Kathmandupost 2024 01 11
Kathmandupost 2024 01 11
Kathmandupost 2024 01 11
Prime Minister Dahal on Wednesday His lawyers say they will appeal the district court’s ruling.
defended the deals with India on
long-term power trade and High Impact q BINOD GHIMIRE increased by at least 50 percent as he
Community Development Projects KATHMANDU, JAN 10 had misused his celebrity status.
signed during the recent visit by the Lamichhane’s lawyers have already
external affairs minister of India. Pg 3 Kathmandu District Court on announced that they will challenge
Wednesday sentenced cricketer the district court’s ruling in high
Sandeep Lamichhane to eight years in court. Even though he has been
jail and imposed a fine of half a mil- convicted, Lamichhane can continue
p OPinion lion rupees for raping a girl in 2022. his legal fight without being arrested.
A single bench of judge Shishir Raj “Sandeep is not guilty. We are
Dhakal, which had convicted the against the verdict,” said advocate
Despite his disastrous stints former captain of the national cricket Saroj Krishna Ghimire, Lamichhane’s
both as prime minister of team on December 29, pronounced lawyer. “We will challenge the verdict
the country and as leader of the jail term and fine after further in the high court.”
his party, were a poll to be held hearing. After a 15-month-long judicial
today to gauge the popularity The jail term and penalty were process, the court on December 29
of our leading politicians, KP determined considering the age of convicted Lamichhane of raping the
Sharma Oli would top it, Gaushala-26, the name given to the girl in a Tilganga-based hotel on
writes Deepak Thapa. Pg 4 victim, the social status of the accused August 21, 2022.
when the incident happened and
the mental stress the victim had
to endure, according to Chandra
Prasad Panthi, information officer at
Citing his misuse of
the district court. celebrity status, victim’s
lawyers had sought
“Eight years of jail term was deter-
mined as per Section 219 3 (e) of the
Criminal Code Procedure while the
financial penalty was fixed as per longer jail term.
Post Photo: Angad Dhakal Section 228,” Panthi said.
Officers at the Central Investigation Bureau of Nepal Police present Ram Bahadur Bomjan (in white) to media in Kathmandu on Wednesday. The half a million rupees—of
which Rs300,000 is fine and After hearing the lawyers on both
q PRITHVI MAN SHRESTHA at Pattharkot, Sarlahi, as an Ani (nun). the remaining compensation— sides, the court ruled there was no
p Money KATHMANDU, JAN 10 The case filed against the main would be paid to the victim. dispute that Lamichhane and the vic-
accused Bomjan stated that he A person convicted under tim had stayed in the same room of
Police on Wednesday took controver- raped the minor by luring her to his Section 219 could face a jail term the hotel where she was raped.
Mustard farms are back. Nowadays, sial spiritual leader Ram Bahadur private quarters at 9:20pm on August between seven and 10 years. “The accused had raped the victim
vast stretches of land in Chitwan Bomjan to Sarlahi to face trial at the 4, 2016. He has further been charged On Wednesday, Lamichhane’s taking advantage of her poor econom-
are covered with yellow blossoms. The District Court, Sarlahi over a charge with threatening the girl with lawyers demanded the lowest ic condition,” the verdict said.
real estate boom of 2008 affected the of raping a minor girl. consequences if she disclosed the inci- possible punishment, asking the The court, however, had dismissed
cash crop’s yield as farmers had shift- A team of the Central Investigation dent to others. After the victim turned court to consider his contribu- the victim’s claim that she was a
ed to vegetable farming. Pg 5 Bureau (CIB) of Nepal Police on 18, on February 23, 2020, a complaint tion to the country through minor at the time. The court has also
Tuesday arrested him from a house against him was registered at the cricket and his social standing. refused to accept the birth dates men-
located at ward 6 of Budhanilkantha District Police Office in Sarlahi. The victim’s lawyers, howev- tioned in her academic documents.
Municipality in Kathmandu. Before the rape complaint was er, had asked his jail term be >> Continued on page 2
p World Police on Wednesday made him pub- registered with the police, other
lic at a press meet in Kathmandu complaints about missing persons
before taking him to Sarlahi. from several of his hermitages were
Ancient DNA helps explain why Besides rape charges, Bomjan also also filed.
northern Europeans have a higher faces accusations of potential involve-
risk of multiple sclerosis than other ment in the disappearance of four of
ancestries: It’s a genetic legacy of
horse-riding cattle herders who swept
his disciples from his hermitages. But
no cases have yet been registered at
Other complaints about
into the region 5,000 years ago. Pg 6 the court relating to the missing per- missing persons from
several of his ashrams
sons, police said.
“We will present him at the District
p Sports
Court in Sarlahi on Thursday,” Senior
Superintendent of Police Dinesh were also registered.
Acharya told the Post.
“He will be kept in police custody in
Sarlahi on Wednesday.” According to police, Chinimaya
Bomjan had been in hiding since Tamang of Myagang Rural
the District Court, Sarlahi on Municipality, who was one of his dis-
February 6, 2020, issued an arrest ciples, has been missing since 2012
warrant against him as per a police from Bomjan’s hermitage at Badegaun
request. In July 2020, a case of sexual in Sindhupalchok. Sanchalal Waiba,
exploitation was filed against Bomjan another disciple from Hetauda, has
in the District Court, Sarlahi. also been missing from the same her-
In the chargesheet, the District mitage since 2015.
Attorney Office, Sarlahi has demand- Phulmaya Rumba, who was known
ed 12–15 years of prison for Bomjan as Dolmo, from the Hetauda Sub-
and his two aides, Gyan Kumar Metropolitan City, and Suresh Kumar
Iga Swiatek is in form as she seeks Bomjan and Jit Bahadur Tamang, for Ale from Simara Sub-Metropolitan
a maiden Australian Open crown, their alleged involvement in the sexu- City are the others missing from his
but she could face a stiff test from al exploitation of the minor. The hermitages for a long time, according
defending champion Aryna Sabalenka chargesheet accuses Bomjan, the to the police. “They are yet to be
while two-time winner Naomi Osaka is prime suspect, of raping a 15-year-old found,” said SSP Acharya.
making her comeback. Pg 7 girl staying in his ashram (hermitage) >> Continued on page 2
THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 2024 | 02
p District Digest
03 | THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 2024
5 percent growth for and the country has been carrying out
its programmes through various
million to Rs200 million, should be
scrapped immediately.”
Rs20 million is not against national
interest,” said the prime minister the US too picks its own
and the border dispute with India
were also raised prominently.
implementing agency
nongovernmental organisations and Given the historical context of the while responding to the queries of “We are always keeping the coun-
THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 2024 | 04
05 | THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 2024
THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 2024 | 06
Trump holds wide Blinken meets Palestinian leader as Israel keeps bombing Gaza
lead in race for The war rages on unabated as the army reports more deadly fighting in Gaza’s central Maghazi and southern Khan Yunis areas.
nomination: Poll q Agence France-Presse
RAMALLAH, Palestinian Territories, Jan 10
up signs that read “Stop the geno-
cide”, “Free Palestine” and “Blinken
Blinken was next headed to the
Gulf state of Bahrain, home base
Hezbollah but also groups in Syria,
Iraq and Yemen.
in Gaza, particularly children, is far
too high,” Blinken said on Tuesday
q Reuters out”. Some scuffled with Palestinian of the US Fifth Fleet, for talks with Yemen’s Iran-backed Huthi rebels after his talks with Netanyahu.
WASHINGTON, Jan 10 The Israeli army kept bombing the security forces in riot gear. King Hamad on preventing a regional have carried out numerous attacks on Blinken called for “more food, more
Gaza Strip and fighting Hamas mili- Abbas was later set to discuss a escalation of the war, the State passing merchant ships in the Red Sea, water, more medicine” for Gaza,
Donald Trump holds a wide lead over tants on Wednesday as US top diplo- “push for an immediate ceasefire” in Department said. and the United States has set up a mul- where only limited relief supplies
his rivals for the Republican US presi- mat Antony Blinken met the head of Gaza in talks with Jordan’s King Since the Gaza war started, fears tinational naval task force to protect have been arriving from Egypt.
dential nomination just five days the Palestinian Authority in the occu- Abdullah II and Egyptian President have grown of a widening conflict the vital sea lane. On Tuesday, the Desperate Gazans on Tuesday climbed
before the state-by-state selection con- pied West Bank. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in the Red Sea between Israel and Iran-backed armed rebels “launched a complex” attack, onto one truck carrying flour and
test begins, according to a Reuters/ The military said it killed dozens of port city of Aqaba. groups, especially Lebanon’s US Central Command said, adding canned goods and tossed the food to
Ipsos poll released on Wednesday. “terrorists” and hit another 150 tar- that US and British forces had shot the crowd below, AFP footage showed.
The former president is the pre- gets in Hamas-run Gaza, where the down 18 drones and three missiles, Army spokesman Daniel Hagari
ferred candidate of 49 percent of health ministry said 147 people had with no casualties or damage reported. said Israel is “ready and willing to
self-identified Republicans, the poll been killed over the previous 24 hours. The war started when Hamas facilitate as much humanitarian aid
found. Former South Carolina The bloodiest ever Gaza war started launched its unprecedented October 7 as the world will give”.
Governor Nikki Haley had the support by the October 7 Hamas attack has attack, which resulted in about 1,140 The war raged on unabated and the
of 12 percent of Republicans, with raged on for more than three months deaths in Israel, mostly civilians, army reported more deadly fighting in
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis hold- and killed over 23,000 people in the according to an AFP tally based on Gaza’s central Maghazi and southern
ing 11 percent support. Entrepreneur besieged Palestinian territory, accord- official figures. Militants also took Khan Yunis areas.
Vivek Ramaswamy was backed by 4 ing to its health ministry. around 250 hostages, of whom Israel Troops had found 15 tunnel shafts
percent of Republicans, while no other Palestinian president Mahmud says 132 remain in Gaza including at as well as rocket launchers, missiles,
candidate got more than 2 percent, Abbas spoke with Blinken of the need least 25 believed to have been killed. drones and explosives in Al-Maghazi
the poll found. Some 18 percent said “to stop the Israeli aggression against Israel has responded with a relent- and destroyed machinery for making
they did not know whom they would Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip less military campaign that has killed rockets that have been fired at Israel,
support. and the West Bank”, which has also at least 23,357 people, mostly women the army said. One of the many dis-
The poll of 1,941 self-identified been torn by deadly unrest, said the and children, according to the Gaza placed Palestinians, Hassan Kaskin
Republicans was conducted nation- official Palestinian news agency Wafa. health ministry. 55, told AFP: “We have lost our money,
wide, meaning it may not necessarily Blinken told Abbas that Washington The Israeli army says 186 of its sol- our houses, our jobs. We are losing our
predict who will win Monday’s cau- supports “tangible steps” towards the diers have been killed inside Gaza in youths as well.
cuses in Iowa, the first of the state creation of a Palestinian state—a its campaign to destroy Hamas. “We’ve sacrificed our children for
nominating contests that will deter- long-term goal which the hard-right The United Nations estimates 1.9 our homeland.”
mine who will try to unseat Democratic Israeli government of Prime Minister million Gazans have been displaced Blinken is on his fourth tour of the
President Joe Biden in the November Benjamin Netanyahu has opposed. inside the territory that had already Middle East since the outbreak of the
5 election. The broad outlines of the The secretary of state reiterated the endured years of blockade and war, and was later headed to Egypt,
race have changed little since the sum- US position that a Palestinian state poverty before the war. Global con- after earlier stops in Turkey, Saudi
mer, even as Trump’s legal woes have must stand alongside Israel, “with cern has flared over Gaza’s humani- Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
mounted and his rivals have spent both living in peace and security”, tarian crisis, and Blinken—while voic- Washington has floated a post-war
months on the campaign trail. Most said State Department spokesman ing continued US support for top scenario in which a reformed
Reuters/Ipsos surveys conducted Matthew Miller. AFP/rss regional ally Israel—has urged steps Palestinian Authority governs Gaza
since August have found that Trump As Blinken arrived under tight Demonstrators are confronted by Palestinian Authority security forces as they protest to reduce the suffering. as well as towns and cities in the
has commanded the support of rough- security at Abbas’s headquarters in during a visit by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Ramallah in the Israeli-occupied Dire shortages brought by an Israeli West Bank, which Israel has occupied
ly half of the Republican electorate. Ramallah, a group of protesters held West Bank on Wednesday. siege mean the “daily toll on civilians since 1967.
Ancient DNA hints at why a modern disease affects so many northern Europeans
q Associated Press into northwestern Europe, they car- because while MS can strike any pop- The researchers first examined ancestors of modern Danes, Willerslev
WASHINGTON, Jan 10 ried gene variants that today are
known to increase people’s risk of More than 230 genetic ulation, it is most common among
white descendants of northern
DNA from about 1,600 ancient
Eurasians, mapping some major shifts
said. MS rates are particularly high in
Scandinavian countries.
Ancient DNA helps explain why
northern Europeans have a higher
multiple sclerosis, researchers report-
ed Wednesday.
variants have been Europeans and scientists have been
unable to explain why.
in northern Europe’s population.
First, farmers from the Middle East
Why would gene variants presumed
to have strengthened ancient immuni-
risk of multiple sclerosis than other
ancestries: It’s a genetic legacy of
Yet the Yamnaya flourished, widely
spreading those variants. Those genes
found that can increase The potentially disabling disease
occurs when immune system cells
began supplanting hunter-gatherers
and then, nearly 5,000 years ago, the
ty later play a role in an autoimmune
disease? Differences in how modern
horseback-riding cattle herders probably also protected the nomadic someone’s risk. mistakenly attack the protective coat- Yamnaya began moving in—traveling humans are exposed to animal germs
who swept into the region about 5,000 herders from infections carried by ing on nerve fibers, gradually eroding with horses and wagons as they herd- may play a role, knocking the immune
years ago. their cattle and sheep, concluded the them. It causes varying symptoms— ed cattle and sheep. system out of balance, said study
The findings come from a huge pro- research published in the journal sands of samples from early humans numbness and tingling in one person, The research team compared the co-author Dr. Astrid Iversen of Oxford
ject to compare modern DNA with Nature. in Europe and western Asia, a project impaired walking and vision loss in ancient DNA to about 400,000 pres- University.
that culled from ancient humans’ “What we found surprised every- headed by Eske Willerslev of another—that often wax and wane. ent-day people stored in a UK gene The findings finally offer an expla-
teeth and bones—allowing scientists one,” said study co-author William Cambridge and the University of It’s not clear what causes MS bank, to see the MS-linked genetic nation for the north-south MS divide
to trace both prehistoric migration Barrie, a genetics researcher at the Copenhagen who helped pioneer the although a leading theory is that cer- variations persist in the north, the in Europe but more work is needed to
and disease-linked genes that University of Cambridge. “These var- study of ancient DNA. Similar tain infections could trigger it in peo- direction the Yamnaya moved, rather confirm the link, cautioned genetic
tagged along. iants were giving these people an research has traced even earlier cous- ple who are genetically susceptible. than in southern Europe. expert Samira Asgari of New York’s
When a Bronze Age people called advantage of some kind.” ins of humans such as Neanderthals. More than 230 genetic variants have In what is now Denmark, the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, who
the Yamnaya moved from the steppes It’s one of several findings from a Using the new gene bank to explore been found that can increase some- Yamnaya rapidly replaced ancient wasn’t involved with the research, in
of what are now Ukraine and Russia first-of-its-kind gene bank with thou- MS was a logical first step. That’s one’s risk. farmers, making them the closest an accompanying commentary.
07 | THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 2024
Sports | Medley
will still head to London believing record and say that they weren’t the first Test against West Indies. third and final Test to sweep the World Cup-winning squad in India,
they can reach Wembley. (AGENCIES) Steve Smith keen to do it,” Bailey told reporters. Bailey said Green would bat at series 3-0 last week. misses out.
ARIES (March 21-April 19) CANCER (June 22-July 22) LIBRA (September 23-October 22) CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19)
Expect unforeseen plot twists today. Use this You’ll have a new lease on love. The day offers Libra, changes to your home life could come. Break through self-imposed barriers, moving
energy to embrace fresh starts, offer a sense of social breakthroughs, making it an excellent Consider how you can make space for intimacy toward your goals. Your words move like poetry
personal authority, or create healthy bounda- time to flirt, make introductions, and network. within your abode and heart. Set the stage for before afternoon creeps in, so soften any rough
ries. A dreamy energy seeps in, helping you Remember to keep healthy boundaries when romance, allowing your space to reflect you and situations you face. Treat yourself to a cleans-
visualise alternative pathways toward success. making friends. Talks around commitment what you hope to attract. ing bath and a luxurious stretching session this
Clear away dead weight. could come into play. evening.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) LEO (July 23-August 22) SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18)
Today brings in one of the luckiest moments of Consider how your daily activities lead to a big- Be mindful of your thoughts and words today. Empathetic energy enters, and people may
the year for you. Keep an open mind when pur- ger picture, Leo. Make radical yet straightfor- Sometimes, your balance could be better when divulge what lies beneath the surface. Remain
suing a better tomorrow. You will make an excel- ward changes when pursuing wellness or suc- pursuing love, intellectual goals, or success. grounded when dealing with sensitive topics.
lent social impression with dignity and benevo- cess. Transformative vibes flow, making it easi- Planning can help you for the unknown. Find gratitude for where you are, considering
lence. Release your fears this evening. er to establish new habits. Clear away old junk Collaborate, brainstorm, and speak to empower where you’ve come from. Opportunities to let go
and get organised. yourself and others. of the past come.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21) VIRGO (August 23-September 22) SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) PISCES (February 19-March 20)
Today governs transformation, dearest Gemini. Virgo, be confident today. Artistic whims could Set intentions around your financial goals. Pisces, educate yourself on essential matters.
Do not succumb to social pressures. You’ll have take you down exciting new ventures. Love lin- Alter habits to grow wealth and cut spending. Focus on what you can do to lead by example.
a chance to dissolve barriers in the afternoon. A gers in the air. Show your playful yet sweet side Nurturing energy in the afternoon helps you You’ll receive extra attention. Find empower-
major release is in store this evening, and if you’re currently courting or in a relation- further destress. Your wits sharpen, setting the ment by filtering out old friendships that have
themes around intimacy could also come into ship. Consider where your true passions lie. scenes for riveting conversations while motivat- become negative. Schedule some alone time at
play. ing you to pursue knowledge. night.
Crossword Sudoku
Yesterday’s Solution
THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 2024 | 08
ijay Baral’s reading journey is My reading approach varies based on the on them. I think there is a lot of potential. Theatres Publisher: Nepalaya
intertwined with his acting personality and characteristics of each You imagine a life for the characters have adapted a lot of Nepali novels and Year: 2005
career. With active involvement role. Consider a character portrayed as you play: who they are as a person, in stories, like those by Kumar Nagarkoti—
in theatre productions and an intellectual who deeply values read- which part of the life they’re in, what ‘Palpasa Cafe’, ‘Ular’, and most recently This book, set during the
Nepali cinema, he initially ing; this trait is fundamental to their they have studied, what kind of environ- ‘Damini Bhir’. There were even talks in
sought books to improve his artistic identity. To authentically portray such a ment they grew up in, are all the ques- the industry about adapting Nayan Raj
Maoist insurgency, helps us
skills. While it began as a professional character, I delve into the literature that tions that we fill in for the roles we play. Pandey’s book into a movie. If we adapt grasp the shifting political
ambition, his reading has evolved beyond the character would likely read. This So, if I’m playing a character who comes books into films, there’s a very big chance and social dynamics of
a dedication to his craft; now, he reads includes understanding the vocabulary, from an environment that would not have that the film will be successful, but the Nepal at that time.
simply because he has a genuine love for knowledge and perspective of a dedicated allowed them to read, I wouldn’t necessar- process of translating a book into a sound
stories. reader, which significantly differs from ily read to fit into that role. film is difficult.
those who do not share this trait. You have to understand the personality The dramaturgical process, screen- Tumhari Auqat Kya Hai
Character development is pivotal in sto- and psychology of the characters you writing, dialogue writing and screenplay Author: Piyush Mishra
rytelling, and an actor can genuinely play. Characters that read are more prev- are all crucial steps that need to be han- Publisher: Rajkamal
capture the essence of a character only by alent in theatres than in cinemas, so I’ve dled with the utmost understanding and
aligning with their motivations and had to read more for some of the char- adequacy to bring a book into cinema. If
thoughts. acters I’ve played in theatre we can make good use of that script, then Year: 2023
BOOK TALK plays. we can make some good films. But the
Do you do this with each thing is that the canvas is too vast when it ‘Tumhari Auqat Kya Hai’ gives
He has starred in a number of success- of your roles? How Movies adapted from comes to cinemas. us a closer look at the person
ful Nepali films, including the ‘Kabaddi’ much does the char- books are uncommon
franchise, ‘Jaari’, and, most recently, acter’s backstory in Nepali cinemas, but Why do you think this is so difficult? Piyush Mishra is. It offers
‘Dimag Kharab’. He is also the executive influence your read- there’s potential for insights into his identity as
director of Mandala Theatre and has ing? growth. As Nepali lit- Crafting a story, narrating it, and repre- an actor, singer and writer.
starred in a number of their productions. erature becomes senting it on screen are distinct tasks.
Although his Wikipedia page labels him Yes, we have a thor- more diverse, cine- Writing dialogues and developing charac-
as a ‘poet’, Baral firmly rejects the title. ough process mas could benefit by ters are part of this process. Screenwriters Nepali Lok Katha
While he takes pleasure in poetry and where we develop bringing various sto- must maintain the authenticity of the Author: Tulasi Diwas
often recites it, he prefers not to refer to backstories for ries to the screen. novel while creating a screenplay. As Publisher: Nepal Pragya
himself as a poet. each of the char- What, in your opin- actors, we can draw inspiration from the
In this interview with the Post’s acters we play. And ion, is the potential characters, but writers face a more exten-
Manushree Mahat, he talks about his whether or not I for Nepali cinemas if we sive challenge. Industry professionals are Year: 1974/1975
reading journey, the prospect of book-to- need to read for the adapt our books into making efforts, and with luck, we may see
film adaptations in Nepali cinema and roles depends films? more films adapted from books in the In ‘Nepali Lok Katha’, you can
the impacts of reading on faithful por- future. explore various stories that
trayals of character in cinema.
Are there any books you wish were encompass different castes,
When did your reading journey begin, adapted into films? backgrounds and regions
and how has it evolved over the years? of our country.
I wish I could portray characters
During most of my childhood and from Nayan Raj Pandey’s writings. His
subsequent years, I focused on read- stories revolve around the Madhesi com- Chuli
ing course books and academic munity, reflecting the experiences in Author: Sarubhakta
materials, as I aspired to become a Tarai. These narratives resonate Publisher: FinePrint
doctor. It wasn’t until 2009 that I with my own experiences, and I feel
Year: 2012
ventured beyond my comfort confident in bringing these characters
zone. Unaware that reading was to life.
essential for actors, I initiated A very interesting book about
my journey with books on act- Do you think the Madhesi community is the struggles and bravado it
ing, entertainment, and biogra- adequately represented in literature and takes to scale mountains. It
phies of Bollywood and cinemas?
Hollywood actors. To immerse
details the experience of
myself in reading and cultivate Not at all. Presently, portrayals of the climbing Mount Everest
the habit, I explored stories like Madhesi community tend to be in a very accessible way.
Akbar and Birbal, as well as stereotypical and fail to capture
comic books. Even now, I find joy the authentic Madhesi experience.
in reading folk tales and short When Madhesi characters Kumari Prashnaharu
stories, and have a particular appear in films, it seems as if the Author: Durga Karki
fondness for poems—concise and directors based their portrayal on Publisher: Nepa-laya
expressive, they hold the power to a brief observation without
Year: 2020
convey much in a few words. delving into the nuanced reality of
the community. While books often
You talked about how you didn’t authentically depict Madhesi char- ‘Kumari Prashnaharu’ is a
realise that actors had to read as acters, there is still a considerable beautiful collection of short
well. How much do you usually read distance to cover in cinema. stories that helped me
to grasp the essence of a character,
and give justice to each of understand the experiences
your roles? and struggles of women.
Post photo: Keshav Thapa
But the tone of grand adventure that context of the economic pressures of cap-
ow many times have you come defines Spielberg’s film marks a major italism.
out of the cinema and heard departure from the novel. In Benchley’s A career journalist, Benchley effective-
Published and printed by Kantipur Publications Limited, Central Business Park, Thapathali, Kathmandu, Nepal, P. B. No. 8559, Phone: 5135000, Fax: 977-1-5135057, E-mail: [email protected], Regd. No. 32/049/050, Chairman: Kailash Sirohiya, Managing Director: Sambhav Sirohiya, Editor: Biswas Baral