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SESSION 2023-2024
Class: VII Maximum Marks: 80
Subject: ENGLISH Time: 3 Hrs
Q.No. Question Marks
Section- A Reading Skill ( 20 marks)
1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the
questions that follow:
Giant in stature, with long hair, wearing a bottle green fur
lined overcoat and round seal skin cap on his head, Oscar
Wilde arrived in New York on 2nd of January 1882 on a
lecture tour. He was mobbed by reporters who asked him
(much to his irritation) unimportant questions such as how he
liked his eggs fried? How he trimmed his finger nails? And
what temperature he preferred his bath to be? His answers
showed a total lack of interest.
However, when he stepped ashore, the customs official asked,
“Have you anything to declare?” and with customary style.
Wilde replied, “No, I have nothing to declare (pause) except
my genius.” Few remarks in history have travelled as widely
and as quickly as that one.

a. Mention two details of Oscar’s physical appearance 1 5

when he came to New York?
b. Why did he come to New York? 1
c. Oscar Wilde was not interested in answering the 1
questions of reporters. Why?
d. What does Oscar Wilde’s answer to the custom 1
officer’s questions show?
e. Find a word in the passage which means “exceptional 1
ability in a person”.

2. Read the poem carefully and choose the correct

Fame is a food that dead men eat,
I have no stomach for such meat.
In little light and narrow room,
They eat in the silent tomb.
With no kind voice of comrade near
To bid the feaster be of cheer.
But friendship is a noble thing,
Of friendship it is good to sing.
For truly when a man shall end,
He lives in memory of his friend,
Who doth his better part recall,
And of his fault make funeral.

—Henry Austin Dobson 1 5

i. By the expression ‘Fame is a food that dead men eat’ we
(a) fame is enjoyed only after death
(b) fame is enjoyed during life-time 1
(c) fame is something like a food
(d) fame dies with one’s death.
ii. Friendship is a noble thing because
(a) a man cannot live without friends
(b) real friends are very helpful
(c) a man always remembers the good qualities of his friend
after his death 1
(d) it enhances dignity of mankind.
iii. Friendship is better than fame because in friendship
(a) when a man dies he lives in the memory of his friend
(b) a man always regards his friend
(c) enmity never comes 1
(d) a man is always happy in the company of his friend.
iv. In the last line of the above poem the poet wants to convey
(a) one should believe in friendship
(b) the faults of a man are highlighted by his friend after his 1
(c) the faults of a man are forgotten by his friend after his
3. (d) one should not run after fame and friendship.
v. The word recall means
(a) forget (b) come close (c) help (d) remember.
Read the passage carefully and answer the following

The arctic regions are home to Eskimos. They are typically

not very tall, but they have strong shoulders and legs. They
may be thousands of miles apart, but they speak the same
language and can communicate with people from other
groups. Mutual consent is required for marriage. They don’t
hold a formal wedding ceremony. Fishing and hunting are
how Eskimos survive. Although the igloo, or snow house, of 2 10
the Eskimos, is well recognized, in reality, they typically live
in wood and turf buildings. Eskimos like carving while they 2
are not hunting and working. They frequently craft exquisite
things using ivory and wood. 2

i. What kind of people are the Eskimos? 2

ii. How is a shared language beneficial to them? 2

iii. How do they support themselves?

4. iv. What sort of things do they enjoy doing in their free time?

v. Specify the two kinds of houses that Eskimos people


Section B : Writing Skill(16)

Rakesh had the following conversation with Mohit, a friend

of his elder brother:

Mohit : Hello! Is it 23967509?

Rakesh : Yes, please. Who are you talking please?
Mohit : May I talk to Rahul, please? I am his friend.
Rakesh : Oh! Sorry. In fact Rahul isn’t at home. He will be
back in an hour. By the way, I am his brother. Can I do
anything for you?
Mohit : Oh. Sure. In fact I have a message for Rahul. Could
you please tell him?
Rakesh : Sure, with pleasure. Tell me, please.
Mohit : Today we have planned to go to a movie at PVR,
Saket in the evening.
5. We have booked ticket in advance. So please ask Rahul to
join us at 5pm at the PVR. 4
Rakesh : OK, I’ll inform him as he comes back.

As Rakesh had to leave for his coaching classes, he left this

message for Rahul. Write the message on his behalf in not
6. more than 50 words. Put the message in a box.
OR 6
Write an e-mail to the editor of The Indian Express in about
100 words on the issue of the indiscriminate cutting of trees.

Compose an advertisement on “Safe Drive, Save Life”


7. You are Ayush Sharma/ Ayushi Sharma, head boy/ girl of 6

Bal Bharti, Dilshadgarh ,New Delhi. Write a letter to the
headmaster of your school requesting him to install a few
water cooler in your school premises due to scorching Delhi
summers .

The Increase of the population of our country has led to the

shrinking of forest cover. The cutting of the forest causes
8. what is called The Green House Effect”. It results in the 4
heating of the earth’s surface which has serious
consequences. Write an article on the topic ‘The Importance
of Tree Plantation. 1
Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice. Use the same tense
9. as in the active sentence. Only use ‘by’ if necessary. 6
a.They offer free trials twice a year. 1
b. Someone is cutting the grass next door 1

c. All parties have signed the contract. 1
d. A car hit the traffic light. 1
Turn into reported speech.
10. 1. John said, ‘I am very busy now.’ 1X6=6
2. He said, ‘The horse has been fed.’
3. ‘I know her name and address,’ said John. 1
4. ‘German is easy to learn,’ she said.
5. He said, ‘I am writing letters.’
6. ‘It is too late to go out,’ Alice said.

Choose the correct answer for the sentence. 1

a.I ______ to the supermarket later.

A. will be going
B. will go
C. will have been going 1

b. My aunt ______ a teacher for 30 years this September.

A. will be
B. is going to be 1
C. will have been

c. ____ you go with me?

A. Shall
B. Will
d. She can’t go on the trip in September because she will
______ school.
A. have started
B. go to
C. have been starting 1

e. She __________sleeping tonight because her baby is sick.

A. will be
B. will not have been
11. C. won’t be 1X4=4
f. This time tomorrow, I’ll _______.
A. have been working 1
B. be working
C. have worked
Join the sentences with the linkers used in brackets:-
1. He exercised regularly. He didn’t want to be overweight.
(since) 1

2. There has been enough rain this year. Vegetables and fruits
12. are expensive. (Nevertheless) 4

3. The artist hired a bodyguard. She didn’t want to be

aggressed. (in order to)

4. Hari likes tennis. Srinu prefers basketball. (whereas)
Read the extract and choose the correct answer from the
given options:
He that is thy friend indeed,
He will help thee in thy need,
If thou sorrow, he will weep, 1
If thou wake, he cannot sleep
a.The name of the poet of this poem is
I. Mary Howitt
II. William Shakespeare 1
III. Langston Hughes
IV. Sigmund Srivastava
b. Who will help you at times of your needs
I. Friends
II. Flatterers 1
III. Neighbour
IV. Security Guard
c. What will your friend do when you are sorrowful
I. Smile
II. Laugh
13. III. Weep 6X2=12
IV. Play 2
d. What will your friend do when you are awake 2
I. Cannot eat 2
II. Cannot walk 2
III. Cannot talk 2
IV. Cannot sleep 2

14. Answer the following questions in brief: 4

a. How was the Trishna saved?
b. What all could Ram Singh do?
c. Why did Gopa’s mother forbid him to watch TV?
15. d. Name a few things by which the spider tried to lure 4
the fly.
e. Why was Captain Kumar worried?
f. Why did Prem Chopra go to the Super Robots Plaza

Write what are the disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence .

What will be the impact on humans if robots are given
human qualities ?

How can the young generation reduce their addiction to junk

food. Explain with examples.



Class:7 Maximum Marks:80

Subject: HINDI Time:3 Hrs


क) निम्िनिनित गद्यांश को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्न कय निष्कर्ष निनिए। (2X2=4)

स्वतत्रां भयरत कय सम्पूर्ष दयनित्व आज नवद्यनथषिों के कांधे पर है। कयरर् आज जो नवद्यथी हैं, वे ही कि के भयरत के ियगररक
होंगे। भयरत की उन्िनत एवां उसकय उत्थयि उन्हीं की उन्िनत और उत्थयि पर निभषर करतय है। अतएव नवद्यनथषिों को चयनहए नक वे
अपिे भयवी जीवि कय निर्यषर् बडी सतकष तय और सयवधयिी के सयथ करें। उन्हें प्रत्िेक क्षर् अपिे रयष्र, अपिे सर्यज, अपिे
धर्ष, अपिी सांस्कृ नत को अपिी आँिों के सयर्िे रििय चयनहए नजससे उिके जीवि से रयष्र को कु छ शनि प्रयप्त हो सके । जो
नवद्यथी रयष्रीि दृनिकोर् से अपिे जीवि कय निर्यषर् िहीं करते, वे रयष्र और सर्यज के निए बोझ बि जयते हैं।

i) उपिुषि गद्यांश को पढ़कर क्िय निष्कर्ष निकितय है? कोई दो निष्कर्ष निनिए।

ि) निम्िनिनित गद्यांश को पढ़कर चयररनत्रक नवश्ले र्र् कीनजए | (1X3=3)

ु े िह कहते हुए ज़रय भी सक ां ोच िहीं होतय नक र्ेरे र्यतय-नपतय र्झ
ु से कहीं ज्ियदय आधनु िक नवचयरधयरय वयिे व्िनि हैं
और र्ुझे उि पर गवष है। र्ुझे िगतय है नक अपिे बच्चों के निए हर र्यँ सबसे ज्ियदय सयहसी और निभीक होती है। वह सबसे
ज्ियदय तरक्कीपसांद होती है। वह िए ज़र्यिे की र्यँ हो िय पुरयिे ज़र्यिे की, अपिे बच्चों को वह तर्यर् बांधिों से र्ुि करिय
चयहती है और उन्हें आज़यद पररदां ों की तरह िि
ु य आसर्यि देिय चयहती है।

i ) प्रस्ततु गद्यश
ां के आधयर पर र्यँ कय चयररनत्रक नवश्ले र्र् करते हुए कोई तीि चयररनत्रक नवशेर्तयएँ निनिए।

ग)प्रस्तुत गद्यांश के आधयर पर एक तथ्ि और दो र्त निनिए | (1X3=3)

शहरों की अपेक्षय गयँवो कय वयतयवरर् शध्ु द है |गयँव र्ें रहिे वयिे िोगों कय जीवि बहुत ही सयधयरर् होतय है| उिकय परू य
जीवि कृ नर् िय उससे सांबांनधत उद्ोगों पर निभषर करतय है|

जहयँ शहरों र्ें सांिुि पररवयर नवरिे ही नदियई पढ़ते है, वहीं गयँवो र्ें इसकय र्हत्व आज भी कयिर् है।जहयँ शहरी िोग तीज
त्िोहयरों को भी भि ु े है, वही ग्रयर्ीर् िोग आज भी भयरतीि पच
ू चक ां यगां को फॉिो करते है।गयँवो र्ें रहिे वयिे बच्चों को
स्कूि के नििे शहर की ओर आिय पडतय है और अगर वे गयँव के स्कूि र्ें नशक्षय िे भी िेते है, तो उच्च नशक्षय के नििे
शहर ही एकर्यत्र स्थयि बचतय है।

2. (1X5=5)
निम्िनिनित शब्दों के सही सांबध
ां वयिे नवकल्प छयँटकर निनिए।
क) स्वार्थ: निस्वार्थ :: निनिर : ?

i)प्रकाश ii) अंधकार iii) अंधेरा iv) िि

ख) िरेश सो रहा है: अकिथक निया:: िोनहि निखिा है:: ?

i) अकिथक निया ii) सकिथक निया iii) प्रेरणार्थक नियाiv) निया निया

ख) िेज़ : रीनिवाचक निया नवशेषण :: कि : ?

i) काि वाचक निया नवशेषण ii) स्र्ािवाचक निया नवशेषण iii) पररिाणवाचक निया नवशेषण iv) रीनिवाचक निया

ग) िीिकंठ: योगरूढ़ :: कक्षा : ?

i) रूढ़ ii) यौनगक iii) योगरूढ़ iv) प्रनवशेषण

घ) कनव : कवनयत्री :: नवधवा : ?

i) वीरागं िा ii) नवधुर iii) अनििेत्री iv) बानिका

ङ) सत्य : ििसि :: खनिया: ?

i) नवदेशज ii) देशजiii) िद्भव iv) ििसि

3. (1X3=3)
निम्िनिनित कथिों को पढ़कर सही नवकल्प वयिे उत्तर छयँटकर निनिए।

क) अनभकथि -सांज्ञय और सवषियर् शब्दों के बयद िे, को ,से, के निए आनद जो नचन्ह हैं ,वे कयरक नवभनि कहियते हैं।

तकष -अपयदयि कयरक कय नवभनि नचन्ह र्ें,पर है।

i) अनिकर्ि और िकथ दोिों सही हैं, परंिु पर अनिकर्ि की सही व्याख्या है ।

ii) अनिकर्ि और िकथ दोिों गिि हैं, परंिु पर अनिकर्ि की सही व्याख्या है ।

iii)अनिकर्ि सही है, परंिु िकथ गिि है।

iv)अनिकर्ि गिि है, परंिु िकथ सही है।

ि) अनभकथि -नििते सर्ि रुकिे वयिे स्थयिों को प्रकट करिे के निए कुछ नवशेर् नचन्ह िगयिे पडते हैं ,उि नचन्हों को
नवरयर् नचन्ह कहते हैं।
तकष – ‘रयर्चररतर्यिस' ति
ु सीदयस जी िे नििी है वयक्ि र्ें एकि उद्धरर् नचन्ह कय प्रिोग नकिय गिय है।

i) अनिकर्ि और िकथ दोिों सही हैं, परंिु पर अनिकर्ि की सही व्याख्या है ।

ii) अनिकर्ि और िकथ दोिों गिि हैं, परंिु पर अनिकर्ि की सही व्याख्या है ।

iii)अनिकर्ि सही है, परंिु िकथ गिि है।

iv)अनिकर्ि गिि है, परंिु िकथ सही है।

ग) अनभकथि – ‘रर्ेश िे पत्र पढ़ डयिय।‘ वयक्ि सांिुि नििय कय प्रिोग हुआ है।

तकष -रांजक नििय को जोडिे पर बििे वयिी नििय को सांिुि नििय कहते हैं।

i) अनिकर्ि और िकथ दोिों सही हैं, परंिु पर अनिकर्ि की सही व्याख्या है ।

ii) अनिकर्ि और िकथ दोिों गिि हैं, परंिु पर अनिकर्ि की सही व्याख्या है ।

iii)अनिकर्ि सही है, परंिु िकथ गिि है।

iv)अनिकर्ि गिि है, परंिु िकथ सही है।

4. (1X3=3)
निम्िनिनित कथि को पढ़कर सही और गित निनिए।

क) काव्य िें जब एक वणथ एक से अनधक बार आए ,वहााँ अिुप्रास अिंकार होगा-

ख) गांगय गांगोत्री से निकिती है |वाक्य िें अपादाि कारक का प्रयोग हुआ है –

ग) कृ षक िद्भव शब्द है-

5. निम्िनिनित प्रश्नों को पढ़कर सही नवकल्प वयिे उत्तर छयँटकर निनिए।

क)जो अपिी ओर खींचे उसे कहिे हैं-

i) दशथिीय ii) अिाकषथक iii) िधुरिाषी iv) आकषथक

ख)उनचि िहु ावरे से वाक्य को परू ा कीनजए।

जब िोहि की ----------------- वह बहुि शनििंदा हुआ।

i) प्राण सूखिा ii) नघग्घी बंध जािा iii) किई खुििा iv) िुाँह की खािा

6. िीचे िांड क र्ें नदए गए शब्दों कय नर्िि िांड ि र्ें नदए गए उनचत शब्द के सयथ कीनजए।

क ि
क) िैिर बॉक्स प्रकाश

आगि शब्द
ख) इसनिए

सिुच्चयबोधक अव्यय
ग) निनिर

7. निम्िनिनित प्रश्नों के उत्तर निदेशयिस
ु यर निनिए।

क) नकए गए उपकार को िाििे वािे को -------------- कहिे हैं। (कृ िज्ञ/कृ िघ्ि)

ख) निम्िनिनखि ररक्त स्र्ाि की पूनिथ निया के सही रूप से कीनजए।

गाडी को िेज़ ----- िहीं चानहए। (चि /चिािा)

8. क) रीनिवाचक नवशेषण निया के प्रयोग से एक वाक्य बिाइए।

ख) प्रेरणार्थक निया के प्रयोग से एक वाक्य बिाइए।


(1x5=5 )
9. निम्िनिनित पनित गद्यश
ां को पढ़कर पछ
ू े गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर निनिए।

नवश्वेश्वर िे श्यािू को दो ििाचे जडकर कहा," चोरी सीख कर जेि जाएगा ?अच्छा ,िझु े आज अच्छी िरह सिझिा हाँ।" कहकर निर
कई ििाचे जडे और काि िििे के बाद पिंग िाड डािी। अब रनस्सयोंकी ओर देखकर पूछा, "यह नकसिे िंगाई ?"

िोिे िे कहा, इन्होंिे िाँगाई र्ीं। कहिे र्े, इससे पिंग िािकर काकी को राि के यहााँ से िीचे उिारेंगे।

नवश्वेश्वर हिबुनि होकर वहीं खडे रह गए। उन्होंिे ििी हुई पिंग िेकर देखी ।उसे पर नचपके हुए कागज़ पर निखा र्ा -'काकी'।

क)नवश्वेश्वर कौि र्ा?

i)श्यािू के नपिा

ii)श्यािू के चाचा

iii)श्यािू के िािा

iv)श्यािू का बडा िाई

ख) विश्िेश्िर ने श्यािू को दो ििाचा क्यों िारा?

i)श्यािू के ऊाँ ची आवाज िें बाि करिे के कारण

ii)श्यािू के द्वारा एक रुपया चोरी करिे के कारण

iii)पढ़ाई ि करिे के कारण

iv)झगडा करिे के कारण

ग)नवश्वेश्वर हतबुनद्ध होकर वहीं िडे रहे।प्रस्िुि कर्ि के िाध्यि से क्या अर्थ स्पष्ट होिा है-

i)नवश्वेश्वर को सब सिझ आ गया।

ii)नवश्वेश्वर श्यािू के िोिेपि को देख कर सन्ि और खुद के कृ त्य पर शनििंदगी हुई |

iii)नवश्वेश्वर की बुनि अनधक काि कर रही र्ी।

iv)नवश्वेश्वर श्यािू की बुनि की परीक्षा िे रहा र्ा।

घ) उन्होंिे फटी पिगं िेकर देखी-वाक्य िें रेखानं कि शब्द का व्याकरनणक पररचय होगा-

i) नवशेषण ii) नवशेष्य iii) सवथिाि iv)निया

ङ) "अच्छा , िुझे आज अच्छी िरह सिझािा हाँ।" वाक्य िें वक्ता की कौि सी िािनसकिा का पररचय निििा है ?

iनवश्वेश्वर श्यािू को कुछ सिझािा चाहिा र्ा|

ii) नवश्वेश्वर श्यािू को अनधक दंड देिा चाहिा र्ा।

iii)नवश्वेश्वर श्यािू की िासिझी से परेशाि र्ा।

iv) नवश्वेश्वर श्यािू से बहुि प्रसन्ि र्ा।

10. निम्िनिनित पनित पद्यांश को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर निनिए। (1x 5=5 )

जीवि अपिा नििा के देिा,

है िू जीवि औरों को,

सुर,संि ,संन्यासी गुरु सि, है आराध्य िू इस जग को।

धन्य है िेरे पंचित्व को,

नजससे रचा है िि िेरा,

िर रूप िारायण है िू,

िुझे ििि शि-शि िेरा।

क)कौि अपिा जीवि दसू रों के निए नििा देिा है?

i)नकसाि iiिजदरू iii)िोहार iv)ररक्शा चािक

ख) सुर, सांत ,सन्ियसी ,गुरु सर्। वाक्य का अर्थ है-

i)देविा संि संन्यासी और गुरु सब एक जैसे नदखिे हैं।

ii) सन्यासी और देविा, सिं और गुरू एक जैसे िहीं हैं।

iii) देविा, सिं , सन्यासी गुरु अिुििीय हैं।

iv) नकसाि देविा, सिं , सन्यासी, गुरु के सिाि पूजिीय है।

ग) आराध्य शब्द का क्या अर्थ है-

i)नजसकी पजू ा की जािी है ii) नजसकी पजू ा िहीं की जािी है।

iii) पूजा करिे वािा व्यनक्त iv) पूजा ि करिे वािा व्यनक्त

घ) धन्य है िेरे पंच ित्व को -वाक्य िें पंचित्व का क्या अर्थ है -

i)िनू ि, आकाश, वायु, जि

ii)िूनि, आकाश, निट्टी, जि, अनग्ि

iii)िूनि, आकाश, निट्टी, जि

iv)िूनि, आकाश, वायु, जि, अनग्ि

ङ) िुझे ििि शत ्-शत ् िेरा-वाक्य िें शत ्-शत ् शब्द का क्या अर्थ है-

i)हजार- हजार ii) सौ -सौ iii) िाख -िाख iv) करोड- करोड

11. निम्िनिनित र्ें से नकन्हीं तीि प्रश्नों के उत्तर (20-25) शब्दों र्ें निनिए। (2x 3 =6)
क)अगर सााँप िे हििा नििथिा की जगह सयाि पर नकया होिा िो क्या होिा और यनद वहााँ नििथिा होिी िो क्या वह िदद करिी?
अपिा नवचार निनखए।

ख) दुकािदार द्वारा गरीब बच्चों को चोर कहकर पिाखे देखिे के निए र्प्पड िारिा क्या उनचि र्ा या अिुनचि? िकथ सनहि उत्तर दें |

ग)जीवि िें आगे बढ़ािे के निए िक्ष्य निधाथररि करिा क्यों आवश्यक है?

घ) नसकंदर और पुरू के चररत्र िें से आपको नकसका चररत्र सबसे अनधक प्रिावशािी िगा और क्यों?

12. निम्िनिनित र्ें से नकन्हीं तीि प्रश्नों के उत्तर(30-35)शब्दों र्ें निनिए। (3 x 3 =9)

क)गणेश चिुर्ी के नदि चंद्रिा िहीं देखिा चानहए। इसके पीछे नकस पौरानणक कर्ा का उल्िेख नकया गया है ?

ख) पाठ कयकी के आधार पर श्यािू और िोिे की दो- दो चाररनत्रक नवशेषिाओ ं को निनखए।

ग) अरुनणिा नसन्हा के जीवि से आपको क्या प्रेरणा निििी है? पाठ सयहस को सियर् के आधार पर निनखए।

घ) पाठ कर्षवीर के आधार पर वीर व्यनक्त के नकन्हीं चार नवशेषिाओ ं को निनखए।

13. नकसको र्यिवतय कय र्सीहय क्िों कहय गिय है? तकष पूर्ष उत्तर दें। 5

14. निम्िनिनित र्ें से नकसी एक नवर्ि पर (80 से 100शब्दों र्ें) अिुच्छे द निनिए। 5
क)जीवि सांघर्ष है स्वप्ि िहीं ि) परोपकयर ग) जहयँ चयह वहयँ रयह

15. घर र्ें चोरी हो जयिे पर एफ .आई .आर दज़ष करवयिे सांबांधी आवेदि पत्र थयियध्िक्ष को निनिए | 5
अथवय ,

आपकय नर्त्र नवदेश र्ें रह रहय है | अपिे नर्त्र कय कुशि क्षेर् जयिे के निए उसे एक पत्र निनिए |

16. आपके र्ोहल्िे र्ें एक ब्िूटी पयिषर िुिय है |इसके निए एक नवज्ञयपि तैियर कीनजए | 5
अथवय ,

एक के श शैम्पू कय आकर्षक नवज्ञयपि तैियर कीनजए |

17. आपके नवद्यिि पररसर के अतां गषत नकसी छयत्रय के कयि कय एक सोिे कय आभर्ू र् प्रयप्त हुआ है| इस सबां ध
ां र्ें एक सूचिय 5
तैियर करें।
SESSION 2023-2024
Class: VII Maximum Marks: 80
Subject: BENGALI Time: 3 Hrs

Q.No. Question Marks

1. অনু চ্ছেদ টি বাচ্ছরাবাচ্ছফ ঩চ্ছ া এফং টনম্নটরটিত প্রশ্নগুটরয উত্তয দাও। 5×2=10
I) ঳চ্ছতেন্দ্রনাচ্ছেয ফারেট঱ক্ষা শুরু ঴য় নভমার স্কুচ্ছর। কচ্ছয়ক ফছয ঩চ্ছয তাচ্ছক ট঴ন্দু স্কুচ্ছর
বটতম কযা ঴য়। এন্ট্রান্স এয টিস্ট ঩যীক্ষায় জোটভটতয ঳ভ঳োগুটরয অচ্ছনক যকভ বাচ্ছফ
঳ভাধান কচ্ছয টতটন টদটিচ্ছয়টছচ্ছরন ফচ্ছর গটিচ্ছতয ট঱ক্ষক ঳ন্তুষ্ট ঴চ্ছয় ঳চ্ছতেন্দ্রনােচ্ছক
১০০য ভচ্ছধে ১১০ নম্বয টদচ্ছয়টছচ্ছরন। এন্ট্রান্স ঩া঱ কচ্ছয ঳চ্ছতেন্দ্রনাে টপ্রট঳চ্ছেটন্স কচ্ছরচ্ছজ
টফজ্ঞাচ্ছনয ক্লাচ্ছ঳ বটতম ঴চ্ছয়টছচ্ছরন । আই.এ঳.ট঳, টফ.এ঳.ট঳ এফং এভ.এ঳.ট঳ এই টতন
঩যীক্ষাচ্ছতই ঳চ্ছতেন্দ্রনাে প্রেভ স্থান অটধকায কচ্ছযটছচ্ছরন। এভ.এ঳.ট঳ ঩া঱ কচ্ছয টতটন
করকাতা টফশ্বটফদোরচ্ছয়য টফজ্ঞান কচ্ছরচ্ছজয অধো঩ক ঴চ্ছয়টছচ্ছরন। কচ্ছয়ক ফছয ঩চ্ছয
টতটন ঢাকা টফশ্বটফদোরচ্ছয় ঩দােমটফদোয অধো঩ক ঴চ্ছয় একটি বফজ্ঞাটনক প্রফন্ধ
঩াটিচ্ছয়টছচ্ছরন টফশ্ব টফিোত টফজ্ঞানী আইনস্টাইচ্ছনয কাচ্ছছ। ঳চ্ছতেন্দ্রনাচ্ছেয গচ্ছফলিারব্ধ
তত্ত্বটি টতটন টভচ্ছন টনচ্ছয়টছচ্ছরন। টতটন এই তত্ত্বটিয নাভ টদন 'টফা঳ ঳ংিোয়ন'। ছাত্র
জীফন টেচ্ছকই ঳চ্ছতেন্দ্রনাে বাচ্ছরা এ঳যাজ ফাজাচ্ছত ঩াযচ্ছতন। ঳ংস্কৃত কাফে টেচ্ছক
আফৃ টত্ত কযচ্ছত ঩াযচ্ছতন। অফ঳য ঳ভয় টতটন টমভন ফন্ধুচ্ছদয ঳চ্ছে ফচ্ছ঳ ভজটরচ্ছ঳
আচ্ছরাচনা কযচ্ছতন, টতভটন ছাত্রচ্ছদয ঳চ্ছে টিরাধু রাও কযচ্ছতন। এভনটক টদচ্ছ঱য
টফপ্লফীচ্ছদয ঳চ্ছে টতটন টগা঩চ্ছন টমাগাচ্ছমাগ যািচ্ছতন এফং নানাবাচ্ছফ তাচ্ছদয ঳঴ায়তা
কযচ্ছতন। ভাতৃবালায ঳া঴াচ্ছমে টফজ্ঞান ট঱ক্ষা টদওয়ায কো টতটন প্রেভ ফচ্ছর টগচ্ছছন।
ক) টকান ঩যীক্ষায় ঳চ্ছতেন্দ্রনাে গটিচ্ছতয ঳ফ প্রশ্ন ঳টিকবাচ্ছফ ঳ভাধান কচ্ছযটছচ্ছরন?
ি) গটিচ্ছতয ট঱ক্ষক তাচ্ছক কত নম্বয টদচ্ছয়টছচ্ছরন ?
গ) এভ. এ঳. ট঳ ঩া঱ কচ্ছয ঳চ্ছতেন্দ্রনাে টকান কচ্ছরচ্ছজয অধো঩ক ঴চ্ছয়টছচ্ছরন ?
ঘ) ঳চ্ছতেন্দ্রনাে বফজ্ঞাটনক প্রফন্ধটি কাচ্ছক ঩াটিচ্ছয়টছচ্ছরন ?
ঙ) টফ঩যীত ঱ব্দ টরচ্ছিা – ঩া঱।

II) যাধাযািী নাচ্ছভ এক ফাটরকা ভাচ্ছ঴চ্ছ঱ যে টদিচ্ছত টগয়াটছর। ফাটরকায ফয়঳ একাদ঱
঩টয঩ূ িম ঴য় নাই। তা঴াটদচ্ছগয অফস্থা ঩ূ চ্ছফম বার টছর-ফচ্ছ া ভানু চ্ছলয টভচ্ছয়। টকন্তু তা঴ায
ট঩তা নাই, তা঴ায ভাতায ঳চ্ছে একজন জ্ঞাটতয একটি টভাকদ্দভা ঴য়; ঳ফমস্ব রইয়া
টভাকদ্দভা; টভাকদ্দভাটি টফধফা ঴াইচ্ছকাচ্ছিম ঴াটযর। ট঳ ঴াটযফাভাত্র টেটিদায জ্ঞাটত টেটি
জাটয কটযয়া বদ্রা঳ন ঴ইচ্ছত উ঴াটদগচ্ছক ফাট঴য কটযয়া টদর। প্রায় দ঱ রক্ষ িাকায
঳ম্পটত্ত; টেটিদায ঳করই রইর। িযচা ও ওয়াট঱রাত টদচ্ছত নগদ মা঴া টছর, তা঴াও
টগর; যাধাযািীয ভাতা অরংকাযাটদ টফটি কটযয়া, টপ্রটবচ্ছকৌটন্সচ্ছর একটি আট঩র কটযর।
টকন্তু আয আ঴াচ্ছযয ঳ংস্থান যট঴র না। টফধফা একটি কুটিচ্ছয আশ্রয় রইয়া টকাচ্ছনা
প্রকাচ্ছয ঱াযীটযক ঩টযশ্রভ কটযয়া টদন঩াত কটযচ্ছত রাটগর । যাধাযািীয টফফা঴ টদচ্ছত

঩াটযর না। টকন্তু দু বমাগেিচ্ছভ যচ্ছেয ঩ূ চ্ছফম যাধাযািীয ভা টঘাযতয ঩ীট তা ঴ইর , টম
কাটয়ক ঩টযশ্রচ্ছভ টদন঩াত ঴ইত, তা঴া ফন্ধ ঴ইর। ঳ু তযাং আয আ঴ায চচ্ছর না। ভাতা
রুগ্িা এজনে কাচ্ছজ কাচ্ছজই তা঴ায উ঩ফা঳; যাধাযািীয জুটির না ফটরয়া উ঩ফা঳।
যচ্ছেয টদন তা঴ায ভা একিু টফচ্ছ঱ল ঴ইর, ঩চ্ছেেয প্রচ্ছয়াজন ঴ইর, টকন্তু ঩েে টকাো? কী
ক) যাধাযািী টকাোয় যে টদিচ্ছত টগচ্ছয়টছর ?
ি) যাধাযািীয ফয়঳ কত টছর ?
গ) যাধাযািীয অফস্থা কিন বাচ্ছরা টছর ?
ঘ) যাধাযািীয ভাতায ঳চ্ছে কায টভাকদ্দভা ঴চ্ছয়টছর ?
ঙ) ফাকে যচনা কয - ঳ম্পটত্ত
2. টমচ্ছকাচ্ছনা একটি টফলয় অফরম্বচ্ছন একটি অনু চ্ছেদ যচনা কয। 5×1=5
ক) ঩টযচ্ছফ঱ দূ লচ্ছিয পর ি) টিরাধু রায প্রচ্ছয়াজনীয়তা গ) স্বাভী টফচ্ছফকানন্দ
3. টমচ্ছকান একটি টফলয় অফরম্বচ্ছন ঩ত্র যচনা কয - 5×1=5
ক) নফফলম উ঩রচ্ছক্ষে টতাভায গ্রাচ্ছভ একটি টভরা ঴চ্ছয়চ্ছছ। ট঳ই টভরা টদিা এফং আনন্দ
উ঩রটব্ধয কো জাটনচ্ছয় টতাভায ফন্ধুচ্ছক একটি ঩ত্র টরচ্ছিা। অেফা
ি) ঩ে দু ঘমিনা এ াচ্ছত ট্রাটপক টনয়ভ টভচ্ছন চরা উটচত। ট্রাটপক টনয়ভ টফলচ্ছয়
঳চ্ছচতনতা ফৃ টিয প্রচ্ছয়াজনীয়তা জাটনচ্ছয় টতাভায বাইচ্ছক একটি ঩ত্র টরচ্ছিা।
4. মথামথ উত্তয দাও। 1×5=5
ক) ফযঞ্জনফর্ণ ও স্বযফর্র্ণয মভরর্ন ঳ৃ ষ্ট ফযঞ্জন ঳মিয উদা঴যর্ দাও।
ি) 'ত' এফং 'দ' এয঩য 'জ' ম ংফা 'ঝ' থা র্র ত ও দ স্থার্ন 'জ' ঴য়। 'জ' ঩যফর্নণ
মু ক্ত ঴য়, উদা঴যর্ দাও।
গ) '঳ম্ + ধান' = ঳িান, এখার্ন ক ান ফর্র্ণয ঳র্ে ক ান ফর্র্ণয ঳মি ঴র্য়র্ছ ?
ঘ) ম ম্ + তু = ম ন্তু, এখার্ন ক ান ঳ূ ত্র অনু মায়়ী ঴র্য়র্ছ ?
ঙ) 'দু গ্ধ' ঱ব্দমি ঳মি মফর্েদ যর্র ়ী ঴র্ফ ?
5. ঳টিক ঳চ্ছভাচ্চাটযত টবন্নােমক ঱ব্দ ফট঳চ্ছয় ঱ূ নেস্থান ঩ূ যি কয। 1×5=5
ক) _________ ঴ওয়াচ্ছত টছচ্ছরটি দু ফমর ঴চ্ছয় ঩ র। (জ / জ্বয)
ি) যচ্ছভ঱ টযাজ টফদোরচ্ছয়_________ কচ্ছয মায়। (঩ া / ঩যা)
গ) ফাফুই ঩ামখয ___________ টদিচ্ছত িুফ ঳ু ন্দয। ( নীয / নী )
যাজস্থাচ্ছন টগচ্ছয় টফ঱ার________ টদিরাভ। ( প্র঳াদ / প্রা঳াদ)
ঙ) একটি __________ ফেটি আজ আভাচ্ছদয ফাট চ্ছত এর। ( টদন / দীন)
7. অশুমি ঳ংর্঱াধন র্য শুি ফা য গুমর করখ: 1×5=5
ক) যাজা জন কদফমি নাযদর্ কদর্খ প্রর্াভ যর্রন।
ি) ক঳ই গান শুমনয়া ভুভুলণ ভানু লও ঴঳ণ ঴য়।
গ) ৃ মত্তফাল ফাংরা বালায় যাভায়র্ যচনা র্যন।
ঘ) মপ্রয় ছার্ত্রয থায় ম঱ক্ষ ভ঱াই মফলন্ন ঴র্রন ।
ঙ) গান ধর্যর্ছন গ্র়ীষ্ম ার্র ব়ীষ্মর্রাচন ঳ভণা

মথামথ উত্তয দাও: 1x5=5

8. ) অমু ত ফরর্ত আভযা ফুমঝ - ১০ রক্ষ/ ১০ ক ামি/ ১০ ঴াজায।

খ) ভার্঳য প্রথভ মদনর্ ফরা ঴য় - (঳ংক্রামি/ ঩য়রা/ প্রথভা)।
গ) ভার্঳য তামযখ কফাঝার্ত ফাংরায় মনজস্ব ঩ূ যর্ফাচ ঱ব্দ আর্ছ - (মি / বুর)।
ঘ) অজুণনর্ ফরা ঴য় - ( প্রথভ/ মিত়ীয়/ তৃত়ীয়) ঩াণ্ডফ
ঙ) ঱ূ নযস্থান ঩ূ যর্ য: ঴াজায ঱ব্দমি ————— ঱ব্দ কথর্ এর্঳র্ছ।

9. উত্তয দাও: 1×4=4

) 'এ ফৃ কি দু মি পুর ' াযা ?
i) যমফ ii) ম঴ন্দু iii) ভু঳রভান iv) ঱঱়ী
খ) অযামত থায অথণ ঴র –
i) যক্ত ii) ঱ত্রু iii) ঩ুত্র iv) আগুন
গ) ―ম঳িার্থণয রুনা‖ মফতামি মরর্খর্ছন –
i) নফ়ীনচন্দ্র ক঳ন ii) যফ়ীন্দ্রনাথ িা ু য iii) প্রবাত ু ভায iv) চারুচন্দ্র বট্টাচামণ
ঘ) আর্র জামন্দ্রয়া ঱঴যমি প্রমতষ্ঠা র্যমছর্রন –
i) আম ণমভমি঳ ii) ভার্঳ণর্রানা iii) আর্র জান্ডায iv) যাজা ম঴র্যা
10. ঩ূ র্ণ ফার্ য উত্তয দাও: 1×6=6
ক) ভৃতুযয ঩র্য ম঴ন্দু-ভু঳রভান ম বার্ফ এর্দর্঱য ভামির্ত িাাঁই ঩াই ?
ি) মরবার্যয প্রধান অং঱ ক ানমি ?
গ) ঳দাগর্যয বুর দু মি ়ী ়ী ?
ঘ) ―উবর্য়য মফর্ভাম঴ত প্রার্‖ - মফর্ভাম঴ত থামিয অথণ ়ী ?
ঙ) যাজ঩ুত ক঳নাযা ার্দয ার্ছ ঩যামজত ঴র্য়মছর ?
11. ) ―এই ঴র আম ণমভমির্঳য আর্য আমফষ্কায ক ান আমফষ্কার্যয থা‖ – এখার্ন ক ান 2+3=5
আমফষ্কার্যয থা ফরা ঴র্য়র্ছ ? ওয ামণপ্রর্ার়ী করখ।
খ) বাযত কথর্ কদর্঱ মপর্য মাফায ঩য ঳ওদাগয কতাতায ঳র্ে কদখা যর্ত মায়মন
ক ন ? অেফা 2+3=5
―ভযায বান র্য আভার্ খফয ঩ািার্রা, আমভ মমদ ভযায বান ময খাাঁচা কথর্ ভুমক্ত
঩াফ‖ - ক খন ার্ থা ফর্রমছর ? ক঳ ম বার্ফ ভযায বান র্যমছর ?
12. মথামথ উত্তয দাও:
) ম঴ন্দু ও ভু঳রভার্নয ভর্ধয মভর গুমর ম ম আর্ছ ফর্র কতাভায ভর্ন ঴য়। 'এ ক঳
ভার্য়য ক ার্র/ কমন যমফ ঱঱়ী কদার্র' - থামিয অথণ ফুমঝর্য় দাও ?
খ) ‘ও ফাহু ছাডার্ত ঳াধয ম আর্ছ কতায‖ - ক খন ার্ থা ফর্রর্ছন ? ক ান
ফাহুয থা এখার্ন ফরা ঴র্য়র্ছ ?

13. মথামথ উত্তয দাও: 1×5=5

ক) ারা঩া঴াড গল্পমি ায করখা ?
ি) ভাস্টাযভ঱াই গল্পমি ায করখা ?
গ) কগা঳াইগর্ঞ্জয ভাস্টার্যয নাভ ়ী ?
ঘ) কখা াফাফু ক ?
ঙ) ারা঩া঴াড ফরর্ত ায থা ফরা ঴র্য়র্ছ ?

14. ক) কখা াফাফু প্রতযাফতণন' গর্ল্প ়ী ঳মতযই কখা াফাফুয প্রতযাফতণন ঘর্িমছর ? 2
ি) ―মর্঱াদা ফর্র মার্ফ ক ানমদন ঳ার্঩য াভর্ড ম ংফা ফার্ঘয ক঩র্ি‖ - থামি ার্দয 3
উর্ে঱য যা ঴র্য়র্ছ ? ক ন কতাযা ঳ার্঩য াভর্ড ম ংফা ফার্ঘয ক঩র্ি মার্ফ ?

SESSION 2023-2024
Class: VII Maximum Marks: 80
Subject: MATHEMATICS Time: 3 Hrs
General Instructions:
1. This question paper consists of 36 questions and 6 printed pages divided into 5 sections
A, B, C, D and E.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. Section A comprises of 16 questions of 1 mark each. Internal choices have been
provided in 5 questions.
4. Section B comprises of 6 questions of 2 marks each. Internal choices have been
provided in 2 questions.
5. Section C comprises of 7 questions of 3 marks each. Internal choices have been
provided in 2 questions.
6. Section D comprises 4 case study–based questions of 4 marks. It contains 5 sub-parts
out of which any 4 to be attempted.
7. Section E comprises of 3 questions of 5 marks each. Internal choice has been provided
in 1 question.

Q.No Question Marks


1. Find the percentage of prime numbers from 21 to 40.


𝑥 𝑥
2. Solve for x: −3=8
2 1
Find the value of 40% of 350 km.
3. OR
Convert the ratio 7: 5 into percent.
The point of concurrence of angle bisectors of a triangle is called
4. ___________. 1
Find the range of the following data:
5. 20, 22, 25, 42, 38, 22, 62, 45, 52 and 60.
OR 1
Find the arithmetic mean of the following data: 32, 23, 32, 30 and 33.

6. Write the angle sum property of a triangle. 1

7. Write down any two conditions for congruence of two triangles. 1

8. What is the highest degree of the variable in a linear equation?


9. Find the median of first ten natural numbers. 1

10. Three altitudes of an equilateral triangle are ____________________.


Find the radius of a circle whose circumference is 176 cm.

OR 1
Find the area of a parallelogram whose base is 12 cm and height is 6 cm.

12. How many vertices and faces are there in a square pyramid? 1
13. What will be the measure of other angles of a right angled isosceles triangle?
OR 1
The point at which three altitudes meet is called the __________________.
Find the H.C.F. of 15𝑥 3 𝑦 3 , 30𝑥 2 𝑧 2 𝑎𝑛𝑑 48𝑥𝑦 2 𝑧 3 . 1
1 2 2 3 1
Find the reciprocal of ÷ .
2 3

16. How many faces are there in a tetrahedron?

OR 1
How many lines of symmetry will a rhombus have?
17. Simplify the below algebraic expressions and obtain its value for 𝑦 = −1
4𝑦 2𝑦 − 6 − 3 𝑦 − 2 + 20
18. Raju wants to construct a triangle using the dimensions 2.4cm, 3.5cm and 5.9
cm. Is it possible to construct? Give reason.
2 2 1 −4
Find the reciprocal of ×
3 3
Find the value of 𝑥, so that =4
20. Find the altitude of a rhombus whose area is 126 𝑚2 and its perimeter is 56 m. 2
21. In the given figure, BC = DC and ∠𝐵 = ∠𝐷 = 90°, then prove that
∆𝐵𝐴𝐶 ≅ ∆DAC.

If the angles in a triangle are in the ratio of 1: 2: 7, then what type of triangle
is this?

22. Write the number of faces and edges of the figure given below:

23. In an exam 15% students failed and 680 students passed. Determine the
number of students who failed.
24. Simplify: 𝑦 2 − 7𝑦 + 4 3𝑦 2 − 2 + 𝑦 + 1 (𝑦 2 + 2𝑦) 3
25. The ratio of length and width of a rectangle is 5:7. If the perimeter is 84 m,
find the length and width of the rectangle.
OR 3
Vikas is three years older than Deepika. Six years ago, Vikas’s age was four
times Deepika’s age. Find the ages of Deepika and Vikas.
26. Each side of a square flower bed is 3m long. It is extended by digging a strip
50 cm wide all around it. Find the area of the enlarged flower bed and also 3
the increase in area of the flower bed.
27. Construct a ∆ABC in which AB = 5 cm, AC = 4.5 cm and ∠A = 120°. Also
draw the bisector of ∠A.
OR 3
0 0
Construct a ∆PQR with PQ = 5cm, ∠RPQ = 90 , ∠RQP =45 . What kind of a
triangle is it?
28. In the given figure, ΔPQR and ΔSQR are isosceles,

(i) Find ∠PQR and ∠PRQ

(ii) Find ∠SQR and ∠SRQ

(iii) Find x
29. The following table shows the sale of shirts having different sizes from a 3
cloth store in a month :

Size 38 39 40 42 44
No. of Shirts 95 80 75 90 70

Draw a Bar Graph to represent the given data.

1 1
Rahul deposited ₹70,000 in a bank at 8% per annum for 4 2 years. After 4 2
years he withdrew the amount and purchased a computer for ₹60,000.
Again, he deposited the remaining amount in another bank at 9% per annum
for 10 years. After 10 years he withdrew the amount and gave 25% of it to
his son.
Now based on the above information answer any four of the
following questions:
i) Find the amount for the first deposited money.
a) ₹95200 b) ₹100000 c) ₹85500 d) ₹95600 4
ii) What amount was deposited in the second bank?
a) ₹36200 b) ₹37200 c) ₹35200 d) ₹40000
iii) What amount will he get after 10 years?
a) ₹66880 b) ₹88660 iii) ₹56780 iv) ₹58680
iv) How much amount will be received by his son?
a) ₹11500 b) ₹12720 c) ₹16720 d) ₹15300
v) How much money will be left with him?
a) ₹60160 b) ₹50160 c) ₹52160 d) ₹55600
31. Due to storm and rain a tree broke and fell on a road which prevented the
vehicles to pass by. A group of children decided to solve the problem. They
lifted the broken part and put it aside. All were very thankful to these brave

Now based on the above information answer any four of the

following questions:
i. What is the height of unbroken part of the tree?
a) 4m b) 5m c) 6m d) 3m
ii. What is the perimeter of the triangle so formed?

a) 12m b) 13m c) 14m d) 15m
iii. What is the area of this triangle formed?
a) 12 sq.m b) 25sq.m c) 6 sq.m d) none of
iv. What was the height of the tree at the before it was broken?
a) 9m b) 8m c) 10m d) none of
v. What type of triangle formed by given figure?
a) Equilateral triangle b) Isosceles triangle
c) Right angled triangle d) Obtuse angle triangle.
32. A group of ten students visited an orphanage. They wanted to help them by
donating some money. They donated ₹175, ₹70, ₹120, ₹60, ₹55, ₹90, ₹120,
₹120, ₹65 and ₹75.

Now based on the above information answer any four of the

following questions:
i. The mean of the data is …….
a) ₹95 b) ₹97 c) ₹98 d) ₹100
ii. The mode of this data is …….
a) ₹ 95 b) ₹120 c) ₹98 d) ₹100 4
iii. The median of the data is …..
a) ₹ 100 b) ₹120 c) ₹125 d) none of
iv. The range of the given data is ……
a) 120 b) 150 c) 175 d) 55
v. The new mean of the data is 100 after donated some amount by a teacher.
What is the amount donated by the teacher?
a) ₹110 b) ₹150 c) ₹100 d) none of
33. In the below given layout, the design and measurements has been made such
that area of two bedrooms and Kitchen together is 95 sq. m. (all lengths are
given in metre).

Now based on the above information answer any four of the

following questions:
i. The area of two bedrooms equal to
a)5𝑥 m2 b) 10x m2 c) 20x m2 d) x m2
ii. The linear equation in one variable formed from the statement
a) 5x + 35 = 95 b) 10x + 21 = 95
c) 10x + 35 = 95 d) 10x – 95 = 35
iii. Find the length of the outer boundary (perimeter) of the layout.
a) 27 m b) 15 m c) 50 m d) 54 m
iv. The area of the bathroom equal to
a) 10 m b) 10 m2 c) 20 m2 d) 20 m
v. Find the area of each bedroom.
a) 30 m2 b) 35 m2 c) 65 m2 d) 42 m2
34. (a) A piggy bank contains ₹ 370 in the notes of denominations of ₹ 10 and ₹
50. If the number of 10 rupee notes is one more than that of 50 rupee notes,
find the number of notes of each type. 5
(b) Find the measure of such angle whose supplementary angle is 35° more
than twice of its complementary angle.

(a) What is the point of concurrence of perpendicular bisector of the sides of a
triangle called? Where does it lie of a right angled triangle?

(b) In the given figure, find x and y.

Is ∆ABC an isosceles triangle? 5


In the given figure, AP = BQ

and PR = QS. Show that ∆APS ≅ ∆BQR.

𝑥+1 (𝑥 + 2) 5
𝑥− = 1−
4 6

SESSION 2023-2024
Class: VII Maximum Marks: 80
Subject: SCIENCE Time: 3 Hrs
General Instructions:-
• This question paper consists of 6 pages.
• All questions are compulsory.
• Questions 1to 10 are very short answer type.
• Questions 11 and 12 are assertion reason type questions and
questions 13 and 14 are paragraph based questions.
• Questions 15 to 24 are short answer type questions and carries 3
marks each.
• Questions 25 to 30 are long answer type questions and carry 5 marks

Q. No. Question Marks

1. The swallowed food moves downwards in the alimentary canal (1)
because of-
a) Force provided by the muscular tongue
b) The flow of water taken with the food
c) Gravitational pull
d) The contraction of muscles in the wall of food pipe.

2. Ria and Ravi were given one mirror each by their teacher. Ria (1)
found her image to be erect and of the same size whereas Ravi
found his image erect and bigger in size. This means that the
mirrors of Ria and Ravi are respectively-
a) Plane mirror and concave mirror
b) Concave mirror and convex mirror
c) Plane mirror and convex mirror
d) Convex mirror and plane mirror

3. On adding phenolphthalein indicator to a colourless solution, no (1)

change is observed. What is the nature of this solution?
a) Basic b) either acidic or basic iii) either acidic or neutral
d) either basic or neutral
4 A simple pendulum takes 60 seconds to complete 30 oscillations. (1)
What is its time period?
5 In the reaction X H2SO4+Y NaOH=X Na2SO4+Y H20 find the (1)
value of X and Y.
6 What is the name of bag like structure found in between small (1)
intestine and the large intestine in ruminants?
a) Omasum b) Rumen c) Caecum iv) Abomasum
7 Which of the following set of substances contain acids? (1)
a)grapes, coconut oil ii) vinegar, soap
c) curd, baking soda iv) curd, vinegar
8 The components of circulatory system that has valves to prevent (1)
backflow of blood
a) Arteries b) Veins c) Capillaries d) Blood cells
9 Which of the following is not an adaptive feature of polar bear- (1)
a) White fur b) Tough hide c) Small ears iv) Long tail
10 How atmospheric pressure acts as a weather element? (1)
11 In this question there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) (1)
and Reason(R ). Mark your answer as per the codes provided
Assertion (A)- salts are the products of an acid base reaction.
Reason( R)- Salts may be acidic or basic.

a) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation

for A.
b) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct
explanation for A.
c) A is correct but R is incorrect.
d) A is incorrect but R is correct.
12. Assertion (A)- A concave mirror can form a virtual image of an (1)
Reason( R)- We can use either concave mirror or a convex mirror
as the “reflector” in torches.
a) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct
explanation for A.
b) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct
explanation for A.
c) A is correct but R is incorrect.
d) A is incorrect but R is correct.
13 Read the given passage and answer the following questions from 4
(i) to (iv):-
It is a common experience that when an electric current flows
through the filament of an electric heater, the wires of the
filament soon become ‘red hot’. This is known as the ‘Heating
effect of electric current’. The heat produced, in a given wire
depends on (i) the strength of the current through the wire, (ii)
the nature of the material , length and thickness of the given wire,
(iii) the time for which electric current flows through the given
a) Name a device based on the heating effect of current.
b) Name the device used these days in place of electric fuses
in electrical circuits.
c) Write one special characteristic of the wire needed for
making the ‘element’ of an electric heater.
d) Write one disadvantage of heating effect of electric
14 The spherical mirror form different types of images when the 4
object is placed at different locations. A concave mirror generally
forms a real image but if the object is placed between the pole

and the focus, the image formed is virtual. A convex mirror
always forms virtual, erect and diminished image.
a) When an object is placed at the center of curvature of a
convex mirror, the image is-
i) Larger than the object
ii) Smaller than the object
iii) Same size as that of the object
iv) Highly enlarged
b) No matter how far you stand from a mirror, your image
appears erect. The mirror is likely to be-
i) Plane ii) Concave iii) Convex iv) Either plane
or convex
c) To get an image larger than the object, one can use-
i) Convex mirror but not a concave mirror.
ii) A concave mirror but not a convex mirror
iii) Either a concave or a convex mirror
iv) A plane mirror
d) Convex mirror are used as “ rear view” mirrors because-
i) The image formed is much smaller than the object
ii) They provide wide range of view
iii) They are converging mirrors
iv) Both (a) and (b)
15 Draw the ray diagram of image formed by a concave mirror 2+1=3
when object is far away, beyond the centre of curvature of the
mirror and state the nature of image.
16 a) Select the objects given below which will get charged up 3
on rubbing-
Metal pen, silk cloth, steel scale, drinking (plastic) straw.
b) Write two safety precautions that a person can take if he is
inside a house or a building during a lightning strike.
Complete the following table-
Test material State of the Conductor or
bulb(glow or insulator
does not glow)
Pencil lead
17 3

Observe the above picture and answer the following questions-

a) What is A and E?
b) When the switch is pressed what will happen to E?
c) State two uses of E in our daily life.
18 a) Classify the following reactions into different types and 3
also balance them-
i) NaBr+Cl2-→ NaCl+ Br2
ii) FeCl2+ Cl2-→ FeCl3

b) Write the chemical formula of-
i) Sodium oxide ii) calcium carbonate
19 A shopkeeper has a few bottles of soft drinks in his shop. But, 3
unfortunately, these are not labelled. He has to serve drinks on
the demand of customers. One customer wants acidic drink,
another wants basic and third one wants neutral drink. How can
you help the shopkeeper to decide which drink is to be served to
20 An indicator is a substance which shows different colours in an 3
acidic medium and a basic medium. State the change in colour of
the following indicators in acidic medium and basic medium

Indicator Acidic Basic

Juice if china
21 a) How do woolen clothes keep us warm in winter? 3
b) Give the meaning of the term “shearing”.
22 Radha participated in a 600 m race held at her school and won 3
the race but she had mixed feelings of joy and pain as she had
cramps in her leg muscles.
a) Due to accumulation of which substance do we get muscle
b) What type of respiration produces this substance?
c) How can she feel normal once again?
23 Comment about the overall result in the gaseous exchange done 3
by plants in the following conditions.
Conditions Photosynthesis/Respiration Overall result
Dark Only respiration
No photosynthesis
Dim light Photosynthesis rate equals
Respiration rate
Bright light Photosynthesis rate is
greater than the
respiration rate
24 Give one example of animals living in these regions and mention 3
their adaptive features
Polar Regions
Tropical Rain
25 a) Write names of the following salts and also classify them 5
acidic, basic or neutral-
i) K2SO4 ii) Mg(NO3)2 iii) Na2CO3
b) Write suitable chemical equations for the following
chemical reactions-
i) Ammonium hydroxide reacts with sulphuric acid.
ii) Hydrochloric acid reacts with calcium hydroxide.

26 a) A dry plastic comb is rubbed vigorously through dry hair 5
and is then brought near tiny pieces of paper.
i) What is likely to happen?
ii) Which method of charging is involved here?
b) Name the phenomenon which helps the earth to maintain
a balance in its total electric charges and state any other
advantage of this phenomenon.
c) What would happen when two similarly charged objects
are brought close to each other?

a) Write the names of the acids present in-(i) sour milk
(ii) tamarind.
b) If someone is suffering from acidity after overeating,
which of the following would you suggest as remedy?
Justify your suggestion.
Lemon juice, Vinegar, Baking soda solution
c) Give any two examples of strong acids.
27. a) classify the following changes given below as physical or 5
(i) Curdling of milk
(ii) Melting of ice
(iii) Rusting of iron
(iv) Breaking of glass
b)Payel took some crystals of copper sulphate and dissolved them
in 50 ml of water. A blue-coloured solution was obtained. Then
she dipped a fresh iron nail in the solution and kept it there for 10
i) What would she observed?
ii) Name the type of reaction taking place?
iii) Write a balanced chemical equation for the reation.

28 Last Sunday, Pulkit was playing videotape in his room. While 5

playing, the electricity of his house went off due to which he could
not see anything around him. Then anyhow, he managed to get
his mobile in his hand and with the help of its light, he went
outside of his room to check if there was any problem in the
electric circuit board of his house. At the same time, his father
suggested him to maintain the distance from the circuit board
and decided to call some electrician to check the problem.

i) Explain , what happens when live wire and neutral wire

touches each other directly?
ii) State two values shown by Pulkit’s father.
iii) State one difference between fuse and MCB.
iv) Can we use the same fuse in a geyser and a television set?

29 a) Complete the table- 5

Sr NO Symbol Name of the





b) Mention the conversion of energy takes place in the

following cases-
i) Electric stove ii) Computer
c) State one property of a wire used as a filament of an
electric bulb.
d) What is short circuit?

a) Write two difference between acids and bases.
b) “Molten salts conduct electricity”. Explain this
statement with the help of an activity and diagram.
30 i) Draw a neat diagram of human excretory system. 5
Label the following parts on it with their names.
a) Part where urine gets collected
b) Part which filters the blood
c) Part which carries the urine to the collector
ii) Why is transpiration called a necessary evil?

Draw a neat labelled diagram of the life cycle of silk
worm and explain it.

SESSION 2023-2024
Class: VII Maximum Marks: 80
Subject: Social Science Time: 3 Hours
General Instructions: -
• There are 36 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.
• Marks are indicated against each question.
• Question no.35 & 36 are map questions of Geography & History respectively.
• Maps should be attached with the answer sheet.

Q. Question Marks
1 Define an ocean current. 1
2. In the question below, there are two statements 1
marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R).
Read the statements carefully and choose the correct
Assertion (A): For studying the plant kingdom, we can study
different vegetation belts of the world.
Reason (R): Vegetation includes forests, grasslands, bushes and
(A) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
(B) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of
(C) A is true, but R is false.
(D) A is false, but R is true.
3. Name the grass land which is known as ‘Granaries of the world’ 1
4. “The Amazon River basin is rich in wildlife.” -state one 1
5. Fill in the blank: The main reason for the conflict between 1
rulers of Vijayanagar and Bahamani kingdoms was the
domination on ________.
6. Match Column I with Column II and choose the correct answer 1
from the options below:
Column I Column II
a. Ahom i. Rana Hamir
b. Mewar ii. Mongolian
c. Bahamani Kingdom iii. Devaraya - I
d. Vijaynagar iv. Hasan Gangu
A) a-ii, b-iv, c-i, d-iii
B) a-iv, b-ii, c-i, d-iii
C) a-ii, b-i, c-iv, d-iii
D). a-i, b-ii, c-iii, d-iv
7. Recall the name of the Rajput ruler who founded the city of 1
8. (½+½ =1)

Identify the picture. Who built it?

9. Name the ruler who became famous as the Bud Shah of 1
10. Choose the incorrect option from the following: 1
(A) Guru Gobind Singh transformed the Sikhs into a powerful
political and military force.
(B) Urdu emerged as the ‘lingua franca’ of the lower class.
(C) Sadat Khan laid the foundation of Awadh.
(D) Shibaji’s army was well known for Guerilla Warfare.
11. Name the Sikh leader who brought all the Sikh chiefs under his 1
control and established his kingdom in Punjab.
12. Enlist any two similar practices of Hinduism and Sufism. (½+½ =1)
13. Who took the ideas of Bhakti to North? 1
14. Mention two main types of markets. (½+½ =1)
15. Fill in the blank: 1
Education empowers a woman to recognize her ___________.
16. Give one example of gender stereotype. 1
17. Define the term ‘professional inequality.” 1
18. Write True or False. If the statement is false write correctly. 1
MSP (Minimum Support Price) safeguards the interests of the
Retail Giants.
19. The availability of many brands – 1
(a) tells the customer about the best brand.
(b) tells the customer what to buy.
(c) create confusion in the mind of the customer.
(d) encourage the customer to buy all of them.
20. Write the full form of PDS and BIS. (½+½ =1)
21. (a)Define the Crust. (1+2=3)
(b)Differentiate between Primary Wave and Secondary Wave.
22. (a)Differentiate between hot and cold deserts. (2+1=3)
(b)Point out a measure that we should take to maintain
ecological balance of the environment.
23. (a)Name the ruler who is credited with laying the foundation of (1+2=3)
Muslim empire in India.
(b)Write any two main features of Turks.
24. (a)Who presides over the meetings of Legislative Assembly? (1+2=3)
(b)When is the President’s rule imposed in a state?
25. How do markets, at times, violate the basic goal of a 3
democratic set-up? Explain with examples.
26. Read the passage carefully and answer the following (1+1+1=3)
Amazon basin passes through some parts of Brazil, parts of Peru,
Bolivia, Ecuador, Columbia and a tiny part of Venezuela. The
Amazon River is home to thousands of unique species of flora and
fauna. People live in special kind of houses called the Maloca here.
Men have occupations like fishing and hunting, while it’s the
women who take care of the crops and fields. The land being near
the Amazon River is very fertile which makes it a good for farming.
They practice slash and burn technique of agriculture. In slash and
burn agriculture system, we clear the required forest land for
farming. People here generally grow crops like Pineapple, Tapioca,
Sweet Potato, Cassava (manioc), Coffee, maize, and cocoa. We call
them the Cash crops.
(a) “Men and women have their share of responsibility in
occupations.” How will you justify the statement?
(b) Name the technique of agriculture practiced by people in
Amazon basin.
(c) What do you understand by the term “Cash Crops”?

27. Read the passage carefully and answer the following (1+2=3)
Bhakti means complete submission to God. The development of
this cult took place in South India during seventh and eighth
century. The cult is the combined result of the teachings of
various saints who had their own views, but the ultimate basis
of the cult was a general awakening against useless religious
practices and unnecessary strictness. The cult also emerged as a
strong platform against casteism. The word Sufi means wool.
The preachers from Arabia wore wool to protect themselves
from dust winds. The Sufi movement is believed to have begun
in Persian countries against the highly puritan Islamic culture.
Later, it spread into India and adopted various things like yogic
postures, dance and music into it, and turned itself into a
pantheistic movement. Both Sufism and Bhakti cult were out-
of-the-box thoughts on religion. They were mainly against the
common religious views, and most importantly, they both were
strongly against the caste system.
(a) What was the ultimate basis of the cult called Bhakti.
(b) Write one point of similarity and one point of dissimilarity
between Bhakti and Sufism.
28. Read the passage carefully and answer the following (1+2=3)
The term women empowerment is all about authority, or the
power embarked on women sharing indistinguishable rights.
The term refers to the liberation of women from socio-
economic restraints of reliance. Women comprise around 50%
of the country’s population, and a bulk of them stays
economically dependent on each other without
employment. In most Indian villages and semi-urban cities,
women are still denied fundamental education and are never
authorized to continue higher education despite amassing the
understanding required. Education is the most vibrant factor of
advancement and growth. It is the only significant tool for
anticipating women empowerment in India. The problem of
gender discrimination has affected the pace of women
empowerment in India. Gender discrimination in all realms of
action must be checked.
a) What does women empowerment refer to?
b) Suggest any two ways through which we can empower
29. (a) Suggest four ways to help people affected by (4+1=5)
devastation due to Tsunami.
(b) Mention one use of tidal energy.
30. (a) Define transportation. (1+2+2=5)
(b) Mention two advantages of waterways over airways.
(c) Computer technology revolutionised the process of
communication. Give two reasons to justify the statement.
31 (a) Differentiate between the aims of Mahmud Ghazni and (2+3=5)
Muhammad Ghori in invading India.
(b) There were various reasons responsible for the defeat of the
rulers of North India at the hands of the Turkish invaders –
32. (a)’ The Mughal empire reached its greatest prosperity during (2+3=5)
the reign of Shah Jahan. ’– Justify with suitable examples.
(b) Identify Akbar’s accomplishments that earned him the nick
name “the Great”.
33. (a) ‘Central Government is more powerful than State (1+2+2=5)
Government in India.’ Validate the statement.
(b) Spot the differences between Legislative Assembly and
Legislative Council.
(c)Highlight the main functions of the Governor.
34. (a) Elucidate the term advertising. (2+3=5)
(b) How do advertisements help in creating awareness among
the citizens? Support your answer with examples.
35. On the Outline Map of the World, locate and label the (1×4=4)
followings: -
(A) Temperate grassland of North America
(B) Sahara Desert
(C) Amazon basin
(D) River Nile
36. On the Political Map of India, locate and label the followings: - (1×2=2)
(a) A famous battlefield where the Mughals defeated Hemu
(b) The region which was ruled by Haidar Ali.

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