QP Annual Review 2016
QP Annual Review 2016
QP Annual Review 2016
His Highness
Sheikh Abdullah Bin Hamad Al-Thani
The Deputy Emir of the State of Qatar
On the Cover:
A view of Ras Laffan Industrial City,
with the Common Seawater Facility
shown in the foreground
H.E. Dr. Mohammed Bin H.E. Sheikh Ahmed H.E. Ali Shareef Al
Saleh Al-Sada bin Jassim Al-Thani Emadi
Minister of Energy & Industry Minister of Economy Minister of Finance
Chairman and Commerce Member
Vice Chaiman
Saad Sherida
QP President & CEO
Mohamed Salem Al-Marri Executive VP, Projects, Engineering & Procurement Services
Qatar Petroleum (QP) is an integrated national oil is bound to the highest levels of sustainable
corporation that stands at the forefront of efforts human, socio-economic, and environmental
for the long-term sustainable development, development in Qatar and beyond.
utilization and monetization of oil and gas
resources in the State of Qatar.
In its efforts to become one of the best national
oil companies in the world, QP’s activities and
those of its subsidiaries and joint ventures
encompass the entire spectrum of the oil and gas
value chain locally, regionally, andinternationally.
They include the exploration, refining, and
production, as well as the marketing and sales of
oil and gas, liquefied natural gas (LNG), natural
gas liquids (NGL), gas-to-liquids (GTL) products,
refined products, petrochemicals, fertilizers, steel
and aluminum.
QP’s operations and activities are conducted at
various onshore locations, including Doha, Dukhan
and the Mesaieed and Ras Laffan Industrial Cities,;
and at various offshore areas, such as offshore
production stations, drilling platforms, Halul
Island, and the North Field, which covers an area
of 6,000 square kilometers and is the largest
single non-associated gas reservoir in the world.
The utilization of this field’s massive reserves
has become a primary national goal to continue qatar-petroleum
the development and prosperity of the country.
QP pays the utmost attention to the health and qatarpetroleum
safety of its employees, contractors, visitors and
the local communities where it operates. From
drilling to construction and from operations to qatarpetroleum
decommissioning, QP’s health, safety and
environment policy forms an integral part of the
corporation’s daily business and long-term qpqatar
Qatar Petroleum is committed to contribute to qatarpetroleum
a better future by meeting today’s economic
needs, while safeguarding our environment
and resources for generations to come. Thriving www.qp.com.qa
on innovation and excellence, Qatar Petroleum
In the aftermath of a very extensive and successful prudently manage the hydrocarbon reserves of
re-organization and optimization program that the State of Qatar, meet the domestic oil and gas
ended in 2015, Qatar Petroleum worked demand in a cost-effective manner, and develop
throughout 2016 to cultivate deeper roots for a a highly capable and motivated workforce across
stronger, more focused, and efficient the whole of QP with special emphasis on Qatari
organization. The corporation moved forward development.
with strength and determination to achieve its
This will be done by excelling in the safe delivery of
new vision “to become one of the best national
our major projects, operational excellence in our
oil companies in the world, with roots in Qatar
assets and functions, the management of our
and a strong international presence.”
major contractual arrangements with our partners,
QP has also engaged in various endeavors to the achievement of world-class standards of
realize better yields from Qatar’s resources, health, safety and environmental protection, and
achieve higher monetization levels, and deliver the continued growth of QP’s international
its commercial and growth objectives. upstream and LNG business.
The development of the Dukhan Field took place in various stages. The first well was drilled in 1939-1940,
confirming the presence of commercial quantities of oil, but further work was suspended due to World War
II. The development of the Khatiyah sector was subsequently started in 1947 and oil was exported for the
first time ever from Mesaieed Port on 31 December 1949.
Abruk QP The AK-3 and 4 wells had been spudded, with the results not
Al-Khalij South QP The AKJS-1 well oil discovery was tested successfully, with oil
from the Mishrif reservoir.
Block – A JX Nippon The JXQA-1 well was completed as a pre-Khuff (Unayzah, Jauf )
gas discovery. A second well was spudded in December 2016.
Bunduq Co. The E-1 well tested the Khuff and pre-Khuff potential of the
Bunduq Deep (QP-50%, Bunduq Field structure. The well results are under evaluation.
Najwat Najem Preparation work to drill the appraisal well NN-5 is ongoing. This
well is scheduled to be spud in 2018.
In addition to the above, a variety of additional studies are ongoing to evaluate the hydrocarbon potential of
Qatar. These are concentrated in oil-prone reservoirs in the eastern and northern offshore areas of the
With regards to drilling activities, three rigs carried out the offshore drilling operations in 2016. The rig “Al
Doha” was released in March and the rig “Halul” started its operations in April 2016.
Crude Oil
PS2 + PS3 1,786 mmscf/d
PS4 28,677 bpd
PS2 + PS3 71 mmscf/d
PS4 721 mmscf/d
Utilizing Resources
QP efforts in the development of the Laffan Refinery 2
QP’s Downstream Development Directorate is (LR2) project bore fruit with the refinery’s successful
tasked with ensuring the maximization and pres- commercial startup in December 2016. The
ervation of long-term value for the corporation’s project doubled Qatar’s condensate refining
downstream business as well as with developing capacity to a total of 292,000 barrels per day, and it
downstream growth plans and implementing also diversified the sources for jet fuel and diesel
QP’s downstream asset strategy. In 2016, the supply in the country.
directorate worked on setting a new strategic
direction and standards as well as on delivering
Qatar Petroleum aims for maximum benefit from
its petroleum resources by engaging in all refining
activities that would add value to these resources.
QP’s refinery operates with the utmost attention
to safely and environmental responsibility to
Ref. II (QL Crude) U-61 (NFC + RGC) U-65 (NFC + RGC & Total
Business Plan
95R 91R MT
Business Plan
95R 91R
Business Plan
300,000 Naphtha
200,000 499,656 Gasoline
100,000 97/95 R DCO
237,362 214,002 FO 13,241
Business Plan
Imports (MT)
Products Jet A-1 LGO
Import Quantities 2,102,635 529,335
1,500,000 JET A-1
1,000,000 2,102,635
0 529,335
Products Gasoline
Naphtha Jet A-1 LGO DCO FO
Shipment Nos. 20 11 61 18 13 13
Shipments (Nos.)
40 Jet A1
10 Gasoline Jet A1, LGO 18 DCO FO
97/95 R 11 61 13 13
Mesaieed Operations is responsible for ensuring A large number of operational excellence initia-
the safe, efficient, and reliable operations of the tives were ongoing at Mesaieed Operations in
Mesaieed NGL Complex, the Mesaieed Tank Farm 2016 to achieve full alignment with the QP corpo-
and Terminal as well as the Hydrocarbon Pipeline rate vision and strategy.
Transmission & Distribution System in Qatar. Its
The first is on maintenance excellence, with the
mandate also includes supplying the fuel/feed- objective to improve the work process of mainte-
stock requirements for power plants and indus- nance planning and execution to ensure high
tries in Qatar as well as meeting the export targets operational availability and reliability of the assets
in line with the objectives of QP’s Operations and equipment while obtaining significant and
Directorate. sustainable maintenance cost reductions. Anoth-
In 2016, fuel gas supplies to power plants and er focus is on strengthening frontline staff align-
industries were maintained, mostly without inter- ment through clear and timely communication to
ruptions, in spite of several cases of major supply all Mesaieed Operations staff on targets, progress,
disruptions. Extra gas supplies due to consumer results and ongoing initiatives as well as the
outages were accommodated successfully in the creation of an organizational environment condu-
cive to open, transparent and honest communica-
distribution grid to avoid any flaring. Gas receipt
tion across organizational levels and boundaries.
and distribution flexibility was significantly
improved through the commissioning of new 36” In its efforts for increased operational excellence,
and 30” pipelines sections within Ras Laffan. QP remains focused on turnaround governance
and management. Its main purpose is to achieve
Also in 2016, a total of 54,000 barrels of crude oil
end-to-end process standardization for turn-
were recovered from sludge at the tank farm
arounds to sustainably improve cost efficiencies.
through demulsification. With careful review of oil
A cross-department Turnaround Team is now
storage requirements and improved planning
operational at Mesaieed Operations and the
and scheduling, one crude oil tank was decom- scheduled turnaround of NGL-4 in 2017 has been
missioned and the planned tank rehabilitation chosen as the pilot project for its Turnaround
project was cancelled. Governance Procedure.
Mesaieed Operations successfully completed 21.4 Mesaieed Operations is also a full participant in
million man-hours without a Lost Time Incident ongoing initiatives throughout QP, such as those
(LTI). There were no recordable injuries in the related to cyber security, business continuity
department during 2016. All plants were operat- management, enterprise risk management and
ed in compliance with the agreed consent-to-op- HSE governance.
erate (CTO) conditions of the Qatar’s Ministry of
Municipality and Environment. Mesaieed Opera- ORYX GTL
tions is certified to ISO 9001 (Quality Manage-
Oryx GTL is the world’s first large scale gas-to-liq-
ment System), ISO 14001 (Environmental Man-
uids (GTL) plant to use low temperature slurry bed
agement System) and OHSAS 18001 (occupation-
Fischer-Tropsch technology. Located in Ras Laffan
al health).
NATURAL GAS LIQUIDS (NGL) - Atmospheric tanks (5) for storing plant and stabi-
lized field condensate;
QP’s natural gas liquids (NGL) processing facilities
have been in operation at Mesaieed since 1974 - NGL Jetty for exporting LPG and condensates.
when the original NGL-1 production train was The products of the NGL Complex are sweet lean
commissioned to process NGL received from the gas (NFLG), stripped associated gas (OffSAG),
Fahahil Stripping Plant located in the Dukhan oil ethane rich gas (ERG), LPG (propane and butane),
field. The re-built plant was commissioned in plant condensate (NGL condensate), liquid sulfur
1981. NGL-2 was commissioned in 1980 to and stabilized field condensate (NFC). These prod-
process associated gas produced from QP’s ucts are exported (propane, butane, and NGL
offshore production facilities (PS-1, PS-2 and condensate), supplied as feedstock to down-
PS-3). stream industries (ERG, NFC, OffSAG, butane,
In 1990, NGL-3 was commissioned to process sulfur), or supplied as fuel (NFLG) to State power
non-associated gas and condensate produced plants and local industries in Qatar.
from the North Field Alpha (NFA) platform locat- In 2016, the NGL Complex processed 100% of the
ed in Qatar’s offshore North Field. The gas sweet- available feed. Product losses (~ 0.35% of total
ening facilities (AGR/SRU) were commissioned in feed vs. allowed 1%) and plant unavailability
1993. (0.07-1.4% for different plants vs. allowed 3%)
In 2002, the NGL-4 facility was commissioned to were kept well-controlled.
receive high ethane yield NGLs from the Arab D
Gas Plant located in the Dukhan Field and to
Propane 3,037 mtpd
Butane 2,239 mtpd
QP Refinery
SEEF Limited
Gasal Q.S.C.
Reducing, Reusing and Recycling Waste • Promoting studies on conservation, such as the
ongoing marine turtle conservation and monitor-
Qatar has set a national objective to increase the ing project;
percentage of waste that is diverted from landfills
by reducing waste creation through design or by • Providing public awareness on various measures
reusing and recycling waste once it is created. being taken to conserve the hawksbill turtles in
To this end, QP has continued the development
and implementation of waste management stan- We have achieved a very good understanding of
dards, as well as the monitoring of drilling waste the hawksbill turtle in Qatar, and increased turtle
levels from onshore and offshore operations. It hatching events based on the support and
ensured strict regulatory compliance with the monitoring provided. The establishment of the
Ministry of Municipality and Environment’s (MME) Turtle Information Centre in Fuwairit is also
licensing requirements regarding the waste helping to raise awareness within the local and
storage yard for Naturally Occurring Radioactive visiting community.
Materials (NORM), and carried out periodic
inspections of our hazardous waste facilities.
Furthermore, it organized training programs for
personnel on environmental awareness and
waste management.
QP reduced its hazardous waste production
between 2015 and 2016 and increased the
volume of total waste recycled by 32%, the major-
ity of which was non-hazardous. QP continues to
seek opportunities to reduce, reuse and recycle
waste materials because closing the loop will help
to avoid negative environmental outcomes and,
in many cases, could lead to cost savings or new
forms of revenue, as has been demonstrated by
some of our downstream investments, such as
Reservoir Simulation
As part of its mandate, Facilities Management Corporate governance is one of the key enablers
contributes to a safe and environmentally supporting QP on the path to achieve its vision “to
conscious working environment by ensuring that become one of the best national oil companies in
QP’s environmental and safety policies are always the world, with roots in Qatar and a strong inter-
national presence.” In 2016, QP ’s Legal Depart-
One of the initiatives being proposed involves QP management took corrective action on all the
implementing an Integrated Business Ethics & cases that were investigated and on which a
Integrity Management Framework (BE&IMF). report was issued, and where applicable, institut-
High-level documents supporting the BE&IMF ed appropriate action plans to address outstand-
have been prepared and submitted to senior ing issues. There is a follow-up process to track all
management. These documents, once approved, outstanding issues regularly, and follow-up
will support the implementation of revised or new reports are issued to the President & CEO and to
codes and polices, including but not limited to: the QP Board Audit Committee on a quarterly
- Code of ethical business conduct
- Conflict of interest regulations and the related
13 February – QP awarded a contract for the construction of a 24-inch pipeline and associat-
ed facilities to supply jet fuel from Ras Laffan Industrial City (RLIC) to Hamad International
Airport (HIA), a project to ensure that the long-term demand for jet fuel at the airport is met
beyond the year 2030.
17 February – QP held its annual Continuous Service Awards (CSA) Ceremony, during which
the President & CEO Mr. Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi honored a total of 365 employees who had
reached career milestones of 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 years of service with the corporation.
2 March – Under the patronage of the President & CEO Mr. Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, QP gave
recognition to a total of 831 long-serving employees who had been part of the corporation
for the past 10 and 15 years.
24 March – QP delivered the 500th liquefied natural gas (LNG) cargo from QP affiliate Qatar
Liquefied Gas Company (2) to the South Hook LNG Terminal at Milford Haven in the United
Kingdom. The landmark delivery was made on board the Q-Flex LNG vessel “Al-Hamla.”
27 April – As part of its efforts to effectively to develop Qatari leaders, to manage corporate
governance, and to sustain growth and development, QP has launched the “Qatar Petro-
leum High Performance Boards Program” in association with the Global Board Center of IMD
Business School in Switzerland.
28 April – QP’s Offshore Operations took part in the global observance of the “World Day for
Safety and Health at Work” by organizing activities related to occupational health and safety
in Halul Island as well as in Production Station 2, PS-3 and PS-4.
9 May – QP marked a major milestone with the loading of the 10,000th LNG cargo from Ras
Laffan Port. The LNG cargo was loaded on board the Q-Max LNG carrier “Mozah,” which was
bound for the South Hook LNG Terminal in the UK.
16 May – Mr. Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, President & CEO of QP, attended the 16th Annual
Qatarization Review Meeting of the energy and industry sector, during which many compa-
nies were honored for their outstanding performance in the field of Qatarization.
28 June – In line with its strategy to focus on its core business in the oil and gas industry, QP
announced that it will hand over in January 2017 the management and operation of some
areas within its concession in Mesaieed Industrial City to the Economic Zones Company
Qatar (Manateq).
5 October – In the presence of H.E. Sheikh Abdullah Bin Nasser Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, the
Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior of the State of Qatar, and H.E. Dr. Sultan Bin
Ahmed Al Jaber, Minister of State in the United Arab Emirates and CEO of Abu Dhabi Nation-
al Oil Company (ADNOC), QP and Dolphin Energy Limited entered into a new long- term gas
sale and purchase agreement (SPA), under which QP will deliver additional quantities of gas
to Dolphin for export to the UAE through an existing subsea pipeline.
11 October – Mr. Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, President & CEO of QP, held meetings in Tokyo with
top executives of major Japanese companies and discussed ways to boost existing coopera-
tion with customers and business partners, particularly in the LNG trade.
13 October – QP conducted a clean-up activity at Ras Laffan Port in line with the celebration
of the annual Ports Clean-Up Day, which was first held in 2012 and organized by the Region-
al Clean Sea Organization (RECSO).
31 October – QP announced the establishment of Ocean LNG Limited for the purpose of
marketing its future international LNG supply portfolio sourced outside Qatar, a move
driven by QP’s aspirations to remain as a global LNG leader and to invest in LNG projects in
other countries.
12 November – Mr. Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, President & CEO of QP, hosted a signing ceremony
for a long-term LNG sale and purchase agreement (SPA) between QP’s affiliate, Ocean LNG
Limited, and the Brazil-based Centrais Elétricas de Sergipe S.A. (CELSE), a joint venture
between GG Power and Ebrasil.