The Ultimate Guide To Health Busy Dad Starter Pack
The Ultimate Guide To Health Busy Dad Starter Pack
The Ultimate Guide To Health Busy Dad Starter Pack
Before we begin, we need to lay the foundation. Most people say they want to lose weight. But
more importantly, the goal is to build muscle and lose fat to look and feel healthier. This process
will help improve how your body processes each and every meal and keep your metabolism
Getting off the blood sugar roller coaster will help you improve energy levels, men’s health
metrics and reduce your risk of chronic disease.
Watch this 5 minute video below to understand the foundations of insulin resistance, which is
something 90% of the population has whether they know it or not.
A calorie deficit is required to lose weight. But if the goal is to build muscle and lose fat, this can
be done by prioritizing protein at every meal and consistently stimulating the muscle in the gym.
The goal of exercise is not just to sweat, it’s to build muscle and deplete glycogen stores which
will help stabilize your blood sugar levels throughout the rest of the day. This will mean improved
metabolism and better metabolic health long term. The last video discussed how poor metabolic
health is the primary driver of many chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease and even
various cancers.
Watch this 5 minute summary on what you can do to improve your metabolic health
Step 3: What to eat
Nothing is more important to your health than the foods you eat. The options below help you get
in the calorie deficit to lose weight and prioritize protein so you can build muscle with the
workouts in Step 4. Getting more protein for less calories and getting stronger in the gym is the
ticket to building a healthier body composition long term.
Too much variety is your enemy when busy. For that reason we will leverage leftovers. Cook
enough at dinner so that you can have a leftover option the next night. This cuts the amount of
cooking for the week in half. Cooking 3 nights per week is much more sustainable than 7.
Similarly if you can pre cook your beef for taco and burger bowls it makes 5 minute lunches very
reasonable to prepare.
For preparing your own meals. Pick a protein source that is at least 40% protein by calories.
The easiest way to know this is to take the calories per serving and divide it by 10. There should
be at least that many grams of protein per serving for it to be over 40% protein and be
considered a good protein source.
Example A: Ground pork sausage - 300 calories per serving. Which if we divide 300 by 10
means we would want to see at least 30 grams protein per serving. This type only has 19 grams
which tells us the vast majority of the calories are actually coming from fat and this is not a very
lean option.
Example B: Skinless Chicken thighs - 160 calories per serving. If we divide by 10, we want to
see at least 16 grams of protein per serving. Chicken thighs have 21 grams, well above the
target. This shows chicken thighs are a lean protein choice as you can get more protein for
fewer calories.
Step 4: Full Body Gym workout 3 days weekly (35 minutes)
Did you lose weight this week? Even more importantly, did you get healthier this week? If you
stuck to the plan, I guarantee you did. Between the daily steps, the regular lifts and the high
protein, limited junk approach to eating, you are giving your body what it needs to recover,
repair and rebuild. This is a recipe for building a healthier you from the ground up.
And hopefully you saw that it doesn’t have to take as much time as you initially thought.