and Code 31 to make energy chips worth
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 D4BD-176F Start on level 3.1
2 D7BD-176F Start on level 3.2
3 D0BD-176F Start on level 3.3
4 D9BD-176F Start on level 4.1
5 D1BD-176F Start on level 4.2
6 D5BD-176F Start on level 5.1
7 D6BD-176F Start on level 5.2
8 DBBD-176F Start on level 6.1
9 FDBD-176F Start on level 7.3
10 FFBD-176F Start on level 7.4
11 F4BD-176F View the failed ending
12 F7BD-176F View the successful ending
13 62BF-17AF Start with lasers
14 62BF-17DF Start with homing missiles
15 62B4-1D6F Start with napal
16 D4BF-1FDF Weapons start at level 2
17 D7BF-1FDF Weapons start at level 3
18 DFB1-17AF Start with 2 credits
19 D9B1-17AF Start with 6 credits
20 DBB1-17AF Start with 10 credits
21 C234-4FDD Infinite credits
22 D461-4D62 Only 2 P's needed for level 2 vulcan
23 D061-4FD2 Only 4 P's needed for level 3 vulcan
24 D761-4462 Only 3 P's needed for level 3 laser
25 D765-4DD2 Only 3 P's needed for level 3 missile
26 D465-4FD2 Only 2 P's needed for level 2 napalm
27 D065-4F62 Only 4 P's needed for level 3 napal
28 D465-4462 Only 2 P's needed for level 2 punch
29 D765-47D2 Only 3 P's needed for level 3 punch
30 82C9-470C + 82C7-4FDC Protection against some hazards
31 DD3F-1406 Energy chip worth nothing
32 CD3F-1406 Energy chip worth more
Cybernator is a trademark of Konami, Inc.
D-Force(tm) Game
D-object of d-game is to d-stroy d-dictator before he takes over d-world. For D
Codes 1 thru 9, normal is from 1 to 9 lives, a player-select option. D Code 5,
which gives you infinite lives, and 26 and 27, which prevent decrease of cannon
power when you lose a life, are the star codes. The missiles you get with Codes 24
and 25 are non-standard.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 7168-D5F6 + C668-D596 Start with 10 lives
2 C868-D5F6 + C068-D596 Start with 12 lives
3 CF68-D5F6 + EF68-D596 Start with 14 lives
4 9E68-D5F6 + C068-D596 Start with 16 lives
5 3CCA-D4DD Infinite lives
6 7168-D70F + C668-D76F Continue with 10 lives
7 C868-D70F + C068-D76F Continue with 12 lives
8 CF68-D70F + EF68-D76F Continue with 14 lives
9 9E68-D70F + C068-D76F Continue with 16 lives
10 DFB6-DF6D Start with cannon power at level 2
instead of 1
11 D4B6-DF6D Start with cannon power at level 3
12 D7B6-DF6D Start with cannon power at level 4
13 D9B6-DF6D Start with cannon power at level 6
14 D5B6-DF6D Start with cannon power at level 8
15 DBB6-DF6D Start with cannon power at level 10
16 D8B6-DF6D Start with cannon power at level 12
17 DF68-DF0F + DE68-DD6F Continue with cannon power at level 2
instead of 1
18 D468-DF0F + DE68-DD6F Continue with cannon power at level 3
19 D768-DF0F + DE68-DD6F Continue with cannon power at level 4
20 D968-DF0F + DE68-DD6F Continue with cannon power at level 6
21 D568-DF0F + DE68-DD6F Continue with cannon power at level 8
22 DB68-DF0F + DE68-DD6F Continue with cannon power at level 10
23 D868-DF0F + DE68-DD6F Continue with cannon power at level 12
24 DAB6-D76D + FDB6-D4AD Start equipped with unguided missiles
25 7D6C-D40F + 2C6C-D46F + FD6C-D7DF Continue equipped with unguided
26 DDC7-DD0F Loss of a life does not decrease cannon
power at normal difficulty--except
on continues
27 DDC0-D4DF Loss of a life does not decrease cannon
power at hard difficulty--except on
28 DA3D-6464 Pink power-up increases missile power along with cannon power
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVE codes at a time
(but some effects require more than one code).
D-Force is a trademark of Asmik Corporation of America.
Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions(tm) Game
1 DFBD-1DA4 Start with 1 life
2 DBBD-1DA4 Start with 9 lives
3 49BD-1DA4 Start with 25 lives
4 9FBD-1DA4 Start with 51 lives
5 DDB3-3404 Infinite lives
6 DDA8-4466 Extra lives cost $500
7 DFA8-4466 Extra lives cost $1,500
8 DD23-34D4 Extra life power-ups don't work
9 D423-34D4 Extra life power-ups worth 2
10 D923-34D4 Extra life power-ups worth 5
11 DDA3-3FA6 Extra lives can't be bought
12 D4A3-3FA6 2 extra lives for each life you buy
13 D9A3-3FA6 5 extra lives for each life you buy
14 C283-3D6F Invincibility
15 D1B4-3DD7 Start with 1/2 health
16 DBB4-3DD7 Start with 3/4 health
17 D121-CD64 Juice cans set health to 1/2
18 DB21-CD64 Juice cans set health to 3/4
19 DDB4-C764 Start with 0 gems
20 FDB4-C764 Start with 10 gems (2 continues)
21 49B4-C764 Start with 25 gems (5 continues)
22 DDA2-C76C Infinite continues
23 DD3C-446D Gem power-ups worth 0
24 D93C-446D Gem power-ups worth 5 (1 continue)
25 DDA6-34A6 Bought gems worth 0
26 D9A6-34A6 Bought gems worth 5 (1 continue)
27 DDA8-44D6 Gems are free
28 FDBF-CF64 Start with 10 ammo for all guns (except
29 9DBF-CF64 Start with 50 ammo for all guns
30 BDBF-CF64 Start with 90 ammo for all guns
31 DD85-17DD Infinite ammo (must have some ammo for the
gun to be selectable--use Code 29 start with infinite ammo)
32 DDAC-4406 Freeze gun ammo is free
33 4DAC-4406 Freeze gun ammo is $200
34 DDAC-44A6 Electricity gun ammo is free
35 F9AC-44A6 Electricity gun ammo is $150
36 DDAC-4706 Three-way gun ammo is free
37 F9AC-4706 Three-way gun ammo is $150
38 DDAC-47A6 Bomb gun ammo is free
39 F9AC-47A6 Bomb gun ammo is $150
40 DDA8-4D06 Antimatter gun ammo is free
41 4DA8-4D06 Antimatter gun ammo is $200
42 4DAE-44D6 Bought Freeze gun ammo is worth 20 instead
of 10
43 4DA9-1406 Bought Electricity gun ammo is worth 20
44 4DA8-1466 Bought Three-way gun ammo is worth 20
45 4DAF-C4A6 Bought Bomb gun ammo is worth 20
46 4DA5-C7D6 Bought Anti matter gun ammo is worth 20
47 4D28-4FA7 Freeze gun ammo power-ups are worth 20
instead of 10
48 4D26-1DA7 Electricity gun ammo power-ups are worth 20
49 4D20-C7A7 Three-way gun ammo power-ups are worth 20
50 4D2F-34A7 Bomb gun ammo power-ups are worth 20
51 4D23-3FA7 Antimatter gun ammo power-ups are worth
52 DDBD-CF04 Start with no nutty attacks
53 D7BD-CF04 Start with 3 nutty attacks
54 D9BD-CF04 Start with 5 nutty attacks
55 D5BD-CF04 Start with 7 nutty attacks
56 C287-34AD Infinite nutty attacks
57 DDA8-4F06 Nutty attacks are free
58 0DA8-4F06 Nutty attacks are $400
59 D4BD-C7D4 Start with $2500 instead of $1500
60 D7BD-C7D4 Start with $3,500
61 DBBD-C7D4 Start with $9,500
62 7DBD-C7D4 Start with $30,500
63 DDB4-C404 Start with almost no fuel
64 F8B4-C404 Start with 2x fuel
65 45B4-C404 Start with 3x fuel
66 DDA8-4DA6 Jetpack fuel is free
67 D1C8-14A7 Fuel is consumed at 1/4 normal rate
68 DAC8-14A7 Fuel is consumed at 1/2 normal rate
69 F4C8-14A7 Fuel is consumed at 3/4 normal rate
70 D12B-17D4 Fuel power-ups are worth 1/2 as much
71 FC2B-17D4 Fuel power-ups are worth 2x
72 D1A2-C7A6 Bought fuel is worth 1/2 as much
73 FCA2-C7A6 Bought fuel is worth 2x as much
74 DFB9-1D04 Start on level 1-2
75 D4B9-1D04 Start on level 1-3
76 D7B9-1D04 Start on level 1-4
77 D0B9-1D04 Start on level 2-1
78 D9B9-1D04 Start on level 2-2
79 D1B9-1D04 Start on level 2-3
80 D5B9-1D04 Start on level 2-4
81 D6B9-1D04 Start on level 3-1
82 DBB9-1D04 Start on level 3-2
83 DCB9-1D04 Start on level 3-3
84 D8B9-1D04 Start on level 3-4
85 DAB9-1D04 Start on level 4-1
86 D2B9-1D04 Start on level 4-2
87 D3B9-1D04 Start on level 4-3
88 DEB9-1D04 Start on level 4-4
89 FDB9-1D04 Start on level 5-1
90 FFB9-1D04 Start on level 5-2
91 F4B9-1D04 Start on level 5-3
92 F7B9-1D04 Start on level 5-4
Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions is a trademark of Warner Bros.
DinoCity(tm) Game
Cute animation helps make this game fun. DINO jump codes 34 thru 39 add to the
enjoyment. Code 25 protects you against most enemies. You ferocious meat-eaters out
there should try your stuff with Code 14, faster timer.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 DFC2-A494 1 credit instead of 3--player 1
2 D4C2-A494 2 credits--player 1
3 D9C2-A494 5 credits--player 1
4 D5C2-A494 7 credits--player 1
5 DBC2-A494 9 credits--player 1
6 DDC2-A494 No credits--player 1
7 DFCF-DFF7 1 credit instead of 3--player 2
8 D4CF-DFF7 2 credits--player 2
9 D9CF-DFF7 5 credits--player 2
10 D5CF-DFF7 7 credits--player 2
11 DBCF-DFF7 9 credits--player 2
12 DDCF-DFF7 No credits--player 2
13 C260-67F7 Infinite credits--both players
14 7A64-D420 Clock runs faster
15 ED64-D420 Clock runs slower
16 ED64-D420 + DF64-D7F0 Clock runs much slower
17 8269-DF90 Freeze clock--must switch off effects
in bonus stage
18 DF6D-D7BD 1 play per game instead of 3--
both players
19 D46D-D7BD 2 plays per game--both players
20 D06D-D7BD 4 plays per game--both players
21 D96D-D7BD 5 plays per game--both players
22 D56D-D7BD 7 plays per game--both players
23 DB6D-D7BD 9 plays per game--both players
24 C26E-6D2D Infinite plays--both players
25 6DA6-6D69 No harm from most enemies
26 C23B-A7F9 + C232-67B1 No harm if swallowed by a monster
27 D427-6D2D Collect 2 eggs for extra play
instead of 50
28 D927-6D2D Collect 5 eggs for extra play
29 FD27-6D2D Collect 10 eggs for extra play
30 F927-6D2D Collect 15 eggs for extra play
31 4927-6D2D Collect 25 eggs for extra play
32 5927-6D2D Collect 75 eggs for extra play
33 BB27-6D2D Collect 99 eggs for extra play
34 EC6B-DFBE Rex(tm) jumps higher
35 E66B-DFBE Rex jumps much higher
36 EC8A-D793 Tops(tm) jumps higher
37 E68A-D793 Tops jumps much higher
38 EC22-DF22 Timmy(tm) and Jamie(tm) jump higher
39 E622-DF22 Timmy and Jamie jump much higher
DinoCity, Rex, Tops, Timmy and Jamie are trademarks of Smart Egg Pictures/Irem
America Corp.
Doom(tm) Game
1. BDEA-B053 + 62EA-B953 Start with MEGA health and MEGA armor!
2. E3EA-B153 Start with more ammo
3. CBD3-B17F Heat vision/color blind mode
4. D7CF-F953 Select �The Shores of Hell" or �Inferno" in any skill level
Doom is a trademark of ID Software, Inc.
Drakkhen(tm) Game
You and your party must recover eight stolen gems that represent the forces of
magic in this challenging role-playing fantasy game. You get killed repeatedly
fighting the enemies, so DRAKK Code 1 will come in handy. At the Anak Shrines(tm),
you need to switch off effects in order for resurrection to work properly.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 8E3D-696D + 8E30-A408 + 8EA2-0113 Protection from some attacks
2 7433-6FD8 Magic points restored 50 points at
a time while player is on screen
3 DC33-6FD8 Magic points restored 10 points at a time while player is on screen
4 8E27-6D28 Magic points don't decrease except
in battle
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes!
Drakkhen and Anak Shrines are trademarks of Infogrames.