Jalib Industruies Q

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Certificate in Accounting and Finance Stage Examinations

School of January , 2022

Accountancy 45 minutes – 23 marks
Additional reading time – 5 minutes

Financial Accounting and Reporting 1

Q.1 Jalib Industries Limited (JIL) is a listed company. The relevant information contained in the financial
statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 is as follows:
Statement of Financial Position
2015 2014
Rupees in million
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 129.40 100.60
Capital work in progress 22.50 37.00
151.90 137.60
Current assets
Stock in trade 531.80 451.00
Trade debts 28.50 24.70
Prepayments and other receivables 35.20 42.00
Cash and bank 12.00 3.00
607.50 520.70
759.40 658.30
Issued, subscribed and paid-up capital 396.00 300.00
Share premium 45.00 12.00
Unappropriated profit 142.60 163.00
583.60 475.00
Non-current liabilities
Gratuity payable 38.60 27.50
Long term loans 80.00 100.00
118.60 127.50
Current liabilities
Current portion of long term loans 18.00 20.00
Trade Creditors 20.00 18.00
Accruals and other payables 16.20 16.40
Dividend payable 3.00 1.40
57.20 55.80
759.40 658.30

Statement of profit or loss 2015 Rs. in million

Sales 2,535.00
Cost of goods sold (1,774.50)
Gross profit 760.50
Operating expenses (554.00)
Financial charges (10.50)
Loss on sale of fixed assets (4.60)
Profit before tax 191.40
Tax expense (106.80)
Profit after tax 84.60

The following supporting information is available:

a) During the year, an amount of Rs.42 million was transferred from capital work in progress to
property, plant and equipment.
b) The company sold property, plant and equipment having book value of Rs.15 million for Rs.10.4
c) Depreciation for the year amounted to Rs.27.7 million. 60% of the depreciation is charged to cost
of sales.
d) Trade debts written off during the year amounted to Rs.1 million. It is the policy of the company
to maintain the provision for doubtful debts at 5% of trade debts.
e) Prepayments and other receivables include advance tax of Rs.1.4 million (2014: Rs.2.2 million).
f) Provision for gratuity made during the year amounted to Rs.15.5 million.
g) Accruals and other payables include accrued financial charges amounting to Rs.5 million (2014:
Rs.6 million).
h) On January 15, 2016, the company declared final dividend for the year ended December 31, 2015
comprising 7.5% (2014: 35%) cash dividend and 12.5% (2014:0%) bonus shares, for its ordinary

Prepare a statement of cash flow for the year ended December 31, 2015 using direct method in
accordance with the requirements of International Accounting Standards. (23)
Additional requirement:
Prepare a statement of cash flow for the year ended December 31, 2015 using indirect method in
accordance with the requirements of International Accounting Standards.

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