Misp Training

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An Introduction to Cybersecu-

rity Information Sharing

MISP - Threat Sharing

CIRCL / Team MISP Project

MISP Project


Threat Sharing

Agenda and details available


1 14
MISP and starting from a practical use-case

During a malware analysis workgroup in 2012, we discovered

that we worked on the analysis of the same malware.
We wanted to share information in an easy and automated
way to avoid duplication of work.
Christophe Vandeplas (then working at the CERT for the
Belgian MoD) showed us his work on a platform that later
became MISP.
A first version of the MISP Platform was used by the MALWG
and the increasing feedback of users helped us to build an
improved platform.
MISP is now a community-driven development.

2 14
about CIRCL

The Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg (CIRCL) is a

government-driven initiative designed to provide a systematic
response facility to computer security threats and incidents.
CIRCL is the CERT for the private sector, communes and
non-governmental entities in Luxembourg and is operated by
securitymadein.lu g.i.e.

3 14

CIRCL is mandated by the Ministry of Economy and acting as

the Luxembourg National CERT for private sector.
CIRCL leads the development of the Open Source MISP
threat intelligence platform which is used by many military
or intelligence communities, private companies, financial
sector, National CERTs and LEAs globally.
CIRCL runs multiple large MISP communities performing
active daily threat-intelligence sharing.

4 14
What is MISP?

MISP is a threat information sharing platform that is free &

open source software
A tool that collects information from partners, your analysts,
your tools, feeds
Normalises, correlates, enriches the data
Allows teams and communities to collaborate
Feeds automated protective tools and analyst tools with the

5 14
Development based on practical user feedback

There are many different types of users of an information

sharing platform like MISP:
I Malware reversers willing to share indicators of analysis with
respective colleagues.
I Security analysts searching, validating and using indicators in
operational security.
I Intelligence analysts gathering information about specific
adversary groups.
I Law-enforcement relying on indicators to support or
bootstrap their DFIR cases.
I Risk analysis teams willing to know about the new threats,
likelyhood and occurences.
I Fraud analysts willing to share financial indicators to detect
financial frauds.

6 14
MISP model of governance

7 14
Many objectives from different user-groups

Sharing indicators for a detection matter.

I ’Do I have infected systems in my infrastructure or the ones I
Sharing indicators to block.
I ’I use these attributes to block, sinkhole or divert traffic.’
Sharing indicators to perform intelligence.
I ’Gathering information about campaigns and attacks. Are
they related? Who is targeting me? Who are the adversaries?’
→ These objectives can be conflicting (e.g. False-positives
have different impacts)

8 14
Communities using MISP

Communities are groups of users sharing within a set of

common objectives/values.
CIRCL operates multiple MISP instances with a significant
user base (more than 1200 organizations with more than
4000 users).
Trusted groups running MISP communities in island mode
(air gapped system) or partially connected mode.
Financial sector (banks, ISACs, payment processing
organizations) use MISP as a sharing mechanism.
Military and international organizations (NATO, military
CSIRTs, n/g CERTs,...).
Security vendors running their own communities (e.g.
Fidelis) or interfacing with MISP communities (e.g. OTX).
Topical communities set up to tackle individual specific
issues (COVID-19 MISP)
9 14
Sharing Difficulties

Sharing difficulties are not really technical issues but often

it’s a matter of social interactions (e.g. trust).
Legal restriction1
I "Our legal framework doesn’t allow us to share information."
I "Risk of information-leak is too high and it’s too risky for our
organization or partners."
Practical restriction
I "We don’t have information to share."
I "We don’t have time to process or contribute indicators."
I "Our model of classification doesn’t fit your model."
I "Tools for sharing information are tied to a specific format,
we use a different one."

10 14
MISP Project Overview

Open Source Intelligence Intelligence

Open Standards
Software & Knowledge Base & Sharing Community

MISP core misp-taxonomies MISP exchange MISP OSINT feeds

core format

misp-modules misp-galaxy
compliance documents
such as GDPR,
MISP objects template
ISO 27010:2015

threat intelligence
best practices &
training materials

best practises

11 14
Sharing in MISP

Sharing via distribution lists - Sharing groups

Delegation for pseudo-anonymised information sharing
Proposals and Extended events for collaborated information
Synchronisation, Feed system, air-gapped sharing
User defined filtered sharing for all the above mentioned
Cross-instance information caching for quick lookups of
large data-sets
Support for multi-MISP internal enclaves

12 14
Information quality management

Correlating data
Feedback loop from detections via Sightings
False positive management via the warninglist system
Enrichment system via MISP-modules
workflow system to review and control information
Integrations with a plethora of tools and formats
Flexible API and support libraries such as PyMISP to ease
Timelines and giving information a temporal context
Full chain for indicator life-cycle management

13 14

Information sharing practices come from usage and by

example (e.g. learning by imitation from the shared
MISP is just a tool. What matters is your sharing practices.
The tool should be as transparent as possible to support
Enable users to customize MISP to meet their community’s
MISP project combines open source software, open
standards, best practices and communities to make
information sharing a reality.

14 / 14
An Introduction to Cybersecu-
rity Information Sharing
MISP - Threat Sharing

CIRCL / Team MISP Project

MISP Project


Threat Sharing

Agenda and details available


1 24
MISP and starting from a practical use-case

During a malware analysis workgroup in 2012, we discovered

that we worked on the analysis of the same malware.
We wanted to share information in an easy and automated
way to avoid duplication of work.
Christophe Vandeplas (then working at the CERT for the
Belgian MoD) showed us his work on a platform that later
became MISP.
A first version of the MISP Platform was used by the MALWG
and the increasing feedback of users helped us to build an
improved platform.
MISP is now a community-driven development.

2 24
about CIRCL

The Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg (CIRCL) is a

government-driven initiative designed to provide a systematic
response facility to computer security threats and incidents.
CIRCL is the CERT for the private sector, communes and
non-governmental entities in Luxembourg and is operated by
securitymadein.lu g.i.e.

3 24

CIRCL is mandated by the Ministry of Economy and acting as

the Luxembourg National CERT for private sector.
CIRCL leads the development of the Open Source MISP
threat intelligence platform which is used by many military
or intelligence communities, private companies, financial
sector, National CERTs and LEAs globally.
CIRCL runs multiple large MISP communities performing
active daily threat-intelligence sharing.

4 24
What is MISP?

MISP is a threat information sharing platform that is free &

open source software
A tool that collects information from partners, your analysts,
your tools, feeds
Normalises, correlates, enriches the data
Allows teams and communities to collaborate
Feeds automated protective tools and analyst tools with the

5 24
Development based on practical user feedback

There are many different types of users of an information

sharing platform like MISP:
I Malware reversers willing to share indicators of analysis with
respective colleagues.
I Security analysts searching, validating and using indicators in
operational security.
I Intelligence analysts gathering information about specific
adversary groups.
I Law-enforcement relying on indicators to support or
bootstrap their DFIR cases.
I Risk analysis teams willing to know about the new threats,
likelyhood and occurences.
I Fraud analysts willing to share financial indicators to detect
financial frauds.

6 24
MISP model of governance

7 24
Many objectives from different user-groups

Sharing indicators for a detection matter.

I ’Do I have infected systems in my infrastructure or the ones I
Sharing indicators to block.
I ’I use these attributes to block, sinkhole or divert traffic.’
Sharing indicators to perform intelligence.
I ’Gathering information about campaigns and attacks. Are
they related? Who is targeting me? Who are the adversaries?’
→ These objectives can be conflicting (e.g. False-positives
have different impacts)

8 24
Communities using MISP

Communities are groups of users sharing within a set of

common objectives/values.
CIRCL operates multiple MISP instances with a significant
user base (more than 1200 organizations with more than
4000 users).
Trusted groups running MISP communities in island mode
(air gapped system) or partially connected mode.
Financial sector (banks, ISACs, payment processing
organizations) use MISP as a sharing mechanism.
Military and international organizations (NATO, military
CSIRTs, n/g CERTs,...).
Security vendors running their own communities (e.g.
Fidelis) or interfacing with MISP communities (e.g. OTX).
Topical communities set up to tackle individual specific
issues (COVID-19 MISP)
9 24
Sharing Difficulties

Sharing difficulties are not really technical issues but often

it’s a matter of social interactions (e.g. trust).
Legal restriction1
I "Our legal framework doesn’t allow us to share information."
I "Risk of information-leak is too high and it’s too risky for our
organization or partners."
Practical restriction
I "We don’t have information to share."
I "We don’t have time to process or contribute indicators."
I "Our model of classification doesn’t fit your model."
I "Tools for sharing information are tied to a specific format,
we use a different one."

10 24
MISP Project Overview

Open Source Intelligence Intelligence

Open Standards
Software & Knowledge Base & Sharing Community

MISP core misp-taxonomies MISP exchange MISP OSINT feeds

core format

misp-modules misp-galaxy
compliance documents
such as GDPR,
MISP objects template
ISO 27010:2015

threat intelligence
best practices &
training materials

best practises

11 24
A rich data-model: telling stories via

12 24
Contextualisation and aggregation

MISP integrates at the event and the attribute levels MITRE’s

Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and Common Knowledge

13 24
Sharing in MISP

Sharing via distribution lists - Sharing groups

Delegation for pseudo-anonymised information sharing
Proposals and Extended events for collaborated information
Synchronisation, Feed system, air-gapped sharing
User defined filtered sharing for all the above mentioned
Cross-instance information caching for quick lookups of
large data-sets
Support for multi-MISP internal enclaves

14 24
MISP core distributed sharing functionality

MISPs’ core functionality is sharing where everyone can be a

consumer and/or a contributor/producer."
Quick benefit without the obligation to contribute.
Low barrier access to get acquainted to the system.

15 24
Information quality management

Correlating data
Feedback loop from detections via Sightings
False positive management via the warninglist system
Enrichment system via MISP-modules
Integrations with a plethora of tools and formats
Flexible API and support libraries such as PyMISP to ease
Timelines and giving information a temporal context
Full chain for indicator life-cycle management

16 24
Correlation features: a tool for analysts

To corroborate a finding (e.g. is this the same campaign?),

reinforce an analysis (e.g. do other analysts have the same
hypothesis?), confirm a specific aspect (e.g. are the sinkhole
IP addresses used for one campaign?) or just find if this
threat is new or unknown in your community.

17 24
Sightings support

Has a data-point been sighted by

me or the community before?
Additionally, the sighting system
supports negative sigthings (FP)
and expiration sightings.
Sightings can be performed via the
API or the UI.
Many use-cases for scoring
indicators based on users sighting.
For large quantities of data,
SightingDB by Devo

18 24
Timelines and giving information a temporal
Recently introduced first_seen and last_seen data
All data-points can be placed in time
Enables the visualisation and adjustment of indicators

19 24
Life-cycle management via decaying of indicators

Decay score toggle button

I Shows Score for each Models associated to the Attribute type

20 24
Decaying of indicators: Fine tuning tool

Create, modify, visualise, perform mapping

21 24
Decaying of indicators: simulation tool

Simulate Attributes with different Models

22 24
Bootstrapping your MISP with data

We maintain the default CIRCL OSINT feeds (TLP:WHITE

selected from our communities) in MISP to allow users to
ease their bootstrapping.
The format of the OSINT feed is based on standard MISP
JSON output pulled from a remote TLS/HTTP server.
Additional content providers can provide their own MISP
feeds. (https://botvrij.eu/)
Allows users to test their MISP installations and
synchronisation with a real dataset.
Opening contribution to other threat intel feeds but also
allowing the analysis of overlapping data2 .

A recurring challenge in information sharing
23 24

Information sharing practices come from usage and by

example (e.g. learning by imitation from the shared
MISP is just a tool. What matters is your sharing practices.
The tool should be as transparent as possible to support
Enable users to customize MISP to meet their community’s
MISP project combines open source software, open
standards, best practices and communities to make
information sharing a reality.

24 / 24
MISP User Training - General us-
age of MISP
MISP - Threat Sharing

CIRCL / Team MISP Project

Twitter: @MISPProject


Threat Sharing

I MISP admin: [email protected]/admin
I SSH: misp/Password1234
Available at the following location (VirtualBox and VMWare):
I https://www.circl.lu/misp-images/latest/

1 22

It is a bit broken.
I sudo -s
I cd /var/www/MISP/
I sudo pear install
I sudo pear install
I cd /usr/local/src/misp-modules
I pip3 install -r REQUIREMENTS
I pip3 install .
I reboot

2 22
MISP - General Usage

Plan for this part of the training

Data model
Viewing data
Creating data

3 22
MISP - Event (MISP’s basic building block)

4 22
MISP - Event (Attributes, giving meaning to

5 22
MISP - Event (Correlations on similar

6 22
MISP - Event (Proposals)

7 22
MISP - Event (Tags)

8 22
MISP - Event (Discussions)

9 22
MISP - Event (Taxonomies and proposal

10 22
MISP - Event (The state of the art MISP

11 22
MISP - Viewing the Event Index

Event Index
I Event context
I Tags
I Distribution
I Correlations

12 22
MISP - Viewing an Event

Event View
I Event context
I Attributes
Category/type, IDS, Correlations
I Objects
I Galaxies
I Proposals
I Discussions
Tools to find what you are looking for
Correlation graphs

13 22
MISP - Creating and populating events in various
ways (demo)

The main tools to populate an event

I Adding attributes / batch add
I Adding objects and how the object templates work
I Freetext import
I Import
I Templates
I Adding attachments / screenshots

14 22
MISP - Various features while adding data

What happens automatically when adding data?

I Automatic correlation
I Input modification via validation and filters (regex)
I Tagging / Galaxy Clusters
Various ways to publish data
I Publish with/without e-mail
I Publishing via the API
I Delegation

15 22
MISP - Using the data

Correlation graphs
Downloading the data in various formats
API (explained later)
Collaborating with users (proposals, discussions, emails)

16 22
MISP - Sync explained (if no admin training)

Sync connections
Pull/push model
Previewing instances
Filtering the sync
Connection test tool
Cherry pick mode

17 22
MISP - Feeds explained (if no admin training)

Feed types (MISP, Freetext, CSV)

Adding/editing feeds
Previewing feeds
Local vs Network feeds

18 22
MISP - Distributions explained

Your Organisation Only

This Community Only
Connected Communities
All Communities
Sharing Group

19 22
MISP - Distribution and Topology

20 22
MISP - Exports and API

Download an event
Quick glance at the APIs
Download search results
ReST API and query builder

21 22
MISP - Shorthand admin (if no admin training)


22 / 22
MISP Training: MISP Deployment
and Integration

CIRCL / Team MISP Project

Twitter: @MISPProject


Threat Sharing
A Common Integration

1 11
Recommended MISP Setup

Provisioning your MISP infrastructure depends heavily on

the number of attributes/events (whether your dataset is
below or above 50 million attributes).
Number of MISP instances and the overall design depends
on the following factors:
I Is your community private? Are you gathering MISP events
from other communities? Are you publishing events to
external (trusted/untrusted) communities.
I Do you plan to have automatic tools (e.g. sandbox analysis or
low-value information needing correlation or an analyst
workbench) feeding MISP?

2 11
Vendors and Formats

There is a jungle of formats with some vendors having little

to no interest in keeping their users autonomous.
Attacks and threats require a dynamic format to be
efficiently shared (e.g. from financial indicators to personal
Review your current list of formats/vendors to ensure a
limited loss of information, especially when exporting from
MISP to other formats (e.g. STIX not supporting financial
indicators or taxonomies/galaxies).

3 11
Use case: Normalizing OSINT and Private Feeds

Normalizing external input and feed into MISP (e.g. feed

Comparing feeds before import (how many similarities?
Evaluating quality of information before import (warning-list
lookup at feed evaluation).

4 11
Connecting Devices and Tools to MISP

One of the main goals of MISP is to feed protective or

detection tools with data
I IDSes / IPSes (e.g. Suricata, Bro, Snort format as included in
Cisco products)
I SIEMs (e.g. CEF, CSV or real-time ZMQ pub-sub or Sigma)
I Host scanners (e.g. OpenIOC, STIX, yara rule-set, CSV)
I Various analysis tools (e.g. Maltego)
I DNS policies (e.g. RPZ)
Various ways of exporting this data (downloads of the
selected data, full exports, APIs)
The idea was to leave the selection process of the subset of
data to be pushed to these up to the user using APIs.

5 11
SIEM and MISP Integration

SIEMs and MISP can be integrated with different techniques

depending on the processes at your SOC or IR:
I Pulling events (via the API) or indicator lists at regular
intervals in a given time frame to perform lookups.
I Subscribing to the MISP ZMQ pub-sub channel to directly get
the published events and use these in a lookup process.
I Lookup expansion module in MISP towards the SIEM to have a
direct view of the attributes matched against the SIEM.
The above options can be combined, depending on your
organisation or requirements to increase coverage and

6 11
ZMQ integration: misp-dashboard

A dashboard showing live data and statistics from the ZMQ

pub-sub of one or more MISP instances.
Building low-latency software by consuming pub-sub
channel provides significant advantages over standard API
Process information in real-time when it’s updated, created,
published or gathered in MISP.

7 11
New integrations: IR and threat hunting using

Close co-operation with the Hive project for IR

I Interact with MISP directly from the Hive
I Use both the MISP modules and the Cortex analysers in MISP
or the Hive directly
Using MISP to support your threat hunting via McAfee

8 11
The Hive integration

9 11
Reporting Back from your Devices, Tools or

As Sightings can be positive, negative or even based on

expiration, different use cases are possible:
Sightings allow users to notify a MISP instance about the
activities related to an indicator.
Activities can be from a SIEM (e.g. Splunk lookup validation
or false-positive feedback), a NIDS or honeypot devices1 .
Sighting can affect the API to limit the NIDS exports and
improve the NIDS rule-set directly.

10 11

[email protected] (if you want to join the CIRCL MISP sharing

https://github.com/MISP/ -
We welcome any contributions to the project, be it pull
requests, ideas, github issues,...

11 / 11
Viper - Using MISP from your ter-
MISP - Threat Sharing

CIRCL / Team MISP Project

MISP Project


Threat Sharing
Viper - Main ideas

Viper is a binary analysis and management framework.

Its fundamental objective is to provide a solution to easily
organize your collection of malware and exploit samples
as well as your collection of scripts you created or found
over the time to facilitate your daily research. Think of
it as a Metasploit for malware researchers: it provides a
terminal interface that you can use to store, search and
analyze arbitrary files with and a framework to easily cre-
ate plugins of any sort.

1 12

Solid CLI
Plenty of modules (PE files, *office, ELF, APK, ...)
Connection to 3rd party services (MISP, VirusTotal, cuckoo)
Connectors to 3rd party tools (IDA, radare)
Locale storage of your own zoo
Django interface is available (I’ve been told)

2 12

3 12
PyMISP & Viper

Full featured CLI for MISP

Remote storage of your zoo
Search / Cross check with VirusTotal
Create / Update / Show / Publish Event
Download / Upload Samples
Mass export / Upload / Download
Get Yara rules

4 12
MISP Module

5 12
Viper & VT

Searches for hashes/ips/domains/URLs from the current

MISP event, or download the samples
Download samples from current MISP event
Download all samples from all the MISP events of the
current session

6 12
VirusTotal Module

7 12
Extra features

Link to a MISP event

Local storage of the MISP event
On the fly cross-check of MISP atributes with 3rd party
Never leaving your CLI!

8 12
Other modules

Fully featured CLI for Passive SSL

Fully featured CLI for Passive DNS
Can launch Radare2 or IDA

9 12
Passive SSL

10 12
Passive DNS

11 12

We welcome new functionalities and pull requests.

12 / 12
Connect your mail infrastructure to MISP to
create events based on the information con-
tained/ Team MISP Project
within mails
Twitter: @MISPProject


Threat Sharing

You receive emails with IoC’s inside

How to create an event out of it?
Create event manually and copy paste
→ This works once or twice
Forwarding the email would be nice
→ mail_to_misp

1 6
Features: Email handling

Extraction of URLs and IP addresses and port numbers

Extraction of hostnames from URLs
Extraction of hashes (MD5, SHA1, SHA256)
DNS expansion
Subject filters
Refanging of URLs (’hxxp://...’)
... and more

2 6
Features: Support MISP features

Add tags automatically

Ignore ’whitelisted’ domains
Configurable list of attributes not to enable the IDS flag
DNS expansion
Automatically create ’external analysis’ links based on filter
list (e.g. VirusTotal, malwr.com)
Automatically filter out attributes that are on a server side
warning list
Support for value sighting
... and more

3 6

I Email → Apple Mail → Mail rule → AppleScript
→ AppleScript → mail_to_misp → PyMISP → MISP

I Email → Thunderbird → Mail rule → filterscript →

thunderbird_wrapper → mail_to_misp → PyMISP → MISP

Postfix and others

I Email → mail_to_misp

4 6

1. git clone
2. Install dependencies - See Github site

MTA (Postfix or alike)

1. Setup a new email address in the aliases file (e.g.
misp_handler: "|/path/to/mail_to_misp.py -"
2. Rebuild the DB
sudo newaliases
3. Configure mail_to_misp_config.py
misp_url = ’ h t t p : / / 1 2 7 . 0 . 0 . 1 / ’
misp_key = ’ s5jPWCIud36Z8XHgsiCVI7SaL1XsMTyfEsN45tTe ’
m i s p _ v e r i f y c e r t = True
b o d y _ c o n f i g _ p r e f i x = ’m2m’

5 6
Exercise: mail_2_misp.py

. / mail_to_misp . py −r m a i l _ t o _ m i s p _ t e s t / simple_forward . eml

Bonus: Fake-SMTPD spamtrap

. / fake_smtp . py

t e l n e t 1 2 7 . 0 . 0 . 1 2526
Trying 1 2 7 . 0 . 0 . 1 . . .
Connected to 1 2 7 . 0 . 0 . 1 .
Escape c h a r a c t e r i s ’ ^ ] ’ .
220 misp Python SMTP 1 . 1
helo misp
250 misp
mail from : mikel
250 OK
r c p t to : m2m
250 OK
354 End data with <CR>< LF > . < CR>< LF >

MISP User Training - Administra-
tion of MISP 2.4
MISP Threat Sharing

CIRCL / Team MISP Project

Twitter: @MISPProject


Threat Sharing

VM can be downloaded at
I MISP admin: [email protected]/admin
I SSH: misp/Password1234
2 network interfaces
I Host only adapter
Start the enrichment system by typing:
I cd /home/misp/misp-modules/bin
I python3 misp-modules.py

1 21
MISP - Administration

Plan for this part of the training

I User and Organisaton administration
I Sharing group creation
I Templates
I Tags and Taxonomy
I Whitelisting and Regexp entries
I Setting up the synchronisation
I Scheduled tasks
I Feeds
I Settings and diagnostics
I Logging
I Troubleshooting and updating

2 21
MISP - Creating Users

Add new user ([email protected])

NIDS SID, Organisation, disable user
Fetch the PGP key
I Re-using standard roles
I Creating a new custom role
Send out credentials

3 21
MISP - Creating Organisations

Adding a new organisation

Local vs External organisation
Making an organisation self sustaining with Org Admins
Creating a sync user

4 21
MISP - Sharing groups

The concept of a sharing group

Creating a sharing group
Adding extending rights to an organisation
Include all organisations of an instance
Not specifying an instance
Making a sharing group active
Reviewing the sharing group

5 21
MISP - Templates

Why templating?
Create a basic template
Text fields
Attribute fields
Attachment fields
Automatic tagging

6 21
MISP - Tags and Taxonomies

git submodule init && git submodule update

Loading taxonomies
Enabling taxonomies and associated tags
Tag management
Exportable tags

7 21
MISP - Object Templates

git submodule init && git submodule update

Enabling objects (and what about versioning)

8 21
MISP - Whitelisting, Regexp entries,

Block from exports - whitelisting

Block from imports - blacklisting via regexp
Modify on import - modification via regexp
Maintaining the warninglists

9 21
MISP - Setting up the synchronisation

Requirements - versions
One way vs Two way synchronisation
Exchanging sync users
Connection test tool
Previewing an instance
Cherry picking and keeping the list updated

10 21
MISP - Scheduled tasks

How to schedule the next execution

Frequency, next execution
What happens if a job fails?

11 21
MISP - Setting up the synchronisation

MISP Feeds and their generation

Default free feeds
Enabling a feed
Previewing a feed and cherry picking
Feed filters
Auto tagging

12 21
MISP - Settings and diagnostics

I Settings interface
I The tabs explained at a glance
I Issues and their severity
I Setting guidance and how to best use it

13 21
MISP - Settings and diagnostics continued

Basic instance setup

Additional features released as hotfixes
Customise the look and feel of your MISP
Default behaviour (encryption, e-mailing, default
Maintenance mode
Disabling the e-mail alerts for an initial sync

14 21
MISP - Settings and diagnostics continued

I Enrichment Modules
I ZeroMQ

15 21
MISP - Settings and diagnostics continued

I Updating MISP
I Writeable Directories
I PHP settings
I Dependency diagnostics

16 21
MISP - Settings and diagnostics continued

I What do the background workers do?
I Queues
I Restarting workers, adding workers, removing workers
I Worker diagnostics (queue size, jobs page)
I Clearing worker queues
I Worker and background job debugging

17 21
MISP - Settings and diagnostics continued

Seeking help
I Dump your settings to a file!
I Make sure to sanitise it
I Send it to us together with your issue to make our lives easier
I Ask Github (https://github.com/MISP/MISP)
I Have a chat with us on gitter (https://gitter.im/MISP/MISP)
I Ask the MISP mailing list
I If this is security related, drop us a PGP encrypted email to
mailto:[email protected]

18 21
MISP - Logging

Audit logs in MISP

Enable IP logging / API logging
Search the logs, the fields explained
External logs
I /var/www/MISP/app/tmp/logs/error.log
I /var/www/MISP/app/tmp/logs/resque-worker-error.log
I /var/www/MISP/app/tmp/logs/resque-scheduler-error.log
I /var/www/MISP/app/tmp/logs/resque-[date].log
I /var/www/MISP/app/tmp/logs/error.log
I apache access logs

19 21
MISP - Updating MISP

git pull
git submodule init && git submodule update
reset the permissions if it goes wrong according to the
when MISP complains about missing fields, make sure to
clear the caches
I in /var/www/MISP/app/tmp/cache/models remove myapp*
I in /var/www/MISP/app/tmp/cache/persistent remove
No additional action required on hotfix level
Read the migration guide for major and minor version

20 21
MISP - Administrative tools

Upgrade scripts for minor / major versions

Maintenance scripts

21 / 21
Information Sharing and Tax-
Practical Classification of Threat Indicators us-
ing MISP
CIRCL / Team MISP Project

Twitter: @MISPProject


Threat Sharing
From Tagging to Flexible Taxonomies

Tagging is a simple way to attach a classification to an event

or an attribute.
In the early version of MISP, tagging was local to an instance.
Classification must be globally used to be efficient.
After evaluating different solutions of classification, we built
a new scheme using the concept of machine tags.
1 16
Machine Tags

Triple tag, or machine tag, format was introduced in 2004 to

extend geotagging on images.

A machine tag is just a tag expressed in way that allows

systems to parse and interpret it.
Still have a human-readable version:
I admiralty-scale:source-reliability="Fairly reliable"

2 16
MISP Taxonomies

Taxonomies are implemented in a simple JSON format.

Anyone can create their own taxonomy or reuse an existing
The taxonomies are in an independent git repository1 .
These can be freely reused and integrated into other threat
intel tools.
Taxonomies are licensed under Creative Commons (public
domain) except if the taxonomy author decided to use
another license.

3 16
Existing Taxonomies

NATO - Admiralty Scale

CIRCL Taxonomy - Schemes of Classification in Incident
Response and Detection
eCSIRT and IntelMQ incident classification
EUCI EU classified information marking
Information Security Marking Metadata from DNI (Director of
National Intelligence - US)
NATO Classification Marking
OSINT Open Source Intelligence - Classification
TLP - Traffic Light Protocol
Vocabulary for Event Recording and Incident Sharing - VERIS
And many more like ENISA, Europol, or the draft FIRST SIG
Information Exchange Policy.

4 16
Want to write your own taxonomy? 1/2

1 {
2 " namespace " : " admiralty−s c a l e " ,
3 " d e s c r i p t i o n " : " The A d m i r a l t y S c a l e ( a l s o c a l l e d the NATO System
) i s used to rank the r e l i a b i l i t y of a source and the
c r e d i b i l i t y of an i n f o r m a t i o n . " ,
4 " version " : 1 ,
5 " predicates " : [
6 {
7 " value " : " source−r e l i a b i l i t y " ,
8 " expanded " : " Source R e l i a b i l i t y "
9 },
10 {
11 " value " : " information−c r e d i b i l i t y " ,
12 " expanded " : " I n f o r m a t i o n C r e d i b i l i t y "
13 }
14 ],
15 . . . .

5 16
Want to write your own taxonomy? 2/2

1 {
2 " values " : [
3 {
4 " p r e d i c a t e " : " source−r e l i a b i l i t y " ,
5 " entry " : [
6 {
7 " value " : " a " ,
8 " expanded " : " Completely r e l i a b l e "
9 },
10 . . . .

Publishing your taxonomy is as easy as a simple git pull

request on misp-taxonomies2 .

6 16
How are taxonomies integrated in MISP?

MISP administrator can just import (or even cherry pick) the
namespace or predicates they want to use as tags.
Tags can be exported to other instances.
Tags are also accessible via the MISP REST API.

7 16
Filtering the distribution of events among MISP

Applying rules for distribution based on tags:

8 16
Other use cases using MISP taxonomies

Tags can be used to set events or attributes for further

processing by external tools (e.g. VirusTotal auto-expansion
using Viper).
Ensuring a classification manager classifies the events
before release (e.g. release of information from
air-gapped/classified networks).
Enriching IDS export with tags to fit your NIDS deployment.
Using IntelMQ and MISP together to process events (tags
limited per organization introduced in MISP 2.4.49).

9 16
Future functionalities related to MISP

Sighting support (thanks to NCSC-NL) is integrated in MISP

allowing to auto expire IOC based on user detection.
Adjusting taxonomies (adding/removing tags) based on their
score or visibility via sighting.
Simple taxonomy editors to help non-technical users to
create their taxonomies.
Filtering mechanisms in MISP to rename or replace
taxonomies/tags at pull and push synchronisation.
More public taxonomies to be included.

10 16

Python module to handle the taxonomies

Offline and online mode (fetch the newest taxonomies from
Simple search to make tagging easy
Totally independent from MISP
No external dependencies in offline mode
Python3 only
Can be used to create & dump a new taxonomy

11 16

from pytaxonomies import Taxonomies

taxonomies = Taxonomies ( )
taxonomies . v e r s i o n
# => ’20160725 ’
taxonomies . d e s c r i p t i o n
# = > ’ M a n i f e s t f i l e of MISP taxonomies a v a i l a b l e . ’
l i s t ( taxonomies . keys ( ) )
# = > [ ’ t l p ’ , ’ eu−c r i t i c a l −s e c t o r s ’ , ’ de−vs ’ , ’ o s i n t ’ , ’ c i r c l ’ , ’ v e r i s ’ ,
# ’ e c s i r t ’ , ’ dhs−c i i p−s e c t o r s ’ , ’ f r−c l a s s i f ’ , ’ misp ’ , ’ admiralty−s c a l e ’ , . . . ]
taxonomies . get ( ’ enisa ’ ) . d e s c r i p t i o n
# ’ The p r e s e n t t h r e a t taxonomy i s an i n i t i a l v e r s i o n t h a t has been developed on
# the b a s i s of a v a i l a b l e ENISA m a t e r i a l . T h i s m a t e r i a l has been used as an ENISA−i n t e r n a l
# s t r u c t u r i n g aid f o r i n f o r m a t i o n c o l l e c t i o n and t h r e a t c o n s o l i d a t i o n purposes .
# I t emerged i n the time period 2012 −2015. ’
p r i n t ( taxonomies . get ( ’ c i r c l ’ ) )
# c i r c l : i n c i d e n t−c l a s s i f i c a t i o n = " v u l n e r a b i l i t y "
# c i r c l : i n c i d e n t−c l a s s i f i c a t i o n = " malware "
# c i r c l : i n c i d e n t−c l a s s i f i c a t i o n = " f a s t f l u x "
# c i r c l : i n c i d e n t−c l a s s i f i c a t i o n = " system−compromise "
# c i r c l : i n c i d e n t−c l a s s i f i c a t i o n = " sql−i n j e c t i o n "
# ....
p r i n t ( taxonomies . get ( ’ c i r c l ’ ) . machinetags_expanded ( ) )
# c i r c l : i n c i d e n t−c l a s s i f i c a t i o n = " Phishing "
# c i r c l : i n c i d e n t−c l a s s i f i c a t i o n = " Malware "
# c i r c l : i n c i d e n t−c l a s s i f i c a t i o n = " XSS "
# c i r c l : i n c i d e n t−c l a s s i f i c a t i o n = " C o p y r i g h t i s s u e "
# c i r c l : i n c i d e n t−c l a s s i f i c a t i o n = "Spam"
# c i r c l : i n c i d e n t−c l a s s i f i c a t i o n = " SQL I n j e c t i o n "

12 16
The dilemma of false-positives

False-positives are a common issue in threat intelligence

It’s often a contextual issue:
I False-positives might be different per community of users
sharing information.
I Organizations might have their own view on false-positives.
Based on the success of the MISP taxonomy model, we built

13 16
MISP warning lists

misp-warninglists are lists of well-known indicators that can

¯ positives, errors, or
be associated to potential false
Simple JSON files
1 {
2 "name" : " L i s t of known p u b l i c DNS r e s o l v e r s " ,
3 " version " : 2 ,
4 " d e s c r i p t i o n " : " Event c o n t a i n s one or more p u b l i c DNS r e s o l v e r s
as a t t r i b u t e with an IDS f l a g s e t " ,
5 " matching_attributes " : [
6 " ip−s r c " ,
7 " ip−dst "
8 ],
9 " list " : [
10 "8 . 8 . 8 . 8" ,
11 "8 . 8 . 4 . 4" , . . . ]
12 }

14 16
MISP warning lists

The warning lists are integrated in MISP to display an

info/warning box at the event and attribute level.
Enforceable via the API where all attributes that have a hit
on a warninglist will be excluded.
This can be enabled at MISP instance level.
Default warning lists can be enabled or disabled like known
public resolver, multicast IP addresses, hashes for empty
values, rfc1918, TLDs or known Google domains.
The warning lists can be expanded or added in JSON locally
or via pull requests.
Warning lists can be also used for critical or core
infrastructure warning, personally identifiable information...

15 16

[email protected] (if you want to join one of the MISP community
operated by CIRCL)
PGP key fingerprint: CA57 2205 C002 4E06 BA70 BE89 EAAD

16 / 16
Extending MISP with Python mod-
MISP - Threat Sharing

CIRCL / Team MISP Project

Twitter: @MISPProject


Threat Sharing
Why we want to go more modular...

Ways to extend MISP before modules

Works really well
No integration with the UI
I Change the core code
Have to change the core of MISP, diverge from upstream
Needs a deep understanding of MISP internals
Let’s not beat around the bush: Everyone hates PHP

1 20
Goals for the module system

Have a way to extend MISP without altering the core

Get started quickly without a need to study the internals
Make the modules as light weight as possible
I Module developers should only have to worry about the data
I Modules should have a simple and clean skeleton
In a friendlier language - Python

2 20
MISP modules - extending MISP with Python

Extending MISP with expansion

modules with zero
customization in MISP.
A simple ReST API between the
modules and MISP allowing
auto-discovery of new modules
with their features.
Benefit from existing Python
modules in Viper or any other
MISP modules functionnality
introduced in MISP 2.4.28.
MISP import/export modules
3 introduced in MISP 2.4.50. 20
MISP modules - installation

MISP modules can be run on the same system or on a

remote server.
Python 3 is required to run MISP modules.
I sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3-pip libpq5
I cd /usr/local/src/
I sudo git clone https://github.com/MISP/misp-modules.git
I cd misp-modules
I sudo pip3 install -I -r REQUIREMENTS
I sudo pip3 install -I .
I sudo vi /etc/rc.local, add this line: ‘sudo -u www-data
misp-modules -s &‘

4 20
MISP modules - Simple REST API mechanism - introspection interface to get

all modules available
I returns a JSON with a description of each module - interface to query a specific
I to send a JSON to query the module
MISP autodiscovers the available modules and the MISP site
administrator can enable modules as they wish.
If a configuration is required for a module, MISP adds
automatically the option in the server settings.

5 20
Finding available MISP modules

curl -s
1 {
2 "type": "expansion",
3 "name": "dns",
4 "meta": {
5 "module-type": [
6 "expansion",
7 "hover"
8 ],
9 "description": "Simple DNS expansion service
to resolve IP address from MISP
10 "author": "Alexandre Dulaunoy",
11 "version": "0.1"
12 },
13 "mispattributes": {
14 "output": [
15 "ip-src",
16 "ip-dst"
17 ],
18 "input": [
19 "hostname",
20 "domain"
21 ]
22 }

6 20
MISP modules - configuration in the UI

7 20
MISP modules - How it’s integrated in the UI?

8 20
MISP modules - main types of modules

Expansion modules - enrich data that is in MISP

I Hover type - showing the expanded values directly on the
I Expansion type - showing and adding the expanded values
via a proposal form
Import modules - import new data into MISP
Export modules - export existing data from MISP

9 20
Querying a module

curl -s -H "Content-Type:

application/json" –data @body.json -X POST

1 {"module": "dns", "hostname": "www.circl.lu"}

and the response of the dns module:

1 {"results": [{"values": [""],

2 "types": ["ip-src", "ip-dst"]}]}

10 20
Creating your module - DNS module

import json
import dns . r e s o l v e r
misperrors = { ’ e r r o r ’ : ’ E r r o r ’ }
m i s p a t t r i b u t e s = { ’ i n p u t ’ : [ ’ hostname ’ , ’ domain ’ ] , ’ output ’ : [ ’ ip−s r c ’ , ’ ip−dst ’ ] }
moduleinfo = { ’ v e r s i o n ’ : ’ 0 . 1 ’ , ’ author ’ : ’ Alexandre Dulaunoy ’ ,
’ d e s c r i p t i o n ’ : ’ Simple DNS expansion s e r v i c e to r e s o l v e I P address from MISP a t t r i b u t e s ’ , ’ module−type ’ : [ ’ expansion ’ , ’ hover ’ ] }
def handler ( q= F a l s e ) :
i f q i s False :
return False
request = json . loads ( q )
i f request . get ( ’ hostname ’ ) :
toquery = request [ ’ hostname ’ ]
e l i f request . get ( ’ domain ’ ) :
toquery = request [ ’ domain ’ ]
else :
return False
r = dns . r e s o l v e r . Resolver ( )
r . timeout = 2
r . lifetime = 2
r . nameservers = [ ’ 8 . 8 . 8 . 8 ’ ]
try :
answer = r . query ( toquery , ’ A ’ )
except dns . r e s o l v e r . NXDOMAIN :
misperrors [ ’ e r r o r ’ ] = "NXDOMAIN"
r e t u r n misperrors
except dns . exception . Timeout :
misperrors [ ’ e r r o r ’ ] = " Timeout "
r e t u r n misperrors
except :
misperrors [ ’ e r r o r ’ ] = "DNS r e s o l v i n g e r r o r "
r e t u r n misperrors
r = { ’ r e s u l t s ’ : [ { ’ types ’ : m i s p a t t r i b u t e s [ ’ output ’ ] , ’ values ’ : [ s t r ( answer [ 0 ] ) ] } ] }
return r

def i n t r o s p e c t i o n ( ) :
return mispattributes

def v e r s i o n ( ) :
r e t u r n moduleinfo

11 20
Testing your module

Copy your module dns.py in modules/expansion/

Restart the server misp-modules.py
[ adulau : ~ / g i t /misp−modules/ bin ] $ python3 misp−modules . py
2016−03−20 1 9 : 2 5 : 4 3 , 7 4 8 − misp−modules − INFO − MISP modules p a s s i v e t o t a l imported
2016−03−20 1 9 : 2 5 : 4 3 , 7 8 7 − misp−modules − INFO − MISP modules sourcecache imported
2016−03−20 1 9 : 2 5 : 4 3 , 7 8 9 − misp−modules − INFO − MISP modules cve imported
2016−03−20 1 9 : 2 5 : 4 3 , 7 9 0 − misp−modules − INFO − MISP modules dns imported
2016−03−20 1 9 : 2 5 : 4 3 , 7 9 7 − misp−modules − INFO − MISP modules s e r v e r s t a r t e d on TCP port 6666

Check if your module is present in the introspection

curl -s
If yes, test it directly with MISP or via curl

12 20
Code samples (Configuration)

# C o n f i g u r a t i o n at the top
moduleconfig = [ ’ username ’ , ’ password ’ ]
# Code block i n the handler
i f request . get ( ’ c o n f i g ’ ) :
i f ( request [ ’ c o n f i g ’ ] . get ( ’ username ’ ) i s None ) or ( request [ ’ c o n f i g ’ ] . get ( ’ password ’ ) i s None ) :
misperrors [ ’ e r r o r ’ ] = ’ CIRCL P a s s i v e SSL a u t h e n t i c a t i o n i s missing ’
r e t u r n misperrors

x = p y p s s l . PyPSSL ( basic_auth = ( request [ ’ c o n f i g ’ ] [ ’ username ’ ] , request [ ’ c o n f i g ’ ] [ ’ password ’ ] ) )

13 20
Default expansion module set

asn history
Country code lookup
CVE information expansion
DNS resolver
eupi (checking url in phishing database)
IntelMQ (experimental)
PassiveTotal -
14 20
Import modules

Similar to expansion modules

Input is a file upload or a text paste
Output is a list of parsed attributes to be editend and
verified by the user
Some examples
I Cuckoo JSON import
I email import
I OCR module
I Open IoC import

15 20
Export modules

Not the preferred way to export data from MISP

Input is currently only a single event
Output is a file in the export format served back to the user
Will be moved / merged with MISP built-in export modules
I Allows export of event / attribute collections

16 20
New expansion & import modules format

Backward compatible - an additional field to extend the

m i s p _ a t t r i b u t e s = { ’ i n p u t ’ : [ . . . ] , ’ output ’ : [ . . . ] ,
’ format ’ : ’ misp_standard ’ }

Takes a standard MISP attribute as input

Returns MISP format
I Attributes
I Objects (with their references)
I Tags
results = { ’ Attribute ’ : [ . . . ] , ’ Object ’ : [...] ,
’ Tag ’ : [ . . . ] }

First modules supporting this new export format

I urlhaus expansion module
I Joe Sandbox import & query module

17 20
New expansion & import modules view (MISP

18 20
Future of the modules system

Enrichment on full events

Move the modules to background processes with a
messaging system
Have a way to skip the results preview
I Preview can be very heavy
I Difficulty is dealing with uncertain results (without the user
having final say)

19 20

We welcome new modules and pull requests.
MISP modules can be designed as standalone application.

20 / 20
MISP Galaxy

CIRCL / Team MISP Project

Twitter: @MISPProject


Threat Sharing
MISP Galaxies

MISP started out as a platform for technical indicator sharing

The need for a way to describe threat actors, tools and other
commonalities became more and more pressing
Taxonomies quickly became essential for classifying events
The weakness of the tagging aproach is that it’s not very
We needed a way to attach more complex structures to data
Also, with the different naming conventions for the same
"thing" attribution was a mess
This is where the Galaxy concept came in

1 19

Pre-crafted galaxy "clusters" via GitHub project

Attach them to an event and attribute(s)
The main design principle was that these higher level
informations are meant for human consumption
This means flexibility - key value pairs, describe them
Technical indicators remain strongly typed and validated,
galaxies are loose key value lists

2 19
The galaxy object stack

Galaxy: The type of data described (Threat actor, Tool, ...)

Cluster: An individual instance of the galaxy (Sofacy, Turla, ...)
Element: Key value pairs describing the cluster (Country: RU,
Synonym: APT28, Fancy Bear)
Reference: Referenced galaxy cluster (Such as a threat actor
using a specific tool)

3 19
(some) Existing galaxies

Exploit-Kit: An enumeration of known exploitation kits used

by adversaries
Microsoft activity group: Adversary groups as defined by
Preventive measure: Potential preventive measures against
Ransomware: List of known ransomwares
TDS: Traffic Direction System used by adversaries
Threat-Actor: Known or estimated adversary groups
Tool: Tools used by adversaries (from Malware to common
MITRE ATT&CK: Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and
Common Knowledge (ATT&CK™)

4 19
What a cluster looks like

5 19
Attaching clusters to events

Internally simply using a taxonomy-like tag to attach them

to events
Example: misp-galaxy:threat-actor="Sofacy"
Synchronisation works out of the box with older instances
too. They will simply see the tags until they upgrade.
Currently, as mentioned we rely on the community’s
contribution of galaxies

6 19
Attaching clusters

Use a searchable synonym database to find what you’re after

7 19
Creating your own galaxy

Creating galaxy clusters has to be straightforward to get the

community to contribute
Building on the prior success of the taxonomies and
Simple JSON format in similar fashion
Just drop the JSON in the proper directory and let MISP
ingest it
We always look forward to contributions to our galaxies

8 19
Galaxy JSON

If you want to create a completely new galaxy instead of

enriching an existing one
1 {
2 "name" : " Threat A c t o r " ,
3 " type " : " t h r e a t−a c t o r " ,
4 " d e s c r i p t i o n " : " Threat a c t o r s are c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of m a l i c i o u s
a c t o r s ( or a d v e r s a r i e s ) r e p r e s e n t i n g a cyber a t t a c k t h r e a t
i n c l u d i n g presumed i n t e n t and h i s t o r i c a l l y observed
behaviour . " ,
5 " version " : 1 ,
6 " uuid " : " 698 7 7 4 c 7−802 2−4 2 c 4−9 1 7 f−8d6e4 f 06ada3 "
7 }

9 19
Cluster JSON

Clusters contain the meat of the data

Skeleton structure as follows
1 {
2 " values " : [
3 {
4 " meta " : { } ,
5 " description " : "" ,
6 " value " : " " ,
7 " related_clusters " : [ { } ] ,
8 }
9 ]
10 }

10 19
Cluster JSON value example

1 {
2 " meta " : {
3 " synonyms " : [
4 " APT 28 " , " APT28 " , "Pawn Storm " , " Fancy Bear " ,
5 " S e d n i t " , " TsarTeam " , " TG−4 1 2 7 " , " Group−4 1 2 7 " ,
6 " STRONTIUM " , " Grey−Cloud "
7 ],
8 " country " : "RU" ,
9 " refs " : [
10 " h t t p s : //en . w i k i p e d i a . org / w i k i / Sofacy_Group "
11 ]
12 },
13 " d e s c r i p t i o n " : " The Sofacy Group ( a l s o known as APT28 ,
14 Pawn Storm , Fancy Bear and S e d n i t ) i s a cyber
15 espionage group b e l i e v e d to have t i e s to the
16 Russian government . L i k e l y o p e r a t i n g s i n c e 2007 ,
17 the group i s known to t a r g e t government , m i l i t a r y ,
18 and s e c u r i t y o r g a n i z a t i o n s . I t has been
19 c h a r a c t e r i z e d as an advanced p e r s i s t e n t t h r e a t . " ,
20 " value " : " Sofacy "
21 },

11 19
meta best practices

Reusing existing values such as complexity, effectiveness,

country, possible_issues, colour, motive, impact, refs,
synonyms, derivated_from, status, date, encryption,
extensions, ransomnotes, cfr-suspected-victims,
cfr-suspected-state-sponsor, cfr-type-of-incident,
cfr-target-category, kill_chain.
Or adding your own meta fields.

12 19
meta best practices - a sample
1 {
2 " d e s c r i p t i o n " : " P u t t e r Panda were the s u b j e c t of an
e x t e n s i v e r e p o r t by CrowdStrike , which s t a t e d : ’ The
CrowdStrike I n t e l l i g e n c e team has been t r a c k i n g t h i s
p a r t i c u l a r u n i t s i n c e 201 2 , under the codename PUTTER
PANDA , and has documented a c t i v i t y d a t i n g back to 2007 .
The r e p o r t i d e n t i f i e s Chen Ping , aka cpyy , and the
primary l o c a t i o n of U n i t 6 1 486 . ’ " ,
3 " meta " : {
4 " c f r −suspected−s t a t e−sponsor " : " China " ,
5 " c f r −suspected−v i c t i m s " : [
6 "U . S . s a t e l l i t e and aerospace s e c t o r "
7 ],
8 " c f r −t a r g e t −c a t e g or y " : [
9 " Private sector " ,
10 " Government "
11 ],
12 " c f r −type−of−i n c i d e n t " : " Espionage " ,
13 " country " : "CN" ,
14 " refs " : [
15 " h t t p : //cdn0 . vox−cdn . com/ a s s e t s /4 58985 3/ c r o w d s t r i k e−
i n t e l l i g e n c e −report−putter−panda . o r i g i n a l . pdf " ,
16 " h t t p s : //www. c f r . org / i n t e r a c t i v e / cyber−o p er a ti o n s / putter
−panda "
17 ], 13 19
Galaxy JSON matrix-like

14 19
Galaxy JSON matrix-like

1 {
2 " d e s c r i p t i o n " : " U n i v e r s a l Development and S e c u r i t y G u i d e l i n e s as
A p p l i c a b l e to E l e c t i o n Technology . " ,
3 " icon " : "map" ,
4 "kill_chain_order": { \\Tab in the matrix
5 "example-of-threats": [ \\Column in the matrix
6 "setup | party/candidate-registration",
7 "setup | electoral-rolls",
8 "campaign | campaign-IT",
9 "all-phases | governement-IT",
10 "voting | election-technology",
11 "campaign/public-communication | media/press"
12 ]
13 },
14 "name" : " E l e c t i o n g u i d e l i n e s " ,
15 " namespace " : " misp " ,
16 " type " : " g u i d e l i n e s " ,
17 " uuid " : " c 1 dc03b2−89b3−4 2a5−9d4 1−7 82 e f 7 264 3 5a " ,
18 " version " : 1
19 }

15 19
Cluster JSON matrix-like

1 {
2 " d e s c r i p t i o n " : " DoS or overload of p a r t y /campaign
r e g i s t r a t i o n , causing them to miss the deadline " ,
3 " meta " : {
4 " date " : " March 201 8 . " ,
5 "kill_chain": [ \\Define in which column the cluster should be placed
6 "example-of-threats:setup | party/candidate-registration"
7 ],
8 " refs " : [
9 " h t t p s : //www. r i a . ee/ s i t e s / d e f a u l t / f i l e s / content−e d i t o r s /
kuberturve / c y b e r _ s e c u r i t y _ o f _ e l e c t i o n _ t e c h n o l o g y . pdf
10 ]
11 },
12 " uuid " : " 1 5 4 c6 1 86−a007−4 460−a029−ea2 3 1 63 4 48 f e " ,
13 " value " : " DoS or overload of p a r t y /campaign r e g i s t r a t i o n ,
causing them to miss the deadline "
14 }

16 19
Expressing relation between clusters

Cluster can be related to one or more clusters using default

relationships from MISP objects and a list of tags to classify
the relation.
1 " related " : [
2 {
3 " dest−uuid " : " 5 ce 5 392a−3a6c−4e07−9 df 3−9b6a9 1 59ac 4 5 " ,
4 " tags " : [
5 " e s t i m a t i v e −language : l i k e l i h o o d −p r o b a b i l i t y =\" l i k e l y
6 ],
7 " type " : " s i m i l a r "
8 }
9 ],
10 " uuid " : "0ca 4 5 1 63−e2 2 3−4 1 6 7−b1 af−f 088ed 1 4a93d " ,
11 " value " : " P u t t e r Panda "

17 19

from pymispgalaxies import C l u s t e r s

c = Clusters ( )
l i s t ( g . keys ( ) )
# [ ’ t h r e a t−a c t o r ’ , ’ ransomware ’ , ’ e x p l o i t−k i t ’ , ’ tds ’ , ’ t o o l ’ , ’ r a t ’ , ’ mitre−attack−p a t t e r n ’ ,
# ’ mitre−t o o l ’ , ’ m i c r o s o f t−a c t i v i t y −group ’ , ’ mitre−course−of−a c t i o n ’ , ’ mitre−malware ’ ,
# ’ mitre−i n t r u s i o n−s e t ’ , ’ p r e v e n t i v e−measure ’ ]
p r i n t ( c . get ( " r a t " ) )
# misp−galaxy : r a t = " Brat "
# misp−galaxy : r a t = " L o k i RAT "
# misp−galaxy : r a t = " j o i n . me"
# misp−galaxy : r a t = " S e t r o "
# misp−galaxy : r a t = " d r a t "
# misp−galaxy : r a t = " Plasma RAT "
# misp−galaxy : r a t = " NanoCore "
# misp−galaxy : r a t = " DarkTrack "
# misp−galaxy : r a t = " Theef "
# misp−galaxy : r a t = " Greame "
# misp−galaxy : r a t = " Nuclear RAT "
# misp−galaxy : r a t = "DameWare Mini Remote C o n t r o l "
# misp−galaxy : r a t = " ProRat "
# misp−galaxy : r a t = " death "
# misp−galaxy : r a t = " Dark DDoSeR "
# ....
p r i n t ( c . get ( " r a t " ) . d e s c r i p t i o n )
# remote a d m i n i s t r a t i o n t o o l or remote access t o o l ( RAT ) , a l s o c a l l e d sometimes remote
# access t r o j a n , i s a p i e c e of software or programming t h a t a ll o w s a remote " operator "
# to c o n t r o l a system as i f they have p h y s i c a l access to t h a t system .

18 19

[email protected] (if you want to join the CIRCL MISP sharing

OpenPGP fingerprint: 3B12 DCC2 82FA 2931 2F5B 709A 09E2
CD49 44E6 CBCD
https://github.com/MISP/ -
We welcome any contributions to the project, be it pull
requests, ideas, github issues,...

19 / 19
MISP Object Template
Building custom and open data models

CIRCL / Team MISP Project

Twitter: @MISPProject


Threat Sharing
Objects - or How We Learned to Stop Worrying
and Love the Templates
Attributes are a simple but powerful tool to describe data
Lacking the capability to create containers around attributes
describing a common concept
The goal was to develop something semi-standardised, with
the option to dynamically build templates
We have considered a list of different solutions such as
simple boolean operators, but found that the current
implementation was superior.
The result is a simple template that uses the basic attriubte
types as building blocks along with some meta data
The template does not have to be known in order to use the
constructed objects
What we maintain now is a set of common objects, but
similarly to our other JSON formats, users can extend it with
their own ideas.
1 11
MISP Object Templates

Using a similar JSON format as the taxonomies, galaxies,

You can find the default set of object templates in the git
repository1 .
Some of the object templates capture objects from other
standards or mimic the output of tools
We tried to capture the most common use-cases coming
from our own use-case as well as those of various partners
that got involved
Improvements or pull requests for new object templates are
of course always welcome

2 11
Existing Object examples

AIL-leak - AIL object, an example for an object catering to

the output of another tool
Android permission - An object used to further contextualise
another object
Bank account
File Generic object to describe a file
Passive DNS
Sandbox report
Vulnerability Enabling new use-cases such as pre-sharing of
vulnerability information
Yara Verbatim sharing of rule sets along with meta-data

3 11
Object Template skeleton

1 {
2 " requiredOneOf " : [ ] ,
3 " required " : [ ] ,
4 " attributes " : { } ,
5 " version " : 1 ,
6 " d e s c r i p t i o n " : "My d e s c r i p t i o n " ,
7 " meta−c a t e go r y " : " Chosen meta c a t e g o ry " ,
8 " uuid " : " Object template uuid " ,
9 "name" : " Object template name"
10 }

4 11
Adding elements to an object template

1 " regexp−type " : {

2 " d e s c r i p t i o n " : " Type of the r e g u l a r expression syntax . " ,
3 " disable_correlation " : true ,
4 " ui−p r i o r i t y " : 0 ,
5 " misp−a t t r i b u t e " : " t e x t " ,
6 " values_list " : [
7 " PCRE " ,
8 " PCRE2 " ,
9 " POSIX BRE " ,
10 " POSIX ERE "
11 ]
12 } ,

5 11
Attribute keys

Primary key: Object relation

description: A description of the attribute in relation to the
disable_correlation: You can disable correlations for
attributes in the resulting object
ui-priority: Not implemented yet, but the idea is to have a
"quick view" of objects only showing certain prio levels
misp-attribute: The misp attribute type used as as the
building block
values_list: an optional list of values from which the user
must choose instead of entering a value manually
sane_defaults: an optional list of values from which the user
may choose instead of entering a value
multiple: Allow the user to add more than one of this
6 11
Enforcement of certain keys

The template also defines which of the added attributes are

Requirements are pointed to via their object relations names
We differentiate between two types of rule sets:
I Required: Everything in this list has to be set in order for the
object to validate
I Required One Of: Any of the attributes in this list will satisfy
the requirements

7 11
What will the template actually do?

Templates create a form that can be used to populate an

When using templates, MISP will enforce everything
according to the template rules
However, these are only optional, users can avoid using the
templates when creating events via the API
The reason for this is that you do not need to have the
template in order to create an object
The limitation of this system: You cannot modify objects that
were created with unknown templates

8 11
Templates as rendered in the UI

9 11
Templates as rendered in the UI

10 11

[email protected] (if you want to join one of the MISP community
operated by CIRCL)
PGP key fingerprint: CA57 2205 C002 4E06 BA70 BE89 EAAD

11 / 11
MISP Dashboard
Real-time overview of threat intelligence from
MISP instances
CIRCL / Team MISP Project

[email protected]

February 9, 2023

Threat Sharing

1 14

MISP includes a flexible publish-subscribe model to allow

real-time integration of the MISP activities:
Event publication
Attribute creation or removal
User login

→ Operates at global level in MISP

2 14

MISP ZeroMQ functionality can be used for various model of

integration or to extend MISP functionalities:
Real-time search of indicators into a SIEM1
Dashboard activities
Logging mechanisms
Continuous indexing
Custom software or scripting

Security Information & Event Management
3 14
MISP-Dashboard: An

4 14
MISP-Dashboard - Realtime activities and threat

5 14
MISP-Dashboard - Features

Subscribe to multiple ZMQ MISP instances

Provides historical geolocalised information
Present an experimental Gamification of the platform
Shows when and how MISP is used
Provides real time information showing current threats and

6 14
MISP-Dashboard: Architecture
and development

7 14
Setting up the dashboard

1. Be sure to have a running redis server: e.g.

I redis-server -p 6250
2. Update your configuration in config.cfg
3. Activate your virtualenv:
I . ./DASHENV/bin/activate
4. Listen to the MISP feed by starting the zmq_subscriber:
I ./zmq_subscriber.py
5. Start the dispatcher to process received messages:
I ./zmq_dispatcher.py
6. Start the Flask server:
I ./server.py
7. Access the interface at http://localhost:8001/

8 14
MISP-Dashboard architecture

9 14
Writing your handler

1 # Register your handler

2 dico_action = {
3 "misp_json": handler_dispatcher,
4 "misp_json_event": handler_event,
5 "misp_json_self": handler_keepalive,
6 "misp_json_attribute": handler_attribute,
7 "misp_json_object": handler_object,
8 "misp_json_sighting": YOUR_CUSTOM_SIGHTINGS_HANDLER,
9 "misp_json_organisation": handler_log,
10 "misp_json_user": handler_user,
11 "misp_json_conversation": handler_conversation,
12 "misp_json_object_reference": handler_log,
13 }

10 14
1 # Implement your handler
3 # e.g. user handler
4 def handler_user(zmq_name, jsondata):
5 # json action performed by the user
6 action = jsondata[’action’]
7 # user json data
8 json_user = jsondata[’User’]
9 # organisation json data
10 json_org = jsondata[’Organisation’]
11 # organisation name
12 org = json_org[’name’]
13 # only consider user login
14 if action == ’login’:
15 timestamp = time.time()
16 # users_helper is a class to interact with the DB
17 users_helper.add_user_login(timestamp, org)

11 14
Recent changes in the misp-dashboard

MISP authentication can now be used in the misp-dashboard

Improved TLS/SSL support in the default misp-dashboard
Self-test tool to debug and test ZMQ connectivity

12 14
Future development

Optimizing contribution scoring and model to

encourage sharing and contributions enrichment

Increasing geolocation coverage

Global filtering capabilities

- Geolocation: Showing wanted attribute or only on specific
- Trendings: Showing only specified taxonomies

Tighter integration with MISP

- Present in MISP by default
- ACL enabled version

13 14

MISP-Dashboard can provides realtime information to support

security teams, CSIRTs or SOC showing current threats and
activity by providing:
Historical geolocalised information
Geospatial information from specific regions
The most active events, categories, tags, attributes, ...

It also propose a prototype of gamification of the platform

providing incentive to share and contribute to the community

14 / 14
Contributing to the MISP Project
Become part of the community to design, develop
and improve information sharing
CIRCL / Team MISP Project

Twitter: @MISPProject


Threat Sharing
Code of Conduct

The MISP project has a Contributor Covenant Code of

Conduct1 .
The goal of the code of conduct is to foster an open, fun and
welcoming environment.
Another important aspect of the MISP projects is to welcome
different areas of expertise in information sharing and
analysis. The diversity of the MISP community is important
to make the project useful for everyone.

1 7
Reporting a bug, an issue or suggesting features

The most common way to contribute to the MISP project is to

report a bug, issues or suggesting features.
Each project (MISP core, misp-modules, misp-book,
misp-taxonomies, misp-galaxy, misp-object or PyMISP) has
their own issue management.
Don’t forget that you can cross-reference issues from other
If you know an answer or could help on a specific issue, we
welcome all contributions including useful comments to
reach a resolution.

2 7
Reporting security vulnerabilities

If you find security vulnerabilities (even minor ones) in MISP

project, send an encrypted email ([email protected]) with the
details and especially how to reproduce the issues. Avoid to
share publicly the vulnerability before a fix is available in
MISP. PGP key fingerprint: CA57 2205 C002 4E06 BA70 BE89
We usually fix reported and confirmed security
vulnerabilities in less than 48 hours.
We will request a CVE number if the reporters didn’t ask for
one (don’t forget to mention how you want to be credited).

3 7
Automatic integration and testing

The majority of the repositories within the MISP GitHub

organisation includes automatic integration via Github
If you contribute and make a pull-request, verify if your
changes affect the result of the tests.
Automatic integration is not perfect including Travis but it’s a
quick win to catch new bugs or major issues in contribution.
When you do a pull-request, the CI suite is automatically
called2 .
I If this fails, no worries, review the output at Github actions
(it’s not always you).
We are working on additional automatic tests including
security testing for the MISP core software (contributors are
4 7
JSON validation for MISP libraries

All JSON format (galaxy, taxonomies, objects or

warning-lists) are described in a JSON Schema3 .
The TravisCI tests are including JSON validation (via jq) and
validated with the associated JSON schema.
How to contribute a JSON library (objects, taxonomies,
galaxy or warning-list):
I If you update a JSON library, don’t forget to run
jq_all_the_things.sh. It’s fast and easy. If it fails, review your
I Commit your code and make a pull-request.
Documentations (in PDF and HTML format) for the librairies
are automatically generated from the JSON via asciidoctor4 .
example https://github.com/MISP/misp-galaxy/blob/master/
5 7

In addition to the automatic generation of documentations

from JSON files, we maintain misp-book5 which is a generic
documentation for MISP including usage, API documentation,
best practices and specific configuration settings.
The book is generated in HTML, PDF, epub and mobi using
GitBook6 which is a framework to write documentation in
MarkDown format.
TravisCI is included in misp-book and the book generation is
tested at each commit.
The MISP book is regularly published on misp-project.org
and circl.lu website.
Contributors are welcome especially for new topics7 and also
fixing our broken english.
Topics of interest are analysts best-practices,
6 7
Internet-Draft - IETF for MISP formats

If you want to contribute to our IETF Internet-Draft for the

MISP standard, misp-rfc8 is the repository where to
Update only the markdown file, the XML and ASCII for the
IETF I-D are automatically generated.
If a major release or updates happen in the format, we will
publish the I-D to the IETF9 .
The process is always MISP implementation → IETF I-D

MISP core development crash
How I learned to stop worrying and love the PHP

CIRCL / Team MISP Project

Threat Sharing
Some things to know in advance...

MISP is based on PHP 7.3+

Using the MVC framework CakePHP 2.x
What we’ll look at now will be a quick glance at the
structuring / layout of the code

1 18
MVC frameworks in general

separation of business logic and views, interconnected by

main advantage is clear separation of the various
lean controllers, fat models (kinda...)
domain based code reuse
No interaction between Model and Views, ever

2 18
Structure of MISP Core app directories

Config: general configuration files

Console: command line tools
Controller: Code dealing with requests/responses,
generating data for views based on interactions with the
Lib: Generic reusable code / libraries
Model: Business logic, data gathering and modification
Plugin: Alternative location for plugin specific codes,
ordered into controller, model, view files
View: UI views, populated by the controller

3 18
Controllers - scope

Each public function in a controller is exposed as an API

request routing (admin routing)
multi-use functions (POST/GET)
request/response objects
contains the action code, telling the application what data
fetching/modifying calls to make, preparing the resulting
data for the resulting view
grouped into controller files based on model actions
Accessed via UI, API, AJAX calls directly by users
For code reuse: behaviours
Each controller bound to a model

4 18
Controllers - functionalities of controllers

pagination functionality
logging functionality
Controllers actions can access functionality / variables of
Controllers cannot access code of other controller actions
(kind of...)
Access to the authenticated user’s data
beforeFilter(), afterFilter() methods
Inherited code in AppController

5 18
Controllers - components

Components = reusable code for Controllers

I Authentication components
I RestResponse component
I ACL component
I Cidr component
I IOCImport component (should be moved)

6 18
Controllers - additional functionalities

Handling API responses (RestResponseComponent)

Handling API requests (IndexFilterComponent)
auth/session management
ACL management
CRUD Component
Security component
important: quertString/PyMISP versions, MISP version
future improvements to the export mechanisms

7 18
Models - scope

Controls anything that has to do with:

I finding subsets of data
I altering existing data
I inherited model: AppModel
I reusable code for models: Behaviours
I regex, trim

8 18
Models - hooking system

Versatile hooking system

I manipulate the data at certain stages of execution
I code can be located in 3 places: Model hook, AppModel hook,

9 18
Model - hooking pipeline (add/edit)

Hooks / model pipeline for data creation / edits

I beforeValidate() (lowercase all hashes)
I validate() (check hash format)
I afterValidate() (we never use it
I could be interesting if we ever validated without saving)
I beforeSave() (purge existing correlations for an attribute)
I afterSave() (create new correlations for an attribute / zmq)

10 18
Models - hooking pipeline (delete/read)

Hooks for deletions

I beforeDelete() (purge correlations for an attribute)
I afterDelete() (zmq)
Hooks for retrieving data
I beforeFind() (modify the find parameters before execution,
we don’t use it)
I afterFind() (json decode json fields)

11 18
Models - misc

code to handle version upgrades contained in AppModel

generic cleanup/data migration tools
centralised redis/pubsub handlers
(Show example of adding an attribute with trace)

12 18
Views - scope and structure

templates for views

reusable template code: elements
I attribute list, rows (if reused)
reusable code: helpers
I commandhelper (for discussion boards), highlighter for
searches, tag colour helper
views per controller

13 18
Views - Types of views and helpers

ajax views vs normal views

data views vs normal views vs serialisation in the controller
sanitisation h()
creating forms
I sanitisation

14 18
Views - Generators

Mostly in genericElements
Preparing the move to Cake4
Important ones
I Form - generate forms in a standardised way (/add, /edit, etc)
I IndexTable - index lists using Field templates (/index, etc)
I SingleViews - key-value lists with child elements (/view, etc)
I Menues - to be refactored, see Cerebrate

15 18
General reusable libraries

Located in app/Lib
Code that is to be reused across several layers
Important ones
I Dashboard - Dashboard widget backend code
I EventReport - Report generation
I Export - MISP -> external format converter modules
I Tools - List of generic helper libraries - examples:
Attachment, JSON conversion, random generation, emailing,
sync request generation
Kafka, ZMQ, AWS S3, Elastic integration, PGP encryption, CIDR

16 18

algorithm for checking if a user has access to an attribute

creator vs owner organisation
distribution levels and inheritance (events -> objects ->
shorthand inherit level
sharing groups (org list, instance list)
correlation distribution
algorithms for safe data fetching (fetchEvents(),

17 18
Testing your code

funtional testing
Github actions
impact scope
I view code changes: only impacts request type based views
I controller code changes: Should only affect given action
I model code changes: can have impact on entire application
I lib changes: can have affect on the entire application
Don’t forget: queryACL, change querystring

18 / 18
Deep-dive into PyMISP
MISP - Threat Sharing

CIRCL / Team MISP Project

Twitter: @MISPProject


Threat Sharing

MISP is a large project

Your production environment is even more complex
3rd party services are even worse
Querying MISP via CURL is doable, but get’s painful fast
Talking to MySQL directly can be dangerous
POST a JSON blob, receive a JSON blob. You can do it

1 21
Big picture

Core goal: providing stable access to APIs, respect access

Simplifying handling & automation of indicators in 3rd party
Hiding complexity of the JSON blobs
Providing pre-cooked examples for commonly used
Helping integration with existing infrastructure

2 21
Common queries: Recent changes on a timeframe

There are 4 main cases here:

Metadata of the events that have been modified
I search_index ⇒ timestamp (1h, 1d, 7d, ...), returns list of all
the modified events
Full events (metadata + attributes)
I search ⇒ timestamp (1h, 1d, 7d, ...)
Modified attributes
I search ⇒ controller = attributes and timestamp (1h, 1d, 7d, ...)
Other use case: get last published events by using the last
parameter in the search method.

3 21
Common queries: Search things

There are 3 main cases here:

Easy, but slow: full text search with search_all
Faster: use the search method and search by tag, type,
enforce the warning lists, with(-out) attachments, dates
interval, ...
Get malware samples (if available on the instance).

4 21
Common queries: create things

There are 3 main cases here:

Add Event, edit its metadata
Add attributes or objects to event
(un)Tag event or attribute (soon object)
Edit Attributes medatada
Upload malware sample (and automatically expand it)

5 21
Administrative tasks

Assyming you have the right to do it on the instance.

Managing users
Managing organisations
Managing sync servers

6 21
Other Capabilities

Upload/download samples
Proposals: add, edit, accept, discard
Sightings: Get, set, update
Export statistics
Manage feeds
Get MISP server version, recommended PyMISP version
And more, look at the api file

7 21
MISPEvent - Usecase

from pymisp import MISPEvent , EncodeUpdate

# C r ea t e a new event with d e f a u l t v a l u e s

event = MISPEvent ( )

# Load an e x i s t i n g JSON dump ( o p t i o n a l )

event . l o a d _ f i l e ( ’ Path / to / event . json ’ )
event . i n f o = ’ My cool event ’ # Duh .

# Add an a t t r i b u t e of type ip−dst

event . a d d _ a t t r i b u t e ( ’ ip−dst ’ , ’ 8 . 8 . 8 . 8 ’ )

# Mark an a t t r i b u t e as d e l e t e d ( From 2 . 4 . 6 0 )
event . d e l e t e _ a t t r i b u t e ( ’ < A t t r i b u t e UUID> ’ )

# Dump as j so n
event_as_jsondump = json . dumps ( event , c l s =EncodeUpdate )

8 21

Python 3.5+ is recommended

PyMISP is always inline with current version (pip3 install
Dev version: pip3 install
Get your auth key from:
I Not available: you don’t have "Auth key access" role. Contact
your instance admin.
Source available here: git clone

9 21

PyMISP needs to be installed (duh)

I Create examples/keys.py with the following content

misp_url = " h t t p s : / / u r l −to−your−misp "

misp_key = " <API_KEY > "
m i s p _ v e r i f y c e r t = True
Proxy support:
proxies = {
’ http ’ : ’ http : / / 1 2 7 . 0 . 0 . 1 : 8 1 2 3 ’ ,
’ https ’ : ’ http : / / 1 2 7 . 0 . 0 . 1 : 8 1 2 3 ’ ,
PyMISP ( misp_url , misp_key , m i s p _ v e r i f y c e r t , p r o x i e s = p r o x i e s )

10 21

Lots of ideas on how to use the API

You may also want to look at the tests directory
All the examples use argparse. Help usage is available:
script.py -h
I add_file_object.py: Attach a file (PE/ELF/Mach-O) object to
an event
I upload.py: Upload a malware sample (use advanced
expansion is available on the server)
I last.py: Returns all the most recent events (on a timeframe)
I add_named_attribute.py: Add attribute to an event
I sighting.py: Update sightings on an attribute
I stats.py: Returns the stats of a MISP instance
I {add,edit,create}_user.py : Add, Edit, Create a user on MISP

11 21

Basic example
from pymisp import PyMISP
a pi = PyMISP ( u r l , apikey , v e r i f y c e r t = True , debug= False , p r o x i e s =None )
response = api . < f u n c t i o n >
i f response [ ’ e r r o r ’ ] :
# <something went wrong >
else :
# <do something with the output >

12 21
Concept behind AbstractMISP

JSON blobs are python dictionaries

... Accessing content can be a pain
AbstractMISP inherits collections.MutableMapping, they are
all dictionaries!
... Has helpers to load, dump, and edit JSON blobs
Important: All the public attributes (not starting with a _)
defined in a class are dumped to JSON
Tags: Events and Attributes have tags, soon Objects. Tag
handling is defined in this class.
edited: When pushing a full MISPEvent, only the objects
without a timestamp, or with a newer timestamp will be
updated. This method recursively finds updated events, and
removes the timestamp key from the object.

13 21
MISPEvent, MISPAttribute, MISPObject,

Pythonic representation of MISP elements

Easy manipulation
I Load an existing event
I Update te metadata, add attributes, objects, tags, mark an
attribute as deleted, ...
I Set relations between objects
I Load and add attachments or malware samples as pseudo
Dump to JSON

14 21
MISPEvent - Main entrypoints

add_attribute(type, value, **kwargs)
add_object(obj=None, **kwargs)
add_attribute_tag(tag, attribute_identifier)
add_tag(tag=None, **kwargs)
objects[], attributes[], tags[]
edited, all other paramaters of the MISPEvent element (info,
date, ...)

15 21
MISPObject - Main entrypoints

add_attribute(object_relation, **value)
add_reference(referenced_uuid, relationship_type,
comment=None, **kwargs)
attributes[], relations[]
edited, all other paramaters of the MISPObject element
(name, comment, ...)
Can be validated against their template
Can have default parameters applied to all attributes (i.e.
distribution, category, ...)

16 21
MISPAttribute - Main entrypoints

add_tag(tag=None, **kwargs)
malware_binary (if relevant)
edited, all other paramaters of the MISPObject element
(value, comment, ...)

17 21
PyMISP - Tools

Libraries requiring specfic 3rd party dependencies

Callable via PyMISP for specific usecases
Curently implemented:
I OpenIOC to MISP Event
I MISP to Neo4J

18 21
PyMISP - Default objects generators

File - PE/ELF/MachO - Sections

Generic object generator

19 21
PyMISP - Logging / Debugging

debug=True passed to the constructor enable debug to

Configurable using the standard logging module
Show everything send to the server and received by the
import pymisp
import l o g g i n g

l o g g e r = l o g g i n g . getLogger ( ’ pymisp ’ )
l o g g e r . s e t L e v e l ( l o g g i n g . DEBUG ) # enable debug to stdout

l o g g i n g . b a s i c C o n f i g ( l e v e l = l o g g i n g . DEBUG , # Enable debug to f i l e

filename = " debug . l o g " ,
filemode = ’w ’ ,
format =pymisp . FORMAT )

20 21

We welcome new functionalities and pull requests.

21 / 21
MISP feeds - A simple and secure
approach to generate, select and
collect intelligence
Providing ready-to-use threat intelligence in
MISP standard format
CIRCL / Team MISP Project

Twitter: @MISPProject

MISP Feed - Basics

MISP Feeds provide a way to

Exchange information via any transports (e.g. HTTP, TLS, USB keys)
Preview events along with their attributes, objects
Select and import events
Correlate attributes using caching
MISP Feeds have the following advantages
Feeds work without the need of MISP synchronisation (reducing
attack surface and complexity to a static directory with the events)
Feeds can be produced without a MISP instance (e.g. security
devices, honeypot sensors)

1 10
Feed - Overview

By default, MISP is bundled with ∼50 default feeds (MISP feeds,

CSV or freetext feeds) which are not enabled by default and
described in a simple JSON file1 .
The feeds include CIRCL OSINT feed but also feeds like abuse.ch,
Tor exit nodes or many more 2 .

1 https://github.com/MISP/MISP/blob/2.4/app/files/feed-metadata/

2 http://www.misp-project.org/feeds/

2 10
Feed - Operations

Cache feed attributes for correlation (not imported but visible in

Disable feed
Explore remote events
Fetch all events (imported in MISP as event)
Edit the feed configuration (e.g. authentication, URL,...)
Remove feed
Download feed metadata (to share feed details)

3 10
Feed - Creation using PyMISP feed generator

feed generator fetches events (matching some filtering) from a

MISP instance and construct the manifest (defined in MISP core format)
needed to export data.

Used to generate the CIRCL OSINT feed
Export events as json based on tags, organisation, events, ...
Automatically update the dumps and the metadata file
Comparable to a lighweight TAXII interface

4 10
Feed generator - configuration file

1 url = ’your/misp/url’
2 key = ’YourAPIKey’
3 ssl = True
4 outputdir = ’output_directory’
6 filters = {
7 ’tag’:’tlp:white|feed-export|!privint’,
8 ’org’:’CIRCL’
9 }
10 # the above would generate a feed for all events created by CIRCL,
tagged tlp:white and/or feed-export but exclude anything
tagged privint
12 valid_attribute_distribution_levels = [’0’, ’1’, ’2’, ’3’, ’4’, ’5
13 # 0: Your Organisation Only
14 # 4: Sharing Group
15 # 5: Inherit Event

5 10
Real-time Feed generator - Purpose

The PyMISP feed generator is great but may be inadequate or

Batch import of attributes/objects
Data producer doesn’t have a MISP instance at hand and only
wants to produce a directly consumable feed:

Honeypot MISP


6 10
Real-time Feed generator - Usage

generator.py exposes a class allowing to generate a MISP feed

in real-time
Each items can be appended on daily generated events
1 # Init generator
2 generator = FeedGenerator()
4 # Adding an attribute to the daily event
5 attr_type = "ip-src"
6 attr_value = ""
7 additional_data = {}
8 generator.add_attribute_to_event(attr_type,
9 attr_value,
10 **additional_data)

7 10
Real-time Feed generator - Usage (2)

1 # Adding a MISP object (cowrie) to the daily event

2 obj_name = "cowrie"
3 obj_data = {
4 "session": "session_id",
5 "username": "admin",
6 "password": "admin",
7 "protocol": "telnet"
8 }
9 generator.add_object_to_event(obj_name, **obj_data)

8 10
Adding custom feed to MISP

Lookup visible
Source Format
Source Format
Default Tag
Filter rules

9 10

We welcome new functionalities and pull requests.

10 / 10
MISP workshop
Introduction into Information Sharing using


Threat Sharing
Plan for this session

Explanation of the CSIRT use case for information sharing

and what CIRCL does
Building an information sharing community and best

We published the complete guidelines in https://www.x-isac.org/
1 31
Communities operated by CIRCL

As a CSIRT, CIRCL operates a wide range of communities

We use it as an internal tool to cover various day-to-day
Whilst being the main driving force behind the development,
we’re also one of the largest consumers
Different communities have different needs and restrictions

2 31
Communities operated by CIRCL

Private sector community (fall-back community)

I Our largest sharing community
I Over +1500 organisations
I +4000 users
I Functions as a central hub for a lot of sharing communities
I Private organisations, Researchers, Various SoCs, some
CSIRTs, etc
CSIRT community
I Tighter community
I National CSIRTs, connections to international organisations,

3 31
Communities operated by CIRCL

Financial sector community

I Banks, payment processors, etc.
I Sharing of mule accounts and non-cyber threat information
I Bridging the gap between the various sectorial and
geographical ISACs
I Goal is to bootstrap the cross-sectorial sharing along with
building the infrastructure to enable sharing when needed
I Provide a basic set of threat intelligence for new ISACs

4 31
Communities operated by CIRCL

The ATT&CK EU community3

I Work on attacker modelling
I With the assistance of MITRE themselves
I Unique opportunity to standardise on TTPs
I Increasing the use of TTPs4 especially in sharing community
I Major increase of MITRE ATT&CK context in sharing

Tactics, Techniques and Procedures
5 31
Communities supported by CIRCL

ISAC / specialised community MISPs

I Topical or community specific instances hosted or
co-managed by CIRCL
I Examples, GSMA, FIRST.org, CSIRTs network, etc
I Often come with their own taxonomies and domain specific
object definitions
FIRST.org’s MISP community
Telecom and Mobile operators’ such as GSMA T-ISAC
Various ad-hoc communities for cyber security exercises
I The ENISA exercise (Cyber Europe)
I NATO Locked Shields exercise

6 31
Sharing Scenarios in MISP

Sharing can happen for many different reasons. Let’s see

what we believe are the typical CSIRT scenarios
We can generally split these activities into 4 main groups
when we’re talking about traditional CSIRT tasks:
I Core services
I Proactive services
I Advanced services
I Sharing communities managed by CSIRTs for various tasks

7 31
CSIRT core services

Incident response
I Internal storage of incident response data
I Sharing of indicators derived from incident response
I Correlating data derived and using the built in analysis tools
I Enrichment services
I Collaboration with affected parties via MISP during IR
I Co-ordination and collaboration
I Takedown requests
Alerting of information leaks (integration with AIL5 )

8 31
CSIRT proactive services

Contextualising both internal and external data

Collection and dissimination of data from various sources
(including OSINT)
Storing, correlating and sharing own manual research
(reversing, behavioural analysis)
Aggregating automated collection (sandboxing, honeypots,
spamtraps, sensors)
I MISP allows for the creation of internal MISP "clouds"
I Store large specialised datasets (for example honeypot data)
I MISP has interactions with a large set of such tools (Cuckoo,
Mail2MISP, etc)
Situational awareness tools to monitor trends and adversary
TTPs within my sector/geographical region (MISP-dashboard,
built in statistics)

9 31
CSIRT advanced services

Supporting forensic analysts

Collaboration with law enforcement
Vulnerability information sharing
I Notifications to the constituency about relevant
I Co-ordinating with vendors for notifications (*)
I Internal / closed community sharing of pentest results

10 31
CSIRTs’ management of sharing communities for
constituent actions:

Reporting non-identifying information about incidents (such

as outlined in NISD)
Seeking and engaging in collaboration with CSIRT or other
parties during an incident
Pre-sharing information to request for help / additional
information from the community
Pseudo-anonymised sharing through 3rd parties to avoid
attribution of a potential target
Building processes for other types of sharing to get the
community engaged and acquainted with the methodologies
of sharing (mule account information, disinformation
campaigns, border control, etc)

11 31
A quick note on compliance...

Collaboration with Deloitte and legal advisors as part of a

CEF project for creating compliance documents
I Information sharing and cooperation enabled by GDPR
I How MISP enables stakeholders identified by the NISD to
perform key activities
For more information:

12 31
Bringing different sharing communities

We generally all end up sharing with peers that face similar

Division is either sectorial or geographical
So why even bother with trying to bridge these communities?

13 31
Advantages of cross sectorial sharing

Reuse of TTPs across sectors

Being hit by something that another sector has faced before
Hybrid threats - how seemingly unrelated things may be
interesting to correlate
Prepare other communities for the capability and culture of
sharing for when the need arises for them to reach out to
Generally our field is ahead of several other sectors when it
comes to information sharing, might as well spread the love

14 31
Getting started with building your own sharing

Starting a sharing community is both easy and difficult at

the same time
Many moving parts and most importantly, you’ll be dealing
with a diverse group of people
Understanding and working with your constituents to help
them face their challenges is key

15 31
Getting started with building your own sharing

When you are starting out - you are in a unique position to

drive the community and set best practices...

16 31
Running a sharing community using MISP - How
to get going?

Different models for constituents

I Connecting to a MISP instance hosted by a CSIRT
I Hosting their own instance and connecting to CSIRT’s MISP
I Becoming member of a sectorial MISP community that is
connected to CSIRT’s community
Planning ahead for future growth
I Estimating requirements
I Deciding early on common vocabularies
I Offering expansion,analysis and intelligence services through

17 31
Rely on our instincts to immitate over expecting
adherence to rules

Lead by example - the power of immitation

Encourage improving by doing instead of blocking sharing
with unrealistic quality controls
I What should the information look like?
I How should it be contextualise
I What do you consider as useful information?
I What tools did you use to get your conclusions?
Side effect is that you will end up raising the capabilities of
your constituents

18 31
What counts as valuable data?

Sharing comes in many shapes and sizes

I Sharing results / reports is the classical example
I Sharing enhancements to existing data/intelligence
I Validating data / flagging false positives (sighting)
I Asking for support and collaboration from the community
Embrace all of them. Even the ones that don’t make sense
right now, you never know when they come handy...

19 31
How to deal with organisations that only

From our own communities, only about 30% of the

organisations actively share data
We have come across some communities with sharing
In our experience, this sets you up for failure because:
I Organisations losing access are the ones who would possibily
benefit the most from it
I Organisations that want to stay above the thresholds will
start sharing junk / fake data
I You lose organisations that might turn into valuable
contributors in the future

20 31
So how does one convert the passive organisa-
tions into actively sharing ones?

Rely on organic growth and it takes time (+2 years is

Help them increase their capabilities
As mentioned before, lead by example
Rely on the inherent value to one’s self when sharing
information (validation, enrichments, correlations)
Give credit where credit is due, never steal the contributions
of your community (that is incredibly demotivating)

21 31
Dispelling the myths around blockers when it
comes to information sharing

Sharing difficulties are not really technical issues but often

it’s a matter of social interactions (e.g. trust).
I You can play a role here: organise regular workshops,
conferences, have face to face meetings
Legal restrictions
I "Our legal framework doesn’t allow us to share information."
I "Risk of information leak is too high and it’s too risky for our
organization or partners."
Practical restrictions
I "We don’t have information to share."
I "We don’t have time to process or contribute indicators."
I "Our model of classification doesn’t fit your model."
I "Tools for sharing information are tied to a specific format,
we use a different one."

22 31
Contextualising the information

Sharing technical information is a great start

However, to truly create valueable information for your
community, always consider the context:
I Your IDS might not care why it should alert on a rule
I But your analysts will be interested in the threat landscape
and the "big picture"
Classify data to make sure your partners understand why it
is important for you, so they can see why it could be useful
to them
Massively important once an organisation has the maturity
to filter the most critical subsets of information for their
own defense

23 31
Choice of vocabularies

MISP has a verify versatile system (taxonomies) for

classifying and marking data
However, this includes different vocabularies with obvious
MISP allows you to pick and choose vocabularies to use and
enforce in a community
Good idea to start with this process early
If you don’t find what you’re looking for:
I Create your own (JSON format, no coding skills required)
I If it makes sense, share it with us via a pull request for

24 31
Shared libraries of meta-information (Galaxies)

The MISPProject in co-operation with partners provides a

curated list of galaxy information
Can include information packages of different types, for
I Threat actor information (event different models or
I Specialised information such as Ransomware, Exploit kits, etc
I Methodology information such as preventative actions
I Classification systems for methodologies used by adversaries
Consider improving the default libraries or contributing your
own (simple JSON format)
If there is something you cannot share, run your own
galaxies and share it out of bound with partners
Pull requests are always welcome

25 31
False-positive handling

You might often fall into the trap of discarding seemingly

"junk" data
Besides volume limitations (which are absolutely valid, fear
of false-positives is the most common reason why people
discard data) - Our recommendation:
I Be lenient when considering what to keep
I Be strict when you are feeding tools
MISP allows you to filter out the relevant data on demand
when feeding protective tools
What may seem like junk to you may be absolutely critical to
other users

26 31
Many objectives from different user-groups

Sharing indicators for a detection matter.

I ’Do I have infected systems in my infrastructure or the ones I
Sharing indicators to block.
I ’I use these attributes to block, sinkhole or divert traffic.’
Sharing indicators to perform intelligence.
I ’Gathering information about campaigns and attacks. Are
they related? Who is targeting me? Who are the adversaries?’
→ These objectives can be conflicting (e.g. False-positives
have different impacts)

27 31
False-positive handling

Analysts will often be interested in the modus operandi of

threat actors over long periods of time
Even cleaned up infected hosts might become interesting
again (embedded in code, recurring reuse)
Use the tools provided to eliminate obvious false positives
instead and limit your data-set to the most relevant sets

28 31
Managing sub-communities

Often within a community smaller bubbles of information

sharing will form
For example: Within a national private sector sharing
community, specific community for financial institutions
Sharing groups serve this purpose mainly
As a CSIRT running a national community, consider
bootstraping these sharing communities
Organisations can of course self-organise, but you are the
ones with the know-how to get them started

29 31
Managing sub-communities

Consider compartmentalisation - does it make sense to

move a secret squirrel club to their own sharing hub to avoid
accidental leaks?
Use your best judgement to decide which communities
should be separated from one another
Create sharing hubs with manual data transfer if needed
Some organisations will even have their data air-gapped -
Feed system
Create guidance on what should be shared outside of their
bubbles - organisations often lack the insight / experience
to decide how to get going. Take the initiative!

30 31
Get in touch if you need some help to get started

Getting started with building a new community can be

daunting. Feel free to get in touch with us if you have any
Contact: [email protected]

31 / 31
MISP and Decaying of Indicators
An indicator scoring method and ongoing imple-
mentation in MISP

[email protected]

February 9, 2023

Threat Sharing
Expiring IOCs: Why and How?

1 29
Indicators - Problem Statement

Sharing information about threats is crucial

Organisations are sharing more and more

Contribution by unique organisation (Orgc.name) on MISPPriv:

Date Unique Org

2013 17
2014 43 1 {
2015 82 2 "distribution": [1, 2, 3]
3 }
2016 105
2017 118
2018 125
2019-10 135

2 29
Indicators - Problem Statement

Various users and organisations can share data via MISP,

multiple parties can be involved
I Trust, data quality and time-to-live issues
I Each user/organisation has different use-cases and interests
Conflicting interests such as operational security, attribution,...
(depends on the user)
→ Can be partially solved with Taxonomies

3 29
Indicators - Problem Statement

Various users and organisations can share data via MISP,

multiple parties can be involved
I Trust, data quality and time-to-live issues
I Each user/organisation has different use-cases and interests
Conflicting interests such as operational security, attribution,...
(depends on the user)
→ Can be partially solved with Taxonomies

Attributes can be shared in large quantities (more than 7.3

million on MISPPRIV)
I Partial info about their freshness (Sightings)
I Partial info about their validity (last update)
→ Can be partially solved with our Decaying model

3 29
Requirements to enjoy the decaying feature in

Starting from MISP 2.4.116, the decaying feature is available

Don’t forget to update the decay models and enable the
ones you want
The decaying feature has no impact on the information in
MISP, it’s just an overlay to be used in the user-interface and
Decay strongly relies on Taxonomies and Sightings, don’t
forget to review their configuration

4 29
Sightings - Refresher

Sightings add temporal context to indicators. A user, script or an

IDS can extend the information related to indicators by reporting
back to MISP that an indicator has been seen, or that an
indicator can be considered as a false-positive

Sightings give more credibility/visibility to indicators

This information can be used to prioritise and decay

5 29
Organisations opt-in - setting a level of

MISP is a peer-to-peer system, information passes through

multiple instances.
Producers can add context (such as tags from Taxonomies,
Galaxies) about their asserted confidence or the reliability of
the data
Consumers can have different levels of trust in the
producers and/or analysts themselves
Users might have other contextual needs

→ Achieved thanks to Taxonomies

6 29
Taxonomies - Refresher (1)

Tagging is a simple way to attach a classification to an Event

or an Attribute
Classification must be globally used to be efficient

7 29
Taxonomies - Refresher (2)

→ Cherry-pick allowed Tags

8 29
Taxonomies - Refresher (3)

Some taxonomies have numerical_value

→ Can be used to prioritise Attributes

Description Value Description Value

Completely reliable 100 Confirmed by other sources 100
Usually reliable 75 Probably true 75
Fairly reliable 50 Possibly true 50
Not usually reliable 25 Doubtful 25
Unreliable 0 Improbable 0
Reliability cannot be judged 50 ? Truth cannot be judged 50 ?
Deliberatly deceptive 0?

9 29
Scoring Indicators: Our solution

score(Attribute) = base_score(Attribute, Model ) • decay(Model, )



score ∈ [0, +∞
base_score ∈ [0, 100]
decay is a function defined by model’s parameters
controlling decay speed
Attribute Contains Attribute’s values and metadata
(Taxonomies, Galaxies, ...)

Model Contains the Model’s configuration

10 29
Current implementation in

11 29
Implementation in MISP: Event/view

Decay score toggle button

I Shows Score for each Models associated to the Attribute type

12 29
Implementation in MISP: API result
1 "Attribute": [
2 {
3 "category": "Network activity",
4 "type": "ip-src",
5 "to_ids": true,
6 "timestamp": "1565703507",
7 [...]
8 "value": "",
9 "decay_score": [
10 {
11 "score": 54.475223849544456,
12 "decayed": false,
13 "DecayingModel": {
14 "id": "85",
15 "name": "NIDS Simple Decaying Model"
16 }
17 }
18 ],
19 [...]
20 13 29
Implementation in MISP: Playing with Models

Automatic scoring based on default values

User-friendly UI to manually set Model configuration
(lifetime, decay, etc.)
Simulation tool
Interaction through the API
Opportunity to create your own formula or algorithm

14 29
Decaying Models in Depth

15 29
Scoring Indicators: base_score (1)

score(Attribute) = base_score(Attribute, Model ) • decay(Model, )


When scoring indicators1 , multiple parameters2 can be taken into

account. The base score is calculated with the following in mind:
Data reliability, credibility, analyst skills, custom
prioritisation tags (economical-impact), etc.
Trust in the source

base_score = ωtg · tags + ωsc · source_confidence

ωsc + ωtg = 1
Paper available: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1803.11052
at a variable extent as required
16 29
Scoring Indicators: base_score (2)

Current implentation ignores source_confidence:

→ base_score = tags

→ The base_score can be use to prioritize attribute based on

their attached context and source

17 29
Scoring Indicators: decay speed (1)

score(Attribute) = base_score(Attribute, Model ) • decay(Model, )


The decay is calculated using:

The lifetime of the indicator
I May vary depending on the indicator type
I short for an IP, long for an hash
The decay rate, or speed at which an attribute loses score
over time
The time elapsed since the latest update or sighting

18 29
Scoring Indicators: putting it all toghether

→ decay rate is re-initialized upon sighting addition, or said

differently, the score is reset to its base score as new sightings
are applied.
t δ
score = base_score · 1 −

τ = lifetime
δ = decay speed

19 29
Implementation in MISP: Models definition

score = base_score · 1 − τt δ

Models are an instanciation of the formula where elements can
be defined:
Parameters: lifetime, decay_rate, threshold
default base_score
associate Attribute types
creator organisation

20 29
Implementation in MISP: Models Types

Multiple model types are available

Default Models: Models created and shared by the
community. Available from misp-decaying-models
repository3 .
I → Not editable
Organisation Models: Models created by a user belonging to
an organisation
I These models can be hidden or shared to other organisation
I → Editable

21 29
Implementation in MISP: Index

View, update, add, create, delete, enable, export, import

22 29
Implementation in MISP: Fine tuning tool

Create, modify, visualise, perform mapping

23 29
Implementation in MISP: base_score tool

Adjust Taxonomies relative weights 24 29

Implementation in MISP: simulation tool

Simulate Attributes with different Models

25 29
Implementation in MISP: API query body

1 {
2 "includeDecayScore": 1,
3 "includeFullModel": 0,
4 "excludeDecayed": 0,
5 "decayingModel": [85],
6 "modelOverrides": {
7 "threshold": 30
8 }
9 "score": 30,
10 }

26 29
Creating a new decay algorithm (1)

The current architecture allows users to create their own

1. Create a new file $filename in
2. Extend the Base class as defined in DecayingModelBase
3. Implement the two mandatory functions computeScore
and isDecayed using your own formula/algorithm
4. Create a Model and set the formula field to $filename
Use cases:
Add support for more feature (expiration taxonomy)
Query external services then influence the score
Completely different approach (i.e streaming algorithm)

27 29
Creating a new decay algorithm (2)

1 <?php
2 include_once ’ Base . php ’ ;
4 c l a s s Polynomial extends DecayingModelBase
5 {
6 p u b l i c const DESCRIPTION = ’ The d e s c r i p t i o n of your new
decaying a l g o r i t h m ’ ;
8 p u b l i c f u n c t i o n computeScore ( $model , $ a t t r i b u t e , $base_score ,
$elapsed_time )
9 {
10 // a l g o r i t h m r e t u r n i n g a numerical score
11 }
13 p u b l i c f u n c t i o n isDecayed ( $model , $ a t t r i b u t e , $score )
14 {
15 // a l g o r i t h m r e t u r n i n g a boolean s t a t i n g
16 // i f the a t t r i b u t e i s expired or not
17 }
18 }
19 ?>

28 29
Decaying Models 2.0
Improved support of Sightings
I False positive Sightings should somehow reduce the
I Expiration Sightings should mark the attribute as decayed
Potential Model improvements
I Instead of resetting the score to base_score once a
Sighting is set, the score should be increased additively
(based on a defined coefficient); thus prioritizing surges
rather than infrequent Sightings
I Take into account related Tags or Correlations when
computing score
Increase Taxonomy coverage
I Users should be able to manually override the
numerical_value of Tags
For specific type, take into account data from other services
I Could fetch data from BGP ranking, Virus Total, Passive X for
IP/domain/... and adapt the score
29 / 29
MISP and Decaying of Indicators
Primer for indicator scoring in MISP


[email protected]

February 9, 2023

Threat Sharing
Outline of the presentation

Present the components used in MISP to expire IOCs

Present the current state of Indicators life-cycle
management in MISP

1 26
Expiring IOCs: Why and How?

2 26
Indicators lifecycle - Problem Statement

Sharing information about threats is crucial

Organisations are sharing more and more

Contribution by unique organisation (Orgc.name) on MISPPriv:

Date Unique Org

2013 17
2014 43 1 {
2015 82 2 "distribution": [1, 2, 3]
3 }
2016 105
2017 118
2018 125
2019-10 135

3 26
Indicators lifecycle - Problem Statement

Various users and organisations can share data via MISP,

multiple parties can be involved
I Trust, data quality and relevance issues
I Each user/organisation have different use-cases and
Conflicting interests: Operational security VS attribution
→ Can be partially solved with Taxonomies

4 26
Indicators lifecycle - Problem Statement

Various users and organisations can share data via MISP,

multiple parties can be involved
I Trust, data quality and relevance issues
I Each user/organisation have different use-cases and
Conflicting interests: Operational security VS attribution
→ Can be partially solved with Taxonomies

Attributes can be shared in large quantities (more than 12M on

MISPPRIV - Sept. 2020)
I Partial info about their freshness (Sightings)
I Partial info about their validity (last_seen)
→ Can be partially solved with our Data model

MISP’s Decaying model combines the two

4 26
Requirements to enjoy the decaying feature in

Starting from MISP 2.4.116, the decaying feature is available

Update decay models and enable some
MISP Decaying strongly relies on Taxonomies and Sightings,
don’t forget to review their configuration

Note: The decaying feature has no impact on the information

stored in MISP, it’s just an overlay to be used in the
user-interface and API

5 26
Sightings - Refresher (1)

Sightings add a temporal context to indicators.

Sightings can be used to represent that you saw the IoC
Usecase: Continuous feedback loop MISP ↔ IDS

6 26
Sightings - Refresher (2)

Sightings add a temporal context to indicators.

Sightings give more credibility/visibility to indicators
This information can be used to prioritise and decay

7 26
Taxonomies - Refresher (1)

Taxonomies are a simple way to attach a classification to an

Event or an Attribute
Classification must be globally used to be efficient (or
agreed on beforehand)

8 26
Taxonomies - Refresher (2)

→ Cherry-pick allowed Tags

9 26
Taxonomies - Refresher (3)

Some taxonomies have a numerical_value

Allows concepts to be used in an mathematical expression
→ Can be used to prioritise IoCs

admirality-scale taxonomy1
Description Value Description Value
Completely reliable 100 Confirmed by other sources 100
Usually reliable 75 Probably true 75
Fairly reliable 50 Possibly true 50
Not usually reliable 25 Doubtful 25
Unreliable 0 Improbable 0
Reliability cannot be judged 50 Truth cannot be judged 50
Deliberatly deceptive 0

10 26
Taxonomies - Refresher (3)

admirality-scale taxonomy2
Description Value Description Value
Completely reliable 100 Confirmed by other sources 100
Usually reliable 75 Probably true 75
Fairly reliable 50 Possibly true 50
Not usually reliable 25 Doubtful 25
Unreliable 0 Improbable 0
Reliability cannot be judged 50 ? Truth cannot be judged 50 ?
Deliberatly deceptive 0?

→ Users can override tag numerical_value

11 26
Scoring Indicators: Our solution

score(Attribute) = base_score(Attribute, Model ) • decay(Model, )


base_score(Attribute, Model )
I Initial score of the Attribute only considering the context
(Attribute’s type, Tags)

decay(Model, )

I Function composed of the lifetime and decay speed

I Decreases the base_score over time

12 26
Scoring Indicators: Our solution

score(Attribute) = base_score(Attribute, Model ) • decay(Model, )





13 26
Current implementation in

14 26
Implementation in MISP: Event/view

Decay score toggle button

I Shows Score for each Models associated to the Attribute type

15 26
Implementation in MISP: API result
1 "Attribute": [
2 {
3 "category": "Network activity",
4 "type": "ip-src",
5 "to_ids": true,
6 "timestamp": "1565703507",
7 [...]
8 "value": "",
9 "decay_score": [
10 {
11 "score": 54.475223849544456,
12 "decayed": false,
13 "DecayingModel": {
14 "id": "85",
15 "name": "NIDS Simple Decaying Model"
16 }
17 }
18 ],
19 [...]
20 16 26
Implementation in MISP: Objectives

Automatic scoring based on default values

User-friendly UI to manually set Model configuration
(lifetime, decay, etc.)
Simulation tool
Interaction through the API
Opportunity to create your own formula or algorithm

17 26
Implementation in MISP: Models definition

score = base_score · 1 − τt δ

Models are an instanciation of the formula with configurable
Parameters: lifetime, decay_rate, threshold
base_score computation
default base_score
associate Attribute types
creator organisation

18 26
Implementation in MISP: Models Types

Two types of model are available

Default Models: Created and shared by the community.
Coming from misp-decaying-models repository3 .
→ Not editable

Organisation Models: Created by a user on MISP

I Can be hidden or shared to other organisation
→ Editable

19 26
Implementation in MISP: Index

Standard CRUD operations: View, update, add, create, delete,

enable, export, import
20 26
Implementation in MISP: Fine tuning tool

Configure models: Create, modify, visualise, perform mapping

21 26
Implementation in MISP: base_score tool

Adjust Taxonomies relative weights 22 26

Implementation in MISP: simulation tool

Simulate decay on Attributes with different Models

23 26
Implementation in MISP: API query body

1 {
2 "includeDecayScore": 1,
3 "includeFullModel": 0,
4 "excludeDecayed": 0,
5 "decayingModel": [85],
6 "modelOverrides": {
7 "threshold": 30
8 }
9 "score": 30,
10 }

24 26
Creating a new decay algorithm

1 <?php
2 include_once ’ Base . php ’ ;
4 c l a s s Polynomial extends DecayingModelBase
5 {
6 p u b l i c const DESCRIPTION = ’ The d e s c r i p t i o n of your new
decaying a l g o r i t h m ’ ;
8 p u b l i c f u n c t i o n computeScore ( $model , $ a t t r i b u t e , $base_score ,
$elapsed_time )
9 {
10 // a l g o r i t h m r e t u r n i n g a numerical score
11 }
13 p u b l i c f u n c t i o n isDecayed ( $model , $ a t t r i b u t e , $score )
14 {
15 // a l g o r i t h m r e t u r n i n g a boolean s t a t i n g
16 // i f the a t t r i b u t e i s expired or not
17 }
18 }
19 ?>

25 26
Decaying Models 2.0

Improved support of Sightings

I False positive Sightings should somehow reduce the
I Expiration Sightings should mark the attribute as decayed
Potential Model improvements
I Instead of resetting the score to base_score once a
Sighting is set, the score should be increased additively
(based on a defined coefficient); thus prioritizing surges
rather than infrequent Sightings
I Take into account related Tags or Correlations when
computing score
Increase Taxonomy coverage
I Users should be able to manually override the
numerical_value of Tags

26 / 26
Forensic support in MISP
Tools and visualization to support digital
forensic expert

[email protected]

February 9, 2023

Threat Sharing
DFIR and MISP digital evidences

Share analyses and reports of digital forensic evidences.

Propose changes to existing analyses or reports.
Extending existing events with additional evidences for local
or use in limited distribution sharing (sharing can be defined
at event level or attribute level).
Evaluate correlations1 of evidences against external or local
Report sightings such as false-positive or true-positive (e.g.
a partner/analyst has seen a similar indicator).

MISP has a flexible correlation engine which can correlate on 1-to-1 value
matches, but also on fuzzy hashing (e.g. ssdeep) or CIDR block matching.
1 5
Benefits of using MISP

LE can leverage the long-standing experience in information

sharing and bridge their use-cases with MISP’s information
sharing mechanisms.
Accessing existing MISP information sharing communities by
receiving actionable information from CSIRT/CERT networks
or security researchers.
Bridging LE communities with other communities. Sharing
groups can be created (and managed) cross-sectors to
support specific use-cases.
The MISP standard is a flexible format which can be
extended by users using the MISP platform. A MISP object
template can be created in under 30 minutes, allowing users
to rapidly share information using their own data-models
with existing communities.

2 5
Challenges and implementations

Standard sharing mechanism for forensic cases

I MISP allows for the efficient collaborative analysis of digital
I Correlation on certain attributes
Importing disk images and file system data activity
I Development of an adaptable import tool: From Mactime to
MISP Mactime object
Create, modify and visualise the timeline of events
I Development of a flexible timeline system at the event level

3 5
Forensic import (MISP 2.4.98)

Possibility to import Mactime files [done]

Pick only relevant files [done]
MISPObject will be created [done]
4 5
Data visualization (MISP zoidberg branch)

View: start-date only, spanning and search [dev-branch]

Manipulate: Edit, Drag and Expand [dev-branch]
Others: Timezone support [dev-branch]

→ For now [dev-branch], supports up to micro-seconds in the

database and up to milliseconds in the web interface.

MISP restSearch API
An easy way to query, add and update your threat
intelligence in MISP
CIRCL / Team MISP Project

MISP API reworked

The MISP API has grown gradually with a UI first design in

many cases
Endpoints all solved specific issues with their own rulesets
Growth was organic - whenever the need to add a new
functionality / filter popped up we’ve added it
Lead to frankenmonsters such as this:

1 10
Goals we’ve set for ourselves

Open up every functionality in MISP available via the UI to

the API
Including ones related to instance management
APIs that expect input objects for data creation should be
URL parameters should be discouraged, but still usable by
legacy tools (deprecation)
APIs should be heavily tested (Raphael Vinot’s exhaustive
test suite in PyMISP)
Largest focus on Export APIs

2 10
Export API’s reimagined

Scrapped all existing type specific APIs (deprecated,

documentation moved to legacy, still available)
Single entry point - all export APIs baked into restSearch
Queries consist of a combination of:
I Scope (Event, Attribute, Sighting, more coming in the future)
I Filter parameters - passed via JSON objects, url parameters
(key value or ordered list)
I A return format
Everything that we could do before the rework we should be
able to accomplish after the rework
Under the hood now also used by the UI search and exports

3 10
Export API’s reimagined

One of our largest issues solved: pagination

I Scope specific pagination (number of events, attributes, etc)
I Simply control it via the framework friendly page / limit
I Alternatively, use the improved time based controls
(timestamp, publish_timestamp windows)

4 10
Performance tuning

Single execution with subqueries

Internal pagination aligned with memory limits
I Probing of available memory for the current process
I Chunking of the query results to fit in object specific memory
I Constructing export set on disk in chunks has slashed
memory usage considerably

5 10
Designing tools that use the APIs can be com-
plex, but there’s help

The result of our own frustration

Built in ReST client with templating
Extensive query builder UI by Sami Mokaddem
Build queries in a simple interface, automatically set URLs,
headers, etc
Uses the self documentation of APIs
Export your queries as cURL or Python scripts
Built in testing tools (performance measurements, result
Store queries for reuse and download the results directly

6 10
Why is the search API receiving so much focus?

The maturity of the communities and threat intel sharing at

large has improved
We are sharing more
Most importantly: we are sharing more context along with
technical indicators
This allows us to manage our data more accuractely before
feeding them to our protective tools
Different contexts (APT targeting me? Persisting techniques?)
- lifecycle management
Use several queries / boolean operators to select the slice
of data most relevant for the task

7 10
CLI tools for the CLI God, automation for the au-
tomation throne

Open up commonly used system management tasks to the

I sync servers/feeds
I caching feeds
I Password resets
I Server settings
I Bruteforce protection resets
I Enrichment
I Worker management
Goal was also to move away from the often malfunctioning
scheduler and have cron friendly CLI scripts

8 10
So what does all of this look like in practice?

Demo time!

9 10
Plans for the future

Add export modules to the restSearch API

Improve the query language to support some missing
features (such as AND boolean operators)
Support for extended events via the restSearch API
I We’re missing a framing structure in the export module
system (how are a list of conversions encapsulated and
I Proof of concept of the system implemented by Christian
Studer already works using the STIX / STIX2 export
I Would open us up to simple customiseable search APIs
Open up search APIs to other scopes (objects, users,
organisations, proposals, feeds, galaxies, taxonomies)

10 / 10
Best Practices in Threat Intelli-
Gather, document, analyse and contextualise in-
telligence using MISP
CIRCL / Team MISP Project

MISP Project


Threat Sharing

Learn how to use MISP to support common OSINT gathering

use-cases often used by SOC, CSIRTs and CERTs
I Use practical exercise examples1
I The exercises are based on practical recent cases to model
and structure intelligence using the MISP standard
Improve the data models available in MISP by exchanging
live improvements and ideas
Be able to share the results to the community at the end of
this session

1 12
(Threat) Intelligence

Cyber threat intelligence (CTI) is a vast concept which

includes different concepts, methods, and workflows
I Intelligence is defined differently in the military than in the
financial sector than in the intelligence community
MISP project doesn’t want to lock an organisation or a user
into a specific model. Each model is useful depending on the
objectives of an organisation
A set of pre-defined knowledge base or data-models are
available and organisations can select (or create) what they
During this session, an overview of the most used
taxonomies, galaxies, and objects will be described

2 12
Overall process of collecting and analysing

3 12
Meta information and contextualisation 1/2

Quality of indicators/attributes are important but tagging

and classification are also critical to ensure actionable
Organizing intelligence is done in MISP by using tags, which
often originate from MISP taxonomy libraries
The scope can be classification (tlp, PAP), type (osint, type,
veris), state (workflow), collaboration
(collaborative-intelligence), or many other fields
MISP taxonomy documentation is readily available2
Review existing practices of tagging in your sharing
community, reuse practices, and improve context

4 12
Meta information and contextualisation 2/2

When information cannot be expressed in triple tags format

(namespace:predicate=value), MISP use Galaxies
Galaxies contain a huge set of common libraries3 such as
threat actors, malicious tools, tactics, target information,
mitigations, and more
When tagging or adding a Galaxy cluster, tagging at the event
level is for the whole event (including attributes and
objects). Tagging at the attribute level is for a more specific

5 12
Estimative Probability

Words of Estimative Probability4 propose clear wording

while estimating probability of occurence from an event
A MISP taxonomy called estimative-language5 proposes an
applied model to tag information in accordance with the
concepts of Estimative Probability

6 12
Reliability, credibility, and confidence

The Admiralty Scale6 (also called the NATO System) is used

to rank the reliability of a source and the credibility of
A MISP taxonomy called admiralty-scale7 is available
US DoD JP 2-0, Joint Intelligence8 includes an appendix to
express confidence in analytic judgments
A MISP predicate in estimative-language called
confidence-in-analytic-judgment9 is available
US Army Field Manual 2-22.3, 2006
page 114
7 12
Adding attributes/objects to an event

If the information is a single atomic element, using a single

attribute is preferred
I Choosing an attribute type is critical as this defines the
automation/export rule (e.g. url versus link or ip-src/ip-dst?)
I Enabling the IDS (automation) flag is also important, but
when you are in doubt, don’t set the IDS flag
If the information is composite (ip/port, filename/hash,
bank account/BIC), using an object is strongly recommended

8 12
How to select the right object?

There are more than 150 MISP object10 templates.

As an example, at CIRCL, we regularly use the following object
templates file, microblog, domain-ip, ip-port, coin-address,
virustotal-report, paste, person, ail-leak, pe, pe-section,

9 12
microblog object

Use case
A series of OSINT tweets from a
security researcher. To
structure the thread, the Object to use
information, and keep a history. The microblog object can be
used for Tweets or any
microblog post (e.g. Facebook).
The object can be linked using
followed-by to describe a series
of post.

10 12
file object

Object to use
Use case The file object can be used to
A file sample was received describe file. It’s usual to have
by email or extracted from partial meta information such
VirusTotal as a single hash and a filename.
A list of file hashes were
included in a report
A hash value was
mentioned in a blog post

11 12

Graphical overview of OSINT collection using MISP https:

MISP objects documentation
MISP taxonomies documentation
MISP galaxy documentation

12 / 12
MISP core development hands-on
Building a small nifty feature for the MISP core

CIRCL / Team MISP Project

Threat Sharing
Some practical things first...

If you’d like to take a peak at the main files already

Full implementation:

1 20
Let’s try to develop a feature together

Idea: Users should have the option to set alert filters for the
publish alert e-mails
By default receive all alerts as before
If a filter is set, check if the alert is interesting for us or not

2 20
How to ensure that the feature is useful for the
community at large?

Always try to think in reusable systems instead of fixing a

single issue
I Much higher chance of getting a PR merged if it doesn’t just
cover your specific use-case
I Try to stay two steps ahead, see how your feature can be
reused for other tasks

3 20
User settings - a long overdue feature

Allow users to set preferences for certain views

For high level users, all the technical details are sometimes
Simply not being interested in certain types of data points
Non-standard MISP deployments (island only MISP
instances, etc)
User pre-sets for certain settings

4 20
Objectives of the feature

User should be able to do the following with filter rules:

I set
I get
I remove
I index
Filter rules should be flexible - we do not want to anticipate
all possible settings in advance
Ensure that the system is easy to extend and reuse

5 20
Before we start with anything...

Update our MISP instance (git pull origin 2.4)

Fork github.com/MISP/MISP (via the github interface)
Add a new remote to our fork:
I via username/password auth: git remote add my_fork
I via ssh: git remote add my_fork
Generally a good idea to work on a new branch: git checkout
-b dev_exercise
Enable debug in MISP

6 20

I Single key/value table for all settings
I Each user should be able to set a single instance of a key
I Values could possible become complex, let’s use JSON!
I Add timestamping for traceability
I Consider which fields we might want to look-up frequently for

7 20
The database changes we need

The table structure:

I id int(11) auto increment //primary key
I key varchar(100) //add index!
I value text //json
I user_id int(11) //add index!
I timestamp int(11) //add index!
Tie it to into the upgrade system (app/Model/AppModel.php)
Test our upgrade process! Check the output in the audit logs

8 20

Outline of the changes needed:

I New Controller (UserSettingsController.php)
I New Model (UserSetting.php)
I New Views (setSetting, index)
I Add new controller actions to ACL
I Update the e-mail alert system to use the functionality

9 20
Create the new Model skeleton

location: /var/www/MISP/app/Model/UserSetting.php
Create basic skeleton
Add model relationships (hasMany/BelongsTo)
Use the hooking functionality to deal with the JSON field
(beforeSave(), beforeFind())
Add a function that can be used to check if a user should get
an alert based on filters (checkPublishFilter())
Add a function to check if a user can access/modify a setting

10 20
Create the Controller skeleton

location: /var/www/MISP/app/Model/UserSetting.php
Create basic skeleton
Set pagination rules
Define CRUD functions (exceptionally, we diverge here from
the norm)
I setSetting()
I getSetting()
I index()
I delete()

11 20
Start with an API only approach at first

I Accepted methods: ADD / POST
I Separate handling of API / UI
I POST should create/update an entry
I GET should describe the API

12 20
getSetting / index

I Accepted methods: GET
I Retrieves a single setting based on either ID or setting key
and user_id
I Encode the data depending on API/UI
I Accepted methods: GET
I List all settings
I Filter user scope on demand
I Filter available scopes based on role

13 20

I Accepted methods: POST / DELETE
I Deletes a single entry based on ID or setting key
I Encode the data depending on API/UI

14 20
Add the ACL functionalities

Tie functions into checkAccess():

I Check if user is allowed to execute actions and throw
exceptions if not
I Add it to: setSetting() / getSetting() / delete()
Consider that:
I Site admins have full reign
I Org admins can manage their own users
I Everyone else can self-manage

15 20
Test the functionalities

Use the REST client

I GET on /setSetting and /delete describing our endpoints
I POST /setSetting with "key": "publish_filter", "value":
"Event.tags":"%sofacy%" should return newly added or
modified filter
I GET on /index should list our entries, GET on /getSetting
should show an individual entry
I DELETE on /delete should delete the entry

16 20
Start adding the UI components

We now have a rudimentary CRUD, let’s add some simple UI

I setSetting as a simple form
I index should use the parametrised generators (IndexTable)
I Add both views to the menu systems (side-menu, global
I Don’t forget about sanitisation and translations!

17 20
Add the checkPublishFilter() function to the e-

Trace the code path of the e-mail sending to understand the

Decide on the best place to inject our check
Don’t break the flow of the process!
What do we have access to at this point? What format are
they in?

18 20
Test if our code works correctly

Do we see any notices / errors?

Is our code easily accessible?
Consider other roles! Can users/org admins do things we
don’t want them to do?
Is our code-base breaking the default behaviour?
Is our update script working as expected?

19 20
Push our code to our fork and create a pull

git status to check what changed / got added

git add /path/to/file to add files we want to commit
git commit (format: is "new/fix/chg: [topic] My description"
git push my_fork
Create pull request from the github interface
Wait for Travis to run, update the code if needed

20 / 20
MISP restSearch module develop-
Building a simple export module for the core

CIRCL / Team MISP Project

Threat Sharing
Building a native restSearch export

Similar in scope to an export module of the MISP modules

I Can be used for composited data coming from a filtered query
I Fast, native approach
I Can be built to support several scopes (events, attributes,

1 28
Building a native restSearch export

Similar in scope to an export module of the MISP modules

I Can be used for composited data coming from a filtered query
I Fast, native approach
I Can be built to support several scopes (events, attributes,

2 28
So how does restSearch work?

Standardised way of collecting parameters

Using the parameters, a loop is started to chunk and
gradually build our export data
The chunk size depends on memory envelopes
Each chunk is converted piece by piece...
... and subsequently are concatenated into a temporary file
Once no more elements are left, the file is sent in the

3 28
Where does the module system come into play?

The export modules handle 5 tasks:

I Pass meta-information back to restSearch on the export
format itself
I Add a start segment to the exported data
I Do the actual conversion from MISP’s internal format to the
desired export format
I Provide a separator for data chunks
I Have a closing segment for the returned data, based on the
formatś conventions

4 28
Our little training module: Nibbler, the ever
hungry IDS/IPS

5 28

Simplistic tool with its own proprietary format

Meant to mimic a typical in-house tool
Lightweight scope, for simplicityś sake
pipe separated values

6 28
Nibbler format - caveats

Rules can be prepended by comments, each comment line

starting with #
Some characters have to be escaped in some custom, crazy
I linebreaks: ##LINEBREAK##
I commas: ##COMMA##
I pipes: ##PIPE##

7 28
Nibbler format

Value: The actual indicator value

Type: The format of the indicator
Description: A quick description for analysts investigating
the alert, why is this relevant
Reference: A backreference that the analyst can use to find
out more about the alert
Action: What should Nibbler do if it trips over the value?

8 28
Supported types


9 28
Supported values

ALERT - default behaviour, create an alert.

BLOCK - block the action outright. Only set if the tag
nibbler:block is present

10 28
Mapping the types to MISP

Though we have types to map from MISP, in some cases

several types map to a Nibbler type
We’ve created a rough mapping (this is probably the most
difficult task) in advance
Some MISP types map to a Nibbler type directly
Composite MISP types map to 2 Nibbler types each

11 28
Mapping the types to MISP

ip-dst :: IP
ip-src :: IP
domain :: Domain
domain|ip :: Domain, IP
hostname :: Hostname
md5 :: MD5
sha1 :: SHA1
sha256 :: SHA256
filename|md5 :: Filename, MD5
malware-sample :: Filename, MD5
filename|sha1 :: Filename, SHA1
filename|sha256 :: Filename, SHA256

12 28
Export module skeleton

class NibblerExport
p u b l i c $additional_params = a r r a y ( ) ;
p u b l i c f u n c t i o n handler (
$data , $options = a r r a y ( )
) {}
p u b l i c f u n c t i o n header (
$options = a r r a y ( )
) {}
public function footer ( ) { }
public function separator ( ) { }

13 28
Additional parameters

p u b l i c $additional_params = a r r a y (
’ f l a t t e n ’ => 1

14 28
Adding our mapping

p r i v a t e $__mapping = a r r a y (
’ ip−dst ’ => ’ IP ’ ,
’ ip−src ’ => ’ IP ’ ,
’ domain ’ => ’ Domain ’ ,
’ domain | ip ’ => [ ’ Domain ’ , ’ IP ’ ] ,
’ hostname ’ => ’ Hostname ’ ,
’md5 ’ => ’ MD5 ’ ,
’ sha1 ’ => ’ SHA1 ’ ,
’ sha256 ’ => ’ SHA256 ’ ,
’ filename |md5 ’ = > a r r a y ( ’ Filename ’ , ’ MD5 ’ ) ,
’ malware−sample ’ = > a r r a y ( ’ Filename ’ , ’ MD5 ’ ) ,
’ filename | sha1 ’ = > a r r a y ( ’ Filename ’ , ’ SHA1 ’ ) ,
’ filename | sha256 ’ = > a r r a y ( ’ Filename ’ , ’ SHA256 ’ )

15 28
Writing the start of the output

p u b l i c f u n c t i o n header ( $options = a r r a y ( ) )
return s p r i n t f (
"# N i b b l e r r u l e s generated by MISP a t %s \n " ,
date ( ’ Y−m−d H : i : s ’ )

16 28
Footer function - how should the output end?

public function footer ( )

r e t u r n "\ n " ;

17 28
What separates the chunks?

public function separator ( )

r e t u r n "\ n " ;

18 28
The actual legwork, the handler

p u b l i c f u n c t i o n handler ( $data , $options = a r r a y ( ) )

i f ( $options [ ’ scope ’ ] === ’ A t t r i b u t e ’ ) {
$data [ ’ A t t r i b u t e ’ ] [ ’ A t t r i b u t e T a g ’ ] = $data [ ’ A t t r i b u t e T a g ’ ] ;
r e t u r n $ t h i s −>_ _ c o n v e r t A t t r i b u t e ( $data [ ’ A t t r i b u t e ’ ] , $data [ ’ Event ’ ] ) ;
i f ( $options [ ’ scope ’ ] === ’ Event ’ ) {
$result = array ( ) ;
foreach ( $data [ ’ A t t r i b u t e ’ ] as $ a t t r i b u t e ) {
$temp = $ t h i s −>_ _ c o n v e r t A t t r i b u t e ( $ a t t r i b u t e , $data [ ’ Event ’ ] ) ;
i f ( $temp ) $ r e s u l t [ ] = $temp ;
r e t u r n implode ( $ t h i s −>s e p a r a t o r ( ) , $ r e s u l t ) ;
return ’ ’ ;

19 28
Building an optional internal converter

p r i v a t e f u n c t i o n _ _ c o n v e r t A t t r i b u t e ( $ a t t r i b u t e , $even
i f ( empty ( $ t h i s −>__mapping [ $ a t t r i b u t e [ ’ type ’ ] ] ) ) {
// mapping not found − i n v a l i d type f o r n i b b l e r
return ’ ’ ;
i f ( i s _ a r r a y ( $ t h i s −>__mapping [ $ a t t r i b u t e [ ’ type ’ ] ] ) )
// handle mappings f o r composites − s l i d e
} else {
// handle simple mappings − s l i d e
// r e t u r n 1 or 2 l i n e s , separated by s e p a r a t o r ( )
r e t u r n implode ( $ t h i s −>s e p a r a t o r ( ) , $ r e s u l t ) ;

20 28
Handling the simple case

$result [ ] = sprintf (
’% s|%s|%s|%s|%s ’ ,
$ t h i s −>__escapeSpecialChars ( $ a t t r i b u t e [ ’ value ’ ] ) ,
$ t h i s −>__mapping [ $ a t t r i b u t e [ ’ type ’ ] ] ,
$event [ ’ uuid ’ ] ,
$ t h i s −>__escapeSpecialChars ( $event [ ’ i n f o ’ ] ) ,

21 28
Handling the case for composites

$ a t t r i b u t e [ ’ value ’ ] = explode (
’ | ’ , $ a t t r i b u t e [ ’ value ’ ]
foreach ( a r r a y ( 0 , 1 ) as $ p a r t ) {
$result [ ] = sprintf (
’% s|%s|%s|%s|%s ’ ,
$ t h i s −>__escapeSpecialChars (
$ a t t r i b u t e [ ’ value ’ ] [ $ p a r t ]
$ t h i s −>__mapping [ $ a t t r i b u t e [ ’ type ’ ] ] [ $ p a r t ] ,
$event [ ’ uuid ’ ] ,
$ t h i s −>__escapeSpecialChars ( $event [ ’ i n f o ’ ] ) ,

22 28
Putting it together
p r i v a t e f u n c t i o n _ _ c o n v e r t A t t r i b u t e ( $ a t t r i b u t e , $event ) {
i f ( empty ( $ t h i s −>__mapping [ $ a t t r i b u t e [ ’ type ’ ] ] ) ) r e t u r n ’ ’ ;
$result = array ( ) ;
$attributes = array ( ) ;
i f ( i s _ a r r a y ( $ t h i s −>__mapping [ $ a t t r i b u t e [ ’ type ’ ] ] ) ) {
$ a t t r i b u t e [ ’ value ’ ] = explode ( ’ | ’ , $ a t t r i b u t e [ ’ value ’ ] ) ;
foreach ( a r r a y ( 0 , 1 ) as $part ) {
$result [ ] = sprintf (
’% s|%s|%s|%s|%s ’ ,
$ t h i s −>__escapeSpecialChars ( $ a t t r i b u t e [ ’ value ’ ] [ $pa rt ] ) ,
$ t h i s −>__mapping [ $ a t t r i b u t e [ ’ type ’ ] ] [ $part ] ,
/ events / view / . $event [ ’ uuid ’ ] ,
$ t h i s −>__escapeSpecialChars ( $event [ ’ i n f o ’ ] ) ,
$ t h i s −>__decideOnAction ( $ a t t r i b u t e [ ’ A t t r i b u t e T a g ’ ] )
} else {
$result [ ] = sprintf (
’% s|%s|%s|%s|%s ’ ,
$ t h i s −>__escapeSpecialChars ( $ a t t r i b u t e [ ’ value ’ ] ) ,
$ t h i s −>__mapping [ $ a t t r i b u t e [ ’ type ’ ] ] ,
/ events / view / . $event [ ’ uuid ’ ] ,
$ t h i s −>__escapeSpecialChars ( $event [ ’ i n f o ’ ] ) ,
$ t h i s −>__decideOnAction ( $ a t t r i b u t e [ ’ A t t r i b u t e T a g ’ ] )
r e t u r n implode ( $ t h i s −>s e p a r a t o r ( ) , $ r e s u l t ) ;
23 28
Adding the function that decides on the action

p r i v a t e f u n c t i o n __decideOnAction ( $ a t t r i b u t e T a g s )
foreach ( $ a t t r i b u t e T a g s as $ a t t r i b u t e T a g ) {
if (
$ a t t r i b u t e T a g [ ’ Tag ’ ] [ ’ name ’ ] ===
’ n i b b l e r : block ’
) {
r e t u r n ’ BLOCK ’ ;
r e t u r n ’ ALERT ’ ;

24 28
Finalising the export module... The escaping

p r i v a t e f u n c t i o n __escapeSpecialChars ( $value )
$value = preg_replace (
"/\ r |\ n / " , "## LINEBREAK # # " , $value
$value = preg_replace (
" / , / " , "##COMMA# # " , $value
$value = preg_replace (
" / \ | / " , "## PIPE # # " , $value
r e t u r n $value ;

25 28
Modifying the MISP core to know about the ex-
port module

The models that we are targeting by scope (Event, Attribute)

need to be updated
They are located in /var/www/MISP/app/Model/
The global variable $validFormats houses all mappings
Simply add a new line such as the following:
’nibbler’ => array(’nibbler’, ’NibblerExport’, ’nibbler’)

26 28
Let us test the module!

Use the rest client to test it conveniently

Both the event and attribute level restSearch function
should work
Simply set the returnFormat to nibbler, which should also
show up as a valid export format

27 28
REST client

28 / 28
MISP - Galaxy 2.0
Method for sharing threat intelligence


[email protected]

February 9, 2023

Threat Sharing
Outline of the presentation

Present the features available for Sharing galaxy clusters

Look at the internals of what changed in the datamodel and
MISP’s behaviors

1 12
MISP Galaxy 2.0

Galaxy 2.0 introduces various new features for Galaxies and their
Clusters allowing:
Creation of custom Clusters
ACL on Clusters
Connection of Clusters via Relations
Synchronization to connected instances.
Visualization of forks and relationships

2 12
Default Galaxy clusters

Default Galaxy cluster

Coming from the misp-galaxy repository1
Cannot be edited
I Only way to provide modification is to modify the stored JSON
or to open a pull request
I Are not synchronized
I Source of trust
Restrictions propagate to their children (Galaxy cluster
elements, Cluster relationships)

Custom Galaxy cluster

Can be created via the UI or API
Belongs to an organisation
I Fully editable
I Are synchronized
3 12
MISP Galaxy 2.0 - Comparison with prior version

Clusters and Relations can be edited.

New Clusters fields
I distribution, sharing_group_id
I org_id, orgc_id
I locked, published, deleted
I default
Clusters coming from the misp-galaxies repository are
marked as default
Not synchronized
Same purpose as Event’s locked field
I extends_uuid
Point to the Cluster that has been forked
I extends_version
Keep track of the Cluster version that has been forked

4 12
MISP Galaxy 2.0 - Others changes

Role perm_galaxy_editor
Relations also have a distribution and can have Tags
Synchronization servers have 2 new flags
I pull_galaxy_clusters
I push_galaxy_clusters
Clusters blocklist

5 12
Features in depth: CRUD

Standard CRUD
Soft and Hard deletion
Update forked cluster to keep it synchronized with its parent
ACL on the Cluster itself, not on its tag
I misp-galaxy:galaxy-type="cluster UUID"
I misp-galaxy:mitre-attack-pattern="e4932f21-4867-4de6-849a-1b11e48e2682"

6 12
Features in depth: Visualization

Tree view of forked Clusters

7 12
Features in depth: Visualization
Tree and network views for Relations between Clusters

8 12
Features in depth: Visualization
Tree and network views for Relations between Clusters

9 12
Galaxy cluster elements

Hasn’t been touched: Still a key-value stored. But new feature

have been added2
Tabular view
Allows you to browse cluster elements like before

Will be included in next release
10 12
Galaxy cluster elements

JSON view
Allows you to visualisation cluster element in a JSON
Allows you to convert any JSON into cluster elements
enabling searches and correlations

11 12
Synchronization in depth

Has its own synchronization mechanism which can be enabled

with the pull_galaxy_cluster and push_galaxy_cluster

Pull All: Pull all remote Clusters (similar to event’s pull all)
Pull Update: Update local Clusters (similar to event’s pull
Pull Relevant: Pull missing Clusters based on local Tags
Push: Triggered whenever a Cluster is published or via
standard push

12 / 12
An Introduction to Cybersecu-
rity Information Sharing
MISP - Threat Sharing

CIRCL / Team MISP Project

MISP Project


Threat Sharing
Content of the presentation

Data sharing in MISP

Data models for the Data layer
Data models for the Context layer

1 36
Layers of data model

Data layer
I The raw data itself as well as element to link them together
I Indicators, Observables and means to contextually link them
I MISP terminology: Event, Attributes, misp-objects, ...

Context layer
I As important as the data layer, allow triage, false-positive
management, risk-assessment and prioritisation
I Latches on the data layer, usually referencing threat
intelligence, concepts, knowledge base and vocabularies
I Tags, Taxonomies, Galaxies, ...

2 36
Data sharing in MISP
Sharing in MISP: Distribution
MISP offers granulars distribution settings:
Organisation only
This community
Connected communities
All communities
Distribution lists - aka Sharing groups

At multiple levels: Events, Attributes, Objects (and their

Attributes) and Galaxy-clusters
3 36
Sharing in MISP: Distribution

4 36
Data layer
Data layer: Naming conventions

Data layer
I Events are encapsulations for contextually linked information
I Attributes are individual data points, which can be indicators
or supporting data.
I Objects are custom templated Attribute compositions
I Object references are the relationships between individual
building blocks
I Shadow Attributes/Proposal are suggestions made by users
to modify an existing attribute
I Sightings are a means to convey that a data point has been
I Event reports are supporting materials for analysts to
describe events, processes, etc

5 36
Data layer: Events
Events are encapsulations for contextually linked information
Purpose: Group datapoints and context together. Acting as
an envelop, it allows setting distribution and sharing rules
for itself and its children.
Usecase: Encode incidents / events / reports / ...

6 36
Data layer: Event building blocks - Base

7 36
Data layer: Events

1 {
2 " date " : " 2019−02−20 " ,
3 " i n f o " : " I o T malware − G a f g y t . Gen28 ( a c t i v e ) " ,
4 " uuid " : " 5 c6d21e5−bb60−47b7−b892−42e6950d2111 " ,
5 " analysis " : "2" ,
6 " timestamp " : " 1602315388 " ,
7 " distribution " : "3" ,
8 " s h a r i n g _ g r o u p _ i d " : "0" ,
9 " threat_level_id " : "3" ,
10 " extends_uuid " : " " ,
11 " Attribute " : [ . . . ] ,
12 " Object " : [ . . . ] ,
13 " EventReport " : [ . . . ] ,
14 " Tag " : [ . . . ] ,
15 " Galaxy " : [ . . . ]
16 }

8 36
Data layer: Attributes

Attributes are individual data points, indicators or supporting

Purpose: Individual data point. Can be an indicator or
supporting data.
Usecase: Domain, IP, link, sha1, attachment, ...

9 36
Data layer: Event building blocks - Raw data

10 36
Data layer: Attributes

1 {
2 " type " : " u r l " ,
3 " c a t ego r y " : " Network a c t i v i t y " ,
4 " t o _ i d s " : true ,
5 " uuid " : " 5 c6d24bd−d094−4dd6−a1b6−4f a 3 9 5 0 d 2 1 1 1 " ,
6 " e ven t_i d " : " 178 " ,
7 " distribution " : "5" ,
8 " s h a r i n g _ g r o u p _ i d " : "0" ,
9 " timestamp " : " 1550656701 " ,
10 "comment" : " D e l i v e r y p o i n t f o r the malware " ,
11 " o b j e c t _ i d " : "0" ,
12 " object_relation " : null ,
13 " first_seen " : null ,
14 " last_seen " : null ,
15 " value " : " f t p : / / 1 8 5 . 1 3 5 . 8 0 . 1 6 3 / " ,
16 " Tag " : [ . . . ]
17 " Galaxy " : [ . . . ]
18 }

11 36
Data layer: MISP Objects
Objects are custom templated Attribute compositions
Purpose: Groups Attributes that are intrinsically linked
Usecase: File, person, credit-card, x509, device, ...

12 36
Data layer: Event building blocks - Data

13 36
Data layer: MISP Objects

1 {
2 "name" : " e l f −s e c t i o n " ,
3 " meta−c a t e go r y " : " f i l e " ,
4 " d e s c r i p t i o n " : " Object d e s c r i b i n g a s e c t . . . " ,
5 " template_uuid " : " c a 2 7 1 f 3 2 −1234−4e87−b240−6b6e882de5de " ,
6 " template_version " : " 4 " ,
7 " uuid " : " ab5f0c85 −5623−424c−bc03−d79841700d74 " ,
8 " timestamp " : " 1550655984 " ,
9 " distribution " : "5" ,
10 " s h a r i n g _ g r o u p _ i d " : "0" ,
11 "comment" : " " ,
12 " first_seen " : null ,
13 " last_seen " : null ,
14 " ObjectReference " : [ ] ,
15 " Attribute " : [ . . . ]
16 }

14 36
Data layer: Object references
Object references are the relationships between individual
building blocks
Purpose: Allows to create relationships between entities,
thus creating a graph where they are the edges and entities
are the nodes.
Usecase: Represent behaviours, similarities, affiliation, ...

15 36
Data layer: Object references

1 {
2 " uuid " : " 5 c6d21f9 −0384−4bd2−b256−40de950d2111 " ,
3 " timestamp " : " 1602318569 " ,
4 " o b j e c t _ i d " : " 1024 " ,
5 " source_uuid " : " 23275 e05−c202−460e−aadf −819 c 4 1 7 f b 3 2 6 " ,
6 " referenced_uuid " : " ab5f0c85 −5623−424c−bc03−d79841700d74 " ,
7 " referenced_type " : " 1 " ,
8 " r e l a t i o n s h i p _ t y p e " : " included−i n " ,
9 "comment" : " S e c t i o n 0 of ELF "
10 }

16 36
Data layer: Event building blocks - Context

17 36
Data layer: Sightings
Sightings are a means to convey that a data point has been seen
Purpose: Allows to add temporality to the data.
Usecase: Record activity or occurence, perform IoC
expiration, ...

1 {
2 " org_id " : " 1 " ,
3 " date_sighting " : " 1573722432 " ,
4 " uuid " : " 5 dcd1940−5de8−4462−93dd−12a2a5e38e14 " ,
5 " source " : " " ,
6 " type " : "0" ,
7 " a t t r i b u t e _ u u i d " : " 5 da97b59−9650−4be2 −9443−2194 a5e38e14 "
8 }
18 36
Data layer: Event reports
Event reports are supporting data for analysis to describe
events, processes, ect
Purpose: Supporting data point to describe events or
Usecase: Encode reports, provide more information about
the Event, ...

19 36
Data layer: Event building blocks - Collabora-
tion & intelligence

20 36
Data layer: Event reports

1 {
2 " uuid " : " 076e240b−5a76−4a8b−9eab−c f f f 5 5 1 9 9 3 d d " ,
3 " e ven t_i d " : " 2 1 2 7 " ,
4 "name" : " Event r e p o r t ( 1 6 0 7 3 6 2 9 8 6 ) " ,
5 " content " : " . . . " ,
6 " distribution " : "5" ,
7 " s h a r i n g _ g r o u p _ i d " : "0" ,
8 " timestamp " : " 1607362986 "
9 }

21 36
Data layer: Event building blocks - Full

22 36
Context layer
Context layer: Naming conventions

Context layer
I Tags are free-text labels attached to events/attributes and
can come from Taxonomies
Android Malware, C2, ...
I Taxonomies are a set of common classification allowing to
express the same vocabulary among a distributed set of
users and organisations
tlp:green, false-positive:risk="high",

23 36
Context layer: Naming conventions

Context layer
I Galaxies are container copmosed of Galaxy-clusters that
belongs to the same family
Similar to what Events are to Attributes
Country, Threat actors, Botnet, ...
I Galaxy-clusters are knowledge base items coming from
Basically a taxonomy with additional meta-information
misp-galaxy:threat-actor="APT 29",

24 36
Context layer: Tags
Simple free-text labels

1 {
2 "name" : " Android malware " ,
3 " c o l o u r " : " #22681 c " ,
4 " exp or ta bl e " : true ,
5 " numerical_value " : n u l l ,
6 }

25 36
Context layer: Taxonomies

Simple label standardised on common set of vocabularies

Purpose: Enable efficent classification globally understood,
easing consumption and automation.
Usecase: Provide classification such as: TLP, Confidence,
Source, Workflows, Event type, ...

26 36
Context layer: Taxonomies

1 {
2 " Taxonomy " : {
3 " namespace " : " admiralty−s c a l e " ,
4 " d e s c r i p t i o n " : " The A d m i r a l t y S c a l e or Ranking ( a l s o c a l l e d
the NATO System ) . . . " ,
5 " version " : "6" ,
6 " exclusive " : false ,
7 },
8 " entries " : [
9 {
10 " tag " : " admiralty−s c a l e : information−c r e d i b i l i t y = \ " 1 \ " " ,
11 " expanded " : " I n f o r m a t i o n C r e d i b i l i t y : Confirmed by other
sources " ,
12 " numerical_value " : 100 ,
13 " e x c l u s i v e _ p r e d i c a t e " : true ,
14 },
15 ...
16 ]
17 }

27 36
Context layer: Galaxies

Collections of galaxy clusters

28 36
Context layer: Galaxy clusters
Kownledge base items including a description, links, synonyms,
meta-information and relationships
Purpose: Enable description of complex high-level
information for classification
Usecase: Extensively describe elements such as threat
actors, countries, technique used, ...

29 36
Context layer: Galaxy clusters
Galaxy cluster elements: Tabular view

Galaxy cluster elements: JSON view

30 36
Context layer: Galaxy clusters

1 {
2 " uuid " : " 5 eda0a53−1d98−4d01−ae06−40da0a00020f " ,
3 " type " : " f e l l o w s h i p −c h a r a c t e r s " ,
4 " value " : " Aragorn w i e l d i n g A n d u r i l " ,
5 " tag_name " : " misp−g a l a x y : f e l l o w s h i p −c h a r a c t e r s =\" c3fe907a −6a36
−4cd1 −9456−d c d f 3 5 c 3 f 9 0 7 \" " ,
6 " d e s c r i p t i o n " : " The Aragorn c h a r a c t e r w i e l d i n g A n d u r i l " ,
7 " source " : " Middle−earth u n i v e r s e by J . R . R . T o l k i e n " ,
8 " authors " : n u l l ,
9 " version " : " 1591347795 " ,
10 " d i s t r i b u t i o n " : "0" ,
11 " sharing_group_id " : null ,
12 " default " : false ,
13 " extends_uuid " : " 5 eda0117 −1e14−4b0a−9e26−34 a f f 3 3 1 d c 3 b " ,
14 " extends _version " : " 1 5 9 1 3 4 5 4 3 1 " ,
15 " GalaxyElement " : [ . . . ] ,
16 " GalaxyClusterRelation " : [ . . . ]
17 }

31 36
Context layer: Galaxies & Galaxy clusters

MISP integrates MITRE’s Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and

Common Knowledge (ATT&CK) and similar Galaxy Matrix
MISP terminology of these matrixes: Galaxy Matrix

32 36
Galaxy JSON matrix-like

1 {
2 " d e s c r i p t i o n " : " U n i v e r s a l Development and S e c u r i t y G u i d e l i n e s as
A p p l i c a b l e to E l e c t i o n Technology . " ,
3 " icon " : "map" ,
4 "kill_chain_order": { \\Tab in the matrix
5 "example-of-threats": [ \\Column in the matrix
6 "setup | party/candidate-registration",
7 "setup | electoral-rolls",
8 "campaign | campaign-IT",
9 "all-phases | governement-IT",
10 "voting | election-technology",
11 "campaign/public-communication | media/press"
12 ]
13 },
14 "name" : " E l e c t i o n g u i d e l i n e s " ,
15 " namespace " : " misp " ,
16 " type " : " g u i d e l i n e s " ,
17 " uuid " : " c1dc03b2 −89b3−42a5−9d41 −782 e f 7 2 6 4 3 5 a " ,
18 " version " : 1
19 }

33 36
Cluster JSON matrix-like

1 {
2 " d e s c r i p t i o n " : " DoS or overload of p a r t y /campaign
r e g i s t r a t i o n , causing them to miss the deadline " ,
3 " meta " : {
4 " date " : " March 2 0 1 8 . " ,
5 "kill_chain": [ \\Define in which column the cluster should be placed
6 "example-of-threats:setup | party/candidate-registration"
7 ],
8 " refs " : [
9 " h t t p s : / /www. r i a . ee/ s i t e s / d e f a u l t / f i l e s / content−e d i t o r s /
kuberturve / c y b e r _ s e c u r i t y _ o f _ e l e c t i o n _ t e c h n o l o g y . pdf
10 ]
11 },
12 " uuid " : " 154 c6186−a007−4460−a029−ea23163448fe " ,
13 " value " : " DoS or overload of p a r t y /campaign r e g i s t r a t i o n ,
causing them to miss the deadline "
14 }

34 36
Expressing relation between clusters

Cluster can be related to one or more clusters using default

relationships from MISP objects and a list of tags to classify
the relation.
1 " related " : [
2 {
3 " dest−uuid " : " 5 ce5392a −3a6c−4e07−9df3 −9b6a9159ac45 " ,
4 " tags " : [
5 " e s t i m a t i v e −language : l i k e l i h o o d −p r o b a b i l i t y =\" l i k e l y \"
6 ],
7 " type " : " s i m i l a r "
8 }
9 ],
10 " uuid " : "0ca45163−e223 −4167−b1af−f088ed14a93d " ,
11 " value " : " P u t t e r Panda "

35 36

Supported by the grant 2018-LU-IA-0148

36 / 36
Visualise all the things
Building dashboard widgets for MISP

CIRCL / Team MISP Project

Twitter: @MISPProject


Threat Sharing
Dashboard in MISP

User configurable simple dashboard interface

Visualise, aggregate and track data important to you
Brand new feature, still undergoing reworks

1 9
The internals of awidget

Backend for the widget, full access to all MISP internals

Load, convert, format to be represented via view widgets
Widget metadata - size, name, description, behaviours
Only main function required to be implemented: handler()
Optional: checkPermissions() for ACL
Accepts user configuration for which a template can be
Located in /var/www/MISP/app/Lib/Dashboard/
Custom widgets can be placed in

2 9
The view layer of a widget

View files are included by default and reusable

Currently we have a small but growing list of views
I BarChart
I SimpleList
I WorldMap
Converts the data passed by the Widget logic to HTML
Located in

3 9
Widget behaviours

Widgets can additionally be tied to certain behaviours:

I Caching
Executions of the widget logic are cached
Separate caches for each organisation in addition to site
Cache duration is controlled by the widget logic
I Refresh
Widgets can be set to refresh after x seconds
I Both of these should be used with special care in regards to
the use of system resources

4 9
Exercise module: simple Whoami

Let’s start with a skeleton

Create /var/www/MISP/app/Lib/Dashboard/Cus-
MISP will parse anything ending with Widget.php in this

5 9
Exercise module: simple Whoami

1 <?php
2 class MispWhoamiWidget
3 {
4 public $title = ’Whoami’;
5 public $render = ’SimpleList’;
6 public $width = 2;
7 public $height = 2;
8 public $params = array();
9 public $description = ’Shows information about the
currently logged in user.’;
10 public $cacheLifetime = false;
11 public $autoRefreshDelay = 3;
13 public function handler($user, $options = array())
14 {
15 $data = array();
16 return $data;
17 }
18 }

6 9
Meta information

$title: The name of the widget

$description: A description of the widget
$render: The view element to use in rendering the widget
$width & $height: Default relative dimensions
$params: Configuration array with explanations for each key
$cacheLifetime: The lifetime of the caches in seconds (false
disables it)
$autoRefreshDelay: The time in seconds between each
refresh (false disables it)

7 9
The handler
1 public function handler($user, $options = array())
2 {
3 $this->Log = ClassRegistry::init(’Log’);
4 $entries = $this->Log->find(’all’, array(
5 ’recursive’ => -1,
6 ’conditions’ => array(
7 ’action’ => ’login’, ’user_id’ => $user[’id’]
8 ),
9 ’order’ => ’id desc’,
10 ’limit’ => 5,
11 ’fields’ => array(’created’, ’ip’)
12 ));
13 foreach ($entries as &$entry) {
14 $entry = $entry[’Log’][’created’] . ’ --- ’ .
15 (
16 empty($entry[’Log’][’ip’]) ?
17 ’IP not logged’ :
18 $entry[’Log’][’ip’]
19 );
20 }
21 return array(
22 array(’title’ => ’Email’, ’value’ => $user[’email’]),
23 array(
24 ’title’ => ’Role’, ’value’ => $user[’Role’][’name’]
25 ),
26 array(
27 ’title’ => ’Organisation’,
28 ’value’ => $user[’Organisation’][’name’]
29 ),
30 array(
31 ’title’ => ’IP’, ’value’ => $_SERVER[’REMOTE_ADDR’]
32 ),
33 array(’title’ => ’Last logins’, ’value’ => $entries)
34 );
35 }

8 9

Turning data into actionable in-
advanced features in MISP supporting your ana-
lysts and tools
CIRCL / Team MISP Project

Threat Sharing
about CIRCL

The Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg (CIRCL)

is a government-driven initiative designed to provide a
systematic response facility to computer security threats
and incidents. CIRCL is the CERT for the private sector,
communes and non-governmental entities in Luxembourg
and is operated by securitymadein.lu g.i.e.

1 37

CIRCL is mandated by the Ministry of Economy and acting as

the Luxembourg National CERT for private sector.
CIRCL leads the development of the Open Source MISP
threat intelligence platform which is used by many military
or intelligence communities, private companies, financial
sector, National CERTs and LEAs globally.
CIRCL runs multiple large MISP communities performing
active daily threat-intelligence sharing.

2 37
The aim of this presentation

To give some insight into what sort of an evolution of our

various communities’ have gone through as observed over
the past 8 years
Show the importance of strong contextualisation...
...and how that can be leveraged when trying to make our
data actionable

3 37
Development based on practical user feedback

There are many different types of users of an information

sharing platform like MISP:
I Malware reversers willing to share indicators of analysis with
respective colleagues.
I Security analysts searching, validating and using indicators in
operational security.
I Intelligence analysts gathering information about specific
adversary groups.
I Law-enforcement relying on indicators to support or
bootstrap their DFIR cases.
I Risk analysis teams willing to know about the new threats,
likelyhood and occurences.
I Fraud analysts willing to share financial indicators to detect
financial frauds.

4 37
The initial scope of MISP

Extract information during the analysis process

Store and correlate these datapoints
Share the data with partners
Focus on technical indicators: IP, domain, hostname, hashes,
filename, pattern in file/memory/traffic
Generate protective signatures out of the data: snort,
suricata, OpenIOC

5 37
Initial workflow

6 37
Why was it so simplistic?

This was both a reflection of our maturity as a community

I Capabilities for extracting information
I Capabilities for utilising the information
I Lack of willingness to share context
I Lack of co-operation between teams doing technical
analysis/monitoring and threat-intel
The more growth we saw in maturity, the more we tried to
match it with our data-model, often against pushback

7 37
The growing need to contextualise data

There were separate factors that made our data-sets less

and less useful for detection/defense in general
I Growth of our communities
I Distinguish between information of interest and raw data
I False-positive management
I TTPs and aggregate information may be prevalent compared
to raw data (risk assessment)
I Increased data volumes leads to be able to prioritise

8 37
Our initial solution

Allow users to tag any information created in MISP

We wanted to be lax with what we accept in terms of data,
but be strict on what we fed to our tools, with strong filter
We had some ideas on how to potentially move forward...

9 37
Our initial failures

Try to capture different aspects of contextualisation into

normalised values (threat level, source reliability, etc)
I Didn’t scale with needs other than our own
I Incorporating new types of contextualisation would mean the
modification of the software
I Getting communities with established naming conventions to
use anything but their go-to vocabularies was a pipe-dream
I Heated arguments over numeric conversions

10 37
Human creativity
We tried an alternate approach instead: Free tagging
I Result was spectacularly painful, at least 7 different ways to
spell tlp:amber
I No canonisation for common terms lead to tagging ultimately
becoming a highly flawed tool for filtering within a sharing

11 37
How we ended up tackling the issue more
We ended up with a mixed approach, currently implemented
by the MISP-taxonomy system
I Taxonomies are vocabularies of known tags
I Tags would be in a triple tag format
I Create your own taxonomies, recipients should be able to use
data you tag with them without knowing it at the first place
I Avoid any coding, stick to JSON
Massive success, approaching 100 taxonomies
Organisations can solve their own issues without having to
rely on us

12 37
We were still missing something...
Taxonomy tags often non self-explanatory
Example: universal understanding of tlp:green vs APT 28
For the latter, a single string was ill-suited
So we needed something new in addition to taxonomies -
I Community driven knowledge-base libraries used as tags
I Including descriptions, links, synonyms, meta information,
I Goal was to keep it simple and make it reusable
I Internally it works the exact same way as taxonomies (stick to

13 37
Broadening the scope of what sort of context
we are interested in

Who can receive our data? What can they do with it?
Data accuracy, source reliability
Why is this data relevant to us?
Who do we think is behind it, what tools were used?
What sort of motivations are we dealing with? Who are the
How can we block/detect/remediate the attack?
What sort of impact are we dealing with?

14 37
Parallel to the contextualisation efforts: False
positive handling

Low quality / false positive prone information being shared

Lead to alert-fatigue
Exclude organisation xy out of the community?
False positives are often obvious - can be encoded
Warninglist system1 aims to do that
Lists of well-known indicators which are often
false-positives like RFC1918 networks, ...

15 37
More complex data-structures for a modern age

Atomic attributes were a great starting point, but lacking in

many aspects
MISP objects2 system
I Simple templating approach
I Use templating to build more complex structures
I Decouple it from the core, allow users to define their own
I MISP should understand the data without knowing the
I Massive caveat: Building blocks have to be MISP attribute
I Allow relationships to be built between objects

16 37
Supporting specific datamodel

17 37
Continuous feedback loop

Data ingested by MISP was in a sense frozen in time

We had a creation data, but lacked a way to use the output
of our detection
Lead to the introduction of the Sighting system
The community could sight indicators and convey the time of
Potentially powerful tool for IoC lifecycle management,
clumsy query implementation default

18 37
Supporting specific datamodel

19 37
Making use of all this context

Most obvious goal: Improve the way we query data

I Unified all export APIs
I Incorporate all contextualisation options into API filters
I Allow for an on-demand way of excluding potential false
I Allow users to easily build their own export modules feed
their various tools

20 37
Example query

" returnFormat " : " n e t f i l t e r " ,
" enforceWarninglist " : 1 ,
" tags " : {
"NOT " : [
" t l p : white " ,
" type : OSINT "
"OR " : [
" misp−g a l a x y : t h r e a t −a c t o r =\" Sofacy \ " " ,
" misp−g a l a x y : s e c t o r =\" Chemical \ " "

21 37
Synchronisation filters

Make decisions on whom to share data with based on

I MISP by default decides based on the information creator’s
decision who data gets shared with
I Community hosts should be able to act as a safety net for
Push filters - what can I push?
Pull filters - what am I interested in?
Local tags allow for information flow control

22 37
The emergence of ATT&CK and similar galaxies

Standardising on high-level TTPs was a solution to a long list

of issues
Adoption was rapid, tools producing ATT&CK data, familiar
interface for users
A much better take on kill-chain phases in general
Feeds into our filtering and situational awareness needs
extremely well
Gave rise to other, ATT&CK-like systems tackling other
I attck4fraud 3 by Francesco Bigarella from ING
I Election guidelines 4 by NIS Cooperation Group

23 37
Example query to generate ATT&CK heatmaps

" returnFormat " : " a t t a c k " ,
" tags " : [
" misp−g a l a x y : s e c t o r =\" Chemical \ " "
" timestamp " : "365 d "

24 37
A sample result for the above query

25 37
Monitor trends outside of MISP (example:

26 37
Decaying of indicators

We were still missing a way to use all of these systems in

combination to decay indicators
Move the decision making from complex filter options to
complex decay models
Decay models would take into account various taxonomies,
sightings, the type of each indicator Sightings and Creation
The first iteration of what we have in MISP now took:
I 2 years of research
I 3 published research papers
I A lot of prototyping

27 37
Scoring Indicators: Our solution

score(Attribute) = base_score(Attribute, Model ) • decay(Model, )



score ∈ [0, 100]

base_score ∈ [0, 100]
decay is a function defined by model’s parameters
controlling decay speed
Attribute Contains Attribute’s values and metadata
(Taxonomies, Galaxies, ...)

Model Contains the Model’s configuration

28 37
Implementation in MISP: Event/view

Decay score toggle button

I Shows Score for each Models associated to the Attribute type

29 37
Implementation in MISP: API result
" Attribute " : [
" c ategory " : " Network a c t i v i t y " ,
" type " : " ip−s r c " ,
" t o _ i d s " : true ,
" timestamp " : " 1 5 6 5 7 0 3 5 0 7 " ,
" value " : " 8 . 8 . 8 . 8 " ,
" decay_score " : [
" score " : 5 4 . 4 7 5 2 2 3 8 4 9 5 4 4 4 5 6 ,
" decayed " : f a l s e ,
" DecayingModel " : {
" id " : "85" ,
"name " : " NIDS Simple Decaying Model "
} 30 37
Implementation in MISP: Index

View, update, add, create, delete, enable, export, import

31 37
Implementation in MISP: Fine tuning tool

Create, modify, visualise, perform mapping

32 37
Implementation in MISP: base_score tool

Adjust Taxonomies relative weights 33 37

Implementation in MISP: simulation tool

Simulate Attributes with different Models

34 37
Implementation in MISP: API query body

" includeDecayScore " : 1 ,
" includeFullModel " : 0 ,
" excludeDecayed " : 0 ,
" decayingModel " : [ 8 5 ] ,
" modelOverrides " : {
" t h r e s h o l d " : 30
" score " : 30 ,

35 37
To sum it all up...

Massive rise in user capabilities

Growing need for truly actionable threat intel
Lessons learned:
I Context is king - Enables better decision making
I Intelligence and situational awareness are natural
by-products of context
I Don’t lock users into your workflows, build tools that enable

36 37
Get in touch if you have any questions

Contact us
I https://twitter.com/mokaddem_sami
I https://twitter.com/iglocska
Contact CIRCL
I [email protected]
I https://twitter.com/circl_lu
I https://www.circl.lu/
Contact MISPProject
I https://github.com/MISP
I https://gitter.im/MISP/MISP
I https://twitter.com/MISPProject

37 / 37
Turning data into actionable in-
advanced features in MISP supporting your ana-
lysts and tools
CIRCL / Team MISP Project

Threat Sharing
The aim of this presentation

Why is contextualisation important?

What options do we have in MISP?
How can we leverage this in the end?

1 25
The growing need to contextualise data

Contextualisation became more and more important as we

as a community matured
I Growth and diversification of our communities
I Distinguish between information of interest and raw data
I False-positive management
I TTPs and aggregate information may be prevalent compared
to raw data (risk assessment)
I Increased data volumes leads to a need to be able to
These help with filtering your TI based on your
...as highlighted by Pasquale Stirparo Your Requirements Are
Not My Requirements

2 25

Some main objectives we want to achieve when producing

I Ensure that the information is consumable by everybody
I That it is useful to the entire target audience
I The data is contextualised for it to be understood by
What we ideally want from our data
I We want to be able to filter data for different use-cases
I We want to be able to get as much knowledge out of the data
as possible
I We want to know where the data is from, how it got there,
why we should care

3 25
Different layers of context

Context added by analysts / tools

Data that tells a story
Encoding analyst knowledge to automatically leverage the

4 25
Context added by analysts / tools
Expressing why data-points matter

An IP address by itself is barely ever interesting

We need to tell the recipient / machine why this is relevant
All data in MISP has a bare minimum required context
We differentiate between indicators and supporting data

5 25
Broadening the scope of what sort of context
we are interested in

Who can receive our data? What can they do with it?
Data accuracy, source reliability
Why is this data relevant to us?
Who do we think is behind it, what tools were used?
What sort of motivations are we dealing with? Who are the
How can we block/detect/remediate the attack?
What sort of impact are we dealing with?

6 25
Tagging and taxonomies

Simple labels
Standardising on vocabularies
Different organisational/community cultures require
different nomenclatures
Triple tag system - taxonomies
JSON libraries that can easily be defined without our

7 25
Taxonomy tags often non self-explanatory
I Example: universal understanding of tlp:green vs APT 28
For the latter, a single string was ill-suited
So we needed something new in addition to taxonomies -
I Community driven knowledge-base libraries used as tags
I Including descriptions, links, synonyms, meta information,
I Goal was to keep it simple and make it reusable
I Internally it works the exact same way as taxonomies (stick to

8 25
The emergence of ATT&CK and similar galaxies

Standardising on high-level TTPs was a solution to a long list

of issues
Adoption was rapid, tools producing ATT&CK data, familiar
interface for users
A much better take on kill-chain phases in general
Feeds into our filtering and situational awareness needs
extremely well
Gave rise to other, ATT&CK-like systems tackling other
I attck4fraud 1 by Francesco Bigarella from ING
I Election guidelines 2 by NIS Cooperation Group

9 25
Data that tells a story
More complex data-structures for a modern age

Atomic attributes were a great starting point, but lacking in

many aspects
MISP objects3 system
I Simple templating approach
I Use templating to build more complex structures
I Decouple it from the core, allow users to define their own
I MISP should understand the data without knowing the
I Massive caveat: Building blocks have to be MISP attribute
I Allow relationships to be built between objects

10 25
Supporting specific datamodels

11 25
Continuous feedback loop

Data shared was frozen in time

All we had was a creation/modification timestamp
Improved tooling and willingness allowed us to create a
feedback loop
Lead to the introduction of the Sighting system
Signal the fact of an indicator sighting...
...as well as when and where it was sighted
Vital component for IoC lifecycle management

12 25
Continuous feedback loop (2)

13 25
A brief history of time - Adding temporality to
our data
As Andreas said - no time based aspect was painful
Recently introduced first_seen and last_seen data
Along with a complete integration with the UI
Enables the visualisation and adjustment of indicators

14 25
The various ways of encoding
analyst knowledge to automati-
cally leverage our TI
False positive handling

Low quality / false positive prone information being shared

Lead to alert-fatigue
Exclude organisation xy out of the community?
FPs are often obvious - can be encoded
Warninglist system4 aims to do that
Lists of well-known indicators which are often
false-positives like RFC1918 networks, ...

15 25
Making use of all this context

Providing advanced ways of querying data

I Unified export APIs
I Incorporating all contextualisation options into API filters
I Allowing for an on-demand way of excluding potential false
I Allowing users to easily build their own export modules feed
their various tools

16 25
Example query

" returnFormat " : " n e t f i l t e r " ,
" enforceWarninglist " : 1 ,
" tags " : {
"NOT " : [
" t l p : white " ,
" type : OSINT "
"OR " : [
" misp−g a l a x y : t h r e a t −a c t o r =\" Sofacy \ " " ,
" misp−g a l a x y : s e c t o r =\" Chemical \ " "

17 25
Example query to generate ATT&CK heatmaps

" returnFormat " : " a t t a c k " ,
" tags " : [
" misp−g a l a x y : s e c t o r =\" Chemical \ " "
" timestamp " : "365 d "

18 25
A sample result for the above query

19 25
Monitor trends outside of MISP (example:

20 25
Decaying of indicators

We were still missing a way to use all of these systems in

combination to decay indicators
Move the decision making from complex filter options to
complex decay models
Decay models would take into account various available
I Taxonomies
I Sightings
I type of each indicator
I Creation date
I ...

21 25
Implementation in MISP: Event/view

Decay score toggle button

I Shows Score for each Models associated to the Attribute type

22 25
Implementation in MISP: API result
" Attribute " : [
" c ategory " : " Network a c t i v i t y " ,
" type " : " ip−s r c " ,
" t o _ i d s " : true ,
" timestamp " : " 1 5 6 5 7 0 3 5 0 7 " ,
" value " : " 8 . 8 . 8 . 8 " ,
" decay_score " : [
" score " : 5 4 . 4 7 5 2 2 3 8 4 9 5 4 4 4 5 6 ,
" decayed " : f a l s e ,
" DecayingModel " : {
" id " : "85" ,
"name " : " NIDS Simple Decaying Model "
} 23 25
To sum it all up...

Massive rise in user capabilities

Growing need for truly actionable threat intel
Lessons learned:
I Context is king - Enables better decision making
I Intelligence and situational awareness are natural
by-products of context
I Don’t lock users into your workflows, build tools that enable

24 25
Get in touch if you have any questions

Contact us
I https://twitter.com/mokaddem_sami
I https://twitter.com/iglocska
Contact CIRCL
I [email protected]
I https://twitter.com/circl_lu
I https://www.circl.lu/
Contact MISPProject
I https://github.com/MISP
I https://gitter.im/MISP/MISP
I https://twitter.com/MISPProject

25 / 25
MISP Standard
The collaborative intelligence standard pow-
ering intelligence and information exchange,
CIRCL / Teamand
sharing MISP Project
Twitter: @MISPProject


Threat Sharing
MISP Standard

Following the grow of organisations relying on MISP, the

JSON format used by MISP are standardised under the
misp-standard.org umbrella
The goal is to provide a flexible set of standards to support
information exchange and data modeling in the following
I Cybersecurity intelligence
I Threat intelligence
I Financial fraud
I Vulnerability information
I Border control information
I Digital Forensic and Incident Response
I and intelligence at large

1 6
Standard - MISP core format

This standard describes the MISP core format used to exchange

indicators and threat information between MISP instances. The
JSON format includes the overall structure along with the
semantics associated for each respective key. The format is
described to support other implementations, aiming to reuse the
format and ensuring the interoperability with the existing MISP
software and other Threat Intelligence Platforms.

2 6
MISP object template format

This standard describes the MISP object template format which

describes a simple JSON format to represent the various
templates used to construct MISP objects. A public directory of
common MISP object templates and relationships is available
and relies on the MISP object reference format.

3 6
MISP galaxy format

This standard describes the MISP galaxy format which describes

a simple JSON format to represent galaxies and clusters that can
be attached to MISP events or attributes. A public directory of
MISP galaxies is available and relies on the MISP galaxy format.
MISP galaxies are used to attach additional information
structures such as MISP events or attributes. MISP galaxy is a
public repository of known malware, threats actors and various
other collections of data that can be used to mark, classify or
label data in threat information sharing.

4 6
SightingDB format

This standard describes the format used by SightingDB to give

automated context to a given Attribute by counting occurrences
and tracking times of observability. SightingDB was designed to
provide to MISP and other tools an interoperable, scalable and
fast way to store and retrieve attributes sightings.

5 6
Internet-Draft - IETF for MISP formats and MISP

If you want to contribute to our IETF Internet-Draft for the

MISP standard, misp-rfc1 is the repository where to
Update only the markdown file, the XML and ASCII for the
IETF I-D are automatically generated.
If a major release or updates happen in the format, we will
publish the I-D to the IETF2 .
The process is always MISP implementation → IETF I-D
Then published standards in misp-standard.org.
Automate all the things

CIRCL / Team MISP Project

MISP CLI functionalities

The MISP API is great for remotely executing administrative

But sometimes we want to simplify the process / avoid
having to deal with authentication
MISP also has an extensive CLI sub-system for this reason

1 5
Types of objectives for the scripts

Automating recurring tasks

Recovery from loss of access
Updates / initialisation
Background worker management

2 5
CLI documentation


3 5

/var/www/MISP/app/Console/cake [Shell] [Command]

I /var/www/MISP/app/Console/cake Password
"[email protected]" "Nutella"
I Change password to "Nutella" for my user
I Some shells are single use and don’t need a command
Also used by the background processing
Automation is meant to be used via cron jobs

4 5
Automation via crontab

Edit crontab of www-data user

crontab -u www-data -e
0 3,9,15,21 * * *
/var/www/MISP/app/Console/cake Server pull 1
30 full
Pull server ID #30 as user #1 every 6 hours
@hourly /var/www/MISP/app/Console/cake Server
cacheFeed 1 csv full
Cache all csv feeds as user #1 every hour

MISP Deployment
Some basic guidelines

CIRCL / Team MISP Project

MISP deployment considerations

Deployment types
Distro choice
Hardware specs
Other considerations - settings, gotchas

1 11
Deployment types

Native install
I Manual
I One liner script - INSTALL.sh
RPM maintained by SWITCH
Cloud provider images

2 11
Docker options

CoolAcid’s MISP images

MISP-docker by XME
docker-misp by Harvard security

3 11
Distro options

Ubuntu 20.04 (18.04 will also work)

I Our target platform
I Our CI target
I Use this unless you are absolutely forced not to
I This is the platform we can support you with!
CentOS 7
I Annoying to operate
I Less tested, though used by many
I CentOS is going away. Consider other options
I Same annoyance as CentOS in general
I We test against CentOS in general, some assembly may be

4 11
Hardware specs

No firm recommendations, it’s highly usage dependent

It’s better to go a bit over what you need than under
SSDs are massively beneficial
Let’s look at what affects specs and some sample

5 11
Hardware considerations

What are the factors that can impact my performance?

I Clustering of the data (how many datapoints / event?) (RAM,
disk speed)
I Correlation (RAM, disk speed, disk space)
Consider blocking overtly correlating values from doing so
Feed ingestion strategy is crucial
I Over-contextualisation (RAM, disk speed)
Tag/attach galaxies to the event instead of each attribute when

6 11
Hardware considerations - continues

What are the factors that can impact my performance?

I Number of users that are active at any given time (RAM, CPU,
disk speed)
I Logging strategy (Disk space)
I API users especially with heavy searches (substring searches
for example) (RAM, CPU, Disk speed)

7 11
Hardware considerations - continues

What are the factors that generally do NOT impact my

performance as much as expected?
I Warninglist usage
I Number of raw attributes on the instance
I Number of sync connections / recurring syncs (with measure)
I Tools feeding off the automation channels (ZMQ, kafka,

8 11
Authentication options

Username/password is the default

Some built in modules by 3rd parties (LDAP, Shibboleth,
x509, OpenID, Azure Active Directory)
CustomAuth system for more flexibility
Additionally, consider Email OTP

9 11
Other considerations - tuning

PHP tuning
I Maximum memory usage (per process)
I Timeout settings
I Consider setting it per role!
I Background processes are exempt
MySQL: key buffer size is important
Generally, tune for few heavy requests rather than many
light ones

10 11
Other considerations - high availability

I Load balanced apache servers with MISP
I Replicating / mirrored database backends
Careful about session pinning
Attachment storage can be abstracted / network attached
An example implementation for AWS

11 / 11
An Introduction to Workflows in
MISP - Threat Sharing

CIRCL / Team MISP Project

MISP Project


Threat Sharing
Content of the presentation

MISP Workflows fundamentals

Getting started
Design of the system & how it can be extended

1 30
What problems are we trying to tackle

Initial idea came during GeekWeek7.51

I Prevent default MISP behaviors
I Hook specific actions to run callbacks
I Prevent publication of events not meeting some criterias
I Prevent querying thrid-party services (e.g. virustotal) with
sensitive information
I Send notifications in a chat rooms
I And much much more..

Workshop organized by the Canadian Cyber Center
2 30
Workflow - Fundamentals
Simplistic overview of a Workflow in action

1. An action happens in MISP

2. If there is an enabled Workflow for that action, run it
3. If all went fine, MISP continue to perform the action
I The operation can potentially be cancelled by blocking

3 30

workflow: Sequence of all operations (nodes) to be

executed. Basically the whole graph.
execution path: A path composed of nodes
trigger: Starting point of a workflow. Triggers are called
when specific actions happen in MISP
I A trigger can only have one workflow and vice-versa

4 30
Workflow execution process

Typical execution process:

1. An action happens in MISP
2. The workflow associated to the trigger is ran
3. Execution result?
I success: Continue the action
I failure | blocked: Cancel the action

Example for Event publish:

1. An Event is about to be published
2. MISP executes the workflow listening to the
event-publish trigger
I success: Continue the publishing action
I failure | blocked: Stop publishing and log the reason

5 30
Blocking and non-blocking Workflows

Currently 2 types of workflows:

Blocking: Completion of the action can be prevented
I If a blocking module blocks the action
I If a blocking module raises an exception

Non-blocking: Workflow execution outcome has no impact

I Blocking modules can still stop the execution

6 30
Execution context

Workflows can be triggered by any users

Workflows can be triggered by actions done via the UI or API
However, the user for which the workflow executes has:
I The site-admin permission
I Is from the MISP.host_org_id
Ensures data is processed regardless of ownership and
access: no ACL

7 30
Classes of Workflow modules

3 classes of modules
action: Allow to executes functions, callbacks or scripts
I Can stop execution
I e.g. Webhook, block the execution, perform enrichments, ...
logic: Allow to redirect the execution flow.
I IF condition, fork the blocking execution into a non-blocking
one, ...
blueprint: Allow to reuse composition of modules
I Can save subworkflows and its module’s configuration

8 30
Sources of Workflow modules

3 sources of action modules

Built-in default modules
I Part of the MISP codebase
I app/Model/WorkflowModules/action/[module_name].php
User-defined custom modules
I Written in PHP
I Can extend existing default modules
I Can use MISP’s built-in functionalities (restsearch,
enrichment, push to zmq, ...)
I Faster and easier to implement new complex behaviors
I app/Lib/WorkflowModules/action/[module_name].php

9 30
Sources of Workflow modules

3 sources of action modules

Modules from the enrichment service
I Default and custom modules
I From the misp-module
I Written in Python
I Can use any python libraries
I New misp-module module type: action

→ Both the PHP and Python systems are plug-and-play

10 30
Triggers currently available

Currently 8 triggers can be hooked. 3 being blocking.

11 30
Workflow - Getting started
Getting started with workflows (1)
Review MISP settings:
1. Make sure MISP.background_jobs is turned on
2. Make sure workers are up-and-running and healthy
3. Turn the setting Plugin.Workflow_enable on

4. [optional:misp-module] Turn the setting

Plugin.Action_services_enable on

12 30
Getting started with workflows (2)

If you wish to use action modules from misp-module, make

sure to have:
The latest update of misp-module
I There should be an action_mod module type in
Restarted your misp-module application

1 # T h i s command should show a l l ‘ action ‘ modules

2 $ c u r l −s h t t p : / / 1 2 7 . 0 . 0 . 1 : 6 6 6 6 / modules | \
3 j q ’ . [ ] | s e l e c t ( . meta . " module−type " [ ] | c o n t a i n s ( " a c t i o n " ) ) |
4 { name : . name , v e r s i o n : . meta . v e r s i o n } ’

13 30
Getting started with workflows (3)

1. Go to the list of modules

I Administration > Workflows > List Modules
I or /workflows/moduleIndex
2. Make sure default modules are loaded
3. [optional:misp-module] Make sure misp-module modules
are loaded

14 30
Creating a workflow with the editor
1. Go to the list of triggers Administration > Workflows
2. Enable and edit a trigger from the list
3. Drag an action module from the side panel to the canvas
4. From the trigger output, drag an arrow into the action’s
input (left side)
5. Execute the action that would run the trigger and observe
the effect!

15 30
Working with the editor

Operations not allowed:

Execution loop are not authorized
I Current caveat: If an action re-run the workflow in any way

16 30
Working with the editor

Operations not allowed:

Multiple connections from the same output
I Execution order not guaranted and confusing for users

17 30
Working with the editor

Operations showing a warning:

Blocking modules after a concurrent tasks module
Blocking modules in a non-blocking workflow

18 30
Workflow blueprints

1. Blueprints allow to re-use parts of a workflow in another one

2. Blueprints can be saved, exported and shared

Blueprints origins:
1. From the "official" misp-workflow-blueprints
2. Created or imported by users

19 30
Workflow blueprints: Create
Select one or more modules to be saved as blueprint then click
on the save blueprint button

20 30
Hash path filtering
Some modules have the possibility to filter or check
conditions using CakePHP’s path expression.
1 $path_expression = ’ { n } [ name= f r e d ] . i d ’ ;
2 $users = [
3 { ’ i d ’ : 1 2 3 , ’ name ’ : ’ f r e d ’ , ’ surname ’ : ’ bloggs ’ } ,
4 { ’ i d ’ : 2 4 5 , ’ name ’ : ’ f r e d ’ , ’ surname ’ : ’ smith ’ } ,
5 { ’ i d ’ : 3 5 6 , ’ name ’ : ’ joe ’ , ’ surname ’ : ’ smith ’ } ,
6 ];
7 $ i d s = Hash : : e x t r a c t ( $users , $path_expression ) ;
8 // => $ids will be [123, 245]

21 30
Module filtering
Some action modules accept filtering conditions
E.g. the enrich-event module will only perform the
enrichment on Attributes having a tlp:white Tag

22 30
Data format in Workflows

All triggers will inject data in a workflow

In some cases, there is no format (e.g. User after-save)
In others, the format is compliant with the MISP Core format
In addition to the RFC, the passed data has additional
I Attributes are always encapsulated in the Event or Object
I Additional key _AttributeFlattened
I Additional key _allTags
I Additional key inherited for Tags

23 30
Logic module: Concurrent Task
Special type of logic module allowing multiple connections
Allows breaking the execution flow into a concurrent tasks
to be executed later on by a background worker
As a side effect, blocking modules cannot cancel ongoing

24 30
Debugging Workflows: Log Entries

Workflow execution is logged in the application logs:

I /admin/logs/index
Or stored on disk in the following file:
I /app/tmp/logs/workflow-execution.log
Use the webhook-listener.py tool
I /app/tools/misp-workflows/webhook-listener.py

25 30
Debugging Workflows: Debug mode

The can be turned on for each workflows

Each nodes will send data to the provided URL
I Configure the setting: Plugin.Workflow_debug_url
Result can be visualized in
I offline: tools/misp-workflows/webhook-listener.py
I online: requestbin.com or similar websites

26 30
Learning by examples
Workflow example 1

1. The Event-Publish trigger uses the MISP core format

2. The IF::Tag module checks if at least one of the Attribute
has the tlp:white tag
3. If it does, the Push-to-ZMQ module will be executed

27 30
Workflow example 2

If an event has the tlp:red tag or any of the attribute has

it, the publish process will be cancelled

28 30
Extending the system
Creating a new module in PHP

Module configuration are defined as public variables
The exec function has to be implemented.
I If it returns true, execution will proceed
I If it returns false
And the module is blocking, the execution will stop and the
operation will be blocked
29 30
Creating a new module in Python

Module configuration are defined in the moduleinfo and

moduleconfig variables
The handler function has to be implemented.
Blocking logic is the same as other modules
30 / 30
Python library to convert MISP <-> STIX

MISP core team

MISP Project
Threat Sharing
MISP Training

Built-in integration
Export & Import features
I Export MISP Events collections
I Import STIX files
Supported version
I STIX 1.1.1
I STIX 2.0
Accessible via restSearch

1 7

Feature limitations
I Supported versions
I Data type support

Practical limitations
I Export and import features only available via MISP rest client
I Github: STIX issues lost within the MISP core issues

2 7
Handling the conversion with a python library

Revamp of the source code

Enable a standalone use of the python code
I MISP JSON format -> STIX
I Pass files with MISP JSON format -> get file with the export
results in STIX

Possible integration within python code

3 7
Key features

Support all the STIX versions

I STIX 2.1 Support
I 1.1.1, 1.2, 2.0 Support enhanced
Various MISP data collection supported

Mapping documentation
Package available on PyPI1

4 7
Work in Progress & Next improvements

I Implement the import feature
I Support of existing STIX objects libraries2
Next features on the roadmap
I Extend the export feature to any kind of data collection
I Support custom STIX format3
Continuous improvement
I Mapping improvement
I More tests to avoid edge case issues

Especially while importing STIX data, and as long as we can implement
support of well defined versions
5 7
How to report bugs/issues

Github issues
I https://github.com/MISP/misp-stix/issues
I https://github.com/MISP/MISP/issues

Please provide details

I How did the issue happen
I Recommendation: provide samples

Any feedback welcome

6 7
To get in touch with us



MISP Concepts Cheat sheet
Glossary Distribution
Correlations: Links created automatically whenever an Attribute is created or Controls who can see the data and how it should be synchronised.
modified. They allow interconnection between Events based on their attributes. Organisation only: Only members of your organisation
Correlation Engine: Is the system used by MISP to create correlations between This community: Organisations on this MISP instance
Attribute ’s value. It currently supports strict string comparison, SSDEEP and Connected Communities: Organisations on this MISP instance and those on
CDIR blocks matches. MISP instances synchronising with this one. Upon receiving data, the distribution
Caching: Is the process of fetching data from a MISP instance or feed but only will be downgraded to This community to avoid further propagation. (n ≤ 1)
storing hashes of the collected values for correlation and look-up purposes. n=0 n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4
Delegation: Act of transfering the ownership of an Event to another organisation Does not have the Event
while hidding the original creator, thus providing anonymity. Has the Event

Deletion (hard/soft): Hard deletion is the act of removing the element from All Communities: Anyone having access. Data will be freely propagated in the
the system; it will not perform revocation on other MISP instances. Soft deletion network of connected MISP instances. (n = ∞)
is the act flagging an element as deleted and propagating the revocation among
n=0 n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4
the network of connected MISP instances.
Extended Event: Event that extends an existing Event , providing a combined
view of the data contained in both Events . The owner of the extending Event
is the organisation that created the extension. This allows anyone to extend any Sharing Groups: Distribution list that exhaustively keeps track of which organ-
Events and have total control over them. isations can access the data and how it should be synchronised.
Galaxy Matrix: Matrix derived from Galaxy Clusters belonging to the same
Galaxy . The layout (pages and columns) is defined at the Galaxy level and its Sharing Group configuration MISP 2
content comes from the Galaxy Clusters meta-data themselves. Org. α
MISP 1 Org. ω
Organisations Org. ω
Indicators: Attribute containing a pattern that can be used to detect suspicious
Org. γ Org. α
or malicious activity. These Attributes usually have their to ids flag enabled.
Orgc / Org: Creator Organisation (Orgc) is the organisation that created the Instances* MISP 2 Org. ω
data and the one allowed to modify it. Owner Organisation (Org) is the organi- MISP 3 Org. γ
sation owning the data on a given instance and is allowed to view it regardless of *Or enable roaming mode instead
the distribution level. The two are not necessarily the same.
Publishing: Action of declaring that an Event is ready to be synchronised. It
may also send e-mail notifications and makes it available to some export formats.
The act of sharing where everyone can be a consumer and/or a producer. A one
Pulling: Action of using a user on a remote instance to fetch the accessible data
and storing it locally. way synchronisation link between two MISP instances. Organisation α created a
sync user ‹ on MISP 2 and noted down the generated API Key. A synchroni-
Pushing: Action of using an uplink connection via a sync. user to send data to
sation link can be created on MISP 1 using the API Key and the organisation of
a remote instance.
the sync user. At that point, MISP 1 can pull data from MISP 2 and push data
Synchronisation: Is the exchange of data between two (or more) MISP instances to MISP 2.
throught the pull or push mechanisms.
Sync. filtering rule: Can be applied on a synchronisation link for both the pull
and push mechanisms to block or allow data to be transfered. Org. α PUSH Org. α Org. ω
Sync. User: Special role of a user granting addional sync permissions. The
ggg ‹gg ggg
recommanded way to setup push synchronisation is to use sync users. PULL
Proposals: Are a mechanism to propose modications to the creating organisa-
tions (Orgc). If a path of connected MISP instances exists, the Proposal will be Sync. connection
synchronised allowing the creator to accept or discard it.
MISP Data Model Cheat Sheet
$ Context such as Taxonomies or Galaxy % Object Reference T Taxonomies
Clusters can be attached to the element T Machine and human-readable labels standardised on a
X Has a distribution level Relationships between individual building blocks. common set of vocabularies.
T Can be synchronised to/from other instances
Purpose: Allows to create relationships between en- Purpose: Enable efficent classification globally un-
R Event tities, thus creating a graph where they are the edges derstood, easing consumption and automation.
$XT and entities are the nodes. Usecase: Provide classification such as: TLP, Confi-
Encapsulations for contextually linked information. Usecase: Represent behaviours, similarities, affilia- dence, Source, Workflows, Event type, . . .
tion, . . . I Even though MISP allows the creation of free-text
Purpose: Group datapoints and context together.
I References can have a textual relationship which tags, it’s always preferable to use those coming from
Acting as an envelop, it allows setting distribution
can come from MISP or be set freely. Taxonomies , if they exists.
and sharing rules for itself and its children.
Usecase: Encode incidents/events/reports/. . .
I Events can contain other elements such as Y Sightings  Galaxies
Attributes , MISP Objects and Event Reports . T
Act as a container to group together context described
I The distribution level and any context added on an Means to convey that an Attribute has been seen. in Galaxy Clusters by their type.
Event (such as Taxonomies ) are propagated to its Purpose: Allows to add temporality to the data. Purpose: Bundle Galaxy Clusters by their type to
underlying data. Usecase: Record activity or occurence, perform IoC avoid confusion and to ease searches.
expiration, . . . Usecase: Bundle types: Exploit-Kit, Preventive
" Attribute I Sightings are the best way to express that some- Measures, ATT&CK, Tools, Threat-actors, . . .
$XT thing has been seen. They can also be used to mark
Basic building block to share information. false positives.
 Galaxies Clusters
Purpose: Individual data point. Can be an indicator XT
or supporting data. p Event Report Kownledge base items used as tags with additional
Usecase: Domain, IP, link, sha1, attachment, . . . XT
complex meta-data aimed for human consumption.
I Attributes cannot be duplicated inside the same Advanced building block containing formated text.
Event and can have Sightings . Purpose: Enable description of complex high-level
Purpose: Supporting data point to describe events information for classification.
I The difference between an indicator or supporting or processes.
data is usualy indicated by the state of the attribute’s Usecase: Extensively describe elements such as:
Usecase: Encode reports, provide more information threat actors, countries, technique used, . . .
to ids flag. about the Event , . . . I Galaxy Clusters can be seen as an enhanced
I Event Reports are markdown-aware and include a Taxonomy as they can have meta-data and relation-
# MISP Object special syntax to reference data points or context. ships with other Galaxy Clusters .
XT I Any Galaxy Clusters can contain the following:
Advanced building block providing Attribute compo- 7 Proposals • Cluster Elements: Key-Value pair forming
sitions via templates. T the meta-data.
Purpose: Groups Attributes that are intrinsically Clone of an Attribute containing information about Example: Country:LU, Synonym:APT28,
linked together. modification to be done. Currency:Dollar, refs:https://*,
Usecase: File, person, credit-card, x509, device, . . . Purpose: Allow the correction or the creation of ...
I MISP Objects have their attribute compositions Attributes for Events your organisation does not • Cluster Relations ($ T X ): Enable the
described in their respective template. They are in- own. creation of relationships between one or more
stanciated with Attributes and can Reference other Usecase: Disable the IDS flag, Correct errors Galaxy Clusters .
Attributes or MISP Objects . I As Proposals are sync., if the creator organisation Example: Threat actor X is similar to threat actor
I MISP is not required to know the template to save is connected to the MISP instance from where the Y with high-likelyhood.
and display the object. However, edits will not be pos- Proposal has been created, it will be able to either
sible as the template to validate against is unknown. accept or discard it.
Failed spear-phishing attempt Representation of an incident in MISP
UUID 28b1cd2e-46a7-4ee2-a364-c3d26451b089
Date 2021-12-09
Creator Org. CIRCL.lu
Event: Encapsulates contextually linked information.
Connected Communities

Events also have basic information including ownership and access-control
Here: Contains all the information related to the spear-phishing incident.

Taxonomies: Simple label standardised on common set of vocabularies.

Here: Usage of labels to classify the current completeness of the Event, what recipient can do
with the information and the category of the incident.

Galaxies & Galaxy-Clusters: Advanced label containing meta-data

Here: The sector affected by the incident as well as the country. The kill-chain of the attack
> Intelligence Visualization Widgets can be described using the MITRE ATT&CK framework

Event Graph: Visualization of the relationships between entities contained in the Event.
Here: The whole story of the attack can be described with relationships defined between
Attributes and Objects

Event Timeline: Visualization of the temporality of the data contained in the event.
Here: A timeline of the steps performed during the attack. The time data is taken directly from
the Attributes and Objects belonging to the Event.

Event Report: Markdown-aware supporting text document to describe events or incidents

> Attributes Here: The report describe the steps taken by the attacker and provide additional contextual
information. It also contains references to Attributes and Object encoded in the Event

... Attributes: Basic building block to represent information.

They can have context such as taxonomy and express if they are supportive data or
> Objects meant for automation. An Event can have multiple Attributes
Here: Two Attributes representing payload delivery. One is an IP address, the other is an URL.

Objects: Advanced building block allowing Attribute composition via predefined templates.
As an Object is an instantiation of its template, it is composed of Attributes that make sense
... Together. They can also have relationship to other entity contained in the Event
Here: A file object composed of Attributes such as the filename, size and hashes. It also
have a relationship
MISP User & Admin Cheat Sheet
- User - - Admin -
API Reset Password
Wildcard searches: API: POST /users/initiatePasswordReset/[id] {"password": "***"}
POST / attributes / restSearch
{ " value " : " 1.2.3.% " } CLI: MISP/app/Console/cake Password [email] [password]

Or and Negation searches:

POST / attributes / restSearch Reset Bruteforce login protection
{ " tags " : [ " tlp : white " , " ! tlp : green " ]}
CLI: MISP/app/Console/cake Admin clearBruteforce [email]
And and Negation searches:
POST / attributes / restSearch
{ " tags " : { " AND " : [ " tlp : green " , " Malware " ] , " NOT " : [ " % ransomware % " ]}} Upgrade to the latest version

Galaxy Cluster metadata searches: All in 1-shot: MISP/app/Console/cake Admin updateMISP

POST / attributes / restSearch
{ 1. cd /var/www/MISP
" galaxy . synonyms " : " APT29 " , 2. git pull origin 2.4
" galaxy . cfr - target - category " : " Financial sector "
} 3. git submodule update --init --recursive
Attach tags: 4. MISP/app/Console/cake Admin updateJSON
POST / tags / a t t a c h T a gT o O b j e c t 5. Check live update progress GET /servers/updateProgress
" uuid " : " [ Could be UUID from Event , Attribute , ...] " ,
" tag " : " tlp : amber " Workers
Restart All: MISP/app/Console/cake Admin restartWorkers
Timestamps: Add: MISP/app/Console/cake Admin startWorker [queue]
timestamp: Time of the last modification on the data
Stop: MISP/app/Console/cake Admin stopWorker [pid]
• Usecase: Get data was modified in the last t
• E.g.: Last updated data from a feed
publish timestamp: Time at which the event was published Settings
• Usecase: Get data that arrived in my system since t Get: MISP/app/Console/cake Admin getSetting [setting]
• E.g.: New data from a feed
Set: MISP/app/Console/cake Admin setSetting [setting] [value]
event timestamp: Used in the Attribute scope
• Usecase: Get events modified in the last t Base URL: MISP/app/Console/cake Baseurl [baseurl]
{ " timestamp " : 1521846000} Miscellaneous
{ " timestamp " : " 7 d " }
{ " timestamp " : [ " 2 d " , " 1 h " ]} Clean Caches: MISP/app/Console/cake Admin cleanCaches
Get IPs For User ID: MISP/app/Console/cake Admin UserIP [user_id]
Get User ID For User IP: MISP/app/Console/cake Admin IPUser [ip]
Tips & Tricks
Documentation: /events/automation
Get JSON Representation: Append .json to any URLs to get their content Logs files location: MISP/app/tmp/logs
in JSON format. Example: /events/view/42.json


Check Description Length

 Add events
 - via Standard UI
 - Distribution levels and publication
 - Different timestamps & publish timestamp
 Add attributes
 - Freetext
 - Standard UI
 - Template
 - via EventGraph
 - add Object
 - add References
 - show via EventGraph
 - Warninglists: show warnings raised in steps above
 - Noticelists: show warnings when adding data
 - Import Regexp: avoid leaking private/personal data
 - show correlations that were added
 - pivot to events via correlations
 - show correlations graph
 - feeds & servers correlation
 Tags and Galaxies
 - Tag from Taxonomy
 - GalaxyCluster
 - ATT&CK pattern & Galaxy matrix
 - Tag Collection
 - via UI & API
 Delete (including soft versus hard delete)
 - Event blocklist when deleting
 Extending event (how and when to use it)
 Exporting data
 - download from
 - download from via modules
 - .json routing
 - RestSearch
 Searching for data
 - Attribute search
 - Event index filter search
 Advanced features
 - Event graph, Event timeline, Event report
 - Decaying of IoC
 - Galaxy 2.0
 - Hover & persistent

Administrator (Community)

Check Description Length

 Organisations 10m
 - local and remote
 - administration: Creation and merge
 User 5m
 - administration and contact via standard UI
 - Pasword/Auth key reset
 - Disabling (never remove)
 Roles and permissions 3m
 - Constraints & special sync-user
 Sharing group 10m
 - administration via standard UI
 Block listing 3m
 - Events & Organisations
 Synchronisation 35m
 - MISP to MISP (sync user, test & preview, flow control)
 - Feeds to MISP (Options, overlap)
 - Pub-Sub
 Collaboration settings
 - ‘proposal block attributes‘, ‘sanitise attribute on delete‘, ‘Sightings anonymise‘
 - administration via standard UI

Administrator (Instance)

Check Description Length

 Advanced Auth keys 3m
 - Migration from old system
 - Usage
 Server settings 5m
 Maintenance 15m
 - Updating & release process
 - Submodules and populate DB
 - Diagnostic
 Jobs and Workers 10m
 - Administration via standard UI
 - Scheduled Tasks and CRON jobs
 User settings & User management 5m
 - User settings
 - User monitoring, self-management, auto-registration
 Logging & auditing 10m
 - Logs (and purge: event history)
 - Paranoid, IP & Auth log, Sync audit
 Troubleshooting 5m
 - Clean cache & DB Schema diagnostic
 - Stuck workers
 - Update in progress
 - Apache logs & workers logs
MISP Training Slide Decks
MISP1 is a threat intelligence platform for gathering, sharing, storing and cor-
relating Indicators of Compromise of targeted attacks, threat intelligence, fi-
nancial fraud information, vulnerability information or even counter-terrorism
This document includes the slides which are the support materials2 used for
MISP trainings. The content is dual-licensed under CC-BY-SA version 4 license
or GNU Affero General Public License version 3 which allows you to freely use,
remixes and share-alike the slides while still mentioning the contributors under
the same conditions.

• Steve Clement https://github.com/SteveClement
• Alexandre Dulaunoy https://github.com/adulau
• Andras Iklody https://github.com/iglocska
• Sami Mokaddem https://github.com/mokaddem
• Sascha Rommelfangen https://github.com/rommelfs
• Christian Studer https://github.com/chrisr3d
• Raphaël Vinot https://github.com/rafiot
• Gerard Wagener https://github.com/haegardev

The MISP project is co-financed and resource supported by CIRCL Computer
Incident Response Center Luxembourg3 and co-financed by a CEF (Connecting
Europe Facility) funding under CEF-TC-2016-3 - Cyber Security as Improving
MISP as building blocks for next-generation information sharing.

Co-financed by the Connecting Europe

Facility of the European Union

1 https://www.misp-project.org/
2 https://github.com/MISP/misp-training
3 https://www.circl.lu/


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