ME Brochure
ME Brochure
ME Brochure
(Estd. 2001)
Scope of Mechanical Engineering
• Mechanical engineering is a discipline that applies the principles of engineering, physics & materials science for
design, analysis, manufacturing &maintenance of mechanical systems.
• Mechanical engineering provides a foundation to the entire engineering education. Hence, it is known as 'Mother'
• Mechanical Engineers focus their attention towards emerging areas such as nano technology, development of
composite materials,bio-medicalapplications,environmental conservations etc.
About the Department
The CHAMOS Matrusanstha Department of Mechanical Engineering was started in 2001. It offers following programs.
Bachelor of Technology Master of Technology Doctor of Philosophy
Chirag Chaudhary
Ishan Patel (2023) Passout:2018
Annual Package: 7.5 Lacs GATE AIR: 151
Arth Patel
Maitry Gajjar (2023) Passout:2019
Annual Package: 7.1 Lacs AIR: 1256
Pravin Vasveliya
Smit Sheth (2023) AIR:12
Annual Package: 6.69 Lacs (CEED 2020)
Alumni Testimonials
My time at CSPIT during my bachelor's was the stepping CHARUSAT, Changa means education in nature's
stone to my future. CSPIT offered a perfect balance beauty. Helpful faculty staff. It was a good experience of
between theory and applications, where we were technical knowledge and education. Good amount of
constantly motivated to think out of the box. I want to research facilities available which enhanced my
thank my professors enough for their guidance. practical skills. Students can show their talent in various
Harshil Chavda technical events and SPOURAL.
Functions Developer, Ranjeetsinh Parmar
BMW Group through Edag Engineering, Munich, Germany. Police Inspector (PI), Gujarat Police Service.
NCC Cadet- Student represented the Cultural Team during Republic Day Celebration, 2022 at New Delhi
Events: Cultural, Sports, Industrial visits.