Work Award Report
Work Award Report
Work Award Report
Sr.No: Page No:
The work / works as mentioned overleaf and as recommended by the Assistant Engineer, E1 PILLANNA GARDEN, is hereby awarded
to Satya Enterprise, , on Labour Contract basis on the Conditions as per the Agreement executed by him.
E.M.D OF Rs. 25000.00 /- Collected vide Rt. No. 10234856 Date. 2023-04-25
W.O.No: 2023/150014/14.11/P21001
Note: The Contractor shall make use of materials available with BESCOM as and when contractor is asked to do as by BESCOM the
cost of these materials will not be paybal of the contractor.
Copy to
1. Satya Enterprise,
2. Asst. Exe.Engineer (EI) ,E1 PILLANNA GARDEN , BESCOM, Bangalore
3. Accounts office (F&C), SHIVAJINAGAR, BESCOM, Bangalore
4. Accounts office (I/A), SHIVAJINAGAR, BESCOM, Bangalore
I recommend awarding the works detailed hereunder to Satya Enterprise, on labour contract basis as per standard terms and
condition of the company.
1 11kV G.O.S 200A Single break SET 1.00 1000.00 1000.00
2 H.G.Fuse Unit | 11kV Class with Solid core insulators SET (3NOS) 1.00 1000.00 1000.00
3 Conductor | Rabbit ACSR KM 1.00 1000.00 1000.00
4 Distribution Transformer - 3 Phase, 11kV/433V - Amorphous NO 1.00 1000.00 1000.00
Core with Oil as per IS-1180 (Part-1): 2014 CABLE ENTRY
TYPE 25 kVA, Aluminium Wdg, Star 2 (5 Star)
5 Three H Frame without Transformer Seating and Seating SET 1.00 1000.00 1000.00
angle support X arm for 11 mtr Spun Pole for
63/100/250/500kVA (UG Cable) - MS
6 Pre-Stressed Tubular Spun Pole 11Mtrs Long NO 1.00 1000.00 1000.00
7 Fixing DOLO cutouts / Horn Gap Fuses including fixing of EACH 1.00 178.00 178.00
cross arms and wiring
8 Erection of 11 Mtr long Concrete Spun Pole in a pit of 2.5 NO 1.00 1898.00 1898.00
Mtr depth (Mechnised Labour)
9 Erection of Single Pole Mounted Transformer Structure For STRUCTURE 1.00 2571.00 2571.00
250 kVA Transformer on the existing 11 Mtr Spun Pole
(excluding erection of Pole)
10 Erection of 25 to 63 kVA Transformer on Transformer EACH 1.00 863.00 863.00
11 Digging of Pit 2.5 mtr depth for errection of 11mtr long PIT 1.00 1439.00 1439.00
tubular spun pole as per approved drawing in Ordinary Soil
12 Stringing of conductor Rabbit ACSR binding of conductor on KM 1.00 3299.00 3299.00
each insulator and dead ending on strain or disc/strain
insulator by means of clamps.
13 Base Concreting with CC 1:4: 8 for Pole base for 11 Mtr EACH 1.00 840.00 840.00
Spun Pole (1000x1000x150mm)
14 Stringing of Rabbit Conductor (including pin binding, KM 1.00 3959.00 3959.00
providing jumps, dead ending, etc.,) LT Reconductoring
15 Fixing of GOS including wiring (11kV SB 200A) SET 1.00 805.00 805.00
Total 21852
Special Locality Allowance 6229.40
Headload charges 0.00
Grand Total 28081.4
certified that above materials mentioned in work award are not available in East division BESCOM of execution of work.
Standard Terms and Conditions proposed to be incorporated in the labour work awards:
1. Execution: The work shall be carried out as per the sanctioned estimate and as per the
2. Completion: The work shall be completed within days from the date of this award / issue of last material. The works shall be
carried out under supervision of the jurisdictional Engineer
duly taking all the safety measures.
3. Penalty: If the work is not completed within the specified period a penalty at the rate of 1/2% per week subject to a maximum of
10% of cost of labour and materials supplied by the agency will be levied.
4. Imperfect / Un-standard work: Any imperfect work shall be removed and redone to the standards at no extra cost to BESCOM.
5. Materials procured by LEC: Small materials are other than poles, conductors, Transformers, Lightening arrestor, GOS at
Schedule of Rates not exceeding 10% of the total estimate cost may be procured after specific approval of the authority who has
issued the award. The material procured shall confirm to BESCOM specification and shail be guaranteed for 12 months from the date
of commissioning.
6. Safety measures: The agency at his own cost shall provide safety devices like Helmets, Slings, ropes, belts etc., to the labour
engaged by him and ensure all safety precautions.
7. Accident liability: The contractor shall be responsible for all accidents to persons employed by him which may arise in the
execution of the works and from whatever cause. The contractor shall indemnify the BESCOM against all action suits / claims /
demands, cost of expenses arising in connection with the injuries / death etc.,
8. Labour laws/acts:The contractor shall comply with all the labour laws in force.
9. Safe Custody of materials: The materials issued shall be kept under safe custody and the place of storage shall be intimated to
the jurisdictional engineer who shall have the rights for inspection at any reasonable time.
10. Non. Return of materials: If any of the materials are found damaged / deteriorated / cut into pieces / not returned etc., the cost of
such materials shall be recovered cut of the bills or through legal proceedings / filing the police case.
11. Bills: After completion of the work the bills shall be submitted to the division Office along with the following within 15 days from the
date of completion of work.
a. Bills in Quadruplicate Duly signed and stamped,
b. Self declaration by the agency that the work is fully completed as per award.
c. ACK in respect of unused Materials and returnable materials under credit for having returned to the section officer.
d. Inventory of the work with drawing wherever necessary.
e. Guarantee certificate for both material procured by the agency and work executed.
12. Payment: The payment will be arranged against the submission of the bills and other documents mentioned above after the
completion of works subject to observing BESCOM formalities.Page 3 of 4
13. Balance materials unused and Released materials: should be returned to concerned Section officer within 7 days from the date
of completion/cancellation/short closing of the award.
14. Cancellation / short close of award: In case, the work is not completed in all respects within the stipulated period, the award will
be cancelled / short closed and may be entrusted to other agencies. The extra cost involved in the form of labour transportation
supervision etc., will be recovered from any of the bills pending against this work award or / and other awards in BESCOM.
15. Filing complaints: If the unused materials and released materials are not returned after the completion of the work within 15 days
from the date of completion / when the work award is cancelled BESCOM reserves the right to initiate suitable action as deemed
16. Statutory payments: The contractor is responsible for remitting service tax, ESI, PF and such other statutory payments to the
17. Agreement: The contractor shall enter into an agreement in the prescribed format.
Certificate :
Report :