Yoga Proj
Yoga Proj
Yoga Proj
Name Page no
certificate 1
Acknowledgement 2
History of yoga 4
asanas 7
padmasana 8
siddhasana 9
Dhanurasana 10
vajrasana 11
Halasana 12
suryanamaskar 15-17
The history of Yoga is indeed ancient. Nothing can be said firmly about the origin of
Yoga. Only it can be noted that Yoga originated in India. The available evidence shows
that the history of Yoga is related to Indus valley civilization. At that time, people used to
do Yoga based on a secondary source. It can allude that Yoga originated approximately
3000 BC in India. Patanjali wrote the first book on Yoga in 147 BC. Yoga is derived from
Steps of yoga Meaning
Refraining from violence, lying,
1. Yama
stealing and hoarding.
The path of wisdom.
Asanas are the first and the most important stage
of yoga. They are specific body postures practised
to keep the body healthy. Asanas help in exercising
every muscle, nerve and gland of the body and are
thus highly useful in maintaining physical fitness.
Mentioned below are the Sanskrit names (along
with the English name) of the major asanas.
Padmasana means lotus
posture. This asana gives
the appearance of a lotus. It
is the best asana for
Steps to follow:
1. Sit on the ground by spreading the legs forward.
2. Place the right foot on the left thigh and the left
foot on the right thigh
3. Place the hands on the knee joints as shown in
the figure.
4. Keep the body, back and head hand erect
5. Eyes should be closed.
■It helps in improving concentration and memory.
■It helps to preserve vital fluids in the body.
■It prevents abdominal disease and female
■It brings peace and longevity.
2. Siddh asana
This asana helps the
practitioner to acquire
many supernal powers. Be
aware of the feelings that
the posture developed in
various parts of the body.
Let the mind move with the
breath movement
Steps to follow
Place the left heel at the anus, as shown in the
It should be in a way that the knees and the
heels both lie upon each other.
Keep the eyes half closed.
The hands must be placed on the knees as
This asana helps in improving concentration.
It improves memory, digestion and the peace
of the mind.
3. Dhanurasana
As we know that the
spinal cord is the most
important and most
subtle part of the body.
Most asanas involve the
spinal column. This asana
helps to develop the
spine. In this asana the
focal point of concentration is the spinal column.
Steps to follow:
Lie on the ground facing downwards as
Grip the ankles with the hands by bending the
legs backward
This pose should be maintained for a few
seconds, and then come back to the starting
It curva constipation and remove excess fat
and thus helps lose extra weight.
It aids as a cure for rheumatism and gastro
intestinal disorders.
It improves intestines, digestion and appetite.
4. Vajrasana
On performing this asana
sensation in felt in the body.
We should do the movement
in relaxed manner Inhale
slowly and exhale slowly
While drawing the abdominal
region inwards and expanding
the chest focus the attention
on breathing.
Steps to follow:
With knees, ankles and leg toes touching the
ground, take a kneeling position:
One should ait on the heels and place palms
on the knees an shown in the figure
Draw the abdominal region inside and expand
the chest.
1. The blood pressure patients will benefit
from this asana.
2. It also strengthens the spine.
5. Halasana
In this asana, the abdominal
muscles are strengthened.
Asana ensures a healthy
condition of the spine. It
enhances the flexibility of the
spine and all the 31 pairs of
spinal nerves are well
nourished. Lifting the legs to touch the ground
above the head, is not easy in the beginning.
Practise this asana only as much as you can
perform easily.
Steps to follow:
Lie flat on your back.
Raise your legs slowly and touch the ground
with the toes above the ground.
Do this asana for 1 to 2 minutes only.
It helps to cure obesity, constipation,
dyspepsia, liver and spleen disorders. It
strengthens the abdominal muscles and
nourishes the spinal nerves
It also cures myalgia and sprain in the neck.
7. Ardha Matsyendrasana
This asana is known as half
spinal twist pose, It takes its
Sanskrit name from the great
yogic aage Matayendra. It is
one of the few yoga poses
which rotate the spine. The
movements in this asana
tone the spinal nerves and
ligament and improve digestion
Steps to follow:
Sit on your feet with your heels painting
Then sit to the right of your feet
Lift your left leg over your right placing the foot
against the outside of the right knee Bring your
right heel close to your buttocks. Keepithe spine
Stretch both of your arms out to the sides at
shoulder level and twist around to the left foot
with your right hand, placing your left hand on
the floor behind you. While exhaling twist as far
as possible to the left.
It keeps the gall bladder and prostate healthy.
improves digestion
It improves the stretchability of back muscles.
It cures constipation
8. Surya Namaskar
Also known as sun salutation, the Surya Namaskar
is one of the best exercises that one can perform.
The benefited accruing from these exercises are
unique and excellent.
The Surya Namaskar is performed usually early in
the morning facing the morning rising sun. It is
done in 12 steps, each step having its own posture
with its own breathing pattern.
Steps to follow:
Stand erect facing the sun with palms folded and
both the thumbs touching the chest.
Breathing Inhale while raising the hands and
exhale as hands are brought down.
Raise hands upward, with feet firmly on the
ground and bend backwards and stretch arm
Breathing. Inhale.
Slowly bend forward, hands touching the earth,
head touching the knees. Breathing: Exhale
Set both hands with palms down firmly on the
ground, pull the left leg backward, raise the
head looking the sun.
Breathing: Inhale.
Bring right leg back clase to left leg keeping
hands and leg straight. Bend the body at the hip
forming an arch.
Breathing Exhale
Stretch yourself fully on the ground in the
saashtangu Namaskar pose: Foet, knees, thighs,
chest and forehead touch the ground with the
hands stretched out. Now slowly turn the head
to the aides first to left and then to right
Breathing inhale first and then exhale fully
Slowly raise the hand bead backward as much as
possible, hands straight. Breathing Inhale:
Parvatasana same na step 5 Breathing exhale.
Same as step 4 with the difference that the right
log is brought forward Breathing inhale
Same as step1-Breathing, exhale: inhale and
Surya Namaskar improves the physical body
prana (breathing) mind, intellect and the bliss
components of the entire human personality. It
can be used as a personality development tool.
It also reduces the extra fat from your body.
It improves body posture