805 - M.Com - Business Administration
805 - M.Com - Business Administration
805 - M.Com - Business Administration
MBS Marg, Swami Vivekanand Nagar,
Kota - 324 005, Rajasthan, India
Website: uok.ac.in
Business Administration
M.COM (Prev)
Paper I – Strategic Management
Paper II – Management Thinkers
Paper III –Business Environment
Paper IV – Managerial Economics & Management Accountancy
M. COM (Final) : --
Unit I : Introduction :
Concept of strategy, Meaning and Importance of Strategic Management, Strategic Management Process,
Levels of strategy, Approaches to strategic decision-making ; elements of strategy.
Books Recommended
1. P.SubhaRao : Business Policy and Srategic Management, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay.
2. Azhar Kazmi; Business Policy, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.
3. Lomash Sukul; Business Policy and Strategic Management; Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
4. Glen Boseman and Arvind Pathak ; Strategic Management Text and cases; John Viley & Sons;
5. Gosh P.K.; Business policy strategic Planning and Management, Sultan Chand & Sons, Delhi
6. Srivatava R.M.; Corporate Strategic Management; Pragati Prakashan; Meerut.
7. Ikh-lh- tSu& jes'k cqd fMiks] t;iqj ¼fgUnh o vaxzsth otZu½
Book Recommended :
1 Francis : Business & Govt.; Himalaya Publishing House, Delhi
2 Bowen, Howard : Social Responsibilities of Bus iness (Harper)
3 Clark J.M. ; Social Control of Business Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi
4 Ozbekbar, Hasan & Gane E. Tebert : Business Government (R.I. Institute of Man -
agement Service)
5 vxz o ky ,oa dks B kjh % ljdkj lekt ,oa O;olk;
6 mik/;k; ,oa 'kekZ % ljdkj ,oa O;olk;
7 M. Adhikary : Economics Environment & Pubic Policy.
8 th- ,l- lq / kk % O;olkf;d okrkoj.k
Nature and scope of Research Methodology, Problem Formulation and Statement of Research
Research Process : Research Design – Exploratory, Descriptive and Experimental Research Design,
Methods of Data Collection – Observational and survey Methods, Primary and Secondary Data; Making
inferences of Data; Hypothesis and its testing.
Quantitative methods of Survey Research, Survey Techniques and its limitations, Operationalisation of
Research Design, Questionnaire Design and Administration, Interview Schedule, Reliability and
Qualitative Research Techniques : Participant observation, Interview Guide, Case study Method,
Content Analysis, Validity and Reliability in Qualitative Research, Action Research.
Appropriate Statistical techniques : Averages : Mean, Mode, Median; Correlation, Regression, Chi
Squire, Level of Significance, ANOVA, Use of SPSS and other Statistical Software Packages,
Tabulation and Analysis of Data and Preparation of Report.
Unit I
Creativity as prerequisite of innovation; Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Enterpreneurship Vs
Management. Entrepreneurship and change, Global Business opportunities and entrepreneurship. Indian
Multinationals and success stories of Indian Business Entrepreneurs.
Unit - II
Conceptual Issues in Entrepreneurship, Qualities and Pre-requisites of Entrepreneurs, Environmental
Factors, Affecting Entrepreneurship, Role of entrepreneurship in economic development, Role and
Functions of Entrepreneur in relation to new venture creation (with reference to a developing country)
Unit III
Entrepreneurship and cultural issues, Entrepreneurial Skills and Effectiveness of Entrepreneurs,
Technology and Entrepreneurial Interface, Role of Training Institutions - EDII, NIESBUD and State
Level Training Programmes, Role of NICS, SISI, DIC, TCO,
Unit IV
Project Management : Project Identification Preparation of New Project Appraisal, Implementation and
Evaluation, Feasibility of New Project: Technical, Economic Commercial , Administrative, Financial
and Social.
Unit V
Historical Back drop of Entrepreneurial Growth, Prominent Indian Business Families and Communities,
The Contemporary Role Models of Indian Business – Values, Philosophies and Recent Developments.
Global Entrepreneurship Monitoring.
Books Recommended :
1. Panda, Shiba Charan, Entrepreneurswhip Development, New Delhi, Anmol Publications.
2. Singh, Nagendra P, Emerging Trends in Entrepreneurship Development, New Dehi, Aseed
3. Pareek, Udai and Vankateshwara Rao T. Developing Entrepreneurship - A Hand book of
Learning systems, Latest Edition.
4. Taneja, Satish and Gupta, S.L. Entrepreneurship Development - New Venture Creation,
Galgotia Publishing House, New Delhi.
5. Tandon B.C. : Environment Entrepreneur; Chugh Publications, Latest Edition.
6. Desai, Vasant, Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development and Management, Mumbai HPH, 2002.
7. Khanna S.N. Entrepreneurial Development, S. Chand , New Delhi (Latest edition)
8. Lkq/kk th-,l- % O;olk; m|ferk dk fodkl] jes'k cqd fMiks] t;iqj
Scope of MSMES, Role in economic development, Legal Frame work, sources of information, Forms
of Organisation, Feasibility report, Registration, Licensing Regulations Covering MSMES.
Institutional assistance, Incentives etc. - Financial Assistance, opportunity scanning - Choice of
Enterprise, Market Assessment of MSMES, Tax benefits, Ownership structures and organisational
framework, financial management Issues in MSMES, Infrastructure for MSMES.
Unit - III
Production Planning: Choice of Technology and Selection of Site, Plant, location and layout,
Production, Planning and Control.
Unit - IV
Cost of Production; Cash Flows Management, Working Capital Management, Capital Structure,
Marketing the Product, Price, Distribution, Promotion.
Unit- V
Performance assessment and control, strategies of stabilisation and growth, Managing Family business
Enterprise, Export Marketing, Problems and Prospects of MSMES.
Books Recommended :
Vasant Desai : Organisation and Management of SSI, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay.
Vasant Desai:Problems and Prospects of SSI in India, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay.
Vasant Desai : Management of SSI, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay.
B.N. Ahuja : SSI in India, Verma Bros., Delhi.
G.D.Sharma: How to start your small industry.
Dr. Shashikala : Management of SS, Deep and Deep Publication, New Delhi.
Unit I : Introduction :
Genesis; Philosophy and concept of HRD; Objectives and Importance of HRD; Globalisation and HRD,
HRD Skills; Functions of a Modern HRD.
Books Recommended
1. P.C. Tripathi " Human Resource Development S.Sons, New Delhi
2. Dr. B. Rattan Reddy " Effective Human Resource Training and Development Strategy " Himalaya
Publishing House, 2004.
3. Dayal Ishwar: Designing HRD Systems, New Delhi, Concept , 1993
4. Kohil, &Uddesh and Sinha, Dhampi P. HRD Global Challenges and Strategies in 2000 A.D. New
Delhi, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 1991.
5. Silvera, D.N. HRD; The Indian Experience, New Delhi 1991.
6. Rao, T.V. etc. Alternative Approaches; Strategies of Human Resource Development, Jaipur Rawat,
Books Recommended
1. P.Subha Rao : Essentials of HRM and Industrial Relations.
2. Mamkoottam : Trade Unionism : Myth and Reality, New Delhi, Oxford University Press.
3. Virmani, B.R. Participative Management Vs Collective Bargaining, Vision Books, New Delhi.
4. Mamorial C.B. Dynamics of Industrial Relations, Himalaya Publications, Mumbai.
5. S.C. Srivastava Industrial Relations and Labour Laws, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi,1994.
Unit I : Introduction :
Meaning, Scope and Importance of Marketing; Marketing Concept- New and Old; Marketing
Environment ; Marketing Approaches; Impact of Globalisation on Marketing; Rural Marketing- Need
and Importance.
Books Recommended
1. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, New Delhi, Pearson
2. Rajan Saxena, Marketing Managemen, Macmillan, New Delhi
3. Ramaswamy and Mamakumari, Marketing Management.
4. R.L.Varshney and Gupta, Marketing Management
5. S.A.Sherlekar, Marketing Management, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
6. S.M. Jha, Service Marketing, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
7. Hknknk ,oa iksjoky & foi.ku izcU/k] jes'k cqd fMiks] t;iqj
8- ts-,u-lgxy & foi.ku izcU/k] jktLFkku fgUnh xzUFk vdkneh] t;iqj
9. Mohammed H.P.; Customer Relationship Management, Vikas Publishing House New Delhi.
10. Neelmeghams; Marketing in India: Cases and Readings, Vikas Publishing House New Delhi.
Books Recommended
1. Varshneya and Bhattacharya, International Marketing Management; S.Chand & Co., New Delhi.
2. Saxena and Kapoor, International Marketing ; Tata Mc Graw, New Delhi.
3. R.M. Joshi; International Marketing PHI; New Delhi.
4. Keedan W: Global Marketing Management; Prentice Hall New Jersy
5- dksBkjh] jkBkSM( vUrjkZ"Vªh; foi.ku] jes'k cqd fMiks] t;iqj
6- jktho tSu ( vUrjkZ"Vªh; foi.ku]
7. Rajagopal; International Marketing ; Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
Books Recommended
1. Hunt, William & Donaldon - Basic Business Finance.
2. Van Hrne - Financial Management and Policy.
3. Walker - Financial Management.
4. Khan and Jain - Financial Management.
5. Pandey I.M. - Financial Management.
6. Upadhyay Dr.K.M - Financial Management.
7. Kuchal S.C - Financial Management .
8. Deordan - Cost and Budget Analysis.
9. vxzoky rFkk vxzoky %foÙkh; izcU/k (jes'k cqd fMiks] t;iqj½
10. Kulkarni - Financial Management.
Unit I : Introduction :
Concept, Nature and Scope of Investment; Principles of Investment; Investment Process and Investment
Stages; Risk and Return; Investors attitudes towards risk and return.
Books Recommended
1. R Bhalla - Investment Management ; Security Analysis and Portfolio Management; S.Chand &
Sons, New Delhi.
2. Donald E Fisher and Ronald T Jordan, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, PHI
Publications New Delhi.
3. V.A.Avadhani - Investment and Security Markets in India, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi.
4. Preeti Singh - Investment Management, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
Unit I : Introduction :
Nature, Scope and Functions of Production Management: Organising for Production; Types of
Manufacturing Systems; Skills Required for Production Manager.
Books Recommended
1. Buffa E.S - Modern Production Management.
2. Mayors R.R - Production Management
3. Jhamb ; Production Planning and Control, Everest Publication, Pune.
4. Bill Scott, Manufacturing Planning System, Mc Graw Hill, London.
Unit I :Introduction :
Concept of Total Quality; Evolution of TQM; Concept and Importance of TQM; Components of TQ
Loop; TQM in Indian Organisations, Principles of TQM.
Books Recommended
1. J.M Juram and Frank M Gryna " Juram's Quality Control Hand book", McGrawhill, New york.
2. S.K.Mandal ; Total Quality Management ; Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
3. Sundara Raju S.M ; Total Quality Management: A Primer Tata McGrawHill,New Delhi.