Barnds IntelligenceForeignPolicy 1969

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Intelligence and Foreign Policy: Dilemmas of a Democracy

Author(s): William J. Barnds

Source: Foreign Affairs , Jan., 1969, Vol. 47, No. 2 (Jan., 1969), pp. 281-295
Published by: Council on Foreign Relations

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By William J. Barnds

w ITH the obvious exception of Viet Nam, nothing the

U.S. Government has done in recent years in the field
of foreign policy has created so much controversy as its
intelligence operations, especially the secret subsidizing of private
American institutions. The sinking of the Liberty with the loss of
34 American lives during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war and the
capture of the Pueblo by North Korea in 1968 brought home to
the American public the dangers involved in one type of intelli
gence collection and embarrassed an already beleaguered Ad
ministration. Of all the U.S. intelligence organizations, the Cen
tral Intelligence Agency has been the most vociferously attacked.
It has been accused of perpetrating the 1967 Greek coup, ar
ranging the death of Ch? Guevara and even fanning the flames
of the recent student riots in Mexico as a means of influencing
the Mexican Government to adopt an anti-Castro stance in
hemispheric affairs.
Some critics of CIA view it as omnipotent and evil; others
attack it as bumbling and incompetent. Although only a mi
nority accepts either of these extreme characterizations, many
Americans and foreigners are concerned about CIA's activities,
and they are far from reassured by repeated official statements
that it is an efficient and fully controlled instrument of the U. S.
Government. The CIA has undoubtedly contributed more than
other agencies to the alienation from the U. S. Government of
an important segment of the academic-intellectual community
and of young people; the arrival of its recruiters on a college
campus is more likely to start a student riot than those of any
other institution?with the possible exception of talent scouts
from the Dow Chemical Company.
Present attitudes toward CIA represent a sharp departure
from the situation a decade ago. Yet in the immediate postwar
years there was considerable uneasiness about establishing such
an organization. To do so seemed undemocratic and out of
keeping with American traditions. Many Americans regarded
spying as a dirty business, and looked on interfering in the inter
nal affairs of other nations as inconsistent with our professed

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principles of nonintervention. Yet agreement slowly emerged

that if the United States was to protect its interests and fulfill
its international responsibilities in a harsh environment it had
little choice but to engage in such activities.
This consensus, like so many others, has now vanished. There
fore it is appropriate to consider why CIA was created, how an
intelligence agency operates, the relationship of intelligence ac
tivities to foreign policy, and the difficulties and dilemmas (as
well as the capabilities) such an institution creates for a democ
racy which is also a major power.

The collapse of Soviet-American cooperation late in Wo

War II gradually convinced most Americans that Soviet
munism posed a critical challenge to U. S. security. The dev
ment of the cold war and the withdrawal of the European colon
powers from Asia made it clear that this country could not esc
a much deeper involvement in world politics than had former
been the case in peacetime. Complex and difficult decisions
to be made on a bewildering variety of issues in a rapidly cha
ing international environment. The United States was bec
ing involved in areas of the world about which it knew next
nothing. It was uncertain about the capabilities and intenti
of both friendly and unfriendly nations?and sometimes n
sure which was which. The implications of the scientific revo
tion for world politics and military affairs were difficult to disce
with any clarity, and the relationships between American
terests in different parts of the world were obscure.
It soon became apparent that the United States lacked n
only a foreign policy adequate to cope with this new situat
but even the institutions within the U. S. Government necessa
to develop and carry out an effective policy. Institutions
procedures had to be established which would enable the Pr
dent to bring together the key U. S. officials who dealt with
various aspects of foreign policy to consider the relevant fact
weigh the alternative courses of action, make the necessary po
decisions and see that they were carried out. The result was th
National Security Act of 1947, which created the National S
rity Council to help the President formulate foreign policy an
established the Department of Defense as a step toward uni
tion of the armed forces. This Act also created the Central

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telligen?e Agency; it was the nation's first separate peacetime
intelligence organization.
Those responsible for U. S, foreign policy in this period felt
keenly the need for more and better information on many un
familiar areas and problems, and they decided that the task of
providing much of this information should rest with men who
had no direct policy responsibilities and thus no position to sup
port, no interest to defend. American leaders also concluded
that the United States needed an organization able to perform
certain tasks in the execution of policy that fell between the
traditional instruments of foreign policy and the open use of
armed force. Thus CIA was given three general functions: (1)
to gather information by covert as well as overt means; (2) to
combine the information it collects with that of other agencies,
to evaluate it and to present it in useful form to the policy
makers; and (3) to be prepared to intervene covertly in the
affairs of other nations when so directed.1
The communist seizure of power in China and Peking's in
volvement in the Korean War greatly intensified the cold war.
This led to a major expansion of U.S. military forces and of CIA
and other U. S. intelligence organizations. A less tangible but
perhaps more important effect of the communist gains in East
Asia, coming so quickly after the imposition of communist rule
on Eastern Europe, was to create in American minds the image
of a worldwide movement of incredible unity and dynamism
pressing hard on a disunited and weak non-communist world.
America was the only serious obstacle to even more dramatic
communist gains, and American leaders were determined that
this country would not fail in its responsibilities as it had after
the First World War.
When uneasy stalemates developed in Europe and East Asia,
the struggle between the communist bloc and the West shifted
to Asia and Africa. In view of the inherent weaknesses and im
mense problems of most Afro-Asian countries, few people were
confident that communism could be successfully combatted in
1 CIA was thus the central element of the intelligence community, and the Director of
Central Intelligence was made responsible for coordinating the intelligence activities of the
U.S. Government. The intelligence community is now composed of CIA, the Department of
State's Bureau of Intelligence Research, the Pentagon's Defense Intelligence Agency, the
National Security Agency (which is responsible for communications intelligence), the intelli
gence components of the Army, Navy and Air Force, and?on certain matters?the intelli
gence units of the Atomic Energy Commission and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

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all these lands. CIA was assigned an important part of the task
of turning back the communist offensive?partly because in the
atmosphere of those years Congress would not have openly
provided funds for those liberal or leftist groups which were often
the most effective in opposing the communists. U. S. covert op
erations during the late 1940s and the early 1950s were success
ful in a variety of situations. CIA was generally regarded as
something new, exciting and effective, and it stood rather high
in public esteem.
Simultaneously, the advent of hydrogen weapons and inter
continental ballistic missiles made it of crucial importance that
the U. S. Government have reasonably accurate knowledge about
enemy capabilities. Fortunately, the technological revolution
which led to the development of such weapons also made it pos
sible to develop means of penetrating the Soviet veil of secrecy.
The U-2, reconnaissance satellites and electronic intercept sta
tions around the edges of the communist world enabled the
United States steadily to increase its knowledge of the Soviet
military establishment.
These technological advances first came to public attention
in connection with the U-2, which was an invaluable instrument
of intelligence gathering until it was shot down on the eve of the
i960 Summit meeting. The U-2 affair, followed by the spectacu
lar failure of the Bay of Pigs operation in 1961, ended the rela
tive immunity of such operations from public criticism. Those
members of Congress who had long been convinced that the
legislators should exercise a more formal and extensive control
over CIA renewed their push for creation of a Joint Committee
on Intelligence. The press began to take a more critical view of
American intelligence operations, and gradually became eager
to disclose information about them. From then on there were
periodic revelations of past U. S. intelligence operations, and
after each disclosure there was a new outcry for more control
over CIA and less reliance on it. (It was only among the novel
ists and television producers that the intelligence agent remained
the hero par excellence.)
The more critical public attitude was also stimulated by
changes in this country and abroad and by the impact these
developments had on American views of the world. The Sino
Soviet split, the declining intensity of the U.S.-Soviet conflict
(especially after the Cuban missile confrontation), the growing

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awareness that the intense nationalism of the Asian and African
nations limited communist prospects in these countries, and the
upheavals in China gradually convinced many Americans that
the external dangers were declining. By the time Viet Nam had
reached crisis proportions, the case for according higher priority
to domestic affairs was winning growing support, especially
among young people. To them Stalin was but a name from the
past, and the Cuban missile crisis was either a blurred memory
or was looked upon as an aberration in Soviet policy. In this
atmosphere the revelation in 1967 that CIA had been supporting
the National Student Association and other private institutions
led to such bitter and sustained attacks on the U. S. Govern
ment and on CIA as to force a basic re?xamination of American
intelligence activities.
Perhaps the most important lesson of these events was to make
it clear that even supposedly secret intelligence organizations do
not and cannot operate outside and apart from the American
milieu or mood. Clearly, American attitudes toward intelligence
activities are closely related to the public view of the external
dangers facing the United States and the foreign policy the nation
should pursue. Yet today the task of reaching even general
agreement on these matters is most difficult. As the danger is seen
less clearly, confusion concerning U. S. goals has correspondingly
increased. The United States is cooperating with the U.S.S.R. on
some issues and competing with it in others. The decline in many
Americans' fear of communism and the lack of agreement on
foreign policy has led many to argue that covert operations
should be drastically curtailed if not eliminated. This raises the
question whether the intelligence community can continue to
perform effectively without some degree of consensus as to the
threat we face.

Although CIA's covert operations have receive

attention and criticism because of their dramat
greater resources are devoted to the less spectac
collecting, analyzing and reporting intelligenc
ties permeate the entire foreign-policy process; im
decisions and the allocation of billions of dollars o
the judgments and conclusions reached by U. S
organizations. In such circumstances, intelligen

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inevitably become involved in domestic political controversies.
It is simple to state the formal responsibilities and to describe
the work, varied and voluminous though it is, of the U. S. in
telligence community in the area of intelligence production as
distinct from operations. It is to give the policy-makers judg
ments as to what the situation actually is in the world at any
given time, what it will be in the future, and (to a degree) what
the implications of such judgments are. A task simple to state,
but awesome to contemplate. Historians dispute the meaning of
past events, students of contemporary affairs are seldom wholly
persuasive when they describe current events and their im
plications, and the difficulties of forecasting even general trends
are obvious to all who have tried it and remember their record.
To carry out its responsibilities the U. S. intelligence com
munity has become one of the largest consumers and producers
of information in the world today?and thus in history. It
gathers masses of facts, rumors and opinions by reading every
thing from Pravda to the cables of U. S. missions abroad and the
reports of secret agents, and from the photographs taken by
satellites to the information gleaned from National Security
Agency reports. Even though much of this information goes no
farther than the intelligence analysts themselves, the intelligence
organizations regularly produce a variety of reports (National
Intelligence Estimates, daily and weekly intelligence journals,
special memoranda and various studies in depth) and send them
forth to compete for the attention of the overburdened and ha
rassed policy-makers.
In theory, the intelligence officer does not recommend policy,
but his decisions as to which facts are relevant and the way in
which they are presented can make a current policy look sound
or silly. He does not fulfill his role unless he brings unpleasant
as well as welcome facts and analysis to the attention of the
policy-makers. Yet the latter, who must also consider U. S. do
mestic needs, may have quite different ideas about which facts
are relevant. And if the senior policy-makers are to fulfill their
responsibilities to inform the public, they must present some of
the facts upon which U. S. foreign policy is based; the danger
is that their use of intelligence data and judgments will be se
lected in a manner designed primarily to justify their policies.
Thus the relationship between intelligence officers and policy
makers is as complex and varied as the personalities involved.

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Yet despite the inherent tensions and frictions in this relation
ship, U.S. leaders have an indispensable asset in the U.S. intelli
gence community. It is worth the policy-makers' time and trou
ble to keep the appropriate parts of the intelligence community
informed of all significant policy matters coming up for decision,
and to learn where and how to tap into the intelligence apparatus
in order to ask the right questions of the right people. It is also
important for U.S. leaders to let the intelligence community
know their opinion of the quality of its output. For the great
danger is that the intelligence officer, often involved in tedious
and painstaking work, will come to feel completely cut off from
the policy-making process. When this happens, he either becomes
a time-server or else studies his subject only for its own sake
rather than in the light of its importance to the United States.
But, one may fairly ask, has the quality of American intelli
gence research and analysis been such as to warrant this effort,
or even to warrant the cost of the intelligence apparatus? Even
the informed part of the public probably has only a vague impres
sion of a few spectacular intelligence failures and of some of the
outstanding successes, but no real feel for the general quality of
the effort. CIA's researchers and analysts have produced a broad
range of studies of a quality that often matches the best turned
out by universities and private research organizations. Other
parts of the intelligence community have done very good work in
more specialized fields. On the whole, the performance of the in
telligence community has been effective, especially when one re
members America's lack of experience and the complexity of the
problems involved. None the less, there have been more failures
and, less excusably, more mediocrity than the United States
should be willing to accept.
In any case, there is no room for complacency. The volume of
information to be processed will continue to increase and, while
computers will in time be of growing value, sound human judg
ment will remain the crucial element. Moreover, the tasks of the
future are likely to be more difficult than those of the past, for
international affairs probably will become more fluid and com
plex. If greater complexity and more rapid change characterize
the world of the future, the importance of appraising the atti
tudes, capabilities and intentions of other nations will increase
rather than decline. Yet prediction is especially difficult regard
ing nations striving to modernize, for in such countries tradi

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tional and modern attitudes are intricately interwoven. In such
circumstances, the intelligence analyst's perennial problem of
deciding when a political leader or a nation will act "out of char
acter" and then of convincing his colleagues and his readers to
be ready for a discontinuity of behavior becomes acutely diffi
cult. These problems will remain even if American involvement
abroad becomes more selective than it has been in the past.
The size of U.S. intelligence organizations gives them a great
capability for research in depth, but their size also imposes limi
tations, for subtlety of thought is not the most noteworthy trait
of any large organization. Special efforts will constantly be neces
sary to see that thoughtful, unorthodox views and individual
insights are encouraged rather than stifled by the system.

The tasks of the CIA clandestine service are at least

as those of the intelligence analysts and reporters, and m
what has been written about its activities has condem
supported its efforts rather than analyzed its functio
tially, a clandestine service performs four different type
ties: (i) it collects information secretly?traditional e
or spying activities; (2) it has a counterintelligence r
tecting the United States against penetration by oth
gence services; (3) it works with the intelligence service
and, at times, other nations?exchanging information wi
and sometimes helping them to protect their own societi
penetration or upheaval; (4) it conducts covert politi
tions, which include advising foreign politicians, con
covert propaganda, supporting labor unions or politica
and occasionally attempting to overthrow a foreign gove
These diverse activities can be separated in theory m
than in fact, since a CIA station abroad is at times in
several activities simultaneously, and they thus tend
act and overlap.
The most widely accepted of these activities is the
intelligence function, for it is difficult to criticize a gov
for striving to protect itself against penetration by foreign
The counterintelligence function is not the exclusive res
ity of CIA, however, for the military services and th
2 Technically, covert political action is not an intelligence activity, but since
on by intelligence organizations it must be considered in any discussion of intellige

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Bureau of Investigation are also deeply involved in this area.
The difficulty of this task in a world of shifting and uncertain
loyalties is attested to by the varied list of men?Richard Sorge,
Klaus Fuchs, Kim Philby and Oleg Penkovsky, to name but a
few?who long served governments other than their own.
Most of the critics of CIA also accept the necessity of clan
destine intelligence collection, but there is considerable public
confusion as to its purpose, value and limitations. All govern
ments try to keep certain of their actions and plans secret, and
every government of consequence tries to secure as much of this
information as it deems necessary to protect itself against the
actions of other nations and to formulate its own policies on a
sound basis. Properly conceived and operated, a clandestine col
lection system is essentially an extension of a government's overt
information system, and represents an attempt to gain key pieces
of information that cannot be obtained from open sources or
through other channels.
The intelligence supplied by a Richard Sorge or an Oleg Pen
kovsky can be of momentous importance. As Hugh Trevor
Roper said in his penetrating article on Kim Philby: "To have
a reliable, intelligent, highly-placed agent in the center of a
potentially hostile power, with access to 'hard' evidence, is the
dream of every intelligence service. ... A well-placed agent of
known fidelity and intelligence who can advise his masters, an
swer specific questions, comment on the disjointed texts which
any Secret Service picks up, correct the illusions to which it is
prone, has a value which transcends the occasional questionable
But there are few Sorges, Penkovskys or Philbys, and the real
question concerns the value of the information supplied by the
typical agent. Everyone with any experience in collecting or
reading clandestine reports recognizes that they range from the
uniquely important to the routine, which at best confirm infor
mation obtained through other channels and at worst mislead.
Wherever the norm truly lies, it is natural that officers of the
clandestine service tend to place a higher value on the intelli
gence they acquire than do many foreign service officers or even
intelligence analysts.
Covert political action?and particularly the use of private
3 Hugh Trevor-Roper, "The Philby Affair: Espionage, Treason, and Secret Services" En
counter, April 1968.

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American institutions, sometimes with the knowledge of few if
any of their officials?is the principal cause of the controversy
surrounding CIA in recent years. A more recent criticism by an
increasing number of Americans opposed to the basic thrust of
U.S. foreign policy is that CIA's cooperation with foreign intelli
gence organizations in the area of counterintelligence demon
strates that it is a prime instrument of a government intent
on upholding repressive r?gimes against revolutionary move
ments dedicated to social justice. These activities have led to a
broad and sustained barrage of criticism, ranging from the
thoughtful and serious to the wild and irresponsible, and have
even led some to suggest that CIA is an invisible government
which really runs the foreign policy of this country. Whatever
CIA is, it is neither invisible nor a government.
Is there adequate control of CIA within the executive branch
?by the White House, the Department of State, and (when ap
propriate) the Department of Defense? (In this connection, it
is important to distinguish control from influence, for many of
the charges that CIA is not adequately controlled reflect the
conviction that the Agency has too much influence.) CIA has
always secured approval from the senior policy-makers before in
itiating covert political action. Although for some years the pro
cedures for approval of new programs were informal and estab
lished programs often were not subjected to critical scrutiny,
these weaknesses have steadily diminished. Today covert politi
cal activities are approved and reviewed by a top-level commit
tee composed of senior members of the White House staff, the
State Department and the Defense Department. Moreover, proj
ects are now initially discussed at lower levels with the relevant
assistant secretaries in the Department of State or Defense. Am
bassadors in the countries involved are also almost always
brought into this decision-making process. Control procedures
have thus improved steadily over the years, and they enable the
appropriate policy-makers to exercise effective and flexible con
trol over the initiation and continuation of covert operations.
However, these procedures will remain effective only so long as
the officials involved remain determined to make them work
rather than let them become a formal ritual.
If control is not the problem, what have been the reasons for
the troubles CIA has experienced? And how damaging have these
troubles been in comparison to the substantial contribution made

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to American security by covert operations, many of which re
main secret to this day? I make no pretense of having the back
ground necessary to answer the second question. Probably only
a handful of men have, and none of them is likely to reveal the
evidence which would support his conclusions. However, it is
obvious that covert operations have caused considerable trouble
and that continual efforts to improve them are indispensable.
CIA's covert operations have suffered from several specific
weaknesses. Briefly, the clandestine service has not been able to
maintain adequate standards of secrecy and has overestimated
its ability to operate secretly, especially for prolonged periods.
The U.S. Government's policy of virtually automatic denial
when accused of conducting a covert operation compounded the
problem once an operation was compromised. Finally, Washing
ton has often overestimated its ability to influence and manipu
late the internal affairs of other nations, and has sometimes exag
gerated the importance of doing so. This latter criticism applies
to its overt as well as to its covert activities. The Government's
successes with both types of activities during the height of the
cold war led many officials to fail to recognize that America's
capacity to influence situations abroad would decline when con
ditions changed. In time they also discovered that some projects
which were successful in the short run had no lasting effect. All
of these shortcomings tend to reinforce one another.
The United States intervenes in the affairs of foreign countries
in a variety of ways which clearly pose political and ethical ques
tions, but intervention is not prima facie immoral simply because
it is covert. People will differ as to whether the ends justify the
means in particular circumstances; policy-makers can perhaps
agree as to whether a proposed intervention is necessary, judi
cious and well conceived. What is required is a sense of propor
tion and a determination not to be unduly influenced by short
term considerations, and these are qualities difficult to gain and
hold. Guidelines can be set forth for some aspects of covert activi
ties, but not for all of them, and it is important to understand
the differences involved.4
4 If the CIA's sharpest critics?the radicals who favor support of revolutionary move
ments?were to gain power in the United States, they would almost certainly have to rely
on covert operations to achieve their aims. Reactionary and oppressive r?gimes are not easily
dislodged, as Rhodesia and South Africa demonstrate, and will not fade away because of
moral disapproval or even economic boycott. An activist policy short of direct military inter
vention would lead such critics to adopt the very instruments and methods they had formerly

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These political and moral problems, as well as those of secrecy,
are most acute with regard to covert support of private American
institutions. Whatever the arguments once advanced for this
practice (and some were compelling), they are no longer persua
sive. On the basis of the Katzenbach (Gardner and Helms) rec
ommendations, following the 1967 disclosures, the U.S. Govern
ment has announced that it has abandoned secret subsidies to
private voluntary American institutions. The Katzenbach report
did state, however, that in cases involving overriding national
security interests individual exceptions should be made, pro
vided extremely stringent procedures were followed. This is a
sound basic policy, but should be supplemented by a major effort
by the Administration to secure Congressional approval for one
or more publicly financed agencies to extend support to private
institutions when it is in the national interest to do so. If some
new institutional arrangement is not made, the Government
may in a time of danger feel compelled to resort to covert sub
sidies again, and if this became known the domestic and foreign
political impact could be extremely severe.

A second area where a basic policy change

concerns government-press relations. The di
gence activities in the press in recent years
liability. These disclosures have created a pub
the U.S. Government has, at least at times,
operations in inappropriate situations, failed to
and failed to review ongoing operations adeq
revelation of these weaknesses, even though
tially corrected, hampers CIA (and the U.S.
limiting those willing to cooperate with it and
opposed to it and its activities. As long as such
in the public mind, any official effort to imp
as likely to backfire as to succeed.
Moreover, in the present atmosphere the p
publish any information about intelligence a
quire, probably arguing that, if it can learn ab
other governments already know of them. Eve
the press were disposed toward discretion t
remain formidable. Voluntary press restraints
accepted by virtually the entire newspaper, m

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television industries or they would quickly break down. Legis
lation, whether regarded as desirable or not (and even ignoring
the Constitutional problems) is impossible to achieve in the
present climate, and it would be unwise to count on improved
prospects in the future.
There is one change that could be made to diminish these diffi
culties. The U.S. Government in the past almost automatically
and immediately denied any charge that a particular event had
resulted from a U.S. covert operation. Sometimes this ended the
matter, but too often enough evidence came to light to strip the
denial of its credibility or even to force the United States to admit
the truth, thus getting itself into the worst possible position.
Gradually the Government has shifted from a policy of virtually
automatic and instant denial toward one of refusing to comment
on such charges. Refusing to comment should become a firm
policy?whether the charges are true or false?and the Govern
ment should make clear from the outset that this is now the basic
information policy. A policy of refusing to comment would not
be easy to initiate and maintain, especially if an accusation was
causing a furor in a foreign country, but it would in time sub
stantially improve the public position of the U.S. Government
regarding covert operations.
Many critics and some supporters of CIA have suggested two
other changes involving American intelligence activities which
they think would substantially improve the situation. One is to
divide CIA, separating the clandestine service from the intelli
gence research and analysis function. The other involves the cre
ation of a Joint Congressional Committee on Intelligence to
oversee the activities of CIA and perhaps the intelligence com
ponents of other government departments as well.
The arguments for and against a division of CIA are intricate
and complicated. The arguments in favor are: (1) the organi
zation that produces finished and evaluated intelligence conclu
sions which influence policy should not be the same organization
which often executes the policy decided upon?even though these
functions are organizationally separated?lest the possible bias of
the operators affect the judgments of the analysts; (2) given the
present reputation of CIA as a vast manipulator of events, its
reorganization probably would ease public concern at home and
abroad; (3) a separation of functions would lessen the alienation
between much of the academic-intellectual community and youth

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on the one hand and the intelligence agencies on the other, and
would ease recruiting problems; (4) a reorganization along these
lines probably would make it easier to improve the cover of clan
destine officers and increase their capability to act secretly.
Equally weighty arguments can be advanced against dividing
CIA. These are: ( 1) CIA's ability to secure money from Congress
has been due in part to the variety of tasks it performs, which
has given it a broad Congressional constituency. It is question
able whether the part of CIA responsible for research and an
alysis could secure its present level of funding if it were separate
from the clandestine services, while the latter might suffer a
similar fate after an operational failure had become known; (2)
the Director of Central Intelligence cannot be a strong inde
pendent force as the President's principal intelligence adviser and
continue to be responsible for coordinating the intelligence activ
ities of the U.S. Government unless he heads a broadly based
organization; (3) it would be difficult to devise a different orga
nizational cover for the clandestine service which would be any
more secure; (4) CIA's capability in the scientific field is an im
portant asset, and any division of the Agency probably would
divide this group and weaken its capabilities; (5) operators and
analysts each benefit from the other's substantive knowledge
and experience.
On balance, the benefits of maintaining CIA as it is now orga
nized presently outweigh the advantages of splitting it, but it
would hardly rank as a disaster if it were divided.
The case for creating a Joint Congressional Committee on In
telligence rests largely on the view that such a committee would
ease Congressional and public concern about CIA activities. Ad
vocates argue that the present subcommittees of the military and
appropriations committees in the House and Senate do not really
influence and supervise those activities in the way Congress
should and would if there were a Joint Committee solely involved
in this task. On the other hand, such a committee should logi
cally be responsible for all intelligence organizations and activi
ties, and the Armed Services committees are unlikely (to put it
mildly) to relinquish their jurisdiction over military intelligence.
A formal Joint Committee would also create additional pressure
on CIA to adopt a cautious and bureaucratic approach in a field
where imagination and flexibility are important qualities. Finally,
the creation of a formal Joint Committee probably would reduce

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the willingness of foreign intelligence services to pass intelligence
to, and cooperate with, CIA, because of their fear that such rela
tionships would become known and create domestic political
problems. These disadvantages seem persuasive, and to date a
majority of Congress has reached the same conclusion.
Moreover, it is misleading to suppose that organizational struc
tures or executive-legislative relations are the basic problem in
volved in covert operations, for changes in these areas would not
touch the central issue. This is the question of policy: under
what circumstances should the United States resort to covert
operations? It would be immensely useful if a set of rules or even
guidelines could be developed, but this is probably impossible
unless one is willing to decree an absolute prohibition of specific
kinds of operations, and few Americans want their Government
to be this rigid. Even Senator J. William Fulbright, in an article
which attacks many of CIA's activities and points out the corro
sive effect they can have on American values, says that in times
of supreme emergency such a rigid rule cannot be applied. "We
are compelled, therefore, to lay down a qualified rule, a rule to the
effect that the end almost never justifies the means, that our
policy must almost always be open and honest and made in ac
cordance with constitutional procedure."5
Thus we cannot escape reliance on human judgment, and our
judgment will depend on how we view our place and responsi
bilities in the world. This will involve us in painful dilemmas,
for the United States is trying to do two quite different things
simultaneously. It is trying to adhere to certain principles and
values which often seem in conflict with the means employed to
protect its security and advance its interests. The decisions we
make in the field of intelligence will ultimately reflect the inter
action between our estimate of the danger we face and the values
we hold. American leaders will need a sense of proportion, a com
bination of boldness and caution, a thorough knowledge of men
and nations, and the uncommon quality of common sense. Finally,
they should have the vision and strength of character to think in
terms of years and even decades rather than weeks and months.
These are difficult qualities to come by, but unless they are pos
sessed in large measure by American leaders the United States
will be unable to conduct a successful foreign policy in any area.
5 Senator J. William Fulbright, "We Must Not Fight Fire with Fire," The New York Times
Magazine, April 23, 1967.

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