Haunted Tea Party Pub

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HAUIED TEA PARTY ‘A complimentary crose stitch design by Brooke Nolan Needed to complete design: | piece 14 count: Metial- lic Silver perforated paper, DMC floss, Kreinik #8 Fine Braids, Mil Hill glass seed beads, #24 tapestry needle, short beading needle, the “Haunted Tea Party” background graphic, (pq. 5 of this publication), printed on matte photo paper, decorative edging, double sided tape, hole punch, and black ribbon, Dimensions: 53 x 48 stitches 14 Count: Approximately 3.75" x 3.50” Cross stitch, bead, and back stitch the design as charted on Metallic Silver perforated paper. Finishing Instructions for Doorknob Hanger: Apply decorative edging around the finished stitched piece. (Tip: | used multiple colors of Kreinik #8 Fine Braid to make a lacy edging around the stitched design. You could also glue or stitch premade cord or edging to it instead.) Trim around the background graphic print- out (pg. 5) with pinking sheers, Then adhere the stitched and edged design to it- with double sided ‘tape. Punch 2 holes at the top to hang with ribbon as pictured in the photo. Brooke's Books PUBLISHING wnbrockesbooksicom oe WE conan © 2007 Brook's Boks Pubching This design may be reproduced for newsletter or handout but may not be kitted or sold. emait [email protected] pa.tofS Guide Madera! Buying Dear Stitcher, Thank you so much for choosing one of my designs fo stitch! To make finding and purchasing extra materials for this project easy I'd lke to rec- commend that you check out your local neadlework shop. Don't have one neat by? Den't know if yau even have one in your area? Visit Hoffman Distributing online Cross Stitch Shop Locater 4o find a shop in your area, bitp://wwew.boffmandis.com/mainmap.bim A needlework shop doesn't have fo be geographically near you to provide the service and materials you need, If there are none in your area, you may also visit Hoffman's online Merchant Mall fo locate a helpful source itp://merchant hoffmandis.com/ Independent shops sill offer the rarest and most valuable commodity fo stitchers. Caring customer service. You will never find a more wonderful resource for your stiiching than an independently owned shop! So, visit or call one today. IF you still naed help, many of the materials manufacturers now sell directly 4o stitchers. For example, you may purchase Kreinik’s beautiful threads and Mill Hill's seed beads from their web sites. See below for contact information. Hafpy Mitehing, WO Bic Thank you 4o the following companies for providing the materials that went into this design! Parforated Paper Metalic Braids Glass Seed Beads The Yam Treo Krointk Manufacturing Co, Ine, Mill Hil / Wichelt Impors, Ine. PO, Box 724 1708 Gihon Re NIG2 Huy 35 117 Alexander Ave. Parkersburg, WV 26102 Stoddard, WI 54658 Ames, 1A 50010 1-800-537-2166 1-800-356-9516 800-247-3952 bitp://oew roinsk com hitps/Amwve mili com hitp://www.yamfree.com 2007 © Brooke's Books Publishing, All rights reserved 79.2085 a ‘A complimentary cross stitch design by Brooke Nolan Copia © 2007 Broke Book Rating cs ress Symbols 3p Kens Mate G pi) OMC 18 Fire Braid 100 Blane We 747 9192 379 5515 7a 5510 921 3228 834 va 3805 026 550 1s 704 850 986 005 310 Bland | py DMC 605 & | ply Krink 9200 18 Fre Brad Blan | ply DMC 603 & I ply Krink 9200 18 Fre Bid Pe Buck Hitch Key Symbols DMC or (I ply) Kreinik Location #8 Fine Braid — 30 005 Ghost: Smie, eyebrows, naclace / Teapot / Spider: Legs — Bare 100 Cal Whishers Beading Hey Symbols Mill Hill Floss Color 02031 104 03058 ©3805 o204 310 7 Brooke Beoles PUsBLISHI va brackesbooke com This design may be reproduced for newsletter or handout but may not be kitted or sold. —emait brookeDbrootesbooks.com pa. 30F5 NICD TEA PARTY se. ‘A complimentary crose stitch design by Brooke Nolan Cops ©2007 Broke Books Pskohing Brooke's Books PUBLISH INDG en brookesbooks.com emai: rockeB@orackesbooksci pa 4 ofS Brooke's Books W tk 1H

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