Ugochi Project

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1.1 Background of the Study

Benthic invertebrates are organisms that live in or on the bottom sediment of

rivers, streams and lakes and they have no backbone Barnes and Hughes, (1998),

Idowu and Ugwumbu, 2005. Examples of benthic invertebrates include aquatic

worms like nematodes, flatworms, crayfish, snails, dragonfly, shrimps etc. Benthic

invertebrates typically live in or on the bottom of the water body or sea water. The

abundance, diversity, biomass and species composition of benthic invertebrates can

be used as indicators of changing environmental conditions especially in lotic

waters. Electro-magnetic fields, noise pollution and changes in flow may affect the

health of some benthic invertebrates. Changes in water quality may also alter

benthic habitats and the organisms that reside within them negatively.

Studies on water quality management using benthic macro-invertebrates in

evaluating the impact of pollution in an aquatic environment have been reported.

(Ogbeibu, 2001). Water qualities are those physical, chemical and biological

factors that influence species composition, diversity, stability, production and

physiological conditions of indigenous populations of a water body (Boyd, 1982),

and (Sharma and Dave, 2003). Benthic macro-invertebrates have been identified

and the highest species number recorded near tributaries due to availability of food

while the lowest are in the impacted areas where there are pollution discharge and

gravel excavation. Benthic macro-invertebrate species exhibit a wide variation of

response to disturbances and have been extensively monitored in water bodies to

evaluate water quality and complement physico-chemical surveys (Uwadiae et. al,

2004). The most popular biological method in the assessment of fresh water bodies

is the use of benthic macro- invertebrates (Odiete, 1999). This is because they are

found in most habitats, they have generally limited mobility, they are quite easy to

collect by way of well-established sampling techniques, and there is a diversity of

forms that ensures a wide range of sensitivities to changes in both water quality

and habitat. In the same vein, their composition, abundance and distribution can be

influenced by water quality.

Benthos varies greatly in their response to variation in water quality, which ranges

between relatively tolerant species (e.g Midge fly, Aquatic worms, Lunged snails,

leeches etc) to sensitive species (e.g Stone fly, Gilled snails, Caddisfly, Mayfly

etc). Others are easily eliminated by adversities created by these pollutants

(Simbourna et. al, 1995). Community characteristics such as abundance and

distribution can be monitored to determine whether the community is changing

over time due to natural or anthropogenic impacts. The implication of this is that

where there are low diversity, abundance and distribution of benthic invertebrates-

especially sensitive ones, it is an indication that the water quality is poor and vice

versa. Poor water quality means poor fish yield, depleted fish stock, low income to

fishermen, polluted river as well as loss of aesthetic value.

1.2 Problem Statement

Our rivers, reservoirs and lakes are drowning in chemicals, wastes, plastics and

other pollutants. Nworie River is not left out. These water bodies are constantly

subjected to pollution which could either be from natural or anthropogenic

activities by humans. Humans are the major cause of aquatic pollution. Human

activities such as dumping of untreated sewage into water bodies, dumping of

industrial wastes into rivers, using harmful fertilizers that run off into water bodies,

the use of poisonous chemicals such as Gamalin 20 by fishermen and even littering

are the reasons why we have an alarming rate of aquatic pollution today.

We cannot afford to overlook or neglect the consequences of aquatic pollution.

Such consequences include disappearance of biodiversity and aquatic ecosystem,

harm on humans as a result of alteration in the food chain, contraction of illness

from drinking contaminated water etc. Hence it is imperative to monitor the level

of aquatic pollution to prevent further deterioration so we can have water that is

pollution free, of excellent quality and fit for use by humans and aquatic


In this research, I will investigate the level of pollution in Nworie River using

benthic invertebrates since benthic invertebrates are bio- indicators of water quality

and their presence or absence reflects the overall condition of the aquatic

environment which in this case is Nworie River. Benthic invertebrates would also

be used in this research because they serve as good candidates for long term

monitoring program relating to anthropogenic impacts (Simbourna, 1995).

This survey is a cost-effective bio-monitoring approach and it will also provide

essential tools in formulating polices for regulating the various activities within

and around similar aquatic environment.

1.4 Objectives of the Study

The general objective of the study is the assessment of macrobenthic invertebrates’

upper section of Nworie River, Imo State

Specific Objectives

The specific objectives include:

1. To determine the water quality using these invertebrates as bio-indicators.

2. To identify the different benthic invertebrates in Nworie River.

3. To monitor benthic invertebrates’ community to identify and monitor any

changes associated to natural or anthropogenic activities within the river and

its environs.

1.3 Justification of study

Nworie River located in Owerri is one of the rivers that serve the people and

their needs. Such needs include its use for domestic activities such as clothes

and dish washing, agricultural activities such as bread-fruit washing, fishing etc.

As a result of these anthropogenic activities, the quality of the water may have

been compromised. It is worthy to note that there has been subject of much

research on benthic macro-invertebrates which includes the quick assessment of

biological resources for conservation purpose and the reduction of pollution

through differences between predicted and actual faunal assemblages

(Miserendino, 2001). Owing to so many unregulated activities carried out in

this river, the water may be contaminated and may have a deteriorating effect

on the inhabited organisms and the entire surrounding populace, thus the need

for this study. In addition to this need is the yearn to add to the data-based

information of the composition and the structure of benthic macro-invertebrate

communities of Nworie River.



2.1 Benthic Invertebrates

Benthos is the bottom layer organisms occupied in all types of ecosystems, both in

saline as well as in freshwater. The term „benthos‟ is used as an expressive term

for the entire bottom community and the „benthic boundary layer‟ relate to the

immediate physical environment of the benthos (McCave, 1976). Benthos word is

coined by a German zoologist Ernest Hackel in1891. In Greek, the meaning of

benthos is „Depth of the Sea‟; the organisms live in a benthic region concerning

the sediment. On the basis of types of organism, they are classified into Zoo-

benthos and Phyto-benthos e.g. all the benthic animals are known as zoo-benthos

while benthic plants known as phyto-benthos such as microalgae etc. In all the

benthos community or even closely related species may receive their food

resources differently (Covich et al., 1999). There are numerous food web

relationships in which one species interrelates positively or negatively with others

or in which the addition or defeat of only species alter food web dynamic. Benthos

converts „organic detritus‟, from „sedimentary storage‟ into „dissolved nutrients‟

that can be mixed into overlying waters, which is used by rooted plants, macro-

phytes and algae, phytoplankton to improve primary productivity. Some benthos is

„omnivores‟ and feed on macrophytes, algae, and zooplankton. Many benthoses

are consumed by fishes. Through their mixing of sediments and consumption of

diverse resources, benthos can, directly and indirectly, influence microbial

production and release of greenhouse gases, toxic gases, and nitrogen (Covich et

al., 1999).

2.2 Types of Benthic Organisms

On the basis of distribution of these organisms in water are classified into three

types, Endo-benthos, Epi-benthos (Pearson and Rosenberg, 1978) and Hyper-

benthos (Mees and Jones, 1997).

Endo-Benthic Organism

These organisms are living inside the sediment, they ingest sediment‟s fine

particulate matter e.g. Oligochaetes. Endo-benthic organisms are sedentary. They

consist of diverse species that show different tolerances to pressure. They are

representative of different zoological groups including annelids, bivalves, and

crustaceans that contribute greatly to aquatic ecosystems. Among annelids,

oligochaetes are mainly presented in freshwater, whereas polychaetes are mainly

marine organisms. Among Insects Chironomus larvae used in eco-toxicological

freshwater studies. (Amiard-Triquet and Berthet, 2015).

Epi-Benthic Organism

These organisms are lying over the surface of sediment, e.g. Hydroids, mollusks,

sponges, crustaceans etc. According to Rees, (2007), epi-benthos that comprises

the flora and fauna inhabit the seabed surface like seaweeds, sponges, colonial

hydroids, crabs, shrimps, and fish etc. the size of epi-benthos is considerably

greater than their endo-//benthic organisms.

Hyper-Benthic Organism

These organisms are living above the sediment floor, they have capability to swim

near the bottom instead of attached to substratum, e.g. Rock cods. Many larval and

early post-larval fish and crustaceans have a hyper-benthic life style (Mees and

Jones, 1997). Mysids, a major component of the hyper-benthos, are used

increasingly in aquaculture, and in eco-toxicology and pollution studies (Laughlin

and Linden, 1983; Brandt et al., 1993). There are two arguments in favor of using

the term hyper-benthos in preference to the commonly used term supra-benthos

(Mees and Jones, 1997). The similar assemblage of organisms is referred to as

demersal zooplankton in the tropics, and as hyper-benthos or supra-benthos at

higher latitudes, deep-sea workers prefer the term bentho-pelagic plankton and

refer to the zone as the benthic boundary layer.

2.3 Classification of Benthic Organisms based on Size


These organisms are living at the bottom of water column and they are easily seen

with the naked eyes e.g. it is mostly Polycheates, Chironomids, Bivalves,

Echinoderms, etc. generally their dynamics are elevated in low productive ponds.

They are larger than 1 mm. Macro-benthic organisms are extremely responsive to

ecological discomfort; they are greatly influenced by various factors in water. The

density of macro-benthic invertebrates are controlled by a variety of ecological

factors such as habitat characteristics (Hynes, 1970; Peeters and Gardeniers, 1998),

sediment feature (Chapman and Lewis, 1976), size of sediment grain (Tolkamp,

1980), and by biological factors such as competition and predation (Kohler, 1992;

MacKay, 1992; Macneil et al., 1999). Stream flow, nature of substratum and

organic pollution, generally regulates the species composition (Negi and Singh,

1990). According to Koperski (2011) many of factors which potentially controls

the biodiversity of macro-benthos, however, clear-cut examples of strong influence

on biodiversity of the total macro-benthos are rare and the diversity of

macrobenthos dwelling in fresh waters is determined by geographic, climatic, and

historical factors. The macro-benthos is acting as important tools of bio-monitoring

due their long-life cycle, limited mobility and differential sensitivity to different
kind of pollution. Diversity of the total macro-benthos appears to be related only to

composite environmental factors, viz. productivity or habitat heterogeneity (Voelzl

and McArthur, 2000), while different groups of benthic invertebrates may be

strongly affected by simple, abiotic environmental factors (Koperski, 2011).


These organisms are smaller than 1 mm but larger than 0.1 mm e.g. Foraminifera,

Ciliophora, Amphipod, Cladocera, Crustacean, Ostracoda etc. They are roughly

defined as metazoans that can pass through a 500-μm sieve, but are retained on a

40-μm sieve (Higgins and Thiel, 1988). Nematodes, rotifers, and harpacticoid

copepods often dominate permanent meiofaunal (or meio-benthos) communities,

although curious animals such as tardigrades (water bears), ostracods, cladocerans,

gastrotrichs and micro-turbellarians can be found in some habitats. Temporary

meio-fauna are typically dominated by the youngest instars of aquatic insects

(chironomids), but also comprise oligochaetes and water mites (Traunspurger and

Majdi, 2017). Meiofauna can be found worldwide, from glacier fed rivers to

thermal springs, from oligotrophic to eutrophicated waters and they massively

inhabit groundwater biotopes (Ward and Palmer, 1994; Rundle et al., 2000;

Traunspurger, 2000). Meio-fauna are diverse, numerically dominant, and act as

trophic intermediaries between micro- and macroscopic organisms in stream

ecosystems (Schmid et al., 2000; Schmid-Araya et al., 2002a). Some meio-fauna

(especially oligochaetes, bdelloid rotifers, and some nematodes) are quite healthy

and can thrive in organically polluted environments. (Traunspurger and Majdi,



These organisms are very small in size, less than 0.1mm e.g. diatom, amoeba,

bacteria etc. The micro-benthos includes various groups commonly presented in

interstitial environments, with a noticeable abundance and diversity. These groups

are important for coastal ecosystem functioning, participating both as producers

and consumers (Dietrich and Arndt, 2000; Patterson et al., 1989). In shallow water,

the bottom substratum is soft; some important bio-chemical processes occur in the

sediment, where dense micro-benthic communities drive central ecosystem

functions like primary production, decomposition and nutrient cycling (Larson and

Sundback, 2008). The microbial organisms are eukaryotic e.g. diatoms,

dinoflagellates, phytoflagellates, etc., but also some prokaryotic photosynthetic

organisms i.e. cyanobacteria, contribute to the benthic community (MacIntyre et

al., 1996). Micro-benthos especially in shallow waters is often enriched by

planktonic species. Micro-phyto-benthos comprise only autochthonous source of

primary production on sediment in the absence of macroscopic vegetation (Larson

and Sundback, 2008). Benthic micro-algae regulate sediment-water nutrients

fluxes, might reduce the population of nitrifying bacteria capable of having an

active metabolism (Risgaard-Petersen, 2003).

2.4 Classification of Benthic Organisms Based on Feeding Pattern

Suspension feeders

These are the immobile organisms and remain attached to the substratum,

generally hard substratum and construct a tube or hard case into which they retreat

when they sense danger. These organisms have appendages covered by mucus to

which suspended particles from the water column becomes attached. They are then

carried by means of the cilia and antennae to the mouth (Lavaleye et al., 2007).

These organisms may capture and ingest the particulate food particles present in

the suspended in water. This comprises of mainly bacteria, detritus, phytoplankton

and zooplankton. The size, shapes, chemical composition and concentration of

suspended particle also influences rates and efficiencies of particle capture, the

activities of diverse suspension feeding organisms influence a wide range of

ecological processes (Hentschel and Shineta, 2008) e.g. sponges, polycheates,

snail, clams, oysters, lancelets etc. many active suspension feeders are known as

filter feeders (Hentschel and Shimeta, 2019; Cumming and Graf, 2010).

Deposit feeders

The organisms which ingest particulate and deposited food, ingestion of sediment

(microorganisms, decomposing organic matter) the animals which feed on surface

layer of sediment is known as tentaculate surface deposit feeders (use tentacle to

feed on surface) e.g. polycheates, sea cucumber etc. the organism which create

sediment cone e.g. lugworm, Arenicola marina, it creates U shaped burrows,

funneling sediment into mouth.


The organism which feed on algae or algal cells in detritus is known as Herbivore

benthos. They are generally found in shallow region, these organisms have unique

mouth parts known as radule, which helps to cut and chew herbs matter (Lavaleye

et al., 2007) they are also know as shredders and grazers. Kajak and Warda, (1968)

postulate that chironomus species has selective feeding habit and prefer algae; he

also stated that the chironomus larvae could live purely on bacteria ingested with

the detritus. Diatoms are the most important group of chironomid diet (Johanson

and Beaver, 1983). Cocconeis diatom are more frequently as an important

component in the diet of Hydropsyche occidentalis (caddis fly), while the

filamentous green algae, Cladopora glomerata consumed in large amount by Sigara

(corixidae) (Koslucher and Minshell, 1973).

Carnivores and Predators

These are the organisms which feed on other live organisms of varying in size;

they acquire a modified sensory organ which helps to find out the prey. They are

very fluent to acquire their food prey as food. They have well modified mouth

parts, teeth, jaws and extendible pharynx to capture and consume their prey. Some

of the benthos is referred to as a scavenger which is subcategory of carnivores. The

body of scavengers is same as that of carnivore but they feed on dead bodies or

remnants of either benthic or pelagic organism (Lavaleye et al., 2007). Carnivores

consume additional animals which consist of asteroid starfish, may crabs, many

fish, and anemones. Scavengers nourish on carcasses as well as residue of other

animals and plants. Many deposit feeders also scavenge. Good examples of such

species are the fiddler crabs, which are normally deposit feeders but can also

scratch apart departed fish. According to Cummins (1975), the benthic macro-

invertebrates may be divide into the functional trophic groups i.e. Scappers,

shredders, collectors, and predators. The scappers or grazers are mainly herbivores

feeding on attached algae. The shredder feed on coarse particulate organic matter

and egests it in a fine particulate matter from which is in turn filtered and

accumulated by the collectors and lastly the predators which are carnivorous and

feed on small macro-invertebrates.

2.5 Roles of Benthic Organisms

Benthic studies have not been frequently conducted in conjunction with fishery

related sciences, because there is little appreciation of the role benthic organisms

play in the sustenance of fisheries stocks. Scientists and ecologists who constructed

ecosystem models long realized the important role the benthic zone plays in

recycling of nutrients and in the provision of food for the bottom dwelling flora

and fauna (Christensen and Pauly,1993; Strayer, 2009). The heterotrophic food

chain contributes to primary and secondary production, although energy flowing

through the aquatic system is normally modest. However, the same may not have

been said about microbial contribution to primary and secondary production.

Generally, as aquatic ecosystems develop and mature, the flow and exchange of

matter between the aquatic and terrestrial systems becomes more complex

(Pfannkuche et. al, 1985; Weyl et. al, 2010). Freshwater gastropods are regarded as

bio-indicators of water quality and play a vital role in purifying water since they

are saprophytic, obtaining nourishment from dead and decaying organic matter.

Other gastropods like Bulinus are of great medical importance for being

intermediate hosts of infectious Trematodes and other parasites of animals and

human beings (Brown, 1994). Benthic organisms play a key role for the

understanding of the structure and functioning of these rivers and lakes

ecosystems, due to their wide distribution and limited migration ability and

resiliency (Barbour et. al, 1999). The benthic macro-invertebrates have been

widely used in bio-monitoring program, due to several attributes that make them

particularly beneficial. In addition, they are a primary food source for many fish

species, amphibians and birds (Voshell and Reese, 2002). Benthic macro-

invertebrates have been widely used as indicators of water quality in river

management, but the way functional diversity of macro-invertebrate assemblages’

influence processes in freshwater ecosystems needs to be broadened (Voshell and

Reese, 2002). The use of macro-invertebrates in bio-assessments has increased

significantly (Weyl et. al, 2010). Macro-invertebrates represent a key indicator

group for monitoring environmental change (Neville & Yen, 2007). These

organisms act to aerate and remobilize sediment, promote decomposition and

nutrient cycling, and transfer energy to other components of the food web (Tenore

et. al, 1984, Schaffner et. al, 1987, Hutchings 1998). They regulate and alter the

physical, chemical, and biological agents, and therefore have a strong structuring

effect (Day et. al, 1989). Benthic organisms provide essential ecosystem services

by accelerating detri-tal decomposition (Van de Bund et. al, 1994, Wallace and

Webster 1996). Benthic organisms release bound nutrients into solution by their

feeding activities, excretion and burrowing into sediments.

Benthic organisms supply food for both aquatic and terrestrial vertebrate

consumers (Crarns and Pratt 1993). Benthic organisms accelerate nutrient transfer

to overlying open waters of lakes (e.g., Manino and Montagna, 1997, Canfield et.

al, 1994) as well as to adjacent riparian zones of streams (e.g., Covich et. al, 1996,

Johnson and Covich 1997, Naiman and Decamps 1997, Wallace et. al, 1997).

Macro-benthic invertebrates are helpful bio-indicators providing accurate

understanding for adjusting aquatic conditions than chemical and microbiological

information, by giving short-term fluctuations. Macro-benthic community

structure, abundance and distribution are typically affected by water quality

(Odiete, 1999). It participates in an exceedingly important role in aquatic

ecosystem as a result of the mineralization, promotion, and blending of the oxygen

flux into the sediment which recycles the organic matter (Lind, 1997).

Also, benthic community determines the quantity of nutrients released from the

sediment. Additionally, they offer a linkage between substratum and water column

predators (Gray and Elliot, 2009). Asadujjaman et. al, (2012) advocated that

macro-benthic animals are eaten up by alternative higher organisms and are helpful

in recycling the organic matters and rubbish. Benthic macro-invertebrates are very

important in the aquatic ecosystem as they form a vital link in the food chain and

energy flow (Fagede 1971) and serve as food for the organisms. Lenat and Resh,

(2001) postulates that this benthic invertebrate accelerates the breakdown of

decaying organic matter into simple inorganic forms such as nitrates and

phosphates which can be neutralized by all forms of aquatic plants forming the first

link in the food chain (Idowu and Ugwumba 2005). Macro-invertebrates are

organisms most commonly used for biological monitoring of fresh water

ecosystem worldwide. This is because they are found in most habitats, have

generally limited mobility, are quite easy to collect by way of well-established

sampling techniques and there is diversity of forms that ensures a wide range of

sensitivities to change in both water quality (of virtually any nature) and habitats

(Hetje et al., 1995).


Benthic species can themselves constitute a disturbance such as when they transmit

diseases. For example, certain benthic invertebrate species e.g. Tubifex serve as

parasitic transmitting vectors; if these invertebrates increase in abundance in

stream sediments, they may spread a lethal disease to trout causing trout population

to decline (Brinkhurst, 1997). Fish kills may also occur because of increased

accumulation of nutrients, which may cause toxic algal blooms, deoxygenation of

deeper density-stratified waters and high concentrations of ammonia or hydrogen

sulfide. The extent of understanding of the effects of benthic organisms on

freshwater ecosystem processes varies with the type of freshwater system (i.e.,

streams, lakes and wetlands). For example, much more is known about how

benthic species of aquatic insects and other consumers influence detrital processing

in streams than about how they do so in lakes or wetlands (Hutchinson 1993,

Wallace and Webster 1996). Species-specific linkages are known to enhance algal

growth and productivity (Dodds, 1991, Pringle et. al, 1993), and field experiments

are beginning to show that benthic macro-invertebrates have species specific roles

in processing organic matter.




The Nworie river is a River in Nigeria that passes through Owerri and drains into
the Otamiri River at Nekede. The length of the river from its source to its
confluence is 9.2km. The study area is located within latitude 5 017’5’0” N to
5032’20”N and longitude 6058’10”E to 703’0”E. The area has an annual rainfall of
1900-2900mm and monthly temperature of 250c at a minimum and 350c at a


Fig 1: Map of Nworie River.

Source: Google

3.2 Sampling Design

Sampling was done in two stages; field work and laboratory analysis. The field

work will involve in situ sample collection from the sampling locations on the river

from February 2023 to April 2023. Sampling for benthic macro- invertebrates were

done twice a month for 3 months within 11:00am – 4:00pm on sampling days.

Washing of the sediment sample, sorting, identification and preservation of the

benthic macro-invertebrate fauna as well as laboratory analysis was carried out in

the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology Laboratory, Federal

University of Technology Owerri, Imo State.

Sampling Station

Three (3) sampling stations were selected for study in Nworie River. The sampling

stations were selected based on their proximity to different effluent discharge

points and the different human activities around the river while sampling was

carried out fortnightly.

Station A: This is located close to Umuerzurike Hospital where the river receives

effluents directly from the hospital. The water is covered with films of oil, drugs,

syringe and appears to be dirty

Station B: This is located at Federal Medical Centre (FMC) the site receives waste

from both the hospital and domestic activities such as washing of clothes, motors,

farm produce like bread-fruit etc. The substratum is basically coarse sand and


Station C: This is located behind St’ Michael Catholic Church and is marked with

water for consumption. The river is fast flowing; it appears undisturbed, unaltered

and clean.

3.3 Field Sampling/ Sample Collection

Bi- monthly sampling (two weeks interval) was carried out from February to April

2023 in Nworie River. On each occasion, sampling was carried out between

11:00am to 4:00pm. At each sampling station, three replicates samples of benthic

macro-invertebrates were collected using grab.

3.4 Benthic Macro-invertebrate Analysis

In the laboratory, the sediment samples were washed through three sets of sieves,

first 2mm, then 1mm and finally 0.5mm mesh size sieve to collect the macro-

benthic invertebrates in them. The retained macro-benthos was poured into white

enamel tray and stained with Rose Bengal. They were sorted using forceps, and

identified using guides provided by Hawking (2000), Odiete (1999),

APHA/AWWA, WEF/ (1992) and Pennak (1978) and counted. The residues in the

sieve for each station was preserved in 10% formalin solution and kept in the

labeled plastic containers for further laboratory analysis.

3.5 Statistical Analysis

The analysis of the benthic macro- invertebrates was made with a combination of

indices. The special richness and diversity at each of the stations were determined

for the three months using data obtained from identification and counting. The

Shannon-Weinner diversity index (H) which estimates both species richness and

evenness of individual distribution among the species were employed along with

Margalef’s index (D), and Equitability (J). Also, Anova was used to check for

differences in means of water parameters. Tuckey Pos Hoc was also used.

Shannon-Weinner diversity index(H): This is a measure of diversity that

combines species richness (the number of species in a given area) and their relative

abundance and represented as:

[( )]


ni = Total number of individuals of species in the samples.

N = Total number of individuals in the sample.

 = the sum of calculations.

Margalef’s index: This is used to measure biodiversity. It is a count of the number

of different species in a given area and represented as:



S = Number of species in the sample.

n = Number of individuals in the sample.

Equitability: This is the evenness with which the individuals are spread out among

the species in a community. It is also called relative abundance and represented as:

E = InS


H = Shannon and Weavers index.

S = Number of species in samples

Table 1 Checklist of Macro-invertebrates taxa in Nworie River
Class Order Species Station A Station B Station C
Insecta Diptera Chironomus larvae 8 17 6
Tanytarsus pallidicornis 23 25 9
Polypelidium sp 12 22 8
Sub total 43 64 23
Tricoptera Leptocerus spp 13 21 6
Hydatophylax spp 8 15 4

Hydropsyche spp 3 14 3
Hydroptila spp 10 20 5
Oxyethira spp 12 18 4
Sub total 46 88 22
Coleoptera Hydrovatus spp 11 18 2
Megasoma elephas 9 12 3
Megasoma actaeon 8 13 2
Odonata Perithemis sp 13 19 3
Ischnura sp 8 12 2
Ephemeroptera Mayfly nymph 8 14 3
Sub total 57 88 12
Oligochaeta Haplotaxida Lumbriculida spp 12 17 8
Lumbricus terrestris 7 19 5
Oligochaeta Tubificida Limnodrilus spp 9 15 9
Branchiura spp 8 16 6
Pristina spp 11 12 9
Sub total 47 79 37
Gastropoda Hygrophila Biomphalaria spp 7 18 6
Bulinus spp 9 15 5
Physella acuta 6 9 2
Total 215 361 107
Table 2 shows the summary of taxa composition, abundance and distribution of benthic macro
invertebrate orders, species of Nworie river. Station B was seen with the greatest number of
species diversity (361) and individuals, followed by station A (215) and station C (107).

Table 2: Monthly Distributions of Macro Invertebrate Orders of Nworie River

Class Order Species May June July August Total

Insecta Diptera Chironomus larvae 12 8 6 5 31
Tanytarsus 28 15 9 5 57
Polypelidium sp 20 12 7 3 42

Tricoptera Leptocerus spp 20 10 6 4 40

Hydatophylax spp 14 7 4 2 27

Hydropsyche spp 12 5 2 1 20

Hydroptila spp 20 7 5 3 35

Oxyethira spp 19 7 5 3 34

Coleoptera Hydrovatus spp 18 6 4 3 31

Megasoma elephas 15 5 3 1 24
Megasoma actaeon 15 4 3 1 23
Odonata Perithemis sp 21 6 5 3 35

Ischnura sp 14 4 3 1 22

Ephemeroptera Mayfly nymph 16 5 3 1 25

Oligochaeta Haplotaxida Lumbriculida spp 22 7 5 3 37

Lumbricus 18 6 4 3 31
Oligochaeta Tubificida Limnodrilus spp 19 6 5 3 33
Branchiura spp 18 6 4 2 30
Pristina spp 21 7 3 1 32

Gastropoda Hygrophila Biomphalaria spp 17 6 4 4 31

Bulinus spp 19 6 2 2 29

Physella acuta 8 5 3 1 17

Total 386 150 95 55 686

In table 2, the total number of species occurrence is 686. Most occurrence was at the month of
May (386), followed by June (150), July (95) and August (55) been the lowest.

Table 3: Taxonomical classification

Phyla Class Order Species Total

Arthropoda Insecta Diptera Chironomus larvae
Polypelidium sp
Tricoptera Leptocerus spp

Hydatophylax spp
Hydropsyche spp
Hydroptila spp
Oxyethira spp
Coleoptera Hydrovatus spp
Megasoma elephas
Megasoma actaeon
Odonata Perithemis sp
Ischnura sp
Ephemeroptera Mayfly nymph 446
Annelida Oligochaeta Haplotaxida Lumbriculida spp
Lumbricus terrestris
Oligochaeta Tubificida Limnodrilus spp
Branchiura spp
Pristina spp 194
Mollusca Gastropoda Hygrophila Biomphalaria spp
Bulinus spp
Physella acuta 77
3 3 8 21

Table 4 showed that the were 3 phyla, 3 class, 8 order, 21 species. The phylum
Arthropoda dominated with a population of 446 (65%), followed by Annelida 194
(28.3%) and lastly Mollusca 77 (6.7%).

Table 4: Macro Invertebrate Diversity Indices Within Sampled Stations of

Nworie River

Indices Station A Station B Station C

Total number of species 21 21 21

Total number of individuals 215 361 107

Species richness (Margalef’s index) 2.69 2.97 2.55

Shannon-Wiener index (H) 1.97 2.44 1.62

Evenness index (Equitability) 0.64 0.80 0.53

Station B had the highest diversity, richness and evenness

Table 5: Summary of Some Physio-Chemical Parameters of the Sampling

Stations of Nworie River

Parameters Stn A Stn B Stn C WHO
X±SE X±SE X±SE (2001)

Temp. oC 26.5±0.62a 26.4±0.47 a 26.3±0.45 a 21-30

(24.3 – 29.2) (24.0 – 28.8) (24.1 – 28.6)

DO mg/L 4.83 ± 0.47b 3.42 ± 0.31b 6.82 ± 0.33a 5-8

(2.8 – 5.6) (2.4 – 5.0) (4.6 – 6.9)

pH 6.3±0.13a 6.2±0.04a 7.4±0.06b 6.6-8.5

(6.8 – 7.8) (6.0 – 6.4) (6.0 – 6.5)

TDS (mg/L) 73.2±5.18a 78.1± 5.60a 59.4±5.96b -

(44.7 – 90.5) (42.5 – 95.6) (43.4 – 97.3)

Phosphate 2.57±0.04 a 2.74±0.03 a 1.73±0.02 b 5.0

(Mg/l) (2.45-2.69) (2.16-2.72) (1.10-1.91)

Nitrate (mg/L) 4.35 ±1.60 a 5.33.4±2.62 a 2.21± 1.92 b 1.00

(3.8 – 8.1) (4.4 – 9.8) (2.0 – 4.1)

Key: values are means ± standard Error, minimum and maximum values are given in brackets.
Rows with (b) superscripts are significant (P<0.05)

Nitrate for station B (5.33.4±2.62), station A (4.35 ±1.60) and station C (2.21± 1.92) were
greater than the WHO standard. Dissolved Oxygen for station B (3.42 ± 0.31) and station A
(4.83 ± 0.47) were also less then WHO standard. pH for station B (6.2±0.04) and station A
(6.3±0.13) were less than the standard of WHO. Other parameters were in line with the WHO

4.2 Discussion

Water parameters are important for species abundance and biological properties in

an aquatic system (Ibrahim and Nafi’u, 2017) as well as the food chain. It can be

affected by the prevailing environmental conditions due to human activities

(Iyiola, 2015; Idowu and Ugwumba, 2005). In fisheries and aquaculture, poor

water quality reduces growth which ultimately affect fishers' profit. The mean

water quality parameters recorded from the river varied across the sampling

stations and were within the recommended value, except for nitrate and pH

(station A and B) which varied. The presences of high nitrate level and low pH

may be due to activities such as horticulture and refuse dumps /sewage into the

river. The mean temperature recorded for station B (26.4±0.47), A (26.5±0.62) and

C (26.3±0.45) in this study was within the recommended range of 21-30 oC (Boyd

and Linchtkoppler, 1979). Komolafe et al. (2014), reported similar results on

temperature for station 1 (25.7±0.32) and 2 (25.2±0.28) in Imo river. The dissolve

oxygen recorded in station B (3.42 ± 0.31) and A (4.83 ± 0.47) was not within the

recommended range of 5-8 mg/L (WHO, 2001). Perhaps due to the fact that low

algae population in a water body leads to low oxygen production and also the more

the decomposition of organic matter, the more the usage of oxygen (Idowu and

Ugwumba, 2005). The higher DO level in station C (6.82 mg/L ± 0.33) was due to

the aeration and photosynthetic activities by aquatic plants which are peculiar in

the area and the fast flow of water which constantly replenishes the oxygen

content in water (Jaji et al., 2007; Ayoade, 2004). The pH recorded in station B

(6.2±0.04) and A (6.3±0.13) was not within the recommended range of 6.6 – 8.5.

due to the fact that decomposition of organic matter releases carbon dioxides (acid

anhydrides) which dissolves in water to produce weak acids in turn lowers the pH

of a water body. The pH for station C was within the standard range of WHO

(2001). The abundance of macro-invertebrates in a waterbody is related to the

water condition, availability of food, and the quality of substrate of the water body

(Suleiman and Abdullahi, 2011). Nworie River flows behind FMC and

Umezuirike and is open to human activities which can affect the aquatic system.

In this study, there were were 3 phyla, 3 class, 8 order, 21 species. The phylum

Arthropoda dominated with a population of 446 (65%), followed by Annelida 194

(28.3%) and lastly Mollusca 77 (6.7%). The presence of Tanytarsus pallidicornis,

Polypelidium sp and Chironomus sp. are indicator species of organic pollution in

rivers which receives domestic and industrial sewage (Ugwumba et al. 2011).

Ibrahin and Nafi’u (2017), Sharma et al. (2007), and Ibrahim (2009) reported

similar cases of these species (Tanytarsus pallidicornis and Chironomus sp) as

indicators of pollution in water in Zawan reservoir. Tanytarsus pallidicornis and

Chironomus sp can easily adapt and tolerate polluted waters because of the

presence of the pigment hemoglobin which has a high affinity for oxygen (Mason,

1991). These pollution tolerant species were abundant in stations B and A, which
was favoured by the increased nitrate in the water body which was caused by the

prevailing human activities in these areas. Also, the months of May and June,

seem to have favoured the growth of these pollution tolerant species, reason been

that waste from farms and the nearest hospitals have been washed down by the

action of rainfall, which lead to the accumulation of suspended particles, also these

months are the peak of raining season. Station C had the lowest abundance of

pollution tolerant species when compared with other stations. This was due to the

good quality of water when compared with the other stations; DO was highest

(6.82 ± 0.33), phosphate (1.73±0.02) was less than the optimum level of 5.0 as

recommended by WHO (2001). The dominance of pollution tolerant benthic

macro-invertebrates in Nworie River during the studied period is a clear indication

of an increasing rate of organic pollution. Yap et al. (2013) reported similar results

which were attributed to pollution stress having a direct impact on the abundance

and diversity of macro-invertebrate species in Imo river.

Shannon-Wiener (H) indices provide information about the species composition

and representativeness in an aquatic system. The H value was higher in station B

(2.44), followed by station A (1.97) and station C (1.62). These values fell within

the range of 1.5 and 3.5 which are for real communities (Shannon and Wiener,

1949). Station B was more diverse in benthic macro-invertebrate composition

because it has the highest H value. This implies that when benthic macro-

invertebrate species are selected, they are all represented in the sample.

Tyokumbur et al. (2002) reported a similar occurrence of macroinvertebrate

composition in Awba stream in Nigeria. Margalef's index (d) takes cognizance of

the richness and species diversity of benthic macro-invertebrates in the community

structure (Margalef, 1967). It was higher in station B (2.84), followed by station A

(2.69) and lastly Station C (2.55) which implied that station B was richer and more

diverse than stations A and C.



5.2 Conclusion

It was observed that Nworie River is slightly polluted as indicated by the

abundance of pollution slightly tolerant benthic macro-invertebrate indicator

species. Their abundance is not favourable and is a clear indication of poor water

quality which resulted from the stress imposed by land-based pollutants such as

refuse and sewage into rivers and discharges within the study area.

5.2 Recommendation

There is a need for strict adherence to clean environmental measures for the

sustenance of aquatic life and a healthy river system in realizing sustainable

development goals: clean water and sanitation. Concise efforts should be made by

the Government to restrict the populace on dumping wastes into the river. The

Government should put a check on the hospitals surrounding the river so that

suitable and environmentally friendly method of waste recycling and disposal can

be adopted rather than just discharging industrial wastes into the river and

contaminating it.


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Descriptive Statistics

Groups Count Sum Average Variance

Temp. C o
2 52.8 26.4 0.02
DO mg/L 2 11.65 5.825 1.98005
pH 2 13.7 6.85 0.605
TDS (mg/L) 2 132.6 66.3 95.22
Phosphate (Mg/l) 2 4.3 2.15 0.3528

Nitrate (mg/L) 2 6.56 3.28 2.2898


H0 All means are equal

H1 Not all means are equal

Source of SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between 6285.18 5 1257.03 75.0711 0.000025 4.38737
Groups 5 7 5 1 4
Within Groups 100.467 6 16.7446
7 1

Total 6385.65 11
According to the ANOVA performed by IBM SPSS, 2018. Showed that the P-value (0.0000251)

is less than alpha = 0.05, so we reject the H0 and accept the H1 that there is a difference between

and among means between rows.

Model Summary
S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)
0.73 65.29% 73.61% 67.11%

Tukey Pairwise Comparisons

Grouping Information Using the Tukey Method and 95% Confidence

Factor N S1 S2 S3 Pairwise-Grouping

Temp. oC 5 26.5 26.4 26.3 A A A

DO mg/L 5 4.83 3.42 6.82 B B A

pH 5 6.3 6.2 7.4 A A B

TDS (mg/L) 5 73.2 78.1 59.4 A A B

Phosphate 5 2.57 2.74 1.73 A A B


Nitrate 5 4.35 5.33.4 2.21 A A B


Means with the letter B are significantly different within rows.

65.29% of variations equals the model data.


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