Drug Administration

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Drug Administration

2. 2. INTRODUCTION • Drug administration is very important
and can be a dangerous duty – Given correctly – restore
patient to health – Given incorrectly – patient’s condition
can worsen • Medical assistant must – Understand
principles of pharmacology – Understand fundamentals of
drug administration • Routes • Dosage calculations •
Techniques for injection • Seven rights • Patient education
You should be familiar with the medications frequently
prescribed in your practice.
3. 3. Preparing to Administer a Drug • Drugs – Local effect –
applied directly to skin, tissue, or mucous membranes –
Systemic effect – given by routes that allow the drug to be
absorbed or distributed into the bloodstream • Pay close
attention – Dose – Route – Form of medication
4. 4. • Rules for administration – Give only drugs the doctor
orders – use drug reference, if necessary – Wash your hands
• Prepare in a well-lit area • Focus on task; avoid
distractions – Calculate the dose carefully – Do not leave a
prepared drug unattended – never give a drug that someone
else has prepared Preparing to Administer a Drug (cont.)
5. 5. • Rules for administration – Identify patient properly –
Physician should be in the office – Observe patient following
administration – Discard any ungiven medications properly –
Report error to physician immediately – Document properly
Preparing to Administer a Drug (cont.)
Patient 2) Right Medication 3) Right Dosage 4) Right Route
5) Right Time 6) Right Documentation 7) Right Client
Education 8) Right to Refuse 9) Right Assessment 10) Right
PATIENT  Check the name on the order and the patient. 
Use 2 identifiers.  Ask patient to identify himself/herself. 
When available, use technology (for example, bar-code
system). 2. RIGHT MEDICATION  Check the medication
label.  Check the order.
8. 8. 3. RIGHT DOSE  Check the order.  Confirm
appropriateness of the dose using a current drug reference.
 If necessary, calculate the dose and have another nurse
calculate the dose as well. 4. RIGHT ROUTE  Again, check
the order and appropriateness of the route ordered. 
Confirm that the patient can take or receive the medication
by the ordered route.
9. 9. 5. RIGHT TIME  Check the frequency of the ordered
medication.  Double-check that you are giving the ordered
dose at the correct time.  Confirm when the last dose was
given. 6. RIGHT DOCUMENTATION  Document
administration AFTER giving the ordered medication. 
Chart the time, route, and any other specific information as
necessary. For example, the site of an injection or any
laboratory value or vital sign that needed to be checked
before giving the drug.
10. 10. 7. RIGHT REASON  Confirm the rationale for the
ordered medication. What is the patient’s history? Why is
he/she taking this medication?  Revisit the reasons for
long-term medication use. 8. RIGHT RESPONSE  Make sure
that the drug led to the desired effect. If an antihypertensive
was given, has his/her blood pressure improved? Does the
patient verbalize improvement in depression while on an
antidepressant?  Be sure to document your monitoring of
the patient and any other nursing interventions that are
11. 11. Apply Your Knowledge How do you properly
identify the patient before administering a drug? ANSWER:
To ensure that you have the right patient, you should check
the name and date of birth on the patient record and ask the
patient to state his/her name and date of birth.
12. 12. Standards for administering medicines Revision: 
Correct drug  At correct time  Given to the correct patient
 Has expected and desired outcome, with no ill effects
13. 13. Standards for administering medicines The
accountable nurse must therefore ensure that he/she:  Has
an understanding of the drug they are giving, this includes
understanding its therapeutic purpose  Must be able to
justify their actions  Is prepared to be accountable for their
14. 14. Is certain of the identity of the patient Aware of
current patient needs, the programme of care and other
drugs the patient is currently receiving Pay due regard to
the environment in which care is being given Ensure
prescription/medicine container agree and all writing is
clear, unambiguous and complete
15. 15. That the patient is not allergic to the drug That
the drug has not reached its expiry date If there has been a
withdrawal notice issued by pharmacy, that it does not
relate to the drug being given
16. 16. Techniques for Administering Drugs • Oral –
Tablets, capsules, lozenges, and liquids – Slower absorption
through GI tract • Buccal or sublingual – Buccal – placed
between the cheek and gum – Sublingual – placed under the
tongue – Faster absorption; bypasses GI tract
17. 17. • Parenteral – Administration of substance into a
muscle or vein – Fast absorption; bypasses GI tract – Safety
risks • Rapid administration; rapid action • Exposure to
bloodborne pathogens – Methods of injection • Intradermal
(ID) • Subcutaneous (SC) • Intramuscular (IM) • Intravenous
(IV) Techniques for Administering Drugs (cont.)
18. 18. • Parenteral drug packaging – Ampule – glass or
plastic container that is sealed and sterile (open with care)
– Cartridge – small barrel prefilled with sterile drug – Vial –
small bottle with rubber diaphragm that can be punctured
by needle Techniques for Administering Drugs (cont.)
19. 19. • Methods of injection – Intradermal • Into upper
layer of skin • Used for skin tests – Subcutaneous • Provides
slow, sustained release and longer duration of action •
Rotate sites – Intramuscular • More rapid absorption • Less
irritation of tissue • Larger amount of drug • Z-track method
– Intravenous • Not usually given by medical assistants
Techniques for Administering Drugs (cont.)
20. 20. • Inhalation – administered through the mouth or
nose • Topical – Direct application of a drug on the skin –
Transdermal – use of a medication patch that will release
medication slowly and evenly • Urethral – instill liquid drugs
directly into the bladder • Vaginal and rectal • Eye or ear –
creams, ointments, drops, or irrigations Techniques for
Administering Drugs (cont.)
21. 21. Apply Your Knowledge Matching: ___ Absorption
through GI tract A. Topical drug ___ Under the tongue B. Oral
drug ___ Small bottle with rubber diaphragm C.
Intramuscular drug ___ Less irritation of tissue D.
Subcutaneous drug ___ Direct application to skin E.
Sublingual drug ___ Need to rotate sites F. Vial ANSWER: F E
22. 22. Educating the Patient About Drug Administration •
How to read the prescription drug label • Interactions –
Drug-drug interactions – Drug-food interactions
23. 23. • Adverse effects – Report changes – Recognize
significant adverse effects • Instructions on taking the drug
– At the right time – In the right amount – Under the right
circumstances Educating the Patient About Drug
Administration (cont.)
24. 24. Apply Your Knowledge What should you instruct
the patient about drug administration? ANSWER: The patient
should be taught how to read the prescription label, drug-
drug and drug-food interactions, adverse effects, and how to
take the drug correctly. Bravo!
25. 25. Special Considerations • Pediatric patients –
Physiology and immature body systems may make the drug
effects less predictable – Require dosage adjustments and
careful measurements of doses – Observe pediatric patients
closely for adverse effects and interactions – Administration
sites and techniques may differ
26. 26. • Pregnant patients – Remember that you are
caring for two patients – Giving the mother a drug also gives
it to the baby – Check drug information sources for
pregnancy drug risk categories Special Considerations
27. 27. • Patients who are breast-feeding – Some drugs are
excreted in breast milk – Ingestion can be dangerous
because baby can’t metabolize or excrete drugs – Check
drug information sources for contraindication during
lactation Special Considerations (cont.)
28. 28. • Elderly patients – Age-related changes affect •
Absorption • Metabolism • Distribution • Excretion – May
have increased risk of • Drug toxicity • Adverse effects •
Lack of therapeutic effects Special Considerations (cont.)
29. 29. Apply Your Knowledge What do children and the
elderly have in common in relation to drug administration?
ANSWER: Both have alterations in metabolism and
absorption of drugs requiring adjustments in dosages.
30. 30. Charting Medications • Progress notes –
Administration – Special problems • New symptoms •
Patient’s statements • Patient tolerance • Be sure to have
the right chart • Be specific and accurate
31. 31. Apply Your Knowledge 1. You administer a
medication to Mr. Max. What and where should you chart?
ANSWER: You should chart in the progress notes the date,
time, dosage, route, and name of the medication, as well as
how well the patient tolerated it. I M P R E S S I V E !
32. 32. Giving of drugs in Emergency situations A local
protocol agreed by Medical Practitioners, Nurses, Midwives
and pharmacists may allow a Qualified Nurse to give a
specific Dose of a specific drug in emergency situations.
33. 33. Documentation of Drug Administration • A critical
element of drug administration is documentation. • The
standard is “if it was not documented it was not done.” •
The nurse should document that a drug has been given after
the client has received the drug.
34. 34. Responsibilities of Nurses Regarding Drug
Administration • Nurses are both legally and morally
responsible for correct administration of medications. They
must: – Follow institutional policy. – Consider clients’
desires and abilities. – Foster compliance. – Correctly
document all actions related to medication administration
and medication errors.

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