Scientology NixiumcomparisonIJCAMSpecialIssueFinal
Scientology NixiumcomparisonIJCAMSpecialIssueFinal
Scientology NixiumcomparisonIJCAMSpecialIssueFinal
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1 author:
Stephen Kent
University of Alberta
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All content following this page was uploaded by Stephen Kent on 08 June 2021.
This special issue of the International the Treasury (Internal Revenue Service,
Journal of Coercion, Abuse, and 1993). By contrast, NXIVM leaders never
Manipulation is dedicated to articles about attempted nor received religious status for the
Scientology and NXIVM, so it offers an group, instead running the overall
opportunity to present evidence, in an organization as a business with only two of
academic setting, about Scientology’s its creations, the Ethical Science Foundation
possible influence on Keith Raniere (b. 1960) and A Cappella Innovations Inc, obtaining
and the organization that he founded. I nonprofit (501(c)3 status (ProPublica, 2019;
provide, therefore, a summary of comments ProPublica, 2021).
that former members and critics of both Second, Keith Raniere and five close
groups have made about the (alleged) associates were convicted for having
Scientology influence on NXIVM, and I
operated “a racketeering enterprise
conclude with my own interpretations of why
victimizing women through sex trafficking
some apparent similarities exist between the
and other crimes” (Donoghue, 2019a). Robin
two groups and their creators. I realize that Boyle-Laisure provides an excellent
my comments are only preliminary (pending discussion of the trafficking aspects of this
the discovery of new information), and I
case in her article in this volume (see also her
identify some lacuna in both evidence and
comments in Helmore, 2019). In addition,
interpretation that further researchers may evidence presented in Raniere’s trial
want to pursue. identified an extensive spying operation that
Since most of these introductory reflections NXIVM had conducted (Moynihan, 2019e).
discuss possible similarities between Scientology’s creator, L. Ron Hubbard
Scientology and NXIVM, one must keep in (1911-1986) also had overseen spying
mind that significant differences also exist. operations against perceived enemies, and
These differences must not be overlooked or court documents named him as an
downplayed, since coercion, abuse, and “unindicted co-conspirator” (Banoun, 1979,
manipulation issues involving the two groups p. 69; Banoun, 1980, p. 17) in two cases,
are too serious and complex for unhelpful, which lead to the convictions and
simplistic, or one-sided comparisons. At least imprisonment of eleven Scientologists. He
four differences are significant, and we must was not charged, however, so he was not put
not forget them as we undertake comparative on trial. (I will discuss these two trials later in
analyses. this analysis.) In a separate case, Hubbard
was convicted in absentia by a French court
First, however controversial Scientology’s
in 1978 and sentenced to four years in prison
American status as a charity may be, the
(which he never served) “for making false
“Church of Scientology” and dozens of its
claims that his methods could cure illness”
“related entities” did receive tax exempt
(Murphy, 2009). Nevertheless, nothing in
charitable status based partly upon its
these three cases that involved Hubbard
religious claims in 1993 according to a
(leaked) document from the Department of
aristocrats”—his facilitators and enablers, Bloch, J.; Goldhar, K.; Elash, A.; and Pizer, D. (2018b, October 30).
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