Grease Convertors

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How to deal with

grease & sediment

A UK company with more than fifty

years’ experience in the industry, Wade is
established as a leading manufacturer of
quality drainage products.

Much of the success of the Company is

attributable to an ongoing commitment to
put technology to practical use, to
generate fresh ideas, and to guarantee
quality assured production.

Meeting demands of water and municipal

authorities, environmentalists, employers
and employees, Wade provides effective
and easy to use means of dealing with
grease and sediment with a range of
stainless steel grease converters and
sediment interceptors.

Actimatic Grease
Why use a Wade Actimatic Grease Converter?
Grease flushed down the drain can cause blockages
and unpleasant smells in work areas. Blockages can
lead to overflows and health hazards, whilst drain
clearing is an inconvenient and costly operation.
A Wade Actimatic Grease Converter eliminates such
problems and is a Natural means of Permanently
converting grease to bio-degradable products.

‘Use of an Actimatic Grease Converter is far

more acceptable than chemicals or detergents
which merely move grease downstream to
become a problem for someone else.’

2 WADE Grease Converters


‘Degradation is a natural, slow process.

Wade Actimatic uses only natural organisms
to accelerate this process.’

Some typical locations where Wade Grease Converters

are installed.

How does it work?

The Actimatic Grease Converter works in
two stages:
1. Separation
– effluent entering the converter passes
over a hydrafilter baffle* which causes
grease to form in globules which float
to the surface.
2. Digestion
– achieved by Wade Actimatic, which
produces a colony of micro-organisms
to degrade wastes and convert to
water soluble, environmentally Oil Rig, North Sea Asda Store, Runcorn
friendly products.

Quality assurance
Certification of compliance with BS EN
ISO 9001:2015 underlines our commitment
to quality and service.

*Patent No. 13287055 A McDonalds Restaurant Stock Exchange, London

WADE Grease Converters 3


Types of installation

Floor standing Fully recessed in ground floor

(Standard and low profile models) (Standard invert models)

Fully recessed in ground floor Fully recessed in intermediate floor

(Deep invert model) (Hanger type)

Installation guidelines
Wade Actimatic Grease Converters are designed to be Only wastewater containing kitchen fat, oil or grease
installed in existing or new kitchens, at restaurants, should drain into the grease converter, per the sizing
canteens, hotels, hospitals, etc., and also at commercial chart opposite. Under no circumstances should sewage,
or industrial premises where food is cooked, prepared or rainwater or wastewater containing mineral oils discharge
processed. They are not suitable for use with dedicated into the converter, as these will dilute and disrupt Wade
chicken rotisserie ovens unless special housekeeping Actimatic’s ability to digest grease, may cause the converter
measures are taken, including the introduction of water. to silt up, or could wash grease through before it has time
There is no optimum distance between the last fixture and to separate.
the converter; it is generally accepted that pipework longer Installations may require prior approval from the Local
than 8 metres may allow grease to solidify before it reaches Authority Environmental Health Department.
the converter. Wade Actimatic Grease Converters satisfy current
It is not recommended that waste disposal units discharge Building Regulations / Standards in the U.K., and meet
into a Grease Converter, because frequent cleaning out requirements of drainage systems designed in accordance
will be necessary. with BS EN 12056-1:2000.
Waste from vegetable peelers must be filtered before Spigot adaptors for connecting to different types and sizes
discharging. of pipework are shown on page 6. These should be sealed
Certain cleaning agents (Chlorine, strong caustics, bleach with a suitable compound.
etc.) in concentrated form, have a detrimental effect, and Note: Do not reduce the stated inlet or outlet size otherwise
should not be discharged into a Grease Converter. blockages could occur.

4 WADE Grease Converters

GREASE CONVERTERS – Stainless steel grade 304

How to select and size Grease Converters

To determine the optimum size of converter to be used, account must be taken of the volume of fixtures discharging into the
converter. Use the table below to calculate total volume by entering the quantity of each fixture, multiply by the volume shown
and enter as Total Vol.; finally, add up your answers.

Approx. size Approx. vol. Total vol.

Type of fixture Quantity
(mm) (litres) (litres)
Handwash sink 300 dia. x 180 deep 12
Domestic single sink 450 x 350 x 200 32
Domestic double sink (450 x 350 x 200) x 2 64
Commercial sink 600 x 450 x 300 81
Double commercial sink (600 x 450 x 300) x 2 162
Commercial potwash sink 760 x 500 x 380 144
Tilting kettle 150
Small dishwasher Outlet pipe 32 dia. 185
Medium dishwasher Outlet pipe 40 dia. 235
Large dishwasher Outlet pipe 50 dia. 350
Other fixtures
Total volume of fixtures (litres)

2" BSP vent pipe connection

6000 Series 6200 Series (Vent to atmosphere if required)
150 Min. C
200 min. 140

D D 200

After selecting the appropriate TYPE of INSTALLATION, and calculating the TOTAL VOLUME of FIXTURES, select the
‘Spec.Code’ from the table below and add the required ‘C’ dimension to nearest 10mm. e.g. for Converter to serve
fixtures with a total volume of 325 litres and having a ‘C’ dimension of 400mm, Specify: 6060XT ‘C’ = 400mm.
For details of materials (grade 316 optional), accessories and alternative covers, refer to page 6.

Type of Max. total vol. of Spec. In/Outlet A B C D E F G Req. slab Load Operational
installation fixtures in litres code BSP inches mm mm mm mm mm mm mm opening class weight (kg)

160 6020LR 4 775 482 150 180 330 • • A15 120

Floor standing 160 6022LR 2 775 482 150 180 330 • • • A15 120
Low profile 290 6032LR 2 988 669 150 180 330 • • • A15 195
290 6035LR 4 988 669 150 180 330 • • • A15 195
210 6030 4 594 382 150 368 518 • • • A15 135
Floor standing
410 6060 4 775 482 150 432 582 • • • A15 230
Standard invert
625 6080 4 988 669 150 419 569 • • • A15 375
Fully recessed 210 6030XT 4 594 382 368 • • • • A15 135*
To be specified on order

ground floor 410 6060XT 4 775 482 432 • • • • A15 235*

Deep invert 625 6080XT 4 988 669 419 • • • • A15 380*
Fully recessed 1230 6215 6 1489 953 732 • 482 775 • D400 1310*
ground floor 2100 6225 6 1869 1142 940 • 482 775 • D400 2500*
Fully recessed 6030H
210 4 594 382 368 • • • 625 x 445 A15 165*
410 6060H 4 775 482 432 • • • 805 x 545 A15 270*
floor Hanger
625 6080H 4 988 669 419 • • • 1020 x 730 A15 420*

For the hanger types listed, the dimension from finished floor level to the underside of the hanger frame (normally slab level) is
adjustable on site from 35mm minimum to 75mm maximum. *Indicated weights are based on ‘C’ = 200mm.
N.B. In practice fixtures do not all discharge at the full rate simultaneously. This has been allowed for and the table enables the
correct grease converter to be selected. In abnormally high or ‘dump’ situations contact our Technical Services Department.

WADE Grease Converters 5


Materials Dosing plug
(Sealed) removable
Seal – expanded closed cell neoprene. main cover
Other parts – stainless steel grade 304.
Hydrafilter ✱
For grade 316 stainless steel, add suffix ‘M’ to Rodding
Spec. Code; a plain cover is supplied with grade 316 access
versions, if anti-slip cover is required add suffix ‘MAS’
(anti-slip cover is grade 304). Anti-siphon
Note: 6200 series models have covers with no dosing Main cover tube
plug or rodding access. seal
(Threaded Deep seal
BSP) trap

Units with ‘C’
dim.up to 750mm

Accessories Threaded pipework adaptors – to connect

converter to pipework
Covers are treadplate (anti-slip) stainless
steel grade 304 Spec.
code Pipework A B
Covers – For alternative covers, add suffix to A
Spec.Code as follows: T101 BS 416 / BS EN 877 60 90
T103 BS 416 / BS EN 877 100 90
Heavy Duty (class D400) – ‘HD’ T104 BS 416 / BS EN 877 150 90
Recessed (min.‘C’ dimension = 170) – ‘REC’ T105 BS 437 100 90
T106 BS 437 150 90
For use with sheet floor covering B
T1702 Plastic 54 60
(min.‘C’ dimension = 180) – ‘SVF’ T1704 Plastic 110 126
T303 Plastic 160 166
T401 100 170
Clay (Densleve)
T402 150 105
T501 100 130
Clay (Supersleve)
T502 150 130

Commissioning period maintenance Grease Converter performance
During the first few weeks of dosing operation, regular The Converter is working if there is:
inspection of the internal condition of the Converter should (a) Consistency similar to thick soup.
be made to gauge the performance of the dosage amount.
(b) Little or no odour.
If a thickening of the contents is noted, with a distinct
caking effect across the surface, or an offensive, pungent (c) No dry deposit building up on its sides.
odour is emitted, then gradually increase the suggested (d) No caked deposit floating on surface.
dosage rate to compensate. If the contents appear to (e) No grease build-up in downstream drain line.
remain in a minimal semi-liquid state with little or no odour,
this indicates successful degradation of the grease. For best performance
1. Follow the Initial and Daily Dosing Procedures.
Routine maintenance
2. Do not discharge very hot water into the Converter
Operation Frequency immediately before or immediately after dosing.
Remove main cover 3. Do not discharge chlorine, strong caustics, concentrated
Remove and clean Hydrafilter baffle disinfectants, bleach or sanitisers into the Converter.
Check contents for caking Quarterly
4. Do not deliberately discharge cooking oil or grease into
Check for sediment build-up. If build-up
has occurred tank should be cleaned
the Converter.
5. Remember that food scraps and solid particles will
Remove main cover settle on the bottom of the Converter and will need to be
Remove and clean Hydrafilter baffle removed periodically. Do not discharge waste disposal
Clean out tank completely units into the Converter.
Check joints and seal
6. Follow maintenance procedures.
Whenever tank is cleaned out the Initial Dosing procedure 7. Contact Wade Technical Services Department if you
must be repeated. Sediment build-up can be reduced if need advice; a free call out service is provided in
strainers are fitted to sinks to prevent solids entering mainland UK for regular users of Actimatic.
the Converter.

6 WADE Grease Converters


Automatic dosing system GO 16:34

Control box

A mains powered dispenser unit is available for use Pump

with Actimatic Liquid. The unit automatically doses the
Converter with diluted Actimatic Liquid once daily at a To pipe run
time selected by the user.
The system, once set, requires only monthly attention Outlet tube
8mm dia. Nylon
to replenish the liquid supply, and is suitable for use in
most new and existing drainage systems. A warning
light and an audible alarm indicates low level of liquid. Low level sensor

Inlet tube
Control box 8mm dia. Nylon

Storage drum
Storage drum

Start-up operation
1. Read Health and Safety notes printed on the 1 litre
jerrycan containing Actimatic Liquid.
2. Fill storage drum with water to level indicated on
drum label.
3. Add 1 litre of Actimatic Liquid. Larger grease converters
require an additional amount – refer to drum label.
4. Replace cap on drum and ensure that tube reaches the
bottom of the drum.

Grease Converter Construction

Control box enclosure – suitable for wall mounting; made
of flame retardant polystyrene with removable cover, sealed
Automatic dosing system installation notes to IP56. Size 180mm x 110mm x 90mm deep.
Control box – should be wall mounted. Fixings – stainless steel grade 304 minimum.
Electrical – 220–240V, (Fuse rating 3 amp – internally Pump – peristaltic type delivering 110 ml of liquid
protected by 1.6 amp fuse). 50–60Hz single phase supply per minute.
must be continuous and connected to control box via an Storage Drum – 10 ltr. capacity made of high density
isolator by a QUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN. polythene; with screw cap and carrying handle; octagonal,
Plumbing – ensure control box and storage drum are in 229mm across corners x 381mm high.
final operating positions. Switches – push-button, sealed to IP56.
Inlet – connect nylon tube to pump by pushing tube into Timer – programmable by user; ‘Mains On’ and ‘Low Liquid
INLET fitting. Feed other end of tube through hole in cap of Level’ indicators; rechargeable back-up battery (maintains
storage drum until it reaches the bottom of drum (tube may the timer programme, it will not run the pump).
be cut to length if desired).
Tubing – 8mm dia. clear nylon or equivalent.
Outlet – connect nylon tube to pump by pushing tube into
OUTLET fitting. For connection to pipework up to 50mm Maintenance
dia., use quick fit adjustable pipe connector supplied. If 1. 30 days after start-up and every 30 days thereafter,
connecting to pipework above 50mm dia., drill and tap a re-fill storage drum with water and Actimatic Liquid.
1/8” BSP hole in a suitable pipe run leading to the grease
2. Every 30 days check fittings and tubes for leaks.
converter. This hole MUST be located after the last trap in
the run and in the top of the pipe if the run is horizontal. 3. Every 6 months check pump tubing for signs of wear.
Screw and seal the supplied 1/8” BSP fitting into the
tapped hole. Connect free end of tube by pushing into
To Specify / Order:
fitting. (Tube may be cut to length if desired).
Spec. Code: ADU Automatic Dosing Unit
Audible alarm may be easily disabled if not required.
Spec. Code: AL1 Actimatic Liquid (1 ltr.)
Timer programming Spec. Code: MB Optional wall mounting bracket for
Dosing time must be set by following the instructions storage drum – made of grade 304 stainless steel with large
supplied. Optimum start time is 2 hours after kitchen closes. radiussed corners to facilitate cleaning.

WADE Grease Converters 7


Wade Actimatic Powder and Liquid

Wade Actimatic is a bacterial product specifically Daily dosing procedure
formulated to deal with kitchen effluent. It is available in
powder or liquid form. Actimatic Powder
Actimatic Powder is a free flowing, buff coloured, granular (a) Mix the amount of powder shown in the
powder; Actimatic Liquid is a green coloured, water- soluble Dosage Rate Guide with a little lukewarm
liquid which is suitable for manual and automatic dosing. water (30ºC).
For technical information refer to back cover. (b) Remove the dosing plug from the converter
To function efficiently grease converters must be dosed and pour in the solution.
regularly with Wade Actimatic. Daily dosing is (c) Wipe up any spillage and replace the
recommended, but where this is impracticable, dosing dosing plug.
twice weekly is an acceptable minimum.
Actimatic Liquid
When a converter is first put into service, and whenever
it is cleaned out, a culture must be established or Remove the dosing plug
re-established within the converter per the Initial and pour in the amount
Dosing Procedure. shown in the Dosage
Rate Guide.
The best time for dosing is just before closing down for the
night; this is because the micro-biological activity is more
effective when there is least flow through the converter.
Details of automatic dosing are given on page 7.

Remote dosing
As an alternative to using the dosing plug facility, Actimatic
may be poured into a sink which empties into the converter,
and flushed with lukewarm (not hot) water.

Dosage rate
The amount of Actimatic needed depends on the converter
model and the type and number of meals prepared. If there
is a build-up of grease, increase the dosage, if there is little
indication of grease, reduce the dosage. Actimatic is highly
Initial dosing procedure concentrated; overdosing is wasteful but not harmful.
(1–3 days after kitchen commences operation) Daily dosage rate guide (with monthly equivalents).

Actimatic Powder POWDER LIQUID

Day 1 (a) Mix 8 level scoops (280 gm) with 2.25 litres Converter Daily level Monthly Daily Monthly
(4 pints) of lukewarm water (30ºC); stir to Model No. scoop Kg capfuls litres
form a slurry. 6020LR 1 1 3 1
(b) Remove the dosing plug from the converter 6022LR 1 1 3 1
and pour in the slurry. 6030 1 1 3 1
(c) Wipe up any spillage and replace the 6032LR 1.5 1.5 4 1
dosing plug. 6035LR 1.5 1.5 4 1
(d) Wait at least 4 hours before allowing any 6060 1.5 1.5 4 1
discharge into the converter – this waiting 6080 2 2 5 2
time enables the micro-organisms to grow and 6215 2 2 6 2
reproduce in an ideal environment. 6225 2 2 6 2
Day 2 Repeat as for Day 1.
Day 3 Commence daily dosing. Note: If dosing twice weekly instead of daily, use three
times the rate shown.
Actimatic Liquid
Day 1 Remove the dosing plug from the converter
and pour in TWICE the amount shown in the To Specify / Order:
Dosage Rate Guide. Spec. Code: AL1 Actimatic Liquid (1 ltr.)
Day 2-7 Repeat as for Day 1. Spec. Code: AP1 Actimatic Powder (1 kg)
Day 8 Commence daily dosing. Discount applies to standing orders.

8 WADE Grease Converters


Wade Actimatic –
supplementary information
Wade Actimatic is a mixture of micro-organisms, Environmental impact. The term BOD, biological oxygen
free enzymes, inorganic salts, buffers and demand, is often used in association with biological
non-ionic surfactants. breakdown. BOD is a measure of the amount of organic
Six strains of micro-organism are selected because of their matter in water and waste; it is the amount of oxygen in
ability to produce the enzymes required to break down the a given volume of water, consumed by micro-organisms
range of waste materials produced by the catering industry. during the degradation of organic matter over a five day
The micro-organism population comprises a range of bacilli, period. High BOD causes concern since the loss of soluble
micrococcus and streptomycete cultures. oxygen in the water can create anaerobic conditions, which
give rise to the production of foul odours arising from the
Four main types of enzymes are produced by the micro-
formation of sulphides (particularly H2S ) and methane;
organisms which operate in Wade Actimatic:
these conditions inhibit the degradation of fats and grease.
Lipases – to break down fats and grease
Wade Actimatic will not increase the BOD of the discharge
Amylases – to break down starch from a correctly sized grease converter, nor the BOD
Proteases – to break down protein loading of the final effluent plant.
Cellulase – to break down cellulose All the ingredients of Wade Actimatic are bio-degradable
Enzymes serve to accelerate the establishment of the and will have no adverse effect on the downstream
micro-biological culture; they have a limited life and will biological clean-up operation.
eventually be used up. Any dead micro-organisms will Grease is converted permanently into soluble
themselves be broken down and digested by products which will not re-deposit further down the
other bacteria. drainage system.
The micro-organisms in Actimatic Powder are naturally Wade Actimatic, when properly used, is not harmful to
occurring and are not genetically engineered or genetically people, wildlife or the environment.
modified; they belong to Class1 as defined in the EU
Council Directive 90/679/EEC of 26th November, 1990 and
as amended by EU Council Directive 93/88/EEC of Independent product assessment:
12th October, 1993. In 1989 Wade became the first manufacturer of grease
Actimatic Powder and its intermediates are tested using converters to be awarded an Agrément Certificate.
procedures recommended by the USDA and AOAC to For the Grease Converter, an innovative product, there is
ensure that they are free of Salmonella. no applicable British or European product standard.
BS EN 1825 applies to products that require the physical
removal of grease; the scope of the standard states
“The standard does not cover the use of biological means
(bacteria and enzymes)”.

WADE Grease Converters 9

SEDIMENT INTERCEPTORS – Stainless steel grade 304

Sediment Interceptors

Sediment Interceptors are used to help

prevent blockages where solids such as
food scraps, hair, plaster, sediment etc. are
discharged into drain lines.
Bucket lifting Sealed removable
handle cover
390 x 390
How does it work?
Solid material is captured in a collector –
a bucket or, for fine particles, a filter bag 105 125
– which needs to be lifted out of the
interceptor for emptying at an Fastener
appropriate frequency.

Features 2” BSP inlet

• suitable for floor standing or 2" BSP outlet
semi-recessed installations
• 2” BSP female inlet and outlet may
be connected to pipework by
means of proprietary connectors

Sediment bucket
Stainless steel grade 304, satin finish or filter bag
Seal – expanded closed cell neoprene.

For polished finish, add suffix ‘P’ to Spec. Code.
Routine maintenance
Spec. Flow rate Solids Operation Frequency
code I/sec. collector
Remove main cover
5740 0.4 Bucket – stainless steel
(1.75mm dia. hole size) Remove and clean collector
Drain and clean tank
5750 0.4 Bag – polyester
(100 micron hole size) Check joints and seal

Note: Minimum clearance above cover of 450mm is

required for removal of bucket/bag

10 WADE Grease Converters

Alumasc is a UK-based supplier of premium building products. The majority of the group’s business is in the area of
sustainable building products which enable customers to manage energy and water use in the built environment.

All Alumasc businesses have strong UK market positions within their own individual market niches and several are
market leaders. Alumasc sustains this strong strategic positioning by offering customers quality products, service and
trust. For certain brands, Alumasc is seeking to leverage UK successes in international markets, with particular focus
in America, the Middle and Far East, and Europe.

Alumasc fosters an entrepreneurial, achievement orientated culture whereby businesses are encouraged to innovate
and respond quickly to local market needs within a cohesive group strategic and management framework. Alumasc
businesses also beneÀt from the group’s Ànancial strength.

Alumasc Water Management Solutions (AWMS) is the new name in the industry for proven water management.
It·s a new Moinedup Erand that harnesses the e[pertise of Àve trusted Erands in water management.

About Wade
Visit our website for online versions of our product catalogue, price list, conditions of sale,
news, job opportunities, Wade-CAD, Wade-BIM and PDF format technical handbooks.

Wade-CAD is for users who require drawings of Wade products Àles are in both D;F and
AutoCAD DWG format.

Wade-BIM is our library of BIM 3D models available for a range of products in Revit format.

Other Wade literature

Product information and technical advice are available from the Wade Technical Services
Department at Halstead, Essex, from Wade Technical Consultants located throughout the
UK and from selected distributors throughout the world. A computer-aided design service is
available free of charge for layouts and assemblies of Wade products.

The Company warrants its products to be free from defects in material and workmanship
for a period of 12 months from the date of delivery. The Company’s obligation under this
warranty is limited, at its option, to the repair or replacement, free of charge, or refund
of the net invoiced price of any part found to be defective, and which, in the Company’s
opinion, has not been subject to undue wear and tear, accident, alteration, abuse or misuse.
Consequential damages are expressly disclaimed. Technical advice from Wade International
Limited, whether verbal, in writing or by way of trials, is given in good faith but without
warranty. The application, use and installation of the Company’s products are beyond the
control of the Company, and the purchaser is solely responsible for ensuring that goods are
Àt for any particular purpose. In line with the Company’s policy of continual research and FREE Drainage Design Software
development, product speciÀcations andavailability are subject to change or withdrawal This interactive software allows
without prior notice. you to design your own drainage
y usingg the same programme
p g
as our in-house design engineers.
Dimensions For a USB containing this free
In line with general practice all dimensions shown are nominal. Dimensions are generally
erally software, simply register your
given in mm other units are speciÀed . details with us.


Wade International Ltd, Third Avenue, HALSTEAD, Essex, CO 2S;

Tel   1  11 ‡ Fax   1  

Email ‡ Website November 2018

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