Crab Identify Shell

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TYPE Original Research

PUBLISHED 07 February 2023

DOI 10.3389/fmars.2023.1093542

A Part-based Deep Learning

OPEN ACCESS Network for identifying individual
Simone Marini,
National Research Council (CNR), Italy
crabs using abdomen images
Marco Spoto, Chenjie Wu 1, Zhijun Xie 1,2*, Kewei Chen 3, Ce Shi 4,5*,
National Research Council (CNR), Italy
Mattia Cavaiola, Yangfang Ye 4, Yu Xin 1, Roozbeh Zarei 6 and Guangyan Huang 6
University of Genoa, Italy
Luciano Ortenzi,
Department of Information Science and Engineering, Ningbo University, Ningbo, China, 2 Zhejiang
University of Tuscia, Italy Engineering Research Center of Advanced Mass Spectrometry and Clinical Application, Ningbo, China,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, Ningbo University, Ningbo, China, 4 School of
*CORRESPONDENCE Marine Sciences, Ningbo University, Ningbo, China, 5 Key Laboratory of Applied Marine Biotechnology,
Zhijun Xie Ningbo University, Chinese Ministry of Education, Ningbo, China, 6 School of Information Technology,
[email protected] Deakin University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Ce Shi
[email protected]

This article was submitted to Crabs, such as swimming crabs and mud crabs, are famous for their high nutritional
Ocean Observation,
value but are difficult to preserve. Thus, the traceability of crabs is vital for food safety.
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Marine Science Existing deep-learning methods can be applied to identify individual crabs. However,
RECEIVED 10 November 2022 there is no previous study that used abdomen images to identify individual crabs. In this
ACCEPTED 17 January 2023 paper, we provide a novel Part-based Deep Learning Network (PDN) to reliably identify
PUBLISHED 07 February 2023 an individual crab from its abdomen images captured under various conditions. In our
CITATION PDN, we developed three non-overlapping and three overlapping partitions strategies
Wu C, Xie Z, Chen K, Shi C, Ye Y, Xin Y,
of the abdomen image and further designed a part attention block. A swimming crab
Zarei R and Huang G (2023) A Part-based
Deep Learning Network for identifying (Crab-201) dataset with the abdomen images of 201 swimming crabs and a more
individual crabs using abdomen images. complex mud crab dataset (Crab-146) were collected to train and test the proposed
Front. Mar. Sci. 10:1093542.
doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1093542
PDN. Experimental results show that the proposed PDN using the overlapping
partition strategy is better than the non-overlapping partition strategy. The edge
© 2023 Wu, Xie, Chen, Shi, Ye, Xin, Zarei and texture of the abdomen has more identifiable features than the sulciform texture of the
Huang. This is an open-access article lower part of the abdomen. It also demonstrates that the proposed PDN_OS3, which
distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The
emphasizes the edge texture of the abdomen with overlapping partition strategies, is
use, distribution or reproduction in other more reliable and accurate than the counterpart methods to identify an individual crab.
forums is permitted, provided the original
author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are
credited and that the original publication in KEYWORDS

this journal is cited, in accordance with crab, deep learning, individual identifcation, re-identification, local feature
accepted academic practice. No use,
distribution or reproduction is permitted
which does not comply with these terms.

1 Introduction
Both swimming crabs (Portunus trituberculatus) and mud crabs (Scylla paramamosain)
are members of the family Portunidae. They are widely distributed in the waters of China,
Japan, and Korea (Dai et al., 1986; Hamasaki et al., 2006), and are also considered critical
economic crabs with high nutritional value in China (Yu et al., 2006; Sun and Wang, 2020).
In 2019, the marine fishing production of swimming crabs was 458,380 tons, down 4.34
percent year on year (Yearbook, 2020). Recently, the pressure from a marine resources
recession has increased, and the amount of marine fishing has decreased yearly. Strong
market demand has promoted the development of aquaculture (Wu et al., 2010).

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With the development of crab farming, various food safety inconspicuous back shell features. As shown in Figure 1, the mud
problems continuously emerged. For example, the development of crab (b) does not have the speckled features on its back shell that the
the industry caused heavy metal pollution of aquatic organisms, and swimming crab (a) has, while the abdomen of the mud crab (c) has
crabs are the most severe aquatic products contaminated with heavy textural features that are more obvious than the back shell features (b).
metal cadmium (Pandiyan et al., 2021; Yang et al., 2021). Crab meat is Therefore, using crab abdomen images is more suitable than using crab
rich in histidine, which can produce and accumulate histamine over a back images for individual crab identification. However, there is no
long time even after the crab death (Lipp and Rose, 1997), and its existing work for identifying individual crabs using abdomen images.
excessive intake by humans can cause illness or poisoning (Feddern The proposed Part-based Deep Learning Network (PDN)
et al., 2019; Worm et al., 2019). Crabs raised in non-standard farms algorithm uses crabs’ abdomen images as features and applies a
are likely to be contaminated with a large number of bacteria and have deep learning algorithm based on local features to identify
excessive heavy metal content. Unscrupulous merchants will sell crabs individual crabs. Our PDN algorithm is improved from a classical
that have been dead for a long time as normal commodities; these person re-identification (ReID) algorithm, and a Part-based
crabs will bring serious safety problems. Convolutional Baseline (PCB) (Sun et al., 2018). A person’s image
Based on the above safety concerns, the traceability of aquatic can be divided into different parts (head, chest, abdomen, legs, etc.)
products has become an issue. Crab traceability requires a unique from top to bottom. It is reasonable for the PCB algorithm and other
identification for each crab. The identification technologies currently part-based person ReID studies to perform a horizontal partition of a
used for traceability include barcodes, QR codes, electronic tags, anti- person’s image (Wang et al., 2018). As Sun et al. (2018) mentioned,
counterfeit crab buckles, and RFID tags (Zhao et al., 2012; Xiao et al., the number of parts also affects the algorithm’s accuracy. Sun
2017; Faggion et al., 2020). However, these identifiers can easily be experimented and found that dividing the images into six parts was
moved or forged. It is much more reliable to obtain characteristic the most effective. The image partition strategy of the PCB algorithm
identification by computer vision (CV) technology processing images determines the local features of the image, and different partition
of crabs than by physical identification. strategies will directly affect the effectiveness of the algorithm. After
In recent years, there has been an increasing number of studies on our experiments in subsection 2.3.4, we found that simply applying
applying CV technology to agriculture and aquaculture (Kumar et al., the PCB to the abdomen image of the crab’s abdomen (Figure 2) did
2018; Shen et al., 2019; Yang et al., 2020; Andrew et al., 2021; Hu et al., not give good accuracy. Therefore, our PDN algorithm improves the
2021; Xi et al., 2021). CV can also be applied to the individual partition strategy based on the features of the crab’s abdomen image
identification of crabs. Because of heredity and living habits, the and adds an attention strategy to strengthen its feature expression.
surface of a crab’s shell has special textures and patterns, which, This paper focuses on the abdomen images of swimming/mud
similar to human fingerprints, are individually unique and provide crabs, uses a deep learning algorithm based on local features to learn
conditions for the individual identification of a crab. Li (2019) proposed abdomen features, and forms its unique code for each crab. Thus, it
an anti-counterfeiting algorithm for Eriocheir Sinensis based on local realizes the accurate identification of individual crabs and provides an
features images that analyzed images of the back of Eriocheir Sinensis individual identification technique for the traceability systems
for individual identification and traceability. Tai et al. (2021) used a of crabs.
Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) algorithm to extract the back The contributions of this paper are as follows.
feature points of Eriocheir Sinensis and then used the bi-direction Fast
Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors (FLANN) algorithm to (1) We provide a novel PDN method, in which a deep learning
match the feature points saved in the database. Zhang et al. (2022) algorithm based on local features is used to extract
proposed an individual re-identification method based on Pyramidal representative features from crab abdomen images. It
Feature Fusion Model (PFFM) for swimming crabs. improves the PCB by using the partition strategy based on
The studies mentioned above used traditional CV or deep learning the features of the crab’s abdomen image and adding a Part
for the individual identification of crabs by using crabs’ back images. A tte nt ion bloc k (PA ) t o str eng the n the feature
The method of using specialist equipment to photograph and representation.
traditional CV to process the images has poor robustness. Deep (2) We further develop effective overlapping partition strategies
learning algorithms designed to analyze the backs of swimming crabs to ensure that the representative feature of the key regions is
with distinguishing features are not ideal for crab species with preserved, particularly on the edges of the partitions.


Differences between swimming crabs and mud crabs. (A) The back of the swimming crab. (B) The back of the mud crab. (C) The abdomen of the mud

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abdomen of a crab to obtain the bounding boxes of the crab’s

abdomen image. The images were cropped according to the
bounding boxes.
Crab-201 All swimming crabs collected in Crab-201 were
provided by a crab farm in Ningbo (Zhejiang, China), and were
numbered after being photographed by mobile phone. Each
swimming crab was photographed several times with different light
intensities and different angles to simulate the varying effects under
different conditions. We defined 12 conditions for the abdomen
images of the swimming crabs; the conditions of an example crab
are shown in Figure 3A. The 12 conditions were standard, grainy,
clockwise rotation, low resolution, high resolution, low angle,
contrarotation, lower-left part, upper-right part, dim light, over-
exposed, and rotate with low angle. There were 2,412 images in the
dataset Crab-201. Out of these, 1716 images of 143 crabs in the
dataset were used as the training set, and the remaining 696 images of
Division of a crab’s abdomen image into horizontal parts. 58 swimming crabs were used as the test set. One image of each crab
in the training set was randomly selected as the validation set. The
validation set was used to verify the model, which can be continuously
(3) Two crab abdomen datasets (Crab-201 and Crab-146) were adjusted according to the situation to select the best model
collected, and extensive experiments were conducted on both among them.
datasets. The experimental results demonstrate the accuracy Modeled on the Person Re-identification dataset, the test set was
and robustness of our proposed method with optimal divided into Query and Gallery, where Query was the image to be
overlapping partition strategies. queried, and Gallery was the collection of images to be compared with
Query. One image from each category (i.e., a crab) was randomly
selected as the Query image, and the other images formed a subset of
the Gallery. Therefore, there were 58 images in the Query queue and
2 Materials and methods 638 images (58*11) in the Gallery.
Crab-146 was a more complex multi-device abdomen dataset of
2.1 Dataset mud crabs (Scylla paramamosain). The mud crabs were collected
from a crab farm (130 crabs) and a seafood market (16 crabs) in
To verify the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm, we collected Ningbo (Zhejiang, China). The mud crab dataset was divided into a
two datasets of crab abdomen images (the swimming crab dataset training set and a test set in the ratio of 3:1, in which the training set
called Crab-201 and the complex mud crab dataset called Crab-146). had 1,147 images with 97 categories and the test set had 681 images
The raw data for the datasets were images and videos with 49 categories. Images of the 16 crabs from the seafood market
photographed by mobile phones. The original images or frames were put into the test set. Images of one mud crab in the Crab-146
from the original video were fed into a trained YOLOv1 (Redmon dataset are shown in Figure 3B. The image was named in reference to
et al., 2016) target detection algorithm, which can identify the the person ReID dataset Market-1501 (Zheng et al., 2015). Using


Demo images of the two crab abdomen datasets. (A) Crab-201. (B) Crab-146.

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“27_4_1” as an example, “27” is the crab number, “4” is the camera the target image is retrieved and matched by a hash algorithm. The
number and “1” is the image number. Figure 3 also shows that the limitations of this strategy are that the features of the reidentification
mud crab dataset is more complex compared to the swimming crab target are greatly influenced by the image background and incur high
dataset because multiple devices were used to photograph the mud feature errors. Also, the global features cannot fully capture the
crabs at different times. important local features and thus cannot accurately specify the
Similar to the Crab-201 dataset, the test set of the Crab-146 reidentification target. Therefore, more studies consider local
dataset consisted of a Query and a Gallery. The difference being that features extracted from key local regions to represent the features of
there was only one image of each id in the Gallery, and the remaining the reidentified targets. The local feature-based ReID can tell the
images were regarded as Query. Although this division method microscopic differences of the reidentified targets, and thus its
slightly reduced the difficulty of matching Query and Gallery each reidentification effect is significantly better than that of the global
time, it greatly increased the number of Query. Images from the feature-based algorithm. The target object partition is often adopted
seafood market crabs were not collected at the same time or on the in the local feature-based ReID methods, and its representative
same device as other images. They were not involved in algorithm algorithm is PCB, which has a simple workflow with high accuracy
training, which made the test set able to also verify whether the and efficiency.
algorithm was overfitting. Figure 4 shows the PCB workflow for extracting features from the
The image pixels of Crab-201 were between 385, 369 and 2418, abdomen images of crabs, where Backbone Network is used for
2131, and the image pixels of Crab-146 were between 210, 179 and original feature extraction from the image. PCB divides the original
2959, 2591. The dataset was pre-processed as follows: After resizing tensor T∈R2048×16×16 , into p horizontal parts and averages all column
the image to 3*256*256, the pixel values were divided by 225 and vectors within the same part into a part-level column vector gi (i∈1,2,
normalized to [0,1]. Then each channel was standardized in turn …,p) using traditional averaging pooling. Then, PCB uses a 1*1
using the formula as follows: kernel-sized convolutional layer to map gi to hi (i∈1,2,…,p) (part
descriptor). Finally, hi is input into p classifiers, each consisting of a
z = (x − mean)=std (1) fully connected layer and a following Softmax function. Classifiers
where the mean= [0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std(Standard Deviation)= calculate the loss between the output prediction and the input identity
[0.229, 0.224, 0.225], and the above values were calculated from the (ID). In the training phase, the PCB calculates the cross-entropy loss
Imagenet dataset (Deng et al., 2009). for p-ID predictions and performs parameter optimization. In the
testing phase, p pieces of hi are connected to form the final
descriptor, H.
2.2 The proposed Part-based Deep learning
2.2.2 The Partition Strategies
The whole body of the crab is divided into cephalothorax,
In this subsection, we provide a Part-based Deep learning
abdomen, and appendages. As shown in Figure 5A, the abdomen is
Network (PDN) that can effectively extract representative abdomen
located behind the abdomen surface of the cephalothorax armor,
features of crabs for individual identification. In subsection 2.2.1, we
which is called the sternum, and is covered by it. For convenience, we
introduce the classical Person ReID algorithm PCB. In subsection
called the image containing the abdomen and sternum in Figure 5B
2.2.2, we develop non-overlapping partition strategies and
the abdomen image of the crab. The abdomen image of the crab
overlapping partition strategies for dividing the whole body of a
adopted in this paper is shown in Figure 5B, including the sternum
crab. In subsection 2.2.3, we detail the proposed PDN algorithm using
and abdomen, and the texture was divided into sulciform texture and
an attention mechanism to identify individual crabs.
edge texture.

2.2.1 The Part-based Convolutional Baseline

Person ReID is a popular CV task and most of the current animal The non-overlapping partition strategies
individual identification algorithms are improved based on pedestrian Figure 5B shows that the abdominal edge texture is obvious and
reidentification algorithms. In the early person ReID, it takes the contains more characteristic information, and the sulciform texture of
overall features of the image as the reidentification target, and then the sternum is more obvious than that of the abdomen and can also be

The workflow of PCB.

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(A, B) The abdomen image of a swimming crab.

regarded as an important feature. The sulciform texture in the middle more complete edge texture of the abdomen compared to Figures 6A,
and lower part of the abdomen is not obvious and contains relatively B, so that the image features can fully express the edge texture
less characteristic information. In order to verify the correctness of features. The overlapping partition strategies.
the above observations and to improve the accuracy of the algorithm,
we developed three different non-overlapping partition strategies (i.e.,
NOS1-3) and enhanced the feature extraction of the abdominal edge The overlapping partition strategies
texture and sternal groove texture based on the PCB algorithm. In the non-overlapping partition strategies, the key region of the
Figure 6 shows the three non-overlapping partition strategies image was cut into multiple parts that are independent of each other,
designed in this paper. so, the complete features of the key region could not be extracted. We
In Figure 6A, the tensor T∈R2048×16×16 is divided into 2*2 parts. assumed that A in Figure 7A was a key region in the image and that if
Since the abdomen of the crab is symmetrical from the left to the the non-overlapping partition method was applied, region A would be
right, and the upper half texture features significantly differ from the divided into two independent blocks, i.e., the left part and the right
lower half texture features, it is easier to maintain the abdomen part. This produced the problem that neither of the two blocks could
texture features of the crab in the image processing using the grid fully reflect the characteristics of region A; that is, we lacked the
partition compared to the horizontal partition strategy as shown in complete information of region A to capture the overall
Figure 2. Strategy 2 in Figure 6B emphasizes the sulciform texture of characteristics of the abdomen images of crabs. To overcome this
the lower part of the abdomen of the crab. In Figure 6C, two parts are limitation, we designed the overlapping partition strategies as shown
set on the left and right sides of the abdomen, and each part contains a in Figure 7B in this paper. In Figure 7B, region A is at the edge of the


(A–C) Three non-overlapping partition strategies.

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Difference between an overlapping and a non-overlapping partition. (A) non-overlap partition. (B) overlap partition.

right part, and the right part cannot contain the complete information different textures and overlapping partitions on the effectiveness of
of region A, while region A is inside the left part, and the left part the algorithm.
contains the complete information of region A. Similarly, the left part
cannot contain the complete information of region B, while the right
part contains it. Therefore, the overlapping partition method could The attention mechanism and the architecture
ensure that any region in the image is inside the part, and thus of PDN
avoided the loss of key information due to the partition of key regions; Inspired by the human visual attention mechanism, we
this enhanced the extraction of representative characteristics of provided an attention mechanism in which different parts of the
individual crabs. Corresponding to the non-overlapping partition input data or feature map that have different focus intensities were
strategies in Figure 6, we designed the overlapping partition given their attention weights to weigh different spatial regions. In
strategies for the abdomen texture of crabs, as shown in Figure 8. the proposed overlapping and non-overlapping partition strategies,
Specifically, we extended the edges of all the parts divided by the non- the amount of feature information of the texture in each part was
overlapping strategy illustrated in Figure 6 by one row outwards, different, therefore, it was necessary to focus on the part with high
which was a simple and efficient way to achieve overlapping partition feature information for identifying individual crabs. The Part
without excessive regulations. Figure 8A shows the overlapping Attention (PA) block of PDN is shown in the upper right region
partition strategy corresponding to Figure 6A, dividing the crab in Figure 9. For hi (i∈1,2,…,p ) in the column vector h, the vector hi
abdomen image equally into 2*2 parts; Figure 8B shows the is input to a fully connected layer FC1i and a sigmoid layer to
overlapping partition corresponding to Figure 6B, emphasizing the output an attention weight a i , which is multiplied by the
sulciform texture of the lower part of the abdomen of the crab; while corresponding vector hi to obtain the weighted vector ni. Unlike
Figure 8C shows the overlapping partitioning corresponding to other spatial attention mechanism methods (shown in Figure 10A),
Figure 6C, emphasizing the edge texture of the abdomen. which generate weights for feature map vectors (e.g., RGA-S
Therefore, through the comparison of these three non- (Zhang et al., 2020)), our PA block generates weights at the part-
overlapping partition strategies and three overlapping partition level (shown in Figure 10B), which significantly reduces the
strategies it was possible to explore the effect of emphasizing or not number of parameters in the algorithm.


(A–C) Three overlapping partition strategies.

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The architecture of the PDN.

Figure 9 shows the architecture of the PDN. The input image is ni1 · ni2
Si (ni1 , ni2 ) = (2)
resized to a size of 256*256, which was inputted into a backbone kni1 kkni2 k
network (we used the ResNet50 (He et al., 2016) as the backbone) to The circle loss used in this paper was as follows:
obtain tensor T∈R2048×16×16 . Then tensor T was divided into p parts
by our partition strategy, in this paper p = 4. Each part was fed into an L M
Lcircle = log½1 + oexp(ganj (Sin − Dn )) o exp(g − apk (Skip − Dp ))
average pooling layer to obtain column vector gi (i∈1,2,…,p ). Then, j=1 k=1
using a 1*1 convolutional layer of 1024 filters (with stride=1,
padding=0) to reduce dimension from 2048 to 1024, we obtained 8 n o
> a k
= max 1 + m − S k
, 0
vector hi, then hi was fed into the Part Attention block to obtain the >
> p ip
> n o
weighted vector ni. In the inference phase, p pieces of ni concatenated >
< j j
an = max m + Sin , 0 (4)
to obtain the final descriptor N. >
In the training phase, vector ni was fed into a Classifier, which >
> Dp = 1 − m
outputted the predication y^ i of the size of the training set categories :
Dn = m
through a fully connected layer FC1 and a Softmax layer. Then we
The two hyperparameters g and m were set to 32 and
calculated the cross-entropy loss of y^ i and the ground truth label y:
0.25, respectively.
LCE (^
y i , y).
The two aforementioned losses were then combined to obtain the
To further learn the discriminative features of the crab abdomen
final loss:
image, we also used circle loss (Sun et al., 2020) to reduce the
similarity between vector ni of different categories and increase the p
similarity between vector ni of the same category. The similarity Si is Loss = o(LCE (^
y i , y) + Lcircle (Sip , Sin )) (5)
the cosine similarity of two vectors ni of different images, as shown in
Equation (2), where the ni1 and ni2 are the vector ni of two different We adopted the SGDM (Stochastic Gradient Descent with
images. The similarity between vectors ni of the same category was momentum) optimizer to train all models for 60 epochs with a
called Suip (u ∈ 1, 2, …M), and the similarity between different ids was learning rate of 5 × 10−2, a weight decay of 5 × 10−4, and a
called Suin (u ∈ 1, 2, …L). momentum of 0.9. The batch size was set to 32.


Visualization of attention mechanisms. (A) visualization of RGA-S (B) visualization of our part attention (PA) block

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3 Experiments and result In this experiment, we compared the similarity between

descriptors H of the same ID extracted by the algorithms. In the
3.1 Experimental setup test phase, the higher the similarity of descriptors between the same
ID in different conditions and the lower the similarity of descriptors
The experiments of this paper were conducted on a computer between different ids, the more reliable the algorithm was.
with GPU (OS: Ubuntu 18.04, GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090, Similar to Equation (2), the similarity between different
CUDA: CUDA-11.1), and all algorithms were implemented using descriptors H was calculated as follows:
Python 3.7.10 and Pytorch 1.8.1. H1 · H2
In this experiment, six partition strategies were implemented for S(H1 , H2 ) = (6)
kH1 kkH2 k
dividing the crabs’ abdomen images, including three non-overlapping
partition algorithms (PDN_NOS1, PDN_NOS2, and PDN_NOS3), as Where the H1 and H2 are the descriptor H of two different images.
shown in Figure 6, and three overlapping partition algorithms (PDN_OS1, The similarity between descriptor H of the same category is called Sp,
PDN_OS2, and PDN_OS3), as shown in Figure 8. PDN_NOS1 and and the similarity between different ids is called Sn.
PDN_OS1 were uniformly divided, PDN_NOS2 and PDN_OS2 Figure 11 shows the distribution of similarity between descriptors
emphasized the sulciform texture of the lower half of the abdomen, and H extracted by six partition strategies algorithms from the test set
PDN_NOS3 and PDN_OS3 emphasized the edge texture of the abdomen. images, the pink dots represent Sp and the blue dots represent Sn,
In the experiments, we studied the distribution of same-id Figure 11 also shows the boxplot of the distribution of the dots.
similarity and different-id similarity obtained by the six partition The Sp needs to be distinguished from the Sn by a certain distance.
strategies using Crab-201 in Section 3.2 and evaluated the Precision- The overall trend in Figure 11 was that the overlapping strategy had a
recall curve of the six partition strategies under different confidence larger difference between the lower quartile of the similarity with the
levels in Section 3.3. We also compared the Rank-1 (average accuracy same ID and the upper quartile of the similarity with different IDs
rate) and mAP (mean average precision) of the optimal partition compared to the non-overlapping strategy (i.e., the overlapping
strategy with other algorithms on Crab-146 and visualized the partition algorithm had a greater differentiation distance for the
classification ability of the algorithms in Section 3.4. same ID and different ID descriptors). It could be seen from
Figure 11 that the differentiation distance of strategy 2 was the
smallest whether it was an overlapping partition or a non-
3.2 Study of descriptor distinguishability overlapping partition. In the overlapping partition algorithm,
strategy 3(OS3) had the largest distinguishing distance, which
The feature encoding descriptor was the basis for individual means that the OS3 was more suitable for partitioning the
identification. A good algorithm can generate discriminative abdomen of the crab. From the data above, we also concluded that
descriptors and thus distinguish individual crabs. So, we evaluated the edge texture of the abdomen emphasized in strategy 3 had more
the distinguishability of the final descriptor H of the crabs to prove the identifiable features than the sulciform texture of the lower part of the
identification effect of our PDN algorithm. abdomen of the crab emphasized in strategy 2.

The distribution of Sp and Sn of six partition strategies.

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3.3 Precision and Recall under different of the average precision scores for each query of the test set. The
confidence levels higher the score of Rank-1 and mAP, the more accurate the model
was in its predictions. Given a set of Query as Q = {q1, q2,…,qi,…qN}
The algorithm was tested with different confidence levels/ and a set of Gallery as G = {g1, g2,…,gj,…gM}, we assumed that the
thresholds, and the Precision and Recall were calculated at different number of times the ID corresponding to qi appeared in G was Kqi .
confidence levels. For each query, images in the gallery with similarity The Query process for each query image was given as follows. The
above the threshold were classified as positive and those below the algorithm extracted the descriptor Hqi of qi, compared it with the
threshold were classified as negative. Positive examples that were descriptor Hgj of each image in G and calculated the similarity
correctly classified were denoted as TP (true positive), negative between descriptors Hqi and Hgj . Then, the Gallery was ranked in
examples that were correctly classified were denoted as TN (true ascending order according to the similarity, the ranked gallery was
negative); positive examples that were incorrectly classified as noted as Gqi , the set consisting of images hit by qi was noted as G0qi =
negative were denoted as FN (false negative) and negative examples fg10 , g20 , …, gj0 , …, gK0 qi g, which was a subset of Gqi . We assumed that
gj0 was ranked as rj i in Gqi , and rj i in G0qi , this process was repeated for
that were incorrectly classified as positive were denoted as FP (false
positive). The Precision and Recall rates were calculated as follows: all queries in Query, and the mAP was calculated by

TP 1 N Kqi qi 0 qi
N oi=1 oj=1 j j
Percision = (7) mAP = (r =r ) (9)
In Crab-146, Kqi=1 . So, the mAP was calculated by:
Recall = (8)
TP + FN 1 N qi 0 qi
N oi=1
mAP = (r =r ) (10)
The Precision-recall curve was drawn with recall as the horizontal
coordinate and precision as the vertical coordinate, and the results are In Table 1, we evaluate the PA block of PDN_OS3. Through the
shown in Figure 12. As can be seen from Figure 12, the performance ablation experiment of the PA block, it can be seen that without the
of PDN_OS1 and PDN_OS2 was poor and the performance of PA block, the rank1 and mAP of the proposed PDN_OS3 algorithm
PDN_OS3 was better compared to the other policies. decreased by 4% and 2.9%, which shows that the part attention
mechanism of this paper was beneficial for the individual
identification of the crab abdomen. We also compare the
3.4 Robustness performance of PDN_OS3 using the PA block and the PDN_OS3
using RGA-S (Zhang et al., 2020). RGA-S is a relation-aware global
To verify the suitability of the algorithm for real-life extension and attention block for spatial attention with a higher number of
the generality of individual identification of different species of crabs, parameters compared to the PA block. The rank1 and mAP of the
we used a more complex multi-device abdomen dataset of mud crabs PDN_OS3 using RGA-S decreased by 1.6% and 1.1%. Using the PA
(Crab-146) to train and test our model. block as the attention block of the PDN_OS3 led to a better
The algorithm evaluation metrics used in this experiment were performance with a smaller number of parameters.
the Rank-1 (average accuracy rate) and the mAP (mean average In Table 2, we compare the rank1 and mAP of our proposed
precision), which were originally used as algorithm evaluation metrics PDN_OS3 with other counterpart algorithms. The i in PCB-i
for person re-identification. Rank-1 represented the average accuracy indicates that the image is divided horizontally into i parts. To
rate of whether the image with the highest similarity to the query generate the descriptors, we removed the final fully-connected layer
matched the query correctly. The mAP of an algorithm was the mean from all the comparison algorithms, and the feature mAP output
from the last convolutional layer was average pooled to obtain the
descriptors. Without the parameter restriction of the fully connected
layer, the input size of the algorithm can be changed as required. We
uniformly resized the input size of all comparison algorithms to the
same 256*256 as the PDN. Then the feature was fed into the average
pooling layer after being output from the final convolution layer,
where the output vector was the descriptor. In the training phase, the
descriptors were fed into the classifier for classification, and the loss
function was the final loss in section 3.1.
As shown in Table 2, the proposed PDN_OS3 achieved the best
performance in mAP and Rank-1, which indicates that our method can
capture more discriminative features than other methods. The results
also show that descriptor size is not a significant factor in the
effectiveness of the algorithm. In PCBs, finer partitions can, on the
contrary, reduce the performance of the algorithm.
We further evaluated our proposed PDN method using the T-
Precision-recall curve under different confidence levels. SNE (T-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding) to visualize the
test set descriptors extracted by the algorithm. T-SNE is essentially an

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TABLE 1 Comparison of the attention blocks.

Model Rank-1 mAP Number of parameters of the attention block

PDN_OS3(w/o PA) 0.894 0.914 –

PDN_OS3(w/o PA)+RGA-S 0.918 0.934 1.59M

PDN_OS3 0.934 0.945 4.1K

The bold values represents the best value of the three.

embedding model that maps data from a high-dimensional space to a PDN_OS3 also achieved a higher rank1 and mAP compared with five
low-dimensional space while preserving the local characteristics of the counterpart algorithms (PCB, AlexNet, VGG16, Googlenet,
data. Figure 13 visualizes the distribution of image descriptors from ResNet50, ResNeXt50, and Densenet121) and showed the best
the test set extracted by PDN_OS1 and five counterparts (Googlenet, classification ability by separating different classes while ensuring
ResNet50, ResNeXt50, PCB-4, and PCB-6). Where points of the same the closest distribution intra-classes. In summary, the proposed
color represent descriptors of the same id, the tighter the clustering of PDN_OS3 algorithm achieved the best performance in individual
points of the same color represents a tighter intra-class distribution, identification using crabs’ abdomen images.
and the greater the distance between points of different colors
represents greater inter-class spacing. We can see from Figure 13
that PDN_OS3 generates descriptors with a greater gap between
classes and closer intra-class distribution. 5 Conclusion
This paper proposes a new Part-based Deep Learning Network
(PDN) to identify individual crabs from their abdomen images. In the
4 Discussion PDN, we also develop six partition strategies (three non-overlapping
strategies and three overlapping strategies) according to the abdomen
This paper provided a reliable PDN method with six partition texture features of crabs and demonstrate that the PDN_OS3 (strategy 3
strategies to identify individual crabs from their abdomen images. using overlapping partition) achieves the best performance. Extensive
The experiments on a swimming crab dataset (Crab-201) experiments on two real-world farm crab datasets (the swimming crab
demonstrated that the proposed PDN algorithm can distinguish dataset Crab-201 and the complex mud crab dataset Crab-146)
crabs’ abdomen images with different IDs. The overlapping demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of our PDN_OS3 algorithm
partition strategy had a larger distinguishing distance and the for the identification of individual crabs. The experimental results show
overlapping partition strategy 3 (PDN_OS3) had the largest that the algorithm using overlapping partition strategies can distinguish
distinguishing distance, which means that the edge texture of the different crabs’ abdomen images with a larger distinguishing distance,
abdomen emphasized in the PDN_OS3 had the most identifiable and the OS3 has the largest distinguishing distance. The edge texture of
features, and the PDN_OS3 was the most suitable for dividing the the abdomen emphasized in OS3 has the most identifiable features. The
abdomen of the crab. Using the PA block as the attention block of the PDN_OS3 has the highest Rank1 and mAP compared with other
PDN_OS3 led to a better performance with a smaller number of algorithms and can achieve a distinction between the classes with the
parameters. In a more complex mud crab dataset (Crab-146), the closest intra-class distribution. The results show that the PDN_OS3 is

TABLE 2 Performance comparison on the Crab-146 dataset.

Model Rank-1 mAP Descriptor size

AlexNet (Krizhevsky et al., 2012) 0.786 0.822 256

VGG16 (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014) 0.889 0.909 512

Googenet (Szegedy et al., 2015) 0.847 0.872 1024

ResNet50 (He et al., 2016) 0.875 0.898 2048

ResNeXt50 (Xie et al., 2017) 0.848 0.875 2048

Densenet121 (Huang et al., 2017) 0.884 0.906 1024

PCB-6 (Sun et al., 2018) 0.832 0.857 12288

PCB-4 (Sun et al., 2018) 0.840 0.868 8192

PDN_OS3(w/o PA) 0.894 0.914 4096

PDN_OS3 0.934 0.945 4096

Bold indicates that the corresponding value is best in the relevant algorithm.

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(A–F) Visualization of the classification ability of algorithms.

more suitable for the individual identification of crabs than the original welfare project (Grant No. 202002N3109, 2022S094); Natural
PCB network. The four local descriptors h of the PDN_OS3 algorithm S c i e n c e F o u n d a t i on o f Zh e j i a n g P r ov in c e ( G r an t N o .
are connected to form a global descriptor H that can be used as the LY21F020006); Science and Technology Innovation 2025 Major
individual identity ID of the crab in the traceability system. Project of Ningbo (Grant No. 2019B10125, 2019B10028,
2020Z016,2021Z031, 2022Z074); Ningbo Fenghua District
industrial chain key core technology "unveiled the commander"
Data availability statement project (Grant No. 202106206)

The datasets presented in this study can be found in online

repositories. The names of the repository/repositories and accession
number(s) can be found below: Conflict of interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
Author contributions
absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be
construed as a potential conflict of interest.
CW: Proposed research ideas, designed research protocols,
performed experiments, drafted paper and completed final revision.
ZX and KC: Revised the paper. SC and YY: Data collection, dataset
production. YX: Proposed research ideas, dataset production, revised
the paper. RZ: Revised the paper. GH: Revised the paper. All authors
Publisher’s note
contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors
and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated
Funding organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the
reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or
This work was supported by National Natural Science claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or
Foundation of China (Grant No. U20A20121); Ningbo public endorsed by the publisher.

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