Complete Hyperbits Sample Pack Vol. 1 - Producer Notes

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Thank you for downloading the Hyperbits Complete Sample Pack Vol. 1.
This pack is literally all of my favorite sounds that I use in almost every track,
compiled over the past three years. I decided to give it away because I
genuinely believe that music is meant to be shared, plus at the end of the
day, I owe my fans for helping me be able to do what I love each and
every day.
This  pack  includes  about  850  MB,  consisCng  of:  
10  Progressive  Kicks   10  Big  Room  Snares   16  Loops   5  Atmospheres  
10  Hardstyle  Kicks   10  Big  Room  Claps   5  White  Noise  FX   5  Reverse  FX  
10  Clubzby  Kicks   10  Hihats   5  Impact  FX   4  Forever  Risers  
10  Snares     10  Rides   5  Crash  FX   5  ConstrucKon  Kits  
10  Claps   10  Shakers   5  Tambourines  
1. Anchor Your Kicks 6. Pryda Snares
These kicks are big and punchy and fully processed, so People love to make fun of this grammy nominated
anchor your kick between -6 and -10 db and leave it snare drum, but if you EQ them, layer them and mold
there. Literally build your track around the kick and you them to your track, they can be very powerful and
should have plenty of headroom before you master. effective. Just don't go all Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike on
me and use them every 4 bars. Every 8 bars is more than
2. Pre-claps are Awesome enough :p
A lot of the claps in this pack have a pre-clap before the
attack comes in. This is awesome. Make sure the attack 7. To Process or not to Process?
of the claps is lining up with the attack of your kick. If Overall, these sounds are all processed and ready to go
you're feeling real good, pan one clap left, one clap directly into your tracks, but at the end of the day, you
right, and one down the middle for a truly full sounding need to have your own sound. So tweak the shit out of
clap with beautiful stereo differences. everything, or leave it alone. Do whatever it is you do
that makes you unique, and never stop. At the end of
3. Atmospheres Fill Things Out the day the most effective mixing technique is gain
Use the atmosphere samples in break sections. They control, i.e. volume. Get your levels right and you'll be
sound great with piano for some reason, but seriously, creating baby-making music before you know it.
throw in these atmospheres to fill up some space, but
keep them quiet. Make sure the output is around -25 to 8. Forever Risers
-30 db. I genuinely LOVE this sound and am always These sound great pretty much always when it comes to
amazed how much ambiance these sounds can add. build ups. Use them to create tension and don't forget to
layer these with your own synth risers, preferably tuned to
4. Reverse Cymbals your track. Again, these subtle differences between risers
Any transition will sound better with some reverse can really create a unique, full sounding build. Pro tip:
cymbals guiding the way. I use them all the time, maybe give each riser different auto-panners and/or tremelo
too much. But they sound amazing and really help me and really make your shit move.
move on when I'm stuck on a transition for too long.
Reverse cymbals are the guacamole to your burrito. 9. White Noise
Burritos are fucking awesome, but they really shine when Dada Life once said that if your drops can hit without FX,
you add gauc. So add gauc. your track will go over the top once you add them. They
have a point. Make your drops hit hard, then add the
5. Construction Kits icing on the cake with white noise, crashes, big room
Learn from the construction kits. Take sounds from them, claps, etc. I would make my guacamole reference
use them for inspiration, sample them etc. Treat it like you again, but I think you guys get it.
would treat remix stems and see if they can help inspire
your next idea.

10. Have fun, tho!

In my opinion the best tracks I ever made are the ones I've had the most fun with. So work hard, learn as much as you
possibly can, and then forget it all and just enjoy it. Making music is the most rewarding challenge of my life. The more I
do it the more I love it, and hopefully you guys can hear that in my music. Thank you again for downloading this pack, I
hope it helps you make your next hit. And always remember, one song can change everything :)

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