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Project and Location:

Document Nr. : GIR-060323-0

Construction of Medical Factory and Storage
Building in Tripoli at Ainzara JOB NUMBER REV. SHEETS / OF
Client Logo 1/8
Client :

Oya Pharma



Prepared By

Askhra Geotechnical Consulting

Hay Al-Andulus, Tripoli, Libya
[email protected]

Rev. Date Description Prepared Verified Approved

00 19/11/2021 Issue for approval Wafik

Geotechnical Report for
Rev. 00
Document Nr. GIR-060323-0 Construction Medical Storage Buildings
Sheet 2 / 8

1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 3
2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................... 3
3 GROUND INVESTIGATION ...................................................................................................... 3
3.1. SITE WORK ...................................................................................................................................... 3
3.2. LABORATORY TESTING................................................................................................................. 3
4 SUBSURFACE CONDITION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION ................................................... 4
5 GROUND WATER CONDITION ................................................................................................ 4
6 GEOTECHNICAL PARAMETERS ............................................................................................ 4
7 REGIONAL SEISMICITY ........................................................................................................... 5
8 ALLOWABLE BEARING CAPACITY ....................................................................................... 6
9 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS AND CORROSION CONTROL.......................................................... 7
10 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................... 7
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Rev. 00
Document Nr. GIR-060323-0 Construction Medical Storage Buildings
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This report represents the results of subsurface exploration and geotechnical study
conducted to develop geotechnical engineering recommendation for Construction of
Medical Storage Building located at Ainzara area in Tripoli. Authorization to proceed with
the necessary work was given by Oya Pharma Company in Jan. 2023.

The scope of the exploration included subsurface drilling and sampling, laboratory testing,
engineering evaluation of the field and laboratory data, and the preparation of this report.
The purpose of these services is to provide information and geotechnical engineering
recommendations relative to:

• subsurface soil conditions • foundation design and construction

• groundwater conditions • seismic considerations

• earthwork

During the preparation of this report, it was understood that the project is consists of
single floor concrete-framed medical factory with footprint area of 500 m2 and pre-
engineered storage buildings with an area of 2000 m2.



Subsurface conditions at the project site was explored by drilling 1 borehole named BH1
taken to a depth of 10 m below the existing ground level. The drilling was carried out
between Jan 24 and 25, 2023 using rotary drilling rig. Details and sampling methods used,
field data obtained, and soil and groundwater conditions encountered are presented in the
boring logs provided in annex A. The boreholes were progressed using a continuous solid
auger. Soil samples were obtained where possible at 0.5 and 1.0 m intervals using
Standard Penetration Test (SPT) methods. During SPT sampling, the sampler is driven 45
cm and the hammer blows for each 15-cm interval of penetration are recorded. The
standard penetration resistance, N-value, is the sum of the blows for the second and third
intervals. The drill rig used is equipped with an automatic hammer to drive the split spoon.


In the laboratory, each of the samples recovered from the borings was examined and
visually classified by a geotechnical engineer. In addition, Laboratory tests were performed
on selected samples to assess the engineering properties and physical characteristics of
soils at the site. The following tests were performed:
Geotechnical Report for
Rev. 00
Document Nr. GIR-060323-0 Construction Medical Storage Buildings
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Test Sample type Standard

Moisture content Disturbed ASTM D 2216
Grain size distribution Disturbed ASTM D 422
Atterberg limits Disturbed ASTM D 4318
Chemical analysis (Cl, Soluble So3, and pH) Disturbed BS 1377-3


The main geotechnical features of subsurface condition in respect of the proposed
development are as follows (refer also to borehole logs in the annex A for the distribution
of the layers)

POORLY GRADED SAND (SP); loose to medium dense; reddish yellow. The thickness
of the unit is about 4.0 m.

SILTY SAND with gravel (SP-SM); very dense; pinkish; Non-plastic. The thickness of
this unit is greater than 7.0 m. this unit is interbedded by thin layer of siltstone.

The soil samples obtained during the site investigation were classified using Unified Soil
Classification System (USCS) in accordance with ASTM D 2487. Annex B shows the
laboratory testing results including soil classification group presented in grain size
distribution sheet.


During the subsurface exploration ground water was not encountered within the depth of
exploration of 10 m measured from the existing road level.


SPT values were corrected as N60 and N70 by using the formula given below;
N60 or N70 = CN x N x η1 x η2 x η3 x η4


N: Actual SPT values measured during the drilling works

η1: Hammer efficiency. In our case, it is 55/60 for N60 or 55/70 for N70
η2: Rod length correction.
η3: Sampler correction. In this investigation, a sampler without liner was used, therefore a
factor 1 was considered.
η4: Correction of borehole diameters. In our case this factor is 1 due to actual drilling
diameter is 120 mm diameter in size
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Rev. 00
Document Nr. GIR-060323-0 Construction Medical Storage Buildings
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CN: adjustment for effective overburden pressure po (kpa) computed using Skempton’s
relationship (1986).

Geotechnical soil parameters were derived from corrected SPT values using the following

Parameter Reference

Internal friction angel for granular soils, Φ Φ = (20 N60)0.5 + 20

Static modulus of elasticity, Es Kulhawy and Mayne (1990)
Shear wave velocity, Vs Yoshida et al. (1988)
Shear Modulus, Gs Bowles (1996)

The following table summarizes characteristic parameters:

Depth, m
(Measured from N60 Es, KPa Φ, degree Vs, m/s Gs, KPa
existing road level)
0.0 4.0 17 11767 32 169 53587
4.0 10 61 40866 38 272 151091

The hazard map in Figure 7.1 indicates that most of Libya is of rather low seismic hazard
except for zones along the coast, where the highest PGA values are in the range 0.08g to
0.16g. The highest PGA value shown for Libya in the map is in a small area that
corresponds approximately to the epicenter of the 1935 earthquake, and is in the range
0.13g to 0.16g.

Uniform Building Code (UBC 1997) seismic parameters are provided in the table 9.1 below

Figure 7.1 GSHAP seismic hazard map showing 475-year PGA

in the Mediterranean region) Grünthal et al., 1999)
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Table 7.1: UBC 1997 Seismic parameters

Parameter Design value

Soil profile type SD (Stiff Soil Profile)
Seismic zone 2A


Allowable bearing capacity and settlement of granular soils was evaluated in this report by
use of Vesic method and a semi-empirical strain influence factor method proposed by
Schmertmann and Hartman (1978).

Settlement calculation using semi-empirical strain influence factor

According to this method, the settlement is

Iz = strain influence factor
C1 = a correction factor for the depth of foundation
C2 = correction factor to account for creep in soil
q' = stress at the level of the foundation
Es = modulus of elasticity of soil

Ultimate bearing capacity using Vesic method

The ultimate bearing capacity can be calculated as following:

qult = cNcscdcicgcbc + qNqsqdqiqgqbq + 0.5ɣB'Nɣsɣdɣiɣgɣbɣ

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Document Nr. GIR-060323-0 Construction Medical Storage Buildings
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Sc , Sq , Sɣ = shape factor
dc , dq , dɣ = depth factor
ic , iq , iɣ = Inclination factors
gc , gq , gɣ = ground factor base on slope
bc , bq , bɣ = base factors


The results of chemical analysis of soil in the site are given in table 9.1. The methodology
of assessment of exposure conditions and specification of concrete to resist chemical
attack has been based on the ACI 318-14.

Table 9.1: chemical analysis results

Sample Sample Chloride
BH ID pH Soluble
Type Depth, m %
(SO4) %

BH01 Soil 2.45-2.00 8.78 0.0021 0.0147


Based on the geotechnical findings during the site investigation, it is our opinion that from
geotechnical engineering standpoint, the site is suitable for the proposed developments.
Provided the recommendations presented herein are implemented in design and
construction of the project.


We judge that the development can be supported on shallow foundation. The foundations
should be sized using the net allowable bearing capacity of 250 Kpa.

Ground Water Condition

According to the field work observation, the ground water table was not encountered with
the depth of exploration of 10 m.

Site Preparation

Any existing foundation, abandoned underground utilities, debris, any deleterious materials
should be completely removed from the area to be graded. Trees that will be removed (in
structural areas) must also include removal of stumps and roots larger than 5 cm in
diameter. Before placing the foundation, the ground at the grade level should be
compacted to at least 98 percent of the maximum dry density per ASTM D-1557.
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Rev. 00
Document Nr. GIR-060323-0 Construction Medical Storage Buildings
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Filling Material for Foundation

Most of the existing fill materials to be excavated will be silty sand. These materials are
anticipated to be non-expansive. These materials would be suitable for use in compacted
primary and secondary structural fill, provided that any deleterious materials (debris) and
rocks over 75 mm in greatest dimension are removed.

Compaction Criteria

Fills and backfills should be placed in loose lifts not exceeding 300 mm in thickness and
moisture conditioned as required to achieve near-optimum or about 2 to 3 percent above
the optimum moisture content. All fills and backfills should be compacted with uniform
passes using mechanical compaction equipment.

All fills and backfills providing structural support should be compacted to at least 98
percent of the maximum dry density per ASTM D-1557. This should include all areal fills
placed to raise the project site grade and fills and backfills providing passive resistance for
footings and pile caps, as well as support for pavements and slabs-on grade


All excavation must comply with the current OSHA Excavation and Trench Safety
Standards or any equivalent approved standard. Construction site safety generally is the
sole responsibility of the Contractor, who should also be solely responsible for the means,
methods, and sequencing of construction operation.
Excavations that are more than 1.5 m deep should be shored, sheeted and braced, or laid
back to a stable slope of 1.5H:1.0V for safety of workers.
Foundation Concrete

Using the chemical analysis values presented in the table 9.1 above, it is recommended
that for foundations the design sulphate and chloride classes for the site, as defined in ACI
318-14, be taken as S0 and C0 respectively. ACI 318-14 requires using ordinary Portland
cement type I as per ASTM C150. Cover to reinforcement should be not less than 75 mm.

Seismic activity

Through the evaluation of site location in regard with the seismic activity, it was found that
the project area located within the low active zone. Therefore, the peak acceleration value
could be assumed as 0.12 g.

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