C1SE.19 TestPlan SRS v2.0

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International School

Capstone Project 1
CMU-SE 450

Test plan
Version 2.0
Date: 22/12/2023

Smart Recruitment System

Submitted by
Dat, Nguyen Thanh
Thang, Nguyen Tran Anh
Khoa, Doan Ngoc Anh
Quang, Tran Minh

Approved by Nguyen Tan Thuan

Proposal Review Panel Representative:

Name Signature Date

Capstone Project 1 - Mentor:

Name Signature Date
Test Plan v2.0 - SRS

Project SRS
Project Title Smart Recruitment System
Start Date 19 Sep 2023 End Date 10 Dec 2023

Lead International School, Duy Tan University

Project Mentor Thuan, Nguyen Tan, M.Sc.
Scrum Dat, Nguyen Thanh
master / Email: [email protected]
Project Leader Tel: 0352694246
& contact
ID: 26211242012
Partner Duy Tan University
Project Web
Team Name Email Tel
26211329003 Thang, Nguyen [email protected] 0869132529
Tran Anh

26211242069 Khoa, Doan 12.doanngocanhkhoa125@g 0389876510

Ngoc Anh mail.com

24211208176 Quang, Tran quangyoung.tranminh@gmail 0329398805

Minh .com


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Test Plan v2.0 - SRS


Document Title Test Plan Document

Author(s) Khoa, Doan Ngoc Anh

Role Tester

Date Nov 22, 2023 File name:


Access Project and CMU Program

Version Person(s) Date Description
Khoa, Doan Ngoc Create Test plan
1.0 Sep 24, 2023
Anh document

Khoa, Doan Ngoc Update Test plan

1.1 Oct 12, 2023
Anh document
Dat, Nguyen Thanh Update Test plan
1.2 Nov 2, 2023
Thang, Nguyen Tran Update Test plan
2.0 Nov 22, 2023
Anh document

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Test Plan v2.0 - SRS

1. Introduction.............................................................................................................4
1.1. Purpose.................................................................................................................4
1.2. Scope....................................................................................................................4
1.3. Out of scope.........................................................................................................4
1.4. Reference.............................................................................................................4
1.5. Risk list................................................................................................................5
2. Target Test Areas....................................................................................................6
3. Test Specification....................................................................................................6
3.1. Features................................................................................................................6
3.2. Test deliverables..................................................................................................8
3.3. Requirements for test...........................................................................................8
3.4. Test schedule......................................................................................................19
4. Test Cycle and Exit Criteria..................................................................................21
4.1. Entry criteria......................................................................................................21
4.2. Exit criteria.........................................................................................................21

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Test Plan v2.0 - SRS

1. Introduction
A test plan is a detailed software verification document that provides
specifics on how the validate will test all aspects of software design. Test plans
are test specifications used as guides for writing test case suites for design
validation in both the software engineering fields. This test plan document
contains a description of product functionality, a description of test cases to be
written for each function, and a description of the testing platform to be used.
1.1. Purpose
The purpose of the Test Plan is to define, schedule and monitor the test
It supports the following objectives:
- Provide a high-level list of the major target test functions
- List the Requirements for Test
- Describe the testing strategies to be employed on each target test functions
- Identify the required resources and schedule the Test execution

1.2. Scope
This Test Plan is for release test plan for Smart Recruitment System.
The Test Plan defines the unit, integration and system testing approach. The test
Includes the following:
- Testing of all functions
- Application performance
- Use cases requirements listed in the Product Backlog and User Stories

1.3. Out of scope

The following is considered out of scope for Smart Recruitment Test Plan
and testing scope: Performance testing for Smart Recruitment System.

1.4. Reference
Table 1: Document references
No Document references

01 Proposal document

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Test Plan v2.0 - SRS

02 Product Backlog document

03 Project Plan Document

1.5. Risk list

Table 2: Risk list
Risk Mitigation Strategy Responsibility Contingency (Risk is

External Risks Get fewer projects Not under Do your part, recognize
but will definitely control of the and eliminate risks as
succeed or have a Project Team or soon as possible
high success rate Project
Steering Group

Project Agree on all the Leader It is mandatory to revise

Management standards before the whole project to the
starting the project original standard if it is
not correct

Tester Sick, busy or crash Team tester self-supplementing undo

cannot do it their assigned work, the
way other members are
supposed to support

Technology Technology analysis Tester Exchange learning in

before starting each groups
Tester Skill Train, or recruit Tester, Team Train technology
experienced people leader professionals or invite
professors to help with
the project

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Test Plan v2.0 - SRS

Estimate Plan Calculate carefully Request Enlist the product

and accurately when Collectors, delivery time or
taking requests and Request Analyst overtime for timely
analyzing, apply delivery
good models and
methods for
Automat ion Tool Choose the right Tester, Team Exchange in groups,
Risks tools and quality, leader change new tools and
check the tools remove inconsistent
before starting the tools
Out of system Analyze and find Tester
scope solutions to test all
testable areas

2. Target Test Areas

Black box Testing
3. Test Specification
3.1. Features

Sprint 1

❖ TC101 – Login ( for admin )

- Log in to the admin panel
❖ TC102 – Dashboard view
- Dashboard view of activity
❖ TC103 – Employer management
- View, editing, or removing the selected employer profile.
❖ TC104 – Candidate management
- View, editing, or removing the selected candidate profile.
❖ TC105 – Job application management
- View, editing, or removing the selected Job application.
❖ TC106 – Categories management
- Adding, editing, or deleting job categories.

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Test Plan v2.0 - SRS

❖ TC107 – Evaluate suitable job

- Get candidate suggestions
❖ TC108 – Job recommend
- Receive job recommendations
Sprint 2
❖ TC201 – Employer registration
- Register a new employer account
❖ TC202 – Manage company profile
- View and edit company information
❖ TC203 – Dashboard view
- Dashboard with an overview of activity
❖ TC204 – Manage candidates
- View, editing, or removing candidates who applied to the company
❖ TC205 – Manage CV & Candidate Page
- View CV, Send notifications to candidates, Evaluate suitable CV
❖ TC206 – Job posting management
- Create, edit, and delete job postings
❖ TC207 – Interview scheduling
- View schedule interviews with candidates
❖ TC208 – Message
- Chat with candidates
Sprint 3
❖ TC301 – Register ( for candidate )
- Register for a candidate account
❖ TC302 – Login ( for candidate)
- Login to candidate account
❖ TC303 – Forgot password
- Reset password when forget it

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Test Plan v2.0 - SRS

❖ TC304 – Logout
- Exit the system
❖ TC305 – Social login
- Login using social media credentials
❖ TC306 – Change password
- Change password
❖ TC307 – Profile management
- Update profile information
❖ TC308 – Job searching
- Search and view detail for job listings
❖ TC309 – Job application
- Apply for a job
Sprint 4
❖ TC401 – Job tracking
- Track the status of job applications
❖ TC402 – Saved job listings
- Save job listings to profile
❖ TC403 – Employer searching
- Search for employers
❖ TC404 – Interview schedule
- View interview schedules
❖ TC405 – Online Resume
- Create and update my online resume
❖ TC406 – Chatbot Support
- Receive support write resume
❖ TC407 – Messege
- Chat with employee
3.2. Test deliverables
- Test Plan Document

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Test Plan v2.0 - SRS

- Test Case Document

- Test Summary Report

3.3. Requirements for test

Test items
The following list describes the features that will be tested:

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ID A part of Type test
Function Priority Constraints
Function Case
TC101 Log in to the Login ( for 3 User The system
admin panel admin ) interface, notifies
Test Plan v2.0 - SRS
Functionality "login
TC102 Dashboard Dashboard 3 User displayed on
view of view interface, the dashboard
activity Functionality page
TC103-01 View the Employer 2 User displayed the
selected management interface, employer
employer Functionality profile page.
TC103-02 Editing the 2 User The system
selected interface, notifies
employer Functionality "Editing
TC103-03 Removing the 2 User The system
selected interface, notifies
employer Functionality "Removing
TC104-01 View the Candidate 2 User displayed the
selected management interface, candidate
candidate Functionality profile page.
TC104-02 Editing the 2 User The system
selected interface, notifies
candidate Functionality "Editing
TC104-03 Removing 2 User The system
the selected interface, notifies
candidate Functionality "Removing
TC105-01 View the Job 2 User displayed the
selected Job application interface, Job
application management Functionality application
TC105-02 Editing the 2 User The system
selected Job interface, notifies
application Functionality "Editing
TC105-03 Removing the 2 User The system
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selected Job interface, notifies
application Functionality "Removing
TC106-01 Adding job Categories 2 User The system
categories. management interface, notifies
Functionality "Adding
Test Plan v2.0 - SRS

Test strategy
Understanding Requirements:
- Requirement specifications will be sent by client.
- Understanding of requirements will be done by QA
Preparing Test Cases:
- QA will be preparing test cases based on the exploratory testing. This
will cover all scenarios for requirements.
Preparing Test Matrix:
- QA will be preparing test matrix which maps test cases to respective
requirement. This will ensure the coverage for requirements.
Reviewing test cases and matrix:
- Peer review will be conducted for test cases and test matrix by QA Lead
- Any comments or suggestions on test cases and test coverage will be
provided by reviewer respective Author of Test Case and Test Matrix
- Suggestions or improvements will be re-worked by author and will be
send for approval
- Re-worked improvements will be reviewed and approved by reviewer
Creating Test Data:
- Test data will be created by respective QA on client's developments/test
site based on scenarios and Test cases.
Executing Test Cases:
- Test cases will be executed by respective QA on client's development/test
site based on designed scenarios, test cases and Test data.
- Test result (Actual Result, Pass/Fail) will updated in test case document
Defect Logging and Reporting:
- QA will be logging the defect/bugs in Word document, found during
execution of test cases. After this, QA will inform respective developer
about the defect/bugs.

Retesting and Regression Testing:

- Retesting for fixed bugs will be done by respective QA once it is resolved
by respective developer and bug/defect status will be updated accordingly.
In certain cases, regression testing will be done if required.

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Test Plan v2.0 - SRS

- Once all bugs/defect reported after complete testing is fixed and no other
bugs are found, report will be deployed to client’s test site by PM.
- Once round of testing will be done by QA on client’s test site if required
Report will be delivered along with sample output by email to respective
lead and Report group.
- QA will be submitting the filled hard copy of delivery slip to respective
- Once lead gets the hard copy of delivery slip filled by QA and developer,
he will send the report delivery email to client.
Testing types
Black box testing:
It is some time called behavioral testing or Partition testing. This kind of
testing focuses on the functional requirements of the software. It enables one
to derive sets of input conditions that that will fully exercise all functional
requirements for a program.
GUI Testing:
GUI testing will includes testing the UI part of report. It covers users
Report format, look and feel, error messages, spelling mistakes, GUI
guideline violations.
Integration Testing:
Integration testing is systematic technique for constructing the program
structure while conducting test to uncover errors associated with interacting.
In Report, integration testing includes the testing Report from respective
Functional Testing:
Functional testing is carried out in order to find out unexpected behavior
of the report. The characteristic of functional testing are to provide
correctness, reliability, testability and accuracy of the report output/data.
System Testing:
System testing of software is testing conducted on a complete, integrated
system to evaluate the system's compliance with its specified requirements.
Performance Testing:
- Check the optimal time the page is loaded

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Test Plan v2.0 - SRS

- Check the operation of the system under

Load user acceptance testing:
The purpose behind user acceptance testing is to conform that system is
developed according to the specified user requirements and is ready for
operational use. Acceptance testing is carried out at two levels - Alpha and
Beta Testing. User acceptance testing (UAT) will be done at the Client.
Alpha testing:
The alpha test is conducted at the developer's site by client.
Hardware environment
- Computer Asus FX505DT
3.4. Test schedule
Human resources
Name Role
Khoa, Doan Ngoc Anh Product owner, tester
Dat, Nguyen Thanh Scrum master, tester
Thang, Nguyen Tran Anh Member, Tester

Test Schedule
Sprint 1 [Backend]Authentication and Khoa, Doan Ngoc 07/10/2023 -
Authorization Anh 09/10/2023
[Frontend] Dashboard View Page Dat, Nguyen
[Backend] Dashboard View Page
(Admin) Thang, Nguyen
Tran Anh
[Frontend] Manage User Page
[Frontend] Manage Employer Page
[Backend] Manage User Page

[Backend] Manage Employer Page

[Frontend] Manage Candidate Page

[Frontend] Manage Job Category Page

[Backend] Manage Candidate Page

[Backend] Manage Transaction Page

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Test Plan v2.0 - SRS

[Frontend] Manage Transaction Page

[Frontend] Manage Job Listings Page
[Backend] Manage Job Category Page
[Backend] Manage Job Listings Page
[Frontend] Evaluate suitable job
[Frontend] job recommend
Sprint 2 [Frontend] Register Employer Page Khoa, Doan Ngoc 27/10/2023 -
Anh 29/10/2023
[Backend] Register Employer Page
Dat, Nguyen
[Frontend] Dashboard View
(Employer) Thanh
[Backend] Dashboard View Thang, Nguyen
(Employer) Tran Anh
[Frontend] Manage Job Posting Page
[Backend] Manage Job Posting Page
[Frontend]Manage CV & Candidate
[Backend]Manage CV & Candidate
Page (Employer)
[Frontend] Message Page
[Frontend]Profile Employer Page
[Backend] Message Page (Employer)
[Backend]Profile Employer Page
Sprint 3 [Frontend] Login Page Khoa, Doan Ngoc 16/11/2023 -
[Frontend] Manage profile Page Anh 18/11/2023
[Backend] Manage profile Page Dat, Nguyen
[Backend] Home Page Thanh
[Frontend] Register Page Thang, Nguyen
[Frontend] Job Category Page Tran Anh
[Frontend] Home Page
[Backend] Job Category Page
Sprint 4 [Frontend] Job Wish List Page Khoa, Doan Ngoc 06/12/2023 -
[Backend] Job Wish List Page Anh 08/12/2023
[Frontend] Schedule Interview Page

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Test Plan v2.0 - SRS

[Backend] Schedule Interview Page Dat, Nguyen

[Frontend] Company Profile Page Thanh
[Backend] Company Profile Page Thang, Nguyen
[Frontend] Resume & CV Online Page Tran Anh
[Backend] Resume & CV Online Page
and ChatBot
4. Test Cycle and Exit Criteria
4.1. Entry criteria
- All test hardware platforms must have been successfully installed,
configured, and functioning properly.
- All the necessary documentation, design, and requirements information
should be available that will allow testers to operate the system and judge
the correct behavior.
- Proper test case is available.
- The test environment such as, lab, hardware, software, and system
administration support should be ready.
4.2. Exit criteria
- All test cases have been run.
- A certain level of requirements coverage has been achieved.
- No high priority or severe bugs are left outstanding.
- All high-risk areas have been fully tested, with only minor residual risks
left outstanding.
- The schedule has been achieved.
- Not over the allowed project budget

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