Covid Journal
Covid Journal
Covid Journal
Q1] While watching these video I felt :
In my opinion these videos/songs were trying to install courage and hope
into everyone especially during these hard time and focus on the good ,and
in no time the world will heal.
Q2]A better place for you and me would be a world where there is no pollution ,no
crime and most of all no pandemic.
Q3]The things I am hopef oul for in the future is that people understand the value of our
lives and we should respect it and our environment and not take it for granted .
Q4] EPIDEMIC- a disease that affects a large number of people within a region,
community or population
PANDEMIC-an epidemic that’s spread over multiple countries or continents
OUTBREAK-a greater than anticipated increase in the number of endemic cases . It can
also be a single case in a new area. If it’s not quickly controlled an outbreak can become
an epidemic
Q13] Bill Gates is afraid of another pandemic double in size of any other pandemic
occurred till date especially the Spanish flu or the influenza outbreak because we are
not ready to deal with it
Q14]He has done his research about the Spanish flu and ebola disease as it has more
deaths than any other disease or outbreak.
Q15]He stated that the health systems are far more better than the health care systems
in 1918.he also says that with modern day transportation the virus can spread rapidly
around the world unlike the transportation in 1918 .
Q16]We spend to much money on unnecessary things like r&d and military goods we
forget to invest in health facilities to support another outbreak or disease
I have listened to your interview on the youtube channel the VOX and you have shared
your innermost feelings including your fears. I know that we are in the year 2020 but
you gave that interview in 2015. I wonder what it feels like to predict your fears coming
true .
The reason I wrote this email is to thank you for coming up with a foundation called
the Bill and Melinda foundation to help people improve their health ,reduce poverty
and expand opportunity. It relies on scientific and technical expertise
The interview you gave was very eye-opening and very educational to understand the
adverse effects of a virus and how to prevent it from spreading . I like the way you
compared the possible upcoming virus to the deadly Spanish flu outbreak. You also
concluded with the boons and banes of a virus occurring in present versus a virus
occurring in the 1900’s. Thank you again for installing faith in all of us .
Yours truly,
Sarah gomes
b] I am most thankful for spending the lockdown with my family and having food
and shelter and being safe from the virus.
c] To have hope , look for every silver lining , follow the ray of light till the end of
the virus and most importantly sympathize with all victims of this virus and pray for
their recovery.
Lockdown shouldn’t be a time to put extra
pressure on yourself instead, this is the time to find new
hobbies. I don’t know about you guys but I have found
some interesting hobbies I didn’t even know I could do!
Stitching and knitting-I have always seen my
grandmother stitch but I didn’t have the time to
learn. I have been practicing for a week now and I
think I’m a pro at it.
Singing – I have always sang but now I have the
time to improve my vocals. I love singing
Cooking –I have loved cooking since I was a child ,I
didn’t have time to cook meals then but now, I cook
dinner every alternate day!
Q38]Dear Future Generation,
The year I am writing this letter is in 2020 . I am writing
this letter to share with you the current situation. Most of you’ll know about the 2020
pandemic but do not know how people dealt with this situation .
I live in India and the current count for infected people are rising above 10000 though it
is not the most infected country. The worse thing in my country was that mask sand
sanitisers were not available.
Our country issued 4 month lockdown for everyone. There were police on the road at all
times to control people from going out. Citizens donated money to the less fortunate to
help them too. People stayed at home to not risk their lives
If in the future there happens to be another pandemic stay calm and stay inside, always
listen and trust your doctors as they know best, don’t lose hope and most importantly
respect your lives and don’t take it for granted.
Yours truly,
Sarah gomes
Q39a] Yes it is, we should think of long term consequences before consuming the
product as after the pandemic there may not be any left, our actions might not only
affect us in a good way it may affect the rest of the world in a bad way . Like if we stock
up on toilet paper other people won’t get any so they will start making more thus,
cutting down many trees making us hard to breath.
Q39b] The meaning of the term humanize is basically humans trying to help other
fellow humans or to act more humane or civilized . In context to the passage it basically
means to act civilized and help a fellow nation by putting aside hatred thus , helping
their production increase . Rich and well-off countries should take the effort the help
less fortunate countries.
Q39c] Countries that have already faced the virus and recovered can give tips to other
countries to face the virus properly . Countries should be willing to give information and
that information should be true.
I cut my usage of toilet paper so that other people have more and trees can be
saved thus, people can breath
I learned to help around the house this could help me in the future
I made notes of all my subjects thus, helping me in my studies
In these fearful times ,we must keep in mind to respect our life and not take it for
granted . This epidemic is symptomatic so if you see any symptoms please visit the
doctor .Please take this disease seriously as it kills people and no vaccine is found.
Q41] I feel that they are promoting the lockdown in any way they can . They are
encouraging people to stay at home. They are conveying to people that they can
consume their products without leaving your house.
Q42] KFC
Finger lickin’ good ,unless you’ve washed
your hands
d] She is quoting poems and poems are usually inspiring thus the passage is a poem in
motion and it also rhymes a bit
e] It basically means to separate the negative from your life and to love yourself
f] It means that people have refrained from doing what they normally do so abruptly she
felt proud.
Q48]I can write a journal based on my day and a prediction of what the next day is going
to be like and the reflection of the day that has passed .thus, keeping me occupied in
the lockdown
Q9]I would refer mostly to source for public health information. The WHO stans for
World Health organization it focuses to respond to global health emergencies that is
why they are considered authority over news on COVID 19
I would also refer to the National Institutes of Health as its purpose is to expand
medical and scientific knowledge that can be used to protect and improve public health
, they conduct and fund biomedical research
Q10]The human brain fall prey to fake news of its dorsolateral prefrontal cortex so
many times we don’t use our logical part of the brain instead we use the emotional
part . Mostly when the information is against personal belief or the information will
threathen our status in society. We mostly forget to analyse and consider the facts
before hand.
Q11] We train it to detect fake news by considering and analysing facts and not
Q26] Countries have been using GPS mapping techniques to combat this virus as the
citizens of the country can stay updated with the spread of the pandemic. When
doctors treat patients with the virus they enter the location they were found then a red
dot marks the location. When many doctors do this many red dots cluster on a certain
COVID 19 map thus, telling us which places are hotspots for the virus so we can refrain
from going in that direction or place
Q27] Thailand ,Cambodia and Vietnam seem extremely hot during this time yet it is a
hotspot for coronavirus. Italy too is very hot still the places are booming with
coronavirus. India is really hot too yet it has many patients with coronavirus
Q28]The pandemic could exacerbate the existing vulnerabilities of the world’s refugees
and internally displaced persons .Travel bans , closed borders and living conditions iin
camps all amplify the risks to migrants. Migrants living in camps face the possibility of a
devastating virus outbreak given their proximity to highly affected countries and their
often cramped living conditions and the lack of health care systems. Social isolation is
not an option.
Q29]The symptoms are not discovered yet and even if there are they differ from person
to person .This virus can’t be cured as there is no cure or vaccine found thus, people are
Q30] Once in every 6 months we should have a lockdown for 5 days to sustain the
environment. We reduce the use of our cars as much as possible like walk small
distances. Factories should reduce the emission of gases.