Bathy 001
Bathy 001
Bathy 001
2 - Bathymetry
Matthew Poti1,2, Brian Kinlan1,2,3, and Charles Menza1
A new bathymetric model with spatially-explicit uncertainty estimates was developed for the New York study
area (Figure 1.1). The model builds on previous predictive bathymetric modeling approaches in the region (e.g.,
Calder, 2006), provides a continuous gridded bathymetric surface for the study area, and allows users to view
and explore spatial variation in the vertical accuracy of depth predictions. The spatial resolution of the model
is identical to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration’s (NOAA) Coastal Relief Model (CRM;
horizontal resolution approximately 83.8 m) in the
study area and was built from the same database of
hydrographic survey points. Unlike the CRM, the new
geostatistical model provides estimates of prediction
certainty, which can be used to prioritize locations
for new bathymetric surveys and better understand
the reliability of depth predictions and derived spatial
layers (e.g., benthic habitats, positions of depth
Bathymetry (also called seafloor topography) is
an important base environmental layer for spatial
planning since it influences both planning of human
activities (e.g., construction, shipping) and many
physical, chemical and ecological processes. For
instance, reliable bathymetric information can
simultaneously improve habitat conservation and Image 2.1. An example of a bathymetric surface in the New York
energy development by supporting the identification Bight, showing the change in depth with distance from shore and the
complexity of the seafloor across the shelf. The Hudson Shelf Valley
of: is prominently visible in the center of the model as the area of darker
blue extending from New York harbor (top left) towards the shelf edge
• Unique or vulnerable benthic habitats (bottom right). Coastal managers and engineers use bathymetric
surfaces to assess shipping lanes, identify fish habitats, lay undersea
• Distributions of rare or endangered species cables and find sand and gravel resources. The bathymetric surface
• Efficient corridors for transmission lines shown here is the the NOAA Coastal Relief Model (CRM), draped over
• Suitable sites for turbine platforms, and a derived hillshade layer to highlight bathymetric variation. Terrestrial
• Potential construction hazards imagery is the ArcGIS Online World User Imagery layer (ESRI Online).
Bathymetry can be measured by a range of instruments, which determine the precision, spatial resolution,
extent and cost of bathymetric information and nautical charts. Until the latter half of the 20th century, lead
lines dropped from a ship were used to estimate depths (Calder, 2006) and were compiled on charts to give
a coarse-scale representation of the seafloor and identify navigation hazards. Lead lines were eventually
replaced by more accurate vertical beam echosounders (VBES) and subsequently by multibeam echosounders
(MBES). Modern MBES can collect millions of precise soundings efficiently and quickly, making possible high-
resolution bathymetric maps that reveal fine-scale features of the seafloor (Calder, 2006). Horizontal positioning
technologies have also advanced over the years from sextant-based navigation to modern GPS.
When combined with backscatter information and validation samples, MBES data offers an unprecedented
view of the composition and morphology of the seafloor at multiple spatial scales (Kostylev et al., 2001; Gardner
et al., 2003). The States of Oregon and California recently collected new data to take advantage of insights
Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment, National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, National Ocean Service, National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Consolidated Safety Services, Inc., under NOAA Contract No. DG133C07NC0616
Corresponding author: [email protected]
provided by MBES and these data have been integrated into state spatial planning initiatives, specifically the
2 - Bathymetry
Oregon Territorial Sea Plan and California Marine Life Protection Act Initiative. On the East Coast, fewer states
have comprehensive MBES coverage; this may be a reflection of the increased costs involved in surveying
comparatively wide, shallow continental shelves.
About 20% of the New York planning area is covered by MBES surveys (Figure 2.1) which have been collected
by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), NOAA and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (Schwab
et al., 1997a and 1997b; Butman et al., 1998; Goff et al., 1999; Butman et al., 2006). The corresponding
data have helped researchers map benthic habitats and identify physical features on the seafloor within the
footprints of surveys.
Unfortunately, the incomplete distribution of multibeam surveys limits their usefulness for understanding
the relative distribution of habitats, features, processes and species over the entire planning area, a critical
component of integrated marine spatial planning. The U.S. Coastal Relief Model developed by the National
Geophysical Data Center (NGDC; offers a 3-arc second
continuous bathymetric model that covers the majority of the study area (including all of the continental shelf
and slope). The CRM is derived from the largest single compilation of bathymetric soundings for US coastal
waters and has been used effectively to inform spatial planning on the East Coast as part of the Massachusetts
0 25 50 100
New York 0 10 20
Nautical Miles
New York Bight
Schwab et al. 1997a, 1997b
Hudson Shelf Valley
Butman et al. 1998, 2003
STRATAFORM Hudson Canyon
NY-NJ Offshore Butman et al. 2006
Nittrouer 1997
NY Planning Area
Figure 2.1. Spatial extent of selected multibeam and sidescan sonar surveys in the study area. Survey boundaries are overlaid on
bathymetry data from the Coastal Relief Model blended with the ETOPO1 Global Relief Model (Amante and Eakins 2009).
Ocean Plan and Rhode Island Special Area Management Plan. Although coarser than multibeam data, the ~84
2 - Bathymetry
m horizontal resolution of the CRM is still sufficient to resolve general features of interest for marine spatial
planning (e.g., canyons, ridges, sand waves, bathymetric contours).
The portion of the CRM that overlaps the New York planning area was produced in 1999 and is a compilation of
historical hydrographic surveys, collected using VBES and MBES from various data sources, including NOAA,
USGS, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and various academic institutions. Although compiled surveys are
brought together under a common spatial framework, they possess different spatial footprints and resolutions,
and were collected using different instruments. Newer surveys commonly overlap, adjoin and supersede older
Generally, the CRM is used in resource management applications assuming the depth measurements and
predictions to be accurate, but significant uncertainty in model depth estimates arises from measurement error
in hydrographic surveys, methods used to interpolate between survey points and data processing (discussed
in detail in Calder, 2006 and references therein). These errors are variable over the study area (Figure 2.2)
due to various factors, including survey age, processing guidelines, and distances amongst soundings. Since
bathymetric errors in the CRM are not quantified, users cannot know whether depth predictions at a given
location are likely to deviate from the true value by a few centimeters or hundreds of meters. Disregarding
uncertainty might be acceptable for some analyses conducted at coarse spatial resolutions, but is problematic
for finer resolution analyses and when precise measurements are needed. Knowing where bathymetric
predictions are precise and where they are not provides managers with information to define and manage risk
associated with decisions relying on bathymetry or derived products (e.g., defining benthic habitats, estimating
construction costs, placing shipping lanes).
2.3.1 General Modeling Approach
A geostatistical modeling approach was used to predict a continuous, gridded bathymetric surface from scattered
sounding points and to generate corresponding spatially-explicit uncertainty estimates. Geostatistical methods
are based on the premise that neighboring samples are more similar than samples farther away (Tobler, 1970),
a phenomenon known as spatial autocorrelation. Spatial autocorrelation can be detected, quantified and
modeled by semivariogram analysis, and used to make predictions at locations that have not been measured
a) b)
¯ ¯
Figure 2.2. (a) Most recent survey year for soundings within 1 km rectangular neighborhoods. Survey year classes generally correspond
with the evolution of horizontal positioning and vertical sounding technologies. More recent soundings tend to be more precise. (b) The
number of bathymetric soundings per square kilometer. The shelf edge corresponds to the 200 m depth contour.
(Cressie, 1993; Chiles and Delfiner, 1999). In addition, the same spatial model used to develop predictions can
2 - Bathymetry
The geostatistical modeling approach used here follows Cressie (1993), where estimates of depth for a given
location, Z(x,y), are modeled as a linear combination (sum) of components representing a deterministic mean
trend, µ(x,y), a spatially structured random process, δ(x,y), and non-spatially structured error, ε.
Equation 2.1 defines the workflow used to arrive at Z(x,y). The deterministic mean trend and spatially structured
random process with error term are modeled separately and then combined by summation (see Figure 2.3
for schematic representation of work flow). The deterministic mean trend, µ(x,y), is estimated using a suitable
smoothing function and residuals of original data from this smoothing function are computed at the data
positions by subtracting the trend prediction from the observed data value. The spatially structured random
process, δ(x,y), and error term, ε, are then estimated by fitting a suitable semivariogram model to the empirical
semivariogram of the residuals. The error term is defined by the semivariogram nugget and represents error
that is not spatially correlated, which includes both measurement error and variability occurring at spatial
scales shorter than the sampling resolution (Cressie, 1993).
Pre-process, filter,
transform data
Figure 2.3. General workflow describing the geostatistical approach used to develop the predictive model for bathymetry (see sections
2.3.3 and 2.3.4 for a more detailed description of the methods).
Geostatistical models involve a number of statistical assumptions (for detailed discussions see Cressie, 1993;
2 - Bathymetry
Chiles and Delfiner, 1999). The accuracy of model predictions and uncertainty bounds depends to varying
degrees on these assumptions being met. Thus, an important part of any geostatistical analysis is model
validation, which is usually done by cross-validation, a process in which some data are left out for purposes of
model fitting and model predictions are tested against those data. Model predictions can also be tested against
high-precision “ground-truth” datasets where such datasets are available. We use both methods to validate
model predictions in this chapter (see Section 2.3.4).
Hydrographic soundings in the study area come from a multitude of surveys distributed between 1887 and 2004.
Surveys used an assortment of positioning and sounding technologies, resulting in a patchwork of overlapping
soundings collected with variable sample spacing and different precisions (Figure 2.2). In addition, survey data
was processed using varying methods which created varying post-processing errors (see Calder, 2006 for a
full discussion). These errors can propagate to the final model creating distortions that do not correspond to
changes on the seafloor. While steps have been taken to partially correct for and reduce the impact of these
data quality issues, it is important to understand that they cannot be entirely eliminated. No bathymetric model
based on historical hydrographic sounding data will be completely free from such considerations.
In general, the vast majority of soundings were retained to maximize data density. However, some soundings
were corrected or eliminated prior to modeling. First, based on Calder (2006), we applied a +1.48 m correction
to all soundings collected by lead line to correct for the observed bias of lead line soundings compared to
multibeam sonar measurements. Second, lead line and VBES surveys were identified that showed evidence of
quantization due to rounding to the nearest whole fathom (resulting in an error of up to 1.8 m). Data from these
surveys were eliminated when they were located within the footprint of more accurate surveys (i.e., surveys
that did not exhibit quantization). Survey footprints were hand digitized at 1:50,000 in ArcGIS 10 (ESRI, 2011).
Different types of rounding and conversions created surveys with varying degrees of quantization, but only
those surveys with the most severe fathom-rounding quantization of 1.8 m were eliminated from analysis, and
those only when more recent information was present. Other types of quantization are expected to result in
errors less than 1 m. Other sources of error in raw soundings, including un-accounted for changes in vertical
and tidal datums, are expected to be small (on the order of 10’s of centimeters) and are discussed in detail in
Calder (2006).
Depth Stratification
The resulting hydrographic sounding database was divided into four strata based on depth thresholds (Table
2.1). Thresholds were chosen based on depth ranges that correspond to different maximum uncertainty
specifications under International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) standards (S.44 Order 1 and 2, IHO 1998)
and on coarse-scale changes in geomorphology (e.g., the continental shelf break). Neighboring strata overlap
slightly to facilitate merging of outputs from individual strata into a continuous surface.
Table 2.1. Depths used to stratify hydrographic soundings and the corresponding number of soundings within each stratum.
2 - Bathymetry
0-30 m 2,077,055 83.9% 0 0%
30-100 m 337,238 13.6% 176,843 34.4%
100-200 m 21,932 0.9% 9,931 31.2%
200-2,000 m 40,196 1.6% 3,517 8.0%
Total 2,476,421 100% 190,291 7.1%
Prior to statistical modeling, depth values were transformed using the following logarithmic function to normalize
error distributions:
where Z is depth in meters (with positive numbers representing depth below sea surface) and the transformation
parameters a and b are taken from the appropriate error model for each depth stratum identified by IHO
standards (a = 0.5 m, b = 0.013 when Z < 100 m [IHO S.44 Order 1] and a = 1.0 m, b = 0.023 when Z >= 100
m [IHO S.44 Order 2]) (IHO, 1998). This transformation was based on a standard bathymetric error model
formulation (IHO, 1998; Calder, 2006), and improves homogeneity of conditional error variances within local
regression and kriging neighborhoods, a desirable statistical property.
LOESS was implemented in Matlab version 7.13 (R2011b) with the Curve Fitting toolbox (The MathWorks Inc.,
Natick, MA). The standard Matlab toolbox function (curvefit/curvefit/+curvefit/LowessFit.m) was modified to
reduce processing times and increase matrix stability. Execution speed was improved by using k-dimensional
search trees (KD-Tree for MATLAB, Tagliasacchi, 2011) to identify and sort soundings in each local neighborhood.
Under certain conditions local regression methods such as LOESS can exhibit instability due to limits on the
precision of matrix calculations. X and Y coordinates were centered and re-scaled to minimize the possibility
of matrix stability problems. The condition number of each local regression design matrix was also evaluated
to diagnose areas where matrix precision might affect the accuracy of regression fits.
Local regression matrix stability was problematic when points that were very close to each other had very
different values, which occasionally occurred in areas of high sounding density and resulted in gaps in the
LOESS prediction surface. To eliminate gaps, soundings within a horizontal distance of ± 10 cm were identified,
grouped and then dispersed with a small random nudge. Coordinates for the first occurrence of a sounding in
a group were retained and subsequent coordinates were shifted by adding a uniform random number in the
range ± (0.5,1.5 m). Displacements were only accepted if they did not create conflicts (within 10 cm) with other
soundings. A total of 700 soundings were modified (<0.03% of all data). Although this dispersion adds some
positional error to each sounding, the displacement is negligible in relation to other sources of positioning error
caused by geographic positioning systems or ship heave/pitch/roll.
A similar displacement procedure was applied to soundings that fell within 10 cm of the prediction grid
coordinates. The purpose of this was to ensure that measurement and micro-scale error were filtered out of
the prediction surface, because at the precise locations of original data, the kriging prediction surface exhibits
spikes due to the nugget effect. Filtering the nugget effect in this way is similar to the maximum a posteriori
2 - Bathymetry
resampling technique proposed for filtering noisy bathymetric data by Goff et al. (2006).
The parametric standard error of the mean trend was estimated using a Monte Carlo approach. Specifically,
the approximation method of Durban, et al. (1999) was used to estimate the variance-covariance matrix of the
estimated local regression coefficients, Var( β̂ ) . The scale of the variance-covariance matrix was estimated as
the sum of squares of the residuals for the whole model (i.e., the residuals of the original data from the LOESS
fit at all data points), divided by (N – λ), where N is the number of observations and λ is the effective number
of parameters, estimated as, λ = 2*(1+[N/(N*span)]).
Regression coefficient vectors were simulated by 1,000 draws from a multivariate normal distribution defined
by mean vector β̂ and covariance matrix Var( β̂ ) , and the LOESS prediction was re-calculated for each
simulated regression coefficient vector. The standard error was estimated as the standard deviation of the
simulated LOESS predictions at each location. The condition number of the design matrix of each local
regression was also recorded as an additional diagnostic measure.
Residuals were obtained by subtracting the LOESS trend surface prediction at each data location from the
observed data value. Semivariograms of residuals were then calculated and modeled in ArcGIS 10 with
the Geostatistical Analyst extension (ESRI, 2011). A separate anisotropic semivariogram model was fit
independently for each depth stratum (Figure 2.4, Table 2.2). The nugget effect was adjusted manually based
on visual inspection and prior expectations from measurement error models (see below). The rest of the model
parameters, including anisotropy ranges and direction, were fit automatically using non-linear weighted least-
squares (ESRI, 2011).
(a) (b)
Model: 0.0000283*Nugget+0.011781*Exponential(1615,963.25,64.9) Model: 0.0000246*Nugget+0.00019*Gaussian(480,180.55,45.0)
0.1539 0.0034
0.1231 0.0027
0.0924 0.0020
0.0616 0.0014
0.0308 0.0007
0 1.82 3.64 5.45 7.27 9.09 0 1.82 3.64 5.45 7.27 9.09
(c) (d)
Model: 0.0000878*Nugget+0.0004884*Gaussian(1786.8,442.38,171.7) Model: 0.0015*Nugget+0.0059106*Gaussian(1882.2,1358.1,119.9)
0.0035 0.0196
0.0028 0.0157
0.0021 0.0117
0.0014 0.0078
0.0007 0.0039
0 1.85 3.69 5.54 7.38 9.23 0 1.83 3.67 5.50 7.33 9.16
Figure 2.4. Estimated semivariograms of residuals and fitted semivariogram models for each depth stratum. (a) 0-30 m, (b) 30-100
m, (c) 100-200 m, (d) 200-2,000 m. Red dots represent sample semivariance values, blue crosses represent averaged semivariance
values, solid blue lines represent directional semivariogram model fits.
Table 2.2. Semivariogram parameters for each depth stratum.
2 - Bathymetry
GRAM LAGS (m) x10 (m)
(m) (m) (m) (°)* x10-3
0-30 2,077,055 Exp 100 100 2.83 1,615 963.25 64.86 11.8 0.2
30-100 514,081 Gau 100 100 2.46 480 180.55 45.00 0.19 11.5
100-200 31,863 Gau 175 58 8.78 1,787 442.38 171.74 0.488 15.2
200-2,000 43,713 Gau 180 56 150.0 1,882 1,358.12 119.88 5.91 20.2
Exp= exponential; Gau= Gaussian; *Clockwise from North
Nugget selection was guided by a Monte Carlo simulation of measurement error expected for each depth
stratum based on maximum measurement error models defined by IHO standards (IHO S.44 Orders 1 and 2).
We simulated depth observations with measurement error across the depth range of each stratum (n=100,000
points), log-transformed the simulated depths using Equation 2.2, calculated residuals from the recorded
depth, and calculated the depth-averaged measurement error for each stratum in the log-transformed space.
This served as a lower bound on the nugget for semivariogram fitting, which was then adjusted higher if
necessary based on the best fit to empirical semivariogram plots. The rationale for this approach is that the
minimum value of the nugget is equal to measurement error. Small-scale spatial features not resolved by the
sample spacing (so-called “micro-scale structures”) can add to this error and raise the value of the nugget, but
not lower it.
To perform ordinary kriging of residuals, semivariogram model parameters fitted in ArcGIS 10 (ESRI, 2011)
were input into the KT3D module of GSLIB (Geostatistical Software Library, Deutsch and Journel, 1992).
KT3D was used instead of ArcGIS 10 because of the
Table 2.3. Search neighborhood parameters by depth stratum.
prohibitively slow computational speed of the ArcGIS
kriging implementation. KT3D was run with ordinary MINIMUM MAXIMUM
kriging, 8-sector search neighborhoods, a minimum SEARCH SEARCH
search radius necessary for a gap-free kriging (m) ANGLE (°)*
(km) (km)
prediction, and a maximum search radius equal to
the minimum radius times the anisotropy ratio. At 0-30 3.353 2.0 64.86
least 1 and no more than 80 points (a maximum of 30-100 5.317 2.0 45.00
10 from each sector) were used to produce each 100-200 12.117 3.0 171.74
kriging prediction. Table 2.3 provides more detailed 200-2,000 6.929 5.0 119.88
information for search neighborhood parameters by *Clockwise from North
At each grid location for which sufficient data existed to produce a kriging prediction, the LOESS trend surface
was evaluated and estimates of LOESS prediction standard error and condition number were produced. The
kriging prediction, kriging variance, LOESS prediction, LOESS variance, and LOESS condition number were
exported from Matlab and GSLIB formats to ESRI GRID format for post-processing using the Spatial Analyst
extension in ArcGIS 10 (ESRI, 2011).
The model surface representing predicted depth for each stratum was then calculated as the sum of the
LOESS and kriging prediction surfaces (see Equation 2.1). The corresponding prediction variance surface
was calculated as the square root of the sum of the LOESS variance and kriging variance estimates. This
calculation of the total variance assumes that the spatially structured random error component (δ and ε in
Equation 2.1) is uncorrelated with the mean component (µ). The prediction variance was used to construct ±1
standard error and 95% confidence interval surfaces (using the standard normal distribution critical value of
Prediction, ±1 standard error, and 95% confidence interval surfaces were back-transformed using the equation:
2 - Bathymetry
(Exp(Ztransform) – a) / b (Equation 2.3)
where Ztransform is the depth prediction in transformed units and a and b are the error model parameters described
for Equation 2.2.
Finally, the separate surfaces representing predicted depth and uncertainty for all four strata were mosaicked
to generate seamless surfaces covering the whole study area. At locations with more than one prediction
(i.e., where strata overlap), values for the mean (or variance) were calculated by a weighted average, where
weights corresponded to the inverse of prediction variance (normalized by the sum of the weights for all the
depth strata).
2 - Bathymetry
New York
NJ 50m
NY Planning Area
Duane et al. (1972) found that sand ridges were a dominant geomorphologic feature on most of the northeast
U.S. Atlantic continental shelf. These features were evident in the bathymetry model, particularly to the west
of Hudson Canyon and in the northeast of the study area. Submarine canyons, like Hudson Canyon, and
shallower networks of gullies were also evident in the model along the shelf slope.
2 - Bathymetry
New York
NJ 50m
NY Planning Area
distinguishable in Figure 2.6). There were two primary reasons for higher error along the shelf slope when
compared to shallow areas. First, the absolute precision of sounding instruments generally decreases with
depth, and second, soundings become sparser farther offshore. There were several areas south of Hudson
Canyon where sounding tracks are greater than 8 kilometers apart (Figure 2.2).
The prediction standard error surface indicates the uncertainty associated with the model prediction at each
location, assuming that statistical assumptions of the model are met. Local regressions can be inaccurate
as the limits of matrix precision are approached, as indicated by high condition numbers (Figure 2.7). The
condition number is a diagnostic that indicates the stability of the local regression trend model at each location.
Higher spatial condition number values indicate that the regression solution is less stable at that location,
such that small variations in the input data (e.g., uncertainty due to measurement error) can result in large
variations in the prediction. For second order polynomials, the critical spatial condition number threshold value
is approximately 100, meaning that predictions should be considered with caution at locations where the
spatial condition number is close to 100 and should be considered unreliable where it is greater than 100
(Golub and Van Loan, 1996). Under these conditions, the standard error surface may underestimate actual
error. This occurs only in a narrow band along the southern coast of Long Island.
2 - Bathymetry
New York
NJ 50m
NY Planning Area
Condition Number
0 25 50 100 0 - 90
90 - 110
0 10 20
Nautical Miles > 110
Figure 2.7. Spatial condition number from the LOESS trend model. Condition number classes reflect the threshold at which standard
error predictions should be considered unreliable.
Model uncertainty was also depicted using theoretical 95% confidence intervals of the depth predictions
(predicted depth ± 1.96*standard error) along two hypothetical transects (Transect 1 and Transect 2) that
spanned from the shoreline to the shelf slope (Figure 2.8). Transect 2 differed from Transect 1 in that it
cut across a submarine canyon (Hudson Canyon) at the shelf edge. Maximum and minimum depth values
representing the upper and lower bounds of the 95% confidence intervals were extracted at 100 m intervals
along each transect. For both transects, the width of the 95% confidence intervals generally increased with
distance from shore and with depth. However, model uncertainty was greater and more variable in the 0-30 m
depth stratum than it was in the 30-100 m depth stratum (Figure 2.9, Figure 2.10). At depths greater than 200
m, the 95% confidence interval widths increased dramatically with distance from shore and had an average
vertical width of almost 0.25 km.
To explore how uncertainty in depth predictions may translate into horizontal uncertainty and how this uncertainty
could impact management decisions (e.g., the siting of a wind farm), depth contours (30 m, 50 m, 100 m, 200
m) derived from the model prediction and from the upper and lower limits of the theoretical 95% confidence
intervals (±1.96*standard error) were overlaid on the boundaries of theoretical wind farm areas within the NY
study area (Figure 2.11). These theoretical wind farm areas correspond to areas outside of shipping lanes
and within current depth constraints for wind farm structures. These depth contours were mapped to produce
a rough estimate of the horizontal uncertainty associated with the model predictions. Within the potential
wind farm areas, transects
2 - Bathymetry
were drawn between the 50
m depth contours derived
from confidence interval limits.
The transects were drawn New York
approximately perpendicular to 30m
the 50 m depth contour derived
from the model prediction at NJ Transect 1
intervals of approximately 5 km.
2 - Bathymetry
(a) Depth Predictions with 95% Confidence Intervals
Distance from Shore (km)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
70 140 1000
15 40 75 150 1200
80 160 1400
45 85 170 1600
25 90 180 1800
95 190
50 2000
30 100 200
105 210
0 5 10 20 30 50 100 120 125 140 160
Distance from Shore (km)
(c) Estimated0-30
m of 95% Confidence
30-50 m Interval
m 100-200 m 200-2000 m
0 30 m
0-30 30 50 m
30-50 50 100 m
50-100 100 200 m
100-200 200 2000 m
x 10
0.4 0.3
0.1 0.1 1.5
0.3 0.2
0.05 0.05
0.1 0.5
0 0 0 0 0
0 10 20 0 5 0 5 10 0 10 20 30 0 500
95% Confidence Interval Width (m)
Figure 2.9. (a) Predicted depth (m) with theoretical 95% confidence intervals (± 1.96*standard error) vs.
distance from shore (km) along Transect 1. (b) Predicted depth (m) with 95% confidence intervals by
depth stratum. (c) Distribution of 95% confidence interval widths with the mean (x) and standard deviation
(sd) for each depth stratum. The probability density of the confidence interval widths was estimated using
a kernel density function (Särkkä 1999).
2 - Bathymetry
(a) Depth Predictions with 95% Confidence Intervals
Distance from Shore (km)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Predicted Depth (m)
70 140 1000
15 75 1200
80 160 1400
85 1600
90 180
25 1800
50 200
30 2200
0 10 20 30 40 50 100 125 130 135 140 160 180
Distance from Shore (km)
(c) Estimated0-30
m of 95% Confidence
30-50 m Interval
m 100-200 m 200-2000 m
0 30 m
0-30 30 50 m
30-50 50 100 m
50-100 100 200 m
100-200 200 2000 m
x 10
0.4 0.4 3
0.1 0.1
0.3 0.3 2
0.2 0.2
0.05 0.05
0.1 0.1
0 0 0 0 0
0 10 20 0 5 0 5 10 0 10 20 30 0 500
95% Confidence Interval Width (m)
Figure 2.10. (a) Predicted depth (m) with theoretical 95% confidence intervals (± 1.96*standard error) vs.
distance from shore (km) along Transect 2. (b) Predicted depth (m) with 95% confidence intervals by depth
stratum. (c) Distribution of 95% confidence interval widths with the mean (x) and standard deviation (sd) for
each depth stratum. The probability density of the confidence interval widths was estimated using a kernel
density function (Särkkä 1999).
2 - Bathymetry
New York
NY Planning Area
Theoretical Potential
Wind Farm Areas
0 25 50 100
0 10 20
Nautical Miles
Estimated Mean Depth (m)
Shallow: 0
1500 0 10 20 40
0 5 10
Deep: 2100 Nautical Miles
Figure 2.11. Depth contours derived from the predicted bathymetric surface and from the upper and lower limits of the theoretical 95%
confidence intervals (±1.96*standard error) overlaid on the predicted bathymetric surface and theoretical potential wind farm areas
for New York. Within the inset map, approximate uncertainty in depth contour locations was estimated using transects approximately
perpendicular to the depth contour derived from the predicted bathymetric surface.
Table 2.5. Performance of theoretical 68% and 95% confidence intervals.
2 - Bathymetry
Overall (0-2,000 m) 87.50% 0.42 95.50% 1.84
0-30 m 87.60% 0.40 95.40% 1.86
30-100 m 87.00% 0.49 95.90% 1.77
100-200 m 88.30% 0.35 94.70% 2.04
200-2,000 m 80.80% 0.62 92.70% 2.46
As a benchmark, we evaluated our model performance in comparison to the CRM in the STRATAFORM area.
This may not be an entirely fair comparison, since it is possible (though not verifiable) that the CRM included
some version of the STRATAFORM data; however, we proceed anyway with the caution that the CRM error
statistics may be significantly better in this region than in other parts of the study area.
Overall we found that both the Table 2.6. Results from an accuracy assessment of the geostatistical model and
the coastal relief model (CRM). The new geostatistical model and the CRM are
geostatistical model and CRM are compared against the STRATAFORM data. Negative bias indicates a deep bias
excellent models in the 30-100 m depth while positive bias indicates a shallow bias. MAE = Mean Absolute Error, MAPE =
range for the STRATAFORM area Mean Absolute Percentage Error, RMSE = Root Mean Square Error.
(mean absolute error [MAE] < 1 m, mean INDEPENDENT INDEPENDENT
absolute percent error [MAPE] < 1.5%), ACCURACY ACCURACY
but accuracy of both models degraded DEPTH COMPARISON ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT
with depth in areas deeper than 100 m STRATUM STATISTIC ERROR, ERROR,
(Table 2.6). We found the geostatistical GEOSTATISTICAL COASTAL
model did not improve upon the CRM MODEL RELIEF MODEL
in terms of accuracy (when comparing Bias -0.23 m 0.21 m
MAE, MAPE, and root mean-square- Overall MAE 1.17 m 1.15 m
error [RMSE]) (Table 2.6), but it was (30-200 m) MAPE 1.18% 1.12%
able to provide reliable estimates of RMSE 3.27 m 3.39 m
uncertainty, at least for depths less than
Bias 0.05 m 0.55 m
200 m (see Figure 2.6), and obtaining
these estimates was the principal MAE 0.90 m 0.84 m
30-100 m
reason for undertaking a geostatistical MAPE 1.20% 1.10%
model in the first place. For the 30- RMSE 1.27 m 1.15 m
100 m and 100-200 m depth strata the Bias -0.68 m -0.35 m
percent correct within theoretical 95% MAE 1.60 m 1.65 m
confidence intervals were 97.89% and 100-200 m
MAPE 1.14% 1.15%
97.06%, respectively, indicating that the
confidence intervals were accurate. RMSE 5.06 m 5.32 m
Taking all comparative data together, the CRM may be the best model if the average value of depth is the
2 - Bathymetry
primary variable of interest. However, when certainty in depth estimates needs to be accounted for, then the
geostatistical model should be preferred, particularly when the depths of interest are shallower than 200 m.
Examples of situations where estimates of bathymetric uncertainty may be useful include measuring the
amount of habitat area falling into a given depth range, or identifying suitable construction zones for wind
farms based on a depth limit (Figure 2.11). In the latter case, uncertainty can be used to define risk of additional
development costs and be used to target the best areas to build within potential construction zones.
1) data quality: integrating diverse soundings collected over time and using different methodologies
results in a variety of potential distortions in the final surface,
2) resolution: the spatial resolution of original sample data and of the model output grid limit the
minimum scale of features that can be resolved, and,
3) model assumptions: geostatistical models involve a number of simplifying assumptions that do
not fully capture the complexity of underlying geomorphological patterns.
To help users better understand limitations and appropriate uses of this model, and to guide development
of future models, we provide brief explanations and examples of these limitations below and suggest some
potential improvements.
We have not dealt explicitly with horizontal positioning error. The impact of horizontal positioning error will
show up in our models as an increase in the nugget effect over the actual instrument measurement error.
Some studies have integrated estimates of positioning uncertainty explicitly into spatial models (Kielland and
Tubman, 1994; Jakobsson et al., 2002). Kielland and Tubman (1994) used pseudo-points about the nominal
location to combine ship position uncertainties with modeling uncertainties. Jakobsson et al. (2002) used
a direct simulation Monte Carlo method in which an ensemble of possible data configurations were drawn
assuming a distribution of positioning errors. These approaches could be used to improve the precision of our
estimates of bathymetric uncertainty by accounting for differences in positioning certainty between older and
newer data.
We also did not explicitly account for differences and possible systematic biases in vertical accuracy of survey
data. Archival NOS Hydrographic Survey data has been processed using varying methods over the years which
have created some systematic post-processing errors (see Calder, 2006 for a full discussion). Briefly, Calder
(2006) reported that archival lead line soundings (common prior to 1978) are systematically shallow-biased
because of “hydrographic rounding” (a tendency to round down to the next shallowest whole fathom). Generally,
the more recent VBES data appears approximately unbiased (but see below), and modern multibeam surveys
offer the most precise information. Calder’s findings suggest that some older VBES soundings are also biased
because they were digitized from paper charts for which data were first rounded to the next shallowest foot
2 - Bathymetry
or fathom (listed in the metadata as “smooth sheets digitized for NOS under contract”). It may be impossible
to correct for biases in these data because the precise procedures followed were not recorded. More recent
data entered directly into the database after collection by digital instruments are less likely to have systematic
rounding error.
For our purposes, we applied a correction factor to lead line surveys because these were found to have
a predictable, systematic error in our study area (Calder, 2006). However, we were unable to correct for
probable systematic biases in other sounding methods (e.g., VBES data that went through a smooth sheet
digitization). Survey metadata indicates that
approximately 18% of soundings were non-lead
line data that were digitized using smooth sheets,
and therefore would be improved by some bias
correction. We attempted to reduce the effect of New York
these potentially biased surveys by eliminating
data from those surveys where they fell within
the footprint of more modern surveys known to NJ
be unbiased (direct digitally ingested VBES and
MBES). However, unfortunately, about 40% of
the study area was only covered by archival lead
line data and/or VBES data digitized from paper
NY Planning Area
charts. These areas are less reliable and may Shelf edge
contain systematic biases (typically shallow-biased Mean Vertical
by <2 m) that are not fully reflected in our model Measurement Error (m)
uncertainty estimates. In places where only older, 0
25 50 100 2
less reliable data are available, we suggest using 3-5
maps of survey age (Figure 2.2) and/or estimated 0 10 20
Nautical Miles 6 - 10
survey measurement error based on the technique 11 - 90
used for sounding (Figure 2.12) to supplement Figure 2.12. Mean estimated vertical measurement error for soundings
model-based uncertainty maps. These maps within 1 km rectangular neighborhoods. Vertical measurement errors
were estimated based on vertical sounding technology used. For
viewed alongside geostatistical model errors can some surveys this was inferred from survey age. The shelf edge
help identify unreliable areas and areas where corresponds to the 200 m depth contour.
additional bathymetric information would improve
future planning decisions.
We have purposefully neglected consideration of changes to the seafloor occurring over time. Temporal
changes may or may not be reflected in spatially-explicit model error estimates depending on the ages of
nearby surveys. We expect positional error attributed to change over time may be substantial in some areas,
especially in highly dynamic areas, such as where tidal and riverine influences are great.
Finally, we note that recently developed geostatistical algorithms could be used in the future to account for
heterogeneous measurement error among methods (Christensen, 2011) to improve accuracy and more
appropriately weight higher quality data.
2.5.2 Resolution
The distance between soundings was not uniform across the study area (Figure 2.2). The length scale
of features that can be resolved will be shorter (higher resolution) in areas with greater sounding density.
Moreover, it is possible that our model-based uncertainties will underestimate true error in areas with sparse
soundings, especially when very high amplitude, high frequency features are present (e.g., high frequency,
short-wavelength sand waves). The chances of this and other problems arising from interactions of sample
spacing and high-frequency features (e.g., aliasing) are greater when samples are both sparse and very
regularly spaced. Fortunately, in our cross-validation and independent accuracy assessment we did not find
evidence for significant overall underestimation of uncertainty, but localized impacts are still possible in areas
with high frequency features relative to sample spacing (e.g., sand waves).
In general, fine-scale or very sharply defined features, such as erratics, deep sea reefs or man-made artifacts,
2 - Bathymetry
will not be reliably resolved in our model. The spatial scale at which these features become visible is dependent
on the relative distribution of soundings, the methods used to model spatial structure and the output resolution
of maps. Although the sounding density would support resolution approaching 10 m in some limited areas (see
Figure 2.2 where sounding density exceeds 100 km-1), the output model grid size was ~85 m. The minimum
scale of resolved length scales is twice the output resolution, or ~170 m. For the vast majority of the study
area data density was much sparser and could only detect features at scales on the order of 102 m and in
some areas 103 m. In general, new MBES and/or sidescan sonar surveys are needed if greater detectability at
short spatial scales is required. In some cases, modern VBES surveys acquired with co-registered sidescan
information may be used to identify some missed features. Additionally, Calder (2006) presents a unique
method of integrating a variance term corresponding to “hydrographic oversight” of smaller features, but the
term requires a very good understanding of the data and geomorphology.
2 - Bathymetry
We thank Brian Calder and Larry Mayer (The Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping & NOAA/UNH Joint
Hydrographic Center) for providing the gridded STRATAFORM multibeam data used in the accuracy
assessment. Bryan Costa, Will Sautter, Tim Battista provided helpful discussions in support of this work and
also assisted with data acquisition/analysis for bathymetry and vector shorelines. We are grateful to Brian
Calder and John Goff for detailed technical reviews and for discussions that substantially improved this work;
however, they are not responsible for any errors or omissions in the final product.
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