Atmospheric Pollution Lec 2

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Environmental pollution: any unhealthy, unwanted, change / alteration with in natural setting

of environment is called environmental can be

1- Atmospheric/ Air-pollution
2- Water-pollution
3- Land-pollution
4- Noise-pollution
Atmospheric pollution:
Atmosphere: it is a mixture of gases that surrounds the planet earth. There is a natural existence
of gases in the atmosphere suspended under the Action of gravity. The overall composition of
gases is 78% Nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and traces gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, neon,
hydrogen gases.
Stratification of atmosphere:
1- Troposphere
2- Stratosphere
3- Mesosphere
4- Thermosphere
5- Exosphere
WHO; is about the situation in which the atmosphere contains pollutants in such concentration
that remain harmful to the human health, plants, animals and microorganism, aquatic life and
Types of pollutants:
1- Primary air-pollutants: pollutants that arises directly from the sources (Ac’s, car,
generator, industries, machines) and directly pollutes the atmosphere.
Example: CO2, SO, SO2, NO, CO, CFCs
2- Secondary air pollutants: these pollutants arising from primary air pollution as a result
of chemical reaction.
Example: Acid rain, H2SO4 (sulphuric acid), HNO3 (Nitric Acid)
Atmospheric Pollution: addition of various pollutants in the atmosphere that disrupts the natural
setting of atmosphere results in air pollution.
Cause/Factors responsible for air/atmospheric pollution: following are causes explained that
instigate or intensify the atmospheric pollution.
1- Combustion or burning of fossil fuels: fossil fuels are the nonrenewable resources;
once exploited exhausts forever. For example: Oil, Diesel, coal and natural gases.
Burning of these fossil fuels result in emissions of C02, Sulphur dioxide (SO2) and CO in
to the atmosphere. Fossil fuels are hugely consumed in energy sector, agriculture sector,
industrial sector, and transport sector at multiple level.
As per IPCC (Inter-governmental panel on climate change established in 1988 with 195
member countries) states the percentage of global emission by each sector which are;
Energy sector: 35% of global emission
Agricultural sector: 25% (fertilizer industry, agro-chemical industry, machinery
equipments: thresher, tube well, canal system) herbicides, fungicides
Industrial sector: 21 %
Transport sector: 15%
2- Population explosion: US Census bureau states the abrupt increase of global population
[1960: 3billion- 2000: 6billion- 25th November 2022: 8billion: today more than 8
billion: after 8-10 years: 9 billion expected]. Population explosions is one the greatest
reason of pollution cause. As number of population increase, human activities increase.
These human activities result in increased production, urbanization, deforestation,
transport, industrialization, more solid waste which ultimately add pollutants in to the air.
3- Massive deforestation: As per global forest watch more than 10 million hectors have
been deforested in the world due to human activity on in last 4 years. Making fuel,
furniture, paper making are the reasons of cutting down the trees so fast. Forests and
plantations are also known as carbon sinks which means they absorb C02 and CO
produced in the air. Deforestation results in the decline of carbon sinks in opposite there
are increased sources of emissions on C02 and CO resulting an imbalance in the carbon
levels of atmosphere. Currently NOAA (National oceanic and atmospheric
administration) quotes the release of CO2 -424 ppm parts per million which was 420
last years.
4- Rapid urbanization: urbanization is a process of increased number of people within the
cities. Whenever the urbanization happens, the city size increase, there is expansion, city
also witnesses infrastructural development. UN reports currently 60% population
urbanized increased from 54 %. The urban process (infrastructural development: roads,
bridges, flyovers, underpasses, housings) boosts the construction industry resulting in air
pollution. Moreover, cities are power centers of solid waste generation.
5- Generation of solid waste: waste generation process also pollutes the air. Different types
of waste produces different types of pollutants into the air, for example: the organic waste
produces gases (methane CH4, CO2, N20) which act as pollutants. Moreover, solid waste
is produced in different industries, domestic level, municipal, mining and institutional
level at a great extend which turns to be un manageable and disastrous for environment.
UNEP (united nation environmental programme) states 350 million tons of plastic is
produced per year, Pakistan contribute 15% of this yearly.
6- Rapid industrialization: various industries emits gases that increase the pollutants in the
air such as
Thermal industry produces: CO2, CO, SXO/NOX
Fertilizer industry CO2, CO, CH4
Steel mills VOCs (volatile organic compound) SO2
Textile: CO, SO2, CO
7- Weapons and warfare: testing of weapon of mass destruction(nuclear) also add
pollutants (co2, heat and toxins)
Production of weapons
Testing of weapons
Warfare usage
Missile testing
8- Electric appliances: ACs, Refrigerators etc. produce CFCs. Electric appliances are
massively used at different levels such as domestic, industrial and institutional
9- Eruption of wildfires: caused by global warming, and increase in the temperature of
2023- Canadian wildfire
2020-2021 California
2019 Australian
10- Volcanic eruption: produces heat+ash+So2+Hcl the only natural factor that cause
pollutants in the air.
Effects of air-pollution:
1- Effects on plants:
i- Photosynthesis: occur in leaves in which with help of run light, water and CO2
the plant makes glucose for its nutrition.
ii- Roots: roots absorb water and necessary mineral as calcium, potassium and
iii- Plant Tissues: plants tissues work as blood veins for the transportation of the
mineral from the ground to the leaves.
Air pollution cause multiple diseases in plants:
a- Abscission: SO2 and NOx slows down the process of the photosynthesis in the leaves
which results in weakening- wilting- yellowing of leaves.
b- Necrosis: SO2, NOx result in degradation of plant tissues
c- Chlorosis: Aerial pollutants get mixed in soil as a result necessary mineral don’t get
transmitted to the leaves. This results in the weakening of chlorophyll (the green
pigment) in the leaves
d- Dwarfism: all the above three reason cause dwarfism in the plants that result in
stunted growth of plants.
e- Discoloration: tropospheric gas cause curling of petals and effect chloroplast which
gives garment and color to the flower. When pigment and color is not developed in
plants it effects the process of pollination and plants breed.
f- Gradual decay and death
2- Effects on human health: Air pollution cause multiple health problems in humans
a- Asthma: asthma, bronchitis and lungs are the respiratory system of humans.
Trachea, bronchi and bronchioles are the airways. Pollutants cause inflammation in
the airways resulting in breathing problem which is called as asthma.
b- Bronchitis: if the problem is at bronchial level it is called bronchitis. SO2,
Tropospheric ozone gas 03, Nitrogen Oxide NOx damage the air canal of humans.
Which reduces average life expectancy. In Karachi ALE has been reduced up to 7
c- Lung cancer: Direct chemical exposure such as heavy metals in the form of lead,
arsenic, chromium, mercury result in lungs cancer. Example: Afghanistan sees the
health consequences after 20 years’ war.
d- Drowsiness- dizziness- blurred vision- reduction in supply of oxygen in to the
3- Effects on aquatic life and microorganism: habitat: suitable living place to live
Habitats: Soil for plants and water organism, water bodies (ocean, seas, lakes, rivers,
ponds for fisheries and other aquatic life). When the aerial pollutants transfer to water
bodies or soil under the action of rail fall cause degradation of these habitats and killing
of micro-organisms.
4- Effects on environment:
a- Cause global warming
b- Climate change
c- Depletion of ozone layer
d- Smog formation
e- Bio-diversity loss
Solution: solution for air pollution and global warming are overlapping.

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