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12/10/21, 9:49 AM Surgery 2 SEPT Batch 2021-2022 2nd LE

4. What is the half time of solid emptying of the stomach? *

(1 Point)

120 minutes

30 minutes

12 minutes

60 minutes

5. What is the most common primary malignant neoplasm of the stomach? *

(1 Point)


Malignant GIST


Squamous cell carcinoma

6. Which of the following diagnostics is considered a gold standard for gastric

cancer? *
(1 Point)

Endoscopy with biopsy

MRI of the abdomen

CT scan

Upper GI series

7. Match the Hinchey Stage to the Clinical Manifestation of Diverticulitis

Clinical Manifestation: Fecal peritonitis
(1 Point)

Stage II

Stage I… 2/29
12/10/21, 9:49 AM Surgery 2 SEPT Batch 2021-2022 2nd LE

Stage III

Stage IV

8. Clinical manifestations differentiating Right-sided colonic cancer from Left-

sided: *
(1 Point)

More likely to cause painful bleeding

They are less likely to cause bowel obstruction

Tend to occur with change in bowel habits and gross bleeding

Produces an “apple-core” deformity on Barium enema

9. Which of the following is treatment for duodenal ulcer? *

(1 Point)

Vagotomy and drainage

Vagotomy and Antrectomy

Oversewing, vagotomy and drainage

Patch, highly selective vagotomy

10. The development of the esophagus is at the 3rd week AOG and is from the
primitive midgut. *
(1 Point)



11. Characterized by chest pain in relation to GERD rather than intraluminal

hypertension, this disease entity may be treated with calcium channel blockers
and antispasmodics. *
(1 Point)… 3/29
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Ineffective esophageal motility disorder

Nutcracker esophagus

Diffuse esophageal spasm

Hypertensive lower esophageal sphincter

12. What is the average daily secretion of the small intestine? *

(1 Point)

2000 ml

1500 ml

1000 ml

500 ml

13. Which of the following statements is true about peptic ulcer disease? *
(1 Point)

H. Pylori infection is more commonly associated with hemorrhage and perforation

NSAID use causes acid hypersecretion

H. Pylori can be treated with antibiotics alone

Majority are caused by Helicobacter pylori infection

14. This clinical syndrome is associated with polyposis with alopecia, cutaneous
pigmentation, and atrophy of the fingernails and toenails: *
(1 Point)

Cowden Syndrome

Cronkite Canada syndrome

Juvenile polyposis

Peutz-Jeghers syndrome… 4/29
12/10/21, 9:49 AM Surgery 2 SEPT Batch 2021-2022 2nd LE

15. A 65 y/o male has undergone colonoscopy for a 1 year history of

hematochezia. Patient was noted to have a 1.5 x 1 cm pedunculated polyp ~ 25
cms from the anal verge. Which of the following should be done? *
(1 Point)

Sigmoidectomy + primary anastomosis

Saline Lift

Endoscopic submucosal dissection

Snare excision

Observe only

16. The acute phase of caustic injury focuses on the treatment of strictures. *
(1 Point)



17. Which of the following is the most distal segment of the small intestine? *
(1 Point)




18. Which of the following is the most common indication for surgery in a patient
with Crohn’s disease? *
(1 Point)

Intestinal obstruction

Intestinal perforation

Growth retardation… 5/29
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Gastrointestinal hemorrhage

19. The most common site of diverticular disease of the colon is the: *
(1 Point)

Ascending colon

Transverse colon

Sigmoid colon

Descending colon

20. Which structure marks the beginning of the pyloric antrum? *

(1 Point)

Angle of His

Greater curvature

Lesser curvature

Angularis incisura

21. The following blood vessels are ligated during a Left hemicolectomy, EXCEPT: *
(1 Point)

Left branches of the middle colic artery

Middle colic artery

Left colic artery

First branches of the sigmoid artery

22. When compared with normal ileal fluid, ileostomy effluent contains a 100-fold
increase in the number of aerobes and a 2500-fold increase in the number of
coliform bacteria. *
(1 Point)… 6/29
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23. In the management of massive, acute lower GI hemorrhage, the following

principles apply: *
(1 Point)

Radionuclide imaging or Tagged RBC scan can be used as the sole basis to plan surgical

Insert an NGT in order to identify if a potential bleeding source is proximal to the

ligament of Treitz

Colonoscopy has no role in the management of massive acute lower GI bleeding.

Perform CT angiography to verify the source of bleeding

24. A 24-year-old male patient was brought to the ER because of abdominal pain
and distention associated with vomiting. On PE, abdomen is distended with
mild to moderate tenderness and hypoactive bowel sounds. Two years prior,
patient underwent exploratory laparotomy with segmental bowel resection
secondary to gun shot wound. What is the likely diagnosis? *
(1 Point)


Post-op adhesion

Acute appendicitis

Intestinal malignancy

25. Hypertensive lower esophageal motility disorder is considered as a primary

esophageal motility disorder. *
(1 Point)


True… 7/29
12/10/21, 9:49 AM Surgery 2 SEPT Batch 2021-2022 2nd LE

26. This condition is an autosomal dominant genetic abnormality from a mutation

in the APC gene which results in hundreds to thousands of adenomatous
polyps after puberty: *
(1 Point)

Familial Adenomatous Polyposis

Attenuated FAP

Familial Colorectal Cancer

Lynch Syndrome

27. Only observation is warranted in 1st or 2nd degree burns of the esophagus as
seen in esophagoscopy. *
(1 Point)



28. Lymphatics of the distal greater curvature of the stomach drains into which
group of nodes? *
(1 Point)

R gastric nodes

L gastroepiploic chain

R gastroepiploic chain

Splenic hilum

29. The vagal nerves and the esophageal nerve plexus lie on the muscular wall of
the thoracic esophagus. *
(1 Point)


False… 8/29
12/10/21, 9:49 AM Surgery 2 SEPT Batch 2021-2022 2nd LE

30. Which of the following statements is true about the treatment of gastric
cancer? *
(1 Point)

Adequate lymphadenectomy should involve at least 5 lymph nodes

Surgical resection is the ONLY curative treatment for gastric cancer

Curative resection is always possible in all cases of gastric cancer

Tumor margin should be< or equal to 2cm

31. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding small intestines? *

(1 Point)

Ileum is located retroperitoneally.

Jejunum is the longest segment comprising about 60% of the entire length of the small

Duodenum is the shortest segment and is bounded by the pylorus and ligament of

The vasa recta is longer distally.

32. The lower esophageal sphincter is entirely separated from the abdominal
esophagus. *
(1 Point)



33. In colorectal cancer surgery, what is the minimum required number of lymph
nodes that should be harvested? *
(1 Point)

12… 9/29
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34. Which of the following is NOT considered an alarm symptom indicating need
for endoscopy? *
(1 Point)

Weight loss

Epigastric pain



35. The cicatrization phase of caustic injury is where stricture formation should be
addressed and prevented. *
(1 Point)



36. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding embryonic development

of the small intestine? *
(1 Point)

Lengthening of the bowel begins at the 5th week AOG with subsequent extracelomic

The embryonic gut tube is formed from the mesoderm at 4th week AOG.

Peritoneal cavity results from the division of the endoderm at around 5th week AOG.

37. The degree and extent of lesions in the acute phase of caustic injury is
dependent on the contact time and concentration of the substance. *
(1 Point)

False… 10/29
12/10/21, 9:49 AM Surgery 2 SEPT Batch 2021-2022 2nd LE


38. An epiphrenic diverticula which arise from the terminal third of the thoracic
vertebrae is associated with diffuse spasm or achalasia, is diagnosed thru: *
(1 Point)

Incidentally seen in thoracic CT scan

Chest xray

Endoscopic ultrasound

Barium esophagogram

39. Fibers from the posterior vagus nerve found in the posterior aspect of the
fundus is known as *
(1 Point)

Nerves of the Latarjet

Hepatic branch of the left vagus

Celiac branch of the right vagus

Criminal nerve of Grassi

40. The squamocolumnar epithelial junction identifies the gastroesophageal

junction. *
(1 Point)



41. The esophagus deviates to the left in the lower portion of the neck and upper
portion of the thorax and returns to the midline in the midportion of the thorax
near the bifurcation of the trachea. *
(1 Point)… 11/29
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42. Which of the following is a function of the stomach? *

(1 Point)

Regulates production of cholesterol

Produces cholecystokinin

Where early enzymatic digestion starts

Facilitates digestion and absorption

43. Following an abdominal surgery, when would small bowel motility be expected
to return? *
(1 Point)

48 hours

12 hours

72 hours

24 hours

44. Which of the following is true about gastric glands? *

(1 Point)

Oxyntic or parietal cells make up the majority in the stomach

Gastrin secreting G cells are mostly in the fundus

Parietal cells secrete acid, intrinsic factor and bicarbonate

Parietal and chief cells are predominant in the antrum… 12/29
12/10/21, 9:49 AM Surgery 2 SEPT Batch 2021-2022 2nd LE

45. Match the Hinchey Stage to the Clinical Manifestation of Diverticulitis

Clinical Manifestation: Pelvic abscess
(1 Point)

Stage I

Stage IV

Stage II

Stage III

46. An important diagnostic tool to accurately assess the depth of invasion of

neoplastic lesions in the rectum: *
(1 Point)

Endorectal ultrasound

CT scan with IV contrast



47. What is the most prevalent congenital anomaly of the GI tract? *

(1 Point)

Chron’s disease

Intestinal atresia


Meckel’s diverticulum

48. The left gastric artery and inferior phrenic arteries supply the abdominal
portion of the esophagus. *
(1 Point)… 13/29
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49. TRUE regarding diverticular bleeding: *

(1 Point)

Fluid resuscitation is crucial to stop the bleeding process.

Bleeding is due to erosion of the peridiverticular arteriole

If bleeding persists for 24 hours, colonoscopy is the next step.

Most cases require urgent surgical management

50. What is the main blood supply to the small intestine? *

(1 Point)

Pacreaticoduodenal artery

Inferior mesenteric artery

Superior mesenteric artery

Gastroduodenal artery

51. This artery mainly supplies the cecum, ascending, and proximal transverse
colon: *
(1 Point)

Superior Mesenteric Artery

Celiac trunk

Gastroepiploic Artery

Middle colic artery

52. Which of the following drains to the superior mesenteric veins? *

(1 Point)… 14/29
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L gastroepiploic vein

R gastric vein

L gastric vein

R gastroepiploic vein

53. The constrictions of the esophagus hold up swallowed foreign objects and the
overlying mucosa is subject to injury by swallowed corrosive liquids due to their
slow passage thru these areas. *
(1 Point)



54. What is the best type of imaging used to detect pneumoperitoneum? *

(1 Point)

Abdominal CT scan

Upright chest film

Abdominal MRI

Plain abdominal film

55. The most serious complication of Zenker’s diverticula is:

(1 Point)




Aspiration… 15/29
12/10/21, 9:49 AM Surgery 2 SEPT Batch 2021-2022 2nd LE

56. Regarding the microscopic appearance of Crohn’s disease, which of the

following statements is true? *
(1 Point)

The disease is confined to the mucosa and submucosa.

Granulomas demonstrating caseation without acid-fast bacilli confirm the diagnosis.

Marked lymphangiectasia is a prominent microscopic feature.

The disease is confined to the mucosa.

Submucosal fibrosis occurs secondary to bacterial invasion.

57. The most common cause of Lower GI hemorrhage among infants and young
children is: *
(1 Point)


Inflammatory bowel disease

Meckel’s diverticulum

Intestinal duplication

58. Pancreatic tissue is the most common ectopic tissue found in Meckel's
(1 Point)



59. Which of the following is an inhibitory neurotransmitter involved in gastric

innervation? *
(1 Point)

Substance P… 16/29
12/10/21, 9:49 AM Surgery 2 SEPT Batch 2021-2022 2nd LE

Nitric oxide



60. True about intestinal fistula: *

(1 Point)

More than 80% is due to iatrogenic complications

Presence of distal obstruction is insignificant

The treatment is always surgical

It is almost always high output

61. Which of the following is NOT an indication for surgery in the treatment of
duodenal and gastric ulcer? *
(1 Point)



Chronic epigastric pain


62. This procedure is oncologically the most appropriate operation for curative
intent resection of operable ascending colon carcinoma: *
(1 Point)

Right hemicolectomy

Left hemicolectomy

Subtotal colectomy

Transverse colectomy… 17/29
12/10/21, 9:49 AM Surgery 2 SEPT Batch 2021-2022 2nd LE

63. Which of the following is appropriate surgical treatment for proximal tumors? *
(1 Point)

Total gastrectomy

Radical subtotal gastrectomy


Wide excision

64. Which of the following stimulates secretion or inhibits absorption of water in

the intestine? *
(1 Point)





65. Which of the following is also known as the lesser omentum? *

(1 Point)

Omental bursa

Gastronomic omentum

Splenorenal ligament

Hepatogastric ligament

66. Mimics achalasia but produces a larger degree of dysphagia with substernal
pain and shows a corkscrew deformity on barium esophagogram: *
(1 Point)

Diffuse esophageal spasm

Nutcracker esophagus… 18/29
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Ineffective esophageal motility disorder

Hypertensive lower esophageal sphincter

67. A defining feature that will help determine Ulcerative colitis from Crohn’s
disease is: *
(1 Point)

Absence of cobblestone appearance of the colonic mucosa

Rectum is only very rarely involved in disease

Fistula formation is common

Affects any part of the GIT from the mouth to the anus

68. What is the most common genetic abnormality involved in gastric cancer? *
(1 Point)

ras overexpression

COX-2 amplification

Microsatellite instability

E-cadherin gene suppression

69. Which of the following stimulates absorption or inhibits secretion of water in

the intestine? *
(1 Point)


Substance P


Acetylcholine… 19/29
12/10/21, 9:49 AM Surgery 2 SEPT Batch 2021-2022 2nd LE

70. Final pathological report after sigmoidectomy showed tumor size of 5x5 cm
invading up to the subserosa. All of the 12 nodes were negative for
malignancy. What is the TN stage of this patient?
(1 Point)





71. Which of the following plain abdominal x-ray findings will indicate a small
bowel obstruction? *
(1 Point)

Paucity of air in the colon

free air levels seen in upright films

well spaced gas pattern in the small intestines

thickness of the bowel walls

72. Which of the following statements is true about the blood supply of the
stomach? *
(1 Point)

Even if just one artery is ligated, vascular compromise will ensue

Angiographic control of gastric bleeding requires embolization of just one of the main
feeding arteries

Can be used as a shunt to decompress patients with portal hypertension

Most arteries are end arteries with no significant collaterals… 20/29
12/10/21, 9:49 AM Surgery 2 SEPT Batch 2021-2022 2nd LE

73. The center narrowing of the esophagus is created by the diaphragmatic

constriction. *
(1 Point)



74. The acute necrotic phase of caustic injury is marked by coagulation of

intracellular proteins resulting in cell necrosis. *
(1 Point)



75. Which of the following produces somatostatin? *

(1 Point)

Parietal cell

D cell

Chief cell

Enterochromaffin-like cell

76. Which of the following is the pathogenesis of Achalasia?

(1 Point)

Initiated by a viral infection



Intra luminal obstruction… 21/29
12/10/21, 9:49 AM Surgery 2 SEPT Batch 2021-2022 2nd LE

77. The most common benign neoplasm of the intestine is the adenoma.
(1 Point)



78. A 15-year-old male was wheeled into the operating room for an emergency
appendectomy. Intra-operative findings revealed normal appendix. However,
upon examination of the proximal small bowel segment, there was note of a
tubular outpouching approximately 100 cm from the ileocecal valve. What is
the most likely diagnosis? *
(1 Point)

Small intestinal adenoma

Meckel’s diverticulum

Enteric fistula

79. Match the Hinchey Stage to the Clinical Manifestation of Diverticulitis

Clinical Manifestation: Purulent Peritonitis
(1 Point)

Stage I

Stage IV

Stage II

Stage III

80. Which of the following can be directly absorbed by the intestinal epithelium? *
(1 Point)


Glucose… 22/29
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81. Which of the following structures form the microscopic boundary for invasive
gastric carcinoma? *
(1 Point)

Lamina propria

Muscularis mucosa

Surface epithelium


82. Which of the following is an indication for surgical intervention for Ulcerative
Colitis? *
(1 Point)

Toxic megacolon

Response to medications

Presence of ulcerations

Minor GI bleeding

83. Which of the following BEST describes the characteristic manifestations of

Chron’s disease? *
(1 Point)

Cobblestone appearance of the mucosa

Inflammation can affect discontinuous portions of intestine ("skip lesions“)

All of the statement best described Chron's disease.

Note of encroachment of mesenteric fat onto the serosal surface of the bowel (Fat
wrapping)… 23/29
12/10/21, 9:49 AM Surgery 2 SEPT Batch 2021-2022 2nd LE

84. The middle thyroid arteries supply the cervical portion of the esophagus. *
(1 Point)



85. Which of the following is NOT considered a prognostic indicator for stomach
cancer? *
(1 Point)

Tumor grade

Size of the tumor

Tumor depth

Lymph node involvement

86. Peyer’s patches are part of the GALT and function as an inductive site to
process foreign antigens. *
(1 Point)



87. The genetic defects associated with this autosomal dominant disease arise
from errors in mismatch repair, the phenotypic result is Microsatellite
Instability. *
(1 Point)

Familial Adenomatous Polyposis

Familial Colorectal Cancer

Attenuated FAP

Lynch Syndrome… 24/29
12/10/21, 9:49 AM Surgery 2 SEPT Batch 2021-2022 2nd LE

88. Degenerative changes in achalasia results in the following event/s: *

(1 Point)

Sphincter relaxation on swallowing

Loss of progressive peristalsis in the body of the esophagus

Laxity of the lower esophageal sphincter

Esophageal constriction

89. Small bowel strangulation is confirmed with which finding in the CT-scan? *
(1 Point)

Collapsed distal bowels

Pneumatosis intestinalis

Thinned out bowel walls

Ill defined gas patterns

90. Inactivation of the following genes lead to the adenoma-carcinoma sequence

leading to colorectal cancer, EXCEPT: *
(1 Point)





91. The esophagus has only 2 layers, lacking a serosa which is present in other GI
structures. *
(1 Point)


True… 25/29
12/10/21, 9:49 AM Surgery 2 SEPT Batch 2021-2022 2nd LE

92. Which of the following are the cells of origin of Gastrointestinal stromal
tumors? *
(1 Point)

Meissner’s autonomic submucosal plexus

Lamina propria

Interstitial cells of Cajal

Auerbach’s plexus

93. Match the Hinchey Stage to the Clinical Manifestation of Diverticulitis

Clinical Manifestation: Pericolic abscess
(1 Point)

Stage II

Stage III

Stage IV

Stage I

94. A 56-year-old male patient was diagnosed to have bowel obstruction through
abdominal CT-scan. What would be the appropriate initial management? *
(1 Point)

insert foley catheter for urine output

Insert NGT for decompression

Insert central line for hydration

Insert rectal tube for decompression… 26/29
12/10/21, 9:49 AM Surgery 2 SEPT Batch 2021-2022 2nd LE

95. Characterized by simultaneous, nonperistaltic contractions and repetitive and

multipeaked contractions in manometry: *
(1 Point)

Nutcracker esophagus

Ineffective esophageal motility disorder

Diffuse esophageal spasm

Hypertensive lower esophageal sphincter

96. Which of the following is the most common complication of duodenal and
gastric ulcer? *
(1 Point)





97. If a diverticulum is large enough to persist after a myotomy, it may be sutures

in an inverted position to the prevertebral fascia. This is called: *
(1 Point)





98. Pulsion diverticula is a false diverticula due to elevated intraluminal pressures

generated from abnormal motility disorders *
(1 Point)… 27/29
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99. Which of the following conditions is not associated with an increased risk for
small bowel malignancy? *
(1 Point)

Peutz-Jegher Syndrome

Celiac disease

Crohn’s disease

Familial adenomatous polyposis


100. This U-shaped striated pelvic floor muscle serves as a sling that regulates
defecation: *
(1 Point)

Levator ani




101. This type of adenomatous polyp may harbour cancer in up to 40% of cases: *
(1 Point)

Tubulovillous adenoma

Tubular adenoma

Hyperplastic polyp

Villous adenoma… 28/29
12/10/21, 9:49 AM Surgery 2 SEPT Batch 2021-2022 2nd LE

102. This tumor marker is found to be elevated in 60-90% of colorectal cancers: *

(1 Point)






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