English Literacy 6
English Literacy 6
English Literacy 6
The United Nations predicts Earth will have to feed another 2.3 billion people by 2050, mostly
concentrated in urban centres far from farmland. Conventional agriculture may not be able to meet that
demand, but luckily NASA has been working for decades to tackle food production both on Earth and
in space. Feeding astronauts during long-term space exploration means stretching resources to grow
plants in space—including minimising water use and energy consumption and eliminating soil.
NASA initially pioneered these techniques on the ground by building the country’s first vertical
farm. Inside a decommissioned hypobaric chamber left over from testing the Mercury space capsule,
technologists stacked rows of hydroponic trays like bookshelves against the walls. Then systems for
lighting, ventilation, and circulating water were added using off-the-shelf parts. Various crops were
planted on the stacked trays to test how well they would grow in water and without the benefit of sunlight
or open air. This innovative approach to farming created a foundation for the industry of controlled
environment agriculture, or CEA.
CEA combines plant science and environmental control to optimise plant growth and maximise
efficiency, frequently incorporating vertical growth structures. Technology enables the filtering of
contaminants from crop water and delivers precise nutrient balances. Artificial lighting provides only the
necessary wavelengths at the right time, intensity, and duration, while environmental controls maintain
ideal temperature and humidity. This approach could help feed burgeoning future generations, said
Nate Storey, chief science officer at Plenty Unlimited, one of several companies building on NASA’s
plant-growth research.
11. Which of the following is the most agreed-upon point in the opinion thread?
A. Store-bought food is always more expensive than homemade ones.
B. Although convenient, store-bought food has its drawbacks.
C. Everyone can cook homemade food daily no matter what.
D. Everyone loves cooking homemade food daily.
E. Homemade food is a necessity for everyone.
12. According to HomeChef101, what is considered important for those who cannot cook daily?
A. Avoiding store-bought food entirely
B. Prioritizing takeout for convenience
C. Planning and prepping for cooking when possible
D. Cooking monthly to support one’s mental health
E. Daily cooking is the only solution
13. What does HealthyEats mean when they say “life's a juggling act for many”?
A. Many people face many challenges in life.
B. Everyone is secretly a professional juggler.
C. Life resembles a circus with constant excitement.
D. Life is a simple and effortless endeavor for most.
E. Everyone leads an identical life path.