Se Notes Unit Ii
Se Notes Unit Ii
Se Notes Unit Ii
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Dr. J. Malla Reddy
Professor, Dept. of CSE
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SEP, 2021
Requirement Engineering is mechanism for understanding what the customer wants, analyzing
the need, assessing the feasibility study, negotiating of a reasonable solution and specifying
unambiguously transformed into operational system.
• Understand the concepts of user requirements and system requirements
• Understand the difference between functional & non function requirements.
• Describing system requirements using two techniques namely structured natural language
and programming language .
- Developer gather the requirements from the various viewpoints of the system
- Gather the Complete and Consistent requirements.
- The requirement have dominant impact on the software product.
- RE crucial phase and reduce the errors at the early stage of software development.
- Incomplete , imprecise, irrelevant requirement gathering can develop the poor quality and
significant cost, time and efforts.
- The problems that software engineers have to solve are often immensely complex.
- Understanding the nature of the problems can be very difficult in case of system is new.
Consequently , it is difficult to establish exactly what the system should do.
- The descriptions of the services and constraints are the requirements for the system and
the process of finding out, analyzing documenting and checking these services and
constraints is called “Requirement Engineering “.
- Once a contract has been awarded, the contractor must write a system definition for the
client is more detail, so that the client understands and can validate what the software will
do. Both of these documents may be called the requirement document of the system.
- Some of the problems that arise during the requirements engineering process are a result
of failing to make a clear separation between these different levels of description.
- The user requirements should be written for client and contractor managers who don’t
have a detailed technical knowledge of the system.
• System requirements set out the system services and constraints in detail. The system
requirement document , which is sometimes called a functional specification, should be
precise. It may serve as a contract between the system buyer and software developer.
• The system requirements specifications should be targeted at senior technical staff and
project managers. Again it will be used by staff from both the client and the contractor.
System end-users may read both of these documents.
Software system requirements are often classified as functional, non-functional requirements and
domain requirements.
Functional requirements : These are statements of services the system should provide, how the
system should react to particular inputs and how the system should behave in particulars
situations. In some cases, the functional requirements may explicitly state what the system
should not do.
Non-functional requirements : These are constraints on the services or functions offered by the
system. They include timing constraints, constraints on the development process, standards. Etc/
Domain requirements : These are requirements that come from the application domain
characteristics of the system. They may be functional or non-functional requirements.
The functional Requirements for a system describe the functionality or services that the system
is expected to provide. This depends on the type of software which is developed.
When expressed as user requirements , they fairly in general way input, output,
The functional user requirements which define specific facilities which must be provided
by the system.
These are the requirements illustrated in the document (SRS).
New requirements have be established and changes made to the system. Of course , this
delays system delivery increases costs.
They may be related to emergent system properties such as reliability, response time and
store occupancy. Alternately, they may define constraints on the system such as the capabilities
of I/O Devices and the data representations used in the system interface.
Many Non functional requirements relate to the system as whole and individual system
Failure to meet an individual functional requirements many degrade the system. But
failure to meet an non functional requirements may make the whole system unusable.
* Non functional requirements may be constrain the process which may be used to develop
the system.
Non functional requirements arise through user needs, because of budget constraints,
because of organizational policies, because of the needs of interoperable with other
software or hardware systems or because of external factors such as regulations, privacy,
legislation, etc.
Organizational requirements : These are derived from policies and procedures in the
customer’s and developer organization.
(process standards, implementation requirements such as Prog. Language, design method,
delivery requirements of product and documentation ).
External requirements :This broad heading covers all requirements which are derived
from factors external to the system and its development process.
These include interoperability requirements which define how the system interacts with system in
other organization, legislative requirements, ethical requirements,
A common problem with non-functional requirements is that they are sometimes difficult to
verify. They may be written to reflect general goals of the customer such as ease of use, the
ability of the system to recover from failure or rapid user response.
Domain requirements : The Domain requirement are derived from the applications domain
of the system rather than from the specific needs of system users. If these requirements are not
satisfied , it may be impossible to make the system work satisfactorily.
Problems :
Lack of clarity : With lack of clarity it is difficult to use language in precise and unambiguous .
The document is wordy and difficult to read.
Requirement confusion : Functional and Non functional requirements system goals design
information may not clearly distinguished.
It is good practice to separate user requirements from more detailed system requirements in the
requirement document.
Otherwise the non-technical readers of user requirements may be overwhelmed by details which
are really needed for technician.
* The software requirement specification reduces the time and effort required by
developers to achieve desired goals and also minimizes the development cost.
* Fixing of errors are more easy in the requirement document compare to later stages of
development in terms of cost and time.
The effective SRS defines how application will interact with system hardware , other
programs and users in a wide variety of real-world situations.
The requirement documentation represents various notations such a Entity Relationship Diagrams,
Data Flow Diagrams, Activity diagrams, State Transition Diagrams, Use-Case diagrams are used to
express the requirements at different levels in detail.
The requirement document represents the functional and nonfunctional requirements of the
Minimize misunderstanding :
- Write more detailed system requirement specification. Detailed for Designers, Developers
Testers and support services. (precise, unambiguous)
- Invent the standard format and ensure that all requirement definitions adhere to that
- Standardizing means – error omissions, easier check.
- Emboldening the initial requirements.
- Iterative process.
- Use language consistently. Distinguish between mandatory
( Shell ) and desired requirements (Should )
- Use test highlighting ( Bold and italic) to pick out key parts of the requirement.
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose of the requirements document
1.2 Scope of the product
1.3 Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations
1.4 References
1.5 Overview of the remainder of the document.
2. General description
2.1 Product perspective
2.2 Product functions
2.3 User characteristics
2.4 General constraints
2.5 Assumptions and dependencies
5. Index
- Understand the principal requirements engineering activities and their relationships.
- Discussion of several techniques of requirements elicitation and analysis.
- Understand the importance of requirement validation and how the requirements reviews
are used.
- The feasibility study focused on various areas like behavioral, technical, economical and
legal aspects of the development system of the following.
- The outcome of Feasibility Study indicates whether or not it is worthy system for
development .
• Finally the requirement engineering team can verify “ What must be supported bye the
system and what need not be supported”. Based on feasibility study, the requirement
engineering team will go for the further development process
Feasibility is short focused study on:
- Does the new system can contributes overall objectives of the organization or elevating the
problems in the place of old one.
- Is it possible to develop the new system using exiting technology and with in the cost and
time constraints.
- Can the system be integrated with other systems which are already in place.
- Whether the new systems supports legal, ethical, legislative standards and procedures
( many organizations developed the systems which doesn’t supports all objectives )
Reasons :
No clear statement of objectives ( political / organizational factors, influence)
Carrying out Feasibility Study involves ( Information Assessment , information
collection, Identify, Report writing )
Feasibility study Questions :
- How the organization cope up, if the system not implemented.
- What are the problems in current processes and how whould a new system help alleviate
these problems.
- What are the direct contribution will the system make to the business objectives.
- Can information be transferred to and from other organizational systems.
- Does the system require technology which has not previously been used in the
- What must be supported by the system and what need not be supported .
Sources : Managers of Departments, Engineers & Technical Experts , End users.
based on source of information, whether the system should do continue or to develop.
- It may propose scope, budget and schedule of the system .
Problems in Elicitation & Analysis :
Stakeholders don’t know that, what they actually wants from the developing system. They
difficult to articulate requirement sometimes, requires unrealistic demands which are cost
- Sometimes stakeholders express their requirements in their own natural language with
implicit knowledge. The requirement engineer must understand the requirements.
- The political factors can influence the specific requirements of the system to increase
their influence and image.
- Different stakeholder can express their demands in different ways. The requirement
engineer can identify the potential sources, commonalities & conflicts.
- Economic and business environment in which the analysis take place is dynamic.
Requirements Discovery :
• Requirements discovery is the process of gathering information about the proposed and
existing system and distilling the user and system requirements .
• Sources of information during the requirements discovery phase include documentation,
system stakeholders and specifications of similar systems.
• The interaction can be made with stakeholders through interviews and observations and
may use scenarios and prototypes, Ethnography to help with the requirements discovery.
• Example : [ATM ]: Current bank customers, Representatives from other banks,
Managers of bank branches, Database Administrators, Bank security mangers , The bank’s
marketing departments, H/W & S/W managers, National Banking regulators.
The requirements sources (Stakeholders, domain, Systems ) can all be represented as system
viewpoints, where each viewpoints presents a sub set of the requirements for the system.
Viewpoints can be used as a way of classifying stakeholders and other sources of requirements.
- Interactor viewpoints : Interact directly with system.
(Detailed system requirements,System features, interfaces)
• Ethnography can reveal critical process details that are often missed by other requirements
elicitation techniques.
- The requirement validation improves the quality of the requirement engineering process.
- Requirements are described in SRS, then all the stakeholders have to satisfy on its nature.
- Requirement engineer can ascertain the systems requirements against the raw
requirements are called as “Requirement Validation” and verifying the correctness of
System requirement documentation called as “Verification”.
- During the requirements validation process checks should be carried out on the
requirements in the requirements documents.
- Validity Checks
- Consistency Checks
- Completeness checks
- Realism checks
- Verifiability
No. Of requirements validation techniques can be used in conjunction or individually.
( Requirements reviews, Prototyping, Test-case generation)
Requirements Reviews : Verifiability, Comprehensibility, Traceability, adaptability.
Requirement Management :
• In the large scale systems changes are inevitable with change of process and technology.
Requirement management is the process of managing the changes to requirements.
• The process is performed in parallel with other activities in the software development.
• The activities of requirement management keeping the development plan enhanced with
new requirements, tracking and tracing the status of requirements.
• A requirement change can have huge impact on the development process, which is very
hard to estimate the cost and re-development work.
• Requirement management tools can manage the stable, and unstable requirements change
and large volume of data which are also collected during the this process.
• Understand the importance the system boundaries and its context.
• Understand the concept of behavioral modeling , data modeling and object modeling.
• Introduction of notations defined in the UML and its implementation
• User requirements are in natural language which are understandable by the people who are
not technical experts. However, more detailed systems requirements may expressed in
more technical way
• Most widely used technique to describe the system specifications is the system models.
• These models are graphical representations described the business processes, the problem
to be solved and the system to be developed.
• The system models are bridge between the analysis and design process.
System modelling helps the analyst to understand the functionality of the system and models
are used to communicate with customers.
Different types of system models are based on different approaches of abstraction.
* Data flow model showing how the data is processed at different stages.
* Composition model showing how entities are composed of other entities.
• Architectural model showing principal sub-systems.
• Classification model showing how entities have common characteristics.
• Stimulus/response model showing the system’s reaction to events.
UML is standard language for object oriented modeling defined by the Demarco,
Rumbaughm, G. Boouch.
• Context models : Context Model
• Data models: Entity, Entity Set, E-R Model, Semantic model, Data Dictionaries
In the Elicitation Analysis stage -
Fix up the boundaries of the system. This involves working with system stake holders to
distinguish what is the system and what is the system’s environment. Decisions, system
costs, time.
Example : Library system (ex)
ATM (a/c, maintenance, database, security system, branch a./c system, branch counter)
- Architectural models describe the environment of a system. It will not show the relation
with other system existed in the environment. However the data to and fro with other
- Behavioral Models are used to describe the overall behavior of the system.
1. Data-flow models, 2. State machine models.
Data Flow Models : which model the data processing the system.
State machine models : which model how the system reacts to events.
These models may used separately or together depending on the type of the system that is
being developed.
Data Flow Model :
The dataflow models may also be used to show the data that is transformed between the
system and other systems in its environment.
- Data flow models may be used to show the processes and the flow of information from
one process to another
• Data flow models show’s how the data is processed by the system.
• The widespread discussion made in the publications of ‘ Demarco’ on structured analysis.
• The notation used in these models represents functional processing (rounded rectangles),
data stores (rectangles ) and data movement between function (labeled arrows ).
• Data flow models are used show how data flows through a sequence of processing steps.
• Data flow models are valuable because tracking and documenting how the data
associated with a particular process moves through the system helps analysis
understand what is going on.
• The data flow models are functional perspective where each transformation represents a
single function or process.
- The state machine model shows system and events that cause transitions from one to
another. It doesn’t show the flow of the data within the system.
- This type of model is often used for modeling real-time systems because these systems
are often driven by stimuli form the system environment. Ex: the real-time alarm
responds to stimuli from movement sensors, door-opening sensors and so on.
Example : Micro Wave Oven
• State machine model are an integral part of the real-time methods proposed by the
Ward and Mellor with state charts.
• The state charts are basis for the state machine modeling notations in UML.
power Full power
do: set power
= 600
do: display Operation
time Full Set time
power do: get number do: operate
exit: set time oven
Half power
power Cancel
Timer closed
Door Start
open Door
Half power Enabled open Waiting
do: set power Door do: display do: display
= 300 closed 'Ready' time
do: display
• An entity-relation-attribute model sets out the entities in the system, the relationships
between these entities and the entity attributes
• Widely used in database design. Can readily be implemented using relational databases.
• No specific notation provided in the UML but objects and associations can be used.
Library Semantic data models
Data dictionaries :
Name Description Type Date
Details of the published article that may be ordered by
Article Entity 30.12.2002
people using LIBSYS.
The names of the authors of the article who may be due
authors Attribute 30.12.2002
a share of the fee.
The person or organisation that orders a copy of the
Buyer Entity 30.12.2002
A 1:1 relationship between Article and the Copyright
fee- Relation 29.12.2002
Agency who should be paid the copyright fee.
The address of the buyer. This is used to any paper
Address Attribute 31.12.2002
billing information that is required.
- Object models describe the system in terms of object classes and their associations.
- An object class is an abstraction over a set of objects with common attributes and the
services (operations) provided by each object.
- Various object models may be produced
a. Inheritance models; b. Aggregation models; c. Object Behaviour models
- Natural ways of reflecting the real-world entities manipulated by the system.
- More abstract entities are more difficult to model using this approach.
Inheritance models :
• Classes at the top of the hierarchy reflect the common features of all classes.
• Object classes inherit their attributes and services from one or more super-classes. these
may then be specialised as necessary.
• Notation
– Object classes are rectangles with the name at the top, attributes in the middle
section and operations in the bottom section;
Reader Bo rrower
Affil iat io n It em s on lo an
M ax . l oans
St aff St uden t
Depar t m ent M aj or subject
Depar t m ent p ho ne Ho me ad dress
User class hierarchy
Multiple Inheritance :
• Rather than inheriting the attributes and services from a single parent class, a system
which supports multiple inheritance allows object classes to inherit from several super-
• This can lead to semantic conflicts where attributes/services with the same name in
different super-classes have different semantics.
Talk ing bo ok
# Tap es
Object aggregation :
An aggregation model shows how classes that are collections are composed of other classes.
Aggregation models are similar to the part-of relationship in semantic data models
Object Behaviour modelling :
A behavioural model shows the interactions between objects to produce some particular system
behaviour that is specified as a use-case.
Sequence/ Collaboration diagrams in the UML are used to model interaction between objects.
• Structured methods incorporate system modelling as an inherent part of the method.
• Methods define a set of models, a process for deriving these models and rules and
guidelines that should apply to the models.
CASE workbenches
• A coherent set of tools that is designed to support related software process activities such
as analysis, design or testing.
• Analysis and design workbenches support system modelling during both requirements
engineering and system design.
• These workbenches may support a specific design method or may provide support for a
creating several different types of system model.
St ruct ured Repo r t
Dat a
diag ram mi ng gener at io n
dict io nary
t o ols facilit i es
• Context models show the position of a system in its environment with other systems and
• Data flow models may be used to model the data processing in a system.
• State machine models model the system’s behaviour in response to internal or external
• Semantic data models describe the logical structure of data which is imported to or
exported by the systems.
• Object models describe logical system entities, their classification and aggregation.
• Sequence models show the interactions between actors and the system objects that they