Ieietspc 202108 001
Ieietspc 202108 001
Ieietspc 202108 001
4, August 2021 291
School of Information, Communications and Electronics Engineering, The Catholic University of Korea / Pucheon-City, Korea
Received January 31, 2021; Revised April 5, 2021; Accepted April 26, 2021; Published August 30, 2021
* Short Paper
Abstract: Various methods, including block-matching and 3D filtering (BM3D), have been
proposed for image denoising. Recently, studies on deep learning methods for image denoising
have been on the rise. In this paper, we propose a new structure for a deep neural network that
improves image denoising performance. Among the existing deep neural networks, we improve U-
net, which is widely used for image restoration, through the inclusion of pre-processing and post-
processing and by modifying each of its stages. Extensive simulations show that the proposed
structure performs very well for a wide range of noise levels with a single trained parameter, and it
exhibits superior image denoising performance compared to conventional deep neural networks.
Keywords: Image denoising, Deep learning, U-net, New structure, Improved U-net
described above in order to maximize the overall Table 1. Average PSNR and SSIM Results (Kodak
performance. As is shown in Section 4, the convergence images).
and denoising performance of the proposed structure are
improved compared to the conventional U-net. Since the Method
proposed structure can improve the overall convergence σ = 10 σ = 30 σ = 50 σ = 10 σ = 30 σ = 50
performance of a deep neural network that minimizes the Noisy 28.21 18.85 14.78 0.6595 0.2744 0.1551
difference between the target image and the degraded input BM3D [4] 36.57 30.88 28.62 0.9435 0.8472 0.7788
image, it can be used in various image restoration fields as DnCNN [5] 36.58 31.28 28.95 0.9447 0.8580 0.7917
well as for image denoising.
IRCNN [6] 36.70 31.25 28.94 0.9448 0.8584 0.7943
FFDNet [7] 36.81 31.40 29.11 0.9462 0.8597 0.7952
ADNet [8] 36.73 31.28 28.93 0.9452 0.8576 0.7887
4. Performance Evaluation Unet [10] 36.19 31.29 28.98 0.9430 0.8622 0.7957
ImpUnet1 36.61 31.46 29.16 0.9461 0.8647 0.8025
In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed
method, extensive simulations were performed using a ImpUnet2 36.72 31.56 29.27 0.9466 0.8677 0.8056
program based on TensorLayer [12]. Training images were ImpUnet3 36.52 31.45 29.18 0.9452 0.8640 0.8027
generated using the DIV2K image database [13]. BSD68 ImpUnet4 36.88 31.63 29.30 0.9478 0.8688 0.8079
images and Kodak images, which are the most widely used
standard test images [14, 15], were used to measure Table 2. Average PSNR and SSIM Results (BSD68
performance. Image patches at 64 × 64 were extracted from images).
the training images, and training was performed to
minimize the mean square error (MSE) loss over a total of PSNR SSIM
20,000 epochs using the Adam optimizer [16]. The step σ = 10 σ = 30 σ = 50 σ = 10 σ = 30 σ = 50
size started at 10 −4 and was decreased by 1/2 for every Noisy 28.30 19.03 14.99 0.7069 0.3299 0.1944
4,000 epochs. Additive white Gaussian noise with standard BM3D [4] 36.18 30.25 27.80 0.9541 0.8541 0.7776
deviation that varied between 5 and 50 was added to the DnCNN [5] 36.44 30.67 28.25 0.9562 0.8687 0.7987
input training images for the deep neural network, hence, IRCNN [6] 36.37 30.57 28.19 0.9557 0.8675 0.7985
training the deep neural network to operate regardless of
FFDNet [7] 36.50 30.70 28.31 0.9567 0.8682 0.7984
the noise level.
Performance comparisons of the deep neural networks ADNet [8] 36.38 30.56 28.13 0.9555 0.8660 0.7931
are presented in Figs. 4-9 and Tables 1 and 2, where Unet [10] 35.84 30.56 28.22 0.9527 0.8690 0.8001
ImpUnet1 to ImpUnet4 represent stages of the improved ImpUnet1 36.20 30.71 28.33 0.9557 0.8721 0.8050
U-net as proposed in this paper. ImpUnet1 improves U-net ImpUnet2 36.30 30.75 28.39 0.9560 0.8741 0.8064
by using only one pre-processing and post-processing unit,
ImpUnet3 36.15 30.70 28.32 0.9549 0.8721 0.8043
while ImpUnet2 improves U-net by using three pre-
processing and post-processing units. ImpUnet3 improves ImpUnet4 36.39 30.79 28.38 0.9570 0.8749 0.8078
U-net by using ResBlock, and ImpUnet4 improves U-net
by using three pre-processing and post-processing units
and ResBlock. First, to analyze the convergence noise reduction performance of the proposed deep neural
performance of the deep neural network, the MSE network is superior to that of the BM3D technique and the
convergence curves are presented in Fig. 4. We can see existing deep neural networks, and detailed characteristics
that the convergence performance of the proposed of the image are restored well.
structure improves, compared to the conventional U-net.
When pre-processing, post-processing, and ResBlock are
used together, the convergence performance is at its best. 5. Conclusion
Tables 1 and 2 show the average peak signal-to-noise ratio
(PSNR) and the average structural similarity index In this paper, a deep learning–based image denoising
measure (SSIM) [17] for 68 BSD68 test images and 24 method using an improved U-net was proposed. The
Kodak images. For comparison with the proposed method, convergence and denoising performance of the proposed
the denoising performance of the BM3D technique and deep neural network is improved by adding pre-processing
deep neural networks that provide excellent performance and post-processing to the conventional U-net. The
from among the existing deep neural networks used for performance is further enhanced by adding a convolution
image denoising, was compared for various noise standard layer together with a shortcut in each stage of U-net. In
deviations, σ. We can see that the proposed deep neural particular, pre-processing and post-processing have a
network shows significant PSNR and SSIM gain, modular structure, and performance can be further
compared to BM3D and the existing deep neural networks, improved through adopting a cascaded connection between
respectively. The proposed method outperforms the modules. Extensive simulations confirmed that the
conventional U-net by up to 0.7 dB for PSNR, and shows proposed method has superior denoising performance
better performance than BM3D and existing neural compared to BM3D and existing deep learning methods.
networks for all noise levels. As shown in Figs. 5-9, the Since the proposed structure improves the overall
294 Han et al.: Image Denoising Method based on Deep Learning using Improved U-net
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