Game Genie A

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(c) 1992, 1993, 1994 Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Excerpts from Game Genie(tm) Code Updates
Game Genie is a product of Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc., and is not manufactured,
distributed or endorsed by Nintendo of America Inc. Super NES is a trademark of
Nintendo of America Inc. Game titles are trademarks of their respective owners.
Game Genie is a trademark of Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc.
U.S. Patent No. 5,112,051.

The 7th Saga(tm) Game

CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 7417-87AD Human fighter has 50 HP
2 1017-87AD Human fighter has 100 HP
3 A617-87AD Human fighter has 200 HP
4 7416-8FAD Tetujin(tm) has 50 HP
5 1016-8FAD Tetujin has 100 HP
6 A616-8FAD Tetujin has 200 HP
7 7419-8D0D Dwarf has 50 HP
8 1019-8D0D Dwarf has 100 HP
9 A619-8D0D Dwarf has 200 HP
10 741B-840D Human mage has 50 HP
11 101B-840D Human mage has 100 HP
12 A61B-840D Human mage has 200 HP
13 7411-8DAD Elf has 50 HP
14 1011-8DAD Elf has 100 HP
15 A611-8DAD Elf has 200 HP
16 741C-84AD Demon has 50 HP
17 101C-84AD Demon has 100 HP
18 A61C-84AD Demon has 200 HP
19 7415-8F0D Alien has 50 HP
20 1015-8F0D Alien has 100 HP
21 A615-8F0D Alien has 200 HP
22 F010-8DAD Human fighter has 20 power
23 F016-84AD Tetujin has 20 power
24 F019-8F0D Dwarf has 20 power
25 F01B-870D Human mage has 20 power
26 F011-8FAD Elf has 20 power
27 F01C-87AD Demon has 20 power
28 F015-840D Alien has 20 power
29 F310-8D0D Human fighter has 30 MP
30 F316-840D Tetujin has 30 MP
31 F319-8DAD Dwarf has 30 MP
32 F31B-84AD Human mage has 30 MP
33 F311-8F0D Elf has 30 MP
34 F31C-870D Demon has 30 MP
35 F315-8FAD Alien has 30 MP
36 F010-8F6D Human fighter has 20 speed
37 F016-876D Tetujin has 20 speed
38 F019-84DD Dwarf has 20 speed
39 F01C-8DDD Human mage has 20 speed
40 F011-846D Elf has 20 speed
41 F018-8D6D Demon has 20 speed
42 F015-87DD Alien has 20 speed
43 4ABD-84AD + DFBD-87DD Start with 297 gold
44 E0BD-84AD + DFBD-87DD Start with 62,708 gold
45 2DBD-84AD + D5BD-87DD Start with 2000 gold
46 1B10-870D Human fighter starts with Sword of
47 1A10-870D Human fighter starts with Sword of
48 1E10-870D Human fighter starts with Sword of Fire(tm)
49 1C19-87AD Dwarf starts with Sword of Nature(tm)
50 1A19-87AD Dwarf starts with Sword of Courage
51 1E19-87AD Dwarf starts with Sword of Fire
52 631C-8FAD Human mage starts with petrified staff
53 6E1C-8FAD Human mage starts with Rod of Tide(tm)
54 6315-8D0D Elf starts with petrified staff
55 BF15-8D0D Elf starts with Staff of Brilliance(tm)
56 1B18-840D Demon starts with Sword of Anger
57 1218-840D Demon starts with Sword of Despair(tm)
58 1E18-840D Demon starts with Sword of Fire
The 7th Saga, Tetujin, Sword of Anger, Sword of Courage, Sword of
Fire, Sword of Nature, Rod of Tide, Staff of Brilliance and Sword of
Despair are trademarks of Enix/Produce.

AAAHH!!! Real Monsters(tm) Game

1. C282-04A7 Infinite energy
2. DD8E-4DD7 Infinite garbage
3. DDC8-0FAF Get nothing for each trash bag
4. 4DC8-0FAF Get 20 for each trash bag
5. 88C8-0FAF Get 100 for each trash bag
6. DDC0-3FDF Infinite lives
7. DDAA-1464 Infinite scares
8. DDCE-6F6D 1-ups worth nothing
9. D7CE-6F6D 1-ups worth 3
10. D9CE-6F6D 1-ups worth 5
11. DFC7-17FC Start with 1 life
12. DBC7-17FC Start with 10 lives
13. 0BC7-17FC Start with 50 lives
14. DD69-37BF Start with 0 special scares
15. FD69-37BF Start with 10 special scares
16. 4D69-37BF Start with 20 special scares
17. DDCA-AF0D Monster books are worth nothing
18. D4CA-AF0D Monster books are worth 2
19. FDCA-AF0D Monster books are worth 10
20. DDCB-A7DD Most health power-ups worth nothing
21. D4CB-A7DD Most health power-ups worth more
AAAHH!! Real Monsters is a trademark of Viacom International Inc.

Act Raiser(tm) Game

Act Raiser(tm) combines interesting elements from action, role-playing and strategy
games. You play a god called the Master(tm) who must break the Evil One's(tm) hold
on the world. The bosses are tough to beat, so use ACT Code 1 for near
invincibility, although some things (e.g., spikes) can still hurt you, and the code
doesn't work for Angel(tm). Pros can go the other route, using Code 2 to start with
only half energy.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 2264-6FD4 Almost invincible in action sequences
2 D081-6DD8 Start with 1/2 energy--1st game only
3 DD8B-D4D8 Stop timer
4 FD86-D4A8 Faster timer
5 9D86-D4A8 Slower timer
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes!
Act Raiser, Master, Evil One and Angel are trademarks of Enix America Corporation.

ActRaiser 2(tm) Game

1 D727-4DD1 Start with 3 lives on Easy
2 FD27-4DD1 Start with 10 lives on Easy
3 9D27-4DD1 Start with 50 lives on Easy
4 DF27-4D61 Start with 1 life on Normal
5 D927-4D61 Start with 5 lives on Normal
6 FD27-4D61 Start with 10 lives on Normal
7 9D27-4D61 Start with 50 lives on Normal
8 DF27-4FD1 Start with 1 life on Hard
9 D927-4FD1 Start with 5 lives on Hard
10 FD27-4FD1 Start with 10 lives on Hard
11 9D27-4FD1 Start with 50 lives on Hard
12 DD67-4468 Infinite lives
13 D484-1F66 Start with 2 magic pts. on Easy
14 D584-1F66 Start with 7 magic pts. on Easy
15 DB84-1F66 Start with 9 magic pts. on Easy
16 DF8F-1766 Start with 1 magic pts. on Normal or Hard
17 D98F-1766 Start with 5 magic pts. on Normal or Hard
18 D58F-1766 Start with 7 magic pts. on Normal or Hard
19 DB8F-1766 Start with 9 magic pts. on Normal or Hard
20 3C65-CFA8 Infinite magic pts. (must have 1 to cast)
21 DC8F-1F06 Start with 1/2 health
22 DE8F-1F06 Start with 3/4 health
23 C2B0-CF07 Protection from most enemies
24 C2B2-C7D3 Protection from some ground hazards
25 D7C0-37A7 Small magic power-up adds 3 instead of 1
26 D9C0-37A7 Small magic power-up adds 5
27 DBC0-37A7 Small magic power-up adds 9
28 DFC9-3407 Large magic power-up adds 1 instead of 3
29 D9C9-3407 Large magic power-up adds 5
30 DBC9-3407 Large magic power-up adds 9
31 DFC7-3D67 Small health power-ups add 1 instead of 2
32 D0C7-3D67 Small health power-ups add 4
33 F9C7-3D67 Small health power-ups add 15
34 F0C7-3D67 Small health power-ups heal completely
35 D4C9-3FD7 Medium health power-ups add 2 instead of 5
36 D6C9-3FD7 Medium health power-ups add 8
37 F9C9-3FD7 Medium health power-ups add 15
38 F0C9-3FD7 Medium health power-ups heal completely
39 D4C7-3FA7 Large health power-ups add 2 instead of 10
40 D0C7-3FA7 Large health power-ups add 5
41 F9C7-3FA7 Large health power-ups add 15
42 F0C7-3FA7 Large health power-ups heal completely
43 DDB3-C764 All enemies take 1 hit to kill
44 DD33-476F Infinite time
ActRaiser 2 is a trademark of ENIX/Quintet/YUZO KOSHIRO.
Addams Family(tm) Game
Help Gomez(tm) save Morticia(tm) in this kooky and kreepy action game based on the
hit movie. FAMILY Code 8 gives you protection against enemies. For Code 16, the fez
hat is not always visible, but Gomez still has flying abilities as if he were
wearing it. When using Code 17, invisible Gomez, enemies and hazards can still harm
him. This code is provided for its 'fun factor' only. You can track Gomez by his
skid marks or by the fez hat if he is wearing it.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 DFB8-6F04 Start with 1 life instead of 5
2 D7B8-6F04 Start with 3 lives
3 DBB8-6F04 Start with 9 lives
4 4DB8-6F04 Start with 20 lives
5 9DB8-6F04 Start with 50 lives
6 BBB8-6F04 Start with 99 lives
7 DDA1-A4A7 Infinite lives
8 3CA7-A467 Invincibility
9 D9CF-DDAF Each $ worth 5
10 FDCF-DDAF Each $ worth 10
11 49CF-DDAF Each $ worth 25
12 DF61-0F0D + DF61-0F6D Start with 1 heart instead of 2
13 D761-0F0D + D761-0F6D Start with 3 hearts
14 D061-0F0D + D061-0F6D Start with 4 hearts
15 D961-0F0D + D961-0F6D Start with 5 hearts
16 3CAD-A46D + 60BA-6704 Start with and keep Fezi-copter(tm)
flying abilities
17 3CAD-A4D4 Invisible Gomez(tm)
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVE codes at a time
(but some effects require more than one code).
Addams Family, Gomez, Morticia and Fezi-copter are trademarks of Paramount

The Adventures of Batman and Robin(tm) Game

1 DB86-4FC9 Start with 9 lives--not on easy
2 D186-4FC9 Start with 6 lives--not on easy mode
3 DD86-4FC9 Start with 1 life--not on easy mode
4 DB86-4D19 Start with 9 credits
5 D186-4D19 Start with 6 credits
6 DD86-4D19 No credits
7 C988-340D Infinite lives
8 DD8A-4D6D No damage from enemies
9 DDB3-376F Don't start with any stars & spray gun ammo
10 FBB3-376F Start with 25 stars & spray gun ammo when starting game
11 77B3-376F Start with 50 stars & spray gun ammo when starting game
12 DDBE-3F0F Don't start with any explosives & smoke bomb ammo
13 FBBE-3F0F Start with 25 explosives & smoke bomb ammo
14 77BE-3F0F Start with 50 explosives & smoke bomb ammo
15 C9A1-34AF Infinite stars
16 C9A5-34DF Infinite spray gun ammo
17 C9AB-3D6F Infinite plastic explosives
18 C9A6-3F0F Infinite smoke bombs
19 466B-4494 Get full energy from hearts
20 4DAF-14DF Moon jumping
21 E6C7-34DF Super jumping
22 DD8D-C765 + EE8F-CDD5 Move slower
23 D08D-C765 + E88F-CDD5 Move faster
24 D58D-C765 + E68F-CDD5 Move even faster
25 E38D-C765 + DF8F-CDD5 Moon-walk
26 E88D-C765 + D08F-CDD5 Moon-walk faster
27 E68D-C765 + E58F-CDD5 Moon-walk even faster
The Adventures of Batman and Robin is a trademark of DC Comics

Aero the Acro-Bat 2(tm) Game

1 DD24-476E Infinite shots
2 D7C8-17D3 Stars worth 3
3 D9C8-17D3 Stars worth 5
4 D5C8-17D3 Stars worth 7
5 C287-CFAE Almost infinite energy
6 BBC2-C463 Double Drill icon lasts 99 seconds
7 D0C2-CD03 Double Drill icon lets you drill 4 times
instead of 2
8 DBC2-CD03 Double Drill icon lets you drill 9 times
instead of 2
9 D936-4DF1 Can drill 5 times in the air until you pick up a
drill icon
10 DB36-4DF1 Can drill 9 times in the air until you pick up a
drill icon
11 C26E-4F03 Drill as many times as you want without
hitting the ground
12 D468-CDAA + E26A-CD0A Move faster
13 D768-CDAA + EA6A-CD0A Move even faster
14 FD67-3DD2 Jump higher
15 E66E-4F62 + E661-C762 Super jump when standing still
16 BBC3-3D63 Flying icon worth 99 seconds of flight time
17 D939-14F1 Start each life with maximum energy
Aero the Acro-Bat is a trademark of Sun Corporation of America

Aerobiz(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 DDA6-0DFD In scenario 1, Tokyo starts with
2 D9A6-0DFD In scenario 1, Tokyo starts with
3 94A6-0D2D In scenario 1, Beijing starts with
4 D9A6-0FFD In scenario 1, Beijing starts with
5 95A6-0F2D In scenario 1, Hong Kong starts with
6 D9A6-04FD In scenario 1, Hong Kong starts with
7 03A6-042D In scenario 1, Singapore starts with
8 D9A6-07FD In scenario 1, Singapore starts with
9 7CA6-072D In scenario 1, Sydney starts with
10 D9AB-0DFD In scenario 1, Sydney starts with
11 73AB-0D2D In scenario 1, Delhi starts with $317,440,000
12 D9AB-0FFD In scenario 1, Delhi starts with
13 43AB-0F2D In scenario 1, Tehran starts with
14 D9AB-04FD In scenario 1, Tehran starts with
15 7DAB-042D In scenario 1, Cairo starts with
16 D9AB-07FD In scenario 1, Cairo starts with
17 45AB-072D In scenario 1, Nairobi starts with
18 D9AC-0DFD In scenario 1, Nairobi starts with
19 4AAC-0D2D In scenario 1, Lagos starts with
20 D9AC-0FFD In scenario 1, Lagos starts with
21 DDAC-04FD In scenario 1, Moscow starts with
22 D9AC-04FD In scenario 1, Moscow starts with
23 DDAC-07FD In scenario 1, London starts with
24 D9AC-07FD In scenario 1, London starts with
25 DDA8-0DFD In scenario 1, Paris starts with
26 D9A8-0DFD In scenario 1, Paris starts with
27 06A8-0D2D In scenario 1, Rome starts with
28 D9A8-0FFD In scenario 1, Rome starts with
29 DDA8-04FD In scenario 1, New York starts with
30 D9A8-04FD In scenario 1, New York starts with
31 74A8-042D In scenario 1, Vancouver starts with
32 D9A8-07FD In scenario 1, Vancouver starts with
33 DDAA-0DFD In scenario 1, Los Angeles starts with
34 D9AA-0DFD In scenario 1, Los Angeles starts with
35 70AA-0D2D In scenario 1, Honolulu starts with
36 D9AA-0FFD In scenario 1, Honolulu starts with
37 74AA-0F2D In scenario 1, Mexico City starts with
38 D9AA-04FD In scenario 1, Mexico City starts with
39 47AA-042D In scenario 1, Lima starts with $180,800,000
40 D9AA-07FD In scenario 1, Lima starts with
41 73AA-072D In scenario 1, Rio de Janeiro starts with
42 D9A2-0DFD In scenario 1, Rio de Janeiro starts with
43 4BA2-0D2D In scenario 1, Buenos Aires starts with
44 D9A2-0FFD In scenario 1, Buenos Aires starts with
45 DDA2-04FD In scenario 2, Tokyo starts with
46 D9A2-04FD In scenario 2, Tokyo starts with
47 1FA2-042D In scenario 2, Beijing starts with
48 D9A2-07FD In scenario 2, Beijing starts with
49 53A2-072D In scenario 2, Hong Kong starts with
50 D9A3-0DFD In scenario 2, Hong Kong starts with
51 18A3-0D2D In scenario 2, Singapore starts with
52 D9A3-0FFD In scenario 2, Singapore starts with
53 5FA3-0F2D In scenario 2, Sydney starts with
54 D9A3-04FD In scenario 2, Sydney starts with
55 19A3-042D In scenario 2, Delhi starts with $517,760,000
56 D9A3-07FD In scenario 2, Delhi starts with
57 7CA3-072D In scenario 2, Tehran starts with
58 D9AE-0DFD In scenario 2, Tehran starts with
59 0AAE-0D2D In scenario 2, Cairo starts with
60 D9AE-0FFD In scenario 2, Cairo starts with
61 7DAE-0F2D In scenario 2, Nairobi starts with
62 D9AE-04FD In scenario 2, Nairobi starts with
63 7CAE-042D In scenario 2, Lagos starts with
64 D9AE-07FD In scenario 2, Lagos starts with
65 DDAD-6DFD In scenario 2, Moscow starts with
66 D9AD-6DFD In scenario 2, Moscow starts with
67 DDAD-6FFD In scenario 2, London starts with
68 D9AD-6FFD In scenario 2, London starts with
69 DDAD-64FD In scenario 2, Paris starts with
70 D9AD-64FD In scenario 2, Paris starts with
71 1EAD-642D In scenario 2, Rome starts with
72 D9AD-67FD In scenario 2, Rome starts with
73 DDAF-6DFD In scenario 2, New York starts with
74 D9AF-6DFD In scenario 2, New York starts with
75 94AF-6D2D In scenario 2, Vancouver starts with
76 D9AF-6FFD In scenario 2, Vancouver starts with
77 DDAF-64FD In scenario 2, Los Angeles starts with
78 D9AF-64FD In scenario 2, Los Angeles starts with
79 0CAF-642D In scenario 2, Honolulu starts with
80 D9AF-67FD In scenario 2, Honolulu starts with
81 98AF-672D In scenario 2, Mexico City starts with
82 D9A4-6DFD In scenario 2, Mexico City starts with
83 74A4-6D2D In scenario 2, Lima starts with $258,880,000
84 D9A4-6FFD In scenario 2, Lima starts with
85 58A4-6F2D In scenario 2, Rio de Janeiro starts with
86 D9A4-64FD In scenario 2, Rio de Janeiro starts with
87 01A4-642D In scenario 2, Buenos Aires starts with
88 D9A4-67FD In scenario 2, Buenos Aires starts with
Player 1 Codes, Saved Game 1:
90 DDDF-FEDD Set money for this saved game to less than
91 D9DF-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
92 D6DF-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
93 FDDF-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
94 4DDF-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
95 0DDF-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
Player 2 Codes, Saved Game 1:
96 DDD9-FEDD Set money for this saved game to less than
97 D9D9-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
98 D6D9-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
99 FDD9-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
100 4DD9-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
101 0DD9-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
Player 3 Codes, Saved Game 1:
102 DDDB-FEDD Set money for this saved game to less than
103 D9DB-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
104 D6DB-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
105 FDDB-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
106 4DDB-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
107 0DDB-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
Player 4 Codes, Saved Game 1:
108 DDD2-FEDD Set money for this saved game to less than
109 D9D2-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
110 D6D2-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
111 FDD2-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
112 4DD2-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
113 0DD2-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
Player 1 Codes, Saved Game 2:
114 DDFF-FEDD Set money for this saved game to less than
115 D9FF-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
116 D6FF-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
117 FDFF-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
118 4DFF-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
119 0DFF-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
Player 2 Codes, Saved Game 2:
120 DDF9-FEDD Set money for this saved game to less than
121 D9F9-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
122 D6F9-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
123 FDF9-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
124 4DF9-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
125 0DF9-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
Player 3 Codes, Saved Game 2:
126 DDFB-FEDD Set money for this saved game to less than
127 D9FB-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
128 D6FB-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
129 FDFB-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
130 4DFB-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
131 0DFB-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
Player 4 Codes, Saved Game 2:
132 DDF2-FEDD Set money for this saved game to less than
133 D9F2-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
134 D6F2-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
135 FDF2-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
136 4DF2-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
137 0DF2-FEDD Set money for this saved game to over
Aerobiz is a trademark of Koei Corp.

Alien 3(tm) Game

CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 EE26-37D4 Slower fuel consumption for flame thrower
2 7D26-37D4 Faster fuel consumption for flame thrower
3 FD36-44D1 Start with more rifle clips
4 4D36-44D1 Start with even more rifle clips
5 D036-44D1 Start with fewer rifle clips
6 FD3B-4F01 Start with more grenade clips
7 4D3B-4F01 Start with even more grenade clips
8 D03B-4F01 Start with fewer grenade clips
9 742A-44A4 Less ammo in rifle clips
10 CD2A-44A4 More ammo in rifle clips
11 D923-3D64 Less ammo in grenade clips
12 F023-3D64 More ammo in grenade clips
13 3C28-44D4 Infinite ammo for pulse rifle
14 3C22-3D64 Infinite ammo for grenade launcher
15 3C25-3704 Infinite oil for flame thrower
16 D464-1D60 Take less damage
17 DD6D-1700 Maximum energy from medi-kits
18 D76D-1DA0 Less energy from medi-kits
19 EE6B-CD00 Longer invulnerability after being hit
20 DD64-1D60 Most attacks do no damage--can switch on
and off
Alien 3 is a trademark of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.

Alien vs Predator(tm) Game

CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 D4EE-A766 Start on level 1-2
2 D7EE-A766 Start on level 2-1
3 D0EE-A766 Start on level 3-1
4 D9EE-A766 Start on level 4-1
5 D1EE-A766 Start on level 5-1
6 D5EE-A766 Start on level 5-2
7 D6EE-A766 Start on level 5-3
8 DBEE-A766 Start on level 6-1
9 DCEE-A766 Start on level 6-2
10 EEB5-6404 + EEB5-64A4 Start with full health bar on
Standard level
11 EEB5-6704 + EEB5-67A4 Start with full health bar on
Novice level
12 EEB6-6D04 + EEB6-6DA4 Start with full health bar on
Advanced level
13 EEB6-6F04 + EEB6-6FA4 Start with full health bar on
Expert level
14 DB8F-AD9D Start with up to 9 lives on Options screen
(selecting downward from 1 goes to 6)
15 F38F-AD2D Start with up to 30 continues on Options
screen (selecting downward from 0 goes to 3)
16 C286-A70D Infinite lives
17 3CEA-67D8 Infinite continues
18 C236-0DDD No damage taken from punches
19 C238-0FDD No damage taken from jumping attacks, tail
attacks, rushes
20 DF83-64AF Disc power-ups give 1 disc instead of 6
21 D783-64AF Disc power-ups give 3 discs
22 DC83-64AF Disc power-ups give 10 discs
23 FB83-64AF Disc power-ups give 25 discs
24 DF8E-6D6F Spear power-ups give 1 spear instead of 6
25 D78E-6D6F Spear power-ups give 3 spears
26 DC8E-6D6F Spear power-ups give 10 spears
27 FB8E-6D6F Spear power-ups give 25 spears
28 EDCA-0DD4 Spear and disc power-ups last until end of
level (can't pick up other power-ups)
29 C282-6FDF Rhynth(tm) meat doesn't add to your
maximum health
30 D08A-6F6F Rhynth meat adds 1/2 as much to maximum
health (handicap)
31 FD8A-6F6F Rhynth meat adds 2x as much to maximum
32 4D8A-6F6F Rhynth meat adds 4x as much to maximum
33 DD82-67DF Rhynth meat adds nothing to your current
34 D082-67DF Rhynth meat adds half as much to current
35 FD82-67DF Rhynth meat adds 2x as much to current
36 4D82-67DF Rhynth meat adds 4x as much to current
37 C28D-A40F Ptera(tm) meat doesn't heal
38 1D8D-A7AF Blue bottles don't heal at all
39 3C8F-A76F Blue bottles heal 1/2 of your health instead
of 1/4
40 DD84-A4DF Blue bottles heal completely
41 DFB1-A4D7 Light laser can be fired instantly
42 F6B1-A707 Medium laser is fired above 3rd line instead
of 2nd
43 D9B5-ADD7 Medium laser can be fired above 1st line
44 DCB1-A4A7 Medium laser can be fired below 1st line--
eliminates light laser
45 F6B5-AF07 No damage is taken from using heavy laser
46 DFB5-AD67 Heavy laser can be fired above 2nd line--
eliminates medium laser
47 F6B5-AD67 Heavy laser can be fired above 3rd line
(without waiting for bar to change color)
Alien vs Predator, Rhynth and Ptera are trademarks of Twentieth
Century Fox Film Corporation.

Amazing Tennis(tm) Game

This popular game is about the closest a video game comes to the feel of real
tennis. Improve your player's movement with these handy TEN codes.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 EA8B-AFDD + D085-A7DD Faster side-to-side movement
2 EC8B-AFDD + D185-A7DD Even faster side-to-side movement
Amazing Tennis is a trademark of Absolute Entertainment, Inc.
Animaniacs(tm) Game
1. DFC8-3D0C Every coin gives you 999 saved slot rotations
2. D4CE-37AC Every second coin gives you 99 continues
3. D9CE-37AC Every slot machine roll gives you 99 continues
4. CBBF-47DA + D6BF-470A + DFBF-476A Super jump and float
Animaniacs is a trademark of Warner Bros.

Arcana(tm) Game
A challenging role-playing game where the skirmishes just keep on comin'. The
cardmaster element gives the game a new slant. ARC Code 4, infinite money for
items, and Code 8, magic points don't decrease, are vital for handling all those
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 1D69-AFD0 + 3C69-AF00 Start with 60,000 gold pieces
2 EC69-AFD0 + DD69-AF00 Start with 250 gold pieces
3 C225-0F02 Infinite money for weapons
4 C22A-0402 Infinite money for items
5 C229-640E Infinite money for rooms
6 C22F-A7DE Infinite money for elixir
7 B387-DFF2 Level and statistics for all characters
in group are increased after each tbattle you win
8 828B-AF2E Magic points don't decrease
Arcana is a trademark of Hal America Inc.

Axelay(tm) Game
A generous selection of useful codes here, from credits to lives and level warps.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 D766-D7A7 Start with 1 credit
instead of 5
2 D066-D7A7 Start with 2 credits
3 D966-D7A7 Start with 3 credits
4 D166-D7A7 Start with 4 credits
5 D666-D7A7 Start with 6 credits
6 DB66-D7A7 Start with 7 credits
7 DC66-D7A7 Start with 8 credits
8 D866-D7A7 Start with 9 credits
9 C2C5-DDDF Infinite credits
10 DF21-AD04 Start with 1 life
instead of 3
11 D421-AD04 Start with 2 lives
12 D921-AD04 Start with 5 lives
13 D521-AD04 Start with 7 lives
14 DB21-AD04 Start with 9 lives
15 DE21-AD04 Start with 15 lives
16 FB21-AD04 Start with 25 lives
17 7421-AD04 Start with 50 lives
18 0821-AD04 Start with 75 lives
19 1721-AD04 Start with 99 lives
20 C2AE-DF6D + C28F-04D7 Infinite lives
21 CBB7-AFA7 + DFB7-A4D7 + DDB7-A407 Start on Stage 2
22 CBB7-AFA7 + D4B7-A4D7 + DDB7-A407 Start on Stage 3
23 CBB7-AFA7 + D7B7-A4D7 + DDB7-A407 Start on Stage 4
24 CBB7-AFA7 + D0B7-A4D7 + DDB7-A407 Start on Stage 5
25 CBB7-AFA7 + D9B7-A4D7 + DDB7-A407 Start on Stage 6
Axelay is a trademark of Konami, Inc.

B.O.B.(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 3C37-A7D4 Infinite weapons--except for flame
2 DDC0-C770 Maximum weapons on pick up
3 CD61-0D64 Slow down timer
4 7961-0D64 Speed up timer
5 3CC7-3F85 Infinite remotes
Weapon codes:
6 F0A6-1D59 Start with 20 3-way
7 F0A6-1FE9 Start with 20 flame
8 F0A6-1759 Start with 20 rocket
9 F0AB-1DE9 Start with 20 bolt
10 F0AB-1459 Start with 20 wave
11 DDA8-1F89 Start with 3 flash
12 DFA8-1F89 Start with 3 shield
13 D4A8-1F89 Start with 3 umbrella
14 D0A8-1F89 Start with 3 helicopter hat
15 D9A8-1F89 Start with 3 floating bomb
16 D1A8-1479 Start with 6 of selected remote
17 DEA8-1479 Start with 15 of selected remote
18 D666-0DDD Start with 9 lives
19 D966-0DDD Start with 6 lives
20 DD66-0DDD Start with 1 life
21 4A6E-0F0D Infinite lives
B.O.B. is a trademark of Electronic Arts.

Ballz(tm) Game
1. CB82-EF0D + D082-EF6D + DD82-EFAD Always fight Kronk
2. CB82-EF0D + D682-EF6D + DD82-EFAD Always fight Boomer
3. CB82-EF0D + DA82-EF6D + DD82-EFAD Always fight Bruiser
4. CB82-EF0D + FD82-EF6D + DD82-EFAD Always fight Turbo
5. CB82-EF0D + F082-EF6D + DD82-EFAD Always fight Tsunami
6. CB82-EF0D + F682-EF6D + DD82-EFAD Always fight Yoko
7. CB82-EF0D + FA82-EF6D + DD82-EFAD Always fight Divine
8. CB82-EF0D + 4D82-EF6D + DD82-EFAD Always fight Crusher
9. DC78-E7AD Start rounds with 10 seconds
10. F078-E7AD Start rounds with 20 seconds
11. F378-E7AD Start rounds with 30 seconds
12. 4678-E7AD Start rounds with 40 seconds
13. 7478-E7AD Start rounds with 50 seconds
14. 7A78-E7AD Start rounds with 60 seconds
15. 0178-E7AD Start rounds with 70 seconds
16. C295-ED64 + C296-E7D4 Infinite time
17. 4EDC-7760 Start with with 1/4 energy
18. 9EDC-7760 Start with with 1/2 energy
19. BEDC-7760 Start with with 3/4 energy
20. CDE8-87AF Death match
Ballz and related names are treademarks of PF Magic, Inc.

Batman Forever(tm) Game

1. EE22-C70B Straight low punches are super strong
2. EE20-3D0B Straight high punches are super strong
3. EE29-4F0B Straight low kicks are super strong
4. EE2C-44AB Straight high kicks are super strong
5. EE26-14AC Crouching low punches are super strong
6. EE30-3FA6 Crouching high punches are super strong
7. EE3F-3D06 Crouching low kicks are super strong
8. EE3A-CF06 Crouching high kicks are super strong
9. DD22-C70B Straight low punches do no damage
10. DD20-3D0B Straight high punches do no damage
11. DD29-4F0B Straight low kicks do no damage
12. DD2C-44AB Straight high kicks do no damage
13. DD26-14AC Crouching low punches do no damage
14. DD30-3FA6 Crouching high punches do no damage
15. DD3F-3D06 Crouching low kicks do no damage
16. DD3A-CF06 Crouching high kicks do no damage
17. 4D2C-4D07 + 4DCE-1465 Start with half enrgy after your first life
18. DDB3-47D4 Start with 1 life
19. D4B3-47D4 Start with 3 lives
20. DBB3-47D4 Start with 10 lives
21. F43C-3B10 Play as an Inmate
22. F03C-3B10 Play as a Clown
23. F63C-3B10 Play as Two-Face
24. FC3C-3B10 Play as a Riddler Thug
25. FA3C-3B10 Play as the Muscle Riddler
Batman and related names are trademarks of DC Comics.

Batman Returns(tm) Game

Help Batman(tm) defeat the Penguin(tm) and Catwoman(tm). Kick, punch, jump and even
drive your way through this challenging, super-popular game. Pick RETURN Code 2 for
infinite lives. Mix it with Code 5, which will protect you. Experts, try Codes 20
and 21, and some blows will do less damage.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 DB68-4F00 Start with 9 lives instead of 3
2 C9A5-1764 Infinite lives (only 3/4 view levels)
3 D16F-4464 + D1C0-4DD7 Start with 6 test tubes
4 DB6F-4464 + DBC0-4DD7 Start with 9 test tubes
5 C9A7-C404 Protection from some hazards
6 DDAE-3707 Cape sweep uses up no energy
7 DD2F-4FAD Spear gun uses up no energy
8 FDAE-3707 Cape sweep uses up more energy
9 FD2F-4FAD Spear gun uses up more energy
10 DD2E-3D6B Maximum energy from hearts
11 F9CF-4F05 Cape sweep does more damage
12 F9CD-4705 Normal punch does more damage
13 F9CD-4765 Normal knee does more damage
14 F9CF-4D05 + F9CF-4DD5 Jump kick does more damage
15 7DCF-4F05 Cape sweep does mega-damage
16 7DCD-4705 Normal punch does mega-damage
17 7DCD-4765 Normal knee does mega-damage
18 7DCF-4D05 +7DCF-4DD5 Jump kick does mega-damage
19 D4CF-4F05 Cape sweep does less damage
20 D4CD-4705 Normal punch does less damage
21 D4CD-4765 Normal knee does less damage
22 D4CF-4D05 + D4CF-4DD5 Jump kick does less damage
Batman Returns, Batman, Penguin and Catwoman are trademarks of DC Comics Inc.

Battle Clash(tm) Game

You fight gigantic robots that fight back at you in this Superscope(tm) shooter
that makes you feel like you're really in the action. CLASH Code 1 gives you
protection, while Code 4 keeps your weapon charged. Note: Enter the codes with the
number 1 controller connected as usual. Then press Start on the controller.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 C234-3FD3 Protection from most enemy attacks
2 D9A9-1DA7 Weapon charges faster
3 FDA9-1DA7 Weapon charges much faster
4 1DAA-3FAF Once charged, weapon always stays charged
5 33EE-3D1F Start in Cairo instead of New Yor
6 CBAB-CDA0 + DDAB-CF00 + DDAB-CFD0 Fight Garam(tm) at New Yor
7 CBAB-CDA0 + DDAB-CF00 + DFAB-CFD0 Fight Scarab(tm) at Cairo
8 CBAB-CDA0 + DDAB-CF00 + D4AB-CFD0 Fight Lorca(tm) at London
9 CBAB-CDA0 + DDAB-CF00 + D7AB-CFD0 Fight Artemis(tm) at Andes
10 CBAB-CDA0 + DDAB-CF00 + D0AB-CFD0 Fight Schneider(tm) at Kyoto
11 CBAB-CDA0 + DDAB-CF00 + D9AB-CFD0 Fight Ivan(tm) at Oceania
12 CBAB-CDA0 + DDAB-CF00 + D1AB-CFD0 Fight Valius(tm) at Babel
13 CBAB-CDA0 + DDAB-CF00 + D5AB-CFD0 Fight Baron(tm) at Moonbase Luna
14 CBAB-CDA0 + DDAB-CF00 + D6AB-CFD0 Fight Thanatos(tm) at last stage
Battle Clash, Superscope 6, Garam, Scarab, Lorca, Artemis, Schneider, Ivan, Valius,
Baron and Thanatos are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc.

Battletoads in Battlemaniacs(tm) Game

CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 DF6D-0D0D Start with 2 lives
2 D96D-0D0D Start with 6 lives
3 DB6D-0D0D Start with 10 lives
4 8986-CF01 Infinite lives--both players--EXCEPT LEVEL
5 8026-CD08 Infinite lives when falling
6 DD6D-04AD Start with 0 continues
7 D96D-04AD Start with 5 continues
8 DB6D-04AD Start with 9 continues
9 C96A-346F Infinite continues--player 1
10 C96B-34DF Infinite continues--player 2
11 6D20-34A8 After getting hurt, for a while enemies won't
attack and you're invisible
12 8280-4DD9 Take less damage from hits
13 82A7-3FAF Protection against most strength level 1 hits
14 8982-CFD1 Protection against most strength level 2
Battletoads in Battlemaniacs is a trademark of Rare Ltd.

Battletoads/Double Dragon(tm) Game

1 DF60-D76D Start with 2 lives
2 DB60-D76D Start with 10 lives
3 DE6E-1466 Enemies have less energy
4 40B8-04AF Infinite lives
5 DD65-DD0D + CB66-D46D + DF66-D4AD Start on level 2 with
11 lives
6 DD65-DD0D + CB66-D46D + D466-D4AD Start on level 3 with
11 lives
7 DD65-DD0D + CB66-D46D + D766-D4AD Start on level 4 with
11 lives
8 DD65-DD0D + CB66-D46D + D066-D4AD Start on level 5 with
11 lives
9 DD65-DD0D + CB66-D46D + D966-D4AD Start on level 6 with
11 lives
10 4EB7-1DD6 Abobo(tm) has less energy
11 4EB3-C4DB Big Blag(tm) has less energy
12 D7BA-3FA8 Roper(tm) has less energy
13 D7C5-3F66 Robo-Manus(tm) has less energy
Battletoads/Double Dragon, Abobo, Big Blag, Roper and Robo-Manus
are trademarks of Rare Ltd. or Technos Japan Corporation.

Bazooka Blitzkrieg(tm) Game

CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 D9AC-1706 Fewer missiles picked up
2 F0AC-1706 More missiles picked up
3 DCAB-14A6 + DCAB-17A6 Only 10 missiles picked up--SET
4 F3AB-14A6 + F3AB-17A6 30 missiles allowed
5 4AB5-3DAF Immune to most damage
6 D4AF-1406 Less energy picked up from 'L' pods
7 DCAF-1406 More energy picked up from 'L' pods
8 4EAF-1406 A lot more energy picked up from 'L' pods
Bazooka Blitzkrieg is a trademark of Bandai America, Inc.

Beavis and Butthead(tm) Game

1 D16C-0D0D Start with half energy--1st life
2 D161-AF0D Start with half energy--after 1st life
3 C22C-AF08 Almost infinite energy
4 7DA8-C7DC Gun power-ups worth 30
5 D9A8-C7DC Gun power-ups worth 5
7 C267-A70D Infinite lives
8 DF6C-040D Start with 2 life
9 D76C-040D Start with 4 lives
10 DB6C-040D Start with 10 lives
11 82EA-A4D1 1 hit and you're invincible
12 DDEA-AFA1 + DDA0-04A8 Everyone is invincible--including
Beavis and Butthead is a trademark of Viacom International Inc.

Best of the Best(tm) Game

We've got some awesome codes to help you on your way to the ultimate accolade as
the Best of the Best(tm). Use BEST Code 1 and any of Codes 9 thru 12 and no one
will be able to stop you!
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 828D-D409 Infinite special moves
2 DFC3-6D69 Start with 1 special move
3 D6C3-6D69 Start with 8 special moves
4 BAC3-6F69 No special moves for player 2
5 D4C3-0DAD Player 1 can play with any boxer--CAN'T
6 DCC3-0FDD Less strength
7 DCC3-0F0D Less resistance
8 DCC3-0F6D Less reflexes
9 74C3-0FDD More strength
10 74C3-0F0D More resistance
11 74C3-0F6D More reflexes
12 D68F-AD65 Almost infinite energy
Best of the Best is a trademark of Loriciel S.A.

Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball(tm) Game

It's futuristic warfare on the court! BILL Codes 13 and 14 can be combined to
assemble the best team possible. For Codes 14 and 15, you actually gain half of the
value of the player you traded away.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 76BF-A4AF 2-point shots worth 3, 3-point
shots worth 4
2 1BBF-A7DF + DFBF-A70F All shots worth 1 point
3 1BBF-A7DF + D7BF-A70F All shots worth 3 points
4 1BBF-A7DF + D0BF-A70F All shots worth 4 points
5 1BBF-A7DF + D9BF-A70F All shots worth 5 points
6 1BBF-A7DF + D1BF-A70F All shots worth 6 points
7 DDB4-67DF Each half is 0:30 instead of 1:30
8 D4B4-67DF Each half is 2:30
9 D7B4-67DF Each half is 3:30
10 D0B4-67DF Each half is 4:30
11 EEC5-6F16 Start with $65,296 instead of $10,000
12 6DC5-64C6 Start with $8,398,608
13 EEC5-64C6 Start with $16,721,680
14 C2BE-6D4B + C2BE-644B No money is deducted from your total when you trade a
player (but you must have enough money to make the trade)
15 C2BE-6D4B + C2BE-644B + 6DBE-AD4B Trade players for free
16 DDB7-67DF Timer continues to count when it is
normally stopped (time-out by pressing START)
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVE codes at a time
(but some effects require more than one code).
Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball is a trademark of Hudson Soft USA, Inc.

BlaZeon(tm) Game
This game's a shooter, in which you are part of a group of freedom fighters trying
to defeat the Imperial Earth army. You actually get to control the enemy ships. It
takes a sure hand to master. Try BLAZ Code 1 for infinite lives. Note that the game
never really ends (no phone calls, please; it's supposed to be like that).
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 C2B4-D4DD + C2BD-64AD Infinite lives
2 DD6E-6707 Start with 1 ship
3 DF6E-6707 Start with 2 ships
4 D76E-6707 Start with 4 ships
5 D06E-6707 Start with 5 ships
6 D16E-6707 Start with 7 ships
7 DB6E-6707 Start with 10 ships
8 FB6E-6707 Start with 26 ships
9 DF6D-6D07 Start on Stage 2
10 D46D-6D07 Start on Stage 3
11 D76D-6D07 Start on Stage 4
12 D06D-6D07 Start on Stage 5
13 C2C7-D7A7 Mars has infinite atomic shields
14 C2C3-DF67 Neptune has infinite hyper bombs
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVE codes at a time
(but some effects require more than one code).
BlaZeon is a trademark of Atlus Software, Inc.

Boxing Legends of the Ring(tm) Game

CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 DF8D-CDA7 Each round is 1 minute
2 D48D-CDA7 Each round is 2 minutes
3 D08D-CDA7 Each round is 4 minutes
4 D98D-CDA7 Each round is 5 minutes
5 D18D-CDA7 Each round is 6 minutes
6 C2BA-A7A7 Infinite time per round (must get knockout)--
7 338F-C7A4 Start on round 5
8 A38F-C7A4 Start on round 12
9 DD87-C4D4 Both fighters start with no super punches
10 D487-C4D4 Both fighters start with 2 super punches
11 D787-C4D4 Both fighters start with 3 super punches
12 C26D-3F05 Infinite super punches for player 1
13 C260-C4A9 Infinite super punches for player 2 or
14 6DEE-CF4E Create a stronger left jab
15 6DEE-CFCE Create a stronger left hook body
16 6DEE-C44E Create a stronger left hook head
17 6DEE-C4CE Create a stronger left uppercut
18 6DEE-C74E Create a stronger right cross body
19 6DEE-C7CE Create a stronger right cross head
20 6DED-3D4E Create a stronger right uppercut
21 DD2B-17D9 + C229-C4D9 Infinite strength beads
Boxing Legends of the Ring is a trademark of Electro Brain Corp.

Bram Stoker's Dracula(tm) Game

CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 C263-0F2F Infinite energy
2 3CC2-6F6D Turbo walking
3 C927-D762 Infinite missile weapon
4 6D68-DFFF 1 hit kills all enemies--EXCEPT BOSSES
5 4AA8-64D4 Freeze most ground enemies
6 4AAB-6F64 Freeze most aerial enemies
Bram Stoker's Dracula is a trademark of Columbia Pictures
Industries Inc.

Breath of Fire(tm) Game

1 D9BF-CD69 Create a new character that starts at level 5
2 BBBF-CFD9 Create a new character that starts with 153
max H.P.
3 BBBF-CF69 Create a new character that starts with 153
4 F0BF-C4D9 Create a new character that starts with 20
max A.P.
5 F0BF-C469 Create a new character that starts with 20
6 F1B4-CD09 Create a new character that starts with INT.
at 22
7 F1B4-CD69 Create a new character that starts with
Agility at 22
8 46B4-CFD9 Create a new character that starts with Fate
at 40
9 74BF-C7A9 Create a new character that starts with
strength at 50
10 74B4-CDD9 Create a new character that starts with
Vigor at 50
Breath of Fire is a Trademark of Capcom Co. Ltd.

Breath of Fire 2(tm) Game

1. 46DA-87D4 Main character is different
2. 45DA-87D4 Main character is different
3. FDDA-87D4 Main character is different
4. F4DA-87D4 Main character is different
5. F0DA-87D4 Main character is different
6. 74DA-8F64 Start with 50 HP
7. 10DA-8F64 Start with 100 HP
8. B1DA-8F64 Start with 150 HP
9. ECDA-8F64 Start with 250 HP
10. DFDA-8FA4 + E0DA-8F64 Start with 500 HP
11. D4DA-8FA4 + 33DA-8F64 Start with 750 HP
12. FEDA-8FA4 Start with a lot of HP
13. 74DA-8464 Start with 50 AP
14. 10DA-8464 Start with 100 AP
15. B1DA-8464 Start with 150 AP
16. ECDA-8464 Start with 250 AP
17. DFDA-84A4 + E0DA-8464 Start with 500 AP
18. D4DA-84A4 + 33DA-8464 Start with 750 AP
19. FEDA-84A4 Start with a lot of AP
20. DDDA-8704 Start with 0 strength
21. EEDA-8704 Start with MEGA strength
22. DDDA-8764 Start with 0 stamina
23. EEDA-8764 Start with MEGA stamina
24. DDDA-87A4 Start with 0 agility
25. EEDA-87A4 Start with MEGA agility
26. DDD3-84D4 Start with 0 wisdom
27. EED3-84D4 Start with MEGA wisdom
28. DDD3-8404 Start with 0 luck
29. EED3-8404 Start with MEGA luck
30. EED3-87D4 Start with MEGA experience points
31. C9FA-EFA6 Infinite HP in battle scenes
Breath of Fire 2 is a trademark of Capcom Co., Ltd.

Bubsy(tm) Game
The Woolies(tm) are out to take all our wool, and it's up to Bubsy(tm) and you to
stop their evil
thievery. But fear not, for with Game Genie(tm) you can easily defeat their
sinister plot. Try BUB Codes 2 and 32 for infinite lives and higher jumping
ability. Or, if you think you're a hotshot bobcat, try Code 3 to start with only
one life.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 766C-1766 Numbered t-shirts worth one more
2 DDB1-175C Infinite lives
3 DD34-4D6D Start with 1 life
4 D034-4D6D Start with 5 lives
5 4034-4D6D Start with 25 lives
6 9D34-4D6D Start with 50 lives
7 5934-4D6D Start with 75 lives
8 DD60-1FD6 Each yarn ball worth 0
9 D960-1FD6 Each yarn ball worth 5
10 FD60-1FD6 Each yarn ball worth 10
11 DD69-4F6C Crate of yarn holds 0 instead of 25
12 9D69-4F6C Crate of yarn holds 50
13 5969-4F6C Crate of yarn holds 75
14 BB69-4F6C Crate of yarn holds 99
15 DF6D-472A Start on chapter 2
16 D46D-472A Start on chapter 3
17 D76D-472A Start on chapter 4
18 D06D-472A Start on chapter 5
19 D96D-472A Start on chapter 6
20 D16D-472A Start on chapter 7
21 D66D-472A Start on chapter 8
22 DC6D-472A Start on chapter 9
23 DA6D-472A Start on chapter 10
24 D26D-472A Start on chapter 11
25 D36D-472A Start on chapter 12
26 DE6D-472A Start on chapter 13
27 FD6D-472A Start on chapter 14
28 FF6D-472A Start on Chapter 15
29 F46D-472A Start on Chapter 16
30 946B-1D8B Bogus jump
31 716B-1D8B Super jump
32 436B-1D8B Mega-jump
33 DDB4-3404 Infinite time
Bubsy and Woolies are trademarks of Accolade Inc.
Game Genie is a trademark of Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc.

Bugs Bunny in Rabbit Rampage(tm) Game

1 C28C-4FAF Infinite energy
2 DC60-CD0D Start and continue with 10 lives
3 D460-CD0D Start and continue with 2 lives
4 DDA3-3D07 Infinite lives
5 A38C-4FAF Take minimal damage
6 DD88-476F Full energy from carrots
7 F0B4-1404 Moon-jumping Bugs(tm)
8 0DB4-1404 + E0B7-1DD4 Super jumping Bugs
Bugs Bunny in Rabbit Rampage and Bugs are trademarks of Warner

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Castlevania Dracula X(tm) Game
1. C96D-17FF Infinite energy
2. 4D21-1707 Start with half energy
3. F421-1707 Start with 1/4 energy
4. 7D21-1707 Start with 3/4 energy
5. DD29-1763 Small hearts worth 0
6. FD29-1763 Small hearts worth 10
7. 4929-1763 Small hearts worth 25
8. C9A6-3D94 Item Crash doesn�t use hearts
9. 6D81-170F Start with 99 hearts
10. 9D81-170F Start with 50 hearts
11. 4981-170F Start with 25 hearts
12. DD85-1D6F Start with 1 life
13. DB85-1D6F Start with 10 lives
14. 4085-1D6F Start with 25 lives
15. 0B85-1D6F Start with 50 lives
16. BB85-1D6F Start with 99 lives
17. C9AF-47A7 Infnite lives
18. 49A4-44D7 Start with 25 hearts after you die
19. 9DA4-44D7 Start with 50 hearts after you die
20. BBA4-44D7 Start with 99 hearts after you die
21. DD6F-CFBF No Invincibility after gettting hit
22. EE6F-CFBF More invincibility after getting hit
23. C969-CD2D 1 hit and you�re invincible
Casltlevania Dracula X is a trademark of Konomi (America) Inc.

Chessmaster(tm) Game
Chess is of course one of the world's greatest and most ancient games. (Yes, it
came out even before the first video game). Add a new twist with CHESS Code 6.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 C9C7-D76F White player's timer is stopped
2 C9C9-DFDF Black player's timer is stopped
3 56C4-D46F Timers count 2x as slow
4 80C4-D46F Timers count 3x times as slow
5 F3C4-D46F Timers count 2x as fast
6 F0C4-D46F Timers count 3x times as fast
Chessmaster is a trademark of The Software Toolworks, Inc.

Chester Cheetah: Too Cool to Fool(tm) Game

You're the coolest dude on the block, but you've been caged and your wheels are
history. It's time to get your claws out and get back in the driver's seat. It's
not easy bein' cheesy!
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 3CBF-0D69 Infinite life points
2 D469-DFD9 Start with 2 life points
3 DD69-DFD9 Start with 0 life points
4 D965-D7DB Badges worth 5
5 4965-D7DB Badges worth 25
6 9D65-D7DB Badges worth 50
7 A26F-04D4 Infinite credits
8 3C60-04D9 Invincibility (Chester(tm) blinks)--you may freeze if you get the
guitar and fall in water (have to reset)
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVE codes at a time
(but some effects require more than one code).
Chester Cheetah: Too Cool to Fool and Chester are trademarks of Recot, Inc.

Chrono Trigger(tm) Game

EEDD-7F5D Start with a higher max. HP
63DD-745D Start with a higher max. MP
BDDD-74ED Start with max. power
BDDD-777D Start with max. stamina
BDDD-775D Start with max. speed
BDDD-778D Start with max. magic
BDDD-77ED Start with max. hit ratio
BDDF-7D7D Start with max. evade
BDDF-7D5D Start with max. magic defense
Chrono Trigger is a trademark of Squaresoft

Clay Fighter(tm) Game

1 6280-DD6F Enable Blob's Bomb(tm) move (away,
away+down, down, towards+down, towards, punch)
2 DD4A-8548 + DD9C-E53E Always fight Bad Mr. Frosty(tm)
after 1st match
3 DD4A-8548 + DF9C-E53E Always fight Taffy(tm) after 1st
4 DD4A-8548 + D49C-E53E Always fight Tiny(tm) after 1st
5 DD4A-8548 + D79C-E53E Always fight The Blob(tm) after
1st match
6 DD4A-8548 + D09C-E53E Always fight Blue Suede Goo(tm)
after 1st match
7 DD4A-8548 + D99C-E53E Always fight Ickybod Clay(tm)
after 1st match
8 DD4A-8548 + D19C-E53E Always fight Helga(tm) after 1st
9 DD4A-8548 + D59C-E53E Always fight Bonker(tm) after 1st
10 DD4A-8548 + D69C-E53E Always fight N. Boss(tm) after
1st match
11 FDF7-E5CE Start with 1/6 health--1st round
12 4DF7-E5CE Start with 1/3 health--1st round
13 7DF7-E5CE Start with 1/2 health--1st round
14 0DF7-E5CE Start with 2/3 health--1st round
15 9DF7-E5CE Start with 5/6 health--1st round
16 FD4A-E01C Start with 1/6 health--2nd and later rounds
17 4D4A-E01C Start with 1/3 health--2nd and later rounds
18 7D4A-E01C Start with 1/2 health--2nd and later rounds
19 0D4A-E01C Start with 2/3 health--2nd and later rounds
20 9D4A-E01C Start with 5/6 health--2nd and later rounds
Bad Mr. Frosty Codes:
21 7D46-E1C2 + 7D46-E132 + 7D46-E542 + 7D46-E512 + 7D46-
E5C2 Bad Mr. Frosty's Brutal Punches do more damage
22 7D46-E532 + 7D4B-E042 + 7D4B-E012 + 7D4B-E0C2 + 7D4B-
E032 Bad Mr. Frosty's Medium Punches do more damage
23 7D4B-E942 + 7D4B-E912 + 7D4B-E9C2 + 7D4B-E932 + 7D4B-
E142 Bad Mr. Frosty's Quick Punches do more damage
24 7D4B-E112 + 7D4B-E1C2 + 7D4B-E132 + 7D4B-E542 + 7D4B-
E512 Bad Mr. Frosty's Brutal Kicks do more damage
25 7D4B-E5C2 + 7D4B-E532 + 7D4C-E042 + 7D4C-E012 + 7D4C-
E0C2 Bad Mr. Frosty's Medium Kicks do more damage
26 7D4C-E032 + 7D4C-E942 + 7D4C-E912 + 7D4C-E9C2 + 7D4C-
E932 Bad Mr. Frosty's Quick Kicks do more damage
27 7D4C-E142 Bad Mr. Frosty's Snow Ball (all punches) does
more damage
Taffy(tm) Codes:
28 7D48-E0C2 + 7D48-E032 + 7D48-E942 + 7D48-E912 + 7D48-
E9C2 Taffy's Brutal Punches do more damage
29 7D48-E932 + 7D48-E142 + 7D48-E112 + 7D48-E1C2 + 7D48-
E132 Taffy's Medium Punches do more damage
30 7D48-E542 + 7D48-E512 + 7D48-E5C2 + 7D48-E532 + 7D4A-
E042 Taffy's Quick Punches do more damage
31 7D4A-E012 +7D4A-E0C2 + 7D4A-E032 + 7D4A-E942 + 7D4A-
E912 Taffy's Brutal Kicks do more damage
32 7D4A-E9C2 + 7D4A-E932 + 7D4A-E142 + 7D4A-E112 + 7D4A-
E1C2 Taffy's Medium kick does more damage
33 7D4A-E132 + 7D4A-E542 + 7D4A-7513 + 7D4A-E5C2 + 7D4A-
E532 Taffy's Quick Kicks do more damage--NOT IN CROUCH
34 7D42-E912 Taffy's Whack (all punches) does more
35 7D42-E9C2 Taffy's Whack (all kicks) does more damage
Tiny(tm) Codes:
36 7D42-E1C2 + 7D42-E132 +7D42-E542 + 7D42-E512 + 7D42-
E5C2 Tiny's Brutal Punches do more damage
37 7D42-E532 + 7D43-E042 + 7D43-E012 + 7D43-E0C2 + 7D43-
E032 Tiny's Medium Punches do more damage
38 7D43-E942 + 7D43-E912 + 7D43-E9C2 + 7D43-E932 +7D43-
E142 Tiny's Quick Punches do more damage
39 7D43-E112 + 7D43-E1C2 + 7D43-E132 + 7D43-E542 + 7D43-
E512 Tiny's Brutal Kicks do more damage
40 7D43-E5C2 + 7D43-E532 + 7D4E-E042 + 7D4E-E012 + 7D4E-
E0C2 Tiny's Medium Kicks do more damage
41 7D4E-E032 + 7D4E-E942 + 7D4E-E912 + 7D4E-E9C2 + 7D4E-
E932 Tiny's Quick Kicks do more damage
42 7D4E-E142 Tiny's Medicine Ball Does more damage
43 7D4E-E512 Tiny's Sucker Punch does more damage
Blob(tm) Codes:
44 7D4D-70C3 + 7D4D-7033 + 7D4D-7943 + 7D4D-7913 + 7D4D-
79C3 Blob's Brutal Punches do more damage
45 7D4D-7933 + 7D4D-7143 + 7D4D-7113 + 7D4D-71C3 + 7D4D-
7133 Blob's Medium Punches do more damage
46 7D4D-7543 + 7D4D-7513 + 7D4D-75C3 + 7D4D-7533 + 7D4F-
7043 Blob's Quick Punches do more damage
47 7D4F-7013 + 7D4F-70C3 + 7D4F-7033 + 7D4F-7943 +7D4F-
7913 Blob's Brutal kick does more damage
48 7D4F-79C3 + 7D4F-7933 + 7D4F-7143 + 7D4F-7113 +7D4F-
71C3 Blob's Medium Kicks do more damage
49 7D4F-7133 + 7D4F-7543 + 7D4F-7513 + 7D4F-75C3 +7D4F-
7533 Blob's Quick Kicks do more damage
Blue Suede Goo(tm) Codes:
50 7D44-71C3 + 7D44-7133 + 7D44-7543 + 7D44-7513 + 7D44-
75C3 Blue Suede Goo's Brutal Punches do more damage
51 7D44-7533 + 7D47-7043 + 7D47-7013 + 7D47-70C3 + 7D47-
7033 Blue Suede Goo's Medium Punches do more damage
52 7D47-7943 + 7D47-7913 + 7D47-79C3 + 7D47-7933 +7D47-
7143 Blue Suede Goo's Quick Punches do more damage
53 7D47-7113 + 7D47-71C3 + 7D47-7133 + 7D47-7543 + 7D47-
7513 Blue Suede Goo's Brutal Kicks do more damage
54 7D47-75C3 + 7D47-7533 + 7D40-7043 + 7D40-7013 + 7D40-
70C3 Blue Suede Goo's Medium Kicks do more damage
55 7D40-7033 + 7D40-7943 + 7D40-7913 + 7D40-79C3 + 7D40-
7933 Blue Suede Goo's Quick Kicks do more damage
Ickybod Clay(tm) Codes:
56 7D49-70C3 + 7D49-7033 + 7D49-7943 + 7D49-7913 + 7D49-
79C3 Ickybod Clay's Brutal Punches do more damage
57 7D49-7933 + 7D49-7143 + 7D49-7113 + 7D49-71C3 + 7D49-
7133 Ickybod Clay's Medium Punches do more damage
58 7D49-7543 + 7D49-7513 + 7D49-75C3 + 7D49-7533 + 7D41-
7043 Ickybod Clay's Quick Punches do more damage
59 7D41-7013 + 7D41-70C3 + 7D41-7033 + 7D41-7943 +7D41-
7913 Ickybod Clay's Brutal Kicks do more damage
60 7D41-79C3 + 7D41-7933 + 7D41-7143 + 7D41-7113 + 7D41-
71C3 Ickybod Clay's Medium Kicks do more damage
61 7D41-7133 + 7D41-7543 + 7D41-7513 + 7D41-75C3 + 7D41-
7533 Ickybod Clay's Quick Kicks do more damage
62 7D45-7013 Ickybod Clay's Ecto Punch does more damage
Helga(tm) Codes:
63 7D45-71C3 + 7D45-7133 + 7D45-7543 + 7D45-7513 + 7D45-
75C3 Helga's Brutal Punches do more damage
64 7D45-7533 + 7D46-7043 + 7D46-7013 + 7D46-70C3 + 7D46-
7033 Helga's Medium Punches do more damage
65 7D46-7943 + 7D46-7913 + 7D46-79C3 + 7D46-7933 + 7D46-
7143 Helga's Quick Punches do more damage
66 7D46-7113 + 7D46-71C3 + 7D46-7133 + 7D46-7543 + 7D46-
7513 Helga's Brutal Kicks do more damage
67 7D46-75C3 + 7D46-7533 + 7D4B-7043 + 7D4B-7013 + 7D4B-
70C3 Helga's Medium Kicks do more damage
68 7D46-5033 + 7D4B-7943 + 7D4B-7913 + 7D4B-79C3 + 7D4B-
7933 Helga's Quick Kicks do more damage--NOT FAR AWAY
69 7D4B-71C3 Helga's Viking Ram does more damage
Bonker(tm) Codes:
70 7D4C-70C3 + 7D4C-7033 + 7D4C-7943 + 7D4C-7913 + 7D4C-
79C3 Bonker's Brutal Punches do more damage
71 7D4C-7933 + 7D4C-7143 + 7D4C-7113 + 7D4C-71C3 + 7D4C-
7133 Bonker's Medium Punches do more damage
72 7D4C-7543 + 7D4C-7513 + 7D4C-75C3 + 7D4C-7533 + 7D48-
7043 Bonker's Quick Punches do more damage
73 7D48-7013 + 7D48-70C3 + 7D48-7033 + 7D48-7943 + 7D48-
7913 Bonker's Brutal Kicks do more damage
74 7D48-79C3 + 7D48-7933 + 7D48-7143 + 7D48-7113 + 7D48-
71C3 Bonker's Medium Kicks do more damage
75 7D48-7133 + 7D48-7543 + 7D48-7513 + 7D48-75C3 + 7D48-
7533 Bonker's Quick Kicks do more damage
76 7D4A-7043 Bonker's Cutting Cartwheel does more damage
Clay Fighter, Blob's Bomb, Bad Mr. Frosty, Taffy, Tiny, The Blob, Blue
Suede Goo, Ickybod Clay, Helga, Bonker and N. Boss are trademarks of

Clay Fighter 2: Judgement Clay(tm) Game

1. 4D08-E4A1 Select more speed in options
2. DB0B-E4D1 Select more difficulty in options
3. 8F59-EDA7 Both players jump off the screen
4. CB51-7D64 + 6251-7F04 + 4651-7F64 + F651-7FA4 Infinite energy and infinite time
Codes for The Blob
5. EE0C-77E9 Blob spit kills
6. EE0E-7479 Buzz saw kills
7. EE09-5789 Rocket-anvil attack kills
Codes for Hoppy
8. EEB0-5D7C Spinning carrot kills
9. EEBB-5F8C Spin kick towards(special move) kills
Codes for Octo
10. EE1C-5785 Brutal cartwheel kills (when close)
11. EE15-8DE5 Ground spin kills
Clay Fighter 2: Judgement Clay and related names are trademarks of Interplay

Clue(tm) Game
The classic mystery strategy game comes to life in video. And a very good treatment
it is! Try CLOO Code 12 and get infinite interrogations--you can interrogate
everyone until you find out whodunit. You can switch Codes 1 thru 6 on and off.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 CBBC-0D07 + 3CBC-0DA7 + DDBC-0D67 Always roll a 1
2 CBBC-0D07 + 3CBC-0DA7 + DFBC-0D67 Always roll a 2
3 CBBC-0D07 + 3CBC-0DA7 + D4BC-0D67 Always roll a 3
4 CBBC-0D07 + 3CBC-0DA7 + D7BC-0D67 Always roll a 4
5 CBBC-0D07 + 3CBC-0DA7 + D0BC-0D67 Always roll a 5
6 CBBC-0D07 + 3CBC-0DA7 + D9BC-0D67 Always roll a 6
7 BDBA-D464 Allow no interrogations
instead of 2
8 DFBA-D4D4 Allow only 1 interrogation
9 D7BA-D4D4 Allow 3 interrogations
10 D0BA-D4D4 Allow 4 interrogations
11 D9BA-D4D4 Allow 5 interrogations
12 8B83-070F Infinite interrogations
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVE codes at a time
(but some effects require more than one code).
Clue is a trademark of Waddingtons Games Ltd.

Congo's Capers(tm) Game

With CONG Codes 9 and 10 you will occasionally have to press the
start button because the screen pauses on impact with a enemy.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 DDAC-4F09 Start with 1 life
2 D9AC-4F09 Start with 6 lives
3 D6AC-4F09 Start with 9 lives
4 DDB0-44D4 1 life after continue
5 D9B0-44D4 6 lives after continue
6 D6B0-44D4 9 lives after continue
7 DDEC-CF6D Infinite lives
8 64B9-4FD4 Start as Super Congo
9 CB69-34D7 Stay as Super Congo (you may change if you
walk on spikes)
10 CBB2-340D + D4B2-346D 1 ruby turns you into Super Congo
Congo's Caper is a trademark of Data East USA Inc.

Contra(tm) III -- The Alien Wars(tm) Game

Your ancestors saved the world once before--and now it's your turn. Red Falcon(tm)
is back with a vengence and you are the only one who can fight off the hordes of
aliens. CON Codes 1 thru 4 work on the side-view levels, and 5 thru 8 work on the
top-view levels.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 22BB-AD01 Infinite lives--side-view levels
2 2264-D760 Infinite bombs--side-view levels
3 D9BB-AFA1 + D9CE-6D0D Start with 5 bombs on each life--
side-view levels
4 DBBB-AFA1 + DBCE-6D0D Start with 9 bombs on each life--
side-view levels
5 22BB-6F0B + 6DBB-64DB Infinite lives--top-view levels
6 22B8-0766 Infinite bombs--top-view levels
7 D963-6708 + D9CE-6D0F Start with 5 bombs on each life--
top-view levels
8 DB63-6708 + DBCE-6D0F Start with 9 bombs on each life--
top-view levels
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVE codes at a time
(but some effects require more than one code).
Contra, The Alien Wars and Red Falcon are trademarks of Konami Inc.

Cool Spot(tm) Game

CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 402C-D7D1 Infinite lives
2 DF28-D404 Start with 1 life
3 D128-D404 Start with 6 lives
4 DB28-D404 Start with 9 lives
5 FE89-DF69 Less invincibility time
6 EE89-DF69 More invincibility time
7 D98C-0D05 5 seconds picked up
8 7A8C-0D05 1 minute picked up
9 FD89-07D5 16% picked up from '7up'
10 DD26-D4D9 Be able to free fellow spot right away
Cool Spot is a trademark of Dr. Pepper/7-Up Corporation.

Cutthroat Island(tm) Game

1. C92C-47D8 No enemies and bosses are invisible
2. FD68-34C7 + FD82-370B Start with 1/2 energy
3. F268-34C7 + F282-370B Start with 3/4 energy
4. 50C7-3DD8 1 hit kills almost everything
5. DFEA-34A1 Start with 1 life
6. D9EA-34A1 Start with 5 lives
7. DBEA-34A1 Start with 9 lives
8. DEEA-34A1 Start with 15 lives
9. FBEA-34A1 Start with 25 lives
10. CBC1-3D60 Infinite lives
Cutthroat Island is a trademark of Cutthroat Distribution Inc.

Cybernator(tm) Game
This action-adventure shooter offers great control and lots of weapons. There are
even two endings, which you can view using CYBE Codes 11 or 12. You can get napalm
from the start with Code 15 and protection from some hits with Code 30. Experts,
try the combination of Code 18 for 2 credits and Code 31 to make energy chips worth
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 D4BD-176F Start on level 3.1
2 D7BD-176F Start on level 3.2
3 D0BD-176F Start on level 3.3
4 D9BD-176F Start on level 4.1
5 D1BD-176F Start on level 4.2
6 D5BD-176F Start on level 5.1
7 D6BD-176F Start on level 5.2
8 DBBD-176F Start on level 6.1
9 FDBD-176F Start on level 7.3
10 FFBD-176F Start on level 7.4
11 F4BD-176F View the failed ending
12 F7BD-176F View the successful ending
13 62BF-17AF Start with lasers
14 62BF-17DF Start with homing missiles
15 62B4-1D6F Start with napal
16 D4BF-1FDF Weapons start at level 2
17 D7BF-1FDF Weapons start at level 3
18 DFB1-17AF Start with 2 credits
19 D9B1-17AF Start with 6 credits
20 DBB1-17AF Start with 10 credits
21 C234-4FDD Infinite credits
22 D461-4D62 Only 2 P's needed for level 2 vulcan
23 D061-4FD2 Only 4 P's needed for level 3 vulcan
24 D761-4462 Only 3 P's needed for level 3 laser
25 D765-4DD2 Only 3 P's needed for level 3 missile
26 D465-4FD2 Only 2 P's needed for level 2 napalm
27 D065-4F62 Only 4 P's needed for level 3 napal
28 D465-4462 Only 2 P's needed for level 2 punch
29 D765-47D2 Only 3 P's needed for level 3 punch
30 82C9-470C + 82C7-4FDC Protection against some hazards
31 DD3F-1406 Energy chip worth nothing
32 CD3F-1406 Energy chip worth more
Cybernator is a trademark of Konami, Inc.

D-Force(tm) Game
D-object of d-game is to d-stroy d-dictator before he takes over d-world. For D
Codes 1 thru 9, normal is from 1 to 9 lives, a player-select option. D Code 5,
which gives you infinite lives, and 26 and 27, which prevent decrease of cannon
power when you lose a life, are the star codes. The missiles you get with Codes 24
and 25 are non-standard.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 7168-D5F6 + C668-D596 Start with 10 lives
2 C868-D5F6 + C068-D596 Start with 12 lives
3 CF68-D5F6 + EF68-D596 Start with 14 lives
4 9E68-D5F6 + C068-D596 Start with 16 lives
5 3CCA-D4DD Infinite lives
6 7168-D70F + C668-D76F Continue with 10 lives
7 C868-D70F + C068-D76F Continue with 12 lives
8 CF68-D70F + EF68-D76F Continue with 14 lives
9 9E68-D70F + C068-D76F Continue with 16 lives
10 DFB6-DF6D Start with cannon power at level 2
instead of 1
11 D4B6-DF6D Start with cannon power at level 3
12 D7B6-DF6D Start with cannon power at level 4
13 D9B6-DF6D Start with cannon power at level 6
14 D5B6-DF6D Start with cannon power at level 8
15 DBB6-DF6D Start with cannon power at level 10
16 D8B6-DF6D Start with cannon power at level 12
17 DF68-DF0F + DE68-DD6F Continue with cannon power at level 2
instead of 1
18 D468-DF0F + DE68-DD6F Continue with cannon power at level 3
19 D768-DF0F + DE68-DD6F Continue with cannon power at level 4
20 D968-DF0F + DE68-DD6F Continue with cannon power at level 6
21 D568-DF0F + DE68-DD6F Continue with cannon power at level 8
22 DB68-DF0F + DE68-DD6F Continue with cannon power at level 10
23 D868-DF0F + DE68-DD6F Continue with cannon power at level 12
24 DAB6-D76D + FDB6-D4AD Start equipped with unguided missiles
25 7D6C-D40F + 2C6C-D46F + FD6C-D7DF Continue equipped with unguided
26 DDC7-DD0F Loss of a life does not decrease cannon
power at normal difficulty--except
on continues
27 DDC0-D4DF Loss of a life does not decrease cannon
power at hard difficulty--except on
28 DA3D-6464 Pink power-up increases missile power along with cannon power
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVE codes at a time
(but some effects require more than one code).
D-Force is a trademark of Asmik Corporation of America.
Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions(tm) Game
1 DFBD-1DA4 Start with 1 life
2 DBBD-1DA4 Start with 9 lives
3 49BD-1DA4 Start with 25 lives
4 9FBD-1DA4 Start with 51 lives
5 DDB3-3404 Infinite lives
6 DDA8-4466 Extra lives cost $500
7 DFA8-4466 Extra lives cost $1,500
8 DD23-34D4 Extra life power-ups don't work
9 D423-34D4 Extra life power-ups worth 2
10 D923-34D4 Extra life power-ups worth 5
11 DDA3-3FA6 Extra lives can't be bought
12 D4A3-3FA6 2 extra lives for each life you buy
13 D9A3-3FA6 5 extra lives for each life you buy
14 C283-3D6F Invincibility
15 D1B4-3DD7 Start with 1/2 health
16 DBB4-3DD7 Start with 3/4 health
17 D121-CD64 Juice cans set health to 1/2
18 DB21-CD64 Juice cans set health to 3/4
19 DDB4-C764 Start with 0 gems
20 FDB4-C764 Start with 10 gems (2 continues)
21 49B4-C764 Start with 25 gems (5 continues)
22 DDA2-C76C Infinite continues
23 DD3C-446D Gem power-ups worth 0
24 D93C-446D Gem power-ups worth 5 (1 continue)
25 DDA6-34A6 Bought gems worth 0
26 D9A6-34A6 Bought gems worth 5 (1 continue)
27 DDA8-44D6 Gems are free
28 FDBF-CF64 Start with 10 ammo for all guns (except
29 9DBF-CF64 Start with 50 ammo for all guns
30 BDBF-CF64 Start with 90 ammo for all guns
31 DD85-17DD Infinite ammo (must have some ammo for the
gun to be selectable--use Code 29 start with infinite ammo)
32 DDAC-4406 Freeze gun ammo is free
33 4DAC-4406 Freeze gun ammo is $200
34 DDAC-44A6 Electricity gun ammo is free
35 F9AC-44A6 Electricity gun ammo is $150
36 DDAC-4706 Three-way gun ammo is free
37 F9AC-4706 Three-way gun ammo is $150
38 DDAC-47A6 Bomb gun ammo is free
39 F9AC-47A6 Bomb gun ammo is $150
40 DDA8-4D06 Antimatter gun ammo is free
41 4DA8-4D06 Antimatter gun ammo is $200
42 4DAE-44D6 Bought Freeze gun ammo is worth 20 instead
of 10
43 4DA9-1406 Bought Electricity gun ammo is worth 20
44 4DA8-1466 Bought Three-way gun ammo is worth 20
45 4DAF-C4A6 Bought Bomb gun ammo is worth 20
46 4DA5-C7D6 Bought Anti matter gun ammo is worth 20
47 4D28-4FA7 Freeze gun ammo power-ups are worth 20
instead of 10
48 4D26-1DA7 Electricity gun ammo power-ups are worth 20
49 4D20-C7A7 Three-way gun ammo power-ups are worth 20
50 4D2F-34A7 Bomb gun ammo power-ups are worth 20
51 4D23-3FA7 Antimatter gun ammo power-ups are worth
52 DDBD-CF04 Start with no nutty attacks
53 D7BD-CF04 Start with 3 nutty attacks
54 D9BD-CF04 Start with 5 nutty attacks
55 D5BD-CF04 Start with 7 nutty attacks
56 C287-34AD Infinite nutty attacks
57 DDA8-4F06 Nutty attacks are free
58 0DA8-4F06 Nutty attacks are $400
59 D4BD-C7D4 Start with $2500 instead of $1500
60 D7BD-C7D4 Start with $3,500
61 DBBD-C7D4 Start with $9,500
62 7DBD-C7D4 Start with $30,500
63 DDB4-C404 Start with almost no fuel
64 F8B4-C404 Start with 2x fuel
65 45B4-C404 Start with 3x fuel
66 DDA8-4DA6 Jetpack fuel is free
67 D1C8-14A7 Fuel is consumed at 1/4 normal rate
68 DAC8-14A7 Fuel is consumed at 1/2 normal rate
69 F4C8-14A7 Fuel is consumed at 3/4 normal rate
70 D12B-17D4 Fuel power-ups are worth 1/2 as much
71 FC2B-17D4 Fuel power-ups are worth 2x
72 D1A2-C7A6 Bought fuel is worth 1/2 as much
73 FCA2-C7A6 Bought fuel is worth 2x as much
74 DFB9-1D04 Start on level 1-2
75 D4B9-1D04 Start on level 1-3
76 D7B9-1D04 Start on level 1-4
77 D0B9-1D04 Start on level 2-1
78 D9B9-1D04 Start on level 2-2
79 D1B9-1D04 Start on level 2-3
80 D5B9-1D04 Start on level 2-4
81 D6B9-1D04 Start on level 3-1
82 DBB9-1D04 Start on level 3-2
83 DCB9-1D04 Start on level 3-3
84 D8B9-1D04 Start on level 3-4
85 DAB9-1D04 Start on level 4-1
86 D2B9-1D04 Start on level 4-2
87 D3B9-1D04 Start on level 4-3
88 DEB9-1D04 Start on level 4-4
89 FDB9-1D04 Start on level 5-1
90 FFB9-1D04 Start on level 5-2
91 F4B9-1D04 Start on level 5-3
92 F7B9-1D04 Start on level 5-4
Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions is a trademark of Warner Bros.

Darius Twin(tm) Game

Best pair of codes to win in this challenging shoot-em-up: TWIN Codes 28 and 29,
which give both players invincibility. Best code for a pair of experts: Code 16.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 DFB0-A7DD + CDB0-A4AD Start on planet B
+ DDB0-A70D + 6AB0-A76D
2 D4B0-A7DD + CDB0-A4AD Start on planet C
+ DDB0-A70D + 6AB0-A76D
3 D7B0-A7DD + CDB0-A4AD Start on planet D
+ DDB0-A70D + 6AB0-A76D
4 D0B0-A7DD + CDB0-A4AD Start on planet E
+ DDB0-A70D + 6AB0-A76D
5 D9B0-A7DD + CDB0-A4AD Start on planet F
+ DDB0-A70D + 6AB0-A76D
6 D1B0-A7DD + CDB0-A4AD Start on planet G
+ DDB0-A70D + 6AB0-A76D
7 D5B0-A7DD + CDB0-A4AD Start on planet H
+ DDB0-A70D + 6AB0-A76D
8 D6B0-A7DD + CDB0-A4AD Start on planet I
+ DDB0-A70D + 6AB0-A76D
9 DBB0-A7DD + CDB0-A4AD Start on planet
+ DDB0-A70D + 6AB0-A76D
10 DCB0-A7DD + CDB0-A4AD Start on planet K
+ DDB0-A70D + 6AB0-A76D
11 D8B0-A7DD + CDB0-A4AD Start on planet L
+ DDB0-A70D + 6AB0-A76D
12 FDC3-6D67 + CBC3-6D07 + 3CC3-6DA7 Both players start with 10 lives
13 F9C3-6D67 + CBC3-6D07 + 3CC3-6DA7 Both players start with 15 lives
14 4DC3-6D67 + CBC3-6D07 + 3CC3-6DA7 Both players start with 20 lives
15 49C3-6D67 + CBC3-6D07 + 3CC3-6DA7 Both players start with 25 lives
16 DFC3-6D67 + D9C3-6DA7 + C4C3-6D07 Player 1 starts with 1 life,
+ 63C3-6FD7 + C2C3-6FA7 player 2 with 5 lives
17 DFC3-6D67 + FDC3-6DA7 + C4C3-6D07 Player 1 starts with 1 life,
+ 63C3-6FD7 + C2C3-6FA7 player 2 with 10 lives
18 D4C3-6D67 + D9C3-6DA7 + C4C3-6D07 Player 1 starts with 2 lives,
+ 63C3-6FD7 + C2C3-6FA7 player 2 with 5 lives
19 D4C3-6D67 + FDC3-6DA7 + C4C3-6D07 Player 1 starts with 2 lives, + 63C3-6FD7 +
C2C3-6FA7 player 2 with 10 lives
20 D9C3-6D67 + DFC3-6DA7 + C4C3-6D07 Player 1 starts with 5 lives,
+ 63C3-6FD7 + C2C3-6FA7 player 2 with 1 life
21 FDC3-6D67 + DFC3-6DA7 + C4C3-6D07 Player 1 starts with 10 lives,
+ 63C3-6FD7 + C2C3-6FA7 player 2 with 1 life
22 D9C3-6D67 + D4C3-6DA7 + C4C3-6D07 Player 1 starts with 5 lives,
+ 63C3-6FD7 + C2C3-6FA7 player 2 with 2 lives
23 FDC3-6D67 + D4C3-6DA7 + C4C3-6D07 Player 1 starts with 10 lives,
+ 63C3-6FD7 + C2C3-6FA7 player 2 with 2 lives
24 DD35-6FA5 Player 1 has infinite lives
25 DD3B-6FA5 Player 2 has infinite lives
26 62CD-AF67 + 4ACE-64D7 Player 1 starts with 1 green
power cube instead of none
27 62CD-A407 + 4ACE-64D7 Player 2 starts with 1 green
power cube instead of none
28 C22D-67D9 Invincibility--player 1
29 C23C-AF60 Invincibility--player 2
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes! You can enter up to FIVE codes at a time
(but some effects require more than one code).
Darius Twin is a trademark of Taito America Corp.

Demons Crest(tm) Game

1. DB67-C703 First enemy takes longer to kill
2. D467-C703 First enemy take less time to kill
3. EE3A-1DAF More flash time
4. C92A-44A7 Invincible after hit
5. 6927-CDA7 1 hit and you die
Demon's Crest is a trademark of Capcom

Desert Strike(tm) Game

Climb into your Apache chopper and defeat the demented desert warlord in this
battle game, which features good graphics and smooth-flowing flight responses.
Choose from among many DESERT codes to boost ammo, lives, fuel, armor. For experts
there are Codes 10 (25 units of fuel) and 18 (armor starts at 344).
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 223B-07D9 Infinite ammo
2 DFB1-0F6C Start with 1 life
3 D9B1-0F6C Start with 5 lives
4 D5B1-0F6C Start with 7 lives
5 DCB1-0F6C Start with 10 lives
6 F0B1-0F6C Start with 20 lives
7 74B1-0F6C Start with 50 lives
8 17B1-0F6C Start with 99 lives
9 4A68-04A1 Infinite lives
10 FBB1-07DC Fuel starts at 25
11 74B1-07DC Fuel starts at 50
12 08B1-07DC Fuel starts at 75
13 B1B1-07DC Fuel starts at 150
14 A6B1-07DC Fuel starts at 200
15 D7B1-070C Fuel starts at 868
16 DD63-A409 Infinite fuel
17 D063-A409 2x fuel consumption
18 DFBC-64A9 + DF64-64D1 Armor starts at 344
19 D7BC-64A9 + D764-64D1 Armor starts at 856
20 D0BC-64A9 + D064-64D1 Armor starts at 1,112
21 D6BC-64A9 + D664-64D1 Armor starts at 2,136
22 F0BC-64A9 + F064-64D1 Armor starts at 5,208
23 DD38-6D0F Guns start at 154 rounds remaining
24 D438-6D0F Guns start at 666 rounds remaining
25 DB38-6D0F Guns start at 2,458 rounds remaining
26 F738-6D0F Guns start at 5,018 rounds remaining
27 4138-6D0F Guns start at 9,882 rounds remaining
28 DC3A-676F Start with 10 hydras
29 743A-676F Start with 50 hydras
30 103A-676F Start with 100 hydras
31 EC3A-676F Start with 250 hydras
32 DF33-67DF Start with 1 missile
33 F033-67DF Start with 20 missiles
34 7433-67DF Start with 50 missiles
35 1033-67DF Start with 100 missiles
36 EC33-67DF Start with 250 missiles
37 DF3C-676F Faster gun auto-repeat speed
38 F63C-676F Slower gun auto-repeat speed
39 D032-6D6F Missiles fly faster
40 D03E-6DDF Hydras fly faster
41 1038-6D6F Guns do as much damage as missiles
42 1032-6DDF Hydras do as much damage as missiles
43 EC33-676F Missiles do 250 points of damage
44 DF39-DF64 AK47's do 1 point of damage
45 D439-DF64 AK47's do 1/2x damage
46 DC39-DF64 AK47's do 2x damage
47 DF3E-A7DF APHIDs do 1 point of damage
48 493E-A7DF APHIDs do 1/2x damage
49 B13E-A7DF APHIDs do 2x damage
50 DF3D-A7DF AAA's do 1 point of damage
51 DC3D-A7DF AAA's do 1/2x damage
52 463D-A7DF AAA's do 2x damage
53 DF3C-AD6F Rapiers do 1 point of damage
54 743C-AD6F Rapiers do 1/2x damage
55 A63C-AD6F Rapiers do 2x damage
56 DF34-A46F VDA's do 1 point of damage
57 DA34-A46F VDA's do 1/2x damage
58 7434-A46F VDA's do 2x damage
59 DF31-AF6F ZSU's do 1 point of damage
60 F031-AF6F ZSU's do 1/2x damage
61 9D31-AF6F ZSU's do 2x damage
62 DF3F-D464 Speedboats do 1 point of damage
63 FB3F-D464 Speedboats do 1/2x damage
64 103F-D464 Speedboats do 2x damage
65 DF37-D4D4 Choppers do 1 point of damage
66 7437-D4D4 Choppers do 1/2x damage
67 A637-D4D4 Choppers do 2x damage
68 DF32-A76F M48's do 1 point of damage
69 7432-A76F M48's do 1/2x damage
70 A632-A76F M48's do 2x damage
71 DF3A-ADDF Crotales do 1 point of damage
72 743A-ADDF Crotales do 1/2x damage
73 A63A-ADDF Crotales do 2x damage
74 DF29-0FDD AK47's have 1 armor point
75 D929-0FDD AK47's have 1/2x armor points
76 F029-0FDD AK47's have 2x armor points
77 DFA7-D76D APHIDs have 1 armor points
78 DAA7-D76D APHIDs have 1/2x armor points
79 74A7-D76D APHIDs have 2x armor points
80 DF83-ADD7 AAA's have 1 armor points
81 FB83-ADD7 AAA's have 1/2x armor points
82 1083-ADD7 AAA's have 2x armor points
83 DFAE-6F6D Rapiers have 1 armor points
84 49AE-6F6D Rapiers have 1/2x armor points
85 B1AE-6F6D Rapiers have 2x armor points
86 DFA9-AFDD VDA's have 1 armor points
87 74A9-AFDD VDA's have 1/2x armor points
88 A6A9-AFDD VDA's have 2x armor points
89 DFAD-DFDF ZSU's have 1 armor points
90 08AD-DFDF ZSU's have 1/2x armor points
91 EEAD-DFDF ZSU's have 2x armor points
92 DFAB-DDDD Speedboats have 1 armor points
93 08AB-DDDD Speedboats have 1/2x armor points
94 EEAB-DDDD Speedboats have 2x armor points
95 DFA7-0DDD Choppers have 1 armor points
96 08A7-0DDD Choppers have 1/2x armor points
97 EEA7-0DDD Choppers have 2x armor points
98 DFA0-646D M48's have 1 armor points
99 10A0-646D M48's have 1/2x armor points
100 DFA0-64AD M48's have 2x armor points
101 DFA3-07DD Crotales have 1 armor points
102 52A3-07DD Crotales have 1/2x armor points
103 DFA3-070D Crotales have 2x armor points
104 DD39-D4D4 AK47 bullets fly slower
105 DD3E-A76F APHID bullets fly slower
106 DD3D-A76F AAA bullets fly slower
107 DD3C-AFDF Rapier bullets fly slower
108 DD34-A7DF VDA bullets fly slower
109 DD31-A4DF ZSU bullets fly slower
110 DD3F-D7D4 Speedboat bullets fly slower
111 DD37-D464 Chopper bullets fly slower
112 DD33-ADDF M48 bullets fly slower
Desert Strike is a trademark of Electronic Arts.

DinoCity(tm) Game
Cute animation helps make this game fun. DINO jump codes 34 thru 39 add to the
enjoyment. Code 25 protects you against most enemies. You ferocious meat-eaters out
there should try your stuff with Code 14, faster timer.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 DFC2-A494 1 credit instead of 3--player 1
2 D4C2-A494 2 credits--player 1
3 D9C2-A494 5 credits--player 1
4 D5C2-A494 7 credits--player 1
5 DBC2-A494 9 credits--player 1
6 DDC2-A494 No credits--player 1
7 DFCF-DFF7 1 credit instead of 3--player 2
8 D4CF-DFF7 2 credits--player 2
9 D9CF-DFF7 5 credits--player 2
10 D5CF-DFF7 7 credits--player 2
11 DBCF-DFF7 9 credits--player 2
12 DDCF-DFF7 No credits--player 2
13 C260-67F7 Infinite credits--both players
14 7A64-D420 Clock runs faster
15 ED64-D420 Clock runs slower
16 ED64-D420 + DF64-D7F0 Clock runs much slower
17 8269-DF90 Freeze clock--must switch off effects
in bonus stage
18 DF6D-D7BD 1 play per game instead of 3--
both players
19 D46D-D7BD 2 plays per game--both players
20 D06D-D7BD 4 plays per game--both players
21 D96D-D7BD 5 plays per game--both players
22 D56D-D7BD 7 plays per game--both players
23 DB6D-D7BD 9 plays per game--both players
24 C26E-6D2D Infinite plays--both players
25 6DA6-6D69 No harm from most enemies
26 C23B-A7F9 + C232-67B1 No harm if swallowed by a monster
27 D427-6D2D Collect 2 eggs for extra play
instead of 50
28 D927-6D2D Collect 5 eggs for extra play
29 FD27-6D2D Collect 10 eggs for extra play
30 F927-6D2D Collect 15 eggs for extra play
31 4927-6D2D Collect 25 eggs for extra play
32 5927-6D2D Collect 75 eggs for extra play
33 BB27-6D2D Collect 99 eggs for extra play
34 EC6B-DFBE Rex(tm) jumps higher
35 E66B-DFBE Rex jumps much higher
36 EC8A-D793 Tops(tm) jumps higher
37 E68A-D793 Tops jumps much higher
38 EC22-DF22 Timmy(tm) and Jamie(tm) jump higher
39 E622-DF22 Timmy and Jamie jump much higher
DinoCity, Rex, Tops, Timmy and Jamie are trademarks of Smart Egg Pictures/Irem
America Corp.

Disney's Aladdin(tm) Game

1 DF64-1DD0 Start with 1 life
2 D964-1DD0 Start with 5 lives
3 F064-1DD0 Start with 20 lives
4 C221-4FA5 Infinite lives
5 DFB8-3F07 Start with 1 continue
6 D9B8-3F07 Start with 5 continues
7 DCB8-3F07 Start with 9 continues
8 C283-37DD Infinite continues
9 D464-14A0 Start with 2 health
10 D964-14A0 Start with 5 health
11 D564-14A0 Start with 7 health
12 C267-4D0A Almost invincible
13 FA80-44AE Emeralds worth 2 instead of 1
14 FB80-44AE Emeralds worth 3
15 A381-4F0E Rubies worth 1 instead of 3
16 C281-4F0E Rubies worth 2
17 FD86-4F6E Only 10 gems needed for health increase/free
18 4D86-4F6E Only 20 gems needed for health increase/free
19 7D86-4F6E Only 30 gems needed for health increase/free
20 0D86-4F6E Only 40 gems needed for health increase/free
21 9D86-4F6E Only 50 gems needed for health increase/free
22 1D86-4F6E Only 60 gems needed for health increase/free
23 BD86-4F6E Only 90 gems needed for health increase/free
24 D967-1F60 Start with 5 apples
25 4D67-1F60 Start with 20 apples
26 3CA9-C4A5 Infinite apples
27 4D8B-4DD3 Apple power-ups worth 20 instead of 10
28 9D8B-4DD3 Apple power-ups worth 50
29 BD8B-4DD3 Apple power-ups worth 90
30 DDB5-3467 + DDBA-3FA7 Level select on main menu--use R
+ Up/Down to change level, R + Left/Right to change sub-level
31 DDA7-4DD5 Bonus round played after every level
Disney's Aladdin is a trademark of Disney.

Disney's Beauty and the Beast(tm)

1 3CC8-3D0A Don't take damage from some enemies
2 4AC8-47A8 No loss of light when the candle runs off the
3 C265-6407 Infinite flower time
4 3C6F-4F00 Invinciible after getting hit
5 3CC0-376A + 3CC0.37AA invincible-turn off to pick rocks
up-spikes still do damage
6 EE66-4FAA Death flash time is longer
7 C2E0-DF0F Infinite continues
Disney's Beauty and the Beast is a trademark of The Walt Disney

Disney's The Jungle Book(tm) Game

1 DBEF-1F67 Start with 9 hearts
2 D1EF-1F67 Start with 6 hearts
3 DFEF-1F67 Start with 1 heart
4 DBEF-1DD7 Start with 10 lives
5 DFEF-1DD7 Start with 2 lives
6 C2CC-4704 Infinite lives
7 DD6F-4DD4 Infinite weapons
8 DDCF-3F6D Hearts from big jungle fruit restore all
9 D4C0-1FAF 20 seconds from hourglass
10 D7C0-1FAF 30 seconds from hourglass
11 E8CA-3DA4 Super-jumping Mowgli
12 ECCA-3DA4 Mega-jumping Mowgli
13 D4CA-4DDF Bonus gems worth 2
14 D7CA-4DDF Bonus gems worth 3
15 D0CA-4DDF Bonus gems worth 4
16 D4C2-4FAF Red gems worth 2
17 D7C2-4FAF Red gems worth 3
18 D0C2-4FAF Red gems worth 4
19 DD65-47AD The amazing rock! (Just for fun)
Disney's The Jungle Book is a trademark of The Walt Disney Company.

Donkey Kong Country(tm) Game

1 C2C9-4E2C / C2C1-4A9C Infinite lives
2 D568-C34D / D568-C33D Start with 8 lives
3 DC68-C34D / DC68-C33D Start with 11 lives
4 DE68-C34D / DE68-C33D Start with 16 lives
5 FB68-C34D / FB68-C33D Start with 26 lives
6 7468-C34D / 7468-C33D Start with 51 lives
7 0868-C34D / 0868-C33D Start with 76 lives
8 1768-C34D / 1768-C33D Start with 100 lives
9 EE65-C37E / EE66-C27E When your last Kong is hit, the
other one returns--must have had both Kongs at some point in the
level for code to work--reset if you get stuck
10 1DCC-CA7A / 1DCA-C2EA Almost invincible--Switch off if
you get stuck
11 DBC1-3D6D + DCC1-34AD / DBC9-340D + DCC1-3D6D 10
bananas needed for an extra life
12 F6C1-3D6D + FBC1-34AD / F6C9-340D + FBC1-3D6D 25
bananas needed for an extra life
13 7FC1-3D6D + 74C1-34AD / 7FC9-340D + 74C1-3D6D 50
bananas needed for an extra life
14 0CC1-3D6D + 08C1-34AD / 0CC9-340D + 08C1-3D6D 75
bananas needed for an extra life
15 1D6B-3FDD + 196A-333D / 1D6B-3D6D + 166A-3ECD Keep
animals between stages (keeping fish on a non-water stage or others
on a water stage will cause problems)
16 A081-1273 / A086-13E3 High jump for Donkey Kong
17 2D81-1273 / 2D86-13E3 Super jump for Donkey Kong
18 3D81-1273 / 3D86-13E3 Mega-jump for Donkey Kong
19 8081-1E73 / 808B-1AE3 High jump for Diddy Kong
20 AD81-1E73 / AD8B-1AE3 Super jump for Diddy Kong
21 2D81-1E73 / 2D8B-1AE3 Mega-jump for Diddy Kong
22 A08F-C273 / A087-C3E3 High jump for all animals
23 2D8F-C273 / 2D87-C3E3 Super jump for all animals
24 3D8F-C273 / 3087-C3E3 Mega-jump for all animals
25 D76B-337E / D76C-327E Get both Kongs back on the map
screen after dying (doesn't work when you fall off screen)
26 DD8B-C28A / DD88-CE5A In the 2-player team mode, the
inactive player can get control at any time by pressing A or SELECT
on their controller
27 DDB9-3DD4 / DDB0-34A4 Pressing Start and then Select
will exit any level, not just completed levels
Donkey Kong Country and related names are trademarks of Nintendo
of America Inc.

Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest(tm) Game

1. E6EE-A7D7 + 6DAF-12EB + 6D8D-C33E/
2. C2A1-CE5B/C2A5-C37B Infinite lives
3. D465-3D67/D46C-3D07 Start with 3 lives
4. DB65-3D67/DB6C-3D07 Start with 10 lives
5. F665-3D67/F66C-3D07 Start with 25 lives
6. 7F65-3D67/7F6C-3D07 Start with 50 lives
7. 1765-3D67/176C-3D07 Start with 99 lives
8. D4A1-437C/D4A5-4AEC Getting 100 bananas gives you 2 extra lives
9. D9A1-437C/D9A5-4AEC Getting 100 bananas gives you 5 extra lives
10. EEC2-1A1D/EECC-CA4D When your last Kong is hit, the other one returns.
11. DD6C-C7D4/DD62-C4A4 Pressing Select while paused exits any level, not just
completed ones
12. 626D-4EBD Start with more Kong Family Coins
13. C2B9-13B7/C2B1-13F7 Kong Family Coins don't get used up
14. 626D-432D Start a new game with more Kremcoins
15. C2B9-1297/C2B1-1A27 Kremcoins don't get used up
16. EDD0-735A Mega-jump for Diddy
17. E7D0-735A Super-jump for Diddy
18. E1D0-735A Diddy jumps higher
19. EBD0-735A Diddy doesn't jump as high
20. ECD0-735A Diddy jumps much lower
21. EDD7-5AEA Mega-jump for Dixie
22. E7D7-5AEA Super-jump for Dixie
23. E5D7-5AEA Dixie jumps higher
24. EBD7-5AEA Dixie doesn't jump as high
25. ECD7-5AEA Dixie jumps much lower
26. EFDD-535A Mega-jump for Rambi with Diddy riding
27. E7DD-535A Super-jump for Rambi with Diddy riding
28. E5DD-535A Rambi jumps higher with Diddy riding
29. ECDD-535A Rambi doesn't jump as high with Diddy riding
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest and related names are trademarks of
Nintendo of America Inc.

Doomsday Warrior(tm) Game

1 82C7-046F Infinite health--matches last forever
2 CBB2-ADDD + D0B2-AD0D + 6DB2-A46D Always get 4 bonus
points for improving abilities
3 D9B9-64DD On normal level, start with all stats at 2 bars
instead of 0
4 DDB0-ADAD + 6DB0-AFDD + E9B0-AF0D 1st 6 fights are
against Sledge(tm)
5 DFB0-ADAD + 6DB0-AFDD + E9B0-AF0D 1st 6 fights are
against Layban(tm)
6 D4B0-ADAD + 6DB0-AFDD + E9B0-AF0D 1st 6 fights are
against Amon(tm)
7 D7B0-ADAD + 6DB0-AFDD + E9B0-AF0D 1st 6 fights are
against Daisy(tm)
8 D0B0-ADAD + 6DB0-AFDD + E9B0-AF0D 1st 6 fights are
against P-Lump(tm)
9 D9B0-ADAD + 6DB0-AFDD + E9B0-AF0D 1st 6 fights are
against Grimrock(tm)
10 D1B0-ADAD + 6DB0-AFDD + E9B0-AF0D 1st 6 fights are
against Nuform(tm)
11 D5B0-ADAD + 6DB0-AFDD + E9B0-AF0D 1st 7 fights are
against Shadow(tm)
12 D6B0-ADAD + 6DB0-AFDD + E9B0-AF0D 1st 6 fights are
against Ashura(tm)
13 DBB0-ADAD + 6DB0-AFDD + E9B0-AF0D 1st 6 fights are
against Main(tm)
14 DDB7-AFAD All fights are in order (you don't choose your
15 DD83-D4AF You can heal completely, not just to the top
of each segment
16 3C8E-DDAF Don't heal at all
Doomsday Warrior, Sledge, Layban, Amon, Daisy, P-Lump, Grimrock,
Nuform, Shadow, Ashura and Main are trademarks of Renovation
Products, Inc.

Doom(tm) Game
1. BDEA-B053 + 62EA-B953 Start with MEGA health and MEGA armor!
2. E3EA-B153 Start with more ammo
3. CBD3-B17F Heat vision/color blind mode
4. D7CF-F953 Select �The Shores of Hell" or �Inferno" in any skill level
Doom is a trademark of ID Software, Inc.

Double Dragon 5(tm) Game

1 B3C8-CFBF + B3C6-CDBF + BAC9-3FBF Computer (player 2) can't perform special moves
2 DBBC-1F27 Allows you to pick up to 9 points of any attribute instead of 5
3 46C6-340D Both characters start with 50% energy
4 F0C6-340D Both characters start with 25% energy
5 DDAB-3DAE Player 1 always wins
6 3C85-CF07 Harder to recover from dizziness
7 D685-C407 Dizziness doesn't last long
Double Dragon 5 and related names are trademarks of Leland
Interactive Media. Licensed to Tradewest, Inc.

Dragon's Lair(tm) Game

These sword-slashin' codes will help you and Dirk(tm) rescue Daphne(tm), the
gorgeous princess, from the clutches of that warty dragon. DRAG Code 1 is the one
for you if you are as clumsy as Dirk looks (arf). Experts, attempt the task with
Codes 2 and 7 for just one life and a faster timer.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 3C8C-0FA4 Protection from most hazards
2 DD89-0404 Start with 1 life
3 D989-0404 Start with 6 lives
4 D689-0404 Start with 9 lives
5 3C62-D70F Infinite lives
6 5D89-6D04 Slow timer
7 4989-6D04 Faster timer
8 4A84-64D4 Stop timer
9 DF86-0DD4 Start with the dagger
10 D486-0DD4 Start with the shuriken
11 DF88-0F64 1 coin gives 10
Dragon's Lair, Dirk and Daphne are trademarks of Bluth Group, Ltd.

Drakkhen(tm) Game
You and your party must recover eight stolen gems that represent the forces of
magic in this challenging role-playing fantasy game. You get killed repeatedly
fighting the enemies, so DRAKK Code 1 will come in handy. At the Anak Shrines(tm),
you need to switch off effects in order for resurrection to work properly.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 8E3D-696D + 8E30-A408 + 8EA2-0113 Protection from some attacks
2 7433-6FD8 Magic points restored 50 points at
a time while player is on screen
3 DC33-6FD8 Magic points restored 10 points at a time while player is on screen
4 8E27-6D28 Magic points don't decrease except
in battle
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes!
Drakkhen and Anak Shrines are trademarks of Infogrames.

Dream TV(tm) Game

1 8FA6 3DA8 + 8FAA 3FA8 Almost infinite energy
2 DDCE C7DC Infinite lives
3 D9B8 1F04 Start with 5 lives
4 DFB8 1F04 Start with 1 life
5 D6B8 1F04 Start with 8 lives
6 8F23 3768 Monsters take only 1 hit to kill--except skeletons
7 8F84 17D8 Mega-jump--switch off to land again
8 DDC7 1DD8 Can't get hit--some characters are white
9 4DBD CF04 Start with 2/3 energy--1st life
10 4DCE CD0C Start with 2/3 energy--after 1st life
11 FDBD CF04 Start with1st life has 1/3 energy--1st life
12 FDCE CD0C Start with 1/3 energy--after 1st life
Dream TV is a trademark of Triffix, Inc.

Dungeon Master(tm) Game

DUNGE Codes 5 thru 88 only need to be used once. They only work on
saved games. Enter the desired codes, load a saved game, then save
it again. The effects then stay with the saved game. On some Game
Genies, some of the codes may be changed by the Game Genie(tm), so
when you return to the code screen by pressing Reset, they will be
different than when first entered. This is OK. If it happens, you do
not have to correct the code, but can restart the game using the
modified code.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 85B5-07D9 Almost no mana loss--MUST HAVE ENOUGH TO
2 85CF-0F29 Food meter doesn't go down
3 85C5-0FB9 Water meter doesn't go down
4 ECDC-F26F 1st character has 250 maximum hit points
5 ECDA-220F 2nd character has 250 maximum hit points
6 ECD3-B2D4 3rd character has 250 maximum hit points
7 ECDD-BAA7 4th character has 250 maximum hit points
8 A0DC-F36F + DBDC-F3AF 1st character has 250 maximum
9 A0DA-230F + DBDA-236F 2nd character has 250 maximum
10 A0D3-B3D4 + DBD3-B304 3rd character has 250 maximum
11 A0DD-B2A7 + DBDD-B3D7 4th character has 250 maximum
12 ECDC-FE6F 1st character has 250 maximum mana
13 ECDA-2E0F 2nd character has 250 maximum mana
14 ECD3-BED4 3rd character has 250 maximum mana
15 ECDD-B3A7 4th character has 250 maximum mana
16 17D8-F36F 1st character has 99 current strength
17 17D2-230F 2nd character has 99 current strength
18 17DE-B3D4 3rd character has 99 current strength
19 17DF-B2A7 4th character has 99 current strength
20 17D8-F30F 1st character has 99 maximum strength
21 17D2-23DF 2nd character has 99 maximum strength
22 17DE-B2A4 3rd character has 99 maximum strength
23 17DF-B267 4th character has 99 maximum strength
24 17D8-FE0F 1st character has 99 current dexterity
25 17D2-2EDF 2nd character has 99 current dexterity
26 17DE-B3A4 3rd character has 99 current dexterity
27 17DF-B367 4th character has 99 current dexterity
28 17D8-FEDF 1st character has 99 maximum dexterity
29 17D2-23AF 2nd character has 99 maximum dexterity
30 17DE-B364 3rd character has 99 maximum dexterity
31 17DF-B307 4th character has 99 maximum dexterity
32 17DA-FADF 1st character has 99 current wisdom
33 17D2-2EAF 2nd character has 99 current wisdom
34 17DE-BE64 3rd character has 99 current wisdom
35 17DF-BE07 4th character has 99 current wisdom
36 17D8-FEAF 1st character has 99 maximum wisdom
37 17D2-2E6F 2nd character has 99 maximum wisdom
38 17DE-BE04 3rd character has 99 maximum wisdom
39 17DF-BED7 4th character has 99 maximum wisdom
40 17DA-FAAF 1st character has 99 current vitality
41 17D3-2A6F 2nd character has 99 current vitality
42 17DD-2A04 3rd character has 99 current vitality
43 17D4-BAD7 4th character has 99 current vitality
44 17DA-FA6F 1st character has 99 maximum vitality
45 17D3-2A0F 2nd character has 99 maximum vitality
46 17DD-2AD4 3rd character has 99 maximum vitality
47 17DF-BEA7 4th character has 99 maximum vitality
48 17DA-F26F 1st character has 99 current anti-magic
49 17D3-220F 2nd character has 99 current anti-magic
50 17DD-22D4 3rd character has 99 current anti-magic
51 17D4-BAA7 4th character has 99 current anti-magic
52 17DA-F20F 1st character has 99 maximum anti-magic
53 17D3-22DF 2nd character has 99 maximum anti-magic
54 17DD-2AA4 3rd character has 99 maximum anti-magic
55 17D4-BA67 4th character has 99 maximum anti-magic
56 17DA-F30F 1st character has 99 current anti-fire
57 17D3-23DF 2nd character has 99 current anti-fire
58 17DD-22A4 3rd character has 99 current anti-fire
59 17D4-B267 4th character has 99 current anti-fire
60 17DA-F3DF 1st character has 99 maximum anti-fire
61 17D3-22AF 2nd character has 99 maximum anti-fire
62 17DD-2264 3rd character has 99 maximum anti-fire
63 17D4-B207 4th character has 99 maximum anti-fire
64 5EDA-FEAF 1st character is a level 15 fighter
65 5ED2-F20F 1st character is a level 15 ninja
66 5ED2-F3AF 1st character is a level 15 healer
67 5ED3-FA0F 1st character is a level 15 wizard
68 5ED3-2E6F 2nd character is a level 15 fighter
69 5EDE-22DF 2nd character is a level 15 ninja
70 5EDE-236F 2nd character is a level 15 healer
71 5EDD-FAD4 2nd character is a level 15 wizard
72 5EDD-2E04 3rd character is a level 15 fighter
73 5EDF-2AA4 3rd character is a level 15 ninja
74 5EDF-2304 3rd character is a level 15 healer
75 5EDF-2EA4 3rd character is a level 15 wizard
76 5ED4-BED7 4th character is a level 15 fighter
77 5ED7-BA67 4th character is a level 15 ninja
78 5ED7-B3D7 4th character is a level 15 healer
79 5ED7-BE67 4th character is a level 15 wizard
80 D5D8-FAAF 1st character has a nearly full food meter
81 D5D8-F20F 1st character has a nearly full water meter
82 D5D2-2A6F 2nd character has a nearly full food meter
83 D5D2-22DF 2nd character has a nearly full water meter
84 D5DE-BA04 3rd character has a nearly full food meter
85 D5DE-BAA4 3rd character has a nearly full water meter
86 D5DF-BAD7 4th character has a nearly full food meter
87 D5DF-BA67 4th character has a nearly full water meter

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