2023 BSKE TOT 1 Part 1
2023 BSKE TOT 1 Part 1
2023 BSKE TOT 1 Part 1
Emergency Accessible Polling Place 2,283
Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) 458,284
Senior Citizens (SCs) 11,371,198
Indigenous People (Ips) 817,084
Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDL) 65,098
Filing of certificate of candidacy
Certificates of Candidacy
Certificates of Candidacy
General Guidelines and Other Related
Rules and Regulations for the October 30, 2023
Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE)
and all succeeding BSKEs thereafter.
Article VI
Constitution, Composition,
and Appointment of
Electoral Boards, DESO, and
Support Staff
Composition, Powers, and Functions of
Electoral Boards
(Sec.122 and 136)
Qualification of Members of the Electoral Board
➢ In the event that private lawyers accept the case “pro bono”, no
claims for lawyer’s fees shall be awarded.
Order of Preference
➢ Incase of EB disqualification, EO will appoint
substitute public-school teachers.
✓Registered voter
✓Is of good reputation
✓Has not been convicted by final judgement of any election offense or of any other crime
✓Knows how to read and write Filipino, English, or any of the prevailing local dialect
✓Is not related within the fourth (4th) civil degree of consanguinity or affinity to the Chairperson or any EB
members in the polling place where the watcher seeks appointment
Incumbent Barangay Officials including Barangay Tanods shall not be appointed as watchers of any candidate or citizens’ arms.
Chapter I: Rights and Duties of Watchers
(Sec. 414)
Watchers shall not speak to any EB member, or to any voter, or among themselves, in such a manner as would disturb the EB proceedings.
Chapter II:
Documents, and
Chapter II: Forms, Documents, and Supplies
(Sec. 415)
Chapter II: Forms, Documents, and Supplies
(Sec. 415)
Chapter II – Minutes of Voting and Counting
(Sec. 417)
➢ Treasurer shall notify the EBs that forms, ➢ Duly designated member of EB shall obtain
documents, and supplies have been forms, documents, supplies from the Office
delivered to the City/Municipal Treasurer’s of the City Municipal Treasurer early in the
Office and are ready for verification for morning
➢ When authorized by the Commission,
➢ Duly designated member of EB shall verify may obtain earlier through the RED (NCR,
forms, documents, and supplies assigned Davao City, Zamboanga City) or PES in the
to their polling place. rest of the provinces.
Chapter II – Request for Early Delivery
(Sec. 419)
➢ Open ballot box, empty both compartments, and show to the public that they are
empty. EB Chairperson shall lock its interior cover with one (1) padlock. The Poll
Clerk shall retain the key to the padlock during the voting.
➢ Show to the public and to watchers’ present, the package of official ballots. Enter
number of pads, serial numbers, and the fact that the ballots was shown to public
in the Minutes.
Chapter III – Person Allowed and Not Allowed in the
Polling Place
(Sec. 428 , 430)
Persons Allowed Persons Not Allowed (Except to Vote)
✓EB members, watchers, voters (waiting and Any officer or member of the AFP or
casting votes), others authorized by the PNP, unless appointed as EB
Commission. members.
Find out if the name of If the identity is established, check the If fingernail is not stained, establish the identity
the voter is in the fingernails for any indelible ink stain. If of the voter through voter’s photograph or
EDCVL and establish stained, it shall be an indication that voter specimen signature in the EDCVL. In the
his/her identity. absence of these, any member of the EB or
has already cast his/her vote. Voter will
any registered voter may identify the voter
be directed to leave the polling place. under oath.
Chapter III – Manner of Obtaining Ballots
(Sec. 433)
List of Authentic IDs
✓ Employee’s identification card (ID) with
signature of the employer or authorized
✓ Postal ID ✓ Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) ID
✓ PWD ID ✓ License issued by the Professional Regulatory
✓ Student’s ID or library card signed Commission (PRC)
by the school authority ✓ Certificate of Confirmation issued by the
✓ Senior Citizen’s ID National Commission on Indigenous Peoples
✓ Driver’s license (NCIP) in case of members of ICCs or Ips
✓ NBI clearance ✓ Any other government-issued ID
✓ Passport ✓ Barangay Identification/Certification with photo
✓ SSS/GSIS ID and signature of the voter and the Barangay
✓ UMID ID Chairman or his/her authorized signatory
✓ National ID (Philsys)
✓ Pag-Ibig ID
Chapter III –Accomplishing Ballots and Express Lane for PWD,
SC, Heavily Pregnant Women etc.
(Sec. 435 and 437)
For Illiterate, PWD, or SC who cannot be by themselves to vote may
seek assistance from:
All assistors must be of voting age. The assistor shall, in the presence
of the illiterate, PWD, or SC prepare the ballot/s using a ballot
secrecy folder
No person, except the EB members, may assist an illiterate, PWD or SC more than three (3) times.
A signage should be in place to indicate location of express lane.
Chapter III – Prohibition on Voting
(Sec. 427)
Bring the ballot and/or the ballot secrecy folder outside the polling place, except for voting
involving PWDs, SCs, heavily pregnant women voters and voters in the IPP.
Prepare the ballot without using a ballot secrecy folder or exhibit its contents to any person, except
assisted voting.
Erase any printing from the ballot or place any distinguishing mark.
Use carbon paper, paraffin paper or other means of making a copy of the contents of the ballot, or
schemes to identify the vote, including digital cameras, cellular phones or similar gadgets.
➢ The voter shall then proceed to Poll Clerk who shall verify the SN/s against the number/s previously entered in the
EDCVL to determine whether it is the same ballot given to voter:
-Voter shall affix thumbmark in ballot coupon if
number matches .
- Ballot will be considered “spoiled” if number
does not match.
➢ The Poll Clerk will apply indelible ink. (the cuticle of the right forefinger nail of the voter)
- If voter refuses, the voter shall be informed that it will render
the ballot spoiled, ballot will be marked and voter will be asked to leave.
➢ The Chairperson shall detach ballot coupon in the presence of the voter and deposit the folded ballot/s in the ballot box
compartment and the coupon in spoiled ballots compartment. Voter shall then leave the polling place.
Ballot/s returned to the Poll Clerk, the detachable coupon/s of which was not removed in the presence of the EB members
and the voter shall be considered spoiled.
Chapter III – Spoiled Ballots
(Sec. 438)
No EB members shall make any announcement as to whether a certain
registered voter has already voted, how many have voted, how many so far have
failed to vote, etc.
Chapter III – Challenge Against Illegal Voters
and Based on Certain Illegal Acts
(Sec. 440-442)
➢ Any voter or watcher may challenge any person offering to vote for:
- Not being registered;
- Using the name of another;
- Suffering from existing disqualification; and
- Being a double/multiple registrants
➢ No voter shall be required to present voter’s identification card or any
other valid ID unless the identity is in doubt or challenged.
➢ Inability to present authentic identification document upon being
challenged shall not preclude the voter from voting if identified under oath
- Any EB member
- Another registered voter of the same barangay
- Any relative by consanguinity or
affinity within the 4th civil degree
A barangay and/or SK voter can only be identified by another voter of the same barangay