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1. Algae are mostly
1) Aquatic
2) Terrestrial
3) Parasite
4) Lithophytes

2. Algae are
1) chlorophyllus autotrophs
2) thylloid
3) Both
4) Archegoniate

3. Select the correct options about algae

1) Some algae are associated with fungi and animals
2) Great range in form and size
3) Reproduce by vegetative, asexual and sexual method
4) All

4. Asexual reproduction occurs by production of different types of spores in algae . the ,ost
common type of spore is
1) Aplanospore
2) Zoospore
3) Hypospore
4) Chalmydomonas

5. The flagellate/motile spore is

1) Aplanospore
2) Zoospore
3) Hypospore
4) Chalmydomonas

6. In algaewe find
1) Isogamy
2) Anisogamy
3) Oogamy
4) All

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7. Chlamydomonas show
1) Isogamy
2) Anisogamy
3) Both
4) Akinetes formation

8. Oogamy is seen in
1) Volvox
2) Focus
3) Both
4) Spirogyra

9. Flagellate isogametes as well as flagellate anisogametes are produced by

1) Spirogyra
2) Focus
3) Angiosperms
4) Chlamydomonas

10. Match the following

B. Spirogyra
C. Chlamydomonas
D. Volvox
E. Some giant marine forms

Column 2

I. Unicellular
II. Filamentous
III. Colonial form
IV. Kelps

Which of the following is correct


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11. Atleast half of the total CO2 fixation on earth is carried out through photosynthesis by-
1. Angiosperms
2. Lycopods
3. Algae
4. Bryophytes

12. In aquatic ecosystems which one is of paramount importance as primary producers in chain
1. Algae
2. Angiosperms
3. Pistia
4. Gelidium

13. Choose the correct statement

1. Many species of poryphyra, luminaria, sargassum are among 70 species of marine alge used as
2. Agar is used to grow microbes and in preparations of ice creams and jellies
3. Algae are useful to man in a variety of ways
4. All

14. The memebers of class chlorophyceae are commonly called

1. Redalgae
2. Blue-green alage
3. Green algae
4. Brown algae

15. The plant body of green alage may be

1. Unicellular
2. Colonial
3. Filamentous
4. All

16. The major pigments in green algae are _______- and ________ and stored food is _____
1. Chl a, Chl d,starch
2. Chl a, chl c, floridean starch
3. Chl a, chl b, starch
4. Chl a, chl c, mannitol

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17. In green algae we meet which type of chloroplasts
1. Spiral and reticulate
2. Plate like and cup shaped
3. Discoid
4. All

18. Pyrenoids are present in _____ in most of the green algae

1. Mitochondria
2. Chloroplast
3. In cystol
4. In nucleus

19. Pyrenoids contains

1. Polysaccharide + lipid
2. Starch+ lipid
3. Protein + starch
4. Starch + glycogen

20. Number of pyrenoids in members of green algae

1. Always 1
2. Always 2
3. One to many
4. Always many

21. Green algae have cell wall made up of

1. Outer layer of pectose and inner layer of cellulose
2. Inner layer of pectose and outer layer of cell wall
3. Cellulose+ algin
4. Cellulose + pepdogylcan

22. In green algae

1. Some members show vegetative reproduction by fragementation
2. Asexual reproduction by production of various spores
3. Sexual reproduction may be isogamous, anisogamous, oogamous
4. All

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Pranav Pundarik PRANAVLIVE -4-
23. Chalmydomonas,volvox, ulothrix, spirogyra, and chara belong to –
1. Phaecophyceae
2. rhodophyceae
3. chlorophyceae
4. cyanophyceae

24. which of the following pigement is found in brown algae

1. chl a, chl c
2. chl a, chl d
3. chl a, chl c, fucoxanthin
4. chl a, phycoerythin

25. the members of phaephyceae or brown algae is foun primarily in

1. fresh water
2. marine habitat
3. terrestrial habitat
4. on rock

26. lamanaria and mannitol, reserve food in brown algae are

1. lipids
2. complex carbohydrates
3. proteins
4. lipoproteins

27. lamanaria, ectocarpus, dictyota, sargassum and focus are examples of

1. red algae
2. BGA
3. Brown algae
4. Green alage

28. Which of the following is not a feature of the brown algae

1. Multicellularity and large size
2. Almost excusively marine
3. Attached form have hold fast
4. Most common pigment is chl b

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29. Usually plant body of brown alage consists of
1. Hold fast
2. Stipe
3. Frond
4. All

30. In most of the brown algae asexual reproduction takes place by

1. Auxospres
2. Aplanospores
3. Pear shaped, biflagellate zoospores
4. Multiflagellate Zoospores

31. In brown algae the gametes are

1. Only isogametes
2. Only coenoplanogametes
3. Only multiflagellate gamete
4. Pyriforgametes having unequal 2 laterally attached flagella

32. Which of the following is correct about sexual reproduction in brown algae
1. Sexual reproduction may be isogamous, anisogamous, oogamous
2. In isogamy and anisogamy fertilization isexternal
3. In oogamy fertilisation occurs in oogonium
4. All are correct

33.Which of the following is correct

1. In brown algae as well as red algae vegetative reproduction takes place by fragmentation
2. In red algae algal predominant pigment is r-phycoerythrin
3. Reserve food, floridean starch in red algae is very similar to amylopectin and glycogen in
4. All are correct

34. Chl a + chld + r-phycoerythrin are the pigment members in

1. Rhodophyceae
2. Phaophyceae
3. Chlorophyceae
4. Cyanophyceae

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Pranav Pundarik PRANAVLIVE -6-
35. Which of the following statements dies not characterise the red algae
1. Floridean starch
2. Both spores and gametes are nonmotile
3. Post fertilisation development is like other algae
4. Red algae can vary their ratio of photosynthetic pigments depending upon light conditions

36. Porphyra and polysiphonia belong to

1. Chlorophyceae
2. Phodophyceae
3. Xanthophyceae
4. Phaecophyceae

37. Which of the following is correct

i. Green algae occur in fresh water, brackish water salt water
ii. Habitat brown algae-fresh water, salt water
iii. Some of red algae are found in fresh water, mostly occur in salt water some are in brackish
iv. Most of the red algae are multicellular
v. Red algae may occur in both well lighted regions close to water surface and also at great
depths in oceans light penetration is little
vi. Cell wall of red algae consists of cellulose+ polysulphide easters
vii. 2-8 equal and apical flagella in green algae
1. All are correct
2. All are false
3. I and VI are correct
4. II, III and IV are correct

38. Bryophytes include

1. Mosses
2. Lycopods
3. Horse tail
4. Liverworts + mosses

39. Bryophytes mainly grow

1. In dry areas
2. In snow
3. In moist shaded areas in hills, damp, humid, shaded localities
4. In water

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40. Bryophytes are called amphibians of plant kingdom because
1. They are found in only water
2. Plants live in soil but are dependent on water for sexual reproduction
3. It needs water for spore formation
4. Water is essential for its survival

41. Plant body of bryophytes is

1. Less differentiated than that of algae
2. Equally differentiated to that of algae
3. More differentiated to that of algae
4. Is not differentiated at all

42. The plant body of bryophytes is thallus like and prostate or erect and attached to substratum by
1. Unicellular roots
2. Multicellular roots
3. Unicellular or multicellular rhizoids
4. Adhesive

43. The plant body of all bryophytes are gametophyte, haploid and thallus like having
1. Root, stem, leaf
2. No root, no stem, no leaf
3. Xylem, phloem
4. Wood

44. The gametophytes in bryophytes produce biflagellate gametes in ________ and produces ovum
1. Antheridium, carpogonium
2. Anther,ovary
3. Archaegonium, antheridium
4. Antheridium, archaegonium

45. Choose the correct option

1. In bryophytes sexual reproduction is oogamous type
2. Sex organ are unicellular in algae and fungi but multicellular in bryophytes to angiosperm
3. Archegonium is flask shaped
4. All

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46. Which is the prominent phase in life cycle of bryophytes
1. Gametophyte
2. Sporophyte
3. Seta
4. Sporangium

47. Gametophyte generation is dominant in

1. Gymnosperms
2. Bryophyte
3. Pteridophyte
4. Angiosperms

48. Choose the incorrect statement about bryophyte

1. Zygote does not undergo meiosis immediately
2. Zygote produces embryo which changes into sporophyte
3. Bryophytes are little economic importance
4. Bryophytes are of great economic importance

49. Sphagnum is used as a packing material for transportation of living materials because of its
1. Acidic nature as it does not undergo decay
2. Creeping capacity
3. Water holding capacity
4. Both a and c

50. Sphagnum is also called

1. Bog or peat moss
2. Club moss
3. Spike moss
4. Reindeer moss

51. Sphagnum provides

1. Oil
2. Peat
3. Agar
4. Antibiotics

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Pranav Pundarik PRANAVLIVE -9-
52. Mosses are of great ecological importance because of
1. Its contribution to prevent soil erosion
2. Its contribution in ecological succession
3. Both
4. Its capability to remove CO from atmosphere

53. The mosses which form dense extensive mats on the soil prevents
1. Uprooting of trees
2. Soil erosion
3. Falling of leaves
4. Evaporation of water from the soil
54. Bryophytes are not characterised by
1. Well-developed root system and vascular tissue
2. Rhizoids
3. Alterations of generation
4. Presence of chlorophyll

55. Bryophytes show

1. Asexual reproduction and zygotic meiosis immediately
2. Asexual reproduction and sporic meiosis
3. No asexual reproduction but sporic meiosis
4. Gametophytic dominance and zygotic meiosis immediately

56. Gemmae are multicellular green structures for vegetative propagation. These are found in
gemma cup in
1. Riccia thallus
2. Marchantia thallus
3. Funaria protonema
4. Fern prothallus

57. A true moss is that

1. Which has leaf, radially symmetrical body and grows in tufts. Plant body has an axus with spirally
arranged leaves
2. Which has a protonema stage and multicellular rhizoids with oblique septa
3. Both a and b
4. Which has vascular tissues

58. Funaria requires water because

1. Fertilisation occurs in water only
2. Funaria is a hydrophyte
3. Plants dry up and die without water
4. No branching and sex organ develop without water

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59. Sphagnum is also called peat moss because
1. It grows in acidic marshes and helps in peat formation
2. It is found in peat
3. It decays to form peat
4. It fossilized quickly

60. Which of the following is correct about marchantia

1. Plant body is monoecious or dioecious
2. Sporophyte is differentiated in foot, seta and capsule
3. Spore germination to produce thallus
4. All

61. Which of the following is not a true moss

1. Nest moss
2. Funaria
3. Sphagnum
4. Polytrichum

62. Asexual reproduction in liverworts take place by

1. Fragmentation of thalli+gemmae formation
2. Gemmae formation+diploid spores formation
3. Spores formation +isogamy
4. Fragmentation+zoospores formation

63. In mosses gametophyte has 2 stages. What are these stages

1. 1st stage is sporogonium phase and 2nd protonema stage
2. 1st stage is protonema and second stage is leafy stage
3. 1st stage is gemmae formation and 2nd one is meiosis
4. 1st stage is zygote and 2nd one is spore mother cell

64. Protonema
1. Is a stage of gametophytic generation
2. Is a creeping, green, branched stages and develope directly from a spore
3. Produces lateral bud which forms leafy plant body
4. All

65. In mosses asexual reproduction occurs by

1. Fragmentation and budding in secondary protonema
2. Gemmae and adventitious bud formation
3. Gemmae and tubers formation
4. By multiflagellate spores formation

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66. The Sporophyte in mosses is
1. Less elaborate than that in liverworts
2. More elaborate than that in liverworts
3. Equally elaborate than that in liverworts
4. Independent of Gametophyte

67. Spores dispersal in mosses occurs by

1. Simple mechanism
2. Elaters
3. Elaterophores
4. Elaborate mechanism

68. In bryophyta meiosis occurs in

1. Spores
2. Gamete mother cell
3. Gametes
4. Sporophyte

69. Multicellular Sporophytic phase is expected in the life cycle of

1. Euglenoids
2. Green algae
3. Diatoms
4. Bryophyta

70. Place the following groups of plants in order, beginning with those that first appeared on the
earth and progressing towards those that appeared most recently in the time
1. Gymnosperms, angiosperms, ferns, moss, algae
2. Algae, moss, ferns, gymnosperm, angiosperm
3. Moss, algae, ferns, angiosperm, gymnosperm
4. Algae, ferns, angiosperm, gymnosperm, Moss

71. A moss sperm moves by means of

1. Cilia
2. 3 flagella
3. 2 flagella
4. Many flagella

72. The embryonic development in bryophyta takes place in the

1. Protonema
2. Sporangium
3. Antheridium
4. Archaegonium

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73. In alteration of generations the sporophyte generation is ______ and the gametophyte
generation is
1. N,2N
2. 2N,2N
3. 2N,N
4. N,N

74. Horse tails and ferns are

1. Bryophytes
2. Pteridophytes
3. Gymnosperms
4. Hornworts

75. What is the importance of pteridophytes

1. They are used for medical purposes
2. They are used as soil binders
3. They are frequently grown as ornamental plants
4. All

76. Which one of the following is considered first terrestrial plants to be evolved having xylem and
1. Bryophyte
2. Gymnosperms
3. Pteridophytes
4. Angiosperms

77. Choose the incorrect statement

1. All the pteridophytes are found incool, damp, shady places
2. Some pteridophytes may flourish well in sandy-soil condition
3. Most of the pteridophytes are found in cool, damp, shady place
4. A very few pteridophytes are hydrophytes

78. The pteridophytes are mostly

1. Heterosporous
2. Homosporous
3. Aquatic
4. Trees

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Pranav Pundarik PRANAVLIVE - 13 -
79. Plant body in pteridophyte is-
1. Sporophyte(2N) having no root, stem, leaf
2. Gametophyte having root, stem and leaf
3. Gametophyte having no root stem and leaf
4. Sporophyte having true root, stem and leaf

80. Choose the correct option

1. Selaginella has small leaves
2. Selaginella has large leaves
3. Ferns have megaphylls
4. Both a and c

81. Leaves bearing sporangium are sporophylls. In some pteridophytes sporophylls form compact
structure called
1. Sporocarp
2. Strobilus or cone
3. Spike
4. Flower

82. Cone is found in

1. Equistem
2. Salvinia
3. Selaginella
4. A and c

83. Prothallus in pteridophyte is

1. Non vascular, haploid, multicellular small mostly photosynthetic thalloid gametophyte
2. Vascular, N, multicellular sporophyte
3. 2N,free-living gametophyte
4. Is thallus/ plant body in same pteridophytes

84. In pteridophytes spore germinates to produce

1. Sporophyte
2. Synagium
3. Prothallus
4. Sporocarp

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Pranav Pundarik PRANAVLIVE - 14 -
85. Which one is wrongly matched
1. Gemma cups-marchantia
2. Biflagellate zoospores- brown algae
3. Uniflagellate gametes- polysiphonia
4. Unicellular organism- chlorella

86. The main differentiating factor between non-vascular and vascular plants is-
1. Lack of gametophyte
2. Spore production
3. The presence of tracheids
4. All

87. In pteridophytes prothallus produces

1. Sporangia
2. Antheridia and archegonia
3. Vascular tissues
4. Root, stem, and leaf

88. The heterosporous pteridophytes are

1. Lycopodium, pteris
2. Selaginella and psilotium
3. Selanginella and salvinia
4. Dryopteris, and adiatum

89. The sporophyte is dominant phase in

1. Pteridophyte
2. Gymnosperms
3. Angiosperms
4. All

90. In homosporous pteridophyte the gametophyte is

1. Vascular
2. Monoecious
3. Dioecious
4. Dependent on sporophyte

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Pranav Pundarik PRANAVLIVE - 15 -
91. In heterosporous pteridophytes the gametophyte –
1. May be monoecious or dioecious
2. Is always dioecious
3. Vascular
4. Has root and leaves, hence independent

92. Which one is correct about heterosporous pteridophytes

1. Microspore and megaspore develop into male and the female gametophytes respectively
2. The female gametophyte are retained on the parent sporophyte for variable period
3. The development of the zygote into the embryo takes place within female gametophyte
4. All

93. Match the following

Column I
A. Psilotopsida
B. Lycopsida
C. Sphenopsida
D. Pteropsida

Column II

I. Dryopteris,pteris, adiantium
II. Equistem
III. Selaginella
IV. Lycopodium
V. Psilotum


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