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Introduction to the IJCAM Special Edition: Comparative Reflections on

Scientology And NXIVM

Article · June 2021

DOI: 10.54208/0002/002

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Stephen Kent
University of Alberta


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Introduction to the IJCAM Special Edition: Comparative Reflections on
Scientology And NXIVM
Stephen A. Kent
Department of Sociology, University of Alberta

This special issue of the International the Treasury (Internal Revenue Service,
Journal of Coercion, Abuse, and 1993). By contrast, NXIVM leaders never
Manipulation is dedicated to articles about attempted nor received religious status for the
Scientology and NXIVM, so it offers an group, instead running the overall
opportunity to present evidence, in an organization as a business with only two of
academic setting, about Scientology’s its creations, the Ethical Science Foundation
possible influence on Keith Raniere (b. 1960) and A Cappella Innovations Inc, obtaining
and the organization that he founded. I nonprofit (501(c)3 status (ProPublica, 2019;
provide, therefore, a summary of comments ProPublica, 2021).
that former members and critics of both Second, Keith Raniere and five close
groups have made about the (alleged) associates were convicted for having
Scientology influence on NXIVM, and I
operated “a racketeering enterprise
conclude with my own interpretations of why
victimizing women through sex trafficking
some apparent similarities exist between the
and other crimes” (Donoghue, 2019a). Robin
two groups and their creators. I realize that Boyle-Laisure provides an excellent
my comments are only preliminary (pending discussion of the trafficking aspects of this
the discovery of new information), and I
case in her article in this volume (see also her
identify some lacuna in both evidence and
comments in Helmore, 2019). In addition,
interpretation that further researchers may evidence presented in Raniere’s trial
want to pursue. identified an extensive spying operation that
Since most of these introductory reflections NXIVM had conducted (Moynihan, 2019e).
discuss possible similarities between Scientology’s creator, L. Ron Hubbard
Scientology and NXIVM, one must keep in (1911-1986) also had overseen spying
mind that significant differences also exist. operations against perceived enemies, and
These differences must not be overlooked or court documents named him as an
downplayed, since coercion, abuse, and “unindicted co-conspirator” (Banoun, 1979,
manipulation issues involving the two groups p. 69; Banoun, 1980, p. 17) in two cases,
are too serious and complex for unhelpful, which lead to the convictions and
simplistic, or one-sided comparisons. At least imprisonment of eleven Scientologists. He
four differences are significant, and we must was not charged, however, so he was not put
not forget them as we undertake comparative on trial. (I will discuss these two trials later in
analyses. this analysis.) In a separate case, Hubbard
was convicted in absentia by a French court
First, however controversial Scientology’s
in 1978 and sentenced to four years in prison
American status as a charity may be, the
(which he never served) “for making false
“Church of Scientology” and dozens of its
claims that his methods could cure illness”
“related entities” did receive tax exempt
(Murphy, 2009). Nevertheless, nothing in
charitable status based partly upon its
these three cases that involved Hubbard
religious claims in 1993 according to a
(leaked) document from the Department of

International Journal of Coercion, Abuse, and Manipulation ■ Vol. 1, No. 2, 2021 3

suggested that he had anything to do with the (Tobin, 2010; see United States Court of
sex trade (as did Raniere). Appeals, Ninth Circuit, 2012, section IV B).
Third, although neither Hubbard nor Since the human trafficking allegations in the
Scientologists have faced convictions related Headleys’ civil suit failed, FBI officials
likely realized that the much higher level of
to sex trafficking and forced labor
evidence needed in criminal cases doomed
conspiracy, the organization did undergo an
their Scientology investigation, especially
FBI investigation around human trafficking,
and it faced a court challenge alleging forced because of inevitable religious entanglements
labor. In 2009, former Scientologists Marc (Tobin, 2013). In this special edition, Robin
Boyle-Laisure almost certainly is correct
and Claire Headley sued Scientology in civil
when she concludes that “United States v.
court, accusing it of “labor law violations,
Raniere will serve as useful precedent for
human trafficking and forced abortions”
(Tobin, 2010). Also, in October of that year, future prosecutions against cult leaders; the
the FBI initiated a “Full Investigation” federal trafficking statute continues to
provide an appropriate template for future
involving human trafficking into Scientology
prosecution of other high-demand groups.”
(Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2009, p. 1),
(Boyle-Laisure, 2021, p. 30). At least in the
which (judging by dates on documents)
continued in some diminished form until very United States, however, it seems likely that
early September 2010 ([Federal Bureau of such prosecutions will be complicated if the
groups involved have federal charitable
Investigation], 2010). A federal Court of
status based to some extent on religious
Appeals dismissed the Headley case in early
August 2010, and an appeals court upheld the
dismissal in July 2012 (United States Court Fourth and finally, lawyers for co-conspirator
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, 2012). Allison Mack (b. 1982) in the NXIVM case
used the 2012 Appeal Court’s ruling in the
A number of factors may have contributed to
Headleys’ case in an attempt to get the court
the FBI’s decision not to pursue charges
to dismiss the indictment against her. (Her
(including data-and-witness-handling
indictment included one count of sex
problems [Ortega, 2013; Tobin, 2013]), but
trafficking involving two women, a second
the early August 2010 court decision
count of sex trafficking conspiracy, and a
dismissing the Headley’s civil case may have
third count of conspiracy to commit forced
put up an insurmountable barrier. The
labor involving one woman [United States
Headleys had been members of Scientology’s
full-time work force, the Sea Organization District Court Eastern District of New York,
2018a]). In arguing for the dismissal of both
(or Sea Org), and the group’s charitable
the forced labor and trafficking counts,
status gave it certain protections under the
Mack’s lawyers borrowed several arguments
law. The judge ruled “that the Sea Org is
from the Headleys’ decision. Their court
protected by the First Amendment’s
submission stated that, like the Headleys and
guarantee of free exercise of religion,” so
“members of the Sea Org, women joined
“the Sea Org falls within the ‘ministerial
DOS [which was a secret women’s
exception’ commonly granted to religious
‘sorority’] voluntarily because they believed
groups in employment cases” (Tobin, 2010;
participation would be good for them and
see Claire Headley v. The Church of
also gave collateral [i.e., compromising
Scientology International et al., 2010, p. 7).
material] voluntarily in order to learn about
Moreover, while in the Sea Org, “the the organization” (United States of America
Headleys performed religious duties . . .” v. Keith Raniere, Clare Bronfman, Allison

4 International Journal of Coercion, Abuse, and Manipulation ■ Vol. 1, No. 2, 2021

Mack, Kathy Russell, Lauren Salzman, and “pleaded guilty to one count of racketeering,
Nancy Salzman, 2018, pp. 15-16, see 24). It and one count of racketeering conspiracy”
also implied that the women in DOS had to (Berman, 2019). A reporter explained that “a
do labor, somewhat analogously to what Sea racketeering conviction requires the accuse
Org members had to perform as part of their participate in at least two indictable acts as
duties (United States of America v. Keith part of a criminal enterprise, which in
Raniere, Clare Bronfman, Allison Mack, Salzman’s case could be extortion or forced
Kathy Russell, Lauren Salzman, and Nancy labor and/or something called ‘document
Salzman, 2018, pp. 15-16). Moreover, servitude’” (Berman, 2019). Document
concerns about leaving DOS involving “loss servitude involves illegally controlling
of contact with friends and family,” and people’s legal papers or documents who are
being declared a “suppressive person” for in conditions such as sex trafficking,
doing so “did not qualify as ‘serious harm’ or involuntary servitude, forced labor, etc.
a cognizable threat’” (United States of
The differences between Scientology and
America v. Keith Raniere, Clare Bronfman,
NXIVM are, in some ways, quite significant,
Allison Mack, Kathy Russell, Lauren
and one should avoid making imprecise
Salzman, and Nancy Salzman, 2018, pp. 15-
equivalences between the two. They do not
16). Finally, like the Headleys, women in cancel, however, what appear to be
DOS “had numerous opportunities to leave”
significant similarities. A very useful
(United States District Court Eastern District
framework that facilitates comparison is the
of New York, 2018c, pp. 15-16, see 24). I do
one that Susan Raine adopted to analyze
not have documents that allow me to
NXIVM. She sees it as a “reinventive
determine whether the court ruled on the
institution” that promised transformative
transferability of concepts from within an technologies for self-improvement (Raine,
American religious context to a secular one,
2021b), but which developed totalistic
but —less than five months after her lawyers’
practices that trapped many members in
legal submission--Mack pleaded “guilty to
systems of self- (and organizational-) harm.
racketeering and racketeering charges” (Gold
NXIVM’s public presentation claims of it
and Moynihan, 2019), and “admitted to being a reinventive institution paralleled
committing offenses that included extortion
Scientology’s claim that its purpose “is to
and forced labor in her role as a high-ranking
make the able more able” (Hubbard, 1961, p.
member of NXIVM” (Schapiro and Winter,
297; see Scott, 2011, pp. 76-77), and it, too,
2019). The court did not examine whether the
has been subject to totalistic allegations.
psychological concept of “trauma-coerced These and other apparent similarities are the
attachment” (Doychak & Raghavan, 2018)
focus of the remainder of my comments, and
may have offered insight into Mack’s
to these remaining comments I now turn.
apparent willingness to commit such offenses
while she herself was simultaneously subject Observations About Scientology
to coercive control (Flowers, 2006; see Influences on NXIVM
Dayan, 2018). Former NXIVM Members
Similarly, use of the Headleys’ case in an Two former NXIVM members specifically
effort to extract another Raniere co- mentioned that Raniere read Scientology
defendant, Lauren Salzman (b. circa 1977), materials, but these mentions tell us little
from trafficking charges (United States about what if anything Raniere extracted and
District Court Eastern District of New York, transformed for his own purposes. The only
2018b, p. 19) came to naught when she specific mention of a source by name that

International Journal of Coercion, Abuse, and Manipulation■ Vol. 1, No. 2, 2021 5

Raniere apparently read of a Scientology was fascinated by Scientology,” along with
document appeared in the autobiography of several other groups (Bloch et al., 2018a).
Raniere’s former business-and-life partner, A different perspective, however, on
Toni Natalie (b. circa 1960), who reported Raniere’s possible borrowings from
that he was reading a copy of L. Ron Scientology came in an interview with
Hubbard’s Dianetics: the Modern Science of former member Mark Vicente (b. 1965), who
Mental Health in early April 1999, when she for years was Raniere’s videographer until he
was attempting to work with Raniere and left NXIVM in 2017 and became an activist
Nancy Salzman (b. 1954) on a company in exposing Raniere’s criminal actions. When
(National Health Network) that sold vitamin asked by Seth Abramovitch of The
and mineral supplements (Natalie with Hollywood Reporter, “did you ever hear
Hardin, 2019, p. 107; see 84-85). In Keith [Raniere] talk about L. Ron Hubbard or
Scientology’s complicated evolution, express that he was using the same
members refer to Dianetics as “Book One,” blueprint,” Vicente replied:
since it presents Hubbard’s initial system of
mental health (pseudo-)therapy and serves as I actually heard him talk negatively
the foundation for a counseling-like set of about Scientology. He would say that
techniques called auditing (which he the auditing process actually
expanded in the beliefs and practices of dissociates people, which I thought
Scientology). Pre-dating the formation of was very funny, because in essence, a
Scientology, however, by three years (Kent, lot of the processes that were used in
1999a, pp. 108-113), Dianetics sheds little if NXIVM did exactly that. They
any light on several concepts and techniques dissociated people from different
that NXIVM observers would state were things that they were reacting to. But
Scientology borrowings. no, he never spoke about how he got
ideas from there. Now, there are
Comments from Heidi Hutchinson, who was
people that [sic] knew him that said
the sister of a (now-deceased-by-suicide) that he had actually studied
NXIVM member (Gina Hutchinson), gave a Scientology extensively. But I’d
tantalizing account of how Raniere acquired certainly never seen any L. Ron
unspecified Scientology materials (Heidi Hubbard books, and mostly what he
Hutchinson, in Parlato, 2019b). In 1989, Gina said about Scientology was that it was
was part of Raniere’s harem while Heidi was not as effective as what he was doing
the lead singer in a Los Angeles-based band. in NXIVM and wasn’t very good for
The band’s agent paid for Heidi to take people. That was his basic story.
Scientology courses, and Raniere, upon (Vicente in Abramovitch, 2020
(presumably) learning about Heidi’s
[capitalization in original]; also,
Scientology involvement from Gina,
Remini and Rinder, 2020, @ 54:20)
solicited Gina’s help in getting her sister to
provide Scientology documents to him Vicente spent hundreds if not thousands of
(Parlato, 2019b.) Alas, however, we have no hours with Raniere, so his remarks carry
information about which Scientology weight. They indicate that Raniere apparently
materials Raniere supposedly acquired, so we had evaluated at least some of Scientology’s
cannot determine what Scientology doctrines auditing techniques, but so many of them
and policies he may have learned about. exist that we cannot know which one or ones
Years later, however, Heidi indicated that “he served as the basis of his criticism. The fact
that Vicente did not recall seeing any

6 International Journal of Coercion, Abuse, and Manipulation ■ Vol. 1, No. 2, 2021

Scientology books in Raniere’s possession is 1. Litigation—Capitalist stated that both
interesting, but his report that Raniere groups used “scorched-earth litigation tactics
believed more in the effectiveness of his own against opponents,” and we can add to the
techniques is to be expected. Regardless of ones that he cited. Capitalist linked to an
how weak evidence might have been about article which suggested that “Mr. Raniere’s
any direct, documented influence by lawsuits have cost $50 million in legal fees”
Scientology on NXIVM, the (proposed) jury (Parlato, 2017; see Capitalist 2018a; Sarah
questionnaire for Raniere’s trial (which was Edmondson, Toni Natalie, et al., v Keith
“largely agreed upon by the parties” in the Raniere et al., 2020, pp. 10-12), and that he
case [Donoghue, 2019b, p. 1]) nevertheless spent fourteen years in a series of (ultimately
asked, “33. Have you or anyone close to you unsuccessful) legal actions against anti-cult
even taken any Scientology courses? Yes researcher and NXIVM critic, Rick Ross (b.
(self) Yes (other) No _ If 1952). In total, wealthy NXIVM member and
yes, please describe your (or the other financial supporter, Clare Bronfman (b.
person’s) experience?” (United States v. 1979) funded forty NXIVM-related lawsuits,
Raniere et al., 2019, pp. 16-17). and (as of mid-October 2020) had won only
three of them with one still pending (Parlato,
Critics Who Claimed NXIVM/Scientology
2020). Moreover, Capitalist indicated,
Bronfman attempted to get former-member-
Vicente mentioned “people that knew
turned-critic Sarah Edmondson (b. 1977)
[Raniere] that said he had actually studied
arrested in Vancouver, British Columbia on
Scientology extensively,” but he did not say
false charges of criminal fraud (Edmondson
who they were. They probably included Toni
with Gasbarre, 2019, p. 203; see Capitalist,
Natalie and Heidi Hutchinson. Several
2018a). Earlier, as part of his years’ long
critical commentators (some of whom had
litigation campaign against a former lover
experiences with NXIVM) were convinced
and business partner (Toni Natalie, who had
that Scientology influences pervaded
rejected him), Raniere (and/or his enablers)
Raniere’s creation, even if they could not
influenced decisions by both the FBI and
show how, he acquired them. Among the
New York State Police to investigate her
most extensive discussions on the anti-
(also on several fabricated allegations
NXIVM web page, The Frank Report (run by
[Natalie with Hardin, 2019, pp. 214, 227-228,
a former NXIVM public relations manager-
229-231]). Turning to Scientology’s use of
turned- critic, Frank Perlato), was a posting
the legal system as a means of harassing
written by someone under the pseudonym,
opponents, its tactics are sufficiently
John P. Capitalist, who indicated that he was
notorious to have attracted academic
“a Wall Street money manager and IT
attention (e.g., Kent & Willey, 2013, pp. 329-
specialist fascinated by irrationality in all its
340; Kumar, 1997).
forms, and Scientology most of all”
(Capitalist, 2018a). Capitalist offered six
“parallels between NXIVM and Scientology Capitalist could have mentioned that Rick
and Their Founders” (Capitalist, 2018a Ross also had been the victim of a successful
[capitalization in original]), and in doing so (but in my opinion, manufactured)
demonstrated a thoughtful (even it at times, Scientology litigation case (Kent & Krebs,
spotty) set of insights about both groups. I 1998, pp. 39-42; Ross, 2014, p. 195).
will go through each of them, commenting on
Moreover, after linking to an article about
and expanding upon them as we go. Raniere’s lawsuits against journalists
(Cohan, 2014; see Capitalist, 2018a),

International Journal of Coercion, Abuse, and Manipulation■ Vol. 1, No. 2, 2021 7

Capitalist also could have cited the campaign Parlato (2019a) continued by quoting
(called Operation Freakout) that L. Ron Hubbard passages which claimed that
Hubbard and his organization waged against Scientology critics actually were criminals
critical journalist, Paulette Cooper (b. 1942), against whom the organization was to insist
which involved getting the FBI to investigate that investigations by authorities were to be
her on false bomb-threat allegations (Lane & carried out about them. Finally, Parlato
Kent, 2008, pp. 27-35; Ortega, 2015b, pp. provided a quote of several sentences in
101-103, 114-121, 165-166, 223-232, 265- which Hubbard insisted that a commitment to
271). Future researchers may want to delve Scientology was “for the duration of the
into these and other comparisons, but already universe,” and that Scientologists would
another NXIVM critic has weighed in on the “rather have you dead than incapable.” (This
question of Scientology’s influence on eternal connection to Scientology plays out in
Raniere’s aggressive litigation strategy. the billion-year contract that the
organization’s full-time, upper level [Sea
Organization] members sign, and which is
Nine months after Capitalist presented his
the subject of Phil Lord’s article in this
sixfold list of Scientology/NXIVM litigation
special edition [Lord, 2021]). Parlato
parallels, Frank Parlato produced eight
concluded that, “after reading some of
quotes from Hubbard’s writings about how
[Hubbard’s] quotes, I suspect Keith Raniere
he wanted his organization to use litigation
borrowed more than just terminology from
against perceived opponents (Parlato, 2019a;
Hubbard, but also his strategy for attacking
see Xiao, 2019). These quotes included
attackers” (Parlato, 2019a). Future
passages about: using lawsuits to harass and
researchers who look at these organizational
discourage rather than win; retaliating against
strategies also might want to test Parlato’s
people who “attack Scientology;” and finding
determination that Raniere went further than
or manufacturing critics’ vulnerabilities for
Hubbard by wanting to “‘even the score’
use in neutralizing them. Hubbard also wrote
even with people who weren’t attacking, but
about: labelling an opponent as a
simply trying to leave” (Parlato, 2019a).
“Suppressive Person or group [that] has no
rights of any kind,” was “fair game,” and any
“actions taken against them are not 2. Fabricated Background: The second set
of parallels between NXIVM and
punishable.” NXIVM critic Rick Ross said
Scientology that Capitalist (2018a) raised
that when he first read Raniere’s instructions
was that the founders of both organizations
“‘about disconnection from suppressive
inflated and fabricated aspects of their
persons . . ., I realized he was copying from
Scientology’” (Rick Ross, quoted in Ortega, backgrounds and credentials. In one of her
articles in this special edition, Susan Raine
2019b). Toni Natalie also figured out that
addresses Raniere’s inflated and fabricated
Raniere borrowed the “suppressive” term and
background claims, including inaccurate
concept from Scientology (Natalie, 2019, p.
ones about his academic achievements. On
102), which he overlapped with the negative
label, Luciferian (inspired by Lucifer in John the February 8, 2011 version of his website,, he claimed to be a scientist
Milton’s Paradise Lost), to mean someone
and mathematician (among other
(like her as Raniere saw it) who “disrupt[s]
achievements), and bragged that, while
the organization’s well-being by committing
attending Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, he
destructive acts” (United States Patent
Application Publication, 2013, p. 1). had “taken most of the graduate-level physics
and mathematics courses available at that

8 International Journal of Coercion, Abuse, and Manipulation ■ Vol. 1, No. 2, 2021

time” (Raniere, 2011). In, however, her off of the internet. Capitalist indicated that
article in this edition, Raine cites court “NXIVM students sign extensive non-
transcript evidence showing that he had disclosure agreements, and members of the
received “an F in advanced ordinary inner circle give leadership ‘collateral’ that is
differential equations, an F in theoretical explicitly intended to be used to keep them
physics, and an F in quantum mechanics,” from leaving” (Capitalist, 2018a). An alleged
plus “a D in experimental physics” (United breach of a nondisclosure agreement
States of America v. Raniere, 2019, p. 5131; regarding a NXIVM course led to two
see Raine, 2021a, p. 44). unsuccessful lawsuits against Rick Ross
(Natalie with Hardin, 2019, pp. 160-161),
Future researchers will want to verify and all NXIVM participants had to “sign a
Raniere’s claim that “upon graduation, he dizzying array of nondisclosure agreements”
became [Rensselaer’s] first triple major, (Natalie with Hardin, 2019, p. 245). The
earning degrees in mathematics, biology, and collateral to which Capitalist referred was (in
physics with minors in philosophy and the words of a former member) “something
psychology, and an expertise in computer you valued that you would put on the line
science” (Raniere, 2011). One source quotes when making a commitment” (Edmondson
a Rensselaer spokesperson, Matt McGuire, with Gasbarre, 2019, pp. 125, see also pp. 9,
saying that Raniere’s three degrees were “‘an 160, 162, 167, 179, 197, 200), but the naked
extremely rare accomplishment’” (Matt self-photographs that many women had to
McGuire, quoted in Keeney, 1988); other provide others in the hierarchy were what
sources say that his three degrees remain prosecutors against Raniere called
“unverified” (Myrtil, 2020) or the truth about “extortion” (Hong & Piccoli, 2020). (While
them are “unknown” (Wick, 2018). (My testifying against Raniere at his trial, former
repeated queries about these claims to member Mark Vicente sometimes referred to
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute went collateral as “blackmail material’” [Mark
unanswered.) Vicente, quoted in Moynihan 2019b; see
Grigoriadis, 2018]).
Hubbard, too, made fraudulent claims that he
was a physicist, a civil engineer, and a PhD, Both Robin Boyle-Laisure (2021) and Susan
even lying about having a bachelor’s degree Raine (2021a; 2021b) discuss collateral in
(Kent, 2019). The parallel, however, of their respective articles in this special edition,
credentials-inflation probably does not and a somewhat comparative practice in
indicate inspirational borrowing but rather Scientology is auditing, various forms of
suggests a shared personality disorder which involve people identifying traumatic
between the two founders—a point that we incidents (even supposedly in past lives) that
will return to later. reputedly cause blockages (engrams) that
hinder people’s optimal performance.
3. Secrecy of the “Tech”. The “tech” is the Revealed to, and recorded by, a Scientology
term that both Hubbard and Raniere applied auditor, the recounted incidents can be quite
to the techniques that they used in courses personal and traumatic, and the
that they designed or sanctioned, and organization’s repeated claim that auditing
Capitalist was aware of both Raniere’s efforts information remains strictly confidential is
to protect their public circulation and the belied by its public use of several defectors-
extensive efforts that Scientology took to turned-critics’ auditing information (Collins,
keep its own secret doctrines and techniques 2018; Tobin & Childs, 2009a). (A practice

International Journal of Coercion, Abuse, and Manipulation■ Vol. 1, No. 2, 2021 9

similar in many respects to auditing called 4. Obsession with “Ethics:” Capitalist’s
security checking or sec-checking was an comparisons between Scientology and
intelligence-gathering procedure that NXIVM on the topic of ethics provides little
extracted private information without the in the way of concrete evidence, other than
promise of confidentiality [Kent, 2000b, pp. saying that “Raniere follows the same
38-40.]) playbook as Scientology and many other
cults, claiming to be ‘the most ethical people
Coupled with collateral were penances on the planet’” (Capitalist, 2018a). In
(involving forms of punishments) for people Raniere’s “12 Point Mission Statement” that
who failed to meet or honor their participants read at the beginning of the
commitments (Edmondson with Gassbarre, Executive Success Programs courses, each
2019, p. 125, see also p. 197), and individual pledged “to ethically control as
Scientology has a formalized penance much of the money, wealth and resources of
program for alleged transgressors who wish the world as possible within my success
to reintegrate themselves into the plan,” also stating that “success, ethics and
organization (Straus, 1986). NXIVM leaders integrity are co-inspirational” (Raniere,
used collateral to ensure secrecy about course 1998). Eight pages of the Executive Success
content, the nature and activities of an Program named Advanced Projective Ethics
abusive female sorority called DOS addressed “ethics and self-esteem”
(Dominus Obsequious Sororium), and the (Executive Success Programs, 2000).
sexual activities in which Raniere engaged
with numerous women (BBC, 2019; Within the organization itself, “members
Grigoriadis, 2018; Meier, 2017). (As his regarded [Raniere] as the most ethical man in
secrets were unraveling in the press, Raniere the world” (Moynihan, 2019a). The Dalai
asserted proof of his own ethics by stating Lama’s visit to Albany in 2009 enhanced that
that he had not released any of the DOS image, during which the revered Buddhist
collateral [Grigoriadis, 2018], but in 2019, leader presented Raniere with a Tibetan scarf
Sarah Edmondson’s branding ceremony (Grigoriadis, 2018). Also enhancing his
appeared on a Mexican television news image among members was the creation (in
station). 2008) of the Ethical Science Foundation
(registered with Clare Bronfman as trustee),
Secrecy within Scientology also attempted to whose stated purpose was to study “the
protect course content and related doctrines effects of a specific and innovative method
(Kent & Krebs, 1998, pp. 42-43; Urban, has on individuals with Tourette’s [sic]
2017), and was embedded within the syndrome and obsessive compulsive
organization as dissimulative processes disorder” (, 2020; ProPublica,
involving “concealment, espionage, and 2019). (For the moment, we put aside
counter-espionage” (Urban, 2006, p. 359). Raniere’s development of a peace plan for
The organization attempts to maintain Mexico, which we will discuss below.) For
secrecy partly through the widespread use of Raniere, however, his status among followers
nondisclosure agreements and similar as being the world’s most ethical man was a
contracts—practices that have received social control tool that he used to squelch
academic, legal, and public attention (Lord, dissent by accusing people who “displeased”
2020; Ortega, 2015a; Papandrea, 2018). him as having committed “ethical breaches”
(Moynihan, 2019a).

10 International Journal of Coercion, Abuse, and Manipulation ■ Vol. 1, No. 2, 2021

By the time that Mark Vicente read a individual levels, these conditions represent
statement to the court during Raniere’s steps for people’s integration into
sentencing in October 2020, his Scientology’s subculture as their only
interpretation of Raniere’s ethical posture reference group (Straus, 1986, p. 71).
had changed completely.
On a societal level, ethics are the means by
He has belief that he is the next which Scientology attempts to enter into,
evolution of humankind. Beyond then dominate, the societies in which it
worldly ethics and morality. Far operates. In rather cumbersome Scientology
superior to this court. He thinks he language, a definition of ethics in one of the
breathes the rarified air of an organization’s standard dictionaries states,
awakened genius. But he is none of “the purpose of ethics is to remove counter
those things. He is a malicious, petty, intentions from the environment. And having
evil and dangerously vengeful accomplished that the purpose becomes to
sociopath . . . (Vicente, 2020, p. 3). remove other intentionedness [sic] from the
Because of the proximity with which Raniere environment” (Hubbard, 1976, p. 179). In
lived and interacted with his followers, he plain English, the first intent of Scientology’s
was able to use his ethical status with them as ethics is to remove opposition (“counter
an immediate means of control and intentions”) to Scientology, and then to
manipulation. By contrast, the Scientology eliminate other interests outside of
organization that Hubbard created was far Scientology (“other intentionedness”).
larger, and his personal interactions became Ethics, therefore, were the means by which
increasingly constricted as his fears grew Scientologists attempted to extend its
about any number of governments targeting influence into the world.
him for investigations or other legal actions.
Consequently, the ethics system that 5. Expansion from Core Self-Help Claims
Hubbard developed was less about enhancing into Other Areas: As an additional pattern
his own status through direct interpersonal of comparison, Capitalist (2018a) indicated
interactions but more about re-socializing that both Scientology and NXIVM developed
members into the ethical systems that were at programs that went beyond their original
the foundation of his organization, including self-help intents. He mentioned
his desire to thrust Scientology into a position Scientology’s entry into education through its
of world dominance. “study tech” (probably referring to Applied
Scholastics, which licenses Hubbard’s ‘study
On one level, the Scientology ethics system technology’ and is used in Scientology
applied to all people in any Scientology schools [Kent, 1999b, p. 156; Reitman, 2011,
organization, as well as to the organization p. 169]), and “drug rehab,” which is its
itself (Straus, 1986, p. 71). On an individual controversial Narconon program [Kent,
level, the ethics systems consist of twelve 2017b]). Regarding NXIVM, Capitalist made
types of relationships (called conditions) that passing reference to the Rainbow Cultural
persons can have when either entering the Garden Program (Capitalist, 2018a; see
Scientology organization or beginning a new Nguyen, 2020), which Raniere created
job in it (Hubbard [Based on the Works of], ostensibly to raise children in an environment
1994, pp. 374-409). These same conditions in which their nannies would speak different
also apply for Scientology’s entry and languages to them, but which some critics
involvement into societies themselves. On believed was an indoctrinating environment

International Journal of Coercion, Abuse, and Manipulation■ Vol. 1, No. 2, 2021 11

“’to teach children that sex is beautiful . . . reform program called In Lak’ Ech (see the
[and] should be practiced open[ly]” (quoted link in Raniere, 2011), coupled with the
in Natalie with Hardin, 2019, p. 217). filming of a documentary in which he offered
Capitalist speculated that three reasons his solution to widespread kidnapping,
existed for Hubbard and Raniere to have murders, and drug-related violence in
created their respective programs: 1) the Mexico. Raniere had recruited numerous
programs validated their “super-genius” Mexicans from prominent and wealthy
origin stories; 2) the programs attempted to families in the country, with many of them
create second generation cult members; and moving into his inner circle (and one with
3) the programs (when offered to the general whom he fathered a child). These rich and
public) were recruitment tools for attracting socially connected members gave him
new members (Capitalist, 2018b). “access to the country’s political elite; [were]
gullible followers with deep pockets, and
Capitalist could have mentioned that both [they lived in] a country in crisis that could
Hubbard and Raniere considered their offer him both influence and money”
respective programs so important and (Krauze, 2019). Raniere hoped to use these
consequential that they tried to expand their Mexican members to assist with the
organization’s influence into several nation- dissemination of a film in which he
states. Hubbard tried “to spread the influence “suggested a path of supposed nonviolent
of Scientology” in Rhodesia in 1966, going resistance” (Krauze, 2019). For Raniere, poor
so far as to have written “a ‘tentative Mexicans, in particular, were simply to
constitution” for the country, which (along decline “to take part in unlawful activities,
with other actions) got him expelled (Miller, accept extortion, or . . . capitulate to criminal
1987, pp. 257-259). Hubbard unsuccessfully demands” (Krauze, 2019). It appears,
cultivated influence with Corfu’s political however, that the American press discovered
and social elites in late 1968 and early 1969 Raniere’s abuses before the Mexican project
(Forte, 1981; Miller, 1987, pp. 294-296), and was in full swing (see Krauze, 2019), but in a
in 1972, Scientology attempted to make defense memo after a court convicted him,
inroads with the Moroccan bureaucracy, the Raniere still “boasted that he made Mexico
army, and the secret police (Miller, 1987, p. better” (Gavin, 2020). The memo announced
311). Globally, Scientology has attempted to that “‘he remains proud to have been
increase interest in Hubbard (and, by permitted to play a part in helping citizens
extension, the organization itself) by and residents of Mexico strive to bring peace
marketing a collection of aphorisms that he to a country beset by violent gangs,
penned, and publishing them in both booklet kidnapping and murders, a struggle that
(Hubbard, 1989b) and book form (Hubbard, continues to the present and that will continue
1989a) as The Way to Happiness. These in the future’” (quoted in Gavin, 2020).
publications are attempts to boost his image Apparently, Raniere believed that he had
as “one of the most acclaimed and widely “created a sustainable peace movement”
read authors of all time” (Hubbard, 1989a, (Gavin, 2020).
[inside back book cover flap]: see Kent,
1999b, p. 155). 6. Blatant Disregard for Basic Human
Rights: The last parallels between NXIVM
One significant effort that Raniere undertook and Scientology that Capitalist listed
to extend and expand his influence outside of involved the charge that “Scientology has
North America involved creation of a social engaged in all sorts of quack research on the

12 International Journal of Coercion, Abuse, and Manipulation ■ Vol. 1, No. 2, 2021

‘tech’ of self-help,” while “NXIVM was was the principle, “a determination that a
accused of conducting experiments in brain person has a mental illness shall be made in
activity on several members without consent accordance with internationally accepted
and without any sort of scientific basis” medical standards” (Office of the High
(Capitalist, 2018a). Capitalist did not specify Commissioner, United Nations Human
what allegedly “quack” research he had in Rights, 1996-2020, Principle 4), which
mind, but one candidate could have been Scientologists without medical licenses or
Hubbard’s implementation of what he called psychiatric training are completely
the “Introspection Rundown” for people unqualified to make.
demonstrating severe psychological
Hubbard (and then his followers) apparently
decomposition (like psychosis). Several
believed that he was treating psychosis, and
years before Capitalist’s article, a study on
in a 1970 Hubbard Communications Office
Scientology and mental health had Bulletin entitled “Psychosis” he made it clear
summarized Hubbard’s supposed research:
that “all characteristics classified as those of
(Kent & Manca, 2012, pp. 16-17):
the ‘suppressive person’ are in fact those of
The strongest claim about treating psychotics an insane person” (Hubbard, 1970, p. 804;
appeared in a 1974 publication about see his detailed discussion of suppression and
Hubbard’s ‘‘discovery’’ of something he suppressive persons in Hubbard, 1991). The
supposedly developed in 1973 called the “suppressive person” term reappears in
Introspection Rundown. In the second NXIVM.
revision of the Introspection Rundown, For example, Raniere’s NXIVM conducted
Hubbard (1974a) proclaimed, ‘‘THIS “experiments” to transform people whom
MEANS THE LAST REASON TO HAVE they considered to be suppressive, Luciferian
PSYCHIATRY AROUND IS GONE’’ type sociopaths—people who are not sane,
(Hubbard, 1974a, p. 346 [capitalization in who cause “others pain, distress, or
original]). He instructed Scientologists to unhappiness,” lack remorse, and who are
isolate the psychotic, not speak to him or her, “lacking in conscience and loyalty to others”
give the person-specific vitamins and (United States Patent Application
minerals, and begin auditing (Hubbard, Publication, 2013, p. 1). Beginning in 2016
1974a, p. 347). The auditing case supervisor, and continuing into August 2017, NXIVM
whose only required training was member, Dr. Brandon Porter (b. circa 1974),
Scientology, had the responsibility to decide conducted what came-to-be-called the “fright
when to release a supposed psychotic patient study” (see Bloch et al., 2018b; Tripathi,
from isolation (Hubbard, 1974b, pp. 260- 2020). Without their consent, he subjected
261). subjects to potential mental anguish,
A number of accounts over the years strongly nightmares, suffering and exacerbation of
suggest that this pseudo-scientific response to prior psychiatric conditions, such as PTSD.
severe psychiatric distress can be very [Porter] psychologically shocked the subjects
harmful if not deadly (Kent & Manca, 2012, by surprising them with a graphic, violent
pp. 14-17). Without question it violates a film clip depicting the real-life beheading and
number of “Principles for the protection of dismemberment of a group of defenseless
persons with mental illness and the women in Mexico, a scene described by
improvement of mental health care,” adopted [psychiatry expert witness Dr. Robert L.
by the United Nations General Assembly on Klitzman] as ‘’truly gruesome’ and ‘deeply
December 17, 1991, not the least of which disturbing.’ He also showed the subjects
other disturbing film clips from movies,

International Journal of Coercion, Abuse, and Manipulation■ Vol. 1, No. 2, 2021 13

including Hannibal, where Hannibal jilted lovers might use to belittle the persons
removed a person’s skull, cut out parts of the who left them. Here are some examples of
brain and fed them to the victim, The how Raniere described the kind of person
Accused, involving a gang rape and American whom he wanted to rehabilitate: “a person . .
History X, depicting a white male as a neo- . who commits destructive acts;” “a type of
Nazi stomping the face of an African sociopath;” one who “has severe behavioral
American male and killing him (State of New problems that are masked by good
York Department of Health, 2019, p. 24). psychological adjustment;” “appears on the
outside to be sane but is not;” someone who
For these and other ethical violations (some
derives pleasure “from achieving his selfish
involving additional research for NXIVM’s
desires such as destroying material objects or
Executive Success Program and its Ethical
relationships, and causing others pain,
Science Foundation on Tourette’s syndrome
distress, or unhappiness;” and someone who
and obsessive-compulsive disorder [(State of
is “lacking in conscience and loyalty to
New York Department of Health, 2019, p.
others” (United States Patent Application
7]), Porter lost his license to practice
Publication, 2013, p. 1).
medicine in New York (State of New York
Department of Health, 2019, p. 33). Partly
Susan Raine’s article in this edition provides
because of these unethical experiments,
numerous citations from people who
around eighty former NXIVM members are
identified Raniere as a narcissist (Raine,
suing Porter, Raniere, and eleven top
2021a), and one recent source identified him
NXIVM figures (along with four
as a malignant narcissist (Zeider & Devlin,
corporations and programs) for significant
2020, pp. 105-108). Malignant narcissists
damages (Sara Edmondson, Toni Natalie, et
seethe with revenge against people whom
al., v Keith Raniere et al., 2020, pp. 6-7, 183-
they feel have slighted, challenged, mocked,
or rejected them. Indeed, in the final fight
(over a sweater that Raniere had neglectfully
Motivating these fright experiments probably
ruined by not following Natalie’s drying
was Raniere’s fantasy about inventing “a
method for determining whether a Luciferian
can be rehabilitated,” which was the phrase the Little Prince [i.e., Raniere] lost his
shit. He cornered me in the laundry
that he used in the first line of his 2013 patent
room, screaming, spit flying from the
application (United States Patent Application
corners of his mouth, like a rabid dog.
Publication, 2013, [first unnumbered page]).
If Toni Natalie’s interpretation of her former ‘You are wrong, Toni. As usual. You
relationship with Raniere is accurate, then are wrong. You don’t know what you
said. I’m the Smartest Man in the
she became (in his mind) the “ultimate
World! I have a 240 IQ! Do you really
Luciferian” (Natalie with Hardin, 2019, p.
think that you’re right, and I’m
102) for breaking up with him on April 1,
1997 (Natalie with Hardin, 2019, p. 107). wrong? Do it. Tell me you’re wrong’
NXIVM’s Executive Success Programs had (Raniere in Natalie with Hardin,
2019, p. 108 [capitalization and italics
various sections or training modules, and
in original]).
Natalie learned that one of them “was directly
based on my leaving him” (Natalie with
Hardin, 2019, p. 101). Indeed, terms that Natalie refused to tell him what he demanded
Raniere used to describe a Luciferian in his (and obviously needed) to hear, and it is
patent application were ones that furious, entirely possible that his challenge to his

14 International Journal of Coercion, Abuse, and Manipulation ■ Vol. 1, No. 2, 2021

narcissistic ego was a factor in his fantasy “co-dependents” (Donaghue, 2019a, p. 2).
about Luciferians and their rehabilitation. (I Five of these facilitators plead guilty to
will return to a discussion about malignant serious crimes committed at the behest of
narcissism at the end of this analysis.) Raniere himself (Donaghue, 2019b, p. 3). A
charismatic aristocracy operated around
Miscellaneous Comparative Observations: Raniere, and its social structure and operation
In the process of clarifying and elaborating extended his pathology far more widely than
upon the six comparisons that the he could have simply on his own.
pseudonymic author, John P. Capitalist,
offered about Scientology and NXIVM Comparing Raniere’s inner circle to
(Capitalist, 2018a), I observed a number of Hubbard’s would be a difficult task for a
additional similarities, big and small, number of reasons, including the age of
between the founders of these two groups and Scientology itself (beginning in the early
the groups themselves. I offer a selection of 1950s), the number of persons who have
them here, to illustrate some further key passed through it, the bureaucratized
comparisons and to provide additional points structure of the facilitating organization (the
that others may wish to pursue.i I conclude Sea Organization), and the primacy of a
these reflections, however, with one successor (David Miscavige [b. 1960]) to the
comparison that seems central when deceased founder. What might be less
examining the two groups—the likelihood difficult but certainly manageable is to
that the two founders had variations of the examine how some inner circle facilitators
same personality disorder. changed their statuses to critics. Former
members of Raniere’s inner circle were
7. Inner circle facilitators: Both instrumental in getting law enforcement’s
Scientology and NXIVM have/had a group of attention (Edmondson with Gasbarre, 2019,
exclusive supporters who facilitated their pp. 195-210; Oxenberg with Stoynoff, 2018,
charismatic leaders’ visions and projects pp. 198ff.), and former members from
while attempting to protect them from Scientology have been whistleblowers for
internal and external hostile forces. The decades. An extensive sociological literature
famous sociologist, Max Weber, wrote about exists about exiting belief-systems (Kent and
these kinds of supporters as constituting “a Samaha, 2015), but the individual stories
definite social structure with a staff and an about exiting specific belief systems and
apparatus of services and material means that groups always expands our overall
is adapted to the mission of the leader.” knowledge about the process. Moreover, the
(Weber, 1922 [1978], p.1119). He named this phenomenon of whistleblowing (Tobin and
social structure a “charismatic aristocracy” Childs, 2009b), and understanding the price
(p. 1119), envisioning the relatives, friends, that many whistleblowers pay (Edmondson
and other associates constituting royal with Gasbarre, 2019, p. 203; Natalie with
courtiers (the aristocracy) who cluster around Hardin, 2019, p. 170; Oxenberg with
regal kings and/or queens. Various accounts Stoynoff, 2018, pp. 203-206; Tobin and
of NXIVM referred to these supporters as “an Childs, 2009a) is both vital to democracies
‘inner circle’ of individuals to carry out his and a necessary resistance to tyrants and the
orders” (Ducharme, 2020, p. 3; and see the authoritarian organizations that they direct.
picture of twenty inner circle people in
Natalie with Hardin, 2019, photograph of 8. Wealthy Benefactors: Both organizations
Exhibit GX 362); “enablers” (Natalie with received contributions from wealthy
Hardin, 2019: 86), “co-conspirators,” and

International Journal of Coercion, Abuse, and Manipulation■ Vol. 1, No. 2, 2021 15

benefactors. Prosecutors in the Raniere case Scientology’s spying operations on
estimate that Clare Bronfman may have perceived critics, which included “the
funded NXIVM, Raniere, his lawsuits, and brazen, systematic and persistent
his patents to the tune of at least $116 million burglaries of the United States
(Hong, 2020). Scientology has numerous Government offices in Washington,
donors who have donated millions of dollars D.C., and Los Angeles, California,”
(Wright, 2013 p. 278) often through the occurred “over an extended period of
International Association of Scientologists. at least two years” (Banoun, 1979, p.
One family alone (Trish Duggan and her 2). In addition to numerous federal
family) has donated at estimated $80 million offices, spying operations included:
to the International Association of
Scientologists, with one source estimating the infiltration and theft of documents
that total donations to various Scientology from a number of prominent national
projects and programs may be as high as $360 and world organizations, law firms
million (Ortega, 2018). and newspapers; the execution of
smear campaigns and baseless law
9. Spying on Critics: Both organizations suits to destroy private individuals
surveilled and spied on critics (Donoghue, who had attempted to exercise their
2019a, p. 2; Moynihan, 2019d; Ortega, First Amendment rights to freedom of
2011). According to the government’s expression; the framing of private
sentencing memorandum against Raniere: citizens who had been critical of
Scientology, including the forging of
Raniere and his co-conspirators documents which led to the
engaged in unlawful surveillance indictment of at least one innocent
and investigation of his perceived person [i.e., Paulette Cooper]; [and]
enemies…. The targets of these violation of the civil rights of
efforts included federal judges prominent private and public officials
overseeing litigation in which (Banoun, 1979, pp. 2-3)
NXIVM was a party, high-ranking
politicians, reporters who had Called Operation Snow White, this
published articles critical of Raniere was the program (mentioned earlier)
or NXIVM, NXIVM’s own lawyers, that led to the convictions of eleven
legal adversaries and their families, Scientologists (including Hubbard’s
an accountant (James Loperfido) who wife [Atack, 1990, p. 241; Kamen,
worked for an attorney who had 1983]) and Hubbard’s “unindicted
previously done work for NXIVM, co-conspirator” designation (Banoun,
and Edgar Bronfman Sr., the father of 1979, p. 69; Banoun, 1980, p. 32).
Clare Bronfman (Ducharme, 2020, p. This domestic spy operation was
8; see Moynihan, 2019d). unprecedented in the United States,
and “as many as five thousand
After Clare Bronfman’s father publicly Scientologists were covertly placed in
stated that he thought NXIVM was “’a 136 governmental agencies
cult’” (Edgar Bronfman, quoted in worldwide” (Wright, 2013, p. 122 see
Freedman, 2003), she helped another also p.123).
NXIVM member hack into his emails
(Ducharme, 2020, pp. 8-9; Moynihan, ]

16 International Journal of Coercion, Abuse, and Manipulation ■ Vol. 1, No. 2, 2021

Operation Snow White received mention in a poorly, so Deke Sharon (who was not at this
discussion about a clumsy spy operation that second festival) withdrew his support, and
NXIVM conducted against a prominent a most of the singing community followed his
cappella music organization that Raniere lead (Helmar, 2020a). In response, Clare
tried, and failed, to infiltrate. Raniere claimed Bronfman paid just under $900,000 (US) to a
to have musical skills and “intellectual Canadian-based private detective agency,
patents pending in the areas of . . . voice and Canaprobe, to undertake covert banking
musical training” (Raniere, 2011), but his investigations of perceived enemies, which
interest in voice-only singing likely became included Sharon. In the Canaprobe report that
aroused when he realized that people who Bronfman received, it stated that Sharon had
participated in the a cappella performance offshore bank accounts, but it transpired that
and workshop community: she had been scammed. According to an FBI
agent, “most, if not all of the financial
were based around elite universities material was inaccurate” (Moynihan, 2019e).
and [were] full of young, slightly
nerdy musical theater types who Because of the role of private investigators in
would be a fertile hunting ground for this story, and possibly also because an adult
a cult like NXIVM that specialized in child (Bronfman) had been spying on her
charming wealthy philanthropists, father, the blogger (Leo Helmar), who
scions of blue blood families, and reported on NXIVM’s use of Canaprobe,
seekers from groups like the acting drew readers’ attention to a recently
and yoga communities” (Helmar, published book by the father (Ron Miscavige
2020a). Consequently, in 2007, [b. 1936]) of Scientology’s current leader,
NXIVM organized and completely David Miscavige. Helmar informed readers
funded an a cappella festival, that Ron, who was critical of his son David’s
covering all participants’ travel and behavior as Scientology’s head, learned that
accommodation expenses, and the his son had put him under surveillance. When
influential head of the Contemporary it appeared (incorrectly) that Ron was having
A Cappella Society, Deke Sharon, a heart attack, the private investigator phoned
attended. Mention of NXIVM David, asking what to do. The son instructed
throughout the festival was minimal the private investigator “to let his father die
(although some participants noticed it and to not intervene” (Helmar, 2020b: see
nonetheless), but more obvious was Miscavige with Koon, 2016, p. 213).
“that attendees were asked intrusive Presenting Ron Miscavige’s recent
amounts of personal information like experience was “important to the [NXIVM]
social security numbers, home story because NXIVM adapted many of the
addresses, and other contact tactics that had been used by Scientology and
information” (Helmar, 2020a). its spy wing which was initially known as the
Guardian’s Office and has now been
With the beginning of the second festival in rebranded as the Office for [sic: of] Special
2008, concerns about NXIVM’s sponsorship Affairs” (Helmar, 2020b [capitalization in
erupted when someone posted links (on an original]).
influential a cappella internet forum) to
negative internet sources about the group. 10. Abortions: According to Toni Natalie,
Asked by a cappella members to respond to “in the mid-2000s, [Raniere] was having sex
the criticisms, NXIVM members reacted with everyone in his inner circle,” believing

International Journal of Coercion, Abuse, and Manipulation■ Vol. 1, No. 2, 2021 17

that sex was “an ‘energy exchange’ and his indicative of significant doctrinal positions or
ejaculation [was] a sort of magical glue that leadership attitudes and practices.
keeps all of his concubines conjoined”
(Natalie with Hardin, 2019, p. 149). 11. Isolated Confinement:
Consequently, he did not use condoms, and One aspect of Raniere’s trafficking
“all of this unprotected sex led to numerous conviction (which involved a criminal
pregnancies, and these numerous pregnancies violation overseen by one of his facilitators,
led to the same number of terminations.” Lauren Salzman) was their restraint of a
(Natalie with Hardin, 2019, p. 150). A female young Mexican woman, Daniela, “for labor
member of his inner circle, Pam Cafritz, and services by confining her to a room for
handled the abortion arrangements (Natalie nearly two years on the threat of being sent to
with Hardin, 2019, pp. 149, 150; see Mexico and withholding her birth certificate”
(Ducharme, 2020, p. 5). Only two women (Ducharme, 2020, p. 4; see Ortega, 2019a).
saw their pregnancies through to birth (see As outlined in the government’s sentencing
Raine, 2021a), and for one of the mothers, the memorandum, “Daniela was confined to the
baby’s premature arrival almost killed both room for nearly two years, during which she
of them (Natalie with Hardin, pp. 150-151, went months without human contact”
239). Susan Raine’s article (2021a) in this (Ducharme, 2020, p. 5). Remarkably, the
journal edition gives a disturbingly insightful unlocked room in which she was confined
analysis of the complex sexual dynamics was on the top floor of a house that her
with and around Raniere, and how these parents rented, who themselves participated
dynamics are essential for understanding the in Raniere’s alleged punishment of her for an
operations of his group. “ethical breach” against him. (Apparently,
they did not know that her “ethical breach”
Credible allegations about abortions among was feeling an attraction to a man her own
Scientology’s Sea Organization members age during a period when Raniere [who was
date back at least to the late 1980s (see Kent, about three decades older than her] had
1999c, p. 10), and continued to appear in included her in his sexual circle.) After she
subsequent journalistic accounts and lawsuits finally left the room, Raniere directed that her
(DeCrescenzo aka Dieckman 2015, pp. 18- father and another high-ranking NXIVM
20; Reitman, 2011, pp. 323-325; Wright, member drive her back to Mexico, and even
2013, pp. 121, 266). It is unclear if these there she was not to receive her birth
(alleged) practices continue at present. certificate until she completed book reports
Assuming that the earlier accounts were for him. Eventually, she had to evoke the
reasonably accurate, they probably reflected assistance of a human rights attorney to
“the attitude among some Sea Org leadership obtain it (Ducharme, 2020, p. 6; Moynihan,
. . . that children hinder adults from 2019c).
performing their vital assignments” (Kent,
1999c, p. 10; see Scientology Canada, 2020). While the confinement example in NXIVM
In sum (and for the sake of argument, was limited to one unfortunate person,
assuming that the allegations about accounts in Scientology involve a number a
Scientology are accurate), abortions took people over a period of years. Earlier I
place in both organizations, but future discussed the Introspection Rundown, which
researchers will have to determine if the directs the confined isolation of people
similarities between the two groups are having severe psychological or psychiatric
episodes of mental breakdown. A review of

18 International Journal of Coercion, Abuse, and Manipulation ■ Vol. 1, No. 2, 2021

sources discussing this policy identify involvements they had with other
numerous people isolated under these people. Hubbard fanatically
conditions in Scientology facilities around prohibited involvement between the
the world (Kent, 2000a, Section IV; Reitman, sexes, or out-2D, as it is called in
2011, pp. 209-223; Wright, 2013, pp. 127, Scientology. Married persons were
128-129, 235-236). Other alleged incidents allowed to see each other but it was
of isolation are interspersed in accounts about strictly controlled (Burden, 1980, p.
hundreds of people who were in 2)
Scientology’s reeducation, forced labor,
brainwashing, or penal system, known as the The fact reported in an account by another
Rehabilitation Project Force (RPF), which (in person, which indicated that Hubbard used
various forms) operated from 1974 and at the chain locker as an isolation punishment
least into the early 2000s (Ortega, 2017). location for a child, gives credence to
Accounts over the years reported about Burden’s affidavit (Wright, 2013, p. 111).
people in this program being confined and
locked in isolation (Kent, 2000b, pp. 26-28). One wonders why both Hubbard and Raniere
Around the time that the RPF first appeared, became so upset when people had age-
other instances of forced isolation apparently appropriate romantic feelings or sexual
occurred on the Scientology ship, Apollo, as attractions. A possible explanation is that, to
reported by a former staff member who was these and other cult leaders, emotional bonds
there as a teenager. Two of the accounts are between members may compete and interfere
of particular interest to us now because (like with their members’ emotional (and
the NXIVM isolation punishment) it was practical) abilities to commit completely to
something that Hubbard imposed upon two those leaders or the organizations that they
young people who had some sort of have created (see Whitsett and Kent, 2003, p.
emotional attractions to others: 492). Eliminating emotional “competition”
was paramount for Hubbard and Raniere
While on the Apollo, I observed because both leaders/founders possessed
numerous punishments meted out for characteristics of malignant narcissists.
many minor infractions or mistakes
made in connection with Hubbard's 12. Malignant narcissism:
very strict and bizarre policies. On a If we can contextualize the gendered
number of occasions, I saw people language to its historical context nearly two
placed in the 'chain lockers' of the centuries ago, then we can see that the
boat on direct orders of eminently quotable American essayist, Ralph
Hubbard. These lockers were small, Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), understood a
smelly holes, covered by grates where basic truth about organizational construction:
the chain for the anchor was stored. I “an institution is the lengthened shadow of
saw one boy held in there for 30 one man” (Emerson, 1841). In the
nights, crying and begging to be comparative cases of Scientology and
released. He was only allowed out to NXIVM, however, the gendered pronoun is
clean the bilges where the sewer and apt. Earlier scholarship proposed that
refuse of the ship collected…. I also Hubbard exhibited characteristics of
saw a young boy and a young girl narcissism (Lane and Kent, 2008), and Susan
thrown in the chain lockers at Raine’s interpretation (in this volume) of
separate times because of romantic Raniere as a sexually predatory narcissist is
chillingly convincing. Extending Emerson’s

International Journal of Coercion, Abuse, and Manipulation■ Vol. 1, No. 2, 2021 19

insight about organizational leaders to their commitment to his domination.
include these two groups, the retaliatory and Appropriately, Raine points out that the
aggressive policies that existed in both statement he had women recite before they
Scientology and NXIVM likely reflected the were branded had them saying that to get it
probable personality disorders of their was “‘an honor I want to wear for the rest of
founders. my life’” (Raniere, quoted in Raine, 2021a).
This violent act was a dramatically extreme
Using narcissism, therefore, as an example of his narcissistic demand for
interpretive framework for comparing the “excessive admiration” (American
leaders and their created social structures Psychiatric Association, 2013, p. 669).
provides a supplementary perspective to (Along these lines, Raniere insisted on being
questions around Raniere’s possible called “Vanguard,” [United States District
borrowings from Scientology. If Raniere did Court Eastern District of New York, 2018a,
have access to Scientology materials (as p. 1] and Hubbard called himself
some former NXIVM members claim), then “Commodore” and “Source” [Hubbard,
Raniere’s own narcissism may have 1976, pp. 92, 486]).
influenced if not determined, what he
borrowed. Hubbard’s efforts to keep aspects Both founders’ “obsession with ethics”
of his “tech” secret except to the initiated may provided opportunities to re-socialize
have struck a chord with Raniere, sharing the acolytes into their worldviews (which, as
common narcissistic concern that others are Raine in this journal edition shows for
“envious” (American Psychiatric Raniere, was deeply misogynistic). In
Association, 2013, p. 670) and would want to Raniere’s ethical system, one of two types of
steal their creations. strategies that people learn are “parasite
strategies . . . that keep people dependent on
Characteristics that the two founders others and lower self-esteem” (Raniere,
shared—fabricated backgrounds, quoted in Natalie with Hardin, 2019, p. 95).
grandiosity, lack of empathy as demonstrated As Raniere formulated the concept, it was
in human rights violations, entitlements strikingly similar to Hubbard’s definition of
around confining the uncooperative or “parasitic” as “being dependent on others
troublesome, interfering with women’s outside it, without producing more than it
reproductive rights—simply may reflect consumes” (Hubbard, 1976, p. 381; and see
attitudes and behaviors that grow out of a Raine, 2021b, p. 31 for a discussion of the
shared personality disorder. Likewise, phrase, “being ‘at cause’”). We simply
Hubbard’s demands for “excessive cannot certain, however, that Raniere
admiration” likely manifested in the billion- borrowed, then slightly modified, the term.
year contract that he devised for Sea Org
members, signifying their deep commitment Nor can we be certain (but it seems highly
to him and his organization (despite, as Phil likely) that Raniere borrowed Hubbard’s
Lord [2021] points out in this issue, only term, “suppressives,” as a label for opponents
having significance in Scientology’s own and perceived enemies, and its use by
“legal” system and none in mainstream law). Hubbard and Raniere provides insight into
Perhaps more consequentially, Raniere’s both of their minds. They likely were
authorization of irreversibly permanent, malignant narcissists, reacting “with disdain,
pelvic brands of his initials on women likely rage, or defiant counterattack” (American
seemed to him to be appropriate indicators of Psychiatric Association, 2013, p. 671; see

20 International Journal of Coercion, Abuse, and Manipulation ■ Vol. 1, No. 2, 2021

Zeider & Devlin, 2020, p. 43) to perceived Amidst sobs and near-hysterical tears as she
slights or challenges. A source that Raine pleaded guilty, Allison Mack told the court
(2021a) cites had identified Raniere as a that she “was lost” when she joined what she
malignant narcissist (Zeider & Devlin, 2020, thought was a self-help organization.
pp. 105-108), and this variant of a personality Speaking to the judge, she took responsibility
disorder would provide an explanation for the for her recruitment and enslavement of other
“vengeance” (Zeider & Devlin, 2020, p. 43) women, and amidst her confession managed
that he exhibited against Natalie and others to proclaim, “I can and will be a better
whom he believed were Luciferian person’” (Mack, quoted in Schapiro and
suppressives. Perhaps Raniere was inspired Winter, 2019; see Gold & Moynihan, 2019).
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social control in a cult-like social world. Symbolic Interaction 9(1), of whether a Luciferian can be rehabilitated. (October 24). Inventor:
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International Journal of Coercion, Abuse, and Manipulation■ Vol. 1, No. 2, 2021 25

Vicente, M. (2020). My statement at Keith Raniere’s sentencing. G. Both organizations-built files on perceived political
(October27),3pp. opponents (Moynihan, 2019d; Natalie with Hardin, 2019, pp.
0/10/9/my statement-at-keith-ranieres-sentencing 162-163; Shaffer, 1978).
Volkan, V. D. (1980). Narcissistic personality organization and H. Critics of both Scientology (Rahman, 2020; Sappell, 2012;
reparative leadership. International Journal of Group see Blum 1993, p. 37) and NXIVM (Natalie with Hardin,
Psychotherapy (January 1), 131-152.Weber, M. (1922 [1978]). 2019, p. 171) had pet dogs die under suspicious circumstances
Economy and Society Volume 2. (Ed. Guenther Roth and Claus
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Wick, J. (2018). Everything we know about the man who recruited Sociology, University of Alberta, teaches
Allison Mack into his sex cult, forcing women to become branded undergraduate and graduate courses on the
sex slaves. CheatSheet (May 25). sociology of religion and the sociology of
about-the-man-who-recruited-allison-mack-into-his-sex-cult- sectarian groups. He has published articles in
numerous sociology and religious study
Wright, L. (2013). Going clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the
prison of belief. Alfred A. Knopf. journals. His 2001 book, From Slogans to
Xiao, B. (2019). Inside the Numerous Shrouded Links Between
Mantras: Social Protest and Religious
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A psychodynamic exploration of madness and leadership. Academic Title for 2002. In 2012 he received
Routledge. The Margaret Thaler Singer Award for
Footnotes advancing the understanding of coercive
1 Among the additional similarities are:
persuasion and undue influence from the
American Cultic Studies Association.
A. Both Hubbard and Raniere were/are only children and
White males (Miller, 1986, pp. 12 25; Natalie with Hardin,
2019, p. 11).
B. Both Hubbard and Raneire had previous business failures
prior to their respective creations of Scientology (Atack, 1990,
pp. 121-127; Miller, 1987, pp. 193-200) and NXIVM
(Griroriadis, 2018; Natalie with Hardin, 2019, pp. 61-68, 83;
Sarah Edmondson, Toni Natalie, et al., v. Keith Raniere et al.,
2020, p. 4).
C.Hubbard owned one patent during his life (United States
Patent Office, 1966), was the assignee for a related patent in
1984 (United State Patent, 1984), (and after his death in 1986
was listed as the deceased inventor of patents on file in 1998,
2000, and 2012 (JUSTIA Patents, 2020). Raniere owned or
filed numerous patents, with a Vanity Fair reporter finding (in
2018) forty American patents applications with slightly over
twenty having been granted thus far (Bryant, 2018; see Jeff
Trexler, quoted in Bryant, 2018).
D. Both Scientology (Kent, 2002; 2017a; 2017c) and Nxium
recruited celebrities (Edmondson with Gassbarre, 2019, p. 90;
Natalie with Hardin, 2019, pp. 196-1993; Oxenberg with
Stoynoff, 2018).
E. Both Scientology (Hubbard, 1976, p. 201) and NXIVM
(Edmondson with Gasbarre, 2019, pp. 51, 91) had a system of
commissions for members who recruited others.
F. Participation in both Scientology (Reitman, 2011, p. 284;
Wright, 2013, pp. 16-17) and NXIVM (Edmondson with
Gasbarre, 2019, p. 151; Grigoriadis, 2018; United States of
America against Keith Raniere, 2018a, pp. 3-4.) involved
enrolling in expensive courses, workshops, programs, and
classes that ran for various lengths of time.

26 International Journal of Coercion, Abuse, and Manipulation ■ Vol. 1, No. 2, 2021

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