Case Digests - Quiz 3 (Ambrocio) (AutoRecovered)
Case Digests - Quiz 3 (Ambrocio) (AutoRecovered)
Case Digests - Quiz 3 (Ambrocio) (AutoRecovered)
217158 - March 12, 2019 the government” due to these reasons: (1)
bundling of such bids would limit the financial
capability of qualified Filipino corporations since
Petitioner/s Gios-Samar, Inc. the price would be higher, thus it violates the
Represented by “constitutional prohibitions on the anti-dummy
Gerardo Malinao (its and the grant of opportunity to the general
Chairperson) public to invest in public utilities” by citing
Respondent/s Department of Article 12, Section 10 of the 1987 Philippine
Transportation and Constitution; (2) bundling would open the door
Communications for monopolies, which also violates the
(DOTC) and Civil constitutional prohibition on monopolies as
Aviation Authority of
provided in Section 19, Article 12 of the
the Philippines
Constitution; (3) bundling is unreachable for
medium-sized Filipino corporations and will
Topic/s Role of the Judiciary
as Interpreter of “surely perpetrate an undue restraint of trade”;
Laws (4) when the agency and committee involved
Relevant Legal The doctrine of (DOTC and PBAC) decided to open the option of
Doctrine/s hierarchy of courts bundling without legal authority, they gravely
abused their discretion of using jurisdiction; and
(5) lastly, such bundling mocked the concept of
Facts: public bidding as it made it higher than the
DOTC and CAAP aimed to improve the regional normal reasonable price.
airports by executing concession agreements On the other hand, the DOTC argued the
with the private sector. On December 15, 2014, following: (1) there is no justiciable controversy
they started their objective by posting an in the petition because there has been no actual
invitation about such plan of developing and bidding yet when the petitioner filed it, which
maintaining the airports. It will be conducted makes it premature; (2) there is no legal
through competitive bidding, in which the standing for petitioner to sue; (3) the contention
bundled projects (composed of two bundles: of the petitioner that the bundling violated the
Bundle 1: Bacolod-Silay and Iloilo and Bundle 2: anti-dummy issues provided in the constitution
Davao, Laguindingan, and New Bohol/Panglao) are just speculative; (4) in connection to the
will be awarded to the bidder by undergoing a previous argument, the agency said that the
pre-qualification process. bidding process is not affected by the Section
The mechanic in the bidding process is that 11, Article 12 of the constitution; (5) it does not
either bidders may bid for only one bundle or also violate the prohibitions on monopolies or
both bundles. combinations in restraint of trade; and (6) the
CAAP and the DOTC itself contended that there
Three months after the invitation and seventeen were no grave abuse of discretion.
days after the issuance of the instructions to
bidders, through a representative, petitioner Additionally, according to the CAAP, instead of
Gios-Samar filed a petition as a taxpayer to filing the petition before the proper trial court
urgently prohibit the bidding that will be first for the factual issues to be scrutinized first,
conducted by the DOTC and CAAP “to not cause the petitioner instead files it before the
irreparable damage and injury to the coffers of Supreme Court, which violated the basic
fundamental principle of hierarchy of courts. further overcrowding of the Court's docket; and
Thus, the petitioner did not have the legal (3) prevent the inevitable and resultant delay,
capacity to file the suit which makes the petition intended or otherwise, in the adjudication of
have no cause of action. cases which often have to be remanded or
referred to the lower court as the proper forum
The petitioner answered those arguments by
under the rules of procedure, or as the court
asserting that filing the petition before the
better equipped to resolve factual questions.
Supreme Court is a matter of concern for the
public interest and transcendental importance. The Supreme Court has allowed litigants to
Furthermore, filing it even before the conduct of seek direct relief from It upon allegation of
the bidding is the very purpose of it since there "serious and important reasons." through the
have already been groups that pre-qualified to following circumstances:
the bidding. The petitioner also insisted that he
(1) when there are genuine issues of
had the legal standing to file the suit since he
constitutionality that must be addressed at the
has Malinao as his duly authorized
most immediate time; (2) when the issues
involved are of transcendental importance; (3)
Issue: cases of first impression; (4) the constitutional
issues raised are better decided by the Court;
Whether or not the petition violated the basic
(5) exigency in certain situations; (6) the filed
fundamental principle of hierarchy of courts?
petition reviews the act of a constitutional
Ruling: organ; (7) when petitioners rightly claim that
they had no other plain, speedy, and adequate
Yes. The doctrine of hierarchy of courts dictates remedy in the ordinary course of law that could
that direct recourse to the Supreme Court is free them from the injurious effects of
allowed only to resolve questions of law, respondents' acts in violation of their right to
notwithstanding the invocation of paramount or freedom of expression; and (8) the petition
transcendental importance of the action. includes questions that are "dictated by
This doctrine is not mere policy, rather, it public welfare and the advancement of
is a constitutional filtering mechanism public policy, or demanded by the broader
designed to enable the Court to focus interest of justice, or the orders complained of
on the more fundamental and essential tasks were found to be patent nullities, or the
assigned to it by the highest law of the land. appeal was considered as clearly an
Thus, although the SC, the CA, and the RTC have inappropriate remedy."
concurrent original jurisdiction over petitions
for certiorari, prohibition, mandamus, quo The court is not a trier of facts, and it is beyond
warranto, and habeas corpus, parties are its function to make its own findings of certain
directed, as a rule, to file their petitions vital facts different from those of the trial court,
before the lower-ranked court. Failure to especially based on the conflicting claims of the
comply is sufficient cause for the dismissal parties and without the evidence being properly
of the petition. before it. While the petitioner asserts that the
arguments it raises involve legal (as opposed to
This doctrine operates to: (1) prevent inordinate factual) issues, the court’s examination of the
demands upon the Court's time and attention petition showed otherwise. Petitioner's
which are better devoted to those matters arguments against the constitutionality of
within its exclusive jurisdiction; (2) prevent the bundling of the Projects are
inextricably intertwined with underlying Provincial Board of Canvassers as the member-
questions of fact, the determination of which elect of the National Assembly. Thereafter, he
require the reception of evidence. took his oath of office.
To summarize, when a question before the After issuing the Resolution No. 8 by the
Court involves determination of a factual issue National Assembly, which confirms the election
indispensable to the resolution of the legal of those who have not received any protest
issue, the Court will refuse to resolve the before adopting the mentioned resolution,
question regardless of the allegation or respondent Ynsua filed a Motion to Protest
invocation of compelling reasons such as petitioner Angara before the Electoral
transcendental importance. It must first be Commission of the National Assembly.
brought before the proper trial courts or CA.
The Electoral Commission then again issued its
Given that the Supreme Court is not a trier of Resolution No. 9, stating that any protest that
facts and cannot resolve these factual issues at was not submitted on or before that day will not
the first instance, it resolved to dismiss the be considered.
On the other hand, petitioner filed a Motion to
Dismiss the Protest before the Electoral
Commission and argued that the Motion to
G.R. No. L-45081 - July 15, 1936
Protest filed by respondent Ynsua was out of
Angara vs. Electoral Commission the prescribed period since the latter was filed
on December 8, 1935.
Petitioner/s Jose A. Angara
Seven days after, Ynsua replied an Answer to the
Respondent/s The Electoral Motion of Dismissal contending that there is no
Commission, Pedro constitutional provision excepting a protest
Ynsua, Miguel against an elected member of the National
Castillo, and Dionisio Assembly upon confirmation.
C. Mayor
When Petitioner replied to the said answer of
Topic/s Role of the Judiciary respondent Ynsua, the Electoral Commission
as Interpreter of issued a resolution denying the former’s Motion
Laws to Dismiss the Protest.
Relevant Legal Separation of Powers Petitioner then filed for an issuance of a writ of
Doctrine/s prohibition to prevent the Electoral Commission
from taking further cognizance of the protest of
respondent Ynsua. According to Angara, the
Facts: constitution bestows exclusive jurisdiction on
the National Assembly to “regulate the
Petitioner Jose Angara together with the
proceedings of election contests” and the
respondents, Pedro Ynsua, Miguel Castillo, and
Electoral Commission has the power that is
Dionisio Mayor were the candidates for the
limited to the merits of contested elections to
position of member of the National Assembly
the National Assembly only. Therefore, the
for the first district of Tayabas during the 1935
Supreme Court has no jurisdiction to hear the
elections. Petitioner was then proclaimed by the
case, as argued by the petitioner.
and is the power and duty to see that no
one branch or agency of government
transcends the Constitution, which is the
Issue: source of all authority.
Whether the Supreme Court has jurisdiction In the case at bar, there is an actual
over the Electoral Commission controversy because it involves a conflict of
a grave constitutional nature between the
Ruling: National Assembly and the Electoral
Yes. The Supreme Court ruled that the Commission on the other. The Electoral
separation of powers is a fundamental principle Commission is a constitutional organ, created
in our system of government. It obtains not for a specific purpose to determine all contests
through express provision but by actual relating to the election, returns and
division in our Constitution. Each department qualifications of the members of the
has exclusive cognizance of matters within its National Assembly. Although the Electoral
jurisdiction and is supreme within its own Commission may not be interfered with, when
sphere. But it does not follow from the fact that and while acting within the limits of its
the three powers are to be kept separate and authority, it does not follow that it is
distinct that the Constitution intended them to beyond the reach of the constitutional
be absolutely unrestrained and independent of mechanism adopted by the people and that
each other. The Constitution has provided for it is not subject to constitutional restrictions.
an elaborate system of checks and balances The Electoral Commission is not a separate
to secure coordination in the workings of the department of the government. Thus, the court
various departments of the government. has jurisdiction over the Electoral Commission.
In cases of conflict between several To conclude, the Supreme Court denied the
departments and among agencies, the petition for a writ of prohibition against the
judiciary, with the Supreme Court as the final Electoral Commission with costs against the
arbiter, is the only constitutional mechanism petitioner.
devised finally to resolve the conflict and
allocate constitutional boundaries.
G.R. No. 217910 - September 03, 2019
The Constitution is a definition of the powers of
government. The Constitution itself has Falcis vs. Civil Registrar General
provided for the instrumentality of the judiciary
Petitioner/s Jesus Nicardo M.
as the rational way. And when the judiciary
Falcis, III
mediates to allocate constitutional boundaries,
it does not assert any superiority over the other Respondent/s Civil Registrar
departments; it does not nullify an act of the General
legislature, but only asserts the solemn and
sacred obligation assigned to it by the Topic/s Role of the Judiciary
Constitution. This is in truth all that is involved as Interpreter of
in what is termed “judicial supremacy". Judicial Laws
Supremacy is but the power of judicial review in Relevant Legal Legal Standing
actual and appropriate cases and controversies Doctrine/s
and injury-in-fact but still sought an opinion
from the Supreme Court.
Petitioner together with petitioners-intervenors,
Petitioner challenged the constitutionality of
LGBTS Christian Church, Inc. (LGBTS Church),
the provisions of the Family Code specifically
Reverend Crescencio "Ceejay" Agbayani, Jr.
Articles 1, 2, 46 (Paragraph 4), and 55
(Reverend Agbayani), Marlon Felipe (Felipe),
(Paragraph 6) by filing a petition before the
and Maria Arlyn "Sugar" Ibañez (Ibañez) filed a
Supreme Court.
Motion for Leave to Intervene and Admit
In one of his arguments, he cited various Attached Petition in Intervention. Through the
separate opinions of different Justices from motion, petitioners-intervenors asked the court
their earlier decided cases and claimed that the to allow them to be involved in the proceedings
resort in filing such petition was appropriate. since (1) they offer further procedural and
substantive arguments; (2) their rights will not
According to him, the Supreme Court should be protected in a separate proceeding; and (3)
follow a fresh approach to its judicial power they have an interest in the outcome of this
since his petition is a constitutional case case.
attended by grave abuse of discretion.
Moreover, he also asserted that the issues he Thereafter, a Petition-in-Intervention was filed
raised were of such transcendental importance seeking the same reliefs as those in Falcis'
as to warrant the setting aside of procedural Petition, namely: (1) the declaration of
niceties. unconstitutionality of Articles 1 and 2 of the
Family Code; and (2) the invalidation of Articles
He argued that his petition complied with these 46(4) and 55(6) of the Family Code.
requisites of judicial review: (1) actual case or
controversy; (2) standing (due to him being “an Issue:
open and self-identified homosexual” who
Whether or not the self-identification of
challenged the constitutionality of the Family
petitioner as a member of the LGBTQI+
Code since it has a “normative impact” on the
community gives him standing to challenge the
status of the same-sex marriage in the
Family Code.
Philippines); (3) raised at the earliest
opportunity; and (4) the very lis mota of the Ruling:
case is the constitutional question.
No. The petitioner did not meet the requisite of
He reiterated that there is a facial challenge on direct injury hence he does not have legal
Articles 1 and 2 of the Family Code as they standing. To possess this, he must show “a
regulate fundamental rights such as “the right personal and substantial interest in the case
to due process and equal protection, right to such that he sustained or will sustain direct
decisional and marital privacy, and the right to injury as a result of the governmental act that is
find a family in accordance with religious being challenged.” The requirement of direct
convictions.” injury guarantees that the party who sues has
such personal stake in the outcome of the
On the other hand, respondent, Civil Registrar
controversy and, in effect, assures “that
General prays that the petition will be dismissed
concrete adverseness which sharpens the
as it is just a personal matter to petitioner since
presentation of issues upon which the court
he failed to show the actual case or controversy
depends for illumination of difficult impact” is insufficient to establish the
constitutional questions.” connection between the Family Code and his
alleged injury.
The requirements of legal standing and the
actual case and controversy are both “built on Wherefore, all the petitions are dismissed.
the principle of separation of powers, sparing as
it does unnecessary interference or invalidation
by the judicial branch of the actions rendered by
its co-equal branches of government.”
In view of the seriousness, novelty and weight The petitioners also question the
as precedents, not only to the public, but also to constitutionality of the RH Law, claiming that it
the bench and bar, the issues raised must be violates Section 26(1), Article VI of the
resolved for the guidance of all. After all, the RH Constitution,122 prescribing the one subject-
Law drastically affects the constitutional one title rule. According to them, being one for
provisions on the right to life and health, the reproductive health with responsible
freedom of religion and expression and other parenthood, the assailed legislation violates the
constitutional rights. constitutional standards of due process by
concealing its true intent - to act as a population
control measure. To belittle the challenge, the
respondents insist that the RH Law is not a birth subject/one bill rule. In Benjamin E. Cawaling, Jr.
or population control measure, and that the v. The Commission on Elections and Rep. Francis
concepts of "responsible parenthood" and Joseph G Escudero, it was written: It is well-
"reproductive health" are both interrelated as settled that the "one title-one subject" rule
they are inseparable. Despite efforts to push the does not require the Congress to employ in the
RH Law as a reproductive health law, the Court title of the enactment language of such
sees it as principally a population control precision as to mirror, fully index or catalogue all
measure. The corpus of the RH Law is geared the contents and the minute details therein. The
towards the reduction of the country's rule is sufficiently complied with if the title is
population. While it claims to save lives and comprehensive enough as to include the
keep our women and children healthy, it also general object which the statute seeks to effect,
promotes pregnancy-preventing products. As and where, as here, the persons interested are
stated earlier, the RH Law emphasizes the need informed of the nature, scope and
to provide Filipinos, especially the poor and the consequences of the proposed law and its
marginalized, with access to information on the operation. Moreover, this Court has invariably
full range of modem family planning products adopted a liberal rather than technical
and methods. These family planning methods, construction of the rule "so as not to cripple or
natural or modem, however, are clearly geared impede legislation." In this case, a textual
towards the prevention of pregnancy. analysis of the various provisions of the law
shows that both "reproductive health" and
For said reason, the manifest underlying
"responsible parenthood" are interrelated and
objective of the RH Law is to reduce the number
germane to the overriding objective to control
of births in the country. It cannot be denied that
the population growth.
the measure also seeks to provide pre-natal and
post-natal care as well. A large portion of the As expressed in the first paragraph of Section 2
law, however, covers the dissemination of of the RH Law:
information and provisions on access to
SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy. - The State
medically-safe, non-abortifacient, effective,
recognizes and guarantees the human rights of
legal, affordable, and quality reproductive
all persons including their right to equality and
health care services, methods, devices, and
nondiscrimination of these rights, the right to
supplies, which are all intended to prevent
sustainable human development, the right to
pregnancy. The Court, thus, agrees with the
health which includes reproductive health, the
petitioners' contention that the whole idea of
right to education and information, and the
contraception pervades the entire RH Law. It is,
right to choose and make decisions for
in fact, the central idea of the RH Law. Indeed,
themselves in accordance with their religious
remove the provisions that refer to
convictions, ethics, cultural beliefs, and the
contraception or are related to it and the RH
demands of responsible parenthood.
Law loses its very foundation. As earlier
explained, "the other positive provisions such as The one subject/one title rule expresses the
skilled birth attendance, maternal care including principle that the title of a law must not be "so
pre-and post-natal services, prevention and uncertain that the average person reading it
management of reproductive tract infections would not be informed of the purpose of the
including HIV/AIDS are already provided for in enactment or put on inquiry as to its contents,
the Magna Carta for Women." Be that as it may, or which is misleading, either in referring to or
the RH Law does not violate the one indicating one subject where another or
different one is really embraced in the act, or in rights which are legally demandable and
omitting any expression or indication of the real enforceable, and to determine whether or not
subject or scope of the act." Considering the there has been a grave abuse of discretion
close intimacy between "reproductive health" amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on
and "responsible parenthood" which bears to the part of any branch or instrumentality of the
the attainment of the goal of achieving Government.
"sustainable human development" as stated
Actual Case or Controversy
under its terms, the Court finds no reason to
believe that Congress intentionally sought to Proponents of the RH Law submit that the
deceive the public as to the contents of the subject petitions do not present any actual case
assailed legislation. or controversy because the RH Law has yet to be
implemented. They claim that the questions
Wherefore, the petitions are Partially Granted.
raised by the petitions are not yet concrete and
ripe for adjudication since no one has been
charged with violating any of its provisions and
that there is no showing that any of the
petitioners' rights has been adversely affected
by its operation. In short, it is contended that
judicial review of the RH Law is premature. An
actual case or controversy means an existing
case or controversy that is appropriate or ripe
for determination, not conjectural or
anticipatory, lest the decision of the court would
amount to an advisory opinion. The rule is that
courts do not sit to adjudicate mere academic
questions to satisfy scholarly interest, however
intellectually challenging. The controversy must
be justiciable-definite and concrete, touching on
the legal relations of parties having adverse
legal interests. In other words, the pleadings
must show an active antagonistic assertion of a
legal right, on the one hand, and a denial
thereof, on the other; that is, it must concern a
The Power of Judicial Review real, tangible and not merely a theoretical
question or issue. There ought to be an actual
In many cases involving the determination of and substantial controversy admitting of specific
the constitutionality of the actions of the relief through a decree conclusive in nature, as
Executive and the Legislature, it is often sought distinguished from an opinion advising what the
that the Court temper its exercise of judicial law would be upon a hypothetical state of facts.
power and accord due respect to the wisdom of Corollary to the requirement of an actual case
its co-equal branch on the basis of the principle or controversy is the requirement of ripeness. A
of separation of powers. question is ripe for adjudication when the act
Judicial power includes the duty of the courts of being challenged has had a direct adverse effect
justice to settle actual controversies involving on the individual challenging it. For a case to be
considered ripe for adjudication, it is a largely depends for illumination of difficult
prerequisite that something has then been constitutional questions. In relation to locus
accomplished or performed by either branch standi, the "as applied challenge" embodies the
before a court may come into the picture, and rule that one can challenge the constitutionality
the petitioner must allege the existence of an of a statute only if he asserts a violation of his
immediate or threatened injury to himself as a own rights. The rule prohibits one from
result of the challenged action. challenging the constitutionality of the statute
grounded on a violation of the rights of third
persons not before the court. This rule is also
Facial Challenge known as the prohibition against third-party